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A Warning to Others


Twilight Sparkle exiles war criminal Tempest Shadow to the human world for Tempest's own protection. When she arrives, she discovers that the mirror has chosen to ‘translate’ her broken horn as a missing right hand. But that’s the least of her problems.

Human World Pinkie Pie and Rarity have agreed to take care of her. Together, they set off on a road trip to the best theme park in the world. But it’s a long drive down. In the Human World, Tempest is safe from the Storm King’s minions, and from pony reprisals. But she isn’t safe from her greatest enemy: herself.

Warning: A named canon character dies in this. At the beginning. He’s the only one, I promise. No, wait, also Grubber is apparently dead to? Not sure why I did that.

Sex tag for sensuality and not-really-described nudity. Not porn.

Written for the Villain Exchange Program contest

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 55 )

Hey, calling them thunder beasts makes sense to me.

:raritywink: "Oh, you briefly petrified some heads of state? That's adorable, darling."

Also, darn it, now I want to see this instance of Rarity in Ponyville Prime.


My human world Rarity can be a bit... caustic, even by Rarity standards.

While we're talking, I can't seem to add this to the group. :facehoof: I am probably doing something ridiculous wrong.

Edit: Never mind. I was. Got it.

One of her new tunics had a cartoon version of alicorn Twilight Sparkle printed on the front, which was confusing.

Indeed it is. I can only assume that Sunset went into animation and, in a moment of surreal recursion, created this world's version of the My Little Pony franchise.

We passed the pony power mantle over to the young six a while back, but we still like to help out.

And that just raises further questions. :applejackconfused:


The first one is actually explained later.

Sort of. :eeyup:

She even looked at the internet for a few minutes — or she meant to. Pinkie suggested she search for ‘cute cat pictures’. Several hours later it had gotten dark, and she was only able to look away because she’d just gotten her first text.

In their hotel room that night, Tempest said, "I think I might want a cat."

And then Fluttershy was sitting next to her, eyes eager. No one was sure how she'd gotten there, herself included.

(Also, you have a miswritten italics tag in the text exchange.)


Thanks. Fixed. I hope. A bit sleepy today. :ajsleepy:

I don't know why, but I really appreciate how Pinkie invited the pickup window woman to join in their journey of madness, horse magic, and sexual tension.

Also, darn it, now I want an entire album of Emily Blunt singing Johnny Cash.

after the first contact incident, Mooby Entertainment Ltd. had somehow acquired the likeness rights to actual ponies from the actual pony world.

:twilightoops: Oh God, it's worse than I could've ever imagined. Though I'd love to see the court battle over those rights.

In any case, a fantastic tale of a stranger in a strange land, aside from a few proofreading flubs. Thank you immensely for Tempest going through the looking glass and what she found there. And sorry for the comment spam. :twilightsheepish:


Thank you for all the nice comments! They increase the heat, so I don't mind! :pinkiehappy:

Proofreading. Ugh. I need to start paying Scoots so he's motivated to meet my unreasonable deadlines. :trollestia:

So, does that mean that, at some point, Tempest will be seeing a cartoony stylized version of herself?

Ron Swanson called, he said he wants the rest of all the bacon and eggs Pinkie may have.

Wait, who's the wonderbolt? Soarin?

why get rid of her hand? Her broken horn should have no effect

Sunset craned her head over into the front seat

Pretty sure you meant Tempest there.

Personally, I go with Caprans since they're goat people and all. But not complaining.

Oh yeah, and there was Tempest being a soldier and very good at it. Trying to distract myself from that.

It's all about perspective.

I admit, of all the ones to do overseas volunteer work, I'd have put money on Rarity. But yeah, I can see Rainbow at it. Would probably have a rough time at first and have a crisis of confidence but power through and do great in the end. /Peace Corps

Oh no, Tempest is going Thrawn on humanity...

"Of course you are, you're Equestrian!" Well that certainly makes shipping easier. "I don't mind if you look." Sigh...

Tempest in a sharp suit. Perfect.

They're just so matter-of-fact about checking off the 'not a sociopath' list. You'd think they've done this before or something...

Not sure how I feel about the amnesia field thing, but it's as good an explanation as any. Personally, if that kind of thing is in a setting, I like it to be active magic. I wonder where the focus is, I bet it's some cool looking Equestrian rocks.

Humans ARE running creatures. In fact we're better than horses in the long haul if it's hot enough.

Much Vroom. Oh dear.

Pinkie's driving instructions WORRY me.

Creep deserved it.

Sunset, as ever, has good advice.

Pinkie inviting was very nice yes.

I wonder if this Pinkie would actually much MIND the night leading to lesbianism. Who knows what she likes.

Tempest and meat, still like it.

There are indeed alot of mournful songs about adultery. But there's a reason they're classics.

Barfighting knife wielding lunatics... to an extent I think Rarity and Pinkie might have gotten too used to having their magic even several years after they passed it on. Otherwise that fight would have been over.

Apparently recognizing that kind of hotel by sight is a skill that crosses dimensions.

Aw, hung up on Twilight...well that's fair. But there's time.

First Contact Incident? I thought that there was an amnesia effect.

Very sweet. Possibilities for Tempest Rarity in the future. Very nice song.

I like the idea of the show as a mildly offensive well meaning exaggeration of the real thing, it's what half the fics here do anyway so it's a nice meta-nod.

Definitely enjoyed it alot. Needs some proofreading, but glass houses and all.

It's a dexterity and access issue, so it translates as a lost hand.


Eyup. :eeyup:


*Tempest watches MLP Movie*

Tempest: "This... this isn't what happened at all!"


If you can't make pop culture references in fanfic, where CAN you do it? :rainbowwild:


If no one has done it yet, it does need to be done. I'll poke around Youtube for it later.


Pretty sure I did. Fixed it. Thank you!


Humans ARE running creatures. In fact we're better than horses in the long haul if it's hot enough.

We totes are! Mad stamina regen! Do you watch Tier Zoo?

I personally am terrible at it. :D But I'd be so dead in a state of nature.


That was my thought process EXACTLY. Rainbow wants to go do something awesome in a strange land, but she's too sweet, deep down inside, to want to join the army and kill people.

Rarity would love to do overseas volunteer work. In. Like. Paris. Or Bangkok. :D

Your character arc is spot on, I should write this at some time.

Nope, got it from bio class awhile ago covering human evolution. But it’s one of my favorite bits of trivia, and one of the reasons we got along with wolves well enough they moved in.

And yeah...running. I am trying to get better but I’m really not that good yet. Ah well, it takes time. And I’d probably dead or back at home chipping rocks, being half blind and all.


First Contact Incident? I thought that there was an amnesia effect.

CONTINUITY ERROR. Hides under bed

Definitely enjoyed it alot. Needs some proofreading, but glass houses and all.

Thank you!

YEAH, my best editor is in college, with all the business and 'distracted by exciting life events' that implies. I try to get by with grammarly but... grammarly is kind'a minimally useful. D:

The solder in Tempest knew he’d be out for a few moments


The Rarity hit the man punching her across the back of the head with an empty wine bottle.


Really I feel like it should be at the elbow or entirely missing rather than at the wrist.

They stopped at a bouncy house gym for a couple of hours to keep Pinkie’s morale up. The children handled Tempest’s missing hand better than that horny New Ponk City rando had. Early on in the visit, one of them asked: “What happened to your hand?”

“A bear ate it,” Tempest replied.

I mean...that's pretty close.

It's okay, but it feels more like a teaser to a full story. It just doesn't seem to add up to anything.

The best thing to come out of the MLP movie was the extra world building and Tempest. So I am always happy to read a story with her. I love wounded vet stories so this theme was good.

The pairing was surprising, Pinkie and Rarity? Unusual, but you made it work. I liked how regal and adult played off enthusiastic and childish. And met in the middle around attraction and sex, hah!

Two stand out moments that made me laugh out loud was :

Rarity folded her hands and put her head between her knees. “Dear Lord, if you let me survive this, I promise I will donate all of my clothes to charity and devote my life to helping the poor.”

“Don’t lie to God, Rarity!” Pinkie pushed a CD into the player. The speakers boomed out something about being on a highway to hell.


“You know what drinking in hotel rooms leads to?” shouted Pinkie. “Lesbianism!”

I also like the edges of a greater world we got to see. Thank god the girls are not in their 6th year of High School. The idea of them having grown up a bit and also having passed on their hero duties to a younger generation was a fun parallel to the theme they got going with the friendship school in the actual show. Also it seems that Vignette manage to spread out the ponyland concept far and abroad. A fun way of making EqG world blend a little more.

The bar fight was surprising. I got Urban Magic vibes from it, Tempest Constantine duking it out with a demon wearing a human body? I’d almost suggest that it might have been good to use a Equestrian EqG analogue villain for that, but perhaps the greater statement of monsters lurking in the everyday is a bit more unnerving.

I liked the story by the end. Wouldn’t mind more in this 4-years later like setting.

Pony driver!
You been down too long in New Ponk Cityyy...

Oh by the way, since I haven't seen it before, what are we calling Tempest/Rarity? Perfect Storm? Temerity?

I'm loving the banter between Rarity and Pinkie here. Rarity as the sympathetic accepting listener and Pinkie as the one throwing in pony-accurate corrections... At one point I thought this was working towards showing that Pinkie was actually in the habit of swapping with her opposite number from time to time, till you revealed there has been a small time-skip and they've all visited Equestria.

Tempest is nicely characterised too: not villainous, but brutally down-to-earth and practical and not really one for social chitchat. Also I love the bacon and eggs.

New Ponk City...is that a reference to New Donk City from Super Mario Odyssey?


My headcanon is the EQG planet is the Chiss homeworld. Think about it -- brightly colored skin and eyes, good an making friends with people very different from you... Okay that's all I've got but it fits! :facehoof:


Ask my unpaid intern, they came up with it. :duck:

In the distant future, where it is no longer A Long Time Ago, and embracing the Magic of Friendship let the Chiss bring out the multi-colored side of their chromamelanin. The situation was almost exactly analogous to the changeling metamorphosis.

What's that? "Just raises further questions"? I can't hear you la de da de daaa....


>Perfect Storm

Drama levels off the charts. :pinkiegasp: And sexually? Elsewhere I've written Rarity as a dominatrix and (in unpublsihed works) Tempest as a very bossy masochist. :trixieshiftleft: OMG I at least have to write a clop fic about this.

I really enjoyed seeing a post-contact human world, and Tempest’s journey was interesting. Good story :rainbowlaugh:

I'm just going to assume it's a reference to Super Mario Odyssey.

Rarity scowled. “Fine. I accept that I may have gotten carried away today. Pinkie Pie, we may go to any restaurant you like for dinner, as long as they serve wine.” † The pizza wasn’t bad, though the animatronics were a bit unsettling.

... Is that Freddy Fazbear's?!

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