• Published 28th Jan 2019
  • 491 Views, 64 Comments

Dear Feather Fall - Keywii_Cookies55

A joyful pony leaves her old life behind to start anew somewhere else. But what will happen? You tell me, it's interactive!

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8 Something Bad (1)

Dear Feather Fall,


I was just minding my own business and then woke up in a strange room being untied by Sun and it was almost a week later! And... I don’t remember any of it! And I didn’t get to write a letter to you and I’m really sorry!

I hope you can forgive me for not writing to you, I swear I would have, but...

I’m sorry, I’ll start at the beginning, because I have so much to tell you and I hope it’ll all fit into the same letter, but I don’t know, I might have to send you two.

And just so you know, I’m fine now, I’m more worried than anything else about how you’ve been thinking without getting my weekly letter, and I can’t express how sorry I am that I didn’t get to send you anything, and if I don’t start now I’ll keep apologizing, so I’ll just start, I love you and you’re my best friend.

Okay here goes.

So It started like any other week, I was working, and spending time with my friends at the Warm Roast and learning all sorts of things about the Changelings and everything that’s been strange in my life.

I got a letter from somepony I’d never met before saying he liked me. It was a love letter and I was really happy to get it, even if it was a little creepy, but I read it over and over again wondering who it could be. I asked around and got mixed results. Sun got defensive but said she didn’t send it, Proxy and Edge both acted like it was the end of the world and that no special somepony was good enough for me.

The Recruiter didn’t have an answer, but that’s how he always is about anything that isn’t Sun, Lyra got excited with me and wanted to track down who my secret admirer is. I told her I didn’t want to scare them away and was just happy getting the letter, and she didn’t push further. I asked a couple of the other janitors as I passed them, but they all said it wasn’t them.

It was the next day and I was going to ask the old mare in the park, but that’s when I saw the stallion that’s been following me around again. I thought it might be him, so I walked over to the corner he was around and that’s when I passed out.

I don’t know anything that happened for a week after that moment, but Sun knows what happened, and has told me everything. I don’t think I believe it all, but she wouldn’t lie to me, and really so much crazy stuff has happened to me that I can’t really say I’m all that surprised anymore.

The stallion that’s been following me around is actually another janitor, and he’s been shadowing me because he was afraid of what I’d say if I found out about his other job. But he used some sort of drug on me, which knocked me out.

Sun was working on my mirror at the time, and so she saw what was going on. She heard a bunch of chaos up in my apartment from the changelings. Apparently they can feel when I’m in trouble, or unhappy or anything else. I don’t understand why, but they know what I feel and when. So Sun had to trust them and work with them to find me.

She told Spring, who’s still been getting smarter, and Spring spoke, saying she wondered who would take me. Sun didn’t like it, but knew that getting Edge and Lyra together to find me was a high priority, so she had to call them. Apparently Edge hung up at first, but Lyra was already on her way over.

Sun started right away making equipment to find and save me, because she saw me being dragged off into a dark door behind one of the buildings downtown. That was the last she saw me for a while. But she wasn’t afraid and was actually really brave, or at least she tells me she didn’t cry. I don’t believe her, but that’s okay, I really cherish my friendship with her.

She was working on different machines when Lyra showed up at her door carrying a bunch of books. Lyra explained that she knew who took me. And Sun glosses over this part, but Lyra tells me that she brought a bunch of books related to ghosts and secret organizations that might be able to help.

Sun and Lyra didn’t get along very well, but they worked together anyway, putting their heads together to figure something out. Apparently as much as they knew me, they didn’t know where to start finding where I was. Normally I like this about myself, but my unpredictable whimsy made it difficult for them to find out where I was dragged off. The mirror helped, but didn’t provide specifics about the area I was in, just that it was downtown.

They hurried to where they thought I might be, but couldn’t find me, even after several hours of searching. And eventually had to go back to Sun’s apartment for the night. Sun was the one pushing the hardest, but she knew that I couldn’t be helped if they worked themselves to unconsciousness. So they tried to sleep, even through the worry.

They tried so hard but still couldn’t find anything, and Edge had blocked Sun’s contact after dozens of calls. And the Changelings were all worried and losing energy from me not being around. Spring kept watch for the night in case something bad happened. Lyra was convinced that it was a big conspiracy, and kept trying to figure out which organization it was that stole me, and how it was traced back to her.

Sun said she slapped Lyra for being selfish, and they fought for a while, only stopping when they heard the Changelings crying. It’s okay now, but I can’t imagine how much tension would be in the room at the time.

The next morning they wanted to talk to Edge directly, and so they had to track down the Warm Roast. Sun had never been there, and while Lyra had, she didn’t remember the exact place it was, so they had to find it by going out and looking.

That’s when they ran into the super hero recruiter. He stopped them and Sun tried to explain that I’d been kidnapped, but he wouldn’t listen and instead wanted to arrest Sun Ray. I never wanted to believe that she was actually a super villain, but that’s what the fight was about. Sun used to be a big threat to the city, and fought super heroes and wanted to make a name for herself.

And even if she’s changed and no longer wants to rule the city and instead make inventions that help people, she’s still wanted in their system. The recruiter wouldn’t leave them alone without fighting Sun, and she told Lyra not to get involved, that it was her fight. Sun said that if he wouldn’t listen to them, she’d have to make him listen.

No one will go into detail about what actually happened, but Sun won their fight. I assume that she pulled out some weapons and acted like a villain. I wish I could have seen it, even if I don’t like that part of her, it would have been interesting to see.

She convinced the Recruiter (I still don’t like that I’ve never been able to learn his name) to help them and he told them that he knew where the Warm Roast is. I’ve spent a lot of time there with him to keep him away from Sun. He joined them and they all went to the coffee shop.

Hard Edge was there and started panicking when the recruiter showed up, she thought he was there for her, because she’s also a super villain, and I didn’t know that either, and I might be having trouble staying grounded now that I know everything I’ve learned. There was a long discussion and Edge joined the group to save me.

Such good friends.

They spent that day pulling up resources and calling ponies they know, trying to figure out who would steal me. But they didn’t figure anything out until that night when the most unbelievable thing ended up happening. They got a call from my upstairs neighbour. He wanted to tell them who was in charge of things.

I still haven’t met him, but he’s apparently a computer wizard unicorn and he knew exactly who stole me, why, and where they were. The reason I was taken was because of the changelings.

Author's Note:

Letter one delivered this week.