• Published 2nd Jun 2019
  • 1,355 Views, 223 Comments

Further Tales From Day Court - Blade Star

A sequel to 'Tales From Day Court'. Follow Roger as he serves as the princesses' legal advisor.

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Epilogue - Endless Summer

And so, you ask, what happened next? Well, a lot, in short; a lot happened. Life carried on its merry way, and just as Tia said, Equestria entered a golden age of harmony. At first, I remained on my guard for any new threat that might lurk on the horizon, but as time passed, my concerns faded. I found myself able to fully relax into my original role as legal advisor to the princess, putting aside the various hats I’ve worn these past few years. Twilight, in time, became a fine ruler, one I am proud to have served.

But let’s travel forward in time shall we, to the present as it were, considering how I’m recounting this all after the fact.

Many moons later….

Well, first of all, let me be a bit selfish and talk about me. I served Princess Twilight loyally for several more years. I was and still am something of an institution in Canterlot Castle. With Spike as her trusted friend and confidant, as well as an avant guard diplomat, and me as an old hand to help guide her, she flourished and in a few years, particularly after her growth spurt kicked in, she became just as respected and admired as her predecessors.

But I was not a young man when Twilight ascended to the throne, and it was perhaps six or seven years later that the matter of my own retirement came up. My hair had been thinning and grey for several years. Luckily, I don’t think I’m ever going to go bald though. My body was...winding down, as they say. Even working an office job, I was past my prime and Twilight eventually broached the subject, saying that it might be time for me to consider stepping down. I didn’t put up much of a fight, I just didn’t like the idea of admitting I was getting older. I spent the next year with Wrought Steel as my ad hoc apprentice. I could think of nopony better suited to take my place. He knows just as much about the law as I do, possibly a little more, and he is firm but fair in its application, adhering to spirit, rather that the letter.

So I left Canterlot Castle, bidding a fond farewell to the now Lieutenant Buttercup, and returned home to Ponyville to live out my retirement. I actually found myself quite restless at first. You’d have thought that by the time you turned sixty eight, you’d just want to relax, but not me. I found myself travelling back and forth between Ponyville and Silver Shoals to see Tia and Luna. They were both doing quite well for themselves. At the moment, they were taking a sort of extended vacation, going through their inordinately long bucket lists. Unlike me, neither of them had aged a day. We’d chat and reminisce as friends are wont to do, and of course, we still kept up our tradition of Mornington Crescent. Discord, my other immortal friend, would also drop by, and sometimes our visits would all align, and we could have a full game like in the old days.

Speaking of my best friend, I am pleased to say that he’s blown off with his little experiments at last, and he too appears to have finally settled down. He’s taken to living with Fluttershy full time. As ‘friends’ of course. To this day, he still won’t come clean, but the two are closer than ever, and thanks to a certain fashion loving pony who shall remain nameless, everypony else knows that too. He still comes by to see me whenever he can, and still joins me and Big Mac for Guys’ Night, although Spike’s work sometimes keeps him away.

And what of my own family? Well, Margaret too has retired, although she clung on far longer than I did. Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo had become teachers themselves, teaching at the School of Friendship under Starlight and Sunburst before she finally stood down. Speaking of my old arch nemesis. She and Sunburst too seem to have gotten into something of a relationship, although I fear Starlight’s...at times frightening, attachment may cause the odd bump in the road. But back to the memsahib, she now spends her free time doing all sorts of little social activities. She’s applied to sit on the school’s Board of Governors just to keep her hand on the tiller, and from time to time helps Mrs Cake out at Sugarcube Corner. Like me, she’s not the sort to relax into retirement.

Then there’s my daughter. Well, she’s the biggest change. It was only a few years after Twilight started looking after things that Dewdrop, her boyfriend, came to see me at the house. He was as nervous as the first time I met him, and with good reason. In a nod to old traditions, he came to ask for my blessing, saying that he intended to ask Lizzie to marry him. Of course, I said yes. I might appreciate the old traditions, but I won’t pretend to have a say in who my daughter chooses to spend the rest of her life with. The two were married by Mayor Mare, as the resident JP, at Town Hall a few weeks later. The two now live together, and in the next few months are expecting their first child, much to Margaret’s delight.

And then, on the flip side, we have Bones. Well, he still lives on Sweet Apple Acres. I’m not really sure what to say about him at this point. He worked for a little while with AJ at the school, which allowed him to further his studies in dark magic. He even taught for a while what he jokingly called ‘Defence Against the Dark Arts’. But he’s now returned to that simple life of a farmer that he’s always longed for.

As to his relationship with Applejack...well, they never did end up tying the knot as it were. They love each other, and I’d definitely say they’re still in a relationship. It just seems that neither of them are quite ready to tie the knot. I put it down to their odd personalities. Bones has his asexuality, and AJ is so committed to her work on the farm. Although having said that, said workload has gotten a little lighter these past few years. Apple Bloom, now a grown mare, who is just as strong as her big sister, always offers to help out when she can, and while Big Mac might be past his prime, he is still a force to be reckoned with. Even Granny Smith, who somehow is still going, helps out when she can. And then of course, you have the two additions to Sweet Apple Acres. Sugar Belle lives there now with her husband (and yes, Granny Smith is circling just as much as my wife is), but also Rainbow Dash of all ponies.

She’s still in the Wonderbolts, but as an instructor now for the next generation and has taken to spending more time on the ground. Like Bones, she’s attracted to the gentler pace of life Sweet Apple Acres offers I think. Well, amongst other things. You didn’t hear it from me, but I hear talk that the most awesome pony in Equestria might have a soft spot for a certain apple farmer, and I’m not talking about Mac or Bones.

The farmhouse certainly seemed a whole lot fuller when I last went to visit. I can tell you that. It’s nice to see one of the oldest families in Ponyville still prospering.

Now, let’s see, who else have I left out?

Let’s see, well, Lyra and Bon Bon finally tied the knot. Scuttlebutt says that she’s finally out of SMILE and that world of shadows and espionage, but I wouldn’t count on it for sure. On the plus side, Lyra’s relationship with her marefriend, now wife, has tempered her...shall we say, interest, in humans. They’ve both settled down together and have been married a few years now.

Now, what of Twilight’s friends? Well, as I said before, AJ is still on her farm, with Rainbow now living under the same roof. Pinkie Pie meanwhile has been the first of her group of friends to become a mother. She married Cheese Sandwich a few years ago, and not long after Lil Cheese came into the world. The new family have their own place in Ponyville, with Pinkie having moved out of Sugarcube Corner, although she still helps out there a lot of the time, and even babysits for the Cakes. On that front, Pound and Pumpkin are growing up fast, and a far cry from those creepy dead eyed little demons I first remembered.

Rarity meanwhile has done quite well for herself, continuing to expand her little fashion empire. While she still lives in Ponyville, and Carousel Boutique will always be her flagship store as it were, she now spends quite a lot of time travelling, including beyond Equestria. She’s become quite the household name, the Laura Ashley of Equestria as Margaret once put it. She remains single, having spent more time working than anything else. Between us girls, I think that day when Spike finally got over his boyhood crush on her caught her flat-footed. Like all of us, she looks a little older now, with a few streaks of grey in her purple mane, but that hasn’t stopped many a would be suitor.

And then of course, there’s Fluttershy. She’s still very much as she was, living in her beautiful little cottage out by the Everfree. Angel is still clinging onto life, possibly fuelled by the pure evil that makes up his being. He’s less troublesome nowadays, and more of a friend to Fluttershy, and even to Discord, who as I said before, now lives there more or less full time. Sweet Feather Sanctuary is still going too, and with Discord’s help, it’s a lot easier for Fluttershy to get things done. I still hold out hope though that one day, my best friend might finally pluck up the courage to admit his feelings. Although a part of me thinks that Fluttershy already knows. Like Bones and AJ, there’s this unspoken bond between them; deeper than friendship, but not outright love.

All in all, everypony and everyone is prospering across Equestria and beyond. Celestia’s final gift to Twilight before stepping down did indeed bear fruit. I was pleased to see that before I retired, I was able to see the international community form. The final name for the group was the Council of Free Nations. Made up of Equestria, the Griffon Kingdom, the Changeling Kingdom, the Crystal Empire, Yakyakistan, and the Dragon Lands, this group did indeed become an, albeit more effective, counterpart to the UN, with treaties of mutual alliance, as well as trade and a common defence pact, in addition to acting as the world’s policeman. Other small nations, such as the Buffalo Nations, the Storm Territories, the Kirin, and others, are slowly applying for membership. It has been hailed as Princess Twilight Sparkle’s crowning achievement.

The only real downside in my current life if that we never did end up finding a way back to Earth. Starswirl, Twilight, Celestia and others all had various theories, but after a few experiments that went more than a little pear shaped, me, Bones, Margaret and Lizzie all had a sit down to talk.

Now, just to be clear, I’m not a misanthrope. But at the same time, I’ve seen how humans react to things that they don’t understand, and the damage we’ve done to new civilisations we’ve encountered. While I was fairly sure there would be no malice behind it, I couldn’t help but be concerned about what would happen if a rift was indeed opened.

First of all, you had the risk that we wouldn’t be able to get back to Equestria. And at this point, there was very little hope of us re-entering our old lives. Then, as I said before, you had the risks of contact with humanity as a whole. While I’m sure plenty of Bones’ friends would be overjoyed, plenty others wouldn’t like how it knackered their world view.

In the end, it was Bones who came up with the idea and helped me draft the legislation. As with so many things, he’d borrowed it from some old video game. He called it the Cole Protocol. In short, it was a law that forbade any attempt to recreate the interdimensional portal that had brought us here. It explicitly forbid any attempt to locate or contact Earth, and in the event any such portal did reopen by natural or unknown causes, it was to be closed without delay. It was brought in under existing legislation which governed the use of dangerous or potentially dangerous magic, and also incorporated into the Royal Guard under General Order 098831A-1, SMILE meanwhile referred to it as Directive Pied Piper. To this day, there has been no contact with Earth.

While it does sadden me that I’ll never see it again, I have in all honesty come to think of Equestria, and Ponyville in particular, as home. Like I said before, we’ve all been gone from Earth for so long now, that even if we did find a way back, we’d be like aliens. So much has most likely changed in the twenty or so years it’s been since we left. Hell, for all we know, humanity may have finally bottled it and blown itself to smithereens. In any case, apart from memories, there’s little for us really there now.

This evening, we were all getting together as a family. While we all have our own lives, busy as they sometimes are, we always do our best to get together every couple moons or so to catch up and spend time with each other. Margaret still cooks dinner for the four of us, doing a pony friendly version for the kids (and I do still call then kids) if there’s any meat involved. It’s nice to just get together every once in a while. It was hard enough when Bones and Lizzie were younger, and it remains just as tricky to find a time where everypony’s schedules line up.

Tonight though, was one such night. It was getting on for the tail end of summer now. For Bones, farm life wasn’t yet too hectic, although the coming autumn would soon change that, with Applebuck Season right around the corner. Lizzie too normally would be quite busy, although in her case, it had been a little easier, what with her being on maternity leave from the weather patrol and so forth.

I was working to set the table when they arrived. I have to be careful these days. My hands are getting a little shaky in my old age; nothing too serious according to Dr Horse, but still something to deal with. It’s caused more than one broken plate or smashed mug I can tell you. Striking a match, I lit the candles in the middle of the dining table and placed the last couple pieces of silverware out.

Just as I was finishing up, there was a knock at the door. Margaret was still in the kitchen putting the finishing touches on the dinner. She was cooking us a roast. A decent sized pork joint for the two of us, and a Quorn alternative for Lizzie and Bones.

“Can you get that?” she called from the kitchen. “I’ll get everything set out for you.”

“Alright,” I called back. Walking to the door, I undid the latch and found my two children standing on the stoop. How they’d grown up.

Bones hadn’t changed too much. His seemingly ever present stetson has undergone a few styling tweaks, with the brim now turned up on one side, pinned in place by an old cavalry pin. He’s grown something that might at some point be called a beard, although not especially thick. He’s put on a little weight too, although that’s mostly muscle; he’s certainly a far cry from the lanky teenager I remember. His face too has changed a little, like all of us, he now has a few wrinkles, and despite his relative youth, is already starting to see the odd bit of grey creep into his dark blue mane.

Lizzie meanwhile, well, she was very different. She of course, looked like a mare in her early thirties. Her previously long, flowing mane was now done up in a ponytail style that reminded me a bit of Applejack. It was more out of necessity than style. She’s the boss nowadays, the gaffer of the Ponyville Weather Patrol. Rainbow, now that she’s retired from active duty in the Wonderbolts, is still on the team, but more in a reservist capacity, and in an unusually humble move by the brash pegasus, she stepped aside, saying that Lizzie was suited to running things up front. The rest of them are all still there too, along with a couple of new faces.

But the most noticeable thing about my daughter was her figure right now. She was a fair way along and had started showing about a month ago. At this point, it wasn’t obviously a case of her being the family way, but she was definitely getting bigger. Margaret and I were just glad that her bosses up in Cloudsdale had allowed her to start maternity leave as early as she had. It made both me and Margaret happy to see the family continuing on, even if it was along a path none of us could have envisioned.

“Hey, kids,” I said with a smile. “Come on in.”

I stepped back and the two ponies trotted inside. Like a good host, I took Lizzie’s jacket that she’d been wearing, and hung it up on the coat hook. Bones meanwhile, following with proper custom, used his magic to remove his stetson and hung it in the same place.

The three of us all headed through to the dining room, where Margaret was just setting out the dinner. The air was filled with the smell of home cooking, as well as the slight smell of phosphorous from the match she’d struck a moment or so ago to light the candles.

She greeted our two children warmly, with the both of them briefly propping themselves up on their hind legs to wrap their forelegs around her. Even as grown ups, they still see her as their mum, just as when they were kids.

The four of us sat down to dinner, with Margaret and Lizzie on one side of the table and Bones and me on the other. The two ponies had to scramble a bit to get into the human style chairs. But hey, I had to put up with those cushion train seats for years, as well as in dozens of other places outside of my home and office. And they didn’t seem to mind much. Although I couldn’t help but smile at how they looked more like dogs, sitting on their hind quarters on the dining chairs.

All four of us tucked into dinner. Bones used his magic to manipulate the utensils, while Lizzie used her wings. After taking the edge off of our hunger, we began to talk. The subject ranged from everything to nothing. Like I said, it was all too rare we could all get together as a family, outside of say Hearth’s Warming Eve or birthdays. So much of it though would have seemed complete nonsense to a human observer. We chatted about the upcoming weather schedule, holidays that no one on Earth would recognise, jobs that on Earth had either been outmoded by technology, or never had a reason to exist in the first place, and in general, the supposedly fictional world of magical talking ponies.

It was all normal for me of course, but even after all these years, I still find myself reflecting on things. I wonder, if I ever got my hands on that time travel spell of Starswirl’s, and somehow managed to get back to Earth before we all left, and met my past self, what would he think? He’d probably come to the not entirely unreasonable conclusion that he’d lost his marbles in his later years. God only knows what my old business partners would say if they ever found out what happened to me.

On that note, I do wonder what happened after we left. With the whole family gone, there wasn’t really any one to report us missing, until I suppose the bailiffs came knocking looking for money for the utilities, or the post piled up. What did people think? Were we considered dead, missing, or had we become one of those unsolved mysteries for the ages? I guess I’d never find out for sure. That was the only downside really about our current situation. It would have been nice to have at least tied off a few loose ends.

“Roger, are you in there?” Margaret asked me suddenly. I came to with a start and found both my wife and two children all staring at me.

“I was saying it’s such a nice evening,” Margaret went on. “Maybe we should have a brew out in the garden or something.”

I roused myself, shaking the cobwebs loose. That’s something I’ve been noticing these past few years, my mind does tend to wander more than it used to. It’s so easy to get lost in your own thoughts.

“Sure, that sounds lovely,” I agreed, getting to my feet. “You three head out and I’ll put the kettle on.”

And so they. All four of headed into the kitchen, which overlooked the back garden. I peeled off and made for the stove, while Margaret and the kids headed out the back door.

One of the things that I’ve been doing to keep busy these past couple of years is gardening. When we first got this place, it had a nice enough garden; a nice lawn with low fences. But with time, effort, a little patience, and some help from a couple landscapers, I managed to turn it into something you might see at the end of an episode of Ground Force. There was a garden shed now that I’d built for myself, a bit more shrubbery and a small apple tree, along with a patio area with a bench to sit on in the evenings.

After having boiled the kettle and brewed a combination of tea and coffee, as well as picking out an assortment of accompanying biscuits, I headed out to join the rest of my family.

It was late evening now. The sun was setting, courtesy of Twilight. I still find it strange to think it isn’t Tia doing that any more. The rolling hills beyond Ponyville were bathed in beautiful reds and golds.

Margaret had sat herself down on the wooden bench we had out here. Lizzie had briefly flown up into the air and pulled down a small tuft of cloud for her to splay herself out on. Bones meanwhile was laying down on the soft grass.

Carefully balancing the tray, I joined Margaret and sat down beside her, setting the tray down between the two of us. Everyone helped themselves to what struck their fancy.

We didn’t talk much after that, instead simply enjoying the peace and calm of the summer evening. I found myself again taking a moment to reflect.

I’ve lived a long life. It’s not always been a good one, but I like to think I’ve always tried to do right. I was fairly pleased with how things had turned out back when we were still on Earth. Now though? Now I was more proud than ever. I’d led a long and successful career, I’d helped raise two beautiful children, and I’d had more friends that you could shake a stick at, should you do desire.

I remember when we first got here, my only thought was of getting home, getting back. This strange new world might have been fascinating, but I didn’t belong here. But through all the odd little adventures, misadventures, accidents, squabbles and near world ending disasters that me and my family had been through though, that had changed. Now, I can’t imagine being anywhere else. This was our home, and I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

Author's Note:

Proofread by Sweetolebob18.

And they all lived happily ever after.

Well, here we are; the end. I hope you all enjoyed this last chapter. I have an idea for maybe one or two more stories in this universe. Keep an eye on my blog for updates.

When I first started writing 'My Family and Other Equestrians' several years ago, I never thought I'd be writing sequels and spin offs so many years later. A huge thank you to everypony who's read the series from start to finish. I hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Now, let the criticism start. :trollestia:

Comments ( 12 )

Saving the worst till last.

Only 70, and dementia setting in.

Given healthy working living, low stress, clean enviroment and magical health, shouldve been looking at reaching the ton easily. Not like the 96 year old that runs marathons, but my gran was happily pottering round her home, cooking until 6 months before her 90th.

As for isolation, it works, but only for a given time. eventually, stagnation overtakes living, and things change.

I still want to know, if in canon, Cozy Glow actually is what she Appears to be, or like the TARDIS, absolutely nothing like what she appears to be. Age, Species, etc?

Im sad to see this series be done. Same as mlp. No future mlp series will ever be like friendship is magic.

10063157 This story might be done, but I don't think I ever said the series was over. I still have one more idea I want to do; one last story for Bones. Like Genesis, I'm not quite sure how to end the song. :raritywink: So cheer up. Besides, you know what they say, it's the journey, not the destination. :twilightsmile:

Finally caught up, and by the throne has it been a journey.

From start to finish, you've built a world that has had me spellbound. And as sad as it is for me to see that it ends, I enjoyed every single moment of it.

Here's to endings... and new beginnings.

I'd like to see Roger have a good funeral if you ever have his death be posted.


Aw, Id totally forgotton about him. But then, he doesnt exactly work as a Minsters Assistant?:trixieshiftright:

So going against the theory that because AJ has Granny Smith neck piece and AB has Goldie Delicious head piece that they’re dead huh?

10088458 Yes! I can't bring myself to kill off Granny Smith. AJ and Big Mac have suffered too much. :applecry: I did toy with mentioning it, but it added nothing to the story, and the passage of time makes things bittersweet as it is. Maybe Granny Smith gave it to her when she finally stepped down and let AJ run the farm? Remember, back in the series proper, it always was Granny Smith who had the last word.

Its nice to see (almost) everything wrapped up, I'm probably the only one who thinks Lizzie staying a pony forever is abandoning her to a terrible fate with how she became one. Makes the ending taste bitter and unhappy.

Initiating Cole Protocol...

Purging systems of any reference to Earth,

Commencing random slipspace jumps.

that's ok. I'm sure Blade will write other stores to give you another oprtuntiy to tell everyone how you feel in the comments section one more time.

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