• Published 21st Apr 2019
  • 4,240 Views, 13 Comments

Once Upon a Heartbeat - twience

SunPie; A heartbeat of moments through the love life of Sunset Shimmer and Pinkie Pie.

  • ...

The Fondest Of Memories

Once Upon a Heartbeat
By, serenityx

Beat One

"Thanks for helping me, Sunset," Pinkie said smiling as she walked down the sidewalk.

Sunset turned her head towards the girl and smiled back. "It's no problem, really."

"I don't know how I would've brought all these cupcakes to the community center myself." She adjusted the stack of containers in her hands.

Sunset laughed a little. "I know it's a bake sale, but did you have to make so many?"

"Mr Morrison loves my cupcakes, every year at the bake sale he buys like three dozen," Pinkie explained.

"Now that's what I call a sweet tooth. Although I guess I can't complain, no one bakes better than you Pinkie," She mentioned.

Pinkie clicked the roof of her mouth. "What can I say? I have a passion for being in the kitchen."

Sunset nodded and looked forward again, making sure to keep her containers balanced.

"Baking makes me happy, so I'm glad the desserts I create can make others happy too," She spoke.

"That's a nice prophecy," Sunset replied.

"Yuh-huh," Pinkie agreed. "There's nothing I like to do more."

Pinkie Pie blinked, that came out totally wrong. "Except, well, of course, be with you Sunset."

Sunset faced her friend again, she noticed Pinkie was trying her best to hide her face behind the containers.

"...and our friends," she added mumbling.

Sunset Shimmer and Pinkie Pie finally arrived at the community center. They carefully made their way up the steps and through the double doors. When they reached the assembly room, they noticed a bunch of tables set up with signs showing the different treats. There were balloons and banners hung up around as well.

Pinkie lead the way to her table. It was pretty bland at the moment. It was a dusty white and there wasn't any decor around it. Knowing Pinkie though, it wasn't going to stay that way for long. Sunset set her containers on the table and stretched her arms. Pinkie followed suit doing the same.

Pinkie brushed her hands together proudly. "There, cupcakes have been delivered. You're the best Sunset." She then turned to face her.

Sunset smiled. "I am, aren't I?" she teased.

Pinkie giggled at the joke.

"This was fun," Pinkie said.

Sunset raised her eyebrow. "Anything's fun with you Pinkie, but I'm surprised you found carrying containers fun."

"The company made it bearable," she explained.

"Mhm," Sunset smiled in agreement.

Pinkie smiled back. "I better set up."

"Oh, do you want some help?" Sunset asked.

Pinkie waved her hands in front of her. "Oh no, I couldn't ask you to do that Sunset. I already made you carry three containers of cupcakes up here."

Sunset raised an eyebrow. "You didn't make me do anything Pinkie. I wanted to help you, and not just because the rest of our friends were busy this morning."

Pinkie shook her head. "Well duh, but you don't need to stay and help me with... this."

Sunset took a step forward and placed a hand on Pinkie's shoulder. "Again, I want to help."

Pinkie grew into a big grin. "Thank you."

"Of course." Sunset took the lid off of the chocolate cupcake container. "To add to the comment you made earlier, I like spending time with you to Pinkie. Honestly, I couldn't think of a better way to spend my morning." She said.

"Aw... you're sweet," Pinkie replied happily.

Sunset smiled and booped Pinkie's nose. "Not sweeter than you though."

This made Pinkie blush and look away from Sunset's face. Her stomach started to gain what felt like millions of butterflies.

"Pinkie..." Sunset said softly now using her hand to turn her friend's face towards her.

They were so close, their noses could almost touch each other. Pinkie opened her mouth to speak.

"Ah! There you are Pinkie Pie, my best baker."

Sunset and Pinkie both jumped and moved away from each other.

"Mrs Jones! G-Good morning," Pinkie spoke, stuttering a bit still stunned from her recent activity.

"Fabulous, you brought your famous cupcakes. I think this year is going to be our biggest bake sale yet!" Mrs Jones exclaimed. She then looked over to Pinkie's table and realized it hasn't been dazzled like it usually is. "You haven't decorated your table?"

Pinkie glanced at the table and then bake to the lady. "I'm sorry, I was just about to but uhm, I got a little distracted."

"I see," Mrs Jones said and looked over to the other girl. She had red hair with blonde highlights and she could've sworn she looked flustered at the moment. "Who's this?"

"This is Sunset Shimmer, one of my best friends."

Beat Two

The group of friends were all sitting in Sugarcube corner. Well, six of them. Pinkie Pie was behind the counter currently finishing off her last shift while her friends were at a booth talking. With, milkshakes of course.

Rarity sipped her strawberry milkshake before speaking. "Honestly, how did you already get into five colleges Twilight? The rest of us have only gotten into one or two."

Twilight sighed. "Five words, smart is the new cool."

Rainbow snickered while drinking her chocolate milkshake. "Never say that again."

Applejack bumped her in the side with her elbow. "Rainbow Dash, please."

"Hey, what? We all know she's nerdy. Her and Sunset." She pointed to her.

Sunset's eyes never left the table, instead, she continued twirling her straw in her untouched, caramel milkshake.

"What's wrong with being smart?" Fluttershy asked.

Rarity faced their shy friend. "Well there's smart and there's Twilight smart."

They both giggled a little at the inside joke.

"I have glasses, not hearing aids," Twilight groaned.

Applejack rolled her eyes and looked over at Sunset. Usually, she would try to step up and add her own claim to this type of conversation. However, she was being as silent as a mouse; worse than Fluttershy to clarify.

"Hey Sunset, you're mighty quiet. Something wrong, Sugarcube?" Applejack spoke up.

Sunset apparently didn't hear her, because her eyes still fixated on the table.

How? I could-- no that wouldn't work. Maybe I should-- no that's stupid. Why is this so hard? I know, I should--

Sunset was brought out of her train of thought by a snap in her face. She blinked at the finger and looked to see Rainbow across from her.


"Sunset, darling, you've been out of it ever since Pinkie brought over our milkshakes," Rarity explained.

Sunset looked around the table, she saw all her friends with concerned faces.

"Oh, I'm so sorry girls. I'm just... tired," Sunset lied.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Fluttershy asked.

Sunset's lip curved. "Talk about what?"

"Whatever's got you spaced out like Twilight on the last day of school," Rainbow said.


Sunset shifted in her seat. "I... it's silly."

Applejack led some friendly support. "You can talk to us about anything Sunset, we aren't going to laugh or anything."

Sunset just sighed.

"Thank you, and please come again soon!" Pinkie yelled smiling to some customers leaving the cafe' , grabbing Sunset's attention.

Rarity cocked her eyebrow in response to the exchangement. "Does it have to do with why every time you hear or see Pinkie Pie, you suddenly focus your attention on her?"

Sunset's head quickly turned to see Rarity smirking at her. "W-What?"

"Please Sunset, don't deny it."

Sunset put her head into her left hand then grumbled, while her amber cheeks turned pink.

"Well ah'll be," Applejack nudged her.

"Awe," Fluttershy whispered.

Rarity squealed and Rainbow just rolled her eyes.

"Okay, fine, I have a crush on her," Sunset admitted.

"Huh, a pony-turned-human in love with a human. Interesting," Twilight remarked.

"Who said anything about love!" Sunset yelped.

"Okay, is it like a tiny crush or you actually like her?" Rainbow asked trying to understand better.

Sunset stayed quiet and bit her lip. "Uhm..."

"Well, there's that answer." Rainbow grinned in response.

"I think it's adorable! Are you going to tell her, Sunset?" Rarity exclaimed.

"I don't know."

"Why the heck not?" Applejack asked annoyed.

Sunset rolled her eyes. "I just don't know how to tell her. Ha, better yet ask her out."

The friends in response hummed and stared into space trying to think of suggestions.

Sunset looked at Twilight, who, by the way, was currently was writing the best she could on a paper napkin.

Sunset blinked. "A-Are you taking notes?" she asked her.

Twilight dropped the pen and started balling up the napkin. "...No..."

Sunset rolled her eyes still looking at her. Twilight started to frown at the now ruined napkin that had her contained info.

"Just tell her you have something you need to talk to her about and say it then," Fluttershy suggested.

"I guess..." Sunset said.

"Oh! This is going to be just marvelous!" Rarity clapped her hands together.

The next day:

It was after school and Sunset stood outside CHS by the steps. She had taken Fluttershy's advice and told Pinkie to meet her there after school to talk. It wasn't long before she saw her crush exit the building.

"Heya Sunset," Pinkie said walking down the steps.

"Hey--" Sunset stopped talking when she saw Pinkie trip her shoe on the last step.

"Ack!" Pinkie yelled, but before she hit the ground, she saw Sunset's hand around her arm catching her.

Sunset adjusted her friend so she stood up straight. "You should be more careful."

"Heh... yeah. Thanks." Pinkie wiped down her outfit.

"Don't mention it." Sunset took a seat on the steps. Pinkie did the same. "So..."

"Actually Sunset, I have to talk to you too as well."

Sunset blinked and looked over at her. "Oh," she certainly wasn't expecting that. "Okay, what is it?"

"It's just, well, I don't really know how to say it. I talked to my sisters, Mr and Mrs Cake, and even Lyra. I want to tell you Sunset but, it's hard. I'm scared you'll react a way I don't want you to react, and then I'll feel bad! It's been on my mind for a while now, so when you texted me telling me you wanted to talk, I saw this as a good opportunity," Pinkie rambled.

Sunset, though nervous, took one of Pinkie's hands and squeezed it gently. "It must be important then."

Pinkie Pie nodded. "Yes, important to me that is." Pinkie stopped, took a deep breath, and realized it.

She faced her friend. "What I'm trying to say Sunset is, what I'm trying to ask is, will... you go on a date with me?"

Time stopped for Sunset. Pinkie, her crush, the girl who she was about to confess her feelings to, just asked her out.

When no reply came, Pinkie continued. "I... I don't know if you noticed but, I've liked you for a while now and--"

"I like you too," Sunset interrupted smiling at her.

Pinkie's mouth opened a little. "Y-You reacted the way I hoped you would."

Sunset giggled a little and found herself embraced in a tight hug by Pinkie. Sunset wrapped her arms around her as well as her heart beat like crazy.

Beat Three

It was date night and Sunset Shimmer stood outside Pinkie's house. Sunset could feel herself shaking when she reached up to knock on the door. Though, she wasn't going to let a few nerves ruin their night. She shook the jitters away and knocked on the door. When it opened, she could see Pinkie's mouth agape staring at her.

Sunset wore a tight magenta dress which grabbed Pinkie's attention as soon as she laid eyes on her. Her hair was also in a high ponytail and she wore earrings with some black heels. Sunset couldn't help but blush while Pinkie checked her out.

When Pinkie fully opened the door, revealing her entire self, Sunset's expression clearly changed. She was now the one gawking at how the other looked. Pinkie wore a loose sky blue dress, earrings, a long necklace, with some pink heels.

"Hi Sunset, you look beautiful," Pinkie commented.

Sunset looked up to her face. "Not as beautiful as you."

Pinkie smiled and closed the door behind her. "That's not possible."

"Can't accept flattery can you?" Sunset smirked at her.

"Not if it isn't true," She said.

"Oh but it is." Sunset held out her hand. "Come on beautiful, let's go."

Pinkie rolled her eyes playfully and blushed. She took Sunset's hand and made their way down the steps.

A drive later, they arrived at their destination. Sunset Shimmer suggested the restaurant knowing Pinkie would have a hard time deciding. Pinkie Pie didn't argue though, she knew where ever they went it was going to be the best night of her life. Hand in hand, the two made their way inside.

"Welcome, good evening ladies," A waiter spoke to them when the entered.

"Good evening mister!" Pinkie replied a little too excitedly.

The waiter laughed. "Mm, a table for two I presume?"

Sunset nodded. "Actually, we reserved. Shimmer please?"

The waiter shuffled through his cards and pulled hers out. He gave it to her and smiled. "Alright, follow me if you may."

They followed and Pinkie and Sunset took their seats at their table.

"Can I start you off with drinks?"

"I'll have a sweet tea please and thank you," Pinkie ordered.

"Just ice water please," Sunset ordered next.

"I'll be back shortly." The waiter said taking off.

Pinkie looked around not even bothering to pick up her menu. "This is a really nice restaurant Sunset."

Sunset lowered her menu before speaking. "I've seen it a couple of times before, just never really had a reason to go inside."

Pinkie smiled. "Until now?"

"Until now," Sunset said assuringly.

"To be honest I'm surprised, I guess I would've picked ice cream or a movie," Pinkie mentioned and picked up her menu.

Sunset blushed a little. "Oh, this is too much, isn't it? I should've picked something simpler, I didn't think this through..."

Pinkie shook her head. "No this is great! It's our first date, It should be special."

"You know, that's exactly what I was thinking when I thought of this place," Sunset giggled.

A bit of chat and menu skimming later, the waiter returned.

"One ice water and one sweet tea." He set the glasses on the table. "Are you ready to order?"

"Can I have the vegetable soup and baked potato?" Sunset ordered.

"I'd like the steak and corn, except grilled chicken instead of the steak, and carrots instead of the corn. Wait, scratch that. The pasta and onion soup." Pinkie said and then scratched her head. "That doesn't sound right... uhm, maybe the rice and crab cakes? Actually, no, oh..." Pinkie sighed a picked up the menu again.

The waiter just looked at her oddly and scribbled out her order on his notepad.

Sunset shook her head and pulled the menu down from Pinkie's face. "Pinkie, sweetie, how about the steak and corn hm?"

Pinkie blinked at her then faced the waiter. "Yes! That's what I want!"

The waiter sighed and wrote down the order again. "I'll be back with your orders soon."

"...Sorry, I ramble when I'm nervous," Pinkie admitted.

Sunset smirked. "Yeah, I've noticed."

After their meal, and some ice cream for dessert, the girls were getting ready to leave the restaurant.

Pinkie stood up out of her chair and took out a few dollar bills. "It's only fair I get the tip since you paid for me Sunset."

"Are you sure? I can get it, really," Sunset said.

Pinkie laughed a bit. "I asked you out, and you paid for me. Trust me, I came prepared."

Sunset laughed as well as Pinkie left fifteen dollars on the table. They both walked out through the lobby and out of the restaurant. They drove home in anything but silence chatting to each other happily. When they reached Pinkie Pie's house, Sunset escorted Pinkie up the steps and to her door.

Pinkie faced Sunset and smiled brightly. "I had a lot of fun."

"I'm glad Pinkie, me too," Sunset replied smiling back.

"I figured this would be the best night ever," Pinkie said.

"It really was, I enjoyed it," Sunset agreed.

"Same here..." Pinkie, suddenly feeling a bit of confidence, leaned forward, and kissed Sunset's cheek gently.

Sunset became flustered at the gesture and went disappointed when Pinkie pulled away.

"Well, I'll see you Monday Sunset," Pinkie said also flustered as she turned to her door.

However, this wasn't enough for Sunset. She reached and grabbed ahold of Pinkie's arm. Pinkie gasped slightly at the impact. Sunset spun her friend around and planted her lips on hers. Pinkie's eyes were opened wide with shock but they soon became closed. She began tilting her head and started to kiss back.

A small moment later, Sunset pulled back slowly and made eye contact with the girl. Pinkie was still stunned with passion.

"That was amazing," Pinkie finally said putting her fingers to her lips.

Sunset giggled at her.

"Sunset... do you think, we can do this again?" the pink party girl asked.

"I can't think of anything I'd like more."

Beat Four

"Oh my stars, this is simply marvelous!" Rarity shook her hands and squealed as she entered the gym.

The rest of her friends were not that far behind her when they entered the gym as well. The room was dark but illuminated by the disco ball and string lights. Laughing, chatter, and music filled the room as many students danced across the floor. There were also some dessert tables in the corner and a smoothie stand towards the back.

"You really outdid ya self this time around Pinkie Pie," Applejack spoke taking in the appearance.

"I'll say, I feel like we've walked into Fall Formal 2.0," Rainbow snarked, which Pinkie supposed sounded like a compliment. "Say Twilight, was Crystal Prep's dances this wild?"

Twilight adjusted her glasses and frowned. "I do know they were always quite loud, via Lemon Zest," she shook her head."I know because I took advantage of the hours from school dances. By Crystal Prep staying open late at night, I could work in my lab on those Friday nights instead of having to carry my materials home."

"Huh... said the egghead."

Twilight rolled her eyes.

"Don't listen to Rainbow and her ego, Twi," Sunset tells her.

"I'm just joking SunShim, right Twi?" Rainbow eyebrows.

"Whatever, and don't call me Twi. Only Sunset Shimmer can call me that."

Sunset looked over to her friend and gave her a small salute while smiling.

"Everything does look lovely," Fluttershy mentioned.

"Pfft, of course, it does! It's prom darling," Rarity agreed.

"Thanks, girls! It's not just any prom though, it's our prom. I had to make it one hundred and ten percent this year," Pinkie smiled.

"Everything is great Pinkie," Sunset took her by the hand and grinned. "In fact, let's go dance." Sunset dragged her onto the dance floor which got a little yelp from Pinkie.

Their friends followed quickly behind. Rarity ended up being asked to dance, Applejack and Rainbow were having some silly dance move contest, and Twilight and Fluttershy went off to get punch. it was prom night and the seven were going to make a blast out of it.

Soon, a slow song came on, ladies and their partners were gathering in rows to start a slow dance.

Pinkie was smiling at all the couples and was happy to see them having a good time. Yet, she was suddenly was nudged by Sunset breaking her gaze.

"Huh?" she asked, but then noticed the hand in front of her. "Oh."

"Distracted much?" Sunset laughed.

"What? No, of course not! I'm focused, really," Pinkie tried to convince her.

"Mm, Pinkie, It's nice making sure everyone else is having fun, but you should let loose and have some fun yourself," Sunset told her.

Pinkie sighed. "I know, I'm sorry."

"Don't be," she shook her head. "just dance with me."

Pinkie took the opened hand. "I don't exactly know how to slow dance..."

Sunset cocked an eyebrow. "Really? Okay, I'll lead this one."

Sunset moved Pinkie's hand and placed it onto her shoulder and took the other in hers. She then placed her free hand on Pinkie's side. Sunset started to move her feet in the rhythm of the song, Pinkie soon caught on too and started to move her own feet along. Sunset smiled at the girl and they dance in harmony throughout the whole song and the next.

"You're a fast learner," Sunset commented still dancing.

"I've heard that once or twice," Pinkie replied.

"I'm not surprised."

A little later, the girls meet up again for a dance break. They stood near the dessert table munching on a cookie or two.

"I don't think I've danced so much in my life! I'm exhausted," Rarity said fanning herself.

"That was really fun, and there's still an hour left to go," Fluttershy spoke.

"Woo nilly, I believe I won fair and square Dash," Applejack said about to drink her orange juice.

(Wait, orange juice?)

"I don't think so Apple, I don't believe I won, I know I did," Rainbow pointed a finger to her chest.

Pinkie laughed at them then turned to Sunset. "I'm going to the restroom," she said and kissed Sunset on the cheek.

Sunset smiled and nodded at her.

Pinkie made her way out of the gym and into the hallway. She turned to go to the lady's room. She made it inside and went over to the sink. She turned on the faucet and took some water to splash on her face. It's a good thing she wasn't wearing any makeup with her dress because she was quite hot.

"That's better," she spoke to the mirror.

She brushed down some hair that got pulled up from the dancing and left the bathroom. Only to be faced, with a very jitty Bon Bon and Lyra coming down the hall. They were holding hands and giggling to each other in one another's ears.

Lyra stopped and looked up to her pink friend. "Hey Pinkie Pie, what's up?"

Pinkie shrugged. "Nothing really."

Bon Bon smiled. "How's Sunset?"

"Do you mean how's she feeling or how's our relationship?" Pinkie asked back.

"Oh, uhm, both I guess," she concluded.

"Sunset's great, our relationship is as well," Pinkie finished off with a nod.

"That's adorable!" Lyra commented.

"I dunno, I kind of expected Sunset to get with Twilight," Bon Bon turned towards Lyra.

Lyra raised an eyebrow. "The pony princess?"

"Nah, the scientist."

Pinkie just stood there as they had their debate. Did they have to talk about this, and right in front of her?

"Pinkie's a good gal, Bon Bon. If Pinkie says their fine then they're fine," Lyra said.

Bon Bon put her hands up in defense. "Hey, okay, I was just saying."

"Enjoying the party you two?" Pinkie spoke up to change the subject.

"It's alright," Bon Bon replied. She took Lyra by the hand again as whispered into her ear.

Lyra blushed but faced Pinkie. "Gotta go Pinks, see you."

Pinkie gave off a small wave and watched the friends go in the direction of the bathroom. She knew Lyra and Bon Bon were close, but she didn't know they were that close. Instead of sticking around to find out just what they were going to be doing in the bathroom, Pinkie continued her walk back to the gym.

It's alright.

Pinkie was saddened. Her dances are in fact, to steal from Rainbow Dash, awesome!

I dunno, I kind of expected Sunset to get with Twilight.

Pinkie found herself in front of the gym but stopped in her tracks. She looked to her right and started moving to the entrance. She needed some air, so she left the building and leaned against the wall outside. She sighed to herself as she looked into the distance.

...Is Bon Bon right? Do I even belong with Sunset? she thought.

She could admit, the two do have a lot more in common than her and Sunset ever would.

She makes me happy, but do I make Sunset happy? Pinkie felt a tear drip down her cheek.


Pinkie jumped at the voice. She looked over and found Sunset with a concerned look on her face.

"Oh, Sunset, what are you doing here?" Pinkie asked trying to play to cool.

"Looking for you, you were gone for a while and I got worried. It's not like you to skip a party," she answered.

"I just needed some air," Pinkie said.

Sunset nodded and leaned against the wall beside her.

"You're staying? You can go back inside with our friends Sunset."

"And leave my girlfriend out here by herself?" she chuckled. "Not a chance."

Pinkie tried her best and gave off a little smile. She turned back to the front again looking into the distance.

"Sunny, are you happy?"

Sunset tilted her head.

"With me?" she clarified.

"Of course I am! Why wouldn't I be?"

Pinkie brought her hand up and waved it around. "It's just, well, your so cool!" Sunset laughed at the choice of words. "So, I just think you would deserve someone better than, you know, me."

Sunset shook her head. "No way, I love being with you and only you Pinkie. You're literally the best thing that's ever happened to me. I wouldn't trade you for anything in the world."

Pinkie fought it for as long as she could, but the tears just started streaming.

"T-That's good because I feel the same w-way," She said through her sniffs.

Sunset put her hand onto Pinkie's shoulder. "Then what brought this about?"

"I was just, thinking that's all, having some stupid thoughts or whatever," Pinkie half lied.

"They're not stupid. Sometimes you have to ask those things, to make sure you know your partner's intentions. it's assuring," Sunset said.

Pinkie smiled and turned to face her girlfriend. "I-I love you, Sunset."

Sunset smiled back then brought their lips together. "I love you too."

Beat Five

"I fought through the darkness and come out the other si-i-de."

"For rain clouds will clear, the way for the sunny skies..." (The way for the sunny sky.)

"I've been afraid and stayed through the longest ni-i-ights."
"But morning still comes, and with it, it brings a light..." (Oh it brings a li-i-ight.)

"And hope shines eternal..."
"And friends are all I need..." (Friends are all I need.)
"And hope shines eternal..." (Shines eternal.)
"And the future is always bright, the future is always bri-i-ight, the future is always bri-i-i-ight."
"When you're here with me."

The Rainbooms just finished off a song at Canterlot High's graduation ceremony. The principals clapped after the performance and the other seniors did as well.

The seven smiled to one another before they started gathering their instruments and speakers.

"Thank you! Thank you! We'll be here all week!" Rainbow cheered to the crowd.

"Rainbow, It's summer vacation..." Fluttershy tried to say.

Dash groaned. "I know, but-"

"No buts Rainbow Dash, it's officially time for some relaxation," Rarity interrupted.

She rolled her eyes. "What about you Shimmer? You're always up for a guitar session right?" Rainbow turned to her.

"You know it, but not this week Rainbow, I'll hold you to that though," Sunset replied.

Rainbow sighed.

"Thank you Rainbooms," Principle Luna said.

"Make sure you're back in time for certificates," Principal Celestia reminded.

With that, the friends left the stage carrying their items out of the auditorium.

After another speech, the handing out of certificates, and photos with parents, the ceremony was finally over with. The girls said their goodbyes and promised to meet up the following weekend. Everybody then went their own ways home. Well, not everyone so to speak.

Pinkie and Sunset were in the car together, with the radio on of course. Though, Pinkie became confused when Sunset pulled over about a mile before her house. Sunset unbuckled her seatbelt and got out of the car.

She looked over to Pinkie. "Come on," was all she said.

Pinkie was always up for surprises, so she didn't hesitate on getting out of the car. Although, that didn't stop her from asking the obvious.

"What're we doing Sunset? I thought we were going to your place," she said.

Sunset put a finger to her chin. "Oh, so you don't want Donut Joe's then?"

Pinkie Pie blinked but then looked over to a couple of the stores around her. Right smack in the middle, laid Donut Joe's.

"Oh uh sure. I could eat," Pinkie tried to play off cooly, yet she ended up walking over with a pep in her step.

Sunset Shimmer shook and head and smiled as she followed behind. When she opened the door to the donut shop she found Pinkie already leaning against the corner trying to decide on her order.

"Strawberry iced with rainbow sprinkles," she told the man. He nodded and reached to put her donut into a bag.

"Actually, can you make that a dozen?" Sunset said coming over.

The man raised his eyebrow but shrugged. "Okay."

"Half of those, and the other half glazed," she finished off.

"Alright then, let me get a box."


"Relax Pinkie, my treat, okay?" Sunset smiled comfortably at her.

Pinkie gave off a weak smile but nodded.

"Here you are." The man reached over and gave the box to the pink girl.

Sunset took out her wallet and paid the price with her card.

The next thing you know, the two were back in Sunset's car again. Pinkie was munching on a donut, but they weren't going in the direction of Sunset's house.

"No offense, but are we going somewhere again?" Pinkie brought up.

"Yes," Sunset answered.

"Wow, and here I was hoping for some cuddle time with you," Pinkie pouted.

Sunset laughed. "Trust me, you'll be doing a lot of that," she said and pointed out the front window.

Pinkie looked out front and her jaw dropped. "The movies?"

Sunset nodded. "Yep, didn't you say you wanted to see-"

"Happy Death Day two!" Pinkie almost shouted with a brin grin on her face.

Sunset laughed again.

"The prequel was so good! I've been wanted to see the next one since it came out!"

"I know you have, that's why we're here. So... surprise?" Sunset started to turn in.

"Two surprises in one day. Sunset, you spoil me." Pinkie was practically jumping in her seat.

"Well, I do love you, so why not spoil you?" Sunset smirked.

Pinkie playfully rolled her eyes. "Pfft, I love you too."

They made it into the theaters, ended up buying two large soda's, and took their seats not too far from the top.

"Thank you, Sunny. Honestly, I couldn't think of anything else better to do after I graduated," Pinkie said then took a sip of her sprite.

"Well when you put it like that, you're welcome. The movies are pretty nice," she said.

Pinkie shook her head. "Not the movie silly, even though it is pretty exciting, but I meant hang out with you."

Sunset smiled and took her girlfriend's hand. "Aw, same here."

"Ya know, I have a DVD of The Last Unicorn, that we should really check out together," Pinkie mentioned.

Sunset raised an eyebrow. "Are you suggesting that because I'm actually a unicorn pony, or because it's just a really good movie?"

"...Yes," was all Pinkie said.

That got a light chuckle out of Sunset.

"Okay, It's a date." She put her hand on top of Pinkie's.

Soon the lights began to dim which signified the movie was about to start. Pinkie squealed in excitement and snuggled the best she could up to Sunset.

"Cuddling already? We haven't even got to the scary part yet," Sunset spoke.

Pinkie snorted. "There's no excuse for wanting to snuggle with your girlfriend."

"Point taken."

When the movie was over, Sunset and Pinkie were making their way out the theater heading for the parking lot. The sun was starting to set as it it was already late in the evening. Which also meant it was getting a bit breezy too. Though Pinkie wasn't complaining, she was wearing Sunset's jacket after all.

"That was so good!" Pinkie said pleased.

"I have to agree, those endings you just never see coming. I can't believe I didn't get it," Sunset shook her head.

Pinkie pated Sunset's shoulder. "That's okay, nobody's better at solving a mystery than Pinkamena Diane Pie."

Sunset's lip curved at Pinkie's proud face. They soon bursted out into laughter at her joke.

Then, they were in the car again.

"Do you want to stop at the diner? I wouldn't count half a donut and a large soda as dinner," Sunset pointed out while driving.

Pinkie giggled. "Sure."

Minutes after driving, they made it to the local diner. Sunset pulled over and parked the car before unbuckling her seat belt, for what felt like the hundredth time today. Sunset walked inside with Pinkie following behind her. It was a seat yourself, so they both ended up taking a seat at a booth near a window. Being that hardly anyone was there, the waitress came over pretty quickly and politely asked them what they wanted.

"Want to share a plate of cheese fries?" Pinkie asked.

Sunset thought about it. "I dunno, maybe I want my own."

"Hm, alrighty, two plates of cheese fries it is," Pinkie nodded. The waitress smiled as she retreated back to the kitchen. "Should I get this one?"

Sunset smiled calmly. "Sweetie, let me spoil you."

"Fine, but one of these days you're going to have to let me pay," Pinkie said.

"I'll hold you on to that."

Five minutes later, both their cheese fries came out. They ate and chatted for what felt like half an hour about random stuff. However, just when they were almost done, Pinkie decided to pick the most random topic of all!

"Do you know why I love you Sunset?" Pinkie asked suddenly.

Sunset looked up from her plate and blinked.

Pinkie blinked.

"Is it my outstanding looks and my irresistible charm?" Sunset joked.

Pinkie coughed but held it within her cheeks as they went big. She opened her mouth a little to relieve herself.

"You wish!" Pinkie said back.

Sunset snickered. "Haha, I'm just messing with you. Why?"

"Well, you are very attractive Sunset. Though, it's because you're so confident but also so fragile. Not in a bad way or anything, but your so alternative about yourself and it's one of the things that makes you unique. Not to mention, you come from a magical place called Equestria."

Sunset nodded.

"I've always liked a challenge, but then I like to be a challenge too. We're so different but that's what makes us special. That's what makes me love us, love you. You're always there and I know you're always going to be right there. Whether it's us laughing about some weird prophecy or us balling our eyes out on the couch," she finished off with empathy.

Pinkie blushed. "It's kind of cheesy, isn't it?"

Sunset shook her head. "It's the most beautiful thing anyone or anypony has ever said to me." A single tear ran down her cheek.

Pinkie smiled at her, not just any Pinkie Pie smile, a bright loving smile.

"Should we get dessert?" Pinkie Pie spoke.

There was never a time Pinkie would turn down dessert.

Beat Six

It was late in the evening and Sunset Shimmer was coming home from work. Summer vacation was over and it was time for business. The couple finally moved into together in their own little apartment, which Pinkie's parents approved off. Pinkie's parents always liked Sunset, so they weren't really that hard to convince.

Pinkie Pie decided to take online college classes along with a part-time job as a caterer. She did big event-like parties and sometimes even weddings. Sunset decided to take the big job and work as a technician for a tech company not too far away. Super good pay and she liked it to be fair. Earth's technology was always quite fascinating to her.

Though today, she was happy it was Friday. She made it home, finally, and carried a teal box into the kitchen. A box that looked as if it could be from a cake shop. She then carefully put it into the fridge.

"Sunset, you're home!" a voice called out.

"I'm in the kitchen babe," she replied.

Pinkie came walking into the kitchen in some athletic shorts, much to Sunset's liking, and a loose sky blue t-shirt.

"Heya," Pinkie walked to her and embraced in a hug.

"Hey yourself." Sunset pulled out of the hug and placed a quick kiss on Pinkie's lips.

"How was work? Anything exciting happen?" she asked.

"Not for me really, but If you count Quick Wit spilling his coffee on Golden Wish exciting, then yes."

Pinkie laughed. "Oh gosh."

"Mhm, it could've been better," she said. "How was school?"

"Educational, boring, could've been better. You know, the usual."

Sunset chuckled. "Good, I think."

Pinkie nodded. "I made pasta for dinner, but I waited for you."

Sunset smiled. "Aw, thank you Pinkie, but if you hungry you should have eaten."

"I wasn't that hungry," she said shaking her head. "but I am now so I'll heat it up. You go and get comfy."

"Alright, see you in a sec," Sunset said then walked to the bedroom.

Pinkie made two bowls of pasta and brought them to the table in front of the couch. Afterward, she went back and took to glasses and filled them up with ice water. She brought those to the couch-table too, just in time for Sunset to come out. She wore some sweat pants and a loose shirt as well.

"Smells nice," she said.

"It should, I made the sauce myself by the way, " Pinkie said.

Sunset took a seat next to Pinkie and smiled. "I do love your homemade dishes. You should think about making a cookbook."

"That's a great idea!" Pinkie took it into consideration.

Sunset laughed at the outburst and took her bowl of pasta to start eating. Pinkie turned on the TV and grabbed ahold of her pasta as well. They sat together, in comfy clothes, bowls of pasta, on the couch, watching TV. It really, couldn't get better than this.

Thirty minutes later, when they had finished their meals...

Sunset turned to face Pinkie. "Do you want dessert?"

Pinkie faced her and smirked. "You know me too well."

"Always sweetie," Sunset booped her nose and brought their empty bowls to the kitchen.

She set them in the sink and went over to the fridge. She took out the teal box which she had stuck in their earlier and brought it over to the living room. Pinkie stared oddly at it as Sunset placed it on the table in front of the couch.

She then sat back down in her spot and pushed the box over to Pinkie's side, smiling softly.

"What is it?" Pinkie asked her.

"Open it," Sunset said.

Pinkie bit the inside of her cheek but slowly opened the teal box. Inside was a white sheet, but she removed it off the top to reveal what was really there.

"It's a cookie," she spoke in awe. "a giant confetti cookie."

Sunset nodded. "Mhm, cool right?"

It was a large birthday cake (or confetti) cookie, and on top of it in pink frosting wrote, 'I Love You'.

Pinkie's mouth literally formed an 'O' as she stared at it. "Super cool..."

"And it's perfect to share too. Go ahead, break it in half," Sunset told her.

Pinkie faced Sunset in confusion and blinked. Sunset just moved her head in the direction of the cookie as if she said 'go on'. Pinkie exhaled but reached for the cookie. She took in her in hands and broke it evenly in half.

Pinkie heard a noise, a small 'clank' inside the box. She moved the two halves away from each other and almost dropped them when she saw the sight. Right there, in the sorta crummy box, laid a silver diamond ring.

Pinkie picked up the ring and set the halves of the cookie back inside the box. She turned her whole body towards Sunset, mouth agape.

Sunset giggled and took the ring from Pinkie's two fingers.

"Pinkie, you-"

"YES!" Pinkie flew across the couch tackling Sunset to the surface of it.

"Gah, Pinkie-"

Pinkie silenced her up by giving her everlasting kiss on the lips. Sunset, of course, kissed back but was in definite need for an intermission. Pinkie finally released herself giving Sunset room for breath. Instead, she moved for Sunset's neck and started placing kisses along it.

Sunset let out a force moan. "P-Pinkie."

Pinkie ignored and moved for the ear, something that would always make Sunset jitter.

Sunset exhaled with pleasure but was able to tap out. "Come on now, Pinks."

Pinkie frowned and pulled out. "Fine, you're a real party pooper Sunset."

Sunset smiled. "Trust me, I would love to keep going, but there will be plenty of time for that later."

Pinkie nodded.

"So, I'm guessing from all that, you know?" Sunset asked the obvious.

Pinkie grinned. "Yeah, but Imma let you say it."

Sunset chuckled but took the ring in her fingers again. "Pinkie, will you do me the honor of marrying me?"

"...Yep!" Pinkie took ahold of the ring and carefully placed it onto her finger. "By the way, that was a great proposal. I'm still planning on eating that cookie though."

"Not if I eat you first," Sunset winked at her.

Pinkie's cheeks went red. "Oh, stop it."

Sunset shrugged. "You started it."

"Okay, then I'll finish it. Come here you," Pinkie laughed.

The two ended up sharing another passionate kiss.

... then more some.

Beat Seven

Sunset was just coming home from the corner store. It was Sunday, and her fiance Pinkie was stuck in bed with a cold. It was pretty minor at the moment, but Sunset practically insisted to take off work the next day and stay by her side.

She got to the house with a small grocery bag in hand. Some ginger ale, an extra box of tissues, some cough syrup, and a few magazines were contained inside. Sunset unlocked the front door and made her way into the house.

"I'm home!" she called out to let Pinkie know it was her.

Sunset hung her jacket on the rack and carried herself, with the bag, to the bedroom. The door was slightly closed, just how she left it. However, it looked like the lights were off.

Sunset peeked her head in. "Pinkie, babe, are you sleeping?" she whispered.

What Sunset got in response was a few sniffles, and she could have sworn a few squeaks too. Sunset grew concerned so she cautiously stepped inside and turned on the light.

Pinkie was on the bed crying, the box of tissues beside her, and an empty water bottle. On the other side next to her, also laid an opened envelope.

Sunset went, moved the tissues, and sat on the bed. She wrapped her arms around Pinkie in a sideways hug.


"Shh, I'm here."

Pinkie broke down, even more, always being a dramatic crier. She turned and buried her face in Sunset's shoulder weeping. Sunset rubbed her fiance's back and kissed her forehead simultaneously, not caring at the fact that she was sick. Comforting Pinkie was all that she cared about.

After a minute, when she finally calmed down, Sunset started to speak up.

"Pinks, what's wrong? Does it have something to do with that letter?" Sunset asked.

Pinkie broke the embrace and reached for the letter, she took it from the bed and handed it to Sunset.

"Read it," she said.

Sunset unfolded the paper and read:

Dear Pinkamena Pie,

We are incredibly sorry to inform you that you have been rejected from CASA: The Chef Apprentice School of The Arts. We sincerely thank you for-

That was all Sunset needed to read before getting the gist. She looked to Pinkie with sorrow in her eyes.

"Oh Pinkie, I'm-"

"I worked, so hard, Sunny."

Sunset frowned, folded the letter back, and put it in the envelope. "You don't need to look at that anymore."

"I thought I was good! Our friends said I was good. You said I was good," Pinkie stated with tears still streaming.

Sunset reached out and wiped Pinkie's cheek. "You are, I'd give up on going to restaurants if It meant I could eat your food every day. If some silly cooking school can't see that, they don't deserve you and your treats Pinkie."

"B-But it's one of the best culinary schools in the country! Do you know how much I could learn there? How much I would improve..." Pinkie told her.

"Hey, there will be other opportunities for you," Sunset said.

"N-No, I'm just... not important," Pinkie whispers.

Sunset's eyes went big for a moment, but she then took both of Pinkie's hands in hers. "Pinkie, sweetie, love of my life, you are important. Stop making doubts about yourself, nobody's flawless; but that's okay!"

Pinkie just sighed and refused to look her fiance in the eyes.

"Heck, you could even open your own bakery if you wanted. Don't stop doing what you love because of one rejection, just keep trying, okay?" Sunset said.

Pinkie sniffed and faced her again. "I know it's just, I really thought I had this one in the bag."

"Your application was great, and so was your dish. I believe in you Pinkie, but remember to keep believing in yourself," she advised.

"Thanks, Sunset," Pinkie said then let out a few coughs. She cleared her throat. "You're the best."

Sunset smiled. "I know."

Pinkie smiled, but closed her eyes and shook her head.

"Oh!" Sunset remembered. "I brought you some necessities." She handed the bag she brought home from the store to Pinkie.

Pinkie looked into the bag and laughed the best she could. "Ginger ale and crappy magazines, my favorite."

Sunset laughed as well. "You're welcome."

"Why did I have to get sick now? Our wedding is in three weeks..." Pinkie mentioned.

"Mmm, you'll be fine. I'm pretty sure it's only a head cold anyway," Sunset said. "Either way, you need rest."

Pinkie yawned. "Yeah, I guess I'm a little tired."

"Probably because you spent, who knows how long, crying when I was out," Sunset let out a chuckle.

"Hmm," Pinkie says in agreement but reached for the box of tissues. "Aa choo!" she blew into it.

"Alright babe, scoot back against the bed and under the covers," Sunset demanded but kindly.

Pinkie didn't even have the strength to argue, so she did what her fiance said and got comfy in bed. Sunset got up and walked around to Pinkie's side. She set the ginger ale, tissues, and cough syrup on the bedside table, and the magazines next to her on the bed.

"You, need to sleep," she insisted.

Pinkie sighed in comfort and began to close her eyes. "Join me?"

Sunset giggled a little. "It's about two in the afternoon, I'm not tired."

"I hate... being... sick..." Pinkie trailed off. Next thing you know, she was completely asleep.

Sunset smiled at her and gave her a sweet kiss on the forehead. Feeling satisfied, she then left the room.

Sick, happy, sad, or angry, Sunset would always be there for Pinkie.

Beat Eight

"AH! Rarity, I'm so nervouscited!" Pinkie yelled, almost knocking Rarity off the stool she was standing on.

Rarity let out a small laugh. "That's great darling, really. Yet, please I beg of you, stay still."

"Oh, sorry!" Pinkie apologized.

Rarity took the string of thread in her teeth and snapped it from the needle. "Wah la! All hemmed."

Pinkie smiled and walked away from the stool. "Thanks, Rare, It kind of sucks having to get it hemmed the day of the wedding." Pinkie made her way towards the full body length mirror. "But it was so worth it!"

Rarity smirked and twirled the needle in her hand. "They don't call me Rarity the fabulous dressmaker for nothing."

"You look great Pinkie," Fluttershy spoke up, also in the room.

"Thanks, Shy!"

"Somebody's more bubbly than usual," Applejack said entering the room.

"Who wouldn't be on their wedding day?" Rarity answered her.

"You're right Applejack, but I can't help it. I mean, if I look this good, I can't imagine how good Sunset's looking," Pinkie exclaimed.

"Believe me when I say, you'd seen Sunset at her best already. If you know what I mean," Rainbow Dash winked also coming in the room. "Rarity, you're up with SunShim and Sparky."

Rarity nodded, taking her sewing basket with her out of the room. Meanwhile, Pinkie's cheeks were red as a tomato from Rainbow's comment.

"Rainbow..." Fluttershy said, also feeling a little weirded out.

Rainbow turned to her shy friend. "What? Me, you, and the rest of us already know what those two are going to be doing tonight."

"Rainbow!" Pinkie yelped.

"There there Pinkie Pie," Applejack said walking over to her. "Rainbow's just teasing ya."

Rainbow Dash mumbled something but kept her snarky comments to a minimum.

Meanwhile... in the other room...

"I seriously don't see what Rainbow Dash's problem is with me," Twilight said crossing her arms.

Sunset chuckled. "You know she's been teasing you since day one, give it a rest Twilight."

"Ah, the other bride," Rarity said coming into the room.

"Hey Rarity, how's Pinkie?"

"Oh, you know, she's nervous but excited at the same time," she replied.

Sunset raised an eyebrow. "Nervouscited?"

Rarity blinked, Twilight's jaw dropped. Just a little.

"Oh dear," Rarity sighed. "Anywho, come here Sunset so I can do your hair." She walked over to the stool.

"Kay," Sunset agreed walking over.

"What about you Sunset?" Twilight asked.

Sunset hummed before coming up with an answer. "Pretty much the same."

"Good, because just so you know Sunset, this is going to be the last page in my scientific discover journal. Unicorn & Human Affection of The Odds," Twilight smiled proudly. "You and Pinkie are going to make me rich!"

Sunset's lips curved. "Wait, you continued to work on that?"

Twilight's smile faded and her pupils looked like they could shrink. "...No..."

Back in the other room!...

"Hey Pinkie Pie," Rainbow started.

Pinkie faced Rainbow and tilted her head. "Yeah?"

"How'd your parents react when you told them you were marrying a magical unicorn from another dimension?"

Pinkie blinked. "Pretty well, actually!"


"Hey mom, dad, sissy's, guess what?" Pinkie announced walking into her living room.

"I'm going to marry Sunset Shimmer! Can I have your blessings?"

The mother and father looked and each other, then back at their daughter. "The mind reader?" they said together.

"The mind melder."

Maud spoke up. "The horse?"

"The pony."

Limestone's eyebrow crooked. "The wizard?"

"The unicorn."

Marble Pie sniffed. "Your best friend?"

"My fiance."

Pinkie was getting tired of these superstitions.

"Eh, I've heard weirder things from you," Mr Pie said.

"Whatever, go ahead sweetie," Mrs Pie concluded.

"...It won't last, but I'm cool," Limestone snarked.

Maud looked to her pet rock and nodded. "Boulder says it's okay."

"mmhmm," Marble hummed.

"...Great! Toodles!" Pinkie grinned and skipped out the door.


"That's," Rainbow paused and thought about what she was going to say. She quickly changed her mind and decided to go with: "Actually, that's completely standard for you."

Fluttershy giggled.

Applejack sighed and checked at the clock. "Oh, it's almost time yall. Rainbow, stand at the altar then wait for Rarity and Twilight. Fluttershy, get your rose petals. Ah'll get the rings."

Rainbow saluted then went out the door. Fluttershy picked her basket of flower petals from beside her, then also when out the door.

"Thanks, Applejack," Pinkie said.

"Anytime Pinkie. Go out there and knock em' dead." Applejack took the black box of rings with her out of the room.

Pinkie didn't take the reference literally, from always being bad at recognizing sarcasm, but did make a breathtaking entrance down the aisle. Soft wedding music played, and rose petals were thrown onto the silk aisle; courtesy of Fluttershy. Friends were seated in seats along with family members; aside from Sunset's. Something cool was, Princess Twilight and her ex friendship student, also known as Sunset's friend, Starlight was there as well.

Pinkie made it to the end of the aisle, as of there stood Sunset looking beautiful as ever. Sunset smiled at her, Pinkie smiled back. White, gold, and rose gold were their colors; they flowed and danced throughout their dresses. Sunset's hair was tied into a high curly ponytail, along with a white lacy headband. Pinkie's hair remained the same, but a white veil was thrown over it.

The audience clapped in sync when the two met, but the prime minister raised his hand to lower the noise. He then gently spoke the words in the order of they should be spoken. Afterward, he reached the part of the vows.

They both vowed to support, push, inspire, and above all, love, for better or worse, in sickness and health, for richer or poorer, and as long as they both shall live.

"You may now, seal this moment with a kiss," the minister spoke.

-and so they did. Sunset lifted the veil from Pinkie's eyes; Pinkie gave off a goofy smile in return. Sunset didn't hesitate though as she locked her, and her now-wife, lips together.

The audience cheered, but what you could mostly hear were the sobs from Rarity and Fluttershy and the whistles from Rainbow, Applejack, and Twi.

"Celestia would be proud!" Twilight yelled to Sunset.

"Shh, Twilight," Starlight shook her head embarrassed.

Beat Nine

"I can't believe this is really happening!" Pinkie gleamed as she paced throughout the space.

Sunset laughed. "Careful, you don't want to get dizzy and pass out before the opening."

Yes; today was the grand opening of Pinkie Pie's new and first-ever bakery: Pinkie's Peaches. A fine alliteration, and name of so much potential.

"Ugh, I know right? I won't even be able to cut the ribbon," Pinkie mentioned. "You did bring the scissors right?"

Sunset nodded. "Uh-huh, there in the back."

"The jumbo pair?"

"Yes. I can't believe you were able to get that made; you know how much of a struggle it was to carry that into my car?" Sunset said.

Pinkie laughed. "Bigger the better, Sunset."

Sunset hummed and crossed her arms. "Just how do you expect to, not only lift it but open them in order to cut that ribbon of yours?"

Pinkie shook her head, walked over to Sunset, and patted her shoulder. "With the help of you of course!"

"Fantastic," Sunset spoke sarcastically.

Pinkie went to the back and into the kitchen. She brought out, on a platter, a three-layered stack cake iced in white fondant. On top it read Pinkie's Peaches in coral frosting.

"Well, what a cake," Sunset admired. "So that's what you were doing here half the day yesterday."

"Yeah, It's a beauty," Pinkie said, then placed the cake on the counter.

"Like me?" Sunset joked.

Pinkie chuckled. "Please, you're prettier than any cake."

Sunset cocked her eyebrow. "I'll take that as a compliment."

"Hey, would your wife really lie to you?"

Sunset shrugged. "I suppose not."

Pinkie smiled, then walked behind the counter. She crouched down to the mini-fridge and pulled out two bottles of water. She walked back around to Sunset and handing one to her.

"Here you go," Pinkie offered.

"Thanks," Sunset smiled and took the drink. She unscrewed the cap and took a sip.

Pinkie glanced up towards the clock, it was current 9:37 am. The opening was at ten, so they still had twenty-seven minutes to go.

"Hey Sunny," Pinkie called to her.

"Hm?" Sunset made and focused her attention on her.

"Do... do you remember that important conversation we had, that one time?" Pinkie asked subtly.

"I remember all the important conversations we've had Pinkie. Why?" She brought up.

Pinkie's lip curved. "Oh, uh, I was just thinking. Well, I remembered this one last night when I was finishing up the cake."

Sunset nodded, insisting her to go on.

Pinkie scratched the back of her head. "Sunset, do you, do you still want to adopt a child, and raise it with me?"

Sunset blinked. Oh, that.

Why'd you have to bring it up?


"I think so," Sunset said.

Pinkie raised an eyebrow. "You think so? What does that mean?"

"It means, I want to. Though, am I ready to? I just don't know," Sunset explained.

"Nobody can be one hundred percent ready Sunset. You just, have to take risks." Pinkie replied.

"What about you?"

Pinkie smiled. "I'm almost sure."

"That's great babe, really, but I mean-- I don't even have any experience!"

"I can help you, I have tons of experience. I used to babysit for Mr and Mrs Cake back in high school." Pinkie mentioned.

Sunset shook her head and sighed.

"I'm pretty sure it's the same way you'd handle a foal, Sunset. Comfort it, figure out why their crying, and handle the solution."

"Hmm," Sunset hummed.

"Come on, think positive! We'll be great parents!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"I suppose..."

"Be reasonable. You're so kind-hearted, but you're also super good at being in charge. You would be like, a super mom!"

Sunset laughed. "Thanks, Pinkie, I see your point."

Pinkie nodded. "See? There's the confident Sunset I know."

"Oh, she was never gone. She was just in deep thought," Sunset teased.

"That's deep," Pinkie repeated.

"Like, rock bottom deep," Sunset concluded.

"Now you're making it sound mundane!" Pinkie snarked.

"It always was!" she agreed.

Sunset and Pinkie started a laughing fit. Soon, the laughs died down though, and Sunset knew exactly what to say.

"I would love to raise a baby with you Pinkie Pie," Sunset smiled.

Pinkie smiled back and embraced her wife in a tight hug.

"You're the best."

"So you've said."

"Mmm, multiple times. Come on, let's get the rest of the treats on display." Pinkie said breaking the hug.

So they did. They went through the back and into the kitchen. They brought out pastries, such as tarts and eclairs. Some different flavors of pound cake, and of course, lots of cupcakes. The pair set all the goodies into display cases around the shop.

They finished up the decorating by hanging up a banner and putting some balloons around inside. Finally, Pinkie took her long shiny red ribbon and tied it on each end of the glass door. Minutes later, a crowd of people started lining up at the new bakery.

Before you knew it, ten o'clock hit, and it was time for the opening.

Pinkie glanced at Sunset who gave her a small nod and a smile. Pinkie used it as comfort and went to grab her jumbo scissors. Sunset helped her carry it out to the front where the ribbon was placed in the door.

"Thank you, everyone, for coming!" Pinkie yelled to the crowd. "This bakery was something I've always wanted to do but I never had the confidence too. That changed when my wife, Sunset, influenced me to make my dream come true."

That was followed by a few cheers from the people and a small blush from Sunset.

Pinkie giggled a little. "Now, I welcome all of you, to be the first to enter..."

The weds raised the scissors, opened them wide, brung it down onto the ribbon, and snipped it in two.

"Pinkie's Peaches!" she exclaimed loud and proud.

Sunset and Pinkie stepped inside, with the scissors, and placed it aside. The crowd flooded the bakery and started basking around all the treats. Some even started to take out their wallets and step to the register. Pinkie stepped behind the counter and started giving out some change. Sunset followed her and put her hand onto Pinkie's shoulder.

Pinkie looked at her and smiled brightly. "Thank you Sunset, I love you."

"I love you too," Sunset said back.

As if my heart beats a thousand times again.

The End

"When you love someone, you know with every heartbeat, they sink deeper into your heart."

Author's Note:

Haha! SunPie! I did it!

You know what kind of step this was for me? I'm so use to writing SciSet that this was actually pretty challenging. I REALLY hope you enjoyed the story, even if you don't ship them.

Few, this was long, ask for a sequel and I might faint.

Check out my My Story Timeline, for more stories!

Please, don't hesitate to comment helpful tips, dislikes, and loves. I could use any support.

Goodbye for now! <3

Comments ( 13 )

:pinkiehappy: This is so beautiful! I love it!


Thank you so so much <3

Absolutely wonderful story.

I have to admit I am a sucker for a Pinkie/Sunset story.

Few stories can actually pull me in enough to read. Especially with how today's Romance writers tend to make common mistakes, but this story right here makes me want to read a full book or series on this. I have never r3ead a story this well written. There are stories in my favourites that are my absolute favourites. This is one of them.

You don’t know how much that means to me! Thank you so much :)

This is and was a truly cute and wonderful work of art! Pinkie Pie would approve :pinkiehappy:

My heart went badump. That's good writing no matter what grammar says. Adorable!

Omg! This is so adorable!!!!!!

Oh my God, this is so adorable!!!:heart::heart:

Comment posted by vananh01 deleted Jun 16th, 2020

"Baking makes me happy, so I'm glad the desserts I create can make others happy too," She spoke.

"That's a nice prophecy," Sunset replied.

I think you mean, that's a nice philosophy.

"Of course." Sunset took the lid off of the chocolate cupcake container. "To add to the comment you made earlier, I like spending time with you to Pinkie. Honestly, I couldn't think of a better way to spend my morning." She said.

I like spending time with you too

Applejack led some friendly support.

Applejack lent some friendly support

"Awe," Fluttershy whispered.

Aw, or aww.

"Don't listen to Rainbow and her ego, Twi," Sunset tells her.

Sunset told her

"Thank you Rainbooms," Principle Luna said.

Principal. And Luna is vice principal.

"N-No, I'm just... not important," Pinkie whispers.

Pinkie whispered

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