• Published 20th Mar 2019
  • 530 Views, 31 Comments

Geeks of the Round Table: The Dark Invasion - Gem Productions

Lord Tirek gives a prophecy about an entity that could destroy all fandoms, so the heroes of those fandoms unite to stop it.

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Daphnes and Serif

(Hyrule Warriors Mysterious)
The drone had flown for a long time past the opening, into an ocean of superheated plasma. Eventually, it came to a
spherical spacecraft and found a way into an open hanger. There it found another ship and, thanks to the spells and string Derpy had placed on the controller, was able to keep up with all the action that unfolded there.

(When Your Middle Name Is Danger)
Daphnes made sure to make no noise while the doors were forced open and had made sure that his cabin was already emptied and had a note on it saying DO NOT OPEN, hoping nobody would peek inside the cabin to find him. Daphnes was only able to hide as he had Delta suppress his heat signature to the exact temperature that the room was at.

Suddenly, the wall of the cabin was cut open with a lightsaber. “Alright, let’s check this out!” Serif said, entering the ship through the hole he made.

Immediately, Daphnes was hidden underneath the cabin bed but made sure that he was out of site from this Stalfos, while keeping his heat signature hidden from him.

Serif went room to room of Daphnes’s ship, pocketing everything that caught his eye. Then Serif opened the fridge and took all the food Daphnes had on the ship. But when Serif tried to exit the ship afterward, he started hearing a recording Daphnes had made 20 years ago. Describing how long Daphnes has been on this voyage for over 5 decades. “Dang,” he said. “Cool story bro.”

(Spear of Justice)
3!!! 2!!! 1, GO!!!!!
Suddenly he heard a crash, as the lord of Legend of Zelda assailed him, and threw him at a wall

“Maybe you should have known that taking stuff that isn’t yours is called stealing, right?” Daphnes said, before charging at Serif and striking him with the Lord Sword, only to miss completely due to Serif dodging.

“And you should know you don’t simply hit the lord of Undertale,” Serif said while unleashing a barrage from his AK-47.

“Time Alter: Double Accel!” Daphnes said before time slowed around him and he kept moving out of the way of the shots.

“Well then, TRAP MODE!” Serif said, before shooting three purple lines at Daphnes. When these hit, they turned Daphnes purple. He found that he could only move between those lines. Immediately Daphnes activated the Stasis∞+ Rune on Serif, which would have froze him in place had he not dodged, and used Magnesis on Serif’s AK-47, disarming him.

“No worries. Shocker Breaker, Ready!” Serif said.

“If that’s so, You don’t announce your attack until you have already used it!” Daphnes said, before using Nayru’s Love and Daruk’s Protection. Suddenly he was hit by a bunch of fireballs that punched through his protection.

“I LIED! I readied pyrohelix II,” Serif said gleefully.

Daphnes started to get perceptive. None of the geeks he knew would dream of using such an underhanded tactic like that. Immediately Daphnes used Stasis∞+ on Serif again and shot an Ancient Arrow at him. Serif dodged and somersaulted under the arrow and in range of a Chaos Saber. Immediately, Zeldalord grabbed onto the Lord Sword and clashed it against Serif’s Chaos Saber. Serif tried again- many more times. Daphnes parried each strike but found all of his own parried in response.

“You’re good,” Serif said.

“You expected otherwise?” Daphnes knew he had to distract him, so he decided to bring out a Fishing Rod.

“Too slow, karate kid,” Serif said, running into the hangar turbolift to the bridge of the Heart of Gold.

“Get back here, Coward!” Daphnes shouted angrily.

In the bridge, Serif called Eddie. “What is it, chief?” the A.I said.

“Jettison the room with the thing we f-” Serif was cut off by Daphnes pounding his head onto the window-side table in the Heart of Gold bridge.

”It seems that this is Likely another A.I., but one who was not based on anyone like The Alpha was based on Doctor Leonard Church,” Delta said while connecting to the Heart of Gold to analyze Eddie.

“Hey, hands off!” Eddie yelled.

“It is only a simple matter of analysis, I am only seeing how an A.I. like yourself works,” Delta said.

“Serif, HELP!” Eddie shouted.

“Hey anger sword, check your 6!” Serif yelled, as his skull-less skeleton pried Daphnes off of him and reattached his skull.

“Delta, Activate Protocol #003, NOW!” Daphnes barked.

“EDDIE! WHATEVER THIS NEW A.I. TRIES TO DO, STOP HIM!!! Wait, what’s that?” Serif yelled, as suddenly a blue arrow of light came flying at Serif, but he dodged and it hit Daphnes instead, sending him flying into a bookshelf.


(Boss Batle 1 Kid Icarus Uprising)
“Finally, I can go back to making a living,” Serif said.

“Can’t let you do that, I’m afraid,” all on the bridge heard s suddenly an angel came flying in. “Bounty hunters, you are hereby detained,” he said.

“New Target incoming. Activating Protocol #003, Healing Unit.” Delta warned Serif, Daphnes, and Eddie, and activating a Healing aura around Daphnes.

3!!! 2!!! 1, GO!!!!

Immediately, Daphnes burst through and punched this angel in the chest.

“Ugh, you’re a bit tougher than the average merc, huh. No matter. Not a problem for me when I’m on Palutena’s orders,” Pit said.

“SHUT UP ALREADY!” Daphnes said, before throwing Pit into a wall using PSI Fire Ω

“The fight is on!” Pit shouted, before closing into melee with Daphnes using his bow, split into two swords. Immediately, Daphnes brought out the Lord Sword and was clashing both against Pit’s blades, blow for blow. Until he sent Pit flying backward with a Warlock Punch. Pit then fired arrow after arrow, forcing Daphnes to focus on avoiding. Then Serif joined the fray by retaliating with spears.

“Time Alter: Triple Accel!” Daphnes said, before being right behind Pit with an Ancient Arrow ready to fire directly at him. Serif suddenly appeared behind him with a gaster blaster, but rather than firing it directly at Daphnes, wrapped the gaster blaster around the arrow to make a combo attack. The result had Pit on the wall, trophied.


“You’re pretty good,” Serif said. “And that combo was amazing! We should do more stuff like that.”

“It’d be interesting to see that used again,” Daphnes said, before looking at Pit.

“Let's reactivate him,” Daphnes said.

“No more! I concede! how could I have lost? I was on Lady Palutena’s orders!” Pit wondered aloud. Then Daphnes realized something: the skeleton may have just been a really strange geek of Undertale, but this was THE ACTUAL PIT, the one that he had played a video game about, and he was here, in the flesh, talking to him! Daphnes was overcome with awe.

“Your biggest mistake was assuming I was a Mercenary, like the Stalfos,” Daphnes said to Pit when he got ahold of himself while pointing to Serif.

“Bruh, I’m not a Stalin, do I look Russian?!” Serif said.

“Stalfos: The Undead of Hyrule. Creating a form unbalance between this world and the afterlife,” Daphnes explained.

“Dude, I’m from Undertale!” Serif shouted.

“If I may get a word in edgeways,” Eddie said. “There are, being specific here, Hundreds if not thousands of spaceships with Giga cannons headed right for us with hostile intent, and they seem to be after someone.”

Suddenly the P.A. system activated. “They are hailing us,” Eddie said worriedly.

“This is the Geek Police.” the spokesman of the ships said. “You are hereby accused of associating with a known exile. The penalty is death.”

“But we didn’t know!” Pit said.

“Ignorance is not a valid excuse. You have 5 minutes to surrender the fugitive or die,” The spokesman finished.

“Well, hand him!” Pit said.

“Delta, activate this ship’s hyperdrive out of here, NOW!” Daphnes barked.

“Activating, in 5 minutes,” Delta, who had accessed the ship's controls, said.

“Everyone hold on!” Eddie yelled as the ship sped past the drones.

“Well, we gave ‘em a chance. Let’s get ‘em” The officer said behind the control console of his drone.

Author's Note:

D30’s comment: Sooooo… We got our hero, and we got our scoundrel. LET’S GET THIS SHOW ON THE ROAD!!!! :yay: Oh and don’t worry about Daphnes and Serif. They’re fighting now, but give it time and they become best homies! :pinkiehappy: And a note about my love of smash in general: I included Pit first because both Sword and I LOVE Kid Icarus uprising. And I enjoyed using Pit in Brawl, so here he has his Brawl moveset. In my opinion, 4 nerfed him, and I’m sad about that. :(

Sword:s comment: Like D30 said, he and I both LOVE Kid Icarus Uprising, in fact, I have a physical copy of Kid Icarus Uprising, and I have barely played it… often.

Fandoms added(I added both in the last chapter but forgot to put wikis:facehoof:):
Kid Icarus
Dragon Ball Z