• Published 15th Nov 2018
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Starcraft: Queen and Country - Wanderer D

A seemingly safe experiment is violently interrupted, sending three unwitting innocents through the Void to emerge into a universe at war.

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Chapter 015: The Choice is Yours

Starcraft: Queen and Country
By Wanderer D
Chapter 015: The Choice is Yours

2504, Koprulu Sector, Planet Agria █

"Sweetie Belle, how goes your experiments on Agria?"

"Things are going well so far, my queen," Sweetie responded, looking down from where she was perched at the top of one of the buildings at the mass of humans slowly walking into the plaza where she would speak to them. "I believe most of the human leaders are willing to cooperate."

"Abathur has expressed his doubts about the viability of your… experiment, but he has been ordered to provide infestation samples that are less… virulent." She paused for a moment. "Depending on how that works, it might be used as a weapon against the dominion."

Sweetie didn't like that idea very much, but simply accepted that it was what it was. "Understood, my queen. I will keep you informed of my progress."

"Once you have things in order with your colony, I want you to come to me. There are plans in motion where I can use your song to its potential."

"Yes, my queen."

"We can't just… join the zerg!"

Ariel rubbed her temples and gave the head of agriculture a helpless shrug. "These are the two options we have been offered. I admit they are the ones given to us by the enemy, but it's either work together or die."

"We could wait for the Dominion to come back for us," someone else muttered.

"In any case, our options are limited, and so is our remaining time." Ariel stood up, resting her hands on the table and looking at each of the others in turn. "Are we going to represent our people in this, or not? Already everyone is being gathered at the plaza, and those that can't make it are being set up where they can watch on screens what's happening."

The silence in the room was almost palpable.

"At this stage it's less a matter of compliance, and more about controlling the chaos," Ariel said after the silence had prolonged enough. "Sweetie can simply kill us or convert us, but her experiment hinges on our cooperation."

"Is it something we can use to buy more time?" the mayor asked.

Ariel shook her head. "I don't think so. We're one colony, and while I think she'd rather this work out, I don't believe we could dissuade her from forcing the experiment. It's like she said, the choice is really whether we can believe that we'll be able to remain individuals, or simply be infested like other terrans in the past."

"Can we even trust this creature?"

Ariel shook her head. "I don't think it's a matter of trust. She seems… better than any zerg I've ever seen, which gives me some measure of hope, but trust…" She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "She doesn't seem to be cruel, at least. If we cannot trust her, I at least believe she's being honest about wanting this to work out. Whether it is because of her truly believing what she says, or simply out of wanting to complete her mission, that I can't guess."

"Doing this is betraying the human race," the head of agriculture said. "We can't decide this for everyone."

Ariel pressed her lips and glanced at the door. "It's time."

The crowd was nervous, but quiet. While they didn't know what this was all about, they knew it was going to decide their fate in some way or another. Some whispered conversation reached Sweetie's ears, from where she watched in the shadows.

"Will they let us go?"

"Are they going to kill us?"

Those were the most common questions, coming up and around. Among other, less pleasant ones. She sighed, glancing over the whole group. This was a chance for all of them to evolve. To be better, get a purpose… earn their cutie mark, in a way.

She turned to face the terran leaders as they were escorted to her by two zerlings. She let them pass for the most part, indicating that she would speak with their representative. "Did you decide?"

Ariel gave the others a glance, then shook her head. "No. We felt that we cannot speak for everyone in these circumstances."

"I expected that," Sweetie said. "That's why I asked… have you decided?"

Ariel blinked. "Me?"

"Yes." Sweetie nodded. "You. I know you're a brilliant scientist and a leader. You have much to offer, and I certainly have a preference for what to do with you… but I can't in good conscience force you to choose what I want. I'll respect whichever result you choose."

"You understand it's very much a false choice," Ariel said. "At the end of the day you're still getting what you want."

Sweetie snorted. "If all I wanted was drones, I'd make more." She regarded the crowd. "But I'd rather have friends."

Ariel joined her as they walked towards the podium. "This is an unusual method of making them."

"It's not a friend-making method at all," Sweetie countered. "But I have to work with what I have. It's not like I've had good experiences with your people when I wasn't a threat. Looking like I do now, if I had approached you all peacefully, I'd have been shot on sight."

To that, Ariel had nothing to say.

The crowds quieted down as Sweetie took the stage and Ariel joined the other terrans. Around the whole assembled colonists loomed the Ultralisks, blocking the sunlight, while other zerg scampered around the area. They were all there still alive at her pleasure, and they all knew it.

"Hello, everyone," Sweetie said to the crowds. "I know you are afraid, and I know you want to know what's going to happen moving forward. I've been thinking a lot about what to tell you… I'm fairly young, you see. Barely a teenager by my species' standards."

She paused, her pincers clicking slightly as she gathered herself. She'd performed a couple of shows in Ponyville, and certainly commanded her troops, but public speaking wasn't a skill she dominated.

"When I came here, I discovered much to my horror, just how little trust exists in this part of the universe. How quick creatures are to hurt each other, and how easily someone as unprepared as I was could lose everything… and everyone in an instant."

She paced back and forth on the stage, the attention of all citizens on her. "As I told your leaders, I wasn't captured by the zerg. It was terrans that did that to me… and it was the zerg that rescued me from suffering further horrific experiments.

"I am part of something bigger than I ever thought I'd be part of," Sweetie Belle said. "Joining the swarm wasn't just a new chance at life, it was purpose and even identity. It changed everything for me… and I didn't have a choice when I was mutated, but I had a choice to be more, or to simply be zerg… and I offer a similar choice to you."

This started a frenzy of whispers, some louder than others. When she felt a cadence was builting up, she slammed her hoof on the stage, quieting everyone down. "I'm not going to lie to you, there is a purpose to this. As time passes by, if you choose to ally yourselves with me willingly, you will change. But I guarantee that you'll remain you. That is the point of what I want to achieve here. If it was just a matter of turning you into servants, I could have done so much quicker."

"The rest of the Terrans have been trying to get rid of you all this time," Sweetie pointed out into the silence that followed. "If it wasn't the Confederacy, it was the Dominion. They left you behind to die, and the only ones that attempted to get you out are the very people you vilified for years." She glanced around the crowd. "Maybe it's time you gave someone, or somecreature else a chance."

She took a deep breath. "Make your decision. If you don't want to join willingly, you can step to the right," she pointed to the side of the plaza, where several zerg had stepped in line (a very dangerous line) to indicate where they should go. "If you do…" she motioned at the city. "You can return home. When the time has come, whatever leaders remain will organize with you for further instructions."

Sweetie stepped away from the crowd, shaking her head. "I hate public speaking."

"I don't think you did that bad, all things considered."

Sweetie glanced at Ariel, who had walked up to her. Her zerg hadn't stopped the terran, seemingly having gotten used to the idea that she might be around Sweetie a lot.

"That's kind of you," Sweetie said, looking away. "But it's going to be a really hard time for your people. No matter what I said, I'm essentially telling them that it's my way or the highway."

"What an oddly Terran way of expressing things." Ariel sighed. "You don't want to do this, do you?"

Sweetie Belle was silent.

"Why don't you let us go?" Ariel prodded. "If you don't wan—"

"It's not about what I want, but what my Queen wishes," Sweetie said, looking at Ariel. "I think that she's better served by people with individual capabilities, and knowledge, and willingness to help." She shrugged, her scythes jiggling a little in the air. "If that just happens to save a bunch of lives, well that's just the cherry on top."

Aiel sat down on the floor, next to the young queen, drawing her knees up and wrapping her arms around her legs. "Will I really still be myself? How is that different from becoming a 'normal' infested?"

"You wouldn't have any control over your actions," Sweetie responded, still looking at the arguing crowd. Already some terrans were splitting to go off into the city or towards the zerg lines. "You become deadly, but ravenous. You don't follow anything but your instinct and orders from your queen. Who you are… what differentiates you from any other terran, is lost forever. Your knowledge, your dreams, everything is forgotten except for the hunger and the need to evolve. You might retain the ability to speak for a while, but it wouldn't be you speaking."

"I see."

"I'm sorry."

Ariel looked up at Sweetie and smiled just a little, then leaned her forehead on her knees. "I believe you… my queen."

Three shouts echoed in the street, one young, the other older and panicked.

"Sweetie Belle!" the little girl ran towards the queen in the middle of the street, drawing the attention and horror of many adults, who looked panicked at what might happen.

"Suzie!" the girl's mother, and presumably her father, were running after her, but not quick enough to stop the young terran from hugging Sweetie. They stumbled to a stop just a few feet away, which was not really a safe distance at all, but the young queen wasn't about to tell them that.

Instead, she gently returned the hug and stepped back to hoof distance so she could look at the little girl in front of her. "Hello, Suzie. It seems you're scaring your parents again."

Suzie didn't look happy, however. She sniffled. "My dad doesn't want us to stay, so he says we should go away with the others that are going with your zerg. I don't wanna go! I like it here!"

"Suzie!" her mother gasped, looking up at Sweetie. "I'm so sorry your highness…"

"Eeh," Sweetie cringed. "This brings back memories from when Princess Celestia visited Ponyville." She looked at the two terrans, knowing full well others were listening in. "For now forget the titles. I figured cases like these would come up, so I want to hear your thoughts." She looked at Suzie's father, who gulped, but held his ground. "Why do you want this for yourself and your family?"

The man gritted his teeth, but managed to stammer out a response. "I-I think staying and working w-with y-you is a-a betrayal o-of humanity." When Sweetie didn't kill him on the spot, he continued a bit more confidently. "Working with Zerg or Protoss doesn't really help us. If we join you with our full capacity… we're committing treason."

"To who?" Sweetie asked, tilting her head.

"Uh…" the man looked around. "Um, to t-the Dominion! To humanity."

"So… despite the fact that the terran governments have actively betrayed you and acted in their own self-interests, lying to you about who you can trust, feeding you bit by bit who to hate, you still think they represent your entire species?" Sweetie asked. "They have left you all for dead multiple times, only coming back to claim ownership when the danger is gone."

When Suzie's dad didn't respond to that, she sighed. "I have… had time to think on this, you see." She ruffled Suzie's hair with her hoof, smiling at the little girl. "The reason I'm here is fear. That is why I was turned into a zerg, and the reason I'm fighting a dear friend, and lost someone I was starting to like and respect." She looked the man in the eye. "Terrans did this to me, yes, but it was somepony of my own species that couldn't see beyond their fear and xenophobia that caused the accident that brought me all the way here to happen."

"But it's no—"

"It is the same," Sweetie said. "I know I sound… sanctimonious. But the bottom line is that there are those that only work for their self interest, and those that try to help others along the way. Doesn't mean they don't have an agenda, but they don't tell you to hate or fear others. I don't want… I won't tell you to hate terrans for abandoning you to your fate at the scythes of the zerg. But I think that if your decision in all of this is based on a sense of loyalty to those that constantly work against you… maybe you need to think about things a bit more objectively."

The man grimaced. "I don't want my Suzie to become a monster."

"I understand," Sweetie said, smiling at the girl who was now looking at her with wide eyes. "And she won't, if your family stays here. I know that it doesn't seem like much of a choice if change is still happening. It isn't. It's not the way I wish things could be. But there's no way out of this where you all remain fully terran, but there is a way forward with your very sense of self still intact, and then there's the way you're choosing."

He balled his fists, unable to look at her or anyone else.

"The choice is between you three…" Sweetie moved forward, placing the back of her scythe gently on his shoulder. (He still almost jumped, but she kept herself from smiling at that.) "And I will respect it. But I'll miss Suzie if you go that way."

She glanced at the little girl. "She's my very first terran friend, after all. That, and I want to ask you to at least not act out of pride. I really believe one choice is better than the other. Which one do you pick…" She walked away, pausing to give Suzie a last hug, looking over her shoulder at the man, who was now holding his wife. "That… Well. You know."

She had walked a few blocks when she heard the voice of her queen.

"You are still too kind to these terrans, Sweetie Belle."

"I know. All that stuff has been coming back to me lately so I couldn't help but lecture him." Sweetie almost let her shoulders droop, but she didn't want anycreature to see any weakness from her. "But I also want them to see that you're not a monster."

"Oh, but I am. Mengsk and his people will soon remember that."

End Chapter