• Published 20th Nov 2018
  • 455 Views, 10 Comments

Pineapple Pizza Pony Pals - SaburoDaimando

Starlight Glimmer sharing a Pineapple Pizza with Trixie

  • ...

The Complete Pizza Pie

"Geez. This Great and Powerful performance did a number on my Great and Powerful back."

Trixie was outside of her stage wagon, stretching her back after another successful show. Her tour across Equestria had been a smashing success. But even someone as popular as Trixie needed a break, otherwise she would wear herself out. She then proceeded to shake her body to rid herself of her stress before locking her wagon up.

But as Trixie was about to trot off, something caught the attention of her nose. She smelled the air around her, as if there was a mix of tomato sauce, mozarella cheese, and....Pineapple."

"What an interesting aroma," Trixie said as she continued to sniff the air. "I wonder where it's coming from."

Without a second thought, Trixie wandered about, trying to pinpoint where the source of that juicy scent. As she continued to sniff the air, the odor of tomatoes, cheese and pineapple grew stronger towards a nearby bush.

"Something about that bush smells real good," Trixie said to herself. "I wonder if it produces some sort of new Pinemato Cheese Plant."

But as Trixie sticks her head through the bushes, she happens to find Starlight Glimmer taking bites out of a slice of Pineapple Pizza.

"Oh hey Trixie," Starlight said as she nibbled on her Pizza slice. "I was wondering when you would show up. Want some pizza?"

"Pizza? For me?" Trixie said as she was confused by Starlight's offern.

"Ahh don't worry," Starlight said. "Besides, I can't eat all of this pizza in one go."

Trixie steps further into the bushes and sits right next to Starlight. Starlight then sets her half-eaten pizza slice onto a plate. Then she turns her attention to the rest of the pineapple pizza. With a spark of her magic, Starlight splits the pizza into two parts. The large one for Trixie, and the small one for herself.

"Is that...for me?" Trixie said as she looked at the larger half of pizza

"It sure is. Bon Appetite," Starlight said.

Trixie approached the pizza and pulls off a slice. She then takes a bite out of the pizza slice and chews in curiosity. But as she does so, her face changes into an expression of delight. Perhaps the Great and Powerful Trixie considers this pineapple pizza great and powerful in flavor.

"Wow. This is actually good," Trixie said as she took another bite.

"What I tell you, Trixie. This pizza is awesome," Starlight said as she took another bite of her pineapple pizza.

"But I'm surprised that a pony like you enjoys pineapple pizza," Trixie said out of curiosity. "Why pineapple?"

"Well that's easily," Starlight said. "Pineapple is one of my personal favorite fruits. Also, I prefer pineapple over pepperoatni."

"Pepperoatni?" Trixie asks.

"Yeah. There is one topping I cannot stand on a pizza, and that's pepperoatni." Starlight uses a napkin to wipe some of the tomato sauce off of her face. "The problem with pepperoatni is that it's dry, crusty and oily."

"Oh yuck. That sounds disgusting." Trixie stuck her tongue out in total disgust.

"I've had pepperoatni before, and I didn't care for it. But that wasn't my worst experience with that gross topping," Starlight said as she took another bite of pineapple pizza.

"Worst experience with that traversity? I am afraid to ask," Trixie said as she prepared for the worst.

Starlight swallowed the pizza that was in her mouth."It started when I was in Manehattan. I was enjoying Pizza Pete's scrumptious pineapple and garlic pizza. But as I was doing so, someone knocked over my entire pizza pie onto the ground."

"Now what kind of rude jerk would do a thing like that?" Trixie shouted.

"Someone who is a total pizza snob," Starlight said in disgust. "I thought I was horrible with my equality town, but this guy took the cake. After he knocked over and ruined my pizza, he said this to me."

'What kind of piggish pony would eat something as stupid as a pineapple pizza? Real pizza lovers eat nothing but pepperoatni pizza. If you don't eat a pepperoatni pizza, you are not a true pizza lover.'

"The nerve of that jerk," Starlight snapped.

Trixie's jaw was hanging in complete shock.

"The Great and Powerful Trixie is not amused by this dolt of a pony. Knocking over your pizza because he disagreed with your choice of topping," Trixie ranted. "What a horrible, horrible snob that horse is."

"Oh it gets worse from there," Starlight said, as she gnashed her teeth at the thought of the very jerk who ruined her lunch. "That stallion proceeded to pull out a slice of oily, pepperoatni pizza and shoved it right in my face, telling me to 'Eat it like you're suppose to like pizza' endlessly. I've been humiliated before, but that took the cake."

"What you've been through was horrible," Trixie said as her disgust with the Pizza Snob Stallion went through the roof. "So what happened to that jerk?"

"You'll never believe how I got out of that mess," Starlight said.

"Princess Twilight Sparkle?" Trixie guessed.

"Nope," Starlight responded.

"Discord?" Trixie guessed again.

"Wrong again," Starlight responded with a smile.

"Some random superhero who's mother's name is Martha?" Trixie said.

"Wrong, and way too overdramatic." Starlight responded. "It was Pizza Pete."

"The legendary Pizza Pete?" Trixie said in excitement.

"Oh when Pizza Pete saw that Pizza Snob shove that pepperoatni pizza in my face, he had this to say to that grand stander." Starlight said before changing her tune to sound like Pizza Pete.

"How dare you attack a pony who just wants to enjoy my pizzas. Who cares if they don't enjoy pepperoatni pizza? It's their choice on what pizza toppings they want. You just made pizza look bad with your obsession over one pizza topping." Starlight laughed as she readjusted her voice back to normal.

"Now that's what I call, a mouthful," Trixie laughed.

"No kidding," Starlight laughed. "After that, Pizza Pete made that jerk make a new pineapple pizza for me as punishment for not only ruining my pizza, but also for forcing his own pizza pie opinion in my face."

"This Pizza Pete sounds really great and powerful, just like me," Trixie said as she took another bite of pizza.

"I know. As a matter of fact, this actually happened one hour ago," Starlight said. "I actually owe Pizza Pete for everything he did to save my lunch time."

"And this pizza is the one that he gave you as a free complement?" Trixie asked.

"Indeed he did," Starlight said. "So let's enjoy the moment, Trixie. Here's to Pizza Pete, and the delicious pies he cooks up."

Starlight and Trixie continue to take bites out of their pizza. But as Trixie swallowed her bite, she noticed a sensation in her throat.

"I think I'm thirsty," Trixie said.

"No problem," Starlight said as she pulled out two cups and a bottle of sparkling pineapple juice. She pops open the bottle and pours the juice into both cups.

"Thanks Starlight," Trixie said as she lifted one cup with her magic. "You're the best friend a Great and Powerful magician could ever have."

"Here's to us, Trixie. A friendship that bonds over magic, sideshows, and pizza," Starlight says as she and Trixie raises their cups and drinks the pineapple juice.

As the two were enjoying their pizza, we see a teen colt nearby, looking at Starlight and Trixie from afar.

"Man, I really hate it when ponies eat anything that isn't good ol fashion pepperoatni," The teen colt said.

"Well if you haven't been ruining that mare's life with your obsession with pepperoatni, you wouldn't be in this mess in the first place." Right behind the teen was the legendary pizza maker of Manehattan: Pizza Pete. The look on his face tells that he's ashamed of what the teen did not long ago. For it was this teen colt, who ruined Starlight Glimmer's pizza lunch with his obsession with what should be the right pizza topping.

The teen colt lets out a sigh and says "Okay, I'm coming."

"And let this be a lesson to you: Never force your views of pizza down any pony," Pizza Pete says as the teen colt walks over to the delivery wagon, preparing himself to deliver more pizzas to the many residents of Manehattan.


Author's Note:

Pepperoatni is an Equestrian take on Pepperoni.

Comments ( 8 )

Pineapple on pizza is bad ?

Also, I can see Starlight and Trixie enjoying some good, post-show pizza.

It's more to poke a bit of fun at the hatred towards Pineapple Pizza. Besides, I'm not as fond of Pepperoni. XP

Not really. IT was more inspired by the whole Starlight Glimmer loves Pineapple Pizza meme going on.

Huh. I never knew hatred towards pineapple on pizza was a thing.

And yes, most pepperoni is cheap and sucks.
I avoid it too nowadays.

I believe there was this a post on the internet that never got popular and it was the creation of a pizza with pickles.

This story is both starage and rather wonderful.

I hate pepperoni too, way too salty and oily. That being said, I only like pineapple on barbecue sauce pizzas, and yes, that's an actual thing.

My mom likes Hawaiian pizza with extra pineapple.

I myself do not want pineapple on pizza.
My preferred pizza topping? Linguica. If that not available, meatball. If that is not available, sausage. If that is not available, mushroom. If that is not available, plain cheese. If that is not available... wait, did I not call the pizzeria? ;)

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