• Published 3rd Dec 2018
  • 13,279 Views, 547 Comments

Admin Abuse - blackhotmetal

What do you do if you are the Admin of a world of ponies? Use your power on a whim obviously, or don't I guess.

  • ...

Chapter 9

"-BEST FREEEEEEIIIIIINNDS!~♪" The apparent improv song and dance group he was traveling with finished their sudden outburst. The cowpony had somehow convinced the trio of children to return to the farm to crusade something or other.

Dante sighed. This is like a freaking circus, where did the background instruments come from? Dante was lost in thought as he trailed behind the now reduced herd. So much so that he did not recognize a bush was rustling. It moved near silently from the side of the road to directly in Dante's path between himself and his companions. They, however, carried on as if they hadn't just put on a Broadway Musical performance. His mind still running on overdrive for what he may encounter, If this is the normal around these parts I don't think I'm gonna make it... His arms were crossed and he was nervously rubbing a stick in his inventory.

"HIYA~!" A pink blur tore Dante's concentration, and he blindly swung the only object in his hand. CRACK "OOokie see ya later...." The pink blob called as it sailed off into the distance. Dante recoiled as he realized what he had done. He glanced at his companions and they continued walking Okay I'll just pretend it didn't happen, everything's cool.. The one with the tag "AppleJack" turned her head to face Dante with an eyebrow raised.

"Did y'all hear Pinkie jus' now," She asked as she scanned the surroundings. The other two looked confusedly at each other. Applejack returned her gaze to Dante. "Oh that's right y'all ain't met her yet," she noted. Dante just nodded and kept walking, beginning to sweat bullets. He bit the inside of his lip, and decided to inspect the ground for a while instead of engaging further in conversation. road was surprisingly even and the dirt was hard enough that he couldn't make out any foot, or hoof prints. His mind wandered.

As they traveled farther from the farm Dante noted the change in paving. It had started as soft brown dirt and then there was a brick. It was a soft grey, with a tint of french blue-green. This was shortly followed by more bricks, then a fully laid road. He looked up to see an impressive arched stone bridge ahead. It crossed a fairly shallow but fast moving stream. Over the bridge stood the town hall. He shivered as previous events came back to mind. Okay interesting, they are quick with their work. They've got scaffolding up and some construction canvas. A small detail stuck out like a sore thumb. The black trail of destruction coming from the building.

Perhaps it was the existential horror that made him shudder or maybe it was that nobody seemed to notice any of it but him. Nobody is gonna say anything about that, He thought. We just gonna pretend nothing happened? OK Karma, I see you. It was really quiet outside. Like really, really quiet. "Is there a curfew or something," Dante finally spoke. All three of the ponies turned their heads to look, but kept their pace. "-Because there is no one outside, and the sun won't set for probably two more hours," he continued.

"Well, no... but they might be scared of you," Rainbow Dash replied. "You know, 'cause your a big ugly-" Rarity cut her off with a hoof in her mouth.

"Terribly sorry for her mouth," Rarity apologized. "You see, these nice folks are rather shy of newcomers. Although, I am quite certain that they will warm up to you in no time at all." She gave a glowing smile to punctuate her prediction. Dante couldn't help but smile back in an unexpected lift of spirits. He wanted to break the silence, but was drawing a blank.

They passed through the deserted streets of the town and over another stone bridge. Ahead was a gently rolling meadow. On a hill in this meadow stood an gigantic spire of crystal in the rough shape of a tree. The sun refracted through the thinner and the edges of the larger crystals. The glistening of the imperfections in the material scattered spots of multicolored light all about the base of the castle.

"Hey Dante, close your mouth or you'll catch a parasprite," Rainbow Dash mocked. Dante closed his mouth and frowned.

"Rainbow, where have your manners gone," Rarity shot back.

"Just trying to help," Rainbow Dash grumbled. Rarity gave an apologetic look. This must be a common occurrence.

They had reached the base of Twilight's Castle. There was one pony outside, that appeared to be a guard, standing in the shade on the left of the entrance. His, or he assumed it was a he, name tag read: Silent Wind. Dante noticed his pupils were slit like a reptile, or feline. He only noticed because of the steady glare he had been getting since he came into view. He just shrugged it off as another in a long series of oddities. The doors glowed a gentle blue, and swung open on their own.

The halls meandered through the castle. There certainly was no shortage of room, but the help seemed to be non-existent. Dante followed the trio down another hallway, again lined with doors. This time the end of the hall hosted a slightly larger door distinct from the rest. This one seemed to be the destination. Finally, He thought, impatiently.

Again the doors glowed blue and swung outward, seemingly of their own accord. Inside there were four ponies, who had all frozen what they were doing when the doors opened. Dante checked their name tags. The fidgety, excited yellow one was Fluttershy. To her left was the trigger happy death ray- Twilight Sparkle. The remaining two were new to him. To the left of the THEIL sat a significantly larger pony apparently called Luna. In the corner of the room stood another guard, Sweet Fang, in the same armor as the one outside. This time he noticed a pair of bat wings in addition to the slit pupils. Dante just shook his head and took a breath. I suppose I will start the introductions if everyone else is content to stare into space... He never had the chance as one of his companions started first.

"Twilight, here we are," Rarity announced their presence as if showing up hadn't been quite enough attention.

"I see, perfect timing," Twilight responded.

"You must be the Admin," Luna spoke this time. Something in her voice unsettled Dante. She seemed calm and spoke coolly, but her energy bristled with distrust. At least she has the courtesy to not laser blast me on first sight, He internally reasoned. "We are Luna, ruler of Equestria, Princess of the Night," She announced. "We would have you answer a few questions. Before that, introduce yourself." The princess was strict and very formal in her speech; he knew she was not in the mood for games.

Dante cleared his throat. At this, an inkwell, quill, and a stack of paper levitated into the air on Twilight's left. He barely resisted the urge to roll his eyes, What am I, a professor? "Well, your majesty, my name is Dante, not Admin. Admin would be my title I suppose." This drew confused looks. All of the ponies began moving to a chair at the large white crystal table. Each one had a picture on it that matched the cutie marks of each pony. There was an empty seat between Applejack and Fluttershy.

"Please, have a seat," Twilight pointed to the cushioned chair with a picture of some balloons on it.

"I prefer to stand, thanks," Dante responded.

"That's fine," She chimed back. All the while the quill was scribbling away. Dante moved to where she had been pointing. Twilight proceeded to introduce everyone at the table except for Luna and Sweet Fang. Something about elements, he didn't really listen. "-and I would like to apologize for my behavior. I hope we can become friends," She quickly added, bowing her head.

Dante showed his palms, "It's cool." Internally he scoffed, Yeah and while I'm at it I'll make friends with the ground from the top floor. "So what do you want to know," He urged the conversation forward. Fluttershy looked like she was about to explode with her question and was the first to speak.

"So... Um, what kind of animal are you? I've never seen any creature quite like you at all," Dante was surprised how quietly she spoke for such high energy. All the other ponies seemed shocked at the outburst but quickly recovered. "Um... sorry," she squeaked. Why is she apologizing for that?

"I am a human," he answered to more scribbling.

"What is a human," Rainbow Dash followed.

"Do you know about monkeys," Dante countered. They nodded. "Kinda like bigger, less hairy, monkeys," he summarized.

"Why are you here," Luna hit with a hard question. Dante mentally winced. That is the question, Princess.

"I can't answer that, the details are fuzzy, really," He managed to say. He was surprised to see they seemed sympathetic more than suspicious.

"Could you tell us how you got here," Luna asked. What do I tell them, that I just randomly woke up in the street in the middle of nowhere? That I didn't look, like this 24 hours ago? No, maybe I'll just tell them that I know that I'm tripping really hard and they are goblins that are gonna eat my clothes? Ha, no. Think about it, I could just go with the history of my Minecraft Player Character, since I am in that body. He made his decision.

"Well, I guess I flew in from the forest to the South East," He suggested. This earned more confused looks. Oh crap, I haven't figured out how to fly yet! What if they don't believe me, he worried. Scribble scribble.

"Flew in, you say," The fire of competition was in Rainbow Dash's eyes.

"Yep that's what I said," he said.

"What do ya' mean, 'you guess,' you would know if you flew in right," Applejack pursued.

"Like I said the details aren't clear to me," he defended. Applejack seemed appeased with this answer.

"So your home is in the Everfree Forest," Luna asked.

"No I'm from Canada," he responded. He immediately facepalmed. Yeah, 'cause they're gonna know about Canada, smart guy, he scolded himself. He thought for a moment, shook his head, then answered, "I guess technically it is now." If I remember correctly, the spawn is over there somewhere. Fluttershy was giving him a sickeningly pitiful look.

"So you have nowhere to stay," Fluttershy was on the verge of tears. Oh no, they think I'm homeless... wait a second... Dangit.

"That may be so, but don't worry about me. I have it covered," Dante responded. The looks of confusion returned.

"If you wish," Luna spoke, "You may stay in Equestria and we will accept you as a protected citizen, but you must swear fealty to the Crown."

"And if I do not," Dante postulated.

"Then you will be under the supervision of my guard until we come to an agreeable solution," Luna responded. Her guard flared their wings in what He assumed was supposed to be intimidation. This action, clearly, accomplished the opposite making Dante snort in amusement involuntarily. Luna carried on, "We do presume you intend to stay long enough to recollect your bearings. We have further questions." My god, its like I'm on trial! I'm so tired of this, he thought. "Dante, what will you do now," Luna asked. He sighed.

"I honestly would rather be doing anything other than being interrogated like an enemy of the state," he droned. "Since I am homeless now, I would like to get started on fixing myself some shelter." He crossed his arms.

"Do not speak to the Princess of the Night with such contempt," barked the guard in the corner. Her lips were curled in a snarl showing long white fangs. Dante was quickly gaining confidence in his creative mode invulnerability as he was pinching himself as hard as he could, but he couldn't feel a thing. The fur had bristled on the chest of the dark colored guard only making her look fluffier. He bit his tongue and resisted the urge to make the pun 'sweetie the adults are talking.' The thought had him tearing up with restrained laughter.

"Enough Sweet Fang, you have spoken out of place," she reprimanded. "If you do not wish to associate with Equestria's society then you will at least understand that my duty is to ensure the safety of my ponies," Luna leveled with Dante. "I understand your arrival may have been traumatic. Even so, if I am to allow you to stay as a refugee, there is a certain level of caution that must be established." If that is the fastest way to get the hell out of here and back to testing, I'll take it! It's not like I can't just hide from them in the forest.

"That sounds reasonable," Dante agreed. "So when should I expect the police to come knocking?" Luna frowned at his comment.

"My personal guard will be accompanying you," she responded. "Sweet Fang, your new assignment will be the surveillance and investigation of our guest here. You are to stay near Admin Dante at all times, within reason of personal privacy, unless otherwise instructed. Do you understand your orders," Luna directed at the winged pony guarding the corner. A look of horror and dread, maybe a little betrayal crossed Sweet Fang's face. She quickly straightened up and stood at attention.

"Yes, your Majesty," Sweet Fang shouted with a salute. She turned her head to Dante and locked eyes with him. He at least faked a smile. She scowled back. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the barn this morning, he thought and snickered under his breath.

"We shall continue this discussion at a later date," Luna announced. She rose from her seat. Everybody else in the room stood as well. Odd, Dante thought, I thought they had a bunch more questions. Am I missing something? Dante dared to open his mouth.

"What's up, did something happen," he asked.

"It is sundown. You know, time for the Princess of the Night to raise the moon," Sweet Fang spat. Her face said, 'are you dumb?' She indicated at him to follow the troupe leaving the room.

"Raise the moon," he mumbled. "Of course, and the unicorns control the weather right," he asked over his shoulder. She just rolled her eyes.

"Didn't you go to kindergarten," was her retort. Dante threw his hands up, sighed, pinched the bridge of his nose and kept walking. Just put up with it long enough to get out of here, he chanted internally.

When they had arrived at their destination, a large balcony at the east of the castle, Dante observed that the sun still seemed hours from setting. I thought Sweet Fang was being serious for a second, good one. I can see that we will get along so well, he thought sarcastically. Seemingly in response to this the sky suddenly grew darker. A beautiful spectrum of oranges, reds, pinks, and violets filled the sky. The rapidly setting sun splashed across the hills.

Suddenly the shadows stretched and grew. The valley the village sat in was plunged into the night as the last drops of daylight glowed on the clouds, before they too disappeared into the dark. The contrast of the darkness drew Dante's attention to the horn of Luna. It glowed with a radiant, almost neon, aura in a deep saturated blue. He unconsciously tensed at the sight. The Princess closed her eyes and raised her head, thrusting her horn heavenward.

As Princess Luna slowly spread her wings, the moon peaked over the horizon and rapidly ascended. All eyes were on her. The moon approached its predetermined position, Dante would have presumed was exactly midnight, and ceased its momentum. The glow faded from the princess's horn, and she turned to face the group. She was met with hoof stomping. Dante was too confused and shocked at the unnecessary display of power to try to decipher whatever body language that was supposed to analogue.

"What," was all he could manage to squeeze out. That was the lamest fake moon rise I have ever seen, he internally reasoned that it was not, in fact, a true change of day. Enough smoke and mirrors, I need daylight to start work. There is no way that was physical movement. I mean, just imagine the tide. it must be subjective, like an illusion just like the rest of this place, he justified. He decided it was time to go, now, "Okay well, that was a cool light show, excellent use of color, but I think, if we are done here, I would like the sun back now, it was just midday. I do have a few things I would like to do today." Luna looked amused but made no attempt to reverse her 'illusion.' "Please," He added, patience wearing thin.

"You'd better get used to it 'cause 'today' is over," Sweet Fang corrected him. "Sun won't come up until six-thirty in the morning."

"Six-thirty in the-," He guffawed, "it was literally about three hours past noon two minutes ago." Sweet Fang shook her head.

"It's actually eight-thirty in the evening," Twilight added. Whatever, Dante decided not to press further.

"As we have come to the understanding that there is no immediate pressing crisis, we will return to Canterlot to tend to our court," Luna announced. "Twilight, we trust you will keep my sister and myself informed as the situation unfolds?"

"You can count on me," Twilight nodded enthusiastically.

"I don't mean to interrupt, but I really don't want to sleep on the cold hard ground tonight. So... I think I will see myself out," Dante politely interjected. The ponies exchanged looks.

"Okay," Twilight replied. "SPIKE," she hollered. A small purple lizard waddled out onto the balcony. "There you are, will you lead Dante, here, to the door?" Spike sighed.

"That won't be necessary either, I think I will take a shortcut," Dante smirked. Yes! My escape plan is coming along nicely! He walked to the railing and stood on the edge. His palms became sweaty but there was no feeling of impending danger. I guess now is as good a time as any to take a leap of faith. He noticed the distress appear in the ponies' eyes as he took a step off of the rail.

"Wait," one yelled. He could hear them rushing to the ledge. One had tried to grab his hood to pull him back from the fall, but they had failed to grip it he presumed. The air was rushing around him, the ground approaching fast. Despite his momentum, there was a sense of calm. He crossed his fingers.


When he hit the ground he felt the reverberation in his femurs. I survived? I SURVIVED!!!! He thought, and pumped a fist in the air. His gaze returned to the balcony above. All of the ponies were staring down at him in wonder. "Yuss," He breathed. "OKAY, SEE YOU LATER," He yelled up to them, turned, and started a jog back towards the Everfree.

Author's Note:

Longer chapter, it was fun to write.
Hope you enjoy! I am still interested in suggestions so feel free to comment.
I wonder where Pinkie landed?