• Published 10th Jan 2019
  • 1,271 Views, 220 Comments

Sigil of Souls, Stream of Memories - Piccolo Sky

In an alternate world of shadow, steam, and danger, the future hinges on six individuals forming a new friendship.

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Daybreak: An Immodest Proposal

“Alright, so we have a partial cipher to the text on the maps.”

“Right…but the cipher is no good because the maps are written in a language we don’t understand. So we need a book to translate.”

“Exactly…except we don’t have one of those because there’s a dozen different languages in here we don’t have any familiarity with. The best we have is this one book that has a partial translation into an unrelated dialect.”

But that dialect has a key into a different regional tone in this book…”

“And that script has a translation into three similar dialects on this recovered cuneiform from a burial site recorded here…”

“And the third one is only a generation removed from our cipher!”

Starlight smirked at the end of that. “Yeah…‘almost too easy’, huh?”

Twilight gave back a little smile of her own. “That’s alright. I never did mind doing some heavy research. And now we finally have a plan forward. Once this is done we’ll be able to read these maps along with most of the older books.”

She snickered as she looked back down to the book she was working on. “Ancient languages and scripts like this… I like a good bit of research as much as the next scholar. Maybe even more. But you take to this even more readily than I do.”

Twilight shrugged as she looked back to her own book, making a few notes as she spoke. “Well, this is pretty important. Although, to be honest, I kind of enjoy it. It makes me feel like the old days. Especially being in this library. I can almost imagine it’s another research project.”

“That’s right. I keep forgetting you have a more personal stake in this. You used to be a student here.”

Twilight jotted down her current note before pausing and looking up. “What about you?”


“I mean, I appreciate how much you’re in to all of this. You’ve been a big help to all of us. It’s just that I didn’t run into too many people who wanted to research things related to Nighttouched. Most people were too scared. What got you into it?”

“Oh. Um…well…you see-”

Starlight was cut off as the doors to the library were practically flung open, creating such a loud noise on hitting the doorstops that the two ladies snapped up and looked around. However, there was little to be worried about. Rarity and Rainbow Dash were simply walking inside, with the latter looking a bit irritable and the former frowning at her in a scolding manner.

“Really now, Ms. Dash. You could stand to use a bit more couth when trapezing around indoors. This is a library.”

“I wouldn’t be so annoyed if you had just settled on shoving those people into a dorm hall, already!”

“I’ll have you know that proper décor is very important from an aesthetic perspective! We don’t want those people feeling like they’re living like refugees in a hollowed out ruin, after all. Or befouling this establishment’s natural charm.”

Dash merely groaned and rolled her eyes. Starlight raised an eyebrow. “Don’t tell me even more showed up.”

Twilight looked likewise surprised. “Even more? How many this time?”

“The largest group yet. Seven. These ones weren’t even from Manehattan. They had fled all the way from Fillydelphia.”

“I don’t even see how the hell they’re making it here! Shouldn’t they have gotten…I dunno…eaten or something?”

“That’s a rather grim notion, Ms. Dash…although I must say I share some of your sentiments. This place is normally hidden due to Ms. Luna’s influence and yet somehow they all keep finding their way here…”

Dash shrugged. “I guess we shouldn’t complain. We could always use more people to watch the walls for the next Nighttouched swarm…”

Twilight grimaced. “I’d hope we could get them to help in something a bit better than ‘monster fodder’…”

Rarity sighed and walked forward. “That’s not all, darling. The train returned. Your brother wasn’t on board, but we received several letters. One for you and two for Ms. Glimmer.”

Reaching the two ladies, she proceeded to hand over the three envelopes. The two readily accepted them and broke their respective seals. After unfurling the letters, they both read them momentarily while Rarity took a seat and Dash simply leaned against the nearest column.

It wasn’t long before both of them looked rather unwell.

“That doesn’t look like a good sign…”

Twilight sighed. “Well, the good news is Shining Armor hasn’t confirmed our suspicions…yet. The bad news is that things are getting worse in Manehattan. According to this, the grand chancellor is pushing back at Fillydelphia over what they did in Southern Equestria.”

Dash let out a loud chuckle. “Serves ‘em right.”

“I don’t think this is really a matter of ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ at this point…” Twilight answered worriedly. “If this ends up breaking the alliance between those two all together, then there’s not going to be any real force standing between Trottingham and the rest of Greater Everfree. Fillydelphia might be able to fight back but not forever without Manehattan’s supplies. And if they go for Manehattan, they don’t have nearly the military power to last. All of their resources and wealth would be theirs for the taking.”

“And let’s not forget if Sombra decides to exploit the whole thing…” Starlight spoke up uncomfortably.

“…Don’t remind me.”

Starlight folded up her letter and put it away with a sigh. “I got pretty much the same story on this one from Party Favor and Sugar Belle. I wonder what about this one, though…” She broke the seal on her other envelope, pulled out the letter, and read it over for a few moments. Not long after, her own eyes widened, and she suddenly stood up and out of her chair.

The reaction was so sudden it made everyone look to her. “What is it? Something wrong?”

She studied the letter for a few more moments. “You remember that one hidden building we found?”

Twilight nodded.

“It looks like they managed to turn on some of the devices in there, and they may have found something. Something big.

“Like what?”

Starlight paused a moment, but then hurriedly folded up the note and put it in her vest along with the first one. “I need to go.”

Twilight nearly leapt in her seat, startling Spike nearby. “Wait…wait what? What is it?”

“Maybe nothing…but maybe everything,” she answered as she pulled her bag from the floor onto her chair and began to start closing up her books to shove them inside. “Remember how you thought Sombra needs a way to find a body? Well, based on what they said here, it looks like my people I have poking around that secret room might have found a way for him to get one.”

This nearly made her get up, and got Rarity and Rainbow Dash’s attention as well. “What? Are you sure?”

“I don’t know. The details are hazy, but…I need to take a look.”

“Well…well maybe I should come with you, then. I kind of want to see this place myself…”

“Oh no. I don’t want to yank you away from this. You and your friends are still the one who have to find him and fight him. I’m the one who’s ‘available’ this time. Plus I have a network. I’ll be able to wire to the train depot anything I find and they’ll get it up to you.”

Twilight didn’t look like she quite liked that answer. And not just because it meant missing out on what Starlight was talking about.

“Look, if this letter is right, then whatever is there is long-since broken. The best this will do is give us some clues about what to look for, but we’ll still have to read the maps.”

“About that… I like research as much as the next…um… Well, I like research more than anyone else here, but I think trying to crack this thing all by myself is too much even for me.”

“That’s why I’m packing these,” Starlight answered, waving her latest book in front of her before putting it away. “I don’t plan on just enjoying a nice, leisurely train ride. I’ll be hard at work deciphering the whole time. Everything I crack I’ll make sure gets sent back to you.”

Twilight still seemed rather uncomfortable about the whole arrangement, but she sighed in resignation. “I guess you’re right… We really can’t afford to lose many more people here, but this way impacts us the least… I’ve already been shut up in the library as-is so I guess this wouldn’t be much of a change…”

“Great!” she answered as she flipped her bag flap over, fastened it, and hoisted it up on her back. “I’ll get right to work as soon as I get my things together, and I’ll be back as soon as I can. You just get to work on that key to the regional tone and I’ll have that cuneiform cracked before you know it.”

The mage was still a bit uncertain as Starlight turned about and began to walk out of the library, but she didn’t sound any more protestations. Instead, after a moment she sighed and looked back to the note in her hand. Her look grew a bit more furtive.

“Is something else wrong, dear?” Rarity called.

“Not really, I suppose… Just that Shining Armor and the others will be stuck there for a little while. They need to meet with the grand chancellor and apparently he’s having a hard time fitting them in. I’m just a bit worried about how long it’ll take them to get back…”

Spike inclined his head to her with concern, but she exhaled and set the note to one side.

“I guess there’s no sense worrying about it now. I’ve got plenty to keep busy with until he comes back…”

A small knock rang out on the door. Shining Armor sat bolt upright before coming to a stance, but Sunset Shimmer kept her patience and merely turned a page of the newspaper she was reading. Of the two of them, she soon turned out to be the justified one when the door opened. Keeping her head low and meekly slipping inside came Marble Pie.

Shining Armor sighed and sat back in his chair as Sunset shook her head. “Still thinking there’s going to be news any minute now? I thought you got used to Marble going out for prayers by now.”

“Cut me a little slack,” he responded, wiping a touch of sweat from his forehead, “The major general said he’d be coming by this afternoon to see the grand chancellor. He could be here any minute.”

Sunset sighed and looked at the clock. “It’s only 7 AM. I think Marble will have time for her midday prayers too before we head out.”

Shining Armor nearly relaxed again when the door latch clicked. Again, he shot to his feet, but this time it was Big Mac who walked in; looking a bit sore and grumpy. He again let out a sigh as he slumped as the big man half-slammed the door behind him.

Sunset again regarded this dully, only slightly raising her head. “Kicked you out of the kitchen again?”


“Forgive me if this sounds rude, but I’m kind of glad I didn’t grow up on a farm if it means I don’t get obsessed with doing my own breakfast dishes.”

He merely sulked and moved into the nearest chair, expressing his stir-craziness at having been cooped up on the room for two days with nothing to do yet again.

“It’s more than not being allowed to do our own cleaning,” Stygian spoke up, as he had tended to do over the past two days whenever he had an observation. He was seated at the window at the moment, but other than staring out of it he hadn’t had much reaction all morning. “They’re not allowing us to do much of anything. And what they are letting us do outside of this room is being closely monitored. I’ve noticed it since we got here.”

Sunset grimaced at that, not able to return to the newspaper on that footing. “Normally I’d just say that’s the kind of paranoia I come up with, but seeing as you’re the one noticing it, Stygian, I think there’s some basis in reality.”

Stygian, as usual, did not respond.

“Well, just the same,” Shining Armor announced as he slowly eased back into his seat, “let’s be ready to go as soon as the major general comes back. The sooner we get this cleared up, the sooner we can get back to Twily and the others.”

“No argument there,” Sunset added, trying to look back at her paper. “And the sooner I can stop looking for pastimes that hide my face…”

There were no shortage of private meeting areas on the Congressional Square, but Sunset was nevertheless still rather tense over the venue that ended up being chosen. It wasn’t merely an unused building with a large interior room as Twilight had reported their past meetings had been. It was one of the more obscure and concealed locales within one of the garrisons, of all things; a fact which didn’t exactly set well with any of them. And while the escort was cordial enough, the fact that they ended up shifted into a room with gaslighting as opposed to any windows and only two doors in a building with soldiers normally on standby wasn’t lost on any of them.

Sunset was constantly self-conscious about the state of her dyed hair, wondering if any of the roots were showing by now. However, she didn’t have to worry as much about looking uncomfortable this time as they all were a bit on edge. Marble Pie was cringing while Big Mac glanced about suspiciously every step of the way. Shining Armor showed off his tension with every step he took. About the only one who didn’t seem impacted was Stygian, save for rubbing his Promethian Sigil every now and then, but considering his normally stoic manner since the incident in Equestria that didn’t help much. Even when Kibitz greeted them personally and led them on they didn’t feel much better.

At length, when they did reach the room, there was a seat for each of them at a large table. Cushioned seats, at that, with tea already set out to boot. The grand chancellor’s retinue had already arrived and had their seats, although many of them rose and shook hands to introduce themselves to Shining Armor and anyone else who was willing. (Sunset abstained.) Once Kibitz took his own seat it put them at least at enough ease to sit, in spite of the normal service guards at the doorways; at which point he apologized for the grand chancellor running a bit behind.

The other set of doors opened soon after, allowing the grand chancellor to make his appearance at long last. Sunset found herself having a hard time not staring. It had only been two days since they had seen him, but she could swear he looked even more haggard than before. Paler. Even thinner, if such a thing were possible. And in spite of his demeanor being as cordial as ever, she could tell that it was forced due to tiredness as he reached the table.

“So sorry for being late. I swear time escapes me more than ever nowadays. Please, don’t rise on my account. I’m more than happy to take a seat myself.”

Soon he had pulled a chair and sat at the table along with all the others. He took a moment to exhale, as if catching his breath.

“Now then, major general, I believe I haven’t had the pleasure of a more formal introduction to the rest of the company.”

“Of course, sir. Shining Armor, you already know. I also am pleased to introduce Big Macintosh, Applejack’s older brother,”

He nodded back silently.

“Marble Pie, Pinkie Pie’s younger sister,”

She blushed a little and shrank, barely managing a head nod of her own.

“Stygian, one of our own Manehattan privates,”

“Mr. Chancellor,” he answered with a head bow.

“And Moonshine Flash, Twilight Sparkle’s own appointed expert in eidolons.”

Sunset was rooted to the spot for a moment, before she managed to swallow back enough of her anxiety to give a slight nod. “Hey…I mean, greetings…er…Mr. Chancellor. At your service.”

He nodded back to the group. “At yours. I will admit I wanted to speak with Twilight Sparkle and her…shall we say…somewhat unique company personally, but I am grateful that she has appointed you all to enable us to maintain more regular contact without impeding her great service to Manehattan. You are all most welcome.”

“Thank you, Grand Chancellor,” Shining Armor answered. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to get right into it. We’ve already been delayed two days and what we have to discuss is rather pressing-”

“Of course, of course, and I will be glad to assist you in any way that I can. If I may, however, I was hoping that I might quickly pass along a request to you to present to Twilight and her company as soon as possible before we get started. Forgive me for taxing your patience, but this is a pressing matter and time is of the essence.”

Shining Armor deflated a little, almost letting out a sigh at having been interrupted again. However, he composed himself and ruefully nodded. “Yes sir.”

“Thank you, sir.” With that, the grand chancellor looked up to the doors behind them and gave a nod. Sunset, irked by this, leaned up and looked behind them. The soldiers were indeed moving, but only to make sure the doors were closed and that no one was in the hallway. Once that was done, the grand chancellor folded his hands and leaned forward.

“Now…please understand me when I say that what I am about to tell you is knowledge that only very select individuals are privy to at this time,” he spoke more solemnly. “The official announcement will be made in the days to come, but at the moment this is intended to be a private matter and, as you no doubt have noticed, there are eyes and ears all over the Congressional Square at this time. No doubt, at this moment, you all are well aware that Trottingham has halted its advance but is maintaining control over Appleloosa?”

Big Mac frowned and Sunset swallowed a lump, but they along with the others nodded.

“You may also be aware that we attempted a Continental Summit following the end of the night over Equestria. It was…largely ineffective. The only meaningful thing that came from it was that Trottingham issued an ultimatum to Appleloosa that, by now, you realize they were serious about. Trottingham clearly has greater ambitions and, at the moment, we are not in the best position to be dealing with them. Where things go from here is largely in the hands of Mount Aris and if they decide to break their neutral stance or allow Trottingham to fly over the Hyperboreans.

“It is for that reason that I and the rest of the leaders of Greater Everfree practically leapt at the chance to attend a new summit that Trottingham has offered to hold in an apolitical setting within Mount Aris itself. They announced their intentions just the day before you arrived and we promptly accepted. It seems almost everyone has now.”

“Why do they want to negotiate now?” Stygian suddenly interjected. “Did they request anything special beforehand?”

He shook his head. “Nothing save what manpower we had invested in the effort to reclaim Equestria, as well as where we planned our ‘goodwill’ tours to recruit eidolons prior to the effort being terminated in Fillydelphia. I have no idea exactly what Trottingham intends with this summit…whether it be to threaten us again, argue for legitimizing their Appleloosan occupation, or to try and plan their next move. Yet none of us can afford to ignore it. Any time keeping them in negotiations, regardless of the reasonableness of their demands, is precious to us. And we can’t allow them to persuade Mount Aris unchallenged.”

Shining Armor was quiet momentarily. “That sounds very serious, sir, but what does that have to do with us?”

“Before our relations with Fillydelphia became too openly strained, we managed to share some intelligence with one another, and we believe we have confirmed the identity of the rumored individual known as the ‘Fire Witch’.”

Sunset was glad she wasn’t drinking her tea at that moment, or she may have slipped or choked on it. As it was, she felt a cold lump in her throat. She found herself glancing around the room at the soldiers again and what they were doing.

“It turns out the new regent has a ‘partner-in-crime’, so to speak. A first lieutenant who has been primarily responsible for his successes on most of his battlefields as well as in terms of his latest technology. It took us some time but eventually we managed to confirm her identity: an admiral named Tempest Shadow.”

Sunset felt a wave of relief wash over her, even if that name was one she never cared to hear again. She practically melted into her chair, before getting enough of her wits to start guarding her behavior again.

“Now we haven’t confirmed this yet, but apparently she’s taken to the battlefield personally on several occasions. On each one, she’s demonstrated tremendous power that she seems capable of generating all by herself—leading us to believe she must be an eidolon herself. Apparently, she’s also quite fond of demonstrating this ability as one of her shows of force. Enough to where she’s become the Storm King’s personal ‘negotiator’ to coerce surrender out of his opponents. And we have confirmed that she indeed intends to appear on the Storm King’s behalf at this summit. No doubt to again present more ultimatums…perhaps with a show of force to back it up.”

He leaned in closer, folding his hands.

“We have further learned that, for all intensive purposes, it is not the Storm King who was responsible for the success of Trottingham against the Dragonlands or Appleloosa. It was this mysterious admiral. She’s a master in the realm of aerial combat, her ruthlessness and ingenuity on the battlefield has outdone any of the old commanders she’s been pitted against, and she’s devised what appears to be some sort of new performance enhancement for those under her command that make them proverbial beasts. The Storm King may fashion himself a new ruler of a Trottingham empire, but it is this Tempest Shadow who gives him his scepter. She is, without a doubt, the most important figure in terms of the military of Trottingham.”

A pause. “Again, Mr. Grand Chancellor, I don’t see what that has to do with us.”

Fancy Pants took in a deep breath.

“There are many strict guidelines for this upcoming conference. Mount Aris wasn’t chosen simply due to its neutrality but due to its security. All weapons will be forbidden and strictly controlled. Very few unarmed soldiers allowed within the conference grounds. Everyone closely sequestered. But, as you well know, that would matter little to Tempest Shadow if she was an eidolon. I doubt even she would venture so far as to try a mass execution by herself. She’d never be able to pull it off and escape with her life. However, she still would intend to vent some of her power to get us quaking in our boots if nothing else. And she could easily protect herself from anyone who endeavored to make a move against her.”

He moistened his lips.

“Unless…of course…she was to encounter another eidolon. One with powers that were equally potentially destructive but had the skill to remain…somewhat subtle. An eidolon…or even a group thereof…who could easily be brought inside as diplomats or consultants under the guise of civilian identities.”

Shining Armor went rigid at that. Marble Pie’s eyes widened. Big Mac still didn’t quite connect the dots, but Sunset definitely had.

“The death of Tempest Shadow would serve as a crippling blow to the ambitions of Trottingham. Enough to halt them dead in their tracks. She’s impossible to touch on the battlefield. But in Mount Aris…at this conference…in a place and time in which all attendants are made to feel perfectly secure and at ease no matter what…and carried out by ones who could manage such an…exchange…”

At this, Shining Armor’s eyes narrowed. “I think you mean to say ‘assassination’, grand chancellor.”

“Twilight and company, or similar eidolons, are the only ones who can pull this off without notice. To make it look perfectly like an accident. Any accusations of magic would be dismissed as mere conjecture, as poorly understood as it is. And in the end, thousands…tens of thousands…of lives would be spared. Everyone would benefit. Everyone…save a megalomaniacal despot who would have lost his greatest pawn.”

Shining Armor’s demeanor hadn’t changed. He leaned back and spoke louder, as if he wanted this announced more publicly. “You want my sister and her friends to essentially stab a woman in the back for you, and do it so sneakily that no one ever thinks to blame your country for it.”

The grand chancellor paused, before his own face surprisingly firmed as he sat up. “Twilight Sparkle and company are part of a special task force under Manehattan jurisdiction. This entire operation into Canterlot and their encampment there can be considered part of Manehattan occupation. As members of the Manehattan government, I want them to do a great service to their country.”

“My sister and her friends wanted to help everyone, including Manehattan, to be free of the effects of the Lunar Fall and to make sure no one like Nightmare Moon ever appears again. I doubt when they agreed to your offer they really had carrying our your country’s dirty work for you in mind.”

A cold silence went through the chamber. The individuals on the grand chancellor’s side of the table had become stone-faced at Shining Armor’s rebuke. Sunset felt the chill once again. The mood was definitely no longer warm.

After a time the grand chancellor, still composed, spoke again. “I would hardly consider this ‘dirty work’. Certainly not if it ends up avoiding an almost certainly imminent war on Greater Everfree. However, this message was not intended for you, sir, unless you are of the certain type that Twilight Sparkle can verify is up to carrying out the task. Otherwise, I kindly request that you pass along the message to her directly. The delegation for the summit will depart in three days and I would request a response and envoy as soon as possible.”

“I’ll pass on the message,” Shining Armor retorted, having not changed his tone at all, “but I’ll give you the answer I expect of her right now. Namely that she and her friends are working very hard preparing to go into battle against something big, terrible, and evil that threatens everyone in Greater Everfree and not just Manehattan, and that stopping this monster is a little more important than giving you ‘convenient solutions’ to your political problems. And as for me, I’ll let you know right now that my sister isn’t a hired killer, especially not to anyone who comes to a place under a flag of peace, and I don’t appreciate you or anyone treating her like one.”

No one else in the group dared speak or even show any emotion at that; least of all Sunset. As much as she wanted to slap Shining Armor in the back of the head for basically just spitting in the face of the most powerful man in Manehattan, she didn’t dare balk now and make things any worse.

What she did see, however, was that a shadow had fallen over the grand chancellor’s face as the rest of his officials, Kibitz included, grew visibly uncomfortable. He stared at Shining Armor for several seconds of silence.

“I am very sorry to hear that, although I will say I prefer to hear it from Twilight Sparkle’s own lips or by her own hand. Please pass along the message regardless.”

His expression grew sharper.

“And when you do, I suggest that she…and you for that matter…consider this. Both myself and my administration have been working very hard on behalf of her and the rest of the eidolons, and we have had a very rough time of it considering all that has transpired. There are more than enough rumors circulating about to cause a fair share of paranoia and panic. Both of which could lead to violence as well as governmental opposition if it wasn’t constantly squashed. There are more than a few representatives as well as segments of the populace that consider eidolons to be a liability at best and a threat at worse.”

His own eyes narrowed.

“You would all do well to think on how difficult they would make your situation were I to withdraw my favor from you. To say nothing of how long you would be able to support yourselves and act freely without my provisions and blessing. Now then…did you have something you wished to discuss with me?”

Shining Armor’s face remained defiant, but the way in which Fancy Pants said that made it clear what the situation was. He had been deflated. He sat there a moment, grasping the armrest, looking like he wanted to say more and not just due to his outstanding concerns.

“No,” was all he finally got out. “I’d like to return to our chambers so I can write that message to Twily.”

“Thank you,” the grand chancellor answered, his face not showing the slightest hint of gratitude. “Then if that will be all, I will retire home for the evening. The major general will see you back.”

“Were you trying to get our heads in nooses back there, or what?”

“I wasn’t about to agree to that! Not on Twily’s behalf or anyone’s!”

Sunset rolled her eyes and let out an audible fume, for once not caring if the walls of their rooms were thick enough to block out any outside noise. No sooner had the last of them entered and Stygian shut the door behind them than she blew up. “Haven’t you ever heard of an offer you can’t refuse? That guy is the only person on this planet who is giving you and your sisters any legitimacy and is saving you from the torches and pitchforks, and you just told him to shove it when he asked you for a favor!”

“That wasn’t a favor; it was murder! And Twily’s not an assassin!” He turned to Big Mac. “Is Applejack an assassin?”

He shook his head once. “Nope.”

He turned to Marble Pie. “Is Pinkie Pie an assassin?”


“Then all I did was save him the trouble of asking them!” Shining Armor concluded as he turned back to Sunset. “And I’m sure Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy would have felt the same way!”

Sunset grasped her head and let out a massive groan as she spun about and stomped across the room. “You people drive me absolutely crazy sometimes! It’s not enough that you already got so many people against you—you have to go looking for trouble by pasting more targets on your back!”

“It’s called ‘having principles’. This isn’t self-defense or trying to stop monsters—it’s waiting until someone is lulled into a false sense of security and then murdering her in cold blood.”

She scoffed. “Well, if you think Tempest Shadow is going to give you an ounce of the same courtesy, you’ve got another think coming! You heard what the chancellor said! The world would be better off without her!”

“It’s not Twily’s job to go around ‘getting rid of the bad people’! No one has the right no matter how much power they have!”

“You and your precious ‘principles’… What good do they do you? What good are they going to be if they get you imprisoned or killed? Look around!” She spun to Big Mac and pointed straight at him. “The only thing holding your ground did for your family is get them killed!” She spun to Marble Pie next, pointing so sharply she actually shrunk back. “And you? You might as well have been waiting in a death camp with your family because you couldn’t stifle those prayers of yours!” She turned back to Shining Armor. “I could have had you killed if your parents hadn’t sold out your fake sister because you wouldn’t talk!” She wheeled around one more time.

“And as for…”

Her finger had just gone up, pointing at Stygian. He showed nothing…but she slowly trailed off regardless. Her face softened and she was still for a moment, before she turned and looked back over the room.

Shining Armor showed nothing, but Big Mac’s jaw had tightened as he looked at the floor. Marble Pie was shrinking back. And though Stygian wasn’t showing anything, it was clear what was about to come and he was expecting it.

Sunset stood there silently, before her finger slowly withdrew and her hand fell. Her eyes looked to the floor. She nearly turned away, but after a half-turn she paused and turned back.

“I’m…sorry. To everyone.”

Big Mac and Marble Pie said nothing else, but eased up and went about their tasks. Stygian himself remained silent. Shining Armor inhaled and exhaled before stepping forward. “I suppose I could have used more tact, but…what’s done is done now. But even if I was alright with this, we can’t let Twilight and the others be dragged away now.” He sighed and ran his hand through his hair. “And on top of all that, I got so worked up I didn’t even think to ask about those refugees…”

Sunset grabbed one of her arms and looked to the side. “That was probably for the best. We didn’t need to agitate him any more than he is already. I know Fancy Pants is a stuffed shirt, but…I’m honestly a little surprised at him. First this turn on Fillydelphia and now he practically threatens us. I thought he was more open-minded…” She exhaled. “What do we do now?”

Shining Armor had no answer. He crossed his arms and stared at a spot on the floor. There was nothing from Big Mac or Marble Pie either.

Yet after a moment, Stygian spoke up softly.

“I may have…an idea or two.”

Author's Note:

Phew...hopefully the short lag time between chapters is going to be a sign of things to come. For the record, we're rapidly heading toward the climax of "Daybreak", and it hopefully will only be another couple chapters before the mess hits the fan. See you then. :)

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