• Published 2nd Nov 2018
  • 1,984 Views, 56 Comments

Trapped in a World of Light - Jumpitydude

An unknown entity has appeared and turned all life in the universe into spirits. Only one has escaped this mass exodus. Now, it's up to her to save everyone.

  • ...

Vs. Jevil

Fiora watched the shadowy figure enter the cave in the mountainside. Who was that? What were they doing? There was only one way to find out. Fiora swiftly and silently followed the figure, using the owl-like spirit with her to see in the dark.

"You have those chemicals ready, right?"

"Yeah. I do. This will be my first time fighting here without Face Nemesis, but I'm sure I can hold my own."

As Fiora went further in, she saw the figure in the middle of a lit cavern. The figure seemingly resembled a grey horse with bug-like features. Fiora cautiously stepped in, being careful not to make a sound. Once she was a good distance in, however, the insect/horse hybrid turned around and gave her a toothy grin.

Fiora only had enough time to pull out her knives before a massive amount of diamonds appeared and shot at her. She had to focus on where the gaps were so she could avoid getting hurt by the manifested symbols flying at her. Moments later, the assault stopped. Fiora whipped out her drones, only to find that the creature disappeared.

A number of orbs adorned with hearts suddenly started appearing. Fiora watched them as they started to burst open and send four hearts flying towards her. She suddenly found herself doing a frantic dance to avoid the massive amounts of hearts weaving an entropic pattern around her. Her drones were shooting at something, but she couldn't see what.

"The chemicals!"

"I don't want to waste them yet! Who knows what else they have!"

The hearts stopped only to be replaced by scythes. They kept converging on the point Fiora was standing at, forcing her to keep moving. At least they were moving in a mostly constant pattern, giving her time to plan something.

"Decidueye!" She pulled out the owl-like spirit. "Go into one of the drones and try to pin them down when you get the chance!"

The green bird nodded and shot into one of the drones, which took on its green coloration. The drone started turning in place, looking for its target.

"Come on. This will really help out right now."

The drone started turning faster and faster.

"Can you not see them?"

The drone still wasn't firing.

Fiora looked back at the scythes as they converged again. "Don't tell me. Did that thing..."

The scythes converged one last time, turning into the grey creature. The green drone immediately turned to the creature and fired off a dark arrow made of energy. The creature warped away well before the arrow made contact.


The figure was warping around like an excited puppy that had way too much caffeine. After a few seconds, it started throwing out spades in a massive spread. Fiora sighed, then started trying to weave through the gaps.

The chemical creating spirit popped out behind Fiora. "You have a shrinking chemical!"

"But I might need it later!"

The third spirit laid her hand on Fiora's shoulder. "Well, you may want to consider using that orb up there."

Fiora looked up. Sure enough, one of the floating orbs she had been seeing all over the place was floating there. "Decidueye!"

The green drone with the Pokemon's spirit inside pointed at the orb and opened fire. After five hits the orb shattered into pieces, sending its energy into Fiora.

"Alright, Ryukyu! Let's do this!"

The heroine giggled. "You said it, girl." The spirit reunited with Fiora.

Fiora's body momentarily convulsed as a few of the spades passed through her.

The insectoid horse tilted her head. "Ah?"

The mechanical girl suddenly grew in size. With a mighty roar, she turned into a massive dragon, taking up half of the cavern they were in. She swung her right claw at the now comparatively insect-sized half-insect. It warped away at the last moment.

Fiora looked to her right, where her enemy warped to, and swung her left claw at it. It warped away again, perching itself on one of the walls. Fiora moved her right claw to strike it, destroying the wall in the process. After the third attack, she returned to her normal size.

"Fiora!" All three spirits were at the machine's sides. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, it's just..." Fiora stared at the mass of rubble that blocked off her only exit. "... I may have miscalculated something by a bit."

The changeling laughed to herself as she left the tunnel leading to the cavern where the silly fool had imprisoned herself. "I can do anything."

Author's Note:

At this point, I can safely say that I missed my goals by a mile. I do plan on continuing this story, but I'd rather be working on my other stories. Or my real life stuff. I have some real life things that need to take priority right now.

I'll try to finish this before the official release of the game, but, given my track record, that's not very likely to happen. If that falls through, then I'll go back and polish up the earlier chapters before going forward and writing more alongside a project with Patreon content. Each chapter will still be released as it's finished.