• Published 5th Feb 2019
  • 1,133 Views, 11 Comments

Rainbow Dash: Beauty Unleashed - Chrome Masquerade

When Rarity is invited to a fancy party, Rainbow Dash surprisingly feels the need to come with. Knowing that she's less than optimally classy, she turns to Princess Cadence (who is in town to visit Twilight) for help,

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Awesome or Cute? Why Not Both?! (re-edited)

Rainbow Dash and Rarity were having tea together. Though not a high-class mare herself, Rainbow Dash was loyal to her friends (95% of the time).

More importantly, she owed Rarity a favour. Plus, she was a sucker for zap apple tea (shock of all shocks), so... yeah, there's that too.

"I truly appreciate your coming here, darling." Rariity said, pouring herself another cup, savouring the smell of it before daintily taking a sip.

"No problem, Rares." the multihued mare replied. "Let me just say: I'm sorry for leavin' ya with Pinks back then. And the... sewing machine cake thing. I seriously am."

"Consider it in the past, dear." Rarity said, waving it off. However, her left eye twitched momentarily. To anyone who had been looking closely enough, she was still a trifle sour about it all.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.

"Hmm... I wonder who that could be?" Rarity queried. "Terribly sorry, darling. I'll not be but a moment."

"Take your time, Rares." Rainbow said, taking another large sip of her tea.

As it turns out, there was one of the local mailponies (as evidenced by the cutie mark of a postage stamp) with a letter held out in one hoof. "Telegram." he said flatly.

Rarity took the letter and opened it, reading the contents.

"Ahem." the mailpony said, cearly expecting a tip.

Swiftly, Rarity levitated a gem into his coat pocket. "Thanks." she said, before closing the door just as swiftly, getting back to reading the letter.




AT 7:00 STOP



The curious message puzzled Rarity. She was quite sure that that form of letter was terribly outdated. 'Still, some ponies seem to prefer the old ways.' She sighed at that thought. 'Well, nothing for it. Our teatime shall have to wait for another day, unfortunately.'

Sighing again, she returned to her still-seated friend. "Bad news, darling." she said as she walked in the door. Putting the letter down in front of Rainbow Dash, she started to clean up, her magic levitating the various utensils to the sink.

Reading the letter, Rainbow felt a sudden urge to go along. "Bring a friend, huh. You know, Rarity, I could fill that spot."

If Rarity hadn't practiced with interruptions in the past, she would have dropped the tea set. As it was, she stopped what she was doing. "Seriously?"

"Well, yeah. I do still owe you one, and Fluttershy is out of town with Pinkie. The thing says 'adults only', so your sister is out..."

Raruty guffawed at the notion, causing her friend to wilt somewhat. "Oh, goodness, no!" she said at length. "This is a party hosted by one of the Canterlot elite, darling. You're simply too... -how shall I put this?- rough. Unrefined. Blunt. Unfit for the purpose."

Rainbow drooped a bit more at each of those descriptive words.

"Alas, our tea time will have to be put on hold. I have work to do."

Rainbow hid how hurt she was at that. "I-i-it's fine, Rarity. Until next time, then."

"Oh, take the ticket along. See if you can't find somepony who will want to come." Rarity said, depositing the ticket into her friend's saddlebags.

Exiting her friend's home, the prismatic pony trotted off with her ears down involuntarily. For some reason she really wanted to go to the party that she otherwise wouldn't have given a second thought to. And what Rarity said had hurt more than she'd expected.

If only she could find a way to be -how would Rarity put it?- refined. Smooth. Fancy enough.

Now, again, she usually wouldn't have given this a second thought, but still... Rarity had issued a challenge, whether she knew it or not. And if there was one thing that Rainbow couldn't resist...

As she hovered along, she noticed Princess Cadence, currently without her husband. If anypony knew about refinement (aside from Rarity) it would be her! She seemed to be considerng something or other.

Taking the opportunity, the chromatic pegasus zoomed over to the pink pony princess, who was presently puzzling prodigiously. "Princess! Princess Cadence! I need your help!"

Cadence looked over to the fairly frantic flier. "Oh! Rainbow Dash. What seems to be the problem?"

Rainbow blushed and suddenly found her forehooves very interesting. "Well... the thing is..."

One quick explanation later, Cadence was nodding slowly in thought. "Hmm... You were right to come to me." she gestured with one leg. "Follow me." she said, before taking off.

The blue Pegasus followed the former Pegasus along to what appeared to be a large cloud house. "This can be considered my studio." Cadence explained. My own little high-rise. Very high." she chuckled at her little joke. Rainbow just rolled her eyes. "I needed to come here anyway, to refresh the sky magic on it." she added

Entering the fluffy building, Rainbow saw a motherlode of fashion that would make Rarity faint.

"Whoa." Rainbow commented numbly.

"I know, right?" Cadence chuckled. She was infusing the cloudy mass with some of her innate Pegasus magic. Being an Alicorn, she had this in spades. With some hearts for good measure. "Rarity isn't the only fashionista. In the fashion world, I'm known as Soft Touch. The Crystal Empire is nice and all, but it's often too... quiet. So I turned my eyes to the fashion industry. It provides me with the excitement I need. And with the hearthstone I have in back, I can come here any time!"

Shortly thereafter, the two walked over to a closet.

"This is my wardrobe. I keep all of my favourite works in here." Cadence said.

If Rainbow was surprised at the interior itself, what was in this room struck her dumb.

"''m sure we can find something that will suit you in here." Cadence said, a bit smugly.

A long, drawn out fitting session followed. Dress after dress after dress. Nothing seemed to suit the multi-hued mare's prismatic palette. Until...

"BINGO! We have a winner here!" Cadence said, grinning at the find.

The airy dress was a multi toned blue, with cloudy portions of pearlescent rainbow colour mixed in. It was beautiful, but would allow freedom of movement. It was form-fitting without sacrificing space for her wings. (1)

"Beautiful!" Cadence commented, levitating the dress onto a nearby ponnequin. "Now for a beauty treatment."

"A... beauty treatment?" Rainbow queried, tilting her head sllghtly.

"Of course! Simply "fitting in" won't do. You'll want to knock their nonexistent socks off. When I'm done with you, they'll be head over hooves for you. You'll see."

First came the mane and tail. Grabbing a tin of mane gel in her magic, she slathered Rainbow's hair with the stuff, giving it a sheen like no other.

Then came the manestyle. Cadence figured that a nice ponytail would work the best. Then she smoothed the front down, eliminating any spikes. After that was done, she tried slipping some pink stockings and a similarly coloured bow onto her living ponnequin. "Hmm. You look kind of cute like that."

Rainbow pouted slightly, a blush coming to her cheeks. "Am not."

"Oh, but you are. Just look."

She brought a full body mirror over.

Rainbow's blush deepened.

"It's still not enough, though." Cadence continued. "Let's move on."

With that, the bow and stockings came off. Instead, she decided on some rainbow hoof polish. "It took me WEEKS to extract this from a rainbow fruit. Try that if you ever get the chance, by the way." Some similarly hued wing paint was applied to her primaries.

Some polishing of the smaller mare's hooves followed. Some white beads added on for extra effect. So too were these added to her wings, the paint having dried by then. "These will stay on until you decide to take them off. They're enchanted to not impede your freedom of movement, and in fact will sting something fierce should you need to defend yourself. The dress itself is enhanced to make you stronger and tougher, as well as more graceful."

Rainbow quirked one eyebrow. "What exactly do you think will be goin' on?"

Cadence waved that off. "Luck favours the prepared, as they say. Do you recall what happened at my wedding?"

Rainbow rolled her eyes, but otherwise didn't reply.

Some more beads were laid in Rainbow's mane. They sparkled when the light hit them just right.

"And what are those? Grenades?" Rainbow snarked.

"No, but they're big enough that they'll hurt a fair bit if you throw them."

A light blue bow and some dark blue eyeshadow (along with some false eyelashes) later, the transformation was complete. Then the dress was donned once more.

When Rainbow looked in the nearby mirror, her eyes widened. "Is that... me?!"

Cadence nodded, smiling. "You know, with your frame and your unique palette, you might make a good model. Maybe you'd consider working with me?"

Rainbow considered that for a moment. Despite not exactly being a mare of fashion, she couldn't deny the results. She was undoubtedly stunning. "I'll... think about that." she replied at length.

Cadence sweetened the deal a bit. "Maybe we can give Rarity some competition."

Rainbow grinned, a mischievous look in her eyes. "I'll ABSOLUTELY consider that."

"Now, your motivation. Close your eyes."

The rainbow mare complied.

Cadence's horn began to glow, a subtle hypnosis spell being cast. "You are Prisma Glow. You are a beauty that would grab any stallion's attention. Your presence verily demands attention; you exude confidence. You will be high class, graceful and confident in your own beauty, yet be strong, independent and smart without sacrificing your loyal core or your memory of who you are - er, were. You are a crouching tigress in love and war; Debonair. At once beautiful and ferocious. When I clap, you will awaken as all that I have described."

Cadence clacked her hooves together, ending the spell.

"Am I... complete?" Prisma queried in a Mid-Atlantic accent.(2) Briefly, she put a hoof to her throat, surprised at her own voice.

"Oh, yes. Now, I believe that you have an audience awaiting...."

Author's Note:

1: Imagine this, but with rainbow portions where there are white.

2: Think Katherine Hepburn.