• Published 18th Mar 2019
  • 1,676 Views, 88 Comments

The Gamer's Game - Chrome Masquerade

Button Mash awakens in a strange space and receives a strange power. Not only that, but other ponies are gaining special powers of their own!

  • ...

Chapter 1: Continue? (re-edited)

I awoke in a strange place that I'm sure I shouldn't be. Naturally, I ask the obligatory qestion.

"Where am I?"

Trite, maybe, but still pertinent. I had no idea where i was. I looked up, and right above me was a sign that says


Cotinue? Y N

(Continues: 99)

"Huh? Weird."

Naturally I pressed the button labelled Y. What the hay do you think I am? Some kind of casual?

Customize character?

Character customization?! How the Tartarus could I refuse?!

Only then did I realize that I was currently made of translucent pixels. After choosing among several options, I was back to my brown fuzzed, two-tone maned, propeller capped self. Another menu appeared.

New game

CHEATS?! Fo shizzle?!! Hay yizzle!

I'm sorry about that. Please don't hurt me. Anyway...

Choosing the Cheats menu, I found myself faced with several more options

1: Nigh-on Invulnerability [ ]
2: Infinite Mana [ ]
3: Swift Regen [ ]
4: Silver Spoon (your family is independantly wealthy, so your money problems are pretty much nonexistant) [ ]
5: Swift Level Gain [ ]
6: 8 Bit [ ]
7: Big Heads [ ]
8: Optional Anthro (everyone can switch between anthro and full pony forms) [ ]
9: Sex Appeal: Self (0-10)
9.5: Sex Appeal: Others (0-10)

The latter two of these had sliders beside them, along with a picture of me and one of an unfamiliar mare. Deciding to adjust those first, I first addjusted the Self slider to 10. And WHOA did I look GOOD! But I decided that having myself as that... charming... would remove most of the challenge. (As would some of the others, so I ignored those.)

I set the slider to 6 and was rewarded with a much more tolerable picture of myself

Next, I tried the same for the other slider and-


The mare in the picture was lying on a bed in the "draw me like your french mares" position. I could swear that virtual steam was coming out of my ears.

Turn it down! Tuuurn it down, I say!

One adjustment later, I was able to breathe a sigh of relief. So now most of the ladies in this new session would be extra attractive, but not overpoweringly so.

Ticking off options 3 and 8, I moved back to the main menu, selecting New Game. I was automatically plugged with the title of "The Gamer", but could otherwise choose my background.

Choosing Default, I pressed the confirm button and was ushered into the light.

(Home; Sun's Day)

"Button. Button Mash. Young colt, if you don't get up-"

Opening my eyes slowly and looking at the clock on my bedside table (7:30), i said, "Moooom~. Isn't it Sun's Day? Give me one good reason that I should get up this early."

"I'll give you four. One: if you don't wake up at a regular time, your sleep schedule will be messed up. Two: you need practice waking up at a proper time. Three: I'm your mother. If I'm awake at this time, you get to be as well. Four: Breakfast is ready. Get up."

"Fine, fine." I groaned. Looking toward my mother, I was greeted with two unusual sights. Firstly, my mother looked SMOKIN' today! Whatever had happened had turned my mother into a freakin' Miss Equestria candidate! Secondly, there was text above her head.

Name: Milano Mash
Relationship: Your Mother
Nickname: Button Mom
Title: "Wonder Mom"
Calling: Mother
Nature: Caregiver
LV: ??? (Observe skill not high enough)

That was DEFINITELY different!

Schooling my expression, I managed to confirm my awakened state to my mother with a straight face. As she left, the events of last night came to the forefront of my mind. I remembered that weird dream that I had. I remembered fiddling with the settings of my life. I remembered receiving the title of The Gamer.

To confirm my suspicion, i said aloud, "Status."

Lo and behold, a virtual chart appeared before me.

Name: Button Mash
Calling: The Gamer
Nature: Semi-Libertine
Divine Nature: Chosen
Divine Parent: Princess Celestia/Twilight Sparkle
Paths: Gamer, Adventurer/Luckmaker, Paladin(1)
LV: 2
Allocae Attributes (8/6/4) skills (36) and knacks (7)?
Yes No

Pressing Yes, i quickly allocated some points.

Strength: 3
Dexterity: 5 (+3)
Stamina: 3
Intelligence: 3
Wits: 4 (+2)
Perception: 4
Appearance: 2
Manipulation: 2
Charisma: 3

Academics: 3
Art: Gaming: Automatic 5
Athletics: 3
Awareness: 3
Brawl: 2
Fortitude: 3
Melee: 2
Occult: 1
Presence: 2
Survival: 3

Virtue: Justice/Compassion

Virtue Flaw (2): Red Rage of Compassion
Activation: When seeing the innocent harmed right in his view.
Effect: When the gauge for this fills, he will be filled with rage and will attack the object of his frustration until it is defeated or dead.

Vice: Wrath (mild)

Roll With It
Cat's Grace
Gamer's Mind and Gamer's Body (natural knack)
Gamer's Spirit (natural knack)
(Gamer's Mind, Body and Spirit combine to create Gamer's Soul)
Monkey in the Middle
Jack of All Trades
Immaculate (3)

Purviews: Video games, Good, Magic, Knowledge, Protection, Air, Glory, Strength


That was all I got the opportunity to punch in before I figured that mom would be getting impatient. With that, I closed the window and headed to the bathroom in one smooth motion. That Roll With It knack made me able to move like I was a blade of grass.

Once in the bathroom, I stepped in the shower, flicking the temperature to just the right setting with a mere swish of my tail. As the warm water cascaded over me, I applied a generous dollop of shampoo to my coat. As suds formed on me, a song rose in my heart. Lyrics came to mind and I began my first musical number of the day.

"~The moment I arrived I had a feeling
I just couldn't be leavin' till I cleaned
I might as well be walkin' on a ceiling
Oh, don't call me a mad pony, that's mean! Ooooh!

Washin' in the shower
Could stay for an hour
Scrubbed all clean and
On the scene
Smellin' like a buncha flowers.

Covered in bubbles
Free from all my toubles
Cleanin' up
Then I'm gonna sup
Oh, Singin' in the shower~" (4)

Having washed, I dried off and, with the grace of a cat, slid down the bannister.

A voice and stylized text followed me

Leave it to Button

Hopping off at the last split second, I slid into the kitchen, striking a pose. Hearing slow clapping, I turned and saw my mother with a smirk on her muzzle. "Bravâ. Bravâ." she snarked. "How many times have I told you not to do that with the bannister?"

"Oh yeah. Right. Sorry."

"Now eat your breakfast before it gets cold."

I sat down to my breakfast of bacon, hay bacon, pancakes (5), and apple juice. Can I just say that my mom makes some damn good pancakes?

You ate Breakfast
Gained Full Up status (6)
+1 Stamina for 4 hours
+1 to all Mental stats for 4 hours
HP are maxed out (20)

With that done, I deposited the dish and cutlery in the sink

"Thanks for breakfast, mom! Delicious as usual."

Mom smiled genuinely. "You're welcome, Button. Now run along. I'm sure your friends are waiting for you."

Walking out the door, I made for Sugarcube Corner, where the Crusaders and I were to meet. Thus my day officially started. My life as The Gamer had just begun.

Author's Note:

For those wondering, yes, I'm using the White Wolf games style of characteristics. Specifically, the Scion system.

1: Why he's their Paladin will be explained in a later chapter.
1.5: These describe (in this order) what he was before his story started, what he is now and what he s to his Divine Parent.

2: As Josh Scorcher said in his review of The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well: "Character 101:any character's strength, taken too far, becomes a flaw."

3: I'm not sure if this is actually on the official knacks list, but to cover my bases: this knack essentially allows him to walk through any kind of dirt, mud or otherwise, an it'd slough off of him like he had a teflon coating, if he so desires.

4: What do you think? :pinkiesmile:
that was to an approximation of the tune of this

5: Adventure Time references here will be given the Dio treatment.

6: Full Up: Having eaten his fill, Button will be satiated for a time and gains a little extra pep in his step.

Oh. Lest I forget to explain stats in the White Wolf games, whereas in the Forgotten Realms franchise, where the stats gain effectiveness incrementally, in the White Wolf games stats strengthen one at orders of magnitude. Using Strength as an (approximate) example, at 1 you're slightly below average. Strength 2 puts you a fair bit above average. Strength 3 puts you at the level of a martieal artist. Strength 4 would allow you to do the Test Your Migt sequences of the Mortal Kombat series with relative ease. At Strength 5, you could tear a building apart with your bare hands without breaking a sweat. This is without even going into the Epic Attributes (the plus numbers beside his stats, you might have noticed).