• Published 3rd May 2019
  • 2,537 Views, 94 Comments

The Line Between Fire and Light - Stolenalicorn

A father goes to great lengths to find his daughter’s heroes and finds something he wasn't looking for ... friends.

  • ...

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52 Magical Crisis

Rainbow Dash placed Starlight on the ground as her mind raced as to what may have gone wrong. Immediately Starlight remembered her friendship mission and losing her magic to that spell she helped cast. “I … I need to talk to James.” She hurriedly said. “I think my magic might be fading.” Her voice quaked in fear as she thought about the possibility of losing her magic again. Fortunately it wasn't a long way back to the school, after telling Twilight what happened she would go right to James to figure this out.


“There's an emergency!” Starlight said as she rushed into Twilight's office.

Rainbow Dash swooped in front of her and spoke up. “The students dropped out of the sky!” She said panicked.

Twilight went over her desk and pushed the two apart, it did no good if they started talking over each other now. “Slow down. What happened?” She said flying between them.

“I cast a spell for our field trip to Cloudsdale, but my magic just failed!” Starlight explained, keeping as calm as she could.

“We barely caught everypony in time.” Rainbow Dash added.

“Twilight … What if my magic is gone again?” Starlight asked, her voice trembled at the possibility.

“I'm glad you're all okay. Maybe you just did your spell wrong.” Twilight suggested as she looked between Starlight and Rainbow Dash, Cozy Glow hovering close behind her like her shadow.

Starlight was incredulous at the suggestion. She didn't mess up spells. Ever. “Twilight, you know me better than that.” She said, irritated.

“I know.” Twilight conceded. “I just want to make sure it isn't something less … troubling. If it was just a miscast and not your magic fading we have a lot less to worry about.” As Twilight spoke her magical aura surrounded a book on the shelf and pulled it from it's place. Not two seconds after leaving the shelf her aura faded and the book crashed to the ground.

“I didn't do that.” Twilight hurried to say.

“I was going to ask James about this, but if it's not just my magic …” Starlight said, hoping that there may be some explanation to what's happening. As she thought there was a thump on the door.

Fluttershy opened the door as Rarity stood outside rubbing her nose. “Rarity ran into the door.” Fluttershy commented unhelpfully as Rarity walked in.

“My magic's gone!” Rarity cried. “I even had to use my hooves to quaff my tail!”

“Okay.” Rainbow Dash said. “This might just be more serious than we thought.”

“Magic can't just disappear!” Twilight said. “Something has to be causing this!”

Cozy Glow flew up behind Twilight, she had something to offer. “Didn't we learn about a creature that eats magic?” She said quizzically. “Tea-rack, Tee-ray, Turs something?”

Fluttershy gasped, she knew who Cozy Glow was talking about. “Tirek!”

Rainbow Dash turned to Fluttershy, while a good idea there was one flaw. “Isn't he trapped in Tartarus?”

As she spoke Spike ran in, gasping and retching, unable to answer Twilight when she asked if he was alright. He dropped to his knees and retched some more until Rarity smacked his back, forcing out a small jet of green flame that coalesced into a scroll from Celestia.


James was surprised when his Omnitool alerted him to a message from the Sister Princesses. While it wasn't uncommon to hear from them, there was usually a longer period between their letters as James had received one only days earlier. Without concern James read the scroll.

“James, please come to the castle at once. The magic in Canterlot appears to be failing and we would like any help you can offer. If our fears prove true your knowledge of the magic of other worlds may prove vital to the survival of Equestria.”

James quietly cursed to himself. This felt like it was pushing him closer and closer to becoming Pops, was that the inevitable conclusion to his interaction with Equestria? Was he doomed to becoming that man who robbed others of their independent thought just because he was able to see something good in the girls who were trying to make him better?

James pulled out his phone, there were a couple calls he had to make first. Mostly to ensure that things were prepared if he had to be gone for a while. And maybe he might just take a couple days off anyway to visit after.


In his Alicorn form James walked towards the throne room of Celestia's castle. He had made sure that everything was covered before coming. Lucca was running things while he was gone with Liara keeping her informed. Tali was handling the day to day interplanetary issues, and Tenyo was coordinating the universal assets. If James was gone for long it wouldn't effect anything.

Much like the last time he was summoned to Canterlot during a crisis Cadence was already there as he walked in. They just had the girls to wait for.

Cadence and Twilight confirmed their worst fears.

“James.” Celestia said as she tried to remain calm. “Has anything like this happened in other worlds you have visited?”

“A couple, and in one it seems to happen every generation or two. I doubt that this is the case in your world, however as …” Before James could finish speaking a Pegasus flew in with an urgent message for Celestia from Starswirl.

Celestia's face fell as she read the message. “I'm afraid it is as bad as we feared.” She said looking to James. “It seems magic is disappearing all across Equestria.” The group gasped as Celestia continued to read. The letter giving them three days at the most to restore the magic before it is permanently lost.

“Has any pony checked on Tirek?” Twilight asked, hoping for the most obvious of culprits as that would make this much easier.

Pinkie rushed up to Twilight. “You mean the big red scary centaur who eats magic? Why would we want …?” She gasped as it suddenly made sense to her. “O-o-o-oh, right.”

“If he has found some way to escape his prison, or somehow work from within it he could be responsible for this.” Celestia said, as unlikely as it seemed it was the best explanation.

“If he is I will ensure that he is no longer a problem. He cannot hurt Equestria if he is not in Equestria.” James was tempted to destroy the creature, but he knew that he shouldn't, as bad as Tirek was he didn't come across as a killer. A cell in New Guardia's penitentiary block would suffice.

“We'll go.” Twilight said, stepping forward.

Rarity walked forward, she had waited until Twilight had stopped talking to register her complaint about Twilight insisting on going alone. “Oh no no no no no no.” Rarity tutted. “Not without us you won …” She started to say before she realized that Twilight was already planning on them all going. “Wait. Did you say “we?””

Twilight smiled as she walked forward. “I've finally learned that it's okay to count on your friends for help. Uhm, you do want to come. Right?”

“Uhh, Duh!” Rainbow Dash said with a smile.

“Thank you all.” Celestia said. “We will search for ways to protect Equestria in your absence.”

“Be careful.” Luna added. “Tartarus has changed since you were there. It now holds many dangerous creatures and you won't be able to rely on your magic.”

Applejack walked forward, confident that everything was going to be alright. “With her friends by her side, she won't have to.”

The ponies had to hurry back to Ponyville to prepare for their journey and James would be joining them shortly, but he did have one thing to say to the Princesses first. “This is a last resort, partially because it will do nothing for the magic situation. But if you feel it becomes necessary, New Guardia can accommodate the population including your allies. But only if you feel it's necessary. It didn't turn out well for my counterpart when he made the offer.”

“What do you mean?” Celestia asked as Luna gave James a quizzical look. It wasn't long until they realized what he was talking about.

“Perhaps I'll tell you the whole story once this has been resolved. I know you can do this, but if I mess it up you should know your options in advance.” James turned and left once he'd made the offer. He reminded himself that they were equipped to handle any threat that they encountered. He was there to provide moral support … but he could help them.

Finding a balance was harder than he thought.


At the school James collected several small things from his classroom that could prove useful including an empty bag of holding, immovable rods, re-breathers, a few spare Senzu, and an energy drink he opened and began drinking immediately as he walked to the main hall where he met with the girls and Spike.

“Okay, Cozy packed us all up for our trip to bad guy central.” Spike said as Cozy came walking up with several paper sacks. James had taken the bag she had packed for him earlier, but he never felt prepared unless he packed himself, or at least added a few things.

“Don't forget the sandwiches.” Cozy Glow happily said as she dropped off the bagged lunches. “I marked who's is who's just in case.” She leaned in and whispered to Spike. “Starlight can't stand mustard and James can't eat hay.”

James laughed as he saw the arrangement. “I'm guessing mine is the huge one.” Though it also had the drill crest that was prominently displayed in his classroom.

“Well, your appetite is legendary.” Rainbow Dash joked as she smiled at James.

“That's so sweet of you Cozy.” Starlight said as she looked to the freckle-faced pegasus. “But Twilight has asked me to stay here to run the school.”

“Oh.” Cozy said, noticeably disappointed. “I thought after last time …”

“Once you survive Discord, everything else is a piece of cake.” Spike interrupted.

Cozy frowned at the notion and looked to Twilight, clearly hoping to have been left in charge herself.

“Plus she'll have you to help her.” Twilight added.

“Oh golly yes!” Cozy said as she flew up in the air.

James shook his head. The only other people he knew who said “golly” were Asgore and Asriel (back when he was Flowey). And Asgore was the only one to not use it ironically. Somehow Cozy Glow just came across as annoying when she said it. But she was certainly helpful and trying to be friendly so James had to let it slide. Cozy was already offering to help Starlight as everyone else got ready to leave.


Fliders swarmed the group as they walked down the mountain trail, they were only a few hours out of Ponyville and already Rarity was complaining. James was careful to stay just a step behind any of them as he was blindfolded after he had been terrified enough of the winged spiders to immolate the first swarm. This was a compromise that Fluttershy insisted on as she couldn't help but sympathize with the tiny creatures.

Clearly his magic was just fine.

“Have you tried using your tail to shoo them away.” Twilight deadpanned, irritated at Rarity's complaining.

“Bite your tongue!” Rarity gasped. “It's for decorative purposes only.” She added as she held her tail.

James, however, was close enough that he was partially straddling her with his next step. “Sorry about that Rarity.” He quickly said over Rainbow Dash's laughter.

“I can't believe that you're so scared of the little critters.” Applejack shook her head as she spoke to James.

“It's a phobia, an irrational fear. They just freak me out.” James said as he forced himself to think of the creatures flying around them as just normal flies and not spiders with wings. It wasn't working so well.

“Hey!” Pinkie Pie said as she looked through her bag. “I didn't know we packed green cupcakes.” She was a little put off, but not irritated at the discovery. She held one up for everyone but James to see.

“We didn't. I guess they went bad without magic to keep them cold.” Fluttershy said.

“Ugh, I can smell that from here.” James said as he turned away from the smell. “Though that means I'm eating my sandwich before it goes bad too.” He said as he reached his head into his bag of holding and brought out the sandwich Cozy had packed for him. The magic of his items seemed as potent as ever so he didn't have to worry much about what he brought with him.

“Magic this, magic that. We don't need magic to go on a little hike.” Rainbow Dash complained.

There was a stroke of lightning followed almost immediately by thunder. Rain poured down on them as the girls ran for the cover of a near by tree, James shook off the headband turned blindfold as the fliders had flown away at the first hint of rain.

“You were saying.” Rarity continued to complain.

“You just need to think more like earth ponies, y'all.” Applejack said as she collected a jar from her saddle bag. “Granny's apple core no bite no more. That'll keep the flies off.” She passed the jar around as the girls got some and smeared it on.

Pinkie smelled it before putting it on. “Ugh! It smells just like it lasts.” She held her hoof to her nose as she smeared it on.

“You want some, James?” Applejack offered.

“Nah, I don't care about the biting. I just don't want to see them.” He calmly answered, the headband flapped a bit as it hung off his horn.

“Even if most of our food is spoiled, at least these blueberries are good to eat.” Fluttershy happily said as she looked to a nearby bush.

James took a bite of his sandwich as he listened. It tasted like it had sat in a warmer for a while, not spoiled, but definitely needed to be eaten right then or thrown out. “I've also got dried fruit if you want. Cozy really loaded this up.” While she was annoying, she was a good kid. He didn't notice that there was no black and gold luminescence as he held out his sandwich and took a bite. Okay … where did Cozy Glow get turkey for my sandwich?

“Too bad we can't do anything about the rain storm.” Spike lamented as he looked to the sky.

This was no problem for Rainbow Dash. “I can't stop that storm by myself, but I can still help.” She confidently said moments before shooting up to the sky and collecting a regular cloud from higher up. She brought it down with her and used it as an umbrella for the rest of the group.

“Well, one thing seems definite. It's only unicorn and alicorn magic going haywire.” James commented after he finished his sandwich. “Otherwise we'd have a whole host of other problems right now.”

“Well, the effect is spreading.” Twilight commented, turning to James. “What about you? You don't use pony magic.”

“I actually do while I'm here, since it's the same concentration for me to use manipulating ki and pony magic. It’s my form that actually allows me use your magic. I can still use my other magics, though. And this has done nothing to the Demon's Blood Talisman. It seems to be specifically targeting Equestria.”

As they walked along James shook his head, he really should have used the enertron before he came here. Or did he? The last few hours were kind of a blur and his eyes were starting to burn. He closed his eyes as they walked, as long as it was just a long blink he could hopefully make his eyes feel a little better. He got an energy drink from his bag and carefully opened it with his mouth, chuckling to himself as several dirty jokes came to mind. One or two that may even make Liara's father blush.

The drink helped a bit, and he kept up with the girls for now.


As they approached the doors of Tartarus James could barely get himself up the stairs.

“Good news is the seal is still intact, that means that Tirek didn't escape.” Twilight said as James got to the door. His eyes were half closed and he was only aware of things for a few short moments before they left his mind completely.

Hearing the name Tirek, James could remember that there was something about him that he had come for. Maybe seeing him would jog his memory. Of course, lifting his legs to do more than just advance was asking a lot right now.

“That mean there's a downside?” Applejack asked.

“The last time I was here I used magic to get in, but according to Starswirl's letter all unicorn magic was gone by yesterday's sunset.” Twilight explained.

“Maybe he was wrong.” Rainbow Dash suggested.

With no better options coming to mind Twilight decided to at least try. She focused and the muscles in her head and neck went taut as she tried to cast the spell necessary to open the door. Unfortunately all she got was unimpressive sparks.

Pinkie Pie was next to her in a flash. “Don't worry Twilight. I've got this.” She said before running off to put on a pizza delivery uniform and knocking on the door. There was a hollow metal reverberation as she did. “Free pizza delivery!” She happily called. She even produced a pizza from her saddle bag and waited. “Huh, always worked for me before.” She said with a shrug. “Oh well.” She tossed the pizza away as she began to remove her uniform.

“What about James, his magic hasn't been effected.” Applejack suggested.

The group turned to see James staring blankly ahead, not focused on anything at all.

“Are you alright dear?” Rarity asked.

“Uh, James?” Rainbow Dash waved her hoof in front of his face.

James was suddenly alert, if only for a moment. “Yes, the door … Uhm … Let's see. Accio? … No, that's not it. Acr … One second.” James shook his head for a moment before he raised his hoof and smacked himself hard in the face.

The group recoiled at the action and sound as James's eyes went wide.

“Okay, I'm awake now. … No I'm not.” He walked forward, his cheek still bristling in pain. James concentrated on his horn and recalled the spell. “Alohamora.” He clearly said as a wisp of faintly glimmering smoke puffed out at the seal.

“I guess James is a no go too.” Applejack said.

Moments after she spoke the door began to open and James simply smiled and nodded.

“Great job James.” Twilight said as they all walked in and something in her bag cracked.

There was a loud screech as from the darkness came a cockatrice, immediately all of the group except Pinkie Pie turned away from the creature. James's mind began to drift as the darkness of his eyelids felt comfortable.

“Cockatrice!” Applejack shouted as she pulled her hat down to cover her face.

“Do something Fluttershy.” Rarity said, covering her eyes and turning away.

“Don't look at it!” Rainbow Dash instructed as she held her foreleg over her eyes. “It'll turn you to stone!”

An easy instruction for James, he had even managed to beat her to the punch on it.

Fluttershy had her own eyes covered as she tried to think of what to do. After the outburst everything was silent, each expecting something to happen.

“I don't feel like stone.” Pinkie Pie said as she began to hop, causing all of the others to uncover their eyes and look at her. “Unless it's really bouncy stone.”

Now that they were beginning to look around, they noticed that the creature was in a cage, as were a great many others. This place was a horrific combination of zoo and prison. Fluttershy approached the pathetic creature as it once again laid down in it's cramped cage. It helplessly looked on as she began to pet the miserable thing.

“I think he lost his magic too.” She observed before she began looking around. “All the creatures here must have.” She was greatly disheartened by their plight, many were only here because they were a dangerous species.

Had James been aware enough to look around he would have commented on their horrific living conditions. But he was once again struggling to maintain consciousness, having given up on keeping his eyes open what felt like long ago.

“Starswirl said that would happen on the second day.” Twilight said, once again referring back to the letter sent to Celestia. They had to hurry, there was at most a day left now.

“I know it should make me feel safer.” Spike said looking around. “But it just makes me sad. We've gotta fix this!”


There is no way Twilight would have left a foal in charge of a school. Neighsay thought as he went to Twilight's office. He could take Starlight as headmare, he'd even grudgingly accept James as headstallion (or whatever he'd be), but a child? That's just insane! As chancellor of the EEA he had the authority to seize control of the school.

And perhaps while Twilight was gone he would make some improvements while he was at it. School was a mess, and some proper guidelines were needed. She would understand when she got back, especially when she saw how well the school was going to run.

He had spent the day in the office while Cozy Glow was doing little better than throwing money around and playing games. That night as she entered what she had thought was her office Neighsay was waiting.

“Are you honestly trying to tell me that the Princess left a foal in charge of her school? What was to be her life's work?” Neighsay asked, cutting right to the heart of the matter.

“Yes sir.” Cozy Glow happily answered. “I always did well in Professor Applejack's classes. Is there anything I can do for you?”

“No.” He coldly said. “there is nothing you can do for me, and you are not in charge of the school. And even if Twilight had placed you in charge it goes even more to prove that this is necessary.” As he spoke he walked around from behind the desk and stared Cozy Glow down. “By order of the EEA I am taking control of this school. Effective immediately. I hope you enjoyed playing at Headmare Miss Cozy Glow, you'll not be getting the opportunity to again.”


Pinkie Pie ran up to a cage and looked at the monster inside. “If all these monsters lost their magic, then getting past Cerberus should be easy peasy!” She said hopping forward.

On hearing his name Cerberus got up and happily ran out to great the guests. He had to work guarding prisoners meaning that any happy visitors made for a great opportunity to play. The girls had to jump out of his was as he bounded out playfully. James however, unable to register the excited dog in time, was bowled over by it and laid on the floor unable to move more than his head, which was beginning to swim once again. He struggled to open his eyes, even briefly, only barely registering the blurry shapes that were the girls and Spike.

Slowly, even those blurs began to disappear into darkness. His breathing slowed and he felt as if he were floating away. The floor where he lay was warming up comfortably and he couldn't fight it any longer. His mind drifted away peacefully.

Fluttershy flew up to the three headed dog and talked calmly to it as she rubbed it's face. Before long each head was licking her happily.

“That looks like a yes.” Applejack said, barely dodging a blob of drool.

“I'll get you a towel darling.” Rarity said as she turned back. She knew James always had one, saying it was the most useful thing in the galaxy. She simply chalked it up to his eccentricity. As she looked his way she found him on the floor. “James!” She shouted before running up to him. “What's wrong?”

James was silent, but he was still breathing.

“Wait.” Rarity said as she got close. “Are you sleeping?!” She was incredulous as she looked to him. “I don't believe it! We get all the way here and you lay down for a nap?!”

“You try to wake him up. I need to talk to Tirek.” Twilight said as she walked forward.

Tirek had his own section, separated from the others by a gorge with only one staircase spanning the distance. Twilight boldly walked up the stairs, ready to get answers from demonic centaur.

“The Princess of friendship,” Tirek said, amused. “here for a visit. … And without your princely guardian too.” He smiled as he turned to face her. He was not like the creature James and herself fought years back, this creature was only as tall as James and very thin. He smiled wickedly as his glowing yellow eyes trained on Twilight. “What have I done to earn the honor of your company?” He mocked bowing as he spoke. He so wanted to be free at that moment to take her magic. And without her prince bodyguard she would be quite satisfying, her and her friends.

“We want answers Tirek!” Twilight demanded. “Magic is disappearing from Equestria!”

“I know.” Tirek couldn't help but lick his lips at the thought of it all. “What a waste of such … delicious power.” His tongue continued to dart out of his mouth almost lewdly, never breaking eye contact with Twilight as he did so. She was nothing more than a snack to him.

Rainbow Dash pushed Twilight aside as she got close. “So you are behind this!” She accused. She wanted to beat his plan out of him, but letting him out would be a mistake.

Tirek could almost laugh at the girl. “Silly filly. If I had all that magic would I still be in here?” He asked, spreading out his arms as far as he could. While he wanted so badly to feast on what magic of theirs remained, he was getting a great deal of enjoyment taunting them so. “But I might know something about it.” He added with a grin.


Neighsay examined six files with particular interest. He knew these students personally but he didn't trust them. And there was too much at stake to let them wander freely. “You said something about having the … others doing extra homework. While Equestria is under attack I need to know where they are.”

Cozy Glow's eyes were wide. “You don't think they're the reason magic is disappearing, do you?” She asked innocently.

“I do.” He said. “At least one of them. I have to control the situation until the guilty party or parties can be ascertained. This is to keep you foals safe from monsters that want to destroy us!”

“But didn't James …” Cozy started to ask.

“Yes! I remember his history all too well.” Neighsay shouted. “That is why I cannot allow us to be the victims of the nightmares of his world!” He added. “I learned that monsters can be anywhere, even posing as friends. They'll say and do anything to advance their agenda. To gain power for themselves at the expense of countless others!” Neighsay's expression softened as he looked to Cozy Glow. “Don't worry, I will keep you and the students safe.”

After he finished speaking he heard hushed angry voices just on the other side of the door. He quietly pushed Cozy Glow out of the way, doing his best to ensure that she was behind him. If it was dangerous, he needed to keep her safe.

As he opened the door the menagerie literally fell into the office. “It would seem that I don't have far to look.” He said as he touched his hoof to the EEA medallion on his robes. It glowed with a red radiance that quickly snaked it's way up to his horn where he launched it at the group. Magical chains bound the students tightly together, and with magic in it's current state, there was no way for them to break their bonds.

“I'm afraid you'll not be attending classes anymore.” He said somberly. He touched his hoof to the medallion once more and the group lifted off the ground and followed behind him as he walked them to the dorm rooms. A dual occupancy room should suffice for now. They wouldn't be there very long.

“Please do not think that I do this because you're different.” Neighsay said calmly as he looked in on the bundle. “But you are the only ones with anything to gain by Equestria's downfall. I do not believe that all of you are guilty, but until we find out who is I believe it would be best for your guardians to collect you and return to your own kind for now. The innocent will be welcomed back when all is said and done.”

Neighsay turned to leave when Sandbar called out to him. “Wait!” He had to think of something quick. “You know that I don't want Equestria destroyed. And I don't like the thought of one of my friends destroying it. I'll try to find out what's going on, maybe in one of our usual hangouts there's something.”

Confusion dominated the group; First at Sandbar's betrayal, then at his suggestion that he might be able to find some clue implicating them. Neighsay considered the statement carefully.

“Very well. I will believe you. The sooner this matter is resolved the better. I may not even have to contact everyone's guardian should it resolve fast enough.” He said as his medallion dissolved the chains around Sandbar. As they left Neighsay hit the medallion one last time, dissolving all of the chains just before the door closed.


“Where's Equestria's magic going Tirek? What's making it disappear?” Twilight demanded, pointing her hoof at him to accentuate her point. She had no real cards to play if he decided not to cooperate, but she had to hope he didn't realize that.

“I'm sure if you let me out of here it will jog my memory.” He asked. He hadn't live as long as he had by being stupid. Cooperating got him nothing, but like this he could have some fun, possibly even get something from her. “What do you say? I scratch you back, you scratch mine?”

Twilight turned and walked away as Rainbow Dash took her place. James negotiated all the time, even with hostile species, what would he do to get something from Tirek. She didn't have anything to give him, and letting him out was not an option. Of course, James wasn't always friendly either. Maybe something more heavy handed would work better.

As Twilight considered her options Rainbow Dash went ahead with her idea.

Rainbow Dash grabbed his beard as she spoke to him. “How about you tell us what you know or you'll be stuck here forever because nopony can open the door.” Rainbow Dash said as if it were some sort of bargain. “… At least until James wakes up.” She let go of his beard to let him stew on the thought for a short while.

Tirek began to laugh evilly. “If this is the James I've heard of, he won't be getting up for a long while … as in ever.” He stroked his beard as he looked to the girls.

The group's eyes went wide as they heard his statement. “Tell me what you meant right now!” Rainbow Dash shouted, yanking Tirek's beard and slamming his face into the bars. Several hairs were still left in her grip as he got away.

He scowled as he rubbed his chin. “That one was free there filly. Just because I'm already getting some sweet revenge.” His scowl turned into a sinister grin as he looked to the girls. “It seems my little protege's plan worked after all.” Tirek was pacing his cage, greatly enjoying his gift from her.

The girls gasped, how could Tirek have a protege? How would they get past Cerberus?

“What little protege?” Applejack asked.

Tirek smiled, this was going to be good. “Oh, we've never met. We're pen pals.” He said, his sinister smile taunting them. “Each letter had so many questions about claiming magic.” He was going to savor this. It was too sweet to not enjoy to it's most.

Pinkie Pie leaped onto the cage and stuck her head through the bars. “And you answered them?” She asked, not believing even he would do something like that.

“Well I was bored.” Tirek answered dismissively. “So I simply pointed my pen pal in the right direction.”

Pinkie Pie backed off from the cage as Tirek approached until she fell backward. Fluttershy quickly helped her friend up. “Can't you tell us their name since we're stuck here anyway?” Fluttershy politely asked.

Tirek's smile returned as he looked down at the ponies. This was getting better and better. “Oh why not. The irony is too perfect. Her name is …” Tirek took a moment to savor the suspension, really enjoying what was to come. “Cozy Glow.” He couldn't help but laugh, both in joy at how wonderfully everything was working, and at the ridiculousness of it being a filly who did all of this.

He was happy.

“Cozy Glow is behind all of this?” Twilight asked, shocked that her most helpful student and one of the most considerate ponies in the school could be working on destroying Equestria.

“I'm not usually a fan of ponies.” Tirek admitted. “But draining your world of magic so she could trap the five of you was inspiring!” He couldn't help but live it up while he was in here. There was so little other joy and things had gone so well today.

Spike took a step forward. “Actually there's eight of us.” He calmly said, frustrated that even with two of the group out of sight he hadn't been counted.

The group ran down the stairs, they had to get out. That may mean leaving James for now, but he would have been the first to tell them that there's more important matters to focus on. Especially if he slept through the whole thing.

“I knew we shouldn't have left!” Twilight said, mostly to herself.

“But Starlight's in charge at the school. If any pony can stop Cozy Glow it's her.” Applejack said, reassuring herself as much as Twilight.

“Cozy Glow outsmarted you. I doubt this Starlight stands a chance.” Tirek gleefully said.

“We have to get out of here.” Twilight said, she now knew how Cozy Glow had gotten where she was. “Her students can't handle Cozy on their own.”

“Then I guess we'll just have to bust our way out!” Rainbow Dash said, confident that nothing could stop them. She beat her wings harder building up as much speed as she could in the short distance she had. At the last moment she adjusted herself so her back hooves would hit the doors, busting them open and getting them to freedom.

Unfortunately reality didn't play out quite so smoothly as the unyielding door didn't budge when Rainbow Dash smacked face first into it. It really hurt and she may have cracked a rib or two. She groaned as she slid to the floor. “That didn't work.” She wheezed. In the distance Tirek was doubled over laughing.

Rarity shook her head. “Not every problem can be solved with brute force. We need magic to escape.” As she spoke she offered her hoof to Rainbow Dash to help her stand.

Fluttershy reached into her bag and brought out a small green bean. “Here you go, this will help you feel better.”

Rainbow Dash recognized the Senzu immediately and happily ate it.

Searching their bags revealed nothing that even resembled a key. In Twilight's bag Spike did find gem shards and some twisted metal, completely clueless as to what it may have once been.

Pinkie Pie hopped up between Rarity and Rainbow Dash. “Maybe there's a way we can without magic. Like a secret lever or a secret button. Or a secret admirer who's all like “I know a secret about you but it's safe because I put it in Tartarus and I have a key!” Pinkie Pie could never be serious for long.

“If James were still awake he could use that spell again.” Twilight said as she walked to the door. “But Cozy Glow got him too. … Equestria's most powerful villains and monsters are all trapped here.” Her heart dropped as she looked to the nearly impregnable obstacle. “And without our magic, so are we.”

The girls all looked worried. If Twilight didn't have a plan, maybe there really was nothing they could do. Twilight looked to all of her friends, trapped because of her. Not only was James trapped too, but he was asleep and might not ever wake up and far from his family and any possible help.

As Twilight looked at her friends she saw Fluttershy tending to the animals. Pinkie Pie hopped around playing with other animals. Applejack looked through her bag. Rarity sat possibly considering their situation. And Rainbow Dash sat at James's side with her wing gently resting on him.

When her eyes fell on James she remembered part of his magical theory lectures. His Demon's Blood Talisman connects him to another world's magic. He called it a magical amplifier, but it had to have serious magical potential of it's own to act as an amplifier. And it was right under his horn too. If she could tap into that power getting out would be easy!

“There might be a way.” She said as she walked over to her sleeping friend. She nodded to her friends as she decided on her plan, they deserved to know what she was going to do. “James still has his magic, and a connection to magic from other worlds. All I need to do is borrow some of that power and I can get us out of here.”

“I'm sorry James, but this is important.” Twilight whispered as she touched her horn to his. She concentrated, thinking about James's instructions for handling day and night when she had all of the Alicorn magic. She also remembered his warning that his magic could react to the alicorn magic, and that in another world it had. But she also didn't have any other choice. She closed her eyes and tried to reach out and touch James's magic with her own, if there even was any.

She felt a spark and she slowly breathed out as she focused on the talisman. Once she found it she slowly inhaled and focused on pulling that magic into herself.

Things immediately went wrong.

She was falling, always falling. Adrift on a black sea, unable to see anything else no matter where she looked. She found that with a little focus she could fall in any direction. Not that it helped any, she could fall in any direction and not go anywhere. There was nothing to focus on. But there was everything too. All she had to do was think and it was there, even when it wasn't.

Then there was something. In the distance she saw it, one thing that wasn't changing. Gold. Whatever it was, it was gold no matter what chaos happened around her. She focused on that and fell towards it. Minutes passed, hours, days, years, millennia. Despite how long she fell she never got any closer, the gold was just floating in the eternal distance. Until suddenly and without warning it was gone, the one unchanging thing had finally changed and Twilight was once again alone, adrift in the sea of chaos.

“Can't anypony help me?!” Twilight shouted in frustration.

“Hello.” Came the voice of a young woman. Whether she was in front of or behind Twilight she didn't know, and neither did Twilight.

“Who's there?” Twilight asked wondering where they had come from.

“Me.” The voice answered with a grin.

“Well, who are you?” Twilight asked.

“I am me. Everything is me, even if it isn't. Except you. You're not me, not even close. Sometimes I'm a cute spokesgirl.” The voice unhelpfully explained.

“What's your name?” Twilight tried to clarify.

“I don't have one name. But you can call me … L-sama.” L-sama answered.

“El Sama?” Twilight asked confused, probably the most comprehensible feeling she's had since coming here.

“No. L-sama. Notice the capitol letter and the dash?” L-sama said.

Twilight didn't see anything.

“Of course you don't see anything, you aren't me.” L-sama answered.

“Why are you talking like that?” Twilight asked.

“Because I'm not me right now. Just a part of me pretending to be me.” L-sama explained.

“Please I just need some magic to help save my friends.” Twilight pleaded.

“Here, this should help.” L-sama said offhanded. “Just remember me for the popularity contest.” She added in a chipper tone.


“Popularity contest?” Twilight's eyes popped open suddenly and she breathed deeply, not sure just where or when she was.

“Uhm, what about a popularity contest?” Applejack asked as Twilight looked around confused.

“How long was I gone?” Twilight asked as she looked to her friends.

“You were never gone.” Fluttershy said carefully.

“Yeah, you just had your horn against James's for a super long time.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Twilight!” Rarity gasped as she looked at her friend. “What's happened to your eyes? They're golden!”

“They are?” Twilight wanted to see herself, but there were more important matters right now. She shook her head and reminded herself that time was actually important. “Okay, I think I have some magic. I don't know for sure, she wasn't making much sense.”

“She?” Rainbow Dash asked, tilting her head to the side. “Are you alright?”

“I'll explain later … If I can. How long was I just standing there?” Twilight asked.

“Honestly … It's a little hard to tell time down here.” Applejack said.

“Let's hurry and get out.” Rainbow Dash said as she got behind James and started pushing. However he wasn't going anywhere under her strength alone. Rainbow Dash grunted as she pushed against him as hard as she could. “Applejack, I need some help here!”


“Chancellor Neighsay?” Cozy Glow asked as she walked into the commandeered office. Her office!

“Yes Cozy Glow? What can I do for you?” He politely asked as he continued to organize papers to be properly filled out and filed.

Cozy Glow was going to have to lay it on thick for him. He was suspicious by nature and unusually cautious right now. “Gee, it sure is a relief to have somepony in charge. What with the magical crisis going on. And we're all so grateful to you for taking care of those … nonponies who were causing it.”

“Have you found proof of their conspiracy?” Neighsay asked almost eagerly. He quietly reminded himself of one of the despots he had learned about in New Guardia so long ago and tempered his enthusiasm.

“It's only a matter of time.” Cozy said. “But doesn't the EEA need you?”

“The EEA is a council of teachers. We each run schools of our own. My vice headstallion handles things at my school while I am here.” Neighsay calmly said. “Until the threat is dealt with we are to assume we are under attack and as such, my place is here.”

Cozy Glow got close to the unicorn who was trying desperately to keep his practiced demeanor. “But Twilight didn't leave willy-nilly, she left me in charge. I'm her right hoof mare.” She said, giving him her largest smile with her widest eyes. This had to move him, she was just so sweet.

Neighsay put the papers down and got out of the chair. “I'll not say the princess is always wrong, but she has made mistakes. Leaving a foal in charge of her school being just one of them.” He began walking towards the door, he had work to do and this child was distracting him. “Throwing out the EEA guidelines being another one. Once I have this school running properly according to the EEA doctrine you'll all see how much better it can be.” He had to get ready to address the students.

Cozy glow backed out into the nearly empty hallway. “That's just peachy.” She happily said as the door closed on her. Her tone turned angry once she was alone. “Chancellor Neighsay.”


“He's just too heavy.” Pinkie Pie said as she slumped against James's still unconscious body. Together the ponies had managed to move him halfway to the door from where he fell.

“Can't you use that magic you borrowed from him to help, Twilight?” Rarity asked as she too gave up on pushing.

“I don't know how much there is. And if I use it all moving him I don't know if I'll be able to get more.” Twilight reasoned. This magic felt nothing like she was used to, giving her no barometer to guess just what she could do with it.

“Well we can't just leave him!” Rainbow Dash insisted as she once again tried pushing.

“Rainbow Dash.” Twilight gently said. “James would be the first one to tell us to leave him behind.”

“That doesn't mean we would!” Rainbow Dash shouted, then growling as she tried pushing him again.

“We have to.” Applejack said. “Even if we got him out of Tartarus there's no way we could push him all the way back to Ponyville. If we had magic or even a cart we could do this no problem, but not like this.”

“I don't want to leave him either.” Twilight said. “But if we don't Equestra will lose all of it's magic. It will be alright. Once we're done we'll come right back for him.”

Rainbow Dash kept pushing James towards the door, her legs ached but she forced them to keep moving.

“He always says we don't need his help. Maybe it's time we start believing it.” Twilight added at her friend's stubborn defiance. Carefully she placed her hoof on her friends shoulder.

With a final grunt Rainbow Dash pushed and lost her traction, falling over him and panting. She couldn't keep pushing, she just couldn't move James on her own. They really had to leave him here, in the prison for all of the worst villains Equestria has ever seen. He would have laughed, joking that he belonged here. She hated those jokes.

Fluttershy flew up to Cerberus and started petting one of his noses. “That stallion there is our friend, would you please watch him and keep him safe while we're gone?” She asked, moving to another head and scratching behind it's ear. “I'm sorry.” She whispered.

In response the three headed dog once again started licking her. That was all the answer she needed. It took a minute while Fluttershy got away from the dog to get back to her friends. “Don't worry, Cerberus will make sure James is nice and safe while he's here.”


“… I assure you that when the princess returns she will have her school back, but it will now be running under EEA doctrine. Things will finally improve and we can forget all this nonsense that came before.” Chancellor Neighsay said, concluding his speech.

There was a murmur of discontent among the gathered students as they remembered his reaction to the school on Friends and Family day. The only clapping was from Cozy glow beside him. “Thank you Chancellor Neighsay for that rousing speech.” She happily said. “I know that you're a stallion who truly believes what you say.” The murmur had given her more than enough information to decide her coming tactic. “When you say that the school will run by EEA doctrine, I know you mean that.” Cozy flew into the group of students, positioning herself among them to voice her statement as one of them. “And when you say that there will be no more lessons from the Princess of Friendship, at the School of Friendship, well I guess you mean that too.”

“I never said …” Neighsay began to argue.

“But!” Cozy interrupted, she couldn't let him explain anything, if the students started thinking he wasn't trying to take the school over then she couldn't take the school over. “Princess Twilight did decide to run the school outside of the EEA, and even though you tried to stop her Princesses Celestia and Luna trusted her enough to support her. And allowed you to be taken away for trying to stop her.”

The murmuring grew and Cozy Glow knew that she was swaying them. She would have her friends, she would have her power.

“I wouldn't say tha …” Neighsay needed to let them know this was not a coup.

Cozy gave him long enough to appear to answer, she just needed a little more for open revolt. “And since I know you mean what you say.” She said, a sinister edge to her smile as she flew up to the Chancellor, putting herself above the students again, revealing herself as a standout among them. “My question is really for the students.” She turned to face the group again, they were her army, her weapons. “Are we going to give the pony, who already tried to wreck Twilight's school once, another chance to do it?”

The murmur turned to open disapproval as the students turned angry faces to the chancellor. He saw it clearly now, even those he had attended classes with weren't going to give him the benefit of the doubt. Just like I didn't for the other creatures. He thought. He had been polite and generally ignored them as long as they toed the line, but he never even tried to get to know them. Even after learning James's history he was making the same mistakes as he was before. He chewed his lip as he realized what was coming his way. He was the enemy now.

“I guess things will just have to stay the way Twilight wants them. Which includes leaving me in charge.” Cozy Glow said as she hovered over the students. With a grin she pointed her hoof at the Chancellor causing the mob to swarm him.

Neighsay tried to run, but there was nowhere to go, the students caught him quickly and lifted him into the air, hauling him away to Twilight's office where they bound him in chains to her chair. He grunted as they pinched and squeezed him.

“Oh, not too tight. We don't want to hurt the Chancellor.” Cozy Glow said. Even now when she could let them do anything she made the effort to look kind and friendly. She flew up to him and placed a padlock on the chains, without magic he was stuck. “I'm sure Twilight will know what to do with him when she gets back.” Cozy said.

If everything had worked right she was trapped forever, and her only friend that could possibly get them out with strength alone was sleeping forever. And there was no way he wouldn't have eaten the sandwich she had made special for him. He was always hungry.

“Back to class everypony.” She said as she flew towards the door. “We've let the EEA disrupt our friendship studies long enough.” She closed the door once the students left, flying back over to Neighsay to gloat, she would have to get rid of him so no harm in a parting jab or two.

“Why are you doing this?” Neighsay asked. “I thought you wanted to have somepony in charge of the school.” He could guess what she was doing but why made no sense, without magic this was possibly the worst time to stir up trouble.

“Oh, I do. You just aren't the pony I had in mind.” Cozy Glow said as she collected her box of decorations. She looked to Neighsay, the only one left who opposed her, and noticed that badge, with it he could still use magic. Any magic was a threat to her plans. With the only power being friendship and her running the school of friendship she controlled the only power in Equestria! Simple plans were the best plans. She had learned as much in Professor James's inter-species friendship classes. Simplicity offered room to expand and change to situations. She only had to adapt the lesson to this plan.

She walked over to the chained unicorn and plucked the badge from his robes, throwing it in the garbage. A simple enough disposal to be easily overlooked.

She went about decorating her desk as she talked. She loved gloating, too bad there were so few ponies she wasn't friends with that she could gloat to. Maybe she'd write Tirek another letter, he would already know about her success, but telling him just how she succeeded where he had failed would be nice. She could even talk about how nice the weather was on her victory day. Reminding him how he was locked up was another fun little jab at the creature.

“I can't very well have the EEA running the school if I want to run it myself.” She explained, it was the obvious first reason. The second was so fun. “Of course, that's just the beginning.” She unpacked a pony skull from the box as she spoke. “You see, if there's one thing I've learned: it's that friendship is the most powerful thing there is!” She hugged the skull with glee as she reveled in her plan. It was going so wonderfully well. “And as headmare of the school of friendship, nopony will have more friends than me! Making me the most powerful pony in all Equestria!” She couldn't help but laugh, it was all so wonderful.

Neighsay was speechless as he watched the power hungry pegasus foal revel in her apparent victory, not that there was any way he could hope to stop her. Her lust for power was no different than his own desire for order, just perverted to an extreme. Once again he was hearing the echoes of dictators and madmen. Only now now they came from a pony. The same nightmares endured on other worlds were just as present in Equestria.

It wasn't long before Cozy Glow left the office, there was a lot of work to do when planning an empire. The moment she was gone Neighsay started working at his bonds, he had to get out, had to reach Celestia!

He twisted and threw himself in any direction. He had to get loose, or at least get close enough to the garbage to touch the medallion. He hated not having magic, but he knew that wasn't the only way to do things. He silently wished he had the strength of an earth pony, then at least he could do this a bit faster.

He'd just managed to get the chair hopping when the door opened. If it was Cozy Glow he needed to hurry, if not then it probably didn't matter, they wouldn't know what he was trying to do.

He turned his head and found the creatures of Twilight's school. His bottom dropped out of his stomach as he saw them, after what he had done to them there was no reason for them to even try to help him. “I'm sorry.” Neighsay said as he dropped his head. “I was so wrapped up in my own prejudices that I never even considered that it could be a pony doing all this.”

“Yeah, you were.” Smolder said. “But what's important is that you realize it.”

“We actually came to free you.” Gallus said as Silverstream and Sandbar began to work at the chains.

“But … Why?” Neighsay asked astonished. “All I've ever done is make things harder for you and … and threaten your place here.”

“Because that's what friends do!” Silverstream happily said, tugging at another chain.

“Yona look past mean thoughts, even Yaks have hard time making friends with ponies.” Yona said before charging towards Neighsay's chair. She stopped suddenly and put the tip of her horn in the keyhole, jiggling it around and popping it open. “Many things we need to learn. Yaks and ponies and other creatures.”

The chains seemed to fall off without the lock holding it's pressure constant. Was this really what he had put these students through earlier with the magical chains? Before he could react Yona flipped the chair backwards and smashed it on the floor. Had Neighsay known the furniture was that fragile that would have been his first attempt.

“Also.” Sandbar added. “We'd kind of like to stop Cozy Glow before she drains all the magic from Equestria.”

Neighsay shot up and looked around. There was only one person they could go to for help right now, and that was Celestia. With this information she could get to the school and hopefully stop this madness. “I thought she was only taking advantage of the loss of magic. I must get this to Celestia and Luna.”

“How?” Sandbar asked. “Without magic nopony can get to Canterlot in time.”

Neighsay kicked over the trash can, all he had to do was sift through the paper to find the medallion. “While it is true that unicorns have lost their magic, Equestria's most potent magic is housed in our artifacts.” He collected the trinket from the floor and placed it back on his robe. “The EEA medallion allows me to travel throughout Equestria. It's magic worked when I chained you up, perhaps it still has enough to send me to the princesses.” He tapped the medallion a couple times before it finally sparked and it's magic flowed up to his horn. Without hesitation he projected a portal in midair and walked towards it.

Neighsay turned back briefly. “Good luck everycreature. When this is over, however it ends, I should like to get to know you all better.” He didn't know how long the portal would remain open and turned back promptly to make his way to their best hope.


The ponies got up and walked towards the door, Rainbow Dash looked back to her friend, sleeping and helpless as she walked away from him. Everything about this felt wrong to her, he should be next to them laughing about how all they needed to do now was win. She blinked and felt a tear roll down her cheek as she turned away once more.

Twilight closed her golden eyes and focused on the door, she felt the magic stirring inside and moving towards the door. It was an unusual sensation, but nothing about their current situation would be considered normal. All at once the magic launched at the door, it was the same golden fringed darkness that was characteristic of James's magic.

The doors creaked open as Twilight focused on the spell. It felt as if her own energy were being drained as she held it, though it could be her exhaustion catching up to her. “Come on!” She called. “I don't know how long I can hold it!”

That was all they needed to hear, Fluttershy looked back to the cages briefly before running out of the prison along with the others. The only one to linger was Rainbow Dash. “I'm sorry James, I promise I'll come and get you out as soon as I can.” She said quietly before taking to the air and leaving.

Twilight's spell cut out as Rainbow Dash cleared the doors, giving Twilight just enough time to rush out herself. They all looked back to the doors as they slammed closed, knowing that they were leaving one fewer than they came with.

There was no celebration as they got out, focusing entirely on what they had to do now so as not to think about what they had just done. Until they saw the low hanging sun.

Twilight was horrified, they had spent so long in Tartarus that it was now too late to do anything about Cozy Glow. All the magic of Equestria was doomed to disappear now and it was their fault. “We're too late.” She whispered.

“Don't you have any of James's magic left? Can't you teleport us to the school?” Rainbow Dash asked desperately. There was no way she was going to have left a friend in Tartarus without some hope that they would save the day. That just couldn't happen!

“I don't think I have enough to teleport us all the way to the school. Just opening the door was exhausting.” Twilight said, resigned to their failure.

“Then get us as close as you can!” Rainbow Dash said, she was getting angry now. “We'll hoof it the rest of the way!”

“Rainbow Dash, I just don't think we can do it.” Twilight argued.

“Tirek said that all of the magic would be gone by sundown on the third day.” Applejack explained.

Rainbow Dash circled around to look at all of them, her eyes blazing with fury and determination. “Are you really going to trust some cloven hoofed centaur that's tried to destroy us once before already? Or are you going to believe in the man who's always said we can do this? The man we just left in Tartarus so we can save Equestria! The odds of our success don't matter because there aren't any odds! Even the slightest chance is our guarantee of success! Because we won't give up! We've come through time and again, not because we had him with us but because we had each other! Because we refused to give up! I'm not giving up now, and I'm not giving up on you! Our victory is waiting for us and all we have to do is claim it!”

Twilight looked to her friend as she pushed them on harder than ever. Not even the consideration of failure in her mind, but she was right, time and again it looked as though they had lost. And each time by believing in each other they pulled through. Why should this time be any different? “Alright everypony.” Twilight said, her golden eyes shimmering in the light of the evening sky. “Let's go save Equestria!” Her horn glowed the distinctive gold fringed black as they all vanished.


“After everything Twilight's done for you,” Cozy glow innocently said. “why would you want to destroy her school?”

We don't!” Gallus said flying forward to confront Cozy Glow. “You're the one using these artifacts to drain the magic from Equestria!”

“Me?” Cozy Glow asked. “We just saw all of you with your claws all over them.” She knew she could manipulate this in her favor. It was easy since they were non-ponies. Who was going to trust them? Especially after a little nudge. Cozy Glow gasped as she thought of a good way to cinch it. “It all makes sense. These creatures want to get rid of our magic because it's the only thing we have that they don't.” Jealousy was an easy emotion to place on others as denial would only suggest it even more. Who wanted to admit to being jealous?

“Technically there's a magical component when Silverstream and I transform.” Ocellus commented. Clearly the end of magic would effect them as much as it would the ponies.

“And Yona's friend's friendship is magic. Twilight said!” Yona argued.

Now was as good a time as any to cement her position as the head of the school. “And you sent her to Tartarus on a wild goose chase so you could destroy everything she built!” She said almost as if it were a revelation. She gasped as she looked to the ball of condensed magic. “They've even trapped Starlight in that thing!”

Even though Starlight couldn't speak she could still hear and rolled her eyes at the claim. She was so tired of listening to Cozy Glow gloating and making her insane claims.

“We have to defend this school!” Cozy Glow ordered. The other ponies were ready to fight to save Equestria and advanced on the creatures, many of whom once considered them friends.

“No!” Sandbar said as he ran to the group. “No, don't listen to her!” The crowd left him alone as they continued to their targets.

The ponies pulled at them, dragging them away, the only one who managed to get loose was Gallus who was accosted by a pegasus before he slammed into the wall, knocking himself senseless and falling into the orb.

The other creatures knew what was more important to them and turned quickly from the mob to try to rescue Gallus. It was hopeless though as they were each brought into the sphere just as the last phase of the spell began.

A whirlpool formed in the stone beneath the sphere and slowly it started to descend, ready to take it's contents beyond the boundaries of this world where it would dissipate into an equal and unchanging realm of pure order.

“They just sacrificed themselves trying to save their friend.” A unicorn mare said, confused about how they could be the ones responsible if they cared so much for each other. “Professor Dash always says there's nothing more loyal than that.” She knew that they had been wrong now and had to do something about this. “Shouldn't we try to save them?” She asked. While it seemed clear to her she second guessed herself, if she were wrong earlier she could be wrong about this too.

“They brought this on themselves.” Cozy Glow said. “There's nothing we can do.” She turned back to watch the finale of her plan. She needed to see for herself that it had worked.

“That doesn't seem very generous … or kind.” An earth pony said getting closer to the sphere.

This was starting to get on Cozy's nerves as she rolled her eyes and turned to face the group. “Yeah yeah, the elements of harmony are very important.” She said unconvincingly. “They're just not applicable in every circumstance.” She flew off, expecting the others to follow her. “And with the magic of Equestria gone, I'm not sure the Tree of Harmony will be as helpful as it once was.”

Cozy Glow never noticed the roots of the Tree of harmony glowing. In a burst of light the tree began dragging the magic back up through the portal it was disappearing into. Acting not out of self preservation, but out of the actions of the six students' own desire to save their friend.

“That's enough Cozy Glow!” Twilight said as she walked into the chamber where they were gathered. Her friends walking in just behind her as they too witnessed the spectacle. “You've failed.”

“P-p-p-princess?!” Cozy Glow had no idea how they could have gotten here, they were supposed to be trapped in Tartarus!

“Guess our friendship is pretty magical after all.” Gallus proudly announced as the tree pulled him and his friends from the ball of magic.

The tree's actions had bought them some time, but they hadn't saved the magic yet. “Hurry!” Ocellus said as she flew up to Gallus. “Grab the artifacts!”

Suddenly he remembered that the magic was still in danger and rushed to the Crown of Grover. Each other creature going to the artifact that represented their culture.

“Didn't you say that this could destroy the school?” Silverstream nervously asked.

“But if we don't try, we could lose magic forever!” Ocellus said.

“Professors!” Sandbar called. “What should we do?”

“Do what you feel you need to. I trust you.” Twilight said, confident in their decisions.

“Yeah!” Rainbow Dash heartily agreed. “You've got this!” While they would have arrived barely in time, she was glad to see that others had stood up when they couldn't be there.

“Everypony, evacuate the school!” Applejack said as the students looked to each other.

“Except you, Cozy Glow.” Rarity said, standing in front of her.

Cozy Glow tried to fly over her but Fluttershy blocked her. Her next escape route cut off by Spike followed by a very angry Rainbow Dash.

“Didn't you hear her?” Rainbow Dash growled. “You're not going anywhere!”

The students reached out and grabbed the artifacts, lifting them and raising the ball of concentrated magic along with Starlight.

The magic contracted briefly before bursting in a wave of light that covered the land. Every creature in Equestria felt as the magic returned to their home.


The army gathered by Neighsay and led by Celestia and Luna responded quickly, many taking to the air and Neighsay creating a portal back to the school. He needed to ensure that Cozy Glow had not escaped in the time he was absent.


Keeping Cozy Glow in place was much easier for Twilight when her own magic returned. The pegasus child had a lot to answer for.

Cozy Glow was forced to the ground hard by a gold flecked purple light as Twilight looked at her. She had once seemed such a promising student, what could have made her do this? “Why Cozy Glow? Why did you try to destroy Equestria?” Twilight angrily asked.

There was no point playing games anymore as she glared at Twilight. “Why?” She asked, incredulous. “Because Friendship is Power! You might be the Princess of Friendship, but as headmare of this school I can collect even more friends than you!” She said, not understanding how even that basic concept worked. Only judging it's worth by it's visible effects.

“You don't get it Cozy Glow.” Twilight calmly said. “Friendship is powerful, but not for what it can do. Friendship is powerful for what it can bring you to do. It doesn't give you power, it let's you find the power you already had, and use it in a way that helps others. And I'm sorry I couldn't teach you that.”

“Well you've taught us!” Gallus said as he placed his claw on her shoulder.

“You can't let one bad apple make you think you've failed.” Silverstream said walking forward and smiling to Twilight.

“And we couldn't have stopped her without what all of you taught us about friendship.” Sandbar happily said.

“Honesty? Generosity? Loyalty?” Cozy Glow mocked. “I can make more friends without using any of them.” She said.

“No, you can't.” Starlight said. “I tried once, all you get are those who hang on for what you can give them, and they'll turn on you the moment they realize why you're really doing it or as soon as what you can give them runs out. If you really want friends, you have to give up that very power you want so desperately.” She remembered many times in her life that she had tried to force friendships. Even before her village without cutie marks.

“Hah!” Cozy said. “You don't even know how easy making friends is! I can do it anywhere!”

“You won't be getting that chance Cozy Glow.” Celestia said as she and Luna rounded the corner into the cave followed by Neighsay and many armed guards. Without a word the guards took Cozy Glow away. It was finally over.

“I am grateful to you, your friends, and your students Twilight. You have shown just how true friendships are meant to be.” Celestia said as she turned to the group before she took a step back. While she had been expecting James to be missing (he had a habit of leaving when it was time for appreciation) she was surprised by the eyes of her former student. “Twilight, what happened to your eyes?”

Twilight looked away, she didn't know if this was permanent or like Starlight's hair and would eventually return to normal. James may know, but he was trapped and sleeping … possibly forever. Guilt racked her as she prepared to tell Celestia everything, how she had insisted on leaving him behind and that it may just be her fault that he may not get to see his family again. She took a breath and swallowed. “I'm …”

Rainbow Dash came forward before Twilight could give any explanation. “Princess Celestia. We have to go back to Tartarus. Cozy Glow did something to James and he's trapped, we had to leave him behind. We didn't want to leave him …” Her voice showed clear panic and there were tears in her eyes.

“But James would have insisted that you do so.” Celestia calmly said, she had known the odd man long enough to understand implicitly. And she couldn't let Rainbow Dash feel guilty for doing as he would wish her to in that situation. “We will collect him so you have no reason to worry.”

Rainbow Dash managed a weak smile as she bowed. “Thank you Princess.”

Celestia turned to Twilight and nodded. “We will have time to talk later Twilight. For now let's get our friend out of Tartarus at least.”

Luna nodded and with little effort the portal opened, everyone in the cave went through to collect James. Once on the other side it was easy enough to see Cerberus standing guard over the motionless form. Each head barked happily at their approach as it willingly gave up it's charge. Luna and Fluttershy pet it behind it's ears briefly as Celestia, Starlight, Twilight and Rarity hoisted James before returning through the portal.

“I believe we should inform Lucca and Tali.” Luna said, as they walked through the halls of the school towards the clinic where he would rest until he was taken back to his home.

Author's Note:

Using the magic that made the creatures what they were was a brilliant stroke but now with a much more potent source of magical power much closer and readily available. A source from another world. Starlight and Luna were effected by the touch of the Lord of Nightmares, how will her touch effect Twilight?

Now a real change! Not much of one, but hey, it took me long enough to deviate into changing things.

You can know history and know what went wrong and use it to further justify your own prejudices. The only way to stop is to realize that others are different, not better or worse.

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