• Published 23rd May 2019
  • 1,176 Views, 60 Comments

Reunions and Laments - Coyote de La Mancha

While wandering the Royal Palace, Sunrise makes an unexpected discovery. A spiraling series of meetings and reunions follow... and an unexpected, chilling revelation of Equestrian lore and magic.

  • ...

3: Adolescence.



“Fall forward, hon. I got you.”

Twilight Sparkle did exactly that, Sunset catching and lowering her onto her forehooves.

“This is wonky,” Twilight observed.

“Yeah, but balance is easier with four legs,” Sunset grinned. “You get used to it.”

“And the transportation itself,” Twilight mused. “I’d expected to feel morphed or even dissolved somehow, but instead I just felt kind of…”

An identical voice broke in. “Stretched?”

“Twilight! Good to see you,” Sunset grinned.

“Sorry we’re late,” the princess said. “Time still isn’t completely constant between our worlds.”

“Hey, no problem,” Sunset said, trotting over to her friend. “We just got here, so—”

“Is this your library?” Twilight Sparkle asked while they hugged.

The princess gave her a grin. “One of them.”

“One of them?” the human-born Twilight gasped. “One of them? This is fantastic! Where do we start?”

She trotted over to her counterpart, only a little unsteadily. “I can’t wait! The sociopolitical implications of a multi-species set of global superpowers relying on individual prowess rather than warehoused technological devices for preventative sociopolitical leverage are mind-boggling!

“No, wait,” she thought aloud, “maybe we should start with history, to give everything context. But of course,” she said with a conspiratorial smile to the alicorn, “you can’t study history without studying geography and economics, am I right?

“Wait, I know,” she exclaimed, suddenly brightening even more, “Let’s start with magic! I’ve read the magic books that Sunset has from when she first came to our world, and I can’t wait to learn how to cast unicorn spells, and… and...”

Her voice trailed off as she realized that everypony there was staring at her.

She blinked, suddenly self-conscious. “What? Did I, did I say something wrong?” She turned back to her twin. “I’m sorry, I—”

“No, you didn’t do anything wrong,” the princess said. “It’s just that, this is really unexpected…”

Becoming more frantic, Twilight looked from one pony to the next.

“What?” she asked. “What’s unexpected? What did I do?”

“You didn’t do anything,” Princess Twilight assured her.

“Um, honey?” Sunset said softly. “Two things. One, you’re not a unicorn…”

“Oh, thank goodness,” Twilight Sparkle breathed. “For a minute there I thought maybe I-- WHAT?!?”

For an instant, Twilight Sparkle was staring ahead of herself, her purple wings splayed out to the fullest.

Then, as quickly as the moment came, it vanished again.

“Awwwww…” she sighed. Wings and tail drooped to the floor, her head hanging low.

Princess Twilight took a hesitant step forward. “Um,” she said, “I know you’re disappointed, but all of the pony tribes have their own special magic…”

“I know,” the human-turned-pegasus sighed. “And I’m not trying to be racist – tribist, I guess? – it’s just that unicorns are so cool. And I was really looking forward to learning magic,” she finished with another sigh.

“Well, you can still study spells as much as you want,” Twilight pointed out. “There have been plenty of scholars who were experts on sorcery, but didn’t cast spells. Even most unicorns aren’t sorcerers.”

At her fiancé’s downcast expression, Sunset added, “Not to mention, pegasi can walk on clouds, control the weather…”

Twilight Sparkle’s head snapped up. “Wait,” she said. “I can what the what?”

“…and fly, of course,” Sunset finished. “Which is kind of the main pegasus thing, really.”

“And I have books on all of that,” Princess Twilight said conspiratorially. “Historical and tutorial.”

As the pegasus started to take in a delighted breath, Sunrise chimed in casually with, “Not to mention, you also have a cutie mark.”

“Yeah,” Sunset nodded. “That was thing two.”

Twilight Sparkle froze again, then immediately began to spin.

“I do? Where? What is it? I can’t…”

While Sunset struggled to keep from laughing, Sunrise sank helplessly against the shelves, gasping with mirth.

“What does it look like?” the pegasus shouted frantically. “I can’t see it!”

“Faster, Twilight,” Sunrise managed, “you’re gaining on it!”

While Sunset mimed a playful kick towards her twin’s ribs, Princess Twilight grabbed Twilight Sparkle by the shoulders.

“Here,” she giggled, “you’ll never see it that way.”

Once Twilight Sparkle had regained her balance, Sunset levitated off the pegasus’ saddlebags, and the princess helped Twilight turn her head and neck so that she could see her own flank.

There, a pyramid shone in light grey, tilted at an angle. A black arch curved to either side and above it. Almost like an aura of power, but not quite… thin at the top, and nearly the width of the pyramid where it touched the latter’s sides.

Atop the pyramid, in the center of that ebon curve, shone a single crimson jewel.

“Oh, my gosh,” Twilight Sparkle squeed. “Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! This is so awesome! I couldn’t have picked a better cutie mark!”

Sunrise gave a wry grin. “Okay, pretending for a minute that I’m not jealous – which I totally am, by the way –what is it?”

Sunset frowned in puzzlement. “That’s a... Vulcan symbol, isn’t it?”

Twilight Sparkle looked back at her fiancé, eyes and grin alight with joy. “It’s the Kol-Ut-Shan!”

Princess Twilight cocked her head, studying the strange configuration of shapes. “The what?”

“The Kol-Ut-Shan” her counterpart repeated. “It’s the Vulcan IDIC principle.”

At the alicorn’s continued puzzlement, Sunset offered, “Vulcans are a fictitious race where we come from.”

“Right. And the Kol-Ut-Shan, the IDIC, is the cornerstone of the Vulcan philosophy.” Twilight Sparkle continued. “Infinite Diversity, in Infinite Combinations. See, the Vulcans used to be a highly aggressive, warlike race who almost destroyed themselves. But one day, a Vulcan named Surak had an epiphany. He realized that only through conquering emotion and achieving inner peace, could their race survive. So, the Vulcans became the most logical race in the known universe, having conquered all emotion.”

She paused, considering. “Unless you count curiosity,” she added. “But that’s debatable.

“Anyway, the core of their philosophy is the Kol-Ut-Shan. Because without celebration of the endless variables of the universe, life loses its value. And giving up life’s value is, well, illogical.

“Of course, there’s a lot I’m leaving out; the truth of the Kol-Ut-Shan goes way beyond its name…!”

“Wait, I’m confused,” said Princess Twilight. “No offense, but you never struck me as an unemotional—”

“Nonono, that’s Vulcans,” Twilight Sparkle corrected her. Then she began talking faster, her enthusiasm truly taking hold. “But, when I was a little girl, I watched Star Trek constantly! Especially the classic series, and the cartoon. I loved the Vulcans’ self-control, their spirit of scientific discovery… and above all, the Kol-Ut-Shan!

‘Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations, symbolizing the elements that create truth and beauty,’” she recited. Then, she grinned. “Spock’s clone. The Infinite Vulcan, from Star Trek the Animated Series. Anyway, the Kol-Ut-Shan is why, dedicated as they are to pure logic, Vulcans still study art, tradition, and music. And that’s why they explore other worlds, and why they accept the other, more emotional races as equals, and treasure them as friends!

“And that inspired me! Even as a little girl, I knew that I wanted to learn everything I could! Not just school lessons, but also art, literature, theatre, music… everything! I wanted to breathe in that infinite light… and then, someday, breathe it out again!

“I knew that the world was vast and full of wonder. And I wanted to learn everything I could, become everything I could! And then, one day I would share it all with the world, to bring that light into the lives of others, to help them see their own… to see that, um…”

Her voice trailed off, and she looked down at the floor, cheeks burning.

“I know. It sounds silly.”

Gently, Princess Twilight put a hoof below the pegasus’ chin, brought her gaze up to meet her own.

“No,” she said sincerely. “It sounds noble.”

Twilight Sparkle gave her a grateful smile.

Meanwhile, Sunrise gaped, while Sunset just gazed at her lover in pure adoration.

“Don’t ever let her go,” Sunrise whispered.

Sunset sighed happily. “I promise.”


The last time Sunset had journeyed through the mirror, time had been of the essence. There had been no time for sight-seeing or catching-up. There had only been a hurried search through the Canterlot Library’s restricted section and a mad dash back home.

This time, Princess Twilight was determined that things would be different. And besides, as she pointed out to an increasingly nervous Sunset Shimmer, taking an extra day would give the unicorn more time to relax, and to decide how she wanted to handle her current situation.

“Yeah,” Sunset agreed. “I shouldn’t put this off too long, but... you’re probably right. I mean, I still don’t know what I’m going to say when I see her.”

“So, wait... with me being a pegasus,” Twilight Sparkle mused, “does that mean I could take an aerial tour?”

The princess nodded. “Sure. We could split up, and meet here later tonight.”

Twilight Sparkle glanced over to Sunset. “What do you think? We’d talked about taking in the sights together...”

Sunset smiled. “Yeah, but that was Canterlot. I never got to Ponyville much as a foal. And besides, if I suddenly had wings, I know I’d want to use them. So, how about Twilight shows you the sights around town today, and I’ll show you the capital after tomorrow.”

Eyes shining with excitement, the pegasus turned back to Princess Twilight.

“I guess it’s a plan,” the princess grinned. “Okay. I’ll just adapt today’s itinerary into an aerial tour, maybe work in Cloudsdale if there’s time, and Sunny can give Sunset the 2-D tour while we’re gone. I left a spare copy of the schedule in the dining room,” she added towards Sunrise.

“Great!” Twilight Sparkle nodded, practically vibrating with excitement. “So, can we start the flying? Now? Later? Soon?”

“We absolutely can. Of course, there are certain considerations to bear in mind when dealing with—”


There was a violet blur and the pegasus was gone, leaving the other ponies with their manes waving slightly from her wind.

“…new wings,” the princess finished. Then she shrugged. “Oh, well. I guess we’ll meet you girls back here for dinner?”

The amber-colored mares nodded.

Twilight grinned. “Right, well, guess I’d better catch up with my new flying buddy.” Trotting towards the door, she added, “Oh, and Sunny, could you get out the liniment, please?”

Sunrise nodded. “Sure thing.”

Twilight called back a quick, “Thanks!” and was off in pursuit of her newly-winged counterpart.

Sunset gathered up her and her fiancé’s bags in the glow of her magic, then looked askance at Sunrise. “Liniment?”

“Yeah, it’s in my room. Ponies don’t do a lot of driving. Like, none.”

As the pair exited the library, Sunset rolled her eyes. “Really? Even today?”

“Yeah. They’ve got a train, though, if that helps.”

“A train. As in, one.”


As Sunrise opened the door to her chambers, Sunset shook her head in mock disbelief.

“’My child,” she quoted, “we are pilgrims in an unholy land.’”

“Well, remember, no mass production.” Sunrise pointed out. “And I think the guy who enchanted the train is dead, anyway. Of course, I haven’t really missed cars for the last few weeks, now that I think about it. So, I guess there’s also the lack of necessity factoring in.”

Retrieving the medicine, she said, “Wups! Hey, Daring Do, can you take this? It goes into your room, over there.”

With a thought, Sunset levitated the glass jar from Sunrise’s hooves, setting it near the door she’d indicated.

“Thanks,” Sunrise said. “I’ve been getting better about dropping things, but the glass is just a little slick.”

“No problem.”

As the pair headed towards the castle’s main doors, Sunset asked, “So, how are the feathers going?”

“They’re going.”

“Uh-huh. Like flip, or like fwoosh?”

Sunrise grimaced.

Sunset nodded. “Yeah. Me too, at first.” She hesitated, then asked, “Do… you want input?”

Sunrise thought for a moment, then shook her head. “No. I appreciate it, but it’s my magic. It’s my hurdle to overcome. You know?”

As they passed together through the front door, Sunset smiled at her otherworldly twin.

“Yeah,” she said. “I completely understand.”

And then they were outside, in Ponyville, and their talk turned to other things.


The rest of the day was well spent by both pairs of ponies. As Sunrise showed Sunset the various sights and wares of the town, she introduced her as her sister… an explanation which was readily accepted by all concerned.

Well, almost all concerned.

“Oh, my gosh this is so great! So you must be Sunny’s other Sunny, her other her from the other place that isn’t this place although it kind of is and you totally started out as rivals and enemies but now you’re totally BFFs and best sisters ever who would do anything for each other and that’s so awesome and I’m so happy and excited for both of you!”

The unicorns blinked, then glanced at one another awkwardly.

“I’m so hapcited!” Pinkie Pie squeed.

“Um...” Sunset started,

“...sure,” Sunrise finished, both of them nodding slowly.

Pinkie leaped into the air for joy, multicolored confetti flying in all directions to cover all concerned.



Pinkie Pie paused, observing the newcomer Sunny in a crouch, wincing.

“Um, are you okay?” Pinkie asked.

Cautiously, Sunset stood erect again, confetti liberally sprinkled along her coat and mane.

“Couldn’t be better,” she said. After a moment’s hesitation, she began dusting herself off. Very, very carefully.

“Anyway, we’re doing the grand tour of Ponyville,” Sunrise said. “You want to come along? You know the place way better than I do.”

But Pinkie shook her head.

“Nah. I’m on my way to watch the Cake twins. Thanks, though.”

Sunrise nodded. “That’s cool. See you around.”

There was a general exchange of hoofbumps and hugs. Once the unicorns were out of earshot, Pinkie considered their retreating forms carefully.

“Huh,” she pondered. “Boy, Sunset sure seems tense.”

Then, she brightened again. “Oh, well. Nothing that a good Welcome Sunset Surprise Party couldn’t fix!”

And so, with a solution found and determination made, Ponyville’s party pony bounced merrily on her way.


The Twilights, on the other hand, both discovered a far greater difficulty in social matters. Having been flying for nearly an hour and happily geeking out the whole time, they stopped by Sugarcube Corner for an early lunch.

“Princess Twilight,” Mr. Cake waved. “Always a pleasure!”

Twilight waved back happily. “Me, too! How are the twins?”

“Bright and beautiful as always,” he smiled. “You ladies seat yourselves, I’ll be over in just a minute.”

Shortly thereafter, Carrot Cake was beside their booth, notepad in hoof.

“So, Princess, who’s your friend?”

“This is my, um…” the princess blinked, then stared. “My friend.”

“Yes,” her friend agreed, also staring. “Yes, I’m definitely her friend!”

“And she definitely has a name!”

“Had it for years, in fact!” said friend agreed emphatically.

Carrot Cake nodded, growing more puzzled by the second. “And she is...?”

“And she is… well... I mean...” The princess’ voice trailed off helplessly.

“We’re... cousins?” the pegasus offered.

“Or, sisters?” the alicorn suggested.

Then, uncertainly, the pegasus added, “...Kind of?”

Then, both mares blinked again, looked at one another, then looked back to Mr. Cake.

“It’s complicated,” they said in unison.

And then, as if by magic, Mrs. Cake was just there, serving them two orders of the princess’ favorite lunch with an understanding smile.

“It always is, my dears,” she assured them.

The pair ate, discussed metaphysical theory and chronological physics, giggled over correlations and disparities in their lives, and then went on their way, soaring together into the sky.

After they’d gone, Mr. Cake stared after them for several moments. Then, he turned to his wife in pure bewilderment. She was behind the counter, rolling more dough, completely at ease.

Mr. Cake cleared his throat a little apprehensively, and finally spoke.

“Did Princess Twilight just… make another her?”

But the mare just smiled contentedly.

“Let’s don’t judge, angel cake,” she said. “Equunculi are ponies, too.”


By the time everyone returned to the Castle of Friendship, the human-born Twilight was more than glad to see Princess Twilight’s muscle liniment. While Spike finished preparing dinner, Sunset guided the newly-inducted flyer into their guest room and gently massaged the worst of her strains away. When the ponies all finally sat at the dining room table, she was only a little sore.

“I have to say, though, I’m really impressed,” the princess said as they dined. “My first day with wings, I didn’t last nearly so long.”

“Well, I kind of cheated,” Twilight Sparkle admitted. She washed down a bite of her veggie barbeque with some cider – making a mental note as she did to get the recipe from Spike – and then said. “I was using telekinesis to help things along, so I wouldn’t overly strain—”


The princess stared at her, standing, gasping for breath as she spoke.

“You mean… you have… you still… and you’re… with the… even though…”

Twilight Sparkle fidgeted a little. “Iiiii… probably should have mentioned that sooner?”

“She’ll be fine,” Sunrise assured her.

The door to the kitchen opened, and a concerned Spike peeked in, apron and baker’s hat still on.

“Hey, everything okay in here?” He asked.

“Just peachy,” Sunset assured him.

“Radical data was just revealed,” Sunrise added.

The young dragon nodded. “Oh, okay,” he said. “Make sure you leave room for dessert.”

Twilight Sparkle stared at her plate, and then the dragon. There was dessert, too?

“Count on it,” she said.

While Spike returned to his pastries, Princess Twilight continued to struggle for breath.

“…and that’s… because… unless…”

“Okay, Twilight,” Sunset said, “Just breathe…”


Sunrise took another sip of cider, completely unperturbed. Then, she walked over to her mentor, saying, “Okay, Twilight, just take in a deep breath…”

With some difficulty, the princess did so.

“… now release it.”

With the exhalation , the alicorn seemed to almost deflate.

Sunrise put a hoof on her withers. “You okay?” she asked.

“Yeah,” the princess said. Then, she glanced at her human counterpart. “Sorry.”

“No, that’s fine, I get it. In fact, I, well,” Twilight Sparkle glanced towards the dining room door. “I documented everything for my own research, and I thought you might be interested, so I brought copies…”

The princess grinned. “You brought me copies of your research? Oh, you can so stay.”

“In this tiny little castle?” Sunrise winked. “Yeah, you’ve only got, what, thirty rooms in this place? Where’s she going to sleep?”

“Oh, she can have your room,” the princess said happily, waving the problem away.

While Sunrise made a mock-indignant noise and stared at her mentor with hooves on her hips, Sunset took a contented sip of cider.

“Yep, getting kicked out a tiny castle, forced into a huge one,” she said. While her own Twilight leaned over to happily cuddle with her, Sunset nodded sagely to her otherworldly twin.

“Told you this place was dangerous.”

Author's Note:
