• Published 6th May 2019
  • 4,713 Views, 407 Comments

To Build the Winning Formula - Snow Fire

18 years ago, a strange, celestial body crashed just on the outskirts of Canterlot. A mysterious box was found and studied in the Canterlot Research Facility. Despite the time and effort, its secrets have yet to be unearthed....until now.

  • ...

Movie: Riders of Two Worlds Final Part

It had been hours since Flash and Jet returned to the lab. Night Light and Twilight Velvet had been frantic when they saw their daughter and puppy all battered and bloodied in the boys’ arms and rushed them to the infirmary. Misty, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo joined them, having arrived earlier at the latter’s insistence when the two girls heard that Rarity and Rainbow Dash had been kidnapped.

Sandalwood and Micro were quickly updated on the situation. The previous Gigabyters had been a diversion to keep the Riders away from the girls so Trail Blazer could capture them. Even when they arrived, they could only save Twilight before Trail got away with the others. Once they were given the okay by Night, they joined the others in the infirmary.

Flash stared at his friend’s unconscious form. Her injuries had been treated, but they don’t know when she would wake up. Spike was resting in a cot next to her. While a couple of his leg bones had been broken from being thrown against the wall, the breaks were clean and needed proper splints and casts. The two girls were at his side, gently petting his sleeping form.

The musician’s teeth gritted, feeling useless. “I should’ve been there…” Flash hung his head. “I should’ve left it up to Jet and helped out as soon as I could. Now our friends are missing and Twilight and Spike are hurt!”

“Flash, it’s not your fault.” Misty insisted. “We had no idea what...Trail could have been planning. The attack he initiated caught us all off guard.”

“Even so…!”

“Now’s not the time for self-pity, Flash.” Night said as he stood up and walked over. “Yes, you had been caught off guard by Trail’s actions. Yes, you weren’t able to stop him in time. But you still did the best you could. I know you weren’t able to save everyone, but you saved our daughter and Spike. My wife and I could never thank you enough for that.”

“But he still got away. And there’s what he said that still bothers me.”

“What did he say?” Micro asked.

“...he said that by 3:15 tomorrow, everything will be fine.”

“...well that doesn’t sound ominous at all.” Scootaloo quipped in worry. Her eyes trailed over to the wall clock. It read 9:52 PM.

“If anything, it sounds like he and Doom will finish their plans by the allotted time tomorrow.” Jet added. “The question is how though?”

No one had the answer. Twilight would have a good idea, but until she wakes up, she wouldn’t be able to contribute. It was only after a few moments of contemplation did Micro’s phone ring with an alert.

“...It’s from the computer. It seems like NewGear’s sending us a new transmission.” He explained.

“Hopefully they’re having better luck than us.” Sandalwood said.

“Either way, it would be best if we all listened to what they had to say. Maybe we can deduce their plans before it’s too late.” Night stated. Velvet nodded after reluctantly releasing her daughter’s hand.

One by one, the group filed out of the room, leaving the two sleeping forms alone. Once the door had closed, the bracelet wrapped around Twilight’s wrist released a soft glow. The light intensified before it spread across her body.

“Wait, Sunset, Rainbow, and Applejack were taken by Doom?!” Flash exclaimed.

“Unfortunately. We were naive.” Code scowled. “The Gigabyters Doom unleashed on the City was a diversion for us. We left the lab, and the girls, defenseless. We should’ve at least left Sol behind. At the very least, he would’ve bought us enough time to rush back and deal with him.”

“But what are we gonna do now?” Jet questioned. “The girls are kidnapped and Doom and Trail are off the radar. They can be anywhere while using the girls as batteries and we’re less than seventeen hours away from them fusing both our worlds and killing billions!”

“We gotta stop them before the worlds fuse, otherwise a lot of us are gonna die...and I’m pretty much one of them! I don’t want to be cancelled or overwritten!” Sol exclaimed. Earlier, when he asked Code about the retinal payment he made with a hotdog, he verified that Sol Burner in fact did have a double on their Earth. The retinal scan wouldn’t work if his double didn’t exist, as the scan would indicate the person did not exist in the system or they were deceased.

“We will. We just need a way to locate them or their stronghold and get them back.”

“...Let me handle that.” A new voice interjected. All heads snapped over to the door to see Twilight Sparkle on her own two feet.

“Twilight!” Her parents rushed over to envelop her in a hug. “What are you doing out of bed? You should be resting!”

“Wait, what happened to your injuries?” Velvet took note of their daughter’s uninjured flesh.

“I honestly have no clue.” Twilight shook her head. “I woke up a couple minutes ago, and all my injuries are gone. But that’s not important right now.” She gently pushed her parents aside before moving over to the computer. “If what you all said is true, then Doom and Trail are no doubt using our friends as batteries to power their abominations.”

“Batteries?” Sweetie and Scootaloo squeaked, both worried for their sister/sister-figure.

“I’m afraid so. Even though magic is...well, beyond proper analysis and comprehension, it’s still a form of energy. It’s likely they found a way to extract and convert that energy into power. How? I have no idea. Not even my previous research went that far.”

“So what will we do about it?” Micro asked.

“Fortunately, as I’ve made attempts to study magic before, I have an idea where to start.” She quickly made her way over to the work bench. “I can make a tracker to help us locate the precise signatures Sunset and the others give off with their geodes. We should be able to locate them and stop Trail and Doom.”

“Mind sending those plans over to us? We’ll get started on our end.” Heart requested.

“How long will it take though?” Flash had to ask. They needed to find their friends and save them as soon as possible while stopping Doom Raizer and Trail Blazer.

“Shouldn’t take more than a few hours. I’ll take care of this. But you and Jet should rest up.” Flash wanted to argue, but the bespectacled girl cut him off. “You two have been fighting all day. If we’re going to stop those two maniacs, we need you at your best. Please, Flash.”

The blue haired teen wanted to argue, but it wasn’t until she mentioned it that he noticed his own fatigue. She wasn’t wrong. He and Jet had been fighting battle after battle the past few days. If they fought Doom and Trail right now, they would be torn apart.

“...Fine. But once we’re all charged up, let us handle the heavy lifting again.” He nodded before his eyes shone with determination. “I won’t let them destroy our home.”


Within a sealed room, three pods were hooked up to the Enigma, lined up neatly. The girls inside were unconscious. Eventually, one of them stirred awake. The others soon followed.

“...Guh...huh…?” Sunset said groggily.

“Whadda...what’s goin’ on?” Applejack moaned in a daze.

“Ow...my head…” Rainbow groaned. She tried to put a hand to her head, but found herself unable to. Lucidity soon returned to them after realizing none of them could move their limbs. “H-hey! What gives?!”

“What in da blazes is goin’ on?!” The farm girl snapped, trying to move her arms.

“Where are we?!” Sunset looked around frantically, but stopped after noticing the massive, mechanical hand looming above them. She also noticed the glowing lines of energy that are connected to the machine itself. “...oh that is so not good.”

“Don’t tell me we’ve been captured.” The athlete dropped her head to the back of the pod.

“Hang on, girls. Ah’ll git us outta here faster than emptying barrels durin’ Cider Season.” Applejack tried to channel power from her geode to rip off her restraints. Unfortunately, nothing had happened. Panicking, she tried again and again only to be met with the same result. “...Ah might’ve spoken too soon.”

Sunset and Rainbow noticed that despite their geodes glowing, they did not feel their magic activate. They tried it themselves, only to be met with nothing.

“Ah, I see you’re wide awake now, ladies.” Doom greeted mockingly as he and Trail stepped in the room. All three glared at him. “Good to see you’re all so energetic. But I wouldn’t bother. We made precautions to ensure those pods negate your abilities by emitting an opposing frequency.”

“...In English?!” Rainbow snapped.

“It means your powers won’t help you, you simpleton.” The mad scientist explained with a smug grin. The sight of it aggravated Rainbow even further.

“I’m guessing that by the way you have us hooked up to your machine that we’re the new batteries?” Sunset deduced.

“Correct~! You six girls just helped us push up our time table. Now we can complete our project much sooner and usher in a new world order!”

“Wait, six? What have you done to the others?!”

“Oh, no need to worry. The other three are safe and sound on the other Earth...going through the same procedures you are. I have no idea how you came across such mysterious abilities, but they’re proving to be wonderful power sources to exploit.” Doom chuckled.

“They were never meant to be batteries for your insane plan, Doom.” Sunset glared. “You have no idea what you’re dealing with!”

“But as a matter of fact, I do!” He turned to her, pulling up a series of charts. “I’m not so foolish as to venture into the unknown or use something new without studying it first. After analyzing your energy signatures, I learned that the powers you possess are optimal to charge the Enigmas.”

“You're never getting away with this you psycho!” Rainbow roared as she struggled against her binds.

“Bah. What a cliche, worthless line. Can’t you see I already have?” Doom turned on his heel before departing the room. “In under 17 hours, my perfect world will be born.”

He exited first. Trail was about to follow until Applejack’s voice stopped him.

“Ya know, for a man that says he’s doin’ this for family, yer nothin’ more than a monster now fer what y’all done. What would yer family say if they saw ya now?”

“...You think you're an expert on family?” Trail peered at her from the corner of his eye. His voice was soft, yet seething. “You think they know how mine would feel when you don’t even know them?”

“Ah can’t understand how any family would appreciate anyone doin’ this. Yer destroyin’ two homes to make a new one ta get what ya want.

“Then you probably can’t understand why my world’s Big Mac threw away his life just to avenge your deaths.” Trail said coldly before leaving the room and shutting the door.

The girls were silenced by the proclamation. She wasn’t sure if it was a lie or not, but for some reason, Applejack felt a sense of dread.


After the few hours Flash and Jet had to rest and recover, they were in for a rude awakening. Jet’s body had glitched again due to the multiversal backlash. Fortunately, the lab had been able to synthesize the antidote in time.

Misty Veil had finished the injection and just placed a band aid on Jet’s arm. “There. That should hold off the side effects for a while.”

“But how much longer? It’s only been a few days since I was last shot.” Jet replied. “I must be building an immunity to it or something.”

“I’m afraid I don’t know. It was a miracle in itself we were able to replicate the serum. But even now we don’t understand its complete properties.” She apologized. She then handed him a series of syringes for emergency use.

“Still, thanks. Hopefully we’ll destroy the Enigmas so I won’t have to use them.”

“I just hope the guys can find the girls soon.” Flash spoke up after yawning. “The longer they’re captive, the more uneasy I get.”

“....Flash.” Misty spoke to her son. “...are you sure about this upcoming fight?”

“What do you mean?”

“...I realize he’s not our Trail Blazer, and that he’s done horrible things. But will you be able to fight him when the time comes?” Flash stared at her after she asked that question. He thought it was a fair assumption, given his previous behavior. But his resolve was steeled now.

“You don’t have to worry. I’ll do what needs to be done.” He answered honestly. His mother was about to inquire what he meant, but a fierce rumbling silenced them. The shaking knocked over several items from the shelves as the three had to grab onto something to remain steady.

After moments, the shaking settled down, leaving the room a horrible mess. The two Riders immediately grew worried and rushed out the door. They rushed out of the building to take in a horrific sight.

The roofs on top of buildings were being pulled apart as if some unseen force ripped them off piece by piece. They floated higher up in the air before they crashed into pieces of descending debris from the other Earth. The broken debris fragments fell back to earth in the form of high speed projectiles that struck the ground like meteorites.

The people of Canterlot screamed as they ran, desperately trying to avoid the falling debris.

“We gotta save them!” Jet exclaimed as he pulled out his Driver.
“Way ahead of you!” Flash already donned his Driver and shook the needed Best Match.










Cyburst immediately summoned his vehicle while Flash took to the skies, summoning the Hawk Gatlinger. He zoomed through the air, shooting down the falling debris fragments to dust.

Meanwhile, Cyburst sped along the ground, picking up any terrified stragglers and whisking them off to safety. The two continued this process all around the town to minimize collateral damage and casualties.



After spinning the barrel twice, Flash unleashed a stronger salvo of energy bullets that pulverized larger pieces of rubble. Jet whisked off a crying child on the ground. “It’s okay, I gotcha!” He dropped him off at the safe location where he gathered all the fleeing civilians.

After what seemed like several minutes of rescue and defense, the bizarre sight of falling debris and floating roofs had ended. Build landed next to the parked Cyburst. With a nod of agreement, the two rushed back into the lab.

“You guys saw what happened outside, right?!”

“Of course we did. Same thing happened on our end!” Sol shouted through the screen.

“This must be because the worlds are drawing closer than before.” Night said gravely. “Due to the girls, the Enigma’s are getting closer to a full charge.”

"If we’re going to stop this madness once and for all, we need to destroy the Enigmas," Jet pointed out.

"But the girls are most likely inside that thing," Micro pointed out. "We have to find a way to get them out before destroying it."

"How?" Sandalwood asked, while Twilight hummed.

"If it's draining them, then that means they can't use their powers. If they had them, they could probably bust themselves out. So we need to find a way to stop the machine from draining them, just long enough for them to break free."

"But how?" Scootaloo asked, only for her brother to think of something.

"Well it'll probably stop once it's on full charge, right?" The others turned to him. "I've seen something similar happen. If a device is fully charged and it keeps absorbing power, it can overload and go boom. I'm guessing Doom would want to stop that from happening."

"You're right," Twilight realised before thinking carefully. "The issue is that the Enigma will likely activate the second it's fully charged, meaning it'll be too late to stop it if we let that happen." Then, an idea flowed into her head. "Wait, if it thinks it needs to turn on when it's fully charged, maybe the opposite is true."

Micro quickly caught on. "It'll think it's fully charged if it switches on."

"Exactly," Twilight nodded, "and that'll be our opening." The others were completely lost.


Inside their pods, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy grew visibly weaker. Not even the party planner was able to find a reason to smile due to their current states. Meanwhile, Doom sat in his chair, eagerly watching the timer slowly tick down. Only eight hours remained. The prospect was enough to make him break out into dance and song. But before he had the luxury to do so, his building’s motion trackers detected activity.

He turned his attention to the screen and noted the pair of motorcycles closing on his location, along with the car trailing behind them. “How did they find me?! No matter...I know how to deal with pests like these!” Doom pressed a button, unleashing the Gigabyters he kept around for security.

Zooming through the torn streets of Canterlot were Build and Cyburst on their respective motorcycles. Following them was a car driven by Misty Veil. Twilight sat in the passenger’s seat with a new device in hand while her parents sat in the back.

After hours of work, the bespectacled girl created a tracking device that locates the exact frequency emitted by the geodes using her own as reference. With it, they were able to obtain her friends’ location in Canterlot. They were housed on the outskirts of the city in an underground bunker.

Naturally, she shared the schematics with Code Breaker and Heart Beats to make one of their own to find Sunset and the others. Minutes later, they closed in on their target location. But they soon encountered obstacles in the form of an army of Gigabyters. They marched toward the vehicles in rows, their eyes glowing violently.

“Everyone brace yourselves!” Jet yelled out before they were blasted with a volley of lasers.

Build and Cyburst weaved around on their bikes, avoiding the many explosions that were being sent their way.

“Hold on!” Misty shouted as she took evasive action. Twilight yelped before clinging to the dashboard as the woman swerved wildly to avoid the blasts.

“How’d you learn to drive like this?!” Velvet yelped while holding onto her equally frazzled husband.

“My husband taught me a few things!” Misty replied before quickly spinning the wheel to dodge another blast.

“Mom! Get out of here! Jet and I will distract them! You go on ahead!” Flash pulled out his Drill Crusher in blaster form while Jet materialized his Blast Burner. The Riders fired at the centerline of the horde. Build’s lasers caused them to pause while Jet’s tore through them. The shots caused their formation to break apart, allowing them enough room for the car to speed through them. Misty did her best to avoid the viruses, only grazing a few of them before speeding along towards their target.

Jet and Flash were relieved that they got through safely. They would join back up once they dealt with the horde. Unfortunately, this moment of reprieve left them wide open for a collective attack. The two riders yelled out as they were blasted off their bikes, crashing into the ground and rolling across it.

“Darn it!” Jet pounded a fist on the ground.

“Hope the other guys are having better luck than us right now.” Flash quipped.


“I! HATE! THESE! THINGS!” Sol Burner yelled angrily as he continued to bash a Gigabyter’s face into a wall. He had gotten sick and tired of his attacks failing to work on these monsters.

After they received the plan and schematics from Twilight, Code and Heart immediately went to work on constructing their own tracker. It was a short process thanks to Code’s technological expertise and the resources Heart has on demand. Once they finished it, they got to work tracking the Enigma and Sol’s friends.

That's how they found that the Enigma was hidden beneath an abandoned laboratory in the Industrial sector. Unfortunately, they had encountered a massive army of Gigabyters, which they were currently fighting to reach the girls.

“Hang on!” Code yelled before he skewered another Gigabyter with his Debugger Blade. He then pulled out a metallic wristband and threw it to Sol, who had just thrown away another foe. “Put that on and press the button!”

“What is this?” Cross-Z asked, doing as told. Immediately, an energy field surrounded Sol before sinking into his body. “Whoa...tingly.” He was then tackled by another Gigabyter. “Oi! Get off!” He spun around and slammed the enemy into the ground before elbowing its face. Unlike before, his attack did damage as it caved in the head. He got up and backed away from the exploding virus. “What...what was that?!”

“A little something Code and I developed!” Heart replied as she shot another Gigabyter through the head. “It emits an energy field similar to our Rider forms and Drivers, allowing your attacks to affect Viruses.”

“That’s kickass!” Sol exclaimed before piledriving another Virus. The trio continued their raid on the facility to turn on the Enigma and save the girls.

Flash replaced the Rabbit and Tank Fullbottles with the ones Gizmo gave him.




“Build up!” He became donned with the effective Best Match against the viruses.




The dual-toned Rider ducked below a swing from a Gigabyter and countered by swinging his rotating chainsaw arm and carved it in half. He grabbed the top half and threw it into another to distract it. Cyburst took this opportunity and ran it through with his Blade Buster. He then spun around and shot another virus with the Blast Burner.

Flash continued to rush toward the bunker, using a mix of his chainsaw and Drill Crusher to cut down any Gigabyters that impeded him. Three tried to shoot him down with lasers, but Flash raised his Crocodile arm and used it as a shield. The tough, scale-like hide deflected the blasts, allowing him to charge forth and bash the trio of foes before cutting them to pieces.

Jet followed up and delivered a jump kick to stun a Gigabyter before summoning the Ram Slammer to bash it into the approaching group behind it.

“Oryah!” Code yelled as he slammed his spear into another Gigabyter. It was sent flying in Sol’s direction, and was then destroyed by a flaming punch to the chest.

“FREEZE BOLT!” Vaccine shot a flurry of blue bolts of energy that froze the Gigabyters to the ground.


Hacker summoned his Cement Gun and did the same. Once all of the Gigabyters were trapped, Cross-Z chose to end this. He turned the crank of his Driver.


“DRAGONIC FINISH!” In a fiery blue blaze, Sol smashed through the horde of trapped viruses and sent them off in a massive explosion.

“That takes care of the cannon fodder! Let’s go!” Code ordered as the three delved deeper into the facility. They followed the tracker to the lower levels and came across a heavily locked door. Sol simply punched it down. They were soon greeted by the looming structure of the Enigma. At its base were three pods hooked up to it. Inside said pods were Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack.

“There they are!” Cross-Z was about to rush over to them but was stopped by a laser blast to the chest. He stumbled back and fell into Vaccine’s arms.

“This is as far as you nuisances go.” Trail Blazer glared from his spot near the console.

Once Flash and Jet had distracted the Gigabyters, it was substantially easier for Misty, Twilight, and her parents to infiltrate the bunker. Surprisingly, the facility itself was unguarded save for the occasional Guardian. She had no idea how Doom managed to acquire them, but they had a suspicion that he stole them or the schematics for his plans.

However, it also made their job easier as they were more predictable than the Gigabyters in terms of behavior. Eventually, they stood before the door that separated them from the Enigma. “So this is it…” Twilight said. She then went to work hacking the door’s controls.

“They’re behind this?” Night asked his daughter.

“Yes. All we need to do now is shut down the device.” As she finished, the door unlocked itself and slid open. “Now we’re in.”

The group of four entered the room, and were astounded to see the Enigma up close. They also noted how brightly the power lines connected to the machine. Connected to those lines were the pods that housed the forms of Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy.

“Girls!” Twilight tried to rush over in a panic, but she was restrained by her parents.
“Easy, sweetie. We need to shut down the Enigma before we can break them free.”

“You must be mad if you assume I’ll just let you.” Doom Raizer snapped as he stepped out from the shadows.

“Doom!” Misty scowled.

“Well, well, well...I didn’t expect my old coworkers and Boss to show up out of the blue like this. You must be proud of yourselves making it this far. Sadly it’s all futile.”

“Are you mad, Doom?! You’re placing billions in danger!” Night yelled.

“And I should be concerned about the billions of people I don’t know...why?” The mad scientist shrugged before glancing at Misty. “Besides, I don’t know why you’re against this. Once everything is complete, you’ll have your husband alive and well again.”

“That man...is not my husband!” The mother of two snapped.

“Oof. He’ll be hurt if he heard you say that. But it doesn’t matter.” Doom shrugged. “Everything will come to an end soon enough.”

“Not if we stop you!” Twilight yelled, which only earned a scoff from the man.

“Truly? Well let me ask you this…” He inserted his Fullbottle into the Nebulasteam Gun.





From a cloud of steam, Doom stepped out, clad in armor. “Just how will you stop me before I kill you all?”

“So...you’re this world’s version of Flash’s dad. Aren’t you?” Sol asked rhetorically upon getting back up.

“Indeed. And you must be his friend from his world. Never quite imagined he’d befriend a brute like you.” Trail scoffed.

“It’s funny. Flash told me alot about his dad. How he’d been a great pilot and made him the man he is now. He sounded amazing. His ideology about responsibility certainly helped me.”

“And you don’t think of me the same?” He scowled upon him mentioning those cursed ideals.

“Course not. You and him are two different people. I know for sure he’d never even attempt this crazy plan of yours!”

“Then you know nothing of loss, boy!” Trail snapped and pulled out his weapon and Fullbottle.


“You don’t know what it’s like to have your most precious people slip through your fingers! KAISER!”



“Gragh!” With a roar Trail charged at Cross-Z, but Hacker whacked him in the head with his De-Bugger Blade. A Fire Bolt was shot at him, but he blasted it out of the air with a shot from his gun.

“Let’s go!” Hacker and Vaccine made their way to the control panel, but Trail pressed a button and a group of seven Gigabyters appeared. “Stop them!” He ordered before Sol punched him again.

“You guys take care of them! This scrub’s mine!”

“As the neighponese say...sayonara!” Doom cackled as he charged an energy blast to vaporize the four intruders. But before he could even pull the trigger, an energy blast struck the gathering mass of energy, causing it to explode in Doom’s face. “Gah! What?!”

“You guys okay?!” Build asked as he and Cyburst arrived in the room.

“Thanks to you.” Misty spoke gratefully.

“We’ll handle Doom! You just get to safety.” Jet said.

“But, the others-!” Twilight said before Flash reassured her.

“They’ll be fine. We’ll get them out once we deal with this jerkwad.”

“Let’s go, sweetie.” Velvet ushered her daughter away from the impending conflict. The two Riders now stood off against the one Kaiser.

“Why is it you brats always get in our way. It’s rather annoying.” Doom scowled.

“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe because you’re essentially committing genocide.” Flash quipped.

“Tch. You’re just like all of those short-sighted fools. Clearly you don't see the big picture. Once the worlds combine, we will have access to technology we could only dream of in our lifetimes!”

“They’re not short-sighted. You’re just a nutjob.” Jet added. “You’re breaking the dimensional boundaries and fusing worlds just to satisfy your technophilia!”

“And helping a poor man reunite with his lost family.” The Blue Kaiser replied. “Surely you wish to see your father again, don’t you boy?”

“...He’s just a broken man as mad as you. Never a good combination. But that’s why we’re here to stop you!” The chainsaw on Flash’s arm whirred to life.

“...Then by all means…” With a snap of his fingers, an army of Gigabyters appeared. “Just try it!”

The two opposing forces charged at one another and clashed with Build’s chainsaw grinding against Doom’s gun.

While Kamen Riders Hacker and Vaccine handled the Gigabyters, Cross-Z engaged in combat with the Red Kaiser.

The two matched each other blow for blow. Each punch was blocked before being countered.

The two broke apart before Cross-Z leaped over his head. The moment he landed, he spun in a roundhouse kick to the side of his head. Trail caught it before slamming him into the ground. Sol bounced off once before kneeling back up. The former pilot aimed his gun to finish off the Rider, but Cross-Z was just getting started.


His sword appeared in hand. The moment the energy blast flew, he swung his blade and knocked it right back. Trail fired a second blast to cancel it out, then a third to blast through the resulting smoke cloud. Sol dove out of the way to avoid the blast before charging and flanked Trail Blazer. He swung his sword and struck his side. Sparks flew as the Kaiser was pushed back.

The two were so caught up in their fight they haven’t noticed how three Gigabyters were already destroyed. Another was impaled by Hacker’s spear while a fifth was frozen and broken to pieces by Vaccine’s Freeze Bolt.

“You blasted neophytes!” Doom yelled as he aimed his Nebulasteam Gun at the charging Flash. An energy blast shot out of the barrel, but it was blocked by his crocodile hide arm. He kept charging until he tackled the man to the ground.

Meanwhile, Cyburst pushed back the Gigabyters by using his Blast Burner and Ram Slammer. He shot at the ones further back while knocking the ones up close away. He dodged another laser blast before flipping in the air and shooting the attacker mid-jump. He immediately switched to the Blade Buster and stabbed it through another virus before bisecting it. He deflected another laser blast before shooting back.

Both Doom and Flash rolled across the floor before the former kicked the latter off. “Dumb brat! Stay out of my way!” He pointed his gun and pulled the trigger. A salvo of energy blasts closed in on the Rider before he quickly dashed to the side to evade them. He kept running as Doom moved his gun along to shoot him down.

Now panicking, Flash ducked behind a machine for cover. Doom kept shooting to whittle away his shelter, kicking up even more dust in the process. The Rider weighed his options for his next move before noticing a piece of broken piping and tarp within arm’s reach. With a plan in mind, he grinned.
“You can’t hide forever!” Doom snapped as he stopped firing. With all the dust he kicked up it was getting harder to aim. He then noticed a shift in the dust cloud as it seemed to move in one direction. “There!” He fired once at the cloud, thinking he got the teen.

But to his surprise, it was just a piece of pipe with tarp pieces wrapped around one end. It was thrown to simulate a shape moving through the cloud as a distraction. Just as Doom realized this, he failed to notice Build appearing from behind and striking him with his chainsaw arm. He yelled from the cut and dropped down, allowing Flash to kick him in the face.

The Blue Kaiser reoriented himself and raised his arm to block a punch. He struck back, only to be blocked by Flash’s own arm. The two traded blows punch for punch and block for block. Soon, Doom grew tired of this and decided to end it. The Gear on his shoulder started to glow.

“FUNKY DRIVE!” The energy gear flew forward, but Flash fell backward to avoid it. Before he reached the ground, he used his arms to support his body while throwing his leg upward, kicking the mad scientist in the chin.

“This is not over yet!” He then snapped back up and swung his crocodile arm. The scales on the hide scraped against Doom’s armor and forced him back.

“Insolent worm!”

While Jet did his best to take down as many Gigabyters as he could, he couldn’t help but notice that their numbers haven’t decreased. It was as if for every one he destroyed, another took its place. Where were they spawning from?!

“Enough of this!” Trail yelled before his gear shoulder glowed red.


The energy gear flew and slammed into Sol. The attack ground against his armor and sparks flew. It then exploded.

"Augh!" Cross-Z cried as he was knocked back into the wall behind him. He then fell forward in a heap.

Once the source of his irritation had fallen, Trail gradually calmed down. “It’s over kid. You can’t stop us.”

“I...I can still try…” Sol growled as he pushed himself up. His HUD informed him of his armor’s status. He can’t take another direct hit from that attack.

“If you value your life, I suggest you give up.” The Red Kaiser walked up to the downed Rider casually. “Or you can go charge in and die. It makes no difference to me. You’ll just be another casualty.”

“What about the billions of lives on both Earths?!”

“You speak as if they matter to me.” The Red Kaiser scoffed as he kicked Cross-Z away. “They can all burn in hell for all I care. The only people of importance to me are my family.”

The fighter gasped from the hit, but steeled himself to stand back up. “Gugh! But they’re not even yours! You’re just trying to replace them with alternate versions!”

“It doesn’t matter. They’re still my family.”

“You think they’ll just accept you? After everything you’ve done?!”

“They won’t have a choice. Once the world’s fuse, all four of us will be alive and exist. Besides, I already shattered my son’s resolve. What’s to say I can’t break my wife and daughter’s resistance either?”

At those words, the fighter’s rage reached its tipping point. This man...he didn’t know what he went through. But nothing excused him for what he did or what he was talking about! He’s not even viewing Flash and his family as people anymore. Just mere possessions...replacements of what he lost! “You…..MONSTEEEEEEER!!!!” Sol roared furiously. Beneath his helmet, his eyes glowed an ominous red. Around his body flared a raging blue flame.

“What’s th-?” Was all Trail could say before Cross-Z appeared in front of him and rammed his fist into his face. The force of the impact sent the man flying into the wall next to the Enigma. As he fell back down, he was kicked into the wall by the dragonic Rider just before he hit the ground.

“Gah!” Trail sputtered before Cross-Z slammed his face into the wall and started dragging him across the room in a furious dash. His helmet made sparks as it drove into the metal plating. His body was used to smash any device in his path as he was dragged along. With a roar, Sol threw him across the room once more.

After crashing to the ground, Trail pulled himself together to counter attack. “You’ll pay for that!” The Kaiser tried to activate his Funky Drive attack, but Sol refused to let it happen. With a blazing punch, he struck the shoulder gear, forcing the attack to sputter out due to the energy imbalance.

“What?!” Cross-Z grabbed the man by the shoulders and slammed his head into his. He then drove his knee into his solar plexus multiple times before pile driving him to the floor. As the adult tried to get back up, Sol delivered an axe kick to his back, knocking him back down. He gasped from the hit before he was pinned to the ground.

The dragonic Rider was on his back, slamming his fists into the back of his head over and over in a mad onslaught. Trail felt his brain shake within his cranium form each hit. He couldn’t speak. All he could wonder was where the boy got this power from. Sol brought both of his hands up before swinging them down in a hammer smash.

He got up while Trail Blazer was dazed on the floor. “...This is for my friend and his family.” He turned his Driver’s crank.


The energy dragon manifested and charged Cross-Z’s body. He jumped into the air as it flew behind him. A blast of flame erupted the dragon’s maw and propelled him downward for a vicious, final ax kick to the Red kaiser.


Trail screamed in agony as he was swallowed by the explosion. Once the dust settled, Cross-Z walked out, dragging an untransformed Trail Blazer by the collar. Without mercy, he tossed him in front of him. “...It’s over, Trail Blazer.”

“...No…” He gasped out as he forced himself up. “It’s...not over yet. The Enigma’s still...still charging…”

“Sorry.” Vaccine called out. The man’s eyes snapped over to the console. Both Riders were there without any form of resistance. “But it’s time to cut this charge short.”

“But...the Gigabyters!”

“Are all gone.” Code said before the Enigma activated.

“You brats think you can stop me?!” Doom yelled as he spun into a roundhouse kick that Flash ducked, but followed up with a hook kick that struck him in the helmet. The teen stumbled backward, allowing Doom to rush up with a punch to the solar plexus.

Flash gasped from the air forced from his lungs. The scientist capitalized on this and delivered punch after punch, blow after blow on the Rider...laughing all the while.

“Hahahaha! Is that really all you got! Your strength cannot hope to match my power! You brats will fall, the Engimas will fully charge and my perfect world will be born!” He threw his arm for one final punch.

But before it could impact Build’s face, it was caught by a purple glove. “Yeah...I seriously can’t stand egotistical maniacs like you.” The musician glowered. He twisted the extended wrist, eliciting a cry of discomfort from the man before kicking him away. Doom stumbled and looked up to see Build bearing down on him, chainsaw blade descending.

Acting quickly, he used both arms to support his gun as a makeshift shield. The two weapons clashed. But Flash continued his assault by lifting his leg for a kick. The Blue Kaiser raised his leg up, anticipating a kick to his stomach but misjudged horribly. Flash swiftly swung his leg up to ram his armored boot right into where the sun doesn’t shine.

“KYAGH…!!!!” Doom squeaked before crumbling down nursing his crotch. “Cheap...shot…”

“For scumbags like you…” Flash said while turning the crank on his Driver. “...no mercy.”


An aura of purple and orange energy flared off his body before shooting into the air, merging to form the image of an energy crocodile with a chainsaw tail.


Build punched the air, the crocodile charging forward until it reached Doom. It scooped him up in its mouth and chomped down on him before throwing him into the air. And as he fell back to earth, it spun around and slashed through his body with its tail.

His body sparked before exploding in a fiery blast.

The untransformed body of Doom Raizer tumbled on the floor. His Nebulasteam gun clattered next to him.

“It’s over, Doom.” Flash declared with finality.

“You...you really think you’ve won…” The madman seethed as he used a nearby console to support himself. “You merely delayed the inevitable. One way or another...I will make my vision a reality…!”

Once he said this, he saw that the machine was starting to glow. Light could be seen from the gaps through the plating. It could only mean one thing.

“Haha! See?! The Enigma is fully charged and activating! Now my dreams are about to become reality!” He cackled as he pulled the activation switch.

“Sorry to say, but dreams like yours are meant to be broken!” Twilight called out. Doom snapped over to the other side of the room. Standing by the main activation switch was Twilight, her parents, and Misty.

“But...but how?! I thought you left!”

“Please. Did you think we’d leave my son behind and do nothing?” Misty asked rhetorically.


“Let’s go, sweetie.” Velvet ushered her daughter away from the impending conflict. The two Riders now stood off against the one Kaiser.

“We may have left the battle to Flash and Jet, but instead of running, we put our own part of the plan into action.”

While Doom and the Gigabyters were distracted, the four intellectuals moved over to another console to create a new access point to the Enigma’s activation controls. Twilight and her parents hacked into the system and bypassed its security. They had to break through several firewalls, but they were able to crack the codes. Once the access point was established, she initiated the machine’s power up sequence.

Build and Doom kept on fighting, the latter none the wiser to the tampering.

“Once you were preoccupied fighting, we worked on accessing the Engima’s systems to forcefully activate it. Even though it wasn’t fully charged, we bypassed its operational requirements for a forced start up. Once we were done, all that we had left was to turn it on.”

“Which you just did for us!” The bespectacled girl declared.

“No...NOOOO!!!!” Doom yelled angrily.

Once the levers have been pulled, the Engimas turned on. The hands opened up, revealing the eyes on the palms glowing brightly.

In Newgear City, the light grew so intense it encompassed the entire room, swallowing the pods and the other inhabitants.

When the light died down, everyone was confused on their current locations. They were in a giant metal room similar to their previous location, but the Enigmas were gone.

But the room they were in was shaking erratically. “The heck is going on?!” Sol yelled in confusion.

“Worry about that later, get the girls out!” Vaccine ordered as she and Hacker opened up Rainbow’s and Applejack’s pods. Cross-Z followed and opened up Sunset’s pod. The girls fell into their arms but the Riders supported them.

“H-huh?” Sunset’s eyes flickered open. The first thing she saw was a family helmet. “S-Sol? Is that you?”

“Yep. Welcome back.” He nodded.

“Ugh...what happened to us…?” Rainbow wondered as she held her head.

“We’ll explain later.” Heart answered. “But for now, you’re all safe. It’s over.”

“No…” Trail shook his head. “I won’t let this be over.” He activated his Transteam Gun and vanished in a cloud of mist.

“...that doesn’t sound ominous at all.” Code murmured sarcastically. The shaking grew even more intense than before. “And what’s happening?!”

Meanwhile, Twilight and the others helped her friends out of their own pods. They were noticeably fatigued from having their magic drained. But aside from that, they appeared to be unharmed.

Although they couldn’t quite explain what happened to the Enigma. Like the machine, the Gigabyters also seemed to have vanished.

“Alright Doom.” Flash glowered as he and Jet stood above the mad scientist. “Give us answers. What happened to the machine? And what’s with all the shaking?!”

Doom growled before vanishing into a cloud of mist.

“...my Pinkie Sense is telling me something bad’s gonna happen.” Pinkie slurred out once she woke up.

“...ash...FLASH!” Micro radioed in.


“I finally got through! Do you even know what’s happening right now?”

“No...wait, why? What’s going on?!”

“Head outside! It’s the Enigma...both of them! They’re reaching out to each other from both worlds!”

“What?!” Fully alarmed by the notification, He and the others rushed outside. What they saw absolutely shocked them.

Once everyone went outside, they noticed something was horribly wrong.

For one thing, they weren’t on the ground level anymore. They were steadily rising higher and higher into the air. Flash would’ve plummeted the moment he stepped out if Jet hadn’t pulled him back just in time.

“What is going on here?!”

“Are we flying?!” Pinkie exclaimed.

“Now, I think the building’s just elevating, but how?!” Twilight wondered.

“Uh, guys? I think that’s why.” Jet pointed upward. Everyone else stuck their heads outside the opening and gawked.

Above them, on the second Earth, was the hand of the Enigma from Jet’s world descending down to meet its counterpart. It was absolutely massive, easily tripled or quadrupled in size. Said counterpart also sat on the structure they were in, rising to meet it.

Once the two hands were close enough, a shock wave encompassed both worlds, followed by a flash of light. The Riders and their companions were swallowed by both and all they saw next was white.

“Grgh...huh?” Flash murmured as his vision refocused. He sat back up and saw that the others were positioned around him, equally confused as he was. “What’s going on? What happened?”

“Flash? Hey! Flash!” Sol called out waving wildly. The musician turned to the voice to see the fighter along with Sunset, Applejack, Rainbow, Heart, and Code. They were all in their civilian attire like he was. That bizarre light must’ve broken their transformations.

“Sol? You’re back!” Flash got up and ran over to his friend. “How and when did you get here?”

“Dunno. Last I remember were the Enigma’s holding hands. Next thing I knew, we were here in Canterlot. Just what’s going on?”

Before Flash could answer, a Pink blur zoomed past the boys and wrapped her arms around the three Rainbooms from NewGear City. “You’re all okay!” Pinkie cried tears of joy.

“P-Pinkie? Glad to see you too but…” Sunset gasped out.

“You’re...crushing...us…” Rainbow wheezed through the tight hug.

“Sunset! Girls!” Twilight cried as she and the others wrapped up their friends in a group hug. “You’re all okay!”

The others looked on at the touching reunion. But Code was the one to break the mood. “Hate to ruin this happy reunion, but does anyone know what happened to us? I thought we stopped the Enigmas. Yet why are they here? The issue hasn;t been resolved at all.”

“I don’t know.” Jet shook his head as Heart tended to him. “Did we fail? Did we do something wrong?”

“I have no clue. But for now, we should...wait, what’s that noise?” Code turned to face a certain direction.

“Ha….ha….” Trail Blazer panted from where he knelt. He pulled himself up, using the metal wall as support. He winced from his injuries. The attacks from Cross-Z were strong that he felt them through his armor.

Even so, he refused to let that deter him. He stood tall, feeling the wind rush against his body. He looked up and became immediately delighted to see the world above him. The Engima from Canterlot drew ever closer towards the one from his world. However, he frowned when he saw the specks in the distance. He ignored the scrambling civilians fleeing from the Enigma site and instead focused on the site itself. It seemed that the Riders and their companions were unharmed. Meaning they would get in the way again.

Refusing to allow them to interfere, Trail pulled out his handheld device; the ones that summons Gigabyters. He flipped open a secret panel and pressed the button. The eye of the Enigma he stood on glowed. Following this, thousands of readings manifested from data fields in rapid succession.

“...You brought this on yourselves.”

“Is...is that an army of Gigabyters?!” Sunset pointed out.

“Pouring out from the Enigma?!” Twilight added.

True to their horror, a massive horde of viruses spilled out from the Enigma’s opened eye. Once they gathered, they marched towards the Riders, Rainbooms, and company in the form of an endless horde.

“If those viruses attack now, they could wipe out the entire city!” Night yelled in alarm.

“Can we really win this?”

“Of all the worst possible scenarios...this is absolutely the worst.”

Morale was dipping drastically, evident on their faces. Even so, Flash refused to let things end here.

"We can't just give up!" Flash told them, "Not like this. We have to fight, until the very end!"

His passionate words slowly sparked a fire in them. He was right. None of them ever gave up when the situation turned terrible. So why start now? When their home was in danger?

“Night’s right about one thing though. The viruses won’t stop until those machines are destroyed.” Heart added. “As soon as we take them down, they should stop spawning them like crazy.”

“Then that’s what we’re gonna do.” Flash declared as he stepped forward. “...I’ll deal with Trail.”

“Flash...are you sure about this?” Misty asked her son.

“I am mom. I won’t let that man spit against everything dad stood for.” He looked her in the eye. She immediately saw his raw determination and will. “I won’t let him insult his memory. I’ll deal with him and stop this madness.”

“Not alone you won’t.” Jet said as he stepped up next to him. “That Trail is from my world. So I should take responsibility for his actions affecting yours.”

“While you two do that, we’ll handle the rest down here.” Heart replied and joined them. “We’ll fend off the Gigabyters and make sure they won’t attack innocent people.” Code and Sol nodded in agreement and stepped forward as well.

“While we’re at it, we’ll see how to take these rust buckets down.” The fighter added.

“Then this is it.” The musician took a deep breath before he donned his Driver. The others pulled out their own respective Drivers and donned them. Flash lifted his head and glared at the Enigma. “Everyone...let’s do this!”


(For your musical pleasure, play this.)










“HENSHIN!” The five yelled out in unison.








Now donned in their respective armors, the Riders, save Sol, brought out their respective vehicles. Flash made sure to use the Crocodile bottle for his bike.





One by one, their modes of transport appeared before they hopped on and took off to their positions.

“...Guess I’m running.” Cross-Z sighed, completely left out.

“Sol, wait!” Sunset yelled out. The fighter turned around before catching a phone and Fullbottle. “Just finished them! They’re yours! They’re like Flash’s Build Phone. Take them down!” She gave him a thumbs up.

Surprised by her surprise, Sol nodded earnestly. He inserted the Protobottle into the Phone.


It unfolded into a replica of the machine Builder, only colored blue with orange flames to match his motif. He hopped on and zoomed down the street, whooping in excitement.

The five Riders rode down the streets to meet the marching army head on. They weaved through the laser blasts as they approached the horde. Build and Cyburst rode off of slanted debris before they slammed into the Gigabyters from above and ran over them. Thanks to his foresight to use the Crocodile bottle for his Machine Builder, he was now able to bust through and run over the viruses with ease as its properties fueled the vehicle. They continued to ride and break through the formation to reach Trail.

Hacker and Vaccine joined in by blasting the viruses with the Cement Gun and Fire Bolts respectively. It was impressive that she was able to aim on top of an auto-piloted vehicle moving at fast speeds. The cement blasts immobilized the viruses en-masse while the bolts tore through them like tissue paper. Cross-Z joined by swinging the Beat Crozzer left and right, taking out as many Gigabyters as he can.

If they weren’t attacking the monsters head on, they charged through them and ran over them. The viruses tried fighting back, but the Riders maneuvered through their attacks and countered with their own. Sol got up from his seat and held onto the bike by the handlebars. He swung his legs out and kicked a Gigabyter in the optical lens, forcing its laser to misfire before a Fire Bolt impaled it.

Eventually, the path became clear for Flash and Jet to ride on through. They rode down the road to reach their opponent while the rest continued to take care of the endless army of viruses.

It was also at that moment that Vaccine remembered something important.

“Are we going to be okay?” Fluttershy asked anxiously. She and the others were barricaded behind a wall constructed out of Rarity’s shields. While the Riders held off the majority of the viruses, they still had to deal with the remnants that resorted to attacking them. While they were now free from the Enigma stealing their magic, they were still a bit weak from the draining experience. So they instead acted defensively and holed up inside a wall while taking potshots to minimize as much magic usage as possible. Unfortunately, Rarity was experiencing the most drain due to her shields, and Pinkie Pie, much to their surprise, was out of sweets to use!

But despite these disadvantages, they had to hold out. They had to protect Misty, Night, and Velvet as well. Unsure of their next move, Vaccine jumped over the barricade and landed before the group. “Sorry I forgot!” She took out a data card and inserted it into her Driver. A data field projected between the Rider and the Rainbooms. It constructed and materialized what appeared to be futuristic rifles. There were ten in total.

“What are these?” Rainbow asked, taking one in her hand.

“They’re Anti-Virus weapons. They’re used by the local law enforcement to fight viruses on my world. They’re made to fight Gigabyters.”

“But will these work on them? They’ve been infused with Nebula Gas.” Night pointed out as he started distributing the firearms.

“Oh, don’t worry. These models are upgraded. Each blast is enough to punch through a Gigabyter easily. “If you want to recharge, just pressed the button on the side.”

“Sweet! It’s almost like a shooting game!” Rainbow took one and aimed.

“Rainbow, be serious! This is life or death!” Applejack retorted as she grabbed one herself.

“Can we please hurry this up!” Rarity snapped. “I can’t exactly hold on for much longer!”

From the outside, the wall of diamond shields broke down but were instead replaced by a salvo of lasers that took down the surrounding Gigabyters.

“Yee-haw!” The farm girl yelled as she jumped in and blasted another virus through the chest.

“Show no mercy!” Rainbow whooped as she ran around the area, shooting down monsters by the dozen.

Cross-Z and Hacker continued to cut through wave after wave of Gigabyters. They both finished off another group with their respective finishers. “How many does that make now?”

“I think forty two.” Code answered. He then found something on his motion trackers. “Look out!” He pushed Cross-Z out of the way to avoid and energy blast. When the smoke cleared, a new figure appeared.

“So you stand and fight, even now…” Doom sneered as he walked forward.

“Of course we would.” Code scoffed as he stood up. “Your insane plans stop here and now, Doom.”

“You can’t understand the genius of what I’m doing! This method is the only way for us to get a jumpstart on progress! We’ll all have the advanced technology that we can revolutionize further!”

“That ain’t progress! That’s just you being selfish!” Sol snapped. “And you have too much of an ego to realize that!”

“How dare you!” The man snapped as he plugged his bottle into his gun.


“I’ve had enough of your insolence! Prepare to die! Kaiser!”

Once he pulled the trigger, a mass of steam exuded and covered his body before dispersing into his blue, geared form.



“Bring it on psycho!” Sol yelled as he and Code charged.

Finally, Build and Cyburst made it to the looming tower that served as the connection between the Enigma and the planet. Without further hesitation, they climbed on using their vehicles.

“Yeah! Get some!” Rainbow yelled as she blasted another Gigabyter in the head. “That makes 29 for me!”

“Rainbow! This ain’t a game! Oh, and I got 31, by the way!” Applejack called out before throwing one Gigabyter into another before shooting them both down. “Make dat 33.”

“You two! Save the competition for, oh I don’t know...when we’re NOT fighting for our lives?!” Sunset snapped as she shot another virus that drew too close to Fluttershy. The animal lover was hesitant to shoot at first, but eventually swallowed her fear in order to help her friends take down these mindless monsters. Though her aim was lackluster, she still tried. She did not want any of these monsters to hurt her friends and family.

“Keep it up, girls!” Vaccine cheered before shooting another virus down. “You’re doing great!”

“But we can’t keep this up forever!” Twilight pointed out. “We need to stop those machines from producing more!”

“But how do we even do that! It’s like...humongous!” Pinkie waved her arms for emphasis. As she did so, the gumballs she had in hand slipped through her fingers and flew to the base of the Enigma’s connector. The sweets glowed before exploding, taking off the outer layer of the support.

What they saw inside surprised them. There were all Gigabyters inside the tower, all linked up like building blocks.

“....wait a minute…” Sunset started to form a plan in her mind.

While the Rainbooms and the Riders took care of the Gigabyters down below, Flash and Jet rode on the Enigma’s arm all the way to Trail Blazer. Due to the unique nature of their vehicles, they were able to scale the practically vertical incline with ease. Once they reached a stable foothold at the top, they dismissed their vehicles and Build pocketed the Crocodile Fullbottle.

Standing before them was Trail Blazer, a mix of resignation and disappointment on his face. “...so you chose to fight, Flash.”

“Of course I would.” he scoffed. “Your madness is putting my home and my family in danger.”

“This is but a means to an end. Once this is all over, we can be a family again.” He spoke, not noticing Flash’s hands balled into fists. “You won’t have to fight and worry your mother and sister. We can all remain safe and sound. Son," Trail held out his arms, "Help me make a world where we can all be happy."

“Stop that.” Flash snapped. “I’m not your son. Your son died a long time ago when your Canterlot fell. My family and I will never be a replacement for your twisted self-delusion!”

Trail remained silent before he lowered his arms. “...I suppose there’s no fixing you. It seems I’ll have to discipline you again to make you understand.”

“And that right there is why you’re not my dad.” Build added. “He’d never force his ideals on others.”

“Then he was spineless.” Trail inserted his Fullbottle into the Nebulasteam Gun.


“No.” Flash took out and shook the Crocodile and Chainsaw bottles. He then replaced the ones in his Driver. “He was compassionate and understanding. Something you’re not.”





“Build up!” He became donned with the effective Best Match against the viruses.




Both fighters transformed. Flash and Jet charged at Trail, who met them head on.

“Hah!” Code thrust his De-Bugger Blade forward, only to miss as Doom stepped to the side. However, he failed to notice Sol until he got elbowed in the throat. The Kaiser stumbled back before he aimed his gun and fired. The Riders jumped out of the line of fire. The blast shot past them and exploded the ground behind them.

“CEMENT GUN!” Hacker’s arm became replaced by the firearm before he shot a glob of cement at the blue armored man.

Doom countered with another energy blast that dispersed the cement. He then vanished from sight only to appear behind Cross-Z and kicked him in the back of the head. The dragonic Rider tumbled forward before Doom appeared in front of him and kneed him in the chest. He vanished and appeared for a third time to deliver an ax kick, but Sol reacted in time and grabbed him by the leg.

“Wh-what?!” Doom screamed as Cross-Z swung him around before throwing him towards Hacker’s direction. As he flew, he was blasted with a glob of cement that pinned him in place. The Riders charged at him, weapons at ready. Doom pointed his gun downward and fired. The energy blast hit the floor and swallowed them all in the explosion. The Riders were blown away from the epicenter, while the Kaiser appeared from a cloud of mist, free from the prison.

“Is that all you brats can do?” The mad man questioned as he brushed dust off his shoulder.

The two got up, determined to win. “Not even close.”

Cyburst jumped and slammed his Blade Buster onto the Nebulasteam Gun. While they were locked, he pulled out his Blast Burner and blasted Trail point blank. The man stumbled from the intense heat in his face before being kicked down by Build. The two-toned Rider jumped up to slam his Chainsaw arm down on him, but he rolled away at the last moment. As he rolled, the Red Kaiser fired an energy blast at him. Flash immediately pulled back to avoid the attack.



Before Trail could get back up, Cyburst came in and smacked him with his hammer, knocking him to the side. The man tumbled before he pulled himself together. “How...why am I being overwhelmed?!” It didn’t make sense. He took care of both of them easily before. So why were they overpowering him?!

He hastily blocked the chainsaw arm from cutting his face. Sparks flew in his face as Flash barreled down on him. Even though his face was hidden, he could feel Flash’s piercing glare. Without hesitation, Flash punched him across the face with his Crocodile arm and kicked him away.

While the Riders dealt with the Kaisers, the Rainbooms and co. dealt with the Gigabyters on ground level. Rarity had barricaded them behind her shields while Vaccine, Misty Veil, Night Light, and Twilight Velvet stood guard to fend off the Gigabyters through the gaps.

Sunset called them all together for a new plan of action, one she devised after learning something about the Enigmas.

“Destroy the connections?”

“That’s right. The Enigma seems to be generating more and more Gigabyters inside the arm to elevate itself to reach its counterpart. So in order to stop the machines, we need to take out the arms. In other words, the connections between the machine and our planet.” Sunset explained.

“But how are we gonna do that? Those things are huge! We won’t be able to do squat with our blasters!”

“Not with our blasters. That’s why we gotta Pony up and use everything we got.” She explained. “Our Equestrian magic can affect these viruses. If we take out the connectors, then we’ll be able to tear down their plans to combine our worlds and make things easier for the guys.”

“But Sunset! You’re all drained. We might not be able to transform!” Twilight pointed out. She had a point. The girls were still recovering from having their magic siphoned off. Rarity was a prime example, visibly straining herself to maintain her shields.

“Maybe not. But our friends are fighting their hardest out there.” The fiery haired girl reasoned. “I know we’re tired and trying to regain our magic. But we don’t have a choice. If we don’t do something, then Trail and Doom might end up winning and fuse our worlds together. If that happens, then we risk both Earths imploding. Billions of lives are at stake. Including our friends and family.

“We might be tired and drained. But we can’t let that stop us. We have to at least try.” Sunset locked eyes with her friends. “When I first came here, I didn’t understand the value of friendship. But Princess Twilight opened my eyes, and you all helped me when I was at my lowest. Our geodes might be low on magic, but that’s okay. We still have friendship. And that’s the most powerful magic of all. Now...who’s with me?” She placed her hand out.

“...I’m in.” Rainbow paced her hand over hers.

“Same here.” Applejack followed suit.

“As am I, darling.” Rarity nodded, doing the same.

“Me too.” Fluttershy joined in.

“Let’s light ‘em up, ladies!” Pinkie cheered, slapping her hand on top of the pile.

Twilight was the only one left. She looked at her friends. Her very first friends. They were all so determined to keep going. Sunset’s words left their impact on her. So much was riding on this battle, and they had to do something. She did not notice her bracelet glow dimly. With resolved eyes, Twilight Sparkle was the last to join. “Let’s do this!”

Rarity’s shields dispersed as a rainbow pillar of light erupted from its place. All seven girls transformed into their harmony states. “Spread out and take out the Enigma’s support. Take out any Gigabyters when you can!” Sunset instructed before they all flew off.

On the ground, the three parents and Vaccine saw them off. The Sparkle family couldn’t help but feel proud of their daughter.

Sol and Doom traded blows. The fighter caught both of his fists in a vice grip. He lifted his leg and kicked the inside of his knee, which broke his footing and forced him to collapse in pain. He then kneed the man in the face before kicking him away. The Kaiser rolled before he scrambled back up.

“Enough of this farce!” With the press of a button, Doom summoned a group of Gigabyters to aid him. “Destroy them!”

“We don’t have time for this!” Cross-Z snapped, summoning the Beat Crozzer to face the incoming horde.

“You’re right...it’s time to end this!” Hacker then tapped at his belt, went into his Support Apps and pressed one of the icons.


A data field appeared in front of him before fading to reveal a hat like the one he wore in civilian form, only this one was white with a black stripe.

He took the hat and looked it over. "Brother, lend me your strength." With that, he placed the hat on his head. And in doing so, the hat unleashed a wave of light that flew down Hacker's body and changed it. Soon enough, his poncho vanished as his suit changed from black to mostly white with red trim. His visor was the only thing that hadn't changed, still being a red H-like shape while the rest of his suit began less bulky and more streamlined.

"Wow," Cross-Z said while looking him over, "looking good."

"I know," Hacker announced before shooting forward at blinding speed and using a series of martial arts to take down the Gigabyters in front of them. Once they were down, he turned towards the rest of the approaching army before getting into a battle stance. "I am, Kamen Rider Hacker...WHITE HAT!"

“You think a mere powerup will stop me?!” Doom shot off a volley of energy blasts at Hacker. The Gigabyters fired lasers as well. But the attacks merely bounced off his armor. “WHAT?!”

“This ain’t a simple power up.” Hacker replied before he moved in a blur once more. He sped past the rest of the army and closed the distance between himself and Doom. The moment he stopped, the rest of the Gigabyters exploded. As he moved, he delivered devastating punches and kicks through the virus' bodies, breaking down their body structures until they were too unstable to maintain form.

“This...I won’t allow this!” The Kaiser yelled as the gear on his shoulder spun to life.


The energy gear flew forward. But Hacker didn’t even flinch and instead backhanded the blast away. The attack misfired and impacted the Enigma’s connector arm, revealing the viruses underneath.


“Your time is up.” The white hat Rider pressed a button on his Driver.


Hacker threw his hand forward, shooting a red beam of energy that wrapped around Doom in a cylindrical wall of energy, trapping him in.

“What is this?! Release me!” Hacker ignored him as his body glowed bright red and seemed to turn translucent. He zoomed through Doom in the blink of an eye. He sped around and attacked the Kaiser from multiple angles for what seemed to be hundreds of times within a short time span. Cross-Z could barely keep up with his movement.

With one, final pass, Hacker struck with a final Rider Kick that broke through Doom’s trap. Once he landed, Code Breaker stood tall and flicked his wrist. Doom became engulfed in a large explosion.

“...holy crap…” Cross-Z murmured in awe. That was one powerful finisher.

“This...this can’t...koff...this can’t be…” Doom coughed on the ground. His transformation was broken. His body was covered in soot. His clothing was tattered with his face visibly wounded. Blood dripped down his face and into his eye, enhancing his maddened glare.

“You have one last chance, Doom Raizer. Surrender, or let your next move be your last.” Code gave his ultimatum. The scientist glared at him with absolute hatred.

“....You haven’t seen the last of me!” Doom vanished in a cloud of mist.

“...I hate it when they do that.” Sol grunted. Yet for some reason, he felt like Doom wouldn’t get far.

“Applejack! Take out that shell!” Twilight yelled out.

“On it!” The farmgirl flew forward and slammed her fist into the Enigma’s arm. The concrete and metal that made up the skin cracked in several places as small pieces chipped off. She ripped off the panels, revealing the interconnected Gigabyters underneath. They wiggled and squirmed as the tower steadily grew larger. The sight was enough to make Rarity gag.

“Bombs away!” Pinkie yelled, chucking brownies into the newly made gaps. The sweets glowed before they exploded. Even more pieces broke off. But it still wasn’t enough. Rainbow flew around rapidly, shooting through the holes with her blaster. The beams punched through any virus she found. Gradually, she whittled away at its support. But it was all she could do to keep up with the rising tower.

Rarity used her shields as blades to cut into the structure. She managed to hack away several Gigabyters by chunks. Twilight manipulated her friends’ blasters for multiple fire. Fluttershy and Sunset used their own magic as energy blasts to weaken the tower and destroy the Gigabyters.

“This is going too slow!” Rainbow yelled, shooting another piece of the tower off.

“She’s right. It just replaces whatever virus we destroy.” Rarity pointed out.

“We need to combine our magic and finish this in one blow.”

“Then that’s what we’ll do. Let’s take it down girls!” One by one, the Rainbooms unleashed their respective blast of magic. The seven beams converged and fused into one before it shot clean through the Enigma’s connections. Beams of light shot through the cracks of the structure before it ruptured apart, destroyed the viruses from within and broke its hold on the planet.

Doom Raizer appeared on his world’s Enigma. He was hidden from view on a raised platform. His body was wracked with exhaustion, but he refused to give up. “Haa...haa...I’m useless like this. I can’t fight anymore. But...Trail can…”

Pausing in thought, he noticed something was wrong. He looked down and saw that the connections to the Enigma had been destroyed. He noticed the girls he captured had been celebrating. Had...had they been the culprits? Rationality slowly left him as realization sunk in. His plans were being thwarted.

Everything was becoming ruined. He refused. He refused to let this happen. He removed his Remocon bottle from his gun. A twisted grin graced his lips. He tossed the bottle into the air and blasted it with his Nebulasteam Gun’s mist. The item vanished from view, into the hands of his intended recipient.

“There...now Trail can finish those neophytes. Kill….kill them all Trail...leave none of them alive! Let them rue the day they chose to cross us! Hehe...hahaha….HAHAHA-!”


“...hah…?” Doom’s cackle was replaced by a confused whine when a burning pain erupted from his back and chest. He looked down and became alarmed by the smoking hole through his chest. Falling into shock, he turned his head around to see the culprit, only for his eyes to widen. “Y-you…?” He fell forward and collapsed. A pool of blood spread out from under him.

The sole standing figure was one Blood Stalk, Transteam Rifle in hand, barrel smoking.

“...You always were an arrogant piece of crap, Doom. Made you so difficult to deal with.” Blood Stalk shrugged as he picked up the Nebulasteam gun and kicked the body off the platform. The corpse fell to the ground below, where it landed with a sickening splat several seconds later. “....Welp. That’s my good deed for the day. The rest is up to you, Sentry. Do us proud. Ciao~!”

He then vanished unnoticed.

“Gragh!” Trail yelled as he swung wildly, desperately. Yet his moves failed to connect as Build and Cyburst danced around his reach before striking back. Flash’s leg connected to his side while Jet’s fist impacted his chest dead center.

The man was thrown back and crashed into the metal slab behind him.

Without another word, both activated their respective finishers.

Cyburst pulled down the lever on his driver while Build cranked the handle on his.





The energy crocodile struck first. It chomped down on the Kaiser before flinging him up with its tail. Cyburst jumped and flipped forward with an extended Rider Kick. The attack was a direct hit that slammed Trail to the ground, breaking down his transformation. The scarred man gasped through the pain and clutched his chest.

“...It’s over Trail Blazer.” Flash told him. “You and Doom are beaten. The Enigmas will never combine. It’s over.” But as soon as he said those words, the ground beneath their feet shook violently.

“What the?!”

“Wh-what’s going on?!” Flash yelled. All eyes turned to the source. The opposite Enigma had just connected and combined with the one they were currently on. The structure that supported their Engima broke apart and was absorbed into the hand. The two hands combined to resemble two hands with interlaced fingers. Rocket engines then appeared at the base of the machine, allowing them to fly. “But how? I thought the girls stopped it!”

A burst of mist appeared before the Remocon bottle dropped into Trail’s hand. “...Doom?...I see. It’s time for ‘that’ then…”

“What are you talking about?!”

“Did you really think destroying the connections will stop the Enigma?” Trail asked rhetorically as he found his second wind and stood up. “By destroying the connections, you accomplished nothing. You just allowed the other world’s Enigma to connect with this one. Thus the link between both Earths remains. Now that they’re combined, only their destruction will sever the link. But I won’t let you do that.”

“You’re still going on about this?!” Jet yelled in disbelief. “Face it, Trail. This plan is asinine and insane. You can’t bring back the family you lost!”

“It doesn’t matter! As long as I draw breath, I won’t let you steal from me the only way to restore my family!” He replaced his Fullbottle into his gun.


But he didn’t transform. Not yet. While the gun was charged with the Engine bottle’s essence, he replaced it with the new one.



“Kaiser!” Trail yelled with conviction after pointing the gun and pulling the trigger..


The mist gathered around him to form the black armor and bodysuit. But two sets of gears, red and blue, manifested from the mist before flying around until the red was on the left side while blue was on the right. They then attached themselves to Trail’s body. The gears spun and sparked before they locked in place. The face plate, which resembled a dual-sided gear, rotated before stopping, showing the visage of yellow slits for the eyes.


Both Riders were surprised by this new transformation. “No way...did...did he just use both his and Doom’s bottles at once?” Flash wondered.

Trail cracked his neck as he felt the power rush through his body. “...Thank you, partner. I’ll use this strength to finish what you started.” He then clenched his fists.

“...Get ready, Flash.” Cyburst advised his comrade. “There’s no telling what he can-!” That was all he could say before the BiKaiser appeared before him and kicked him away.

“JET!” Flash yelled before Trail appeared and backhanded him away.

He bounced on the ground before smacking into the metal wall behind him. Before he could process what happened, Trail closed the distance and punched him in the solar plexus. The teen gasped as air was forced from his lungs. Trail then threw him aside.

“How...is this possible?” Cyburst questioned before BiKaiser appeared and kicked him to the side. Trail jumped after him before he kicked him back down. After he landed, Trail grabbed him by the face and dragged him across the metal platform. He then threw him right into Flash, who attempted to rise back up.

The Riders collapsed in a tangled heap before they went to untangle themselves.

“You may have gotten the edge before. But now I’m twice as powerful. You can’t stop me.”

“We won’t know until we try!” With a mighty outcry, they charged forward into battle.

“Useless.” Trail shot down the airborne Cyburst that jumped after him. He then blocked Build’s roundhouse kick before he kicked him aside. Cyburst rushed in again, but was kicked up into the air by Trail. He did the same thing to Build before he jumped up after them. Once he was above them, he kicked them back down.

The Riders impacted the metal hand in groaning heaps. They got back up and rushed at Trail again. Flash swung but missed. Jet went in for a punch, but Trail weaved out of the way. The man backed away before blasting both teens in the chest. The energy attacks were much stronger than before.

Jet flew over the gap between the hand and wrist of the machine. Flash stumbled back to try and hold his ground. But Trail shot him again in the Driver, immediately overloading it. Flash screamed as his transformation broke. He hit the ground, and the Crocodile and Chainsaw Fullbottles clattered out before they fell off the machine and to the ground far below them.

“N-no!” Flash tried desperately to grab them, but was too far away. Overcome by exhaustion and his injuries, he blacked out.

Everything was dark. Everything was cold. For a second, he thought he died. But he could still feel pain. Pain meant he was still alive. But where was he? He didn’t know.


Gradually, the chills receded. Instead, warmth took its place. A...strangely familiar warmth.


A voice? How strange. Who was speaking?


Why...why does it sound so familiar?

“Flash? Come on. Get up, son.”

His body twitched in realization. He pried his eyes open. His vision blurred before focusing. Standing above him was Trail Blazer. At first, he thought it was the other Trail Blazer. But upon a closer look, he noticed the lack of scars and burns. Instead of a suit, he was dressed in his father’s favorite shirt and shorts.

“Son? Please wake up. Get up.” He urged.

“...Dad…? Is that you?” The musician’s voice choked.

“You’re awake.” His father relaxed and smiled warmly. “Thank goodness.”

That same smile. He couldn’t refute it. It really was his father.

“....DAD!” Flash jumped up and wrapped his arms around his father. Trail was surprised by the contact, but allowed himself to relax and return the gesture. The blue haired teen felt his eyes water from the surge of emotion.

“How? You’re….you’re dead!”

“I am.”

“Am...am I dead?”

“No, son. You’re still alive. Frankly, I have no idea how this is possible…but I don’t care. All that matters is that you’re safe.”

“Safe...maybe. Last I remembered I was fighting…” he couldn’t bring himself to admit it.

“I know.” He said knowingly. “I’ve been watching over you, Misty, and Scootaloo. I saw everything.”

“Everything? Then you know…”

“About you as the Masked Rider Build? Yes. And let me tell you...I couldn’t be more proud.” Trail smiled happily.

“You are?” Flash was surprised. Even after all the risks his duty entailed.

“Yes. With great power comes great responsibility. And you chose to protect your home, family, and friends. How could I not be?”

“But...the other you said…”

“Forget about what he said, son.” Trail said. “All that matters is what you think. What you choose. You made the choice and stuck by it, doing everything you can to make things right. And now...you have to make things right by stopping that monster.”

“I...I can’t do it...he’s too strong…” He shook his head in dismay.

“Come on. Did you forget what I taught you? If you give up, then you truly lost.” Trail encouraged. “Besides. You’re not alone, remember?” He pointed behind him. Flash turned around and saw visions of his friends and family. Micro, Sandalwood, Rainbow, Applejack, Pinkie, Rarity, Fluttershy, Sunset, Twilight, Sol, Scootaloo, and Misty. All of them were waiting for him by the light.

“Yeah...you’re right.” With his friends anf family by his side...how could he lose to that sham? He turned back to his father, only to see wisps of light rising from his body.

“Huh...looks like that’s all the time we have.” Trail smiled sadly at his son. “I have to go now.” His form started to recede into the darkness.

“Dad? Wait! Don’t go! I still have so much to tell you!” Flash tried to chase after him, but his feet refused to move.

“It’s not your time yet. Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere. I’ll be waiting for you when it is. Until then, I’ll be watching over you. I love you, son.” His father smiled before dispersing into particles of light.

Flash’s eyes grew misty once more. He could feel the tears well up. Gritting his teeth, he swiped them away with his sleeve, his expression shifting to one of determination. Now’s not the time for tears. He still had a battle to win.

His eyes snapped open.

“Flash?! You’re awake!” Cyburst helped him sit up.

“How, how long was I out?” The teen blinked away the bleariness.

“Almost a minute. I’ve been trying to snap you out of it. Thought I lost you!”

“Why couldn’t you just stay asleep.” The alternate Trail Blazer questioned from the other side of the gap. The scenery rushed by them as the Enigma moved.”At least them you would wake up to a brand new world.”

“...You know, after that fatigue-induced power nap I had. I realized something.”

“And what is that?”

“If your family saw you as you are now...all they’d see is a monster.” Flash glared.


“You heard me. Breaking dimensional boundaries, willing to kill or ruin the lives of billions, fusing two Earths together, all for what? So you could replace what you lost with another family?!”

“You know nothing, boy!” Unnoticed by all, an unseen trio stood behind the Kaiser. Sad, disappointed frowns were plastered on their faces. Trail noticed none of this.

“I know that there’s no way you could EVER be my father! You’re trapped inside your own past and refuse to move on! You say you discarded your principles, but in reality you just gave up on everything and chose to delude yourself thinking your actions are noble in any way!!”

“Shut up!” Trail roared. “It doesn’t matter what you say to me! You can’t fight the inevitable! Soon, the worlds will be destroyed and remade anew! A new world order where everything is as it should be!”

Flash groaned as he slowly pushed himself back to his feet, flinching at the pain running through his body. "I..." he took a deep breath, "I WON'T LET YOU DESTROY MY WORLD!"

“Damn right we won’t!” Cross-Z yelled in agreement as he raced after the Enigma on his bike. He rode across the walls of the buildings before he jumped up over the Enigma and threw something down to Flash. “Here! Kick his ass, buddy!”

The musician caught the item in his hands. His eyes widened as he saw it was the Sparkling Can. “Thanks, Sol!” Steeling himself, Flash shook the can and popped the tab.


As he did, numerous mathematical equations surrounded him. “...let’s start the experiment!” Flash inserted the can.



Flash shifted into a fighting stance once the runners appeared.





Build ran a finger along the eyepiece of his Sparkling armor. “Now...I have the Winning Formula!”

“You think a costume change will make a difference?” Trail scoffed. “I’ll just beat you two down again.

"You haven't beaten us yet!" Cyburst cried as he pulled something out that Build hadn't seen before. it was some kind of long memory guard that had a pair of hinges in the middle of it and a pair of metal dark blue wings coming out the side.

Cyburst held the memory card up as he cried out, "RECODE!" With that, he pushed the memory card into the central slot of his driver before pushing it forward so the hinges made it turn so the top was over the screen of the driver. Seconds later, the wings flipped up so you could see the driver's screen as it called out-


In that moment, Cyburst's driver unleashed a light that passed over his entire body. When it did, the suit began to change colour and form. The white sections of his armour changed to the same blue as his suit while the white circuitry changed to a golden colour. While his helmet turned blue, his eyes also changed to gold while similar golden circuitry began to appear around his armour. Finally, his muffler extended and widened while connecting to the blue shoulder pads that appeared on his suit to form a cape like attachment.

As the light faded, the newly transformed rider spun on the spot while his cape fluttered around with him. "Kamen Rider, Cyburst...RECODED!"

“So you have another transformation. Still, it’s all futile!” Inside Trail’s helmet, a timer was counting down. It read a few seconds away from 3:15. It indicated the connection between the two Enigmas, which in turn represent how close the worlds are to combining. “You’re too late! You brought out the big guns, but it was all for naught! Now...watch as the worlds become one!”

But as the clock shifted to 3:15, an error message popped up. It read that the process could not be completed due to insufficient power. “...what?! Insufficient power?! But how was this possible?!”

“Heh. Looks like Doom never told you.” Flash called out. “We made you think that your Enigmas were fully charged. But in reality, we hacked into their systems for a force start up, tricking you to think they were fully operational.”

“When in reality, the moment you activated meant your plan would never come true. Neither one is powered enough to see the process through. You lose, Trail Blazer.” Jet added.

“No....NO! This can’t be happening! Even after everything we did?!” Trail roared angrily. He glared at the two Riders. “You...you'll pay for thus!”

In that moment, Cyburst held out his left arm as a data field appeared around his hand that took shape before fading to reveal his new weapon. It was a large blue triangular shield that had a space between it and the handle that housed a long blue sword. In the center of the shield was a circle that had a line running down the middle of it.

"Cyber Bicker!" As he said this, Trail fired a blast at him. He quickly held up the shield to block the blast, but the force sent him staggering backwards several steps. And as he regained his footing close to the edge of the machine, he pulled out a memory card as Trail fired again. But this time, he slotted the memory card into a slot in the shield's hand. "Diamond Drive!"


In that moment, the shield's front unleashed a light that solidified and took the shape of a diamond as the blast struck it. And this time, the blast just bounced off without causing any trouble.

Cyburst smirked as he rushed forward, Trail firing several more blasts at him but each one bounced off the shield without issue. The rider then took another memory card out and slotted it into the end of the sword's handle, "Fire Drive!"


He pulled the sword out of the shield as the blade exploded into flames. He swung the sword and shot out waves of fire. Trail ducked beneath the first one, but was struck dead on by the second.

While he was dazed from the attack, Cyburst rushed in and bashed him with his shield. He countered with an energy blast, but the transformed Rider deflected it and swung his sword. Trail intercepted it with his gun. But Cyburst quickly ducked as a new figure burst through the smoke. Build rested a hand on Cyburst’s back as a foundation for him to twirl his body and snap a kick to the side of the Kaiser’s head.

Flash leapt off with a carbonized boost before he landed and punched Trail. The man blocked it and the two exchanged blows evenly. The stalemate came to an end when Cyburst joined and made it two against one.

Trail showed visible difficulty fending off attacks from both Riders at once. When he defended or parried from one, the other would exploit his opening. When he locked the sword from Cyburst, he was rewarded with a punch to the face or kick to the chest by Build. The Kaiser got clipped in the head by a shield swing. When he got back up, both Riders kicked him in the chest. Trail stumbled backward.

Then all three Riders jumped into the air. Their fight carried on around the Enigma. They all moved so fast they resembled blurs flying around the floating device. The combined machines continued its journey between the two Earths as the Riders finally landed.

Flash confronted Trail and swung his fists imbued with energy, enhancing his reach and power. He struck one left, right, uppercut, left, right, then delivered a haymaker to the right. Once the Kaiser was dazed from the blows, Build backed off and Cyburst tagged in at high speeds. “Lightning Drive!”


His sword crackled with lightning and delivered two slashes on the madman’s body before he sped away.

“Guh...gragh…” Trail gasped from the pain as his armor sparked. A small part of his chest armor ruptured from the strain. “Why...why are you denying me and my goals? I’m trying to bring about a better world!”

“Why? The answer’s simple.” Cyburst responded. “It doesn’t matter what your motives are. Your actions have placed countless people in danger.”

“And we’re here to stop the Enigma and prevent further suffering.”

Flash charged in and threw Trail into the air with an uppercut. As he fell back down, Jet bashed him up into the air again with his shield. The process repeated with Build and Cyburst knocking him into the air over and over by fist or weapon.They threw him higher and higher into the air before they jumped above him and kicked him back into the Enigma’s thrusters. The machine’s altitude started to drop from the damage.

Build and Cyburst grabbed Trail and held him by the throat. “Is this what you really want?!” Trail Blazer snapped. “To deny the world that will make us all happy?!”

“You’re like a broken record! It doesn’t matter how many times you say it!”

“The answer will always be the same!” Flash yelled. “You’re acting out of pure selfishness. A world like that...no one would be happy! That is why we’ll stop you!”

With their fists cocked, the two punched the Kaiser in the face, sending him skidding back.

“Because we’re Kamen Riders!” The two announced in unison. The engine exploded behind them. Build turned the crank of his Driver while Cyburst pressed the lever on his Driver.



The two Riders jumped high into the air before shooting forward with their right feet extended to a downward kick, bursting with power.



The two Rider Kicks impacted Trail Blazer, who desperately tried to resist and hold them off. But it was simply too much for him to handle. The Riders shot through him, stunning him for a brief millisecond as their kicks connected and tore through the Enigma. They both continued through the air, leaving the machine and its Rider to their final fate.

His body continued to spark as his helmet screamed danger warnings at him. In his final moments of life, Trail was unsure if what he saw was a hallucination. All he saw were his family standing in front of him. They each had disappointed faces. He reached out to them in desperation, but they were out of his grasp. He felt his cold heart shatter when he saw them turn and walk away from him. “Please...please don’t...don’t leave me alone…!”

Both he and the Enigma exploded into a massive ball of fire, and the man known as Trail Blazer was no more.

Down below, everyone saw the Enigma zoom around the air, as well as the explosions from the fight that took place on it. Once the machine itself exploded, they all realized that the battle was over. With its destruction, all of the Gigabyters were destroyed in a form of chain reaction.

However, they also noticed Jet and Flash fall along with the wreckage of the machine. Everyone rushed over to the general area where they landed, and found the spot to be a complete mess of melted/broken debris. They all got to work clearing the junk away to unearth their friends.

“Flashie?! Jet?! If you can hear us, scream!” Pinkie yelled as she tossed aside what looked to be a propulsion cone.

“Where are they?!” Rainbow yelled as she zoomed around and threw away pieces of junk.

“Keep looking, they’ve got to be around here somewhere!” Sol replied while chucking away parts of an engine. Twilight she levitated piles of debris away.

“Goodness, what if they’re hurt? Are they even alright from a fall that high?” Fluttershy wondered as she struggled to lift a large power coupling unit.

“We just gotta hope for the best, sugarcube.” Applejack said hopefully as she hefted up a large piece of armor plating.

“Please be okay, please be okay!” Misty repeated desperately as she helped the others sift through the pile.

“Guys! I think I saw something!” Sunset pointed out to a pile on the far end of the wreckage. Said pile shifted and swayed. Everyone rushed over to it, but were startled by the arm that punched through the pile. Another arm punched through, knocking away some debris over them.

The two figures then broke out of the pile, revealing themselves to be Flash and Jet still in their Rider forms. “Okay...that was just crazy.”

“Hey, at least we can scratch skydiving off our bucket lists.” Jet joked.

“FLASH!/JET!” The two Riders were tackled down by their respective friends. Flash was dogpiled by the Rainbooms and Sol while Jet was helped back up by Code and Heart. Misty was relieved beyond words. Night and Velvet caught her when her legs started to give out.

“You’re alright!” Twilight exclaimed.

“How’d you even survive that? You were like, hundreds of feet up in the air!” Rainbow yelled in awe.

“Thank goodness for superpowered body armor.” Flash rapped his chestplate. “Just can’t believe we made it out okay. Honestly, we weren’t thinking about what came after those Rider kicks.”

“We’re just glad you're safe.” Misty assured.

“Yeah...but right now...we’re exhausted.” As if on cue, their armors broke apart and the two collapsed back on the pile they emerged from. The others were surprised by the sudden action, but couldn’t help but smile and laugh at the sight of it.

But that laugher came to an end when the other Earth started to recede from view. Despite its sluggish disappearance, the three Cyber Kamen Riders remained.

“....Wait, is this supposed to happen?” Pinkie wondered.

A Few Days later…

After the fiasco with the Enigmas and Gigabyters, the city continued its cleanup of the wreckage and repairs of the damage from the attacks. The workers collected the Enigma’s remains to send to the Research Center for analysis and evidence. Meanwhile, the police force did their best to quell the public who were traumatized from this ordeal. It had been a harrowing experience, but at least it was over. And with its end, came about celebration.

It was night time at the community center. Pinkie’s party was in full swing, and she invited everyone. All of their classmates, friends, teachers, even their parents. Meanwhile, the Rainbooms and Team Build were backstage. The girls were about to go on stage for their performance, but they were waiting for one final group.

“Where are they? They said they would be here.” Rainbow wondered.

“Ah’m sure they’ll be here soon.”

“We’re here!” heart called out as the three finally joined them. “Sorry we’re late, we had to make last minute preparations.”

“So that’s the device I take it?” Sunset asked about the device in Jet’s hand/

“Yep.” Jet held up the circular device with a closed panel. It was a creation devised by Twilight, Micro, and Heart. It was made to function like the Enigma to help them return home. It took a few days, but it was finally completed. “Don’t worry. We’ll be sure to destroy it when we’re done. That way, this technology won’t fall in the wrong hands.”

“Do you all have to go right now? Don’t you want to stay for the party?” The party planner asked/begged.

“Well, our World is pretty far away. If we don’t leave now, then we might not be able to make it home.” Heart explained.

Pinkie’s lip quivered as her puppy dog eyes trembled.

“Well, we might have time for just one song.” Jet answered. His answer immediately made Pinkie brighten up, as well as the other girls.

“Well, if this is goodbye, we’ll give you three one heck of a send-off!” Rainbow fist-pumped as she and the others made their way on stage.

“Hello, everyone!” Twilight greeted. The audience cheered wildly.

"We'd like to dedicate this song to the Masked Riders!” Sunset announced. "And not just the ones that have been protecting us from Faust, but every rider in every world. Those that risk their lives to keep ours safe." The crowd cheered at this, many not getting what she meant but still cheering. “So here’s Be The One! Hit it!”

The song started off with a techno piano intro courtesy of Rarity. Sunset then started off with the lyrics and everyone enjoyed the tone.

While the celebrations commenced, a single figure stood alone on the other side of town. Gizmo Poindexter strolled through the wreckage without a worker in sight. “Hm...now where could they be?” He tossed away another piece of scrap before sifting through another pile. Soon enough, he uncovered what he was looking for. “Ah! There you are!”

He pulled out an ash-encrusted Nebulasteam Gun with what seemed to be some dried blood on the grip. Below that were the Engine and Remocon Gear Fullbottles, fortunately still intact. “Well what a great stroke of luck, only minimal damage. These will surely come in handy.” He then pulled out the Crocodile and Chainsaw Fullbottles he found a few meters away. “And so will these.”

With the final line, the song had ended. The crowd cheered from the beautiful performance from the Rainbooms.

Soon, the girls and guys were out the back of the building with the three Riders.

“Well, I guess this is it…” Heart smiled sadly.

“I wish you guys could come and visit.” Pinkie sobbed.

“Sorry. But we can’t risk any more damage to the dimensional boundaries. Besides. We’re not truly gone. As long as you remember us, we’ll be in your hearts.” Jet replied.

“Jeez, that sounded kinda corny.” Rainbow said, ignoring the mist in her eyes.

“Yeah. That’s this guy’s trait.” Code ruffled Jet’s hair before turning to Sol. “By the way. Don’t forget what I told you. When the time comes to face Blood Stalk, don’t let yourself be overwhelmed and blinded.”

“I won’t.” Sol nodded, doing his best to keep his voice even.

“Stay strong you two. You are this world’s Kamen Riders. You are its protectors.”

“About that, why do you keep saying Kamen? Isn’t it Masked Rider?” Rarity asked.

“Well, Kamen does mean Masked in Neighponese. Besides, Kamen rolls off the tongue better, don’t you think?” Jet replied with a smirk.

“...Yeah, it kinda does.” Flash nodded, liking the way Kamen Rider sounded.

“This is it then.” Jet said with a warm smile. “Goodbye everyone. Stay crash, you here?” With one final exchange of goodbyes, Heart pressed the button on the device. The panel opened up as a miniature eye was shown and glowed brightly. A portal manifested behind the trio before they walked through. After Jet gave them one final thumbs-up, the portal closed, and the dimensions were separated once more.


Within a hidden Changemaker facility, the CEO, Chrysalis stood on a raised platform, watching the ongoing test below. On the ground floor, there were four figures concealed in shadow. They brutally ripped apart her company’s upgraded Guardians. The remains of their previous victims were scattered around them.

“Yo, Chryssy.” Gizmo waved as he strolled toward her. “What’s up?”

“Have you found anything from the wreckage?” She asked, ignoring the insufferable nickname.

The bespectacled man sighed sadly and shook his head. “Unfortunately, there wasn’t anything of value. All the equipment must’ve been destroyed in the explosion.”

“I see.” She frowned. “A pity. We definitely could have used those weapons those men used. Oh well.”

“By that show of nonchalance, I assume that the subjects are performing splendidly?”

“Quite so.” Chrysalis grinned. “I’d say they’re just about ready.”

Down below, one of the concealed figures ripped a Guardian in half before he slammed it onto the ground and broke it to pieces. He stood back up, his red, compound eyes glowed in the darkness.

The End….for the Movie.

As for the story...

To be Continued...

Author's Note:


It's been a long ride, but the first movie arc has finally concluded! Thank you all who stuck around, supported us, and enjoyed this.

But don't fret, now that Riders of Two Worlds has concluded, it's time to return to the main story! And please check out the links in the story for musical pleasure. The first link is Heisei Generations Final You Say Run Version. The second is Be The One English Version by Beverly.