• Published 26th Dec 2018
  • 34,877 Views, 1,717 Comments

The Human Pet - RushyFiction

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Chapter 43

"Crimson! Come look at this!" Redheart squealed excitedly, and ran ahead of him and Lighthouse towards the entrance of a travelling circus. "It's a circus, a real circus! I've never been to a circus! We should try out the rides before we move on to the shady side of town, yeah? Just a few? Come on!"

They had only just returned to Canterlot via Tradestone, and Lighthouse suggested catching an early carriage to the mountain - home to the thestral elite, the cream of the crop. Some of the caverns inside were so big as to be akin to palaces, containing their own little ecosystem and allowing the servants to raise a variety of exotic crops. But now, it seemed that the one earth pony in the trio wanted to spend the day frolicking rather than getting on with the job.

"We shouldn't take her." Lighthouse muttered to Crimson whilst Red scampered off to buy cotton candy. "She'll only get in the way."

"You're being cranky."

"I'm being reasonable. I mean, look at that stupid foalish grin. She has no idea what she's in for in the Caverns."

Crimson looked, and smiled. How could he not? The white mare looked positively ecstatic, especially when she turned to wave them over. He noticed that she had slightly crooked teeth, almost like tiny thestral fangs. Then Crimson noticed that he was about to topple over from a fierce push. "Hey! What gives?"

"I'm sorry, sir, but watching you drool over a daytimer isn't on the itinerary." scoffed Lighthouse, irritatedly puffing the bangs away from her large golden eyes.

"I wasn't drooling! It's just nice to see ponies be happy!"

Lighthouse ignored him and trotted over to Redheart, who was holding three pink cotton candy sticks. She was so besotted with the place that she had completely missed the conversation between bats.
"Should we start with the Haymaker, or do we dare the Cyclotron?" Red growled playfully, her ears flattening against her head. She hoofed the bats their cotton candy. "I read about that one, it's guaranteed to rattle you so hard, you'll be walking jello for the next three hours! But maybe you guys would prefer the Menagerie of Many Mystical Monsters?"

"I didn't know you were a fan of circuses." Crimson chirped. "No offense, but you always seemed kind of... uptight."

Red blushed severely. "You were my patient. And patients need a firm hoof to get better."


She shifted her weight from one pair of hooves to the other. "... I guess there's just a part of me that still wants to cut loose? I'm not a robot, Crimson. I have needs."

Lighthouse facehoofed. "Oh my gosh, you did not just say that."

Red blushed to Crimson's eye color. The latter merely blinked, oblivious to the accidental innuendo.
"Anyway..." She continued. "One of those needs is indulging in a bit of makebelieve from time to time. I love games. Board games, sports games, word games. And I used to see the Great and Powerful Trixie's show all the time, she had a real talent for making you feel like you were in a whole different world. A world where everything made so much more sense. It helps me make a better nurse, I even got some ideas from her on how to talk to the smaller foals and relate to them. So, it's ok if I read fairy tales a lot and play... act... them... it's mature, cause I'm doing it to do my job better and be a stronger adult."

"Are you trying to convince us or yourself?" Crimson asked sagely.

"I'm not convinced." Lighthouse muttered under her breath.

It seemed to Crimson that Nurse Redheart had revealed more than she intended to, so he tried to sound as sincere and calming as possible: "There's absolutely no rush to get to the Caverns... honestly, I'm not looking forward to it at all. I think we should spend the day having fun here and take the evening carriage. And you're definitely right. There's nothing more mature than taking care of yourself as much as you do your patients. Even if that involves playing Raponyzel."

"Actually, the Little Mermare is my favourite!" said Redheart, drawing in a sharp breath. "I always thought the underwater thing was kinda... cool."

"Right..." Crimson mumbled. His mother would sooner have clipped her own wings than read fairy tales to her foals. The bat corporal had never even heard of the Little Mermare. "Well, why don't you get us tickets for one of the rides while me and Lighthouse buy drinks to go with all this cotton?"
The nurse nodded excitedly and galloped off. As soon as she was gone, Lighthouse turned to Crimson.

"We are not taking her."

"You know, last I checked, I was your superior officer, not the other way around."

Lighthouse blinked several times. Had Crimson just pulled rank on her? Crimson never pulled rank on her! "Oh, you really do have it bad for this one. Sir, with all due respect, is there any reason you're dragging her along other than wanting her to see where you grew up? This is an official mission from the Princess..."

"It's my home, Lighthouse. We're just doing a little digging. You're making it sound as if I'm sending her into no pone's land."

"If it's just your home, why'd you send the entire team to camp outside of it until we leave?"

Crimson glared at her. "It never hurts to be cautious."

"Yeah, cause your mom is leader of the dratted Shadow Party! How's she gonna feel when you drag a daytimer into her home?? It won't exactly help us learn anything about what she's up to!"

"I don't have to justify my decisions to you." Crimson said firmly. "The real question is - are you coming? Because I will only take someone who trusts me."

If Lighthouse's eyes could've thrown daggers, they would have. She pawed the ground, seeming ready to adopt an attack posture. But she was loyal if nothing else. If the soft-hearted Crimson Star insisted on bumbling into trouble against all good advice, she intended to be there to say 'I told you so!' before saving him. And that bleach-furred daytimer if she could be bothered.
"Yes, sir, I'm coming." She said, with an undertone of bitterness. "But I'll be waiting at the carriage station. There's nothing I hate more than a spoilsport, especially if it's me."

"You're never a spoilsport." Crimson shook his head. "Besides, don't you wanna see me piss myself in the Menagerie of Monsters? They've got chimeras in there! Those snake heads really freak me out."

Lighthouse snorted in spite of herself. "I'll pass. Now go, you don't wanna keep a mare waiting."

"Hey!" Crimson hissed. "That's not... what it's like. I don't even think I'm ready for something like that."

"That explains a lot... well, you enjoy yourself, sir. Cause I bet it's gonna be a rough few days ahead of us."

Redheart frowned when she saw Crimson Star returning on his own, without drinks. Not that she minded being alone with him. Lighthouse had been nothing but a pain to her ever since they met. But she could tell that Crimson trusted the batmare deeply, possibly more than anypony else, and she had no desire to throw a wrench into that partnership regardless of her unfavourable perception of Lighthouse's character. "Is everything alright?"

"Yeah." Crimson said in a clipped, unconvincing tone. "Light's not really a party mare, so..."

Redheart snorted. "Please don't lie to me, that's not your strength. That bat is probably the soul of every party from Canterlot to Yakyakistan. She just doesn't like me."

Crimson smiled awkwardly, and shrugged. "She's worried that you'll get in trouble if we bring you along."

"Will I?"

"Not if I'm there." He said, proudly puffing out his chest. Red deadpanned. Colts! "It's my mom we're talking about here. She can be a little fierce, but she's not gonna do anything to one of my guests. You're perfectly safe."

"Taking me under your wing, are you?" Red purred, before cracking up. "Sorry. I couldn't resist."

Crimson rolled his eyes. "You told me you wanted to have an insight into thestral life, so that's exactly what I plan to give you. And there's something you should know. I own the deed to our family cavern. Which means it's my home, my rules. I don't care who complains, there's nothing that can stop you from visiting whenever you want. I won't have it."

"Well, color me impressed. I had a feeling there's a feral side somewhere underneath that fluffy exterior. I think it's just a bat thing." Red smirked. "Sooner or later, you all find something to bare your fangs at."

The bat corporal stepped closer. "Trust me, Red, you'll know when I bare my fangs."

She did the same, getting close enough to look up at him. "Yeah? How will I know?"
He grinned widely. A few moments passed before Redheart realised he was quite literally baring his fangs. "You dork!" She slapped his chest, pushing him off.

"Ow." said Crimson nonchalantly, patting down his tuft. "I almost felt that."

Red saw... well, red. "You are gonna get it, mister!" She shouted defiantly and latched onto the bat's large neck, trying to reach up to noogie the top of his head.

"Hey-hey-hey, knock it off, we're gonna miss our ride!" Crimson complained.

The mare dropped down, but it was too late. The Haymaker had started without them, and their tickets were now worthless. "Oh, horse-apples!" Red pouted.

"It's alright, I'll buy tickets for the next one." He was about to leave, but Redheart called him back. "What is it?"

"Crimson... I just wanted to say I'm happy you're alright now. Your legs were pretty busted up. I was worried you might carry a limp for the rest of your life, if not worse. It wouldn't be fair on someone like you."

The bat shook his head. "I was always alright. Had you looking after me, didn't I?"

Applejack sunk into the red leather cushions of the local Saddlebucks, and ordered a peppermint tea. The barista gave her an odd look, but the farm mare couldn't care less. Why anyone in their right mind would drink coffee, she had no clue. Tartarus probably had tastier drinks to offer. It was only a cover, anyway. She wasn't there to enjoy their pretense of a menu. She was there to find out why she and the rest of her group were being followed by a bizarre duo from Ponyville.

Care Taker and Diamond Tiara sat on the opposite end of the cafe, at a window seat with a direct view to Canterlot Castle's doors. They were so enwrapped in their spying that they had failed to notice Applejack heading straight for their hideout after the bats went their way and 'Skinny' went his. To put it rudely, they were an incompetent nuisance and the farm mare had noticed their staring before she'd even said farewell to the others. And now she intended to find out what they were up to. Her fuzzy orange ears twitched in their direction.

"... Charlie-Tango-Alpha. What's your position?" The old stallion grumbled.

"I am standing on your head. Binoculars facing enemy base. Target has not yet exited." Diamond proudly recited. "But soon he will, and he will be all mine..."

Care Taker rolled his eyes. "I still don't think bipedals and quadrupedals mix well..."

"Up. Shut." the little filly hissed, and tugged angrily at his mane. Care Taker didn't care enough to banter further. A shame, as he might have revealed his own motivations. Applejack decided a more direct approach was called for, and trotted over to the pair.

"Well howdy fellas!" Applejack announced loudly behind them, frightening the wits out of both. Diamond Tiara fell off the stallion, collapsing onto the cushion with a scared 'eep!'

"Do you mind?" Care Taker growled before realising who she was. "Oh, miss Applejack. Heh. Didn't see you there."

Applejack raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, you wouldn't, would you? Not with your noses pressed against the glass. What are you two up to? And you..." she looked down towards Diamond, who laughed nervously. "Aren't your parents concerned where you are?"

Diamond shrugged. "They're off, err, playing the piccolo with their band. In Vanhoover. Yeah."

"Uh-huh." Applejack turned back to Care Taker, and frowned. "I know you from somewhere. Weren't you running a circus some years back?"

He gritted his teeth. "What of it?"

"Well now, I couldn't help noticing there was a circus here in town. One would think you'd show up, give them a few pointers."

"I doubt they'd want any from someone who ran his business into the ground."

Applejack grinned mischievously. "But that's not what I heard. I remember now. You hired night ponies, like Changelings and thestrals. And then they robbed you blind. Bad luck."

"I asked - what of it?"

"Nothing, just making conversation... except for the fact that you're spying on me and other ponies. Two of whom are thestrals. Makes me think there's something more going on."

Care Taker glared at her. "Like what?"

"You're the spy, you tell me... or I'm taking this to the authorities. And since I'm the Element of Honesty..." she winked.

Diamond Tiara chose the moment to pipe up. "Uhh, what happened to your accent?"

Applejack blinked. "My what now?"

"Your accent! You know, the farmer voice! The gosh-darnits and the whatchamacallits!" She poorly imitated Applejack's regular voice, making both adult ponies laugh.

"That there, sugarcube, is just for the good ol' bit-spinning tourists." said Applejack, pointedly exaggerating her trademark southern twang. "But that's besides the point. I... I mean, 'Ah' want to know what... y'all... are doing here in this here establishment!"

Care Taker interrupted Diamond's inevitable tirade about enslaving Skinny for her own fiendish purposes. "I strongly suspect that 'Skinny' has come under the influence of the thestrals. Specifically Crimson Star, son of Crystal Star... of less than ill repute. As long as he wears the Alicorn Amulet, he will be vulnerable to the dark forces within Equestria."

"And you don't think the Princesses can handle it?" Applejack asked.

The old pony shook his head sadly. "I think they're far, far too optimistic to recognise what's brewing under their noses. If the Amulet reaches Crystal Star, we're all in deep trouble."

Applejack nodded. "You could be right."

Diamond stuck out his tongue. "You're both so stupid. Skinny would never give the Amulet to some ugly creepy night pony, he's smart and cool and has wiggly toe things." She waved her hooves in a vague imitation of Skinny's fingers.

The farm mare ran out of patience with her. She placed a hoof on Diamond's head. "You are gonna give up this sad obsession with Skinny, go back home, do your homework and find somepony as bigoted as you to have a crush on." She said, her green eyes flashing sternly.

"I'm gonna give up this sad obsession with Skinny, go back home, do my homework and find somepony as bigoted as me to have a crush on." Diamond repeated flatly.

"Attagirl. Off you trot."

Diamond Tiara jumped off her couch and ran out without so much as a goodbye. Applejack turned to Care Taker. "Why don't you come with me?"

"To where?"

"Back to the Castle. Skinny went in to face Princess Celestia, but if she won't be able to remove the Amulet from him, he'll be going into the Caverns next. Got an invitation from Crystal Star and everything. I think I'll tag along. You can tag with me."

Care Taker snorted. "As your date?"

The two earth ponies had to sit and wait no more than half an hour before they saw the unmistakable figure of Skinny stumble out of the gates. Applejack grinned widely and galloped over to him. Care Taker followed more cautiously. Partly because he didn't trust Skinny and partly because his appearance... unnerved him.

There were patches of grey at the alien's temples that Care Taker was certain had not been there when they last met in Ponyville. His arrogant gait was replaced by an awkward, shambling one. His eyes darted around nervously, only relaxing when the Element of Honesty nuzzled against his knee. "Hey, Applejack." Skinny mumbled.

"How'd it go?" She asked. "I see you still have the Amulet." Indeed, it was hanging around his neck, just as ominous as ever.

"Y-yeah... yeah. The Princess, um, wasn't too happy to see me..."

"Hah!" said Care Taker sardonically. "I wonder why?"

Applejack hummed as Skinny reached down to stroke her ears. "But I guess you held your ground, and couldn't let go of that thing?"

"Yeah..." Skinny replied, touching the Amulet uncertainly. "It's too important to give up. It's what let me talks to you." Seemingly tired, he fell to one knee. "Oof! Sorry."

"No problem, you rest on me now. I'm sure those sorry bats will be here soon... ish. And if not, we'll go find them in a while. But you rest now, you hear? You look like you've been through a lot."


Applejack grinned. "But you didn't give in."