• Member Since 17th Nov, 2018
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Slowly going insane.

Comments ( 242 )

I am liking this already, I hope Twilight gets jumped and bimbofied in the next chapter.

Will this be a spike harem fic? I hope so.

Manzano for Applejack and Prism for Rainbow Dash.

Why’d you rent this story teen instead mature?

This is great I can't wait to see where this will go. I am hoping Spike ends up as one of the secret ranger types in this series. I like also that he is only like two or three years apart from the girls. So there is no way he would be treated as a child or too young to have any part in what is going on with the girls. Me personally I am a major Spike fan so I can't help but hope he has a pretty large role in the story lol.

In hindsight, I probably should change that.

If you wanted to be ironic you could have her last name be valencia

How so? I must be missing something, I don't get it.

Interesting chapter. Happy to see a new one after so long. It was worth the wait. I feel the transformation with Twi was well worked for sure. I wonder if she is stuck like this or will we get to see her change back to her base form now and again? I think the CMC being in here is a good idea, it would add some more diversity to the body types on top of the Bimbo style ones, which I am still hoping for Pinkie to have more of a BBW style body type lol, and I can see them as well developing a crush on the older Spike in this even tho he will have WAY more interaction with their sisters on the regular I would imagine. There are still so many fun and interesting places this story can go and I can't wait for the next chapter.

so glad to see more! I guess the CMC could just have been eighteen finishing last year before graduating since the sisters are in their mid-twenties, but I respect the choices you ultimately make.

But yeah so curious to see where this is going with twilight. If the breasts are the only thing she's stuck with or if she'll keep changing in other areas slowly, or if it's all in the power up that all the changes happen.

Thanks for the update, looking forward to more, really liking the establishment you got going.

Pinkie was always going to be Pudgy Pie. I love chubby girls, so she was the perfect outlet for this. Not to give too much away, but expect her to get plumper with her transformation. The idea of Pinkie with a wobbly belly zipping around at mach speeds as Fillisecond is just a hilarious image to me. Coupled with her already Loony Tunes tendencies, and you've got a recipe for comedy gold.

I am with you there for sure lol. I just like the idea of a mix of body types to a degree so representing the lovely BBW girls is a plus for me. I can SOOOO see her ass being a HUGE distraction for Spike lol. As a ass man it would be funny to see Spike checking out Pinkie often and we ALL know she would know he is doing it for sure.

Honestly and this is of course coming from the big Spike fan I am I really can't wait to see when he start to interact and bond with the girls on a one on one bases. I mean them being able to talk and get to know each other. They all are such unique characters I think the time spent interacting with them and getting to know them will be just as great as seeing them in intimate situations. This might be my nerd side showing since I read ALOT of comics and seen a number of super hero teams and the interpersonal interactions can be just as epic and great as big large fights.

oh OHHHH PLLEEAASSSEE tell me Shy has some secret fetish for being dominated or pet play or something like that. I think it would be so fitting for her and if she flip into Hulk form it would be even funnier to see THAT being one of the few ways to control her lol.

Alpha, Love Bunny's escaped, recruit a team of twentysomethings with attitude... and good looks.

I had a funny idea for Applejack's last name - "Taylor" but in a SHOCKING twist, it turns out to be short for "Taylor Gold Pear."

A nice start to this bimbo fic. I don't think we need to guess who has that great power the villain was talking about, do we?:ajsmug:

And it begins; Twilight's gonna learn her destiny. Bring on the bimbos. This is definitely a favorite to add to the shelf. :raritywink:

Think the team should be able to match her sexiness or overpower it?

This is getting good, I can't wait for more!!

So did Trixie bring the group of minions with her or did she change the people in the Farmer's market into those minions?

Well personally I love how you are handling this story. You are making Spike and Twilight feel like real people and not just things that jump into bed and have sex. It is normal that Twi doesn't want any part of this. That is in her character, she want a normal life she want to enjoy her books and just be safe. That is now out the window and we need to see her struggle with such a huge change in her life. Spike on the other hand would live for adventure and saving people, he seem like the type to jump into this and want to do all he can to help and save as many people as he can. But he also has to deal with feeling like he isn't really doing anything at the moment, due to at this point and time he isn't contributing with powers. And honestly when the likes of the rest of the girls show up and might start to talk down to him for not having powers it will cause some real tension in the group. I honestly REALLY see some tension in the group already in the future with Raven, I mean if she is a person than she has spent her life serving Celestia only to never be able to live up to desires. Now this new girl shows up and she is doing everything she always wished she could have done. Celestia will naturally start to favor and teach Twilight and treating Raven as more of a background character and that would hurt her so much. This is why I love this story, it isn't just sex there is so much more here and I can't wait to see where it will go from here.



Is it bad that regardless of what else happens in the coming fight I just want this massive magic brawl that's about to go down to end with Spike smacking Trixie over the head with something heavy and having her crumble to the ground. I can just see the look on Twilight's face of pure shock and Spike just shrugging and going, "It seemed easier."

I also really loved how Spike jumped into the whole lets go save the day and Twilight hesitated, but than Spike wants to be smart about the fight and Twilight just jumps in. There's a fine line between bravery and stupidity, Spike feels like he understands that line in a very Batman-esque way, where Twilight is pulling your classic Superman charge in blindly plan. Spike like Batman has a future of face palms and annoyed glares coming it seems.

That is a interesting thing you brought up the Batman/Superman thing. I think that comes down to honestly their new current situation. Spike for lack of a better term is still 'human' at the moment. He doesn't want to rush in and try to fight some magical thing head on when it could lead to him or Twi getting hurt. He want to think it though and try to figure out a plan. Not to mention years of comic book reading tends to give one a mindset for situations like this lol. Twi on the other hand hand is riding the high of becoming a super powered being, she isn't thinking of her limitations now but how she has shattered her old ones. Even if she doesn't want to admit it she is feeling super and she want to flex this new power. It is kinda one of the core differences between Batman and Superman one is a mortal man while the other is a walking god among men.

I totally agree; currently they very much so are playing the roles of DC's favorite sons. Unsurprisingly, that also means Twilight is going to get into some real deep shit that the, "mortal" is going to have to save her from. Unlike Superman though, maybe Twilight will learn something!

I can see how you'd think that.

And this is where it starts getting really good. Bring on the next chapter.

When will we see a new chapter?

This was a great chapter, I love how you made Spike great at hand to hand. It gave him something that is just him and he has shown to be damn good at it. I would love to see him training Twi to get better it at. It could be a romantic scene as well as Spike encourages her while also they get closer and more physically intimate than they have before. We got hints that there is more mystery to Spike that we know of and I wonder where that will go. So many little seeds have been planted in this chapter I am eager to see how they bloom. I wonder with Spike being the male close to all of this will the spill off magic start to effect him, making him into the perfect breeding stud for the girls?

That answers my question about where Trixie got the minions. I really hope the other future Power Bimbos are fought as bunny minions of Love Bunny first, or at least one of them

Comment posted by Brony kaiju soldier deleted Feb 2nd, 2019

Nice end to the prologue chapters here, I especially liked how you had Ourania speak to and encourage Twilight to tap into her power to fight Trixie, as well as Spike kicking some ass. And I guess that detective is gonna be kind of a circumstantial ally/enemy to Twilight depending on what those circumstances are?

I'm just as curious as you.

It's interesting that Spike is immune to Trixie's mind control magic.

Glad to see a new chapter! But frankly, I wish the fighting was replaced with sex. It's a bimbo story afterall, so it just seems like a waste to turn things into fighting. Hope you will consider this going forward.

Very much love the detective. Would love to see more of him, and Twilight would have to ride him to tire him out so she can escape.

KO awesome chapter, damn Twilight and Spike may have won their first battle but the war has only just begun in the big city, but they won’t be alone on this either! :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::rainbowdetermined2::rainbowdetermined2:

Yes, the joke is well established that Angelbunny should be named Demonbunny. You don't have to state the obvious here...

I was talking about Love Bunny, but yeah, I suppose the joke is funny.

Kind of sucks that we couldn't see an update for this on Valentine's day as that would have been perfect but I hope we see an update soon

Everyone seems bimbofied already, to be honest...

That's just the cover I commissioned annon to draw for me. Twilight’s currently the only bimbofied one. The rest will change later in the story.

KO awesome chapter, looks like Twilight and Spike are about to get a Power girl as Pinkie Pie will get a speedy surprise later. :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::rainbowdetermined2::rainbowdetermined2:

You should make Starswirl's name sound really geeky and bad, aside from being amusing, not everyone is good at picking names. And based on the bells on his robe, he's not exactly the master of style and coolness. Bookworm is the first thing that comes to mind. Other ideas include: The Scholar! Bell Man! Bookmaster! Magic Man! and finally The Bearded Wizard!

This was really interesting and I can't wait to see what will happen from here. I honestly really am hoping for some Sparity since I feel it has been forever since I have seen it. But it seem Rarity is with someone at the moment. How that will play out who knows. But I just have my fingers cross for the classic pairing of MLP to show up in this. But this does make a interesting chase. With the Pillars being a former team that means that Males CAN get this power. I wonder what that means for Spike down the road. I hope they don't try to ground him to the cave to be nothing but support. I have a fear that could happen. I mean once the rest of the girls get there, and there is more of a team with them all having powers they might feel Spike isn't needed on the field which could cause some real issue with him and them.

The first name that popped into my mind for Starswirl's hero name is Mr. Wizard or Mr. Magician

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