• Member Since 29th Sep, 2016
  • offline last seen 43 minutes ago

Silver Butcher

I shall Butcher your dreams

Comments ( 1085 )

"I respectfully recline you offer," Spike called back, earning an eyebrow raise from her. "What? Can you really blame me for trying?" He asked.

I believe you meant decline not recline

"Come then, Spike." She corrected "Let's go see if I'm about to regret everything or if I've just been rewarded by the universe."

I got the feeling she will be very lucky to find that Spike is hung like a yak

He could be in a reclining chair:rainbowlaugh:

Que mierda? I swear to God and the Queen that I read that shit as "decline"

A bit fast. I mean, before we knew it she already broke in and said the riddles, and what was that about a magical contract? When did that come in? And lastly, why wouldn't he say she'd be his, like a child he'd have to look out for, but she takes it to mean a slave, bound by her master's will, and thinking it amusing that a "poor, ignorant slave such as him" would dare to challenge her whits, she agrees... And now that I think about it, he doesn't have a say in who rules, so she'd more likely have him swear loyalty to her or bow down to her... Eitger way, enough with the nitpicks, I'm eager to read more

Love this story so far. We really need more stories with the Sphynx.

A Song For You and this? so you're telling me i get 2 good spike fics? Ok whats the catch.

Good start I swear I thought it said "my 4th story" lol

Love the story, but what's with the capitalization? You seem to be picking random words to capitalize without any understanding of which should be capitalized.

My guess, the writer is a native German speaker, or comes from a country with similar writen language.

I like the photo used for the cover art than in the author's note. Anyways, Spike's lucky, he's about to have some awesome sex with 7 foot amazon!

You really need an editor, I can work for you to just edit your stories for no charge.

"Your gonna hate me for this." He said, "But I've heard this before." The Sphinxes eye's shot wide open.


Okay, first of all, WHERE did you manage to find that cover art? Also, you need an editor, asap.

Edit: Nvm, found it.

just google mlp Anthro Sphinx and scroll down a little

you welcome to edit this story if you want

I know it's been beaten to death, but an editor is desperately needed. You've got everything down, sans the grammar and pacing in some places though. Good story, look forward to more after some touch ups in the editing department.

Perfect, I need the google doc.

the catch is that they haven't been edited yet.

Nice. Can't wait for more!!

That link is no good, per Tumblr’s new policy

That was a great sex scene all right:eeyup:

Good, but you still need an editor, it doesn't flow quite well. Also absolutely humongous sentences that get the reader lost.

everyday somewhere in the back of my mind I think, " has this character been shipped with this other character?" then it just happens after a while that someone makes it; Thanks

Welp they got the foreplay out of the way, now all is left is the sex & deal is complete!

Thou failed to summon thine editor before publishing thine works😑. Sigh. What folly.

Okay, enough is enough. Forty stories, it's time to learn how and when to capitalize. These random capitalized words in the middle of sentences only adds to the fact that you're basically using commas instead of periods all over the place; let alone the massive number of other grammatical errors. You've been told on every story by multiple people to get your stories edited, but you keep choosing to ignore them because you're convinced that pumping out an endless number of nearly unreadable stories is better than taking the few hours necessary to have it edited. The worse part honestly is that you clearly have solid ideas for stories and even strong plot points, which is the only reason anyone is taking the time to read these, but you're being too lazy to clean it up and polish your work. You actually have the potential to be a good author, but you squander it on producing mass works instead of quality works. Quality over quantity, try it.

I just got some Editors earlier today, they've only really edited the last chapter of A Song for you, I have someone working on this story as well. this might come as a surprise but when you can't afford to pay for editors the free ones don't stay long, and I'm sorry I have a shitty grasp on Litterature as General.
That said if you know a good Proofreader I'd love a Recommendation.

Eesh. So many little errors, so many oddities.

I want to enjoy this as there aren't many Sphinx stories, but... Yeesh.

~Skeeter The Lurker

It's being work one as we speak

as do I, I don't want my inability to Literature right to get in the way of this being a good story

I wonder what would Twilight react knowing her assistant get his own par... assistant?

Spike leaned back, the silence of the Castel music to his ears, the last week had been hectic as shit, and he was more than happy that Twilight had taken Starlight and the girls off to who knows where to do who knows what.

This is the first sentence of the story. The entire point of the first sentence is to draw a reader in, yet you manage to have a capitalization error, a typo, and a run on sentence. At the very least you should be taking the time to correct words with red underlines. It's really not hard to read a story one extra time before publishing it to catch and fix such elementary mistakes.


At the very least you should be taking the time to correct words with red underlines.

I do, but when I go to edit I see no red underlines, I can take a screenshot and show ya if you like, but when I wright Castel and Castle I get no red Underline for either and I can never remember which is right, and yes I have a serious problem with run-on sentences, I am looking into how to stop making them, cause this might come as a shock, but this is the version where I ran through and fixed all the problems I could find.


What is...

Good chapter, pretty steamy but looking forward to the next chapter when the REAL fun starts.

Let the rewarding begins.

How long the gang will be out?


when I wright Castel and Castle I get no red Underline for either and I can never remember which is right

You're not getting a red underline because both of them are valid words. Castel is one of the Old English words for castle. That said Chrome is currently marking it in red in the textbox I'm typing this response in.

when I wright

On a somewhat related side note, it's kinda funny how many common misspellings were originally totally valid words. "Wright" is a common misspelling of "right", but has a completely different meaning from the correct word. It's Middle English and means a "creator of something" (eg a boatwright is a creator of boats).

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