• Published 19th Apr 2019
  • 691 Views, 54 Comments

Dat's Our Ragamuffin! - PresentPerfect

Oh, that zany Ragamuffin! What hilariously inappropriate thing will he stick in his mouth next?

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Dat's Our Ragamuffin!
by Present Perfect


Rainbow Dash sighed and hung her head.

It was not easy being the most awesome student at Canterlot High School. Awesomeness came naturally to her, sure, but even the most talented, say, piano player would get tired of expending the effort needed to play the piano the best now and again. Probably. She'd never played piano.

Okay, maybe this was more like taking a break after a game. You spent a lot of time practicing, hyping yourself up, then had a big game with a big victory, and it took a lot out of you. It would take a lot out of anyone! And so that awesome, victorious athlete did what was best for her body and took a break. Had a little downtime, a big meal and a good night's rest before getting up to do it all over again. Doing otherwise was risking injury and a decrease in future awesomeness, and that wasn't cool.

So if feeling sorry for herself at a time like this could be thought of as a rest for the awesome-making part of her brain, or body, or wherever it was awesome was produced in a person, then it was okay.

Because Rainbow Dash was feeling really, really sorry for herself right now.

Heck, if she looked at the midterm test clutched in her hand again, she might very well feel like crying.

It wasn't a failure to be awesome. It was just awesome downtime. A little break from being awesome 24/7 so she didn't burn herself out. That was definitely what this was and not a sign from above that Rainbow Dash was about the stupidest girl at her school.

She'd studied really hard for that midterm. Sunset and Twilight had even helped her. It wasn't the most important class in the world, just history. Dash didn't even like history. But not liking something and letting something beat you were two very different things.

The history midterm had beaten Rainbow Dash.

It was another checkmark on the list of reasons why Rainbow Dash was just another dumb jock like everyone at school said she was.

She pulled her legs up to her chest and rested her arms on them. Her face followed. She wasn't crying. It was too quiet here behind the school. Someone would hear.

The sky was mostly clear of clouds; nothing hid the sun. Birds in the trees behind the school quieted their songs, content to flit silently between tree branches. In the distance, the chatter and laughter of high schoolers done with another day of study was but a faint murmur. No one was nearby to watch Rainbow Dash at her lowest moment.

Except whoever owned the orange hand that had just appeared.

Rainbow jumped, dropping her midterm and scrubbing her sleeves across her face. "Who? What? I wasn't crying, I'll punch you!"

The hand belonged to a boy about her age. He smiled and reached out for her. Her heart fluttered; was this stranger the knight in shining armor for her hour of greatest need? Some angel sent from above to bring solace to her darkest hour? She extended a tremulous hand; Rainbow Dash had never been tremulous in ever.

The boy's hand dipped down below Rainbow's. She followed it with her eyes as he mimed scooping something up. He brought his hand to his mouth and again mimed, as though he were taking a big bite of the whatever it was. Though not biting into it, not like you would an apple or something; more like biting at it.

"Dat's real existential despair, dat is!" he proclaimed.

Dash stared at him. "W-what?"

"Oi'm Ragamuffin!" He curled his arms, swinging them left and right. "Wakka wakka!"

And then, as silently as he came, he left. The birds began to sing again.

Rainbow frowned. "This is exactly why I prefer girls."

Author's Note:

I'm pretty sure show staff just don't believe British people exist.

Like, there's this whole island of people who talk funny and eat weird food and really like tea, and they just have to wonder when those folks are gonna knock that crazy crap off.