• Published 28th May 2019
  • 1,950 Views, 206 Comments

Changeling of the East - AF FireFly

A mutualistic changeling crosses the great ocean to observe the lifestyle of ponies in Equestria.

  • ...

All is Well


"Back! Back! Back! Gone! The crowd goes crazy as Fly Out records another homerun."

Pitch doesn't pay his brother any attention, opting to ruffle around the bag for another baseball. Fly observes him for a few moments. He rolls his golden eyes as he sets his bat to the side and walks up to the mound.

"Alright little bro, spit it out. What's got you down?"

"I'm not down. I'm fine."

"Buddy, you've been unfocused and pitching me nothing but meatballs all day long. Don't tell me something isn't hanging over your head."

"I'm just a little distracted is all."

"Okay, so what's got you so distracted?"

"It's nothing important, just... Fly? When did you realize you loved Lily?" Pitch asks. Fly grins and starts ruffling Pitch's mane.

"Whoa, what's this? Are mares finally starting to catch my brother's eyes? We better be on the lookout for the return of the Mare of in the Moon," Fly says. Pitch pushes himself free from Fly's grasp.

"Ha ha. But, seriously, when did you know?" Pitch asks. Fly sits down and taps a hoof to his chin.

"Hmm, that's honestly a tough question to answer. It's not like one day I woke up and said: 'Good golly Miss Molly! I'm sure in love with that Lily filly.'"

"But, there must have been a time when you realized you wanted to become more than friends."

"Well, yes, and I think you said the keyword right there. Pitch, little brother, everypony is different in how they find love. While there may be some out there who are truly smitten with each other the first moment they meet, I find that's more of an exception rather than the norm. For the rest of us, I believe that love is something that takes time and lots of care to grow. Sort of like the flowers in the garden Mom's always working on. It takes time, dedication, and a lot of effort, and sometimes the result of our efforts aren't all that obvious. Yet, when it finally blooms, it becomes one the most beautiful things in the world.

"This is how it was with Lily and I. We started off as good friends and, over time, our bond grew more and more. I can't pinpoint the moment when I moved from loving her as a friend to having a budding romantic interest. I can, however, recall the day I reflected and discovered the small sprout growing inside my heart. That's the best answer I can give for when to tell if you're falling for somepony. It's something only you can answer. The same can be said for determining if and when your love for a mare has fully bloomed into an undying masterpiece. I did, however, discover a question that you can ask yourself to help you find the answer. In fact, It's the same question I asked myself before I proposed to Lily."

"When did you become so sappy?" Pitch asks, sticking his tongue out in disgust.

"You can blame Lily. Mares have a way to influence you without you knowing," Fly chuckles.

"Well, there's no mare out there who can turn me into a sap," Pitch declares. Fly pats him on the head.

"We'll see about that," Fly says. Pitch is annoyed, but then he turns curious.

"So, what is the question?" Pitch asks sheepishly. Fly smiles and stands back up.

"I'll tell you what. If you can record an out on me, I'll tell you."

"What? Come on! That's not fair."

"Think of it as a way to get your head back in the game."

"You're just using that as an excuse to bat some more."

"Maybe, maybe not." Fly begins walking back to the plate. "So, who is this mare that caught your eye?" Pitch hesitates as he reaches for a new ball.

"Promise not to tell?"

"I promise," Fly says. Pitch tosses the ball a couple of times in his glove before answering.

"It's Butterscotch." Fly picks up his bat with a frown.

"Butterscotch? Seriously?" Pitch slightly panics at his brother's disapproving tone.

"What? I think she's cute, alright."

"Yeah, but, from what I hear, she's also a major cun-uuhhh-ning. She's majorly cunning."

"Isn't that a good thing?" Pitch asks, raising a brow.

"Not necessarily. Another word of advice, little brother, don't go all in on a mare who doesn't return the effort. There's also way more to a mare than whether she's pretty or not."

"I'm fifteen, Fly. I'm not some naive colt anymore. I know there's more to a mare than how they look," Pitch says while rolling his eyes.

"Okay, just know I'm always here if you need me. Now, show me what you got, legend," Fly says readying his batting stance.

Pitch faces Fly with renewed determination. His brother has always gotten the best of him, having played the game far longer than Pitch has. Today is a new day, however, and Pitch has been working on a new pitch during his free time. He winds up and throws a ball which looks identical to his normal fastball. Fly is prepared to smash another over the fence, but he hesitates. With keen-eyed vision, he notices the ball begin to dip halfway to the plate. He swings and connects with the ball, but the unexpected pitch causes him to pop it up into the air. The ball rockets high into the clouds, stalls, and falls back on the field in play. It bounces several times, yet never travels any farther and soon comes to rest near first base. Pitch smiles smugly at an impressed Fly Out who remains standing at home while leaning on his bat and looking on with pride.

"It appears as though you have flown out, Fly Out," Pitch says. Fly breaks out laughing.

"It appears I have, Pitch. It appears I have."

Pitch tilts his spoon, watching the oatmeal drizzle back into the bowl before scooping another spoonful. He repeats this action several times while Meadow watches on with concern.

On the next scoop, Pitch hears the sound of metal rolling on wood as a bit collides with his hoof. He looks at the bit, then turns to Meadow with a raised brow.

"For your thoughts," she says. Pitch picks up the bit and spins it on the table.

"Just remembering some good times with Fly. His birthday is coming up soon."

Meadow's ears fall flat the moment Pitch mentions his late brother. She looks over at the refrigerator where a calendar is posted.

"I didn't even realize how far we are in October. Are you going to visit him again?"

"Of course. What kind of brother would I be if I didn't?" Meadow reaches over to hold Pitch's hoof.

"I'm sure he's proud of you, Pitch." He grunts in acknowledgement and remains silent, softly rubbing Meadow's hoof with his free one. "Mind if I tag along this time?" Pitch thinks for a second, then smiles.

"You know what? I think it's about time you met him. Something tells me he'll finally approve of whom I'm dating," Pitch chuckles.

"A protective older brother, is he?"

"I wouldn't say protective, just very vocal about his opinions on the mares I dated. To be fair, he was right with just about every single one of them. It's no wonder why I stopped trying when I started college. Well, there's that, plus what happened around that time and..." Pitch trails off.

"Say no more, I completely understand," Meadow says. Pitch smiles appreciatively at Meadow. The two sit in silence, simply enjoying each other's presence, until a question forms in Meadow's mind.

"So, is that why you never asked me out beforehoof? Because of your past dates?" She asks. Pitch rubs his neck in thought.

"Not really. After the day you and I became friends, I slowly started realizing how much I was wearing myself down focusing on nothing but baseball. It took a while, but, eventually, I stopped making baseball my entire life and became interested in getting out there once more. Of course, it didn't help that anytime I contemplated asking out another mare you kept popping in my head. As for why I didn't ask you? I honestly thought you didn't like me in that way and I didn't want to spoil our friendship."

"You didn't think I was interested? Seriously?" Meadow asks skeptically.


"I liked you since that first day and kept subtlety throwing out hints now and again to see if you liked me. I spent years doing this, Pitch. Years! Hoping that maybe one day you'd like me back. Yet, everytime I tried, you'd tell me what a wonderful friend I was."

"You did? It must have been super subtle because I never noticed," Pitch says.

"Super subtle? Right..." Meadow huffs. She clears her throat and and holds up her head with both hooves and stares at Pitch with sparkling eyes.

"No, I still haven't found a stallion I'm interested in." Meadow shakes her head. Some of her mane ends up impairing her vision. She takes a hoof to pull the loose strands behind her ear in a single slow, smooth movement. "I don't know, they just haven't seem like 'The One' you know." Meadow reaches behind to pull the tail end of her mane in front and begins brushing it. "Well, there is this one stallion, but I'm not so sure he's all that into me at the moment. Maybe one day." Meadow tilts her head down while still looking at Pitch, effectively giving him puppy eyes. Pitch blinks several times.

"I mean, it's obvious when you do it now," he says.

"Dear Celestia! How could you be so oblivious?"

"In my defense, I figured you were just daydreaming over this super amazing stallion you liked."

"You weren't wrong, I suppose. Celestia, how did we ever get together?"

"Well, it turns out one of us is a very jealous type," Pitch laughs.

"I don't deny it. It makes me wonder, though, what would have happened if Arctic didn't show up when he did. If it wasn't for his terrible impression at being a mare, would I have ever gotten pushed to the point of asking you out? Would you have eventually asked me?"

"I don't know. It matters little now. I am yours and you are mine."

"Until the end of time?"

"And beyond."

Kite slowly and methodically reviews Sure Claw's report. Said changeling stands to the side, patiently waiting in silence. Kite flips the page and continues, only stopping briefly for a chuckle. Sure Claw doesn't offer any physical reaction, but does let himself feel slightly curious, causing Kite to respond.

"Just read the description of this 'High Swarm Protector'. A 'purple-eyed, red finned freak with a pole so far up his flank, I'm surprised it doesn't extend out his mouth'." Kite looks up at Sure Claw with a grin. "Are you sure Arista wasn't trying to describe you, my violet-eyed, red feathered friend?" Sure Claw narrows his eyes and frowns.


"Say again?"

"Amethyst. My eyes are amethyst in color, not violet. My feathers are also dark copper and not red. Your eyes fail you." Kite stares with disbelief and then lets out a long sigh.

"Claw, you're not in Gryphonia. You're allowed to ease up."

"Noted," Claw responds grumpily. Kite shakes his head and continues reading. He finishes the final report and closes the notebook. He remains silent, lost in thought. He then rapidly drums on his desk, stands, and begins pacing.

"It's disappointingly little to work with, but helpful all the same. We now know they operate in cells." Kite pauses his pacing and looks towards Sure Claw. "But, there's still a question left I can't find an answer to."

"Why the seemingly small detachment?" Sure Claw asks.

"Exactly! Arista makes it sounds as though each cell operates with multiple infiltrators. So why did they just have her with a minimum support team?"

"She appeared just as uncertain when I asked her. She told me it's happened before, but only in extreme circumstances and never while she's been an infiltrator."

"Mix that with an unsolicited visit from a high ranking officer and the results do not lead to a happy conclusion."

"Perhaps they're planning a major move? Is there an event coming up?"

"I had Sketch and Trailblaze look into that. There's something called the 'Grand Galloping Gala', but it's not until New Year's Eve and it's in Canterlot. There's a couple holidays as well, but nothing with a notable centralized location like the gala."

"They could be in the process of relocating ponypower for a prepared, deep infiltration operation. Depending on the size of this 'gala' it could make a fairly big feeding ground."

"Maybe..." Kite picks up his pacing once more. Shortly after, he lifts his head up high in a frustrated sigh. "I hate this! We should be investigating, not hanging back making guesses."

"Agreed. So why don't we?"

"As much as I disagree with Wave, I'm not going to make it a habit to go around her back at every turn. I'm already bending the rules enough as it is."

"As commander, it's your duty to ensure the safety of Princess Wave and all who fall under her. Should you deem there to be a credible threat, then you have all right to do whatever is necessary to eliminate it."

"That's the thing. All signs point to a threat against the ponies, not us."

"A threat to the ponies way of life is a threat to ours as well. We are greatly dependent on them."

"In a way, yes, but it's a case by case decision making process dependent on the situation. And guess who has the final say."

Sure Claw remains silent, lost in thought. He moves over to Kite's desk, looking over all the scattered plans he's made in the past week.

"What are you thinking?" Kite asks.

"I'm thinking that we've been approaching this whole ordeal all wrong. Listen to us. We're two changelings thinking we can take on an entire hive and win."

"You're not one to back down so easily. What do you have in mind?"

"I'll put it bluntly. Even if we had the go-ahead, there is very little we could achieve due to our numbers. If we want to come out on top, then we need the ponies."

"That's not as simple as you make it sound. How are we to warn their guards about the parasites? They'd think us nuts. We could reveal ourselves, sure, but then where would that lead us?"

"It's a conundrum we must solve if we are to keep everyling safe. It's either that, or we leave this land for good."

"Noling is going to want to leave, let alone Princess Wave. Very well, let's take the time to brainstorm how we can discreetly coordinate with the city guards, then meet once more to discuss possible solutions. In the meantime, should we go up and witness the inevitable chaos?"

"Someling has to keep an eye on you children. May as well have it be me."

"Whatever you say, Sure Claw. Come, first rounds on me."

Pitch lays on his back on the couch and stretches out. With his season over, he now has all the time to sit back, relax, and enjoy his vacation until spring training. He adjusts himself until he's comfortable, closes his eyes, and enjoys the sweet serenity of his surroundings. It lasts for about 10 seconds.

"Hey, Meadow?" Pitch shouts.

"Yeah?" Meadow answers from inside her room.

"You want to go out somewhere? I'm bored out of my mind." Meadow's soft laughter drifts over the room.

"It's not even noon yet. What are you going to do for the next four months?"

"I don't know. What are you doing for the next four months."

"Entertaining you, apparently. Don't worry, I already have a plan on what we're doing today."

"Oh? What's that?"

"The changelings are opening their inn today. I figured we can hang out there for a while."

"Sounds good to me. That's probably where Arctic flew off to."

"That's what I'm thinking as well. Speaking of, I'll probably head over to Charlie's later today to see how Silvia's doing. You're more than welcome to tag along, of course."

"I see no reason not to. Are you ready to head out right now?"

"In a minute, I'm just finishing up."

"So, another hour then."

"Hey! Not all of us can just get up and be fine with how they look and feel. Besides, I'm not that slow. Remember Thistle? I kid you not, she would spend half the day pampering herself before she felt ready to leave."

"There's a name I haven't heard in a long time. Remember when she would go out of her way to flirt with me every chance she got?"

"Oh my gosh! I do now," Meadow laughs. "I also remember you having none of it."

"What can I say? She was as prickly as the plant she's named after. Plus, I sort of had another mare on my mind at the time."

"Oh did you now? Was she pretty?"

"She's absolutely gorgeous. She's also kind, supportive, funny, very fun to be around, and as cute as a button to boot."

"Ugh! You were doing so well too."

"Face it honey, you're the cutest mare in town."

"I don't know whether to hit you or kiss you."

"I think deep down you know exactly which one you want to do."

"Hmm, I suppose you're right."

The voice sounds much closer than Pitch anticipated. He opens his eyes to find Meadow standing at the arm of the couch and peering down at him. He loses himself in the deep, loving pools of her eyes. Happy at the results, Meadow smiles softly and gently caresses Pitch's cheek with a hoof. Finally finding some sort of motor control over his limbs, Pitch reaches out with a hoof of his own and tenderly runs it up Meadow's face and lightly rubs her ear. He then delicately brings her head forward and tenderly places a kiss on her lips. Meadow moans softly with delight and passionately returns the favor.

They remain locked together for several moments until they finally break apart in order to breath. Completely lost in the moment, Meadow leans back down to lovingly nuzzle against Pitch's cheek. While enjoying Meadow's affection, Pitch absentmindedly notices an entrancing scent in the air. He begins sniffing around, which leads him to start nosing Meadow's neck. She giggles at the ticklish affection and lets him continue for a little bit. Pitch suddenly starts licking her neck causing Meadow to yelp in surprise delight at the new sensation. She then brushes a hoof on his muzzle to regain his attention. Pitch begins to come to.

"Easy big guy, I just got in heat, remember?" Meadow asks. Pitch's eyes widen and he immediately sits up.

"Right, sorry! Not sure what came over me. Actually, I do know. I just sort of lost myself for a moment there."

"It's alright. I nearly got tied up in the moment as well."

"Are you sure you're okay going out?"

"I'm fine, Pitch. There's plenty of products and spells out there to mitigate most of it. They need a little more time to kick in. Just, expect me to be more clingy than usual."

"I can deal with clingy. Although, I suppose we'll have to sleep in our own rooms for the time being."

"Why's that?" Meadow asks. Pitch deadpans and points a hoof at his nose and then at Meadow. Meadow proceeds to boop Pitch's snout. "Oh, I'm sure we can find ways around that as well."

"What are you going to do? Clog up my nostrils so I can't smell? Because I'm not okay with that."

"I don't think that will be necessary,' Meadow chuckles. She moves to sit next to Pitch on the couch and starts messaging his back. "What I'm thinking is that maybe we can help satisfy each other with a slightly more direct approach."

"I thought you said you'd be clingy, not amorous."

"So sometimes a few thoughts sneak into my head. I can't help it, Pitch. Not when I'm around you." Meadow wraps her hooves around Pitch's barrel, pulls him close, and rests her head on his. She whispers in his ears sensually. "I love you, Pitch. Will you let me show you how much?"

Pitch is tempted. Oh, how he ever so desires to give in and experience Meadow's touch in a new way. Has their love really grown this strong already? This question prompts a memory to emerge from a nearly faded existence. A voice urges him to think about Meadow and answer one question. His inability to answer solemnly sobers his mind.

"Pitch, are you alright?" Meadow asks with concern. Pitch takes a moment to shuffle his thoughts away and focus on his current situation and asks himself a new question.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Meadow, I love you, but I have to wonder whether or not you'd want what you're hinting at when you're not in heat. Honestly, I'm unsure, so I can't allow us to move forward."

Meadow is taken aback by Pitch's response. She searches her mind to find a reason as to how she can convince Pitch she is being authentic, however, in doing so, she comes to the same conclusion as Pitch. Spells and potions can help mitigate the symptoms of heat, but they can't fully prevent everything which happens. Like it or not, she'll have to accept the fact that she may not be fully in control of her mind. It's going to be a long week.

"Yeah, okay. Although, I still did win that bet yesterday," Meadow says slyly. Pitch narrows his eyes.


"Alright, fine. I'll take a rain check for after this week." Meadow stands and makes her way to the doorway. "I'm going to take another shower and then I'll be set to go."

"Are you su-"

"Honestly, Pitch! This isn't the first time I've had a cycle. I know how to take care of myself."

"Okay, I just want to make sure, because I have zero clue about any of this."

"Don't worry. By the end of this week, you'll know all you need to and then some," Meadow says sultrily.

"Celestia, save me."

"Whoa!" Pitch exclaims.

He and Meadow arrived at the inn without any hassle as it appeared that New Horizon was going to have a quiet opening. That perspective changed the moment they walked through the main entrance. Nearly the entire bar area is completely packed full of ponies. The real kicker, however, is the makeup of the ponies. The majority tribe present are the thestrals. Never before has either Pitch or Meadow seen so many bat ponies in one place. A more familiar indigo colored thestral descends from the ceiling, lands between the couple, and pulls them into a hug.

"Pitch! Meadow! Welcome back!" Indigo exclaims energetically.

"Indigo? What's going on here? This place is packed," Pitch inquires.

"I know! Isn't it great! I don't think I've ever been this full in my life!" Indigo shouts.

"Easy, Indy, we're standing right next to you," Meadow says, rubbing her ringing ears. Indigo squeals, causing both ponies to flinch.

"Indy? Is that your nickname for me? I so love it!" Indigo exclaims.

"Are you okay?" Meadow asks. "You're a bit-"

"Over-hyper? Maybe a little. Like I said, I've never been this full before. Oh, you two need seats. Um... there's no tables available on the ground level. We do have some spots open at the bar, is that fine? Radical! Follow me!"

Indigo launches into the air and zooms to the circular bar before getting an answer from the couple. Pitch and Meadow look at each other, shrug, and follow the excited thestral-changeling. They weave through the many tables and find Indigo smiling widely near two empty stools. The couple take their seats and Indigo deposits off two menus before flying away.

"Well, at least she seems to be having fun," Pitch states. "But this is just something else."

"You're telling me. It's been like this since we opened." One Wing appears behind the counter carrying multiple drinks which he delivers to the patrons at the bar. He then trots over to the couple and leans on the counter. "Hope you don't mind, but I told Wave you two are here. I think she could use a break from the madness."

"That's fine, but where did all these ponies come from?" Meadow asks.

"Apparently, messages about our grand opening were sent far and wide across Equestria by that guy right there," Wing says, pointing at a smokey grey thestral sitting on the other side of the bar.

"Who is he, do you know?" Meadow asks.

"I do. His name is Smokey Records. Evidently, he's the previous proprietor of this inn before Arctic bought it," Wing explains. "He's actually been on the look out for Arctic. Have you two seen him at all?"

"You mean he's not here?" Meadow asks.

"Not that I'm aware of. No matter, here comes Wave. She'll be able to get in touch with him. Now, what can I get to drink for you two?" Wing asks.

"Water," Pitch says.

"Same," Meadow says.

"Two waters. How very adventurous," Wing says with a smile. He pours two glasses and moves on to tend to the other customers. As he leaves, Princess Wave enters the bar and stations herself across from Pitch and Meadow. She lays her head on the counter with a long sigh.

"I'm a leader of a small hive of changelings. I can share the thoughts with each and everyone of them simultaneously, and yet somehow, it does not compare to managing an inn. So much for a small, discrete opening," Wave says tiredly.

"Are you okay, Princess?" Meadow asks.

"I'm fine. Just been running around all morning making sure everything operates smoothly. There's a whole lot of positive emotions in the air so everyling is happy which is good," Wave says. She raises her head off the counter. "How are you two?"

"Same old, same old," Pitch says.

"Pitch got bored after 10 seconds of relaxing," Meadow says.

"Didn't your baseball season just end?" Wave asks.

"Please, don't remind me," Pitch says dejectedly.

"Aw, cheer up, champ. You'll get in next year," Meadow says.

"I hope so. We have the team for a playoff run. Just a matter of getting there," Pitch says.

"And how are you doing with your situation, Meadow?" Wave asks.

"My situation?" Meadow asks. Realization catches up to her causing her to blush slightly and rub her hooves together. "Oh, that situation. It's calm at the moment. Though, I admit that I do get a little restless from time to time," Meadow says sheepishly, subtly edging closer to Pitch.

"Isn't there a medication that can prevent cycles to begin with?" Wave asks. Meadow begins fidgeting with her mane.

"There is. It's called altrenogest. It's common for mares to regularly use it unless they want a foal, but I've always been personally against using it," Meadow says hesitantly.

"Hey, that's your decision to make. I won't question it," Wave says. "What I will ask is if Arctic came with you two, or is he still moping around at home?"

"Actually, we haven't seen any signs of him this morning. We thought he was over here," Pitch says. Wave rubs the bridge of her nose.

"Why am I not surprised he disappeared again?" Wave sighs. "No worries, I'll simply ask him." Wave closes her eyes and searches her mind for the bond specifically linked to Arctic. She frowns when she finds it, for it feels stretched out and weaker than it should be.

'Arctic, where are you?'

Many moments pass by while Wave waits for an answer. Meadow and Pitch sit patiently in silence, curious as to what is happening. Suddenly, Wave snaps open her eyes and speaks simultaneously out loud and through the link.

"What do you mean, 'it's complicated'?"


'I mean, it's very complicated. Look, you know those nightmares I've been having? I have an idea on how to get rid of them and I'm following through on it. I need you to trust me on this one.'

'You have a nasty habit of disappearing without notice. It needs to stop.'

'No promises.'

'Arctic, I'm being serious.'

'So am I. Listen, I'll be back in a few days and then we can talk about everything. I need some time to myself anyways. Until next time.'

'You are infuriating! Fine! Until next time.'

I breath a sigh of relief. I'm not ready to explain everything just yet. Still, that conversation could have been handled better. I'm definitely not looking forward to our next one. At least I'll have a few days to prepare.

"Sir, are you okay?" I shake my head and return my attention to the aged ticket mare.

"Yeah, sorry, just zoned out there. You were saying?"

"The next train to Canterlot leaves in three hours. Until then, I highly recommend checking out our small little village here. It may not have as much like a city such as Manehatten, but we have our own charm here you're guaranteed to enjoy."

"I may as well have a look around. Reminds me a bit of home, actually. Do you have any recommendations, uh, what's your name again?"

"Of course, I'm Mayor Mare. I highly recommend checking out the markets near the center of town where you can find most of what Ponyville has to offer."

"Wait, you're the Mayor? What are you doing working at the train station?"

"When I can find the time I like to spend my time here to personally welcome all of those who visit our fair town. You'll find no friendlier place in all of Equestria."

"Really? Well, I think I'll go experience that myself. Near the center of town you said?"

"Yup, just head towards the Town Hall, which is that building there, and you'll walk straight through it."

"Awesome, thank you."

"Be sure to tell Pinkie Pie I said hello."


"You'll know her when she sees you. Have a nice day!"

"Yeah, you too."

What an interesting mayor. Doubt I'll meet this 'Pinkie' though. Wait, did she say when she sees me?

I pause my trot into the town when I realize just how the tan mare worded her sentence. I feel a little ominous about the whole thing, but decide to ignore it and continue onwards.

It's probably nothing.

Trotting into the town becomes mesmerizing. It's almost as if I'm walking through a pony settlement back home. Everything from the open space, the smell of fresh air, the feel of the dirt road, and the subtly sounds of nature brings me a sense of comfort I didn't know I was missing. Definitely a far cry from the fast paced, packed together city I find myself living in now. Don't get me wrong, I still believe Manehatten to be a wondrous place full of ingenuity I never thought possible, but it's charm has been slowly wearing on me the past few months. What can I say? I've always been one for the open air.

As I continue down this long winding road, I come across a most peculiar structure. The towering buildings of Manehatten are something I consider to be the apex of pony architectural prowess; it is a true modern marvel of structural engineering. But this? This is the true potential of architecture. What I refer to is a homely looking building that's been hollowed out of an ancient tree. Now, one may think that any old jook can go find themselves a large enough tree to carve out a home, but what they can't do is keep the tree alive afterwards. This is what catches my eye the most. Not only does the tree still live, but it appears to be thriving!

My curiosity gets the better of me and soon enough I'm standing right at the entrance. A nearby sign indicates that this is the town's library. Knowing libraries to be public places, I'm tempted to get an awe-inspiring look inside. I reach a hoof up to open the red door. Before I can, a large boom resounds from inside, followed shortly by a very frustrated groan. Thinking that now isn't the greatest of times to be inside, I put my hoof back down and continue down the street.

One day, library. One day.

I proceed to trot towards the large, circular structure as instructed. Eventually, I enter a more open part of the town where several dozen stalls are set up. The street is filled with ponies, all of whom are interacting with each other with very little looking as if they're too much in a rush to spend time talking. Curious, I search around to-


"Hi! My name is Pinkie Pie. What's yours?" A voice asks rapidly.

"Gah!" Vision obscured by a pink wall, I rear back too far and fall on my back.

"Gah? That's a silly name for a pony," the pink one giggles.

"What? No, my name is Arctic," I say. I am now suddenly back on my hooves, shaking hooves with Pinkie. I didn't even see her pick me up.

"Hello, Arctic. My name is Pinkie Pie, but you already know that since I told you. Anyways, I know everypony, and I mean everypony, in Ponyville, however, I didn't know you and since I know everypony in Ponyville, but not you, that means you must be new to Ponyville. As such, it is a part of my Pinkie duties to welcome you to Ponyville. Welcome to Ponyville!"

I'm stunned. I attempt to absorb all she said as well as process an appropriate response. I can only think of one thing to say.

"Mayor Mare says hi."

"Ooh, really? I should say hi back."

She reaches into her bouncy, curly mess of a pink mane and pulls out, of all things, a megaphone. I ponder at this absurdity, until I realize she has the damn thing pointed my way at max volume. Not liking where this is going, I dive to the ground, cover my ears with both hooves and wings, and brace for impact.


It wasn't enough and my ears bare the price. I stay on the ground until the ringing comes to a complete stop. A pink hoof waves in front of me. I look up to see Pinkie speaking, but can't hear a word. I do sense her concern though.

"I'M FINE! JUST Give Me A few moments!"

The ringing ceases and I'm back on my hooves once more. Seeing me back up, Pinkie smiles, but then narrows her eyes. I taste tangy suspicion flow out from her. She looks me over closely, as in she gets very close to me. She lifts up and looks under my hoof. She follows up by searching through my mane.

"What are you doing?" I ask. Pinkie opens my mouth and peaks inside.

"My Pinkie Sense told me I was going to meet a new creature friend today, not a new pony friend." Pinkie closes my mouth, backs up, and gives me one last observation. "Yet you are obviously, 100% pony. That's weird, my Pinkie Sense is never wrong."

"Yeah, that's what's strange about all of this," I mumble. Normally, this is the part I make an offhoof joke that reveals my actual nature. Then I remember Silvia.

"Hmm, maybe my new friend just hasn't arrived yet."

As Pinkie sits and ponders. I watch as her ears bend 90 degrees and begin to tick back upright. When they reach their peak, her ears begin vibrating with an audible sound of an alarm clock. Pinkie jumps to her hooves and urgently trots in place.

"Oh my gosh, is it that time already! Ah, I'm late for babysitting the twins! It's great to meet you and if you stay past your train departure I'll throw you a party, butIreallyhavetogonowbye!"

Pinkie sprints off at unfathomable speeds, literally leaving me in the dust. I cough and try to wave away the lingering dust. I look down the road and do not see a single sign of the pink pony. My heart rate increases and I feel the urge to run. Not because of Pinkie, but because her emotions feel as if they've been laced with a lethal amount of sugar, if such a thing is possible. Doing my best to suppress the jitters, I turn around to continue-


"Oops, almost forgot. Every new pony gets a complimentary cupcake baked by yours truly." Pinkie practically shoves a cupcake into my hooves.

"I... But, you... But, how?"

"How what?" Pinkie stands there with a smile. She blinks repeatedly at my reaction. See eyes the cupcake in my hooves "You going to eat that?" Flabbergasted, I try to form a response. Any response.

"What about the twins?"

"Oh my gosh! You're right! I gotta run! Bye, Arctic!"

Pinkie, once again, speeds off into the distance. This time, however, she doesn't leave me in the dust in order to spare the cupcake. With my hooves already subtly shaking, I probably shouldn't add even more sugar to my system, but I mean, come on! It's a free cupcake! Watching the direction Pinkie left, I cautiously take a small bite from the cupcake. It's not half bad. I stop chewing when something Pinkie said finally registers in my head.

Wait a second. I never mentioned a train. How did she?

"There is no way that's a normal pony," I muse out loud.

"Maybe not normal for me and you, but for Pinkie? That's normal as normal gets for her." Shifting my attention to the nearby voice reveals an orange coat, blond mane, stetson wearing earth pony mare behind an apple themed stall. "Howdy, stranger. The name's Applejack." She tips her hat in greeting and beckons me over to the stall. I finish off the cupcake and head over.

"Arctic Thunder," I say energetically. I reach out of hoof in greeting. She firmly grabs it and gives me a hardy shake. I may have continued shaking her hoof afterwards due to the extra supply of sugary emotions. Applejack pulls back and eyes me questionably. I offer an apologetic smile in return. She drops it and taps her chin in thought.

"Arctic Thunder? Now where have I heard that name before? You wouldn't happen to be one of those Canterlot elites Rarity is always talkin' about now, would ya?"

"Considering I never set hoof in the city before, I'm going to go with no."

"Huh, I could have sworn I've heard your name somewhere. Where are you from?"

"Currently, I live in the city of Manehatten."

"Manehatten. You know, I got family in Manehatten. 'Course, I've got family just about everywhere in Equestria. You wouldn't happen to know any Oranges, would you?"

"Doesn't ring a bell, sorry."

"That's alright. It's a big city after all. Definitely ain't no Ponyville where you can get to know just 'bout everypony. Stayin' long?"

"Just for another two hours or so when the train departs for Canterlot."

"Going to see the Princesses or something?"

"Or something."

"Well, don't let me hold you up none. There's lots you can see and taste in Ponyville in two hours. Speaking of tastin', care for an apple? It's on the house."

"I don't see why not."

Applejack reaches over and flips me an apple which I catch with a wing. I take a big, crunchy bite and revel in the sweet, juicy goodness. I don't think I've ever had an apple this great tasting in my life. They're not a common commodity back in the homelands and the few we do have are very tart in flavor.

"It's good. Very, very good," I say as Applejack beams at the praise.

"That there's one of our Honeycrisp apples. We just got done bucking a whole field of 'em along with a bunch of McIntosh apples. Not to be confused with my brother Big McIntosh. Course, we're saving those ones for the upcoming cider season."

"Did somepony say cider?"

I search for where the second voice came from, only to get blindsided by a whirlwind of colors and knocked to the ground. Well, at least it succeeded in also cutting my sugar rush early on.

"Rainbow Dash, Look what y'all just gone ahead done. You just knocked this poor fella right off his hooves," Applejack says angrily. The new pony down at me sheepishly and rubs her neck.

"Heheh, sorry about that," she says.

"Ha kol besader," I say woozily. Rainbow reaches out a hoof and helps me to my hooves.

"Was that Saddle Arabian or something?" She asks.

"Or something," I say. I shake my head clear of the dizziness. "Wait, Saddle what? No, it's... You know what? It's not important."

"If you say so. Now, about that cider," Rainbow says, turning back to Applejack.

"Calm down, Dash. Cider season ain't for another two weeks yet. You know that," Applejack says.

"Aw, but two weeks is like another 14 days away. I can't wait that long," Rainbow complains.

"You can and you will. Ain't no ifs, ands, or buts about it. Now, how 'bout instead of moping 'round my stall, you introduce yourself to our guest here," Applejack says.

Rainbow Dash lets out a long, raspy sigh and turns back to me. Then, in a complete turnaround, she begins radiating pride. Combine that with the sugary filled emotions from earlier and something tells me I'm not going to be feeling well in the next few hours. At least I haven't been drinking, or today could have been a disaster.

"I'm Rainbow Dash. Fastest flyer in all of Equestria and future captain of the Wonderbolts," she says. I can't help but smirk at her boastful nature. She'd get along just well in the hive with her confidence.

"Arctic Thunder. Sailor and adventurer." I reach out a hoof and she bumps it with her own. She's also curious now.

"Arctic, huh? You wouldn't happen to be one of those Canterlot snobs Rarity always talks about, would you?" She asks.

"Once again, I never set hoof in Canterlot," I say.

"Huh. I could have sworn I heard your name mentioned before," she says.

"I said just 'bout the same thing myself," Applejack cuts in.

"I don't know what to tell you two. I've never been to Canterlot, nor do I know who Rarity is," I say.

"Well don't look now, but here she comes," Rainbow says, peaking over my head.

I look now and spy an absolute gorgeous white coat, purple mane unicorn trotting towards us. Her steps are one of dignity and grace and I must admit that I became entranced by her dazzling appearance. That is, until I sense a large amount of built up admiration drift from her which cause my wings droop in terror. I've been around the block a few times and seen a few things. One of those things are crazy fan mares and what they're capable of. Thinking quickly, I decide to employ escape tactic number 3. Classic. Simple. All you have to do is-

"Run away!"

I spin on my hooves and begin a dead sprint away from the oncoming mare. I immediately collide into the back of a cart I swear was not there a second ago. Dazed, I try to get back up quickly, but a shower of a various selection of apples knock me back to the ground and proceeds to bury me.

I poke my head through the pile of apples and observe the damage. Rainbow is on her back, kicking her hooves up in deep laughter. Applejack looks annoyed, but I can sense her amusement as well. One who is not amused is the absolute unit of a red earth pony staring daggers at me. I look at him meekly.

"Uh, I can pay for this," I say.

"Eeyup," he responds irately.

"Come now, Big Mac. He didn't mean to do it. How 'bout you help the poor fellow out," Applejack says.

"Eeyup," he grunts.

The apparently named Big Mac offers a helping hoof which I accept. He pulls me clear from the apples with ease and it's at this point I get the feeling I'm forgetting something. That is, until I hear a set of hooves stop behind me.

"Pardon me, you wouldn't happen to be Arctic Thunder, would you?"

I turn around to face the piercing gaze of Rarity. Her expression is pleasant and does not betray the deep admiration still swirling within her. I brace myself as I answer.

"Yes," I say.

To my surprise, there's no screaming, no squeal of great delight, and no invasion of space. The most that happens is a small squeak followed immediately by her clearing her throat in order to maintain her composure.

"My name is Rarity. It is a pleasure to meet you, darling," she says, offering a hoof.

"Likewise," I say uncertainty. I shake her hoof, but remain on guard while she continues to contain her excitement. Rarity turns her attention back to the two other mares present.

"Girls! Do you know who this is?" Rarity asks. Rainbow, now back on her hooves, tilts her head.

"Uh, Arctic Thunder?" she asks with confusion.

"Well, yes, but not just Arctic Thunder. The Arctic Thunder. One of the five members of the new popular band 'Colts of the Backstreet'!" Rarity exclaims.

"So that's where I recognize you from," Applejack says.

"You're part of a coltband? Lame," Rainbow says.

"Rainbow Dash!" Rarity shouts.

"What?" Rainbow asks.

"A mare does not greet a star in such an unbecoming manner," Rarity says.

"Oh come on, Rarity. The only reason coltbands exist is to put the hottest stallion on stage for mares to fawn over and give them money while just using the most generic music," Rainbow says.

"Not completely inaccurate, though not completely accurate either. I argue that our music is good and our performances are very fun," I say. Rainbow flicks her tail in skepticism.

"I'll believe that when I see it," she says.

"I believe such an arrangement can be made should our guest here wish to partake in a performance," Rarity says exquisitely.

"I'm sorry. I just don't have time for a performance," I say regretfully. Rarity is disappointed, but then gets a sly look about her.

"Perhaps If I could sweeten the offer I can get you to stay a while longer instead?" She asks while throwing her mane out and bating her lashes at me.

"Sorry, I don't do one night stands," I say. Rarity looks absolutely insulted while Rainbow burst out laughing once more. Even Applejack has to bring up a hoof to stop herself from laughing.

"That is not what I was insinuating at all!" Rarity complains.

"It sure sounded like it, Rares," Applejack says.

"Please, Applejack, I am a proper lady," Rarity says.

"And I've met several 'proper ladies' after shows who always wanted to come home with us for some horizontal tango," I say.

"Why'd I never!" Rarity exclaims.

"Hate to say it, but experience speaks for itself," I say. Rarity huffs.

"Well, that simply won't do. Allow me to show you how a real proper lady treats a celebrity," Rarity says. I spy Rainbow rolling her eyes.

"I don't have a whole lot of time. What do you have in mind?" I ask.

"A trip to the Ponyville Spa!" Rarity exclaims excitedly.

"Yup, I'm out," Rainbow says, shooting skyward and leaving behind a trail of colors. Applejack shakes her head at her fleeing friend. I, on the other hoof, have one simple question.

"What's a spa?"

"So I'm left with this huge pile of pallets with zero use for them. So I start thinking what to do with them and an idea crosses my mind. I head into the nearest settlement across the lake and inform the ponies my intentions so there's no panic. I come back with a box of matches and some kindling."

"Please tell me you didn't," Meadow says. One Wing smiles and continues his story.

"The fire started out small for a bit, but it didn't take long for the whole damn thing to go up. I'm sitting there, admiring my hoofwork, when several ponies from the settlement show up with buckets. They asked me what happened and I told them this was the controlled burn I warned them about. The stallion goes 'you told me it was going to be a small controlled burn'. I stand there, look him straight in the eyes, a massive inferno tower roaring behind me, and tell him that this is a small controlled burn. The look on his face after I told him was priceless!"

One Wing finishes his story laughing. Pitch is amused, Meadow is horrified, Wave has her hoof on her head, and two nearby thestrals stare on wearily.

"Just make sure you don't start any fires over here," one of them says.

"No worries. My pyro days are long behind me," Wing says. Pitch examines the purple armor the two bat ponies wear.

"Aren't you a part of Princess Luna's royal guard?" He asks. Wave's ears stand tall and alert.

"We sure are. I'm Major Amber Glow, second in command of the Lunar Guard. This is Sergeant Major Maple Leaf. And this-" Amber moves down a couple of seats and places her hooves on a younger, light grey thestral. "-is my son, Ivory."

"Hi," Ivory mumbles, barely giving a glance away from the book he's reading. Amber sighs, but lets it go. He's probably just tired from switching back to a day schedule.

"What brings the Lunar Guard here?" Wave asks.

"We're performing inspections and making preparations for Princess Luna. She wants to personally attend the next Lunar Guard graduation ceremony taking place," Amber says.

"The Princess is coming to Manehatten?" The question comes from several seats down where Sure Claw and Kite are set up.

"Yes. Don't get too excited, though. She's not going to be making a public appearance," Amber says. Sure Claw whispers into the ears of Kite. Kite nods his head and the two stand and depart. Wave eyes them with suspicion. The two guards also track the retreating duo with interest.

"Do you know them?" Maple asks Wave.

"Yeah, they run the security of our inn. They're both determined to assure the safety of everypony. A bit too dedicated at times," Wave sighs.

"So, if I were to ask why they immediately left after finding out the Princess was coming?" Maple asks.

"Knowing Kite, he's probably going to draw up dozens of plans dedicated to the Princess's protection should she decide to stop by for a visit," Wave says.

"Hmm, well, there's not many places that cater to thestrals. I'm sure she'd be interested in checking this place out if it was recommended by, say, two of her most loyal guardsponies," Amber says.

"You would recommend us to the Princess?" Wave asks.

"Of course. So long as the food is good. Judging by the look of everypony's face, we won't have to worry about that either," Amber says.

"Well, I'll let you judge for yourselves. Indigo is bringing your food out now," Wave says. Sure enough, said changeling turned bat pony walks up from behind Wave balancing a tray full of food.

"That's either some great timing you have, or you're very lucky," Amber says.

"I have a sort of sixth sense about these things," Wave responds, winking to Pitch and Meadow.

Indigo joyfully deposits each plate of food to their respective owners. Each one contains an item from the fruit menu. She drops the final one off for Ivory and turns to head back to the kitchen. As she does, Ivory looks away from his book and glances upwards before focusing on his meal. He pauses, and looks upwards again, watching with wide eyes as Indigo prances away.

Indigo suddenly freezes up and turns to look back at Ivory with confusion. Ivory quickly ducks his head back into his book, lifting it to block Indigo's view. Indigo hesitantly makes to turn around, thinks for a moment, then continues her journey to the kitchen. She glances one last time at the young thestral who ducks under his book again before she disappears inside.

The whole while, both Wave and Honeydew witnessed the entire event occur with Honeydew sporting a wide smile. Even Amber glances at her son with curiosity after seeing him show interest in something other than his book. Meadow and Pitch missed out on the whole thing because-

"Next thing I know, there's a loud boom! I run back, only to discover that I accidentally blew up half the yard with the fertilizer I procured."

-One Wing was sharing yet another one of his stories.

As it turns out, the spa is the greatest invention of ponykind. I deeply breath in the hot, steamy air, feeling the warmth pass down my throat and fill my lungs. I hold it there for a few moments then slowly let it out through my mouth. I don't know who was the crazy pony who found relaxing in a heated room full of steam to work like it does, but I'm glad they found out all the same. They even put a subtle hint of curiosity in the air.

Wait a second...

"So, what brings a stallion to the spa?"

I open my eyes and observe the room's only other occupant. Rarity had already moved forward with her treatment, leaving me behind with another mare. She's a pegasus with a dirty-orange coat and a faded yellow mane. She looks at me with curious green eyes.

"Rarity offered to treat me here. Apparently, she's a fan of mine," I respond.

"A fan of yours? What do you mean?" She asks, tilting her head.

"I used to be part of an up and coming coltband called 'Colts of the Backstreet'," I say. The mare takes a closer look at me. A flash of recognition sparks in her eyes.

"Wait, are you Arctic?" She asks.

"I am," I confirm.

"I thought you looked familiar!" She exclaims.

"I take it you're a fan of ours as well?" I ask.

"I was, yes. I shamelessly admit to breaking out in song from time to time at the expense of my husband," she giggles. I catch the mare's enthusiasm.

"Can't win them all, I suppose," I chuckle.

"Still, I nearly convinced him to take me to Manehatten for one of your performances. Until you all split up, that is," she says. I rub the back of my head.

"Sorry about that. Extenuating circumstances and all that," I say. She waves a hoof dismissively.

"I understand. Since we couldn't get to a show, he decided to treat me to a spa day instead," she says.

"Not a bad trade," I say.

"So, what brings you here to Ponyville?" She asks.

"I'm on my way to Canterlot, actually. I have a few hours to spend and so I decided to check out the town," I explain.

"Well, you've chosen the best place to spend it at. The Ponyville spa is amazing," she says, taking a deep breath and relaxing back in her seat.

"So I'm learning. Since you know my name, may I ask what yours is?" I ask.

"Of course, my name is Willow Breeze. How much longer are you here for?" She asks.

"Maybe an hour at most," I say.

"So no time for a Pinkie Pie party then? That's a shame, you're going to miss out on one the the best things in Ponyville," she says.

"Really? Well, maybe I'll have to revisit one day," I say, pondering if I could perhaps return after Canterlot.

"Yup! You haven't had a party until you've experienced a Pinkie Pie party," she says.

"I'll keep that in mind," I reply.

I then grin as I get a brilliant idea. I begin to whistle a familiar tune and Willow's eyes go wide in recognition. When I get past the intro, I start singing, giving the sweet mare a private performance. Though it may not be the same without the accompanying music or band mates, judging by her radiating joy, I don't think she minds so much. When I finish the song, I notice a second presence and look over to find one of the spa ponies standing at the entrance. She appears to be in a daydream, but shakes out of it when she sees me look over.

"Mr. Thunder, we're ready for your next treatment," she says.

"Excellent, nice to meet you Willow. I wish you a long, joyful life," I say.

"It's been nice meeting you too. Thanks for the song! Enjoy the rest of your spa day!" She exclaims.

The spa pony, whose name I'll later learn is Lotus, leads me to an open room where several message tables and chairs are set up. Near the center of the room is a large communal bathtub. Rarity lays in one of the chairs while receiving a hooficure. Lotus guides me to an adjacent table and directs me to lay down.

"How are you enjoying your first ever spa day?" Rarity asks. The moment Lotus's hooves lay on my back my eyes flutter shut at the immense bliss I feel.

"Terrific," I say. Having a hard, protective shell in my natural form may have its benefits, yet I think life was onto something when it gave ponies their soft, fragile skin and fur.

"I don't mean to impose, but I must ask. What ever caused that horrible fight which caused your band to break up so soon?" Rarity asks.

"Fight?" I open my eyes and look at Rarity questionably. "We didn't have a fight."

"Really? All the tabloids reported a large amount of yelling right before your manager announced the break up," Rarity explains.

"I don't know where they got that information from. In fact, the only shouting done that day was by..." I give an angry snort when I realize just who is the source behind these rumors. "...Gravy Train. How am I not surprised he would find a way to spin the facts?"

"Please, sir, try to relax," Lotus says. I take a deep breath to relieve the tension built up in my muscles, focusing on the feel of hooves on my back.

"So what did happen?" Rarity asks.

"Things got a little... complicated at home. Long story short, I'm not able to keep up with the pace of the music industry and rather than continue without me, everypony else decided to pursue their personal interests," I explain.

"It's great to have such loyal friends. Still, it's such a shame that I never got a chance to see you perform live on stage," Rarity sighs. I get what she's trying to do as I can taste the subtle hope radiating from her. I don't respond, however, as my eyes have grown heavy and I give into my weariness.

Pitch and Meadow enter into the one and only Charlie Hops. The bar with a personality all its own is currently bare as it usually is before the evening starts. They walk straight up to the bar where a teal barmare greets them.

"Hi, Welcome to Charlie's," she says.

"Hi. Is Silvia in today?" Meadow asks. The barmare shakes her head.

"Sorry, but she took the entire week off," she says.

"Oh, okay. Thank you," Meadow says.

"No problem. Can I get you anything?" She asks.

"No thanks, we just ate," Meadow says.

"Alright. Have a great day you two," she says.

"You as well," Meadow replies. Pitch and Meadow leave the bar and walk aimlessly down the street.

"So what now?" Pitch asks.

"I'm not sure. We could always wait until she returns, but I want to speak with her before then. Especially since she probably took a week because of yesterday," Meadow says.

"That still raises the problem of where we can find her. I only know that she works at Charlie's," Pitch says.

"Remember when Arctic walked her home? Do you think he told any other changeling where he went?" Meadow asks. Pitch runs his neck in thought.

"It doesn't really sound like something he'd do, but I suppose it's worth a shot. Back to New Horizon?" Pitch asks.

"Back to New Horizon," Meadow confirms.

The couple retrace their steps back to the inn they recently left. Several minutes later, they walk back into the now calm main hall. Indigo flies up to them with confusion.

"You're back? I thought you went to speak to Silvia?" She asks.

"We ran into a problem. And how did you know what we were up to?" Pitch asks.

"I have my ways," Indigo says with a smile. "What problem?"

"Silvia is not at the bar and we don't know where we can find her. We were hop-"

"I know where she lives. I can show you," Indigo interrupts.

"And how do you know that?" Pitch asks.

"I have my ways," she repeats. Pitch raises a brow.

"I see," he says cautiously.

"Relax, will you? You're starting to taste funny," Indigo says.

"Not helping," Pitch replies.

"Indy, can you tell us where Silvia lives?" Meadow asks.

"I can do you one better and take you there," Indigo says.

"What about the inn?" Pitch asks.

"It's dying down and they don't need as much help right now. Plus, I just got Wave's permission to show you," Indigo says.

"You did?" Pitch asks. He looks towards the bar where Princess Wave remains from their last visit. She gestures to Pitch to get moving. Indigo lands next to him and begins dragging him out of the inn.

"Come on, let's get going! We have a romance to save," Indigo says. Meadow falls in line next to her.

"I think it will be best if you return after we arrive," Meadow says.

"What? Why? I'm a harvester in training. I can help," Indigo complains.

"We don't doubt that, but Silvia may not be as receptive towards changelings right now," Meadow explains.

"Well, good thing I'm a thestral right now," Indigo says.

"Okay, and how do we explain why you're with us to Silvia?" Meadow asks.

"I'm there to help her with Arctic, duh," she says.

"And how do you know Arctic?" Meadow asks.

"Uh, we came from the same land," Indigo says.

"The very land where Arctic, a changeling, came from and prepared a place for more of his kind to join him?" Pitch chimes in. Indigo expression falters.

"Oh, I guess a connection can be made. Alright, fine! I'll leave, but I still don't like it," Indigo says.

"It's for the best," Meadow says.

"Don't worry, you'll get a chance one day," Pitch says.

"One day can't come soon enough," Indigo mumbles.

Indigo leads the couple through the concrete jungle known as Manehatten. Eventually, they reach a district all too familiar to Meadow. When they arrive at the apartment complex Silvia stays in, Meadow can't help but stare in disbelief.

"Really, she lives here? Are you certain?" Meadow asks.

"Yes I am. Why? What's up?" Indigo asks.

"I used to live here," Meadow replies.

"Radical!" Indigo exclaims. Pitch chuckles. "What?"

"Radical," Pitch repeats.

"You got a problem with the word radical?" Indigo asks aggressively, flying in order to look at him eye to eye. Pitch pins his ears back.

"No. No problem. Radical is cool," he says timidly. Indigo stares at him suspiciously for several seconds before slowly lowering herself back to the ground. She then beams a smile at him with a tiny bat scree.

"Awesome! Now let's get back to work," Indigo says.

Her expression turns determined as she lowers her belly to the ground and begins advancing forward as if stalking some unseen prey. Before she can get too far, however, Meadow places a hoof on her back to stop her.

"Indigo, what did we agree on for when we arrived?" Meadow asks. Indigo face falls.

"Fine," she sighs. She turns around and begins walking away with her head down while dragging her feet.

"And you can cease with the whole guilt tripping act," Meadow says, rolling her eyes. Indigo picks up her head and looks back.

"You two are no fun," she says.

"Whoa now. Sure, that may be true for Meadow, but I'm plenty of fun," Pitch says. Meadow shoves him playfully while feigning annoyance. Indigo smiles.

"You two are cute together though," she says. She spreads her wings and heads back to the inn. Meadow is now officially annoyed.

"I'm not cute!" She shouts. Pitch walks up to her side, drapes a hoof around her withers, and plants a kiss on her cheek.

"Come on, Miss Adorable. Let's go see if Silvia is home," Pitch says. Meadow huffs, but follows Pitch's lead.

"You're lucky that you are cute," Meadow says.

"As cute as you are beautiful," Pitch says. Meadow leans on his side.

"Now that's more like it," she says.

"Uh, Meadow?"


"We forgot to ask which apartment Silvia occupies."

"Oh shoot!"

"Well, should we start going door to door or try and wave down Indigo?"

"Um, I may have a solution actually."

"Oh, care to enlighten me?"

"Some residents place a nametag on their mailbox. We can check those and see if Silvia does."

"Worth a shot. Lead the way my lovely detective."

"You're really going out on the flattery today."

"I figure I'd go and make sure you always know how I feel about you."

"Aw, I love you too."

Meadow and Pitch walk into the tiny lobby on the ground floor where the mailboxes are located. The boxes are divided on two different sides so they split up to look. A few minutes pass before Pitch calls out.

"Found her! She lives in room 205."

"Lucky! I lived on the 7th floor. Walking up and down those stairs all the time was annoying. Especially on days I was dead tired."

"Aw, I'm sorry the stairs gave you a hard time. Do you need me to rub your hooves when we get home?" Pitch teases. Meadow smirks slyly.

"Well, If you're offering."

"Walked right into that one, did I?"

"So, no hoof massage?" Meadow pouts. Pitch folds immediately.

"You want a hoof massage? I'll give you a hoof massage."

"Yay! Come on, let's go fix a relationship!" Meadow exclaims.

She prances past Pitch and up the stairs. Pitch smiles lovingly after her and shakes his head. He follows behind Meadow as the two make their way to Silvia's apartment. They reach the second floor and find the room five doors down on the right side. Meadow knocks on the door. They hear shuffling from beyond the wall followed by the sound of the door unlocking. It opens to reveal the blue unicorn herself, Silvia.

The silver mane pony looks as if she's seen better days. Her coat is matted and her mane and tail are frazzled with hairs all out of place. It's as if she hasn't gotten out of bed all day today which may very well be the case. Her eyes, wide with shock, appear puffy.

"Meadow? Pitch?" She asks.

"Hi Silvia," Meadow says.

"What are you doing here? How did you know I live here?" Silvia asks.

"We have our ways," Pitch says. Meadow hip checks him.

"Indigo showed us," Meadow says.

"Indigo? How did-" Silvia cuts herself off as the realization hits her. "That sneaky little filly. She must have continued to follow Arctic and I despite Arctic sending her home."

"Speaking of... Can we talk?" Meadow asks. Silvia looks at the two with growing concern.

"You two aren't... you know... whatever he is, are you?" Silvia asks timorously

"No, we're normal ponies just like you," Meadow says.

"Some of us are, anyways," Pitch teases. Meadow playfully shoves him away causing a faint smile to appear on Silvia's muzzle.

"So, you're aware that he's not a pony?" Silvia asks.

"Yes, we know. We've known for a while now," Pitch says. Silvia looks behind her.

"I'd offer you to come inside, but, uh, not a whole lot of room," Silvia says. Pitch sneaks a look inside the pitifully small apartment.

"I think it'll be alright. Do you mind?" Pitch asks.

"Come on in. Make yourselves as comfortable as you can," Silvia says.

Pitch walks inside and examines the room. The place he stands doubles as both a kitchen and living area. The space is taken up by a counter, oven, refrigerator, table, bookshelf, and a single couch. There's another closed door which he assumes leads to Silvia's bedroom. He leaps up and sits in the middle of the couch.

"Ladies," he says, bouncing his eyebrows playfully.

Meadow deadpans and walks over to him. She gets up on the couch and proceeds to push Pitch to the other end, causing him to fall on his side. As he falls, he wraps a hoof around Meadow's barrel, dragging her with him as she let's out a delighted yelp. The end result is Meadow and Pitch cuddling together with Meadow using Pitch's neck as a pillow and leaving enough space for Silvia. Silvia sets herself up on the other side, wrapping her tail around her hooves, and looking on longingly.

"You two are made for each other," Silvia says.

"Thank you, though we were unaware of that for a long time," Meadow says.

"What changed?" Silvia asks.

"Arctic, 'enlightened us' in his own way," Meadow says.

"What she means to say is that he made her so angry and jealous that she asked me out to spite him," Pitch clarifies. Meadow sticks her tongue out at Pitch. Silvia nods, but at the mention of Arctic's name her ears pulled back and her expression fell.

"So he manipulated you as well?" Silvia asks.

"As well?" Meadow asks. But before Silvia can respond, Pitch cuts in.

"First off, Arctic does not manipulate ponies. He may be unorthodox, but he always does something out of care for another. Second, he definitely has not been manipulating you. He thinks the world of you." he says defensively. Silvia narrows her eyes and her voice raises slightly.

"How can I believe that? How can I believe anything about him is real or not? I don't even know what he is, but I remember what he said. They apparently feed on emotions. Our emotions! He flirts with me, shows interest in me, and gets me to like him and for what? Just for him to crush my heart by saying he had no intention to actually go out with me? How can I believe I was anything but food for him?" Silvia asks. During her monologue, tears begin to form in her eyes.

"And what about you two? He helps you get together and then hangs around to feed off of his success. How can you think he doesn't manipulate ponies? It sounds like his race depends on it," Silvia continues.

Pitch and Meadow allow Silvia to get out all of her thoughts. They look at each other wondering how to tackle this problem. Meadow starts out first.

"Silvia, ask yourself. Does any of that act like the Arctic you know?" Meadow asks. Silvia wipes away the liquid pooling in her eyes.

"No, it doesn't. But I evidently don't know Arctic. He said so himself. 'You only know what I show everypony else,' he told me," Silvia says.

"Arctic, you idiot," Pitch mumbles too quietly for Silvia to hear.

"Can I ask what you knew of Arctic before he said that?" Meadow asks. Silvia is skeptical, but plays along.

"I figured him to be a lovable goofball. Silly, but confident. Sometimes a bit out there and very direct, but kind and caring," Silvia says.

"Throw in his habit of always getting himself into trouble and you pretty much nailed it on the head," Pitch says.

"I wish I could believe that. But Arctic-" Silvia says.

"-Is an idiot who always tries to bury his feelings deep inside and, therefore, has no idea how to deal with them. You said he's caring and I said you're right. In fact, he's so caring about others that he often times forgets to care about himself," Pitch cuts in. Silvia looks on curiously.

"And how can you know that?" She asks.

"Because, funny enough, what we're doing with you now is what we had to do with Arctic once. He's so concerned about harming others that, for a moment, he got convinced he was harming us and so he isolated himself at the risk of starving himself," Pitch says.

"He did?" Silvia asks.

"Yes. I wanted to avoid diving into more personal stuff, but since Pitch already passed that point we may as well go deeper. Silvia, the real reason why Arctic didn't want to date you isn't because he was feeding off you or leading you on for his amusement, but rather because he has major, and I mean major, commitment anxiety," Meadow explains. Silvia is taken aback by this. She falls silent, slowly piecing everything together. Meadow presses forward. "You know, when you left the field Arctic came back devastated. I've never seen him in such shape before. It was as if he was on the edge of a breakdown." Silvia's ears wilt, but continues to stay silent. "Silvia?"

"I'm just... so confused. Part of me never really believed all I said before, but I just couldn't think of any other reasoning," Silvia says.

"I understand. I was the same way when I first found out about his true species. I will say that even after we found out, Arctic still very much acted the same way he did before. Yes, he may not be a pony, but he is still Arctic Thunder," Meadow says. Silvia looks down at her hooves.

"Thanks you two for coming and putting some things in perspective, but I think I still need some time to think about all of this. I mean, I just found out the colt I like isn't even a colt and I'm still just so very confused," Silvia says.

"We understand. Take some time to sort out your feelings. And Silvia, if you ever need somepony to talk to, Pitch and I are always here for you," Meadow says. Pitch nods in agreement. They stand up and head towards the door. Silvia follows and hugs them on the way out.

"Thank you. I just need some time right now," Silvia reiterates.

"May I extend an offer to have dinner with us sometime? It's no good to hold up in your tiny apartment for so long," Pitch inquires.

"I'm not sure. I mean, Arctic lives with you two, right?" Silvia asks.

"He does, but Arctic isn't going to be in Manehatten for several days it appears," Meadow says.

"Oh. I'll think about it, okay?" Silvia asks.

"Of course. Do you have a pen and paper I can write the address down on?" Pitch asks. Silvia nods and retrieves a pen and paper. Pitch writes down the address and the couple say their final goodbyes and leave Silvia to her thoughts.

"Well, I think that went well," Pitch says.

"We definitely made some progress. Ultimately, it will be up to Arctic and Silvia to repair their bond," Meadow says.

With nowhere to be, Pitch and Meadow begin the slow journey home, side by side enjoying each other's presence. When they arrive, Pitch makes good on his promise and gives Meadow a hoof massage much to her delight. During this time, Meadow's supplements to help her heat starts to wear off, causing the two to get a bit more hooves on than usual. They still did not go too far and stopped before things could get truly spicy. Exhausted, the two end up falling asleep together on Meadow's bed, tails entwined, and hooves locked together.

"Are you sure you can't stay just a little longer, darling?" Rarity asks.

I stretch out my neck as I walk back to the train station. I've never felt so relaxed before and I'm severely disappointed that I fell asleep for most of the massage. I'll have to find out if Manehatten has a spa when I return and share my discovery with the rest of the hive.

"I'm sure. The next train leaves in 30 minutes and I really shouldn't miss it," I say.

"Can I interest you in one final treat? A going away gift from Sugarcube Corner perhaps?" She asks.

"Eh, why not. I got 30 minutes to spare. So long as it's quick," I say.

"Of course, darling. In fact, we're already here," she says, pointing at a building that looks like it was baked at a bakery itself.

We trot into the store and already something unusual is going on as all the lights are out. Despite having pony eyes, I still have some semblance of night vision and can see several ponies hiding in the dark. I can also sense the excitement and anticipation in the air. I know this sort of set up when I see one. It's very difficult to surprise a changeling with a party, but I can't fault these ponies for not knowing that. Plus, this is me we're talking about. Suddenly, the lights turn on and everypony in the room shouts.


I rear back on my hind hooves with the best surprise whinny I can muster. I turn to look at Rarity with feign shock.

"What is this all about?" I ask.

"Ooh, ooh! I can answer that!" I turn to the voice to find the pink hyper pony from earlier hopping over to us. I immediately turn off my sensing abilities, not willing to overdose in the overly sweet emotionally laced pony.

"Hi, Pinkie was it?" I ask.

"Yuperooni! So I know I said I'd throw you a party if you stayed past your train departure, but I couldn't resist. I mean, what kind of party pony would I be if I didn't throw a 'Welcome to Ponyville' party for The Arctic Thunder?" She explains rapidly. It takes a moment for my brain to process what she said.

"So wait, you actually recognized me from earlier?" I ask.

"Of course, silly. I'm always on top of the up and coming bands in Equestria because you never know which ones will be great for parties," She says.

"But, you asked for my name as if you didn't know me," I state.

"Well duh! How else am I suppose to get to know you?" She asks. I think something breaks in my brain because I have zero response to this mare. Here I thought I was the master of being purposefully aloof. She takes it to the next level.

"Uh... I'm pretty sure I should get going now. The train leaves in 20 minutes," I say, slowly backing up. Pinkie perks up even more than before. I didn't even know that could be possible.

"Aw, but I put this whole shindig just for you. Look, I have cake..." Pinkie speeds off and immediately returns with a plate of cake which she hoofs me. "...Punch..." She disappears again and returns with an entire punch bowl which she sets on a nearby table. I take a bite of the cake, interested in where this is leading. "...And music." Pinkie sprints off again and this time returns carrying a familiar white unicorn with a spiky, electric blue mane who nods to the beat of the music coming from her headphones. I swallow my cake wrong and start having a coughing fit.


Vinyl finally notices me and eagerly smiles, taking off her headphones and waving enthusiastically in greeting.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

She holds up a hoof, telling me to wait a moment, and snakes back into the crowed of mingling ponies. At this point, I have to come to a decision to stay or go. To be honest with myself, I think I was leaning more towards staying after witnessing this wonderful town and the fact they threw a party for me. Now that I know Vinyl is here, I settle on staying one night in town.. It's been a long while since I've seen her and I don't want to miss an opportunity to figure out what she's been up to. It may be too late to talk to Luna anyways when I reach Canterlot. I notice both Pinkie and Rarity grinning from ear to ear.

"You know, I think I will be staying after all," I say.

"Yipee!" Pinkie shouts, jumping high into the air.

"I wasn't aware you were familiar with Vinyl," Rarity says suggestively.

"Oh yeah, we met up in Manehatten and had a blast putting on a show at a local bar," I say. Rarity gives me a knowing look. "It's not what you're thinking. We're not together."

"Why I simply have no idea what you're talking about, darling. I do not mean to imply anything of the like," Rarity says with a wink.

I don't know what to make of her, so I count my lucky stars when Vinyl returns with another pony in tow. She's an earth pony mare with a light grey coat and a dark grey mane. Her eyes are light purple and she wears a white collar with a pink bow-tie.

"Alright, Vinyl. What is it you want to show me?" the mare asks. Vinyl points my way and I wave at the new pony. She raises a brow at Vinyl, but walks up to me anyways.

"Hello, my name is Octavia," she says with a posh accent. She reaches out a hoof which I decide to casually bump instead of shake. This annoys her slightly, but I'm not too worried. Any friend of Vinyl is bound to be laid back in some way.

"Arctic Thunder," I say. Octavia's eyes widen.

"You're Arctic Thunder?" She asks. She looks back at Vinyl who energetically nods her head.

"That I am! I take it you've heard of me?" I ask.

"Seen about you more like it. Vinyl tells me a lot about you," she says.

"Does she now? How do you know Vinyl, if I may ask?" I inquire. I'm curious and reopen my senses since Pinkie ran off to who knows where. Octavia is very guarded about me and seems to have a love connection of sorts to Vinyl.

"Vinyl is my sister," she says. I look between the two multiple times trying to see the connection. Only one question comes to mind.

"You're half bat pony?" I ask. Octavia is taken aback.

"I take it you've met my father?" She asks.

"Met. Got beaten up trespassing in his inn. Same thing really," I say. Vinyl facehoofs.

"You what!?" Octavia shouts.

"It's all good though. He even sold me his inn in the end," I say. Vinyl adds her other hoof to her face.

"He what!?" Octavia shouts again. She turns head to face Vinyl. "Did you know Father sold his inn?" Vinyl nods her head. "Why didn't you tell me?" Vinyl points to her head and then shrugs. "Of course it didn't" Octavia sighs. She turns her attention back to me. "Listen, you better take good care of tha-" I hold up a hoof to stop her.

"The inn has already been fully renovated and is opening today. It still is even catered more towards thestrals rather than regular ponies," I say. Both Octavia and Vinyl are surprised to hear this news.

"Oh, well, good," Octavia says. Vinyl walks up, places a hoof on Octavia's withers, and uses her as support. She follows up by bouncing her brows up and down a few times. "That remains to be seen," Octavia says to her. Octavia then removes Vinyl's hoof from her back. "So what brings you to Ponyville?"

"I'm on my way to Canterlot and decided to look around while I wait for the next train," I say.

"When is that?" Octavia asks.

"I'm not sure, I just missed the last one so I may have to spend the night here," I say.

"I'm sorry to hear," she says.

"Don't be. I'm happy I did or else I wouldn't have ran into Vinyl again," I say.

"Indeed," she says skeptically.

Vinyl waves to get my attention. She then makes motions as if she were scratching a record and points to where she has her sound system set up. She then motions over to the stage and points at me followed by the stage again. All the while she radiates passion and a growing enthusiasm.

"What she's saying is-" Octavia begins.

"-Aw, what the hell. Let's rock this place," I say.

Octavia is pleasantly surprised at my interruption. Vinyl smiles and sprints over to her DJ set and begins the process of turning everything on. At the sound of the giant speakers coming on, the ponies face the stage in curiosity. I make my way up and address the crowd.

"Hey everypony! My name is Arctic Thunder and if you'd like, my friend Vinyl and I here would like to put on a show for you all," I say.

The ponies whoop and holler in approval, especially Rarity who gets the chance to see a member of the now defunct "Colts of the Backstreets" perform live. I rub my hooves together in anticipation.

"Alright, so-"

"Play Freebird!" Applejack shouts enthusiastically.

Vinyl reaches under her booth and pulls out a guitar. She starts stringing the first few chords of what I assume is the song. I quickly wave her to stop.

"Yeah. I don't actually know that one," I say.

Vinyl shrugs and tosses the guitar behind her. It breaks a window and seemingly startles a cat. Why did she do this? I'll never know. Two ponies, who I assume are the owners, stare daggers at her. She doesn't notice.

"That better not have been my guitar, Vinyl!" Octavia shouts. Vinyl looks to where she tossed the guitar and lifts her shades. Her red eyes shrink slightly and she turns to face Octavia while sporting an apologetic smile. Octavia rubs the bridge of her nose. "That's alright, I'll go get it." Octavia leaves the bakery. Applejack crosses her hooves in disappointment.

"Consarnet! Ain't anypony have good taste in music," she complains.

"Applejack, darling," Rarity says warmly. She smiles and pokes Applejack's chest, then her expression deadpans and she speaks flatly. "Country will never be associated with having good taste." Applejack stares blankly ahead and lowers Rarity's hoof to the ground.

"It ain't even country music, Rarity. You'd know that if you actually listened to anything other than that so called 'popular' music," Applejack says.

"I'll have you know that I have quite the refined appreciation for all genres of music. Except for country," Rarity counters.

"You'd probably never even given country a fair shot," Applejack challenges.

"I have so," Rarity says.

"Have not!"

"Have so!"


A purple unicorn steps between the bickering friends. Next thing I know, there's a flash of magic and all three are gone. I look over to Vinyl. She shrugs and waves the whole ordeal off.

"Fair enough. Now then, any other suggestions?" I ask.

As expected, the majority of the songs shouted out come from my band. I let them keep offering suggestions for a time while I make up my mind which one to play. As this goes on Rarity, Applejack, and the purple pony re-enter the building. Trailing right behind them is another pleasant surprise as I recognize the pegasus Willow Breeze walking in side by side with a dark grey unicorn stallion I assume to be her husband. I offer a smile and a brief wave in her direction which she returns in kind. As I do, I hear a suggestion of a song I haven't heard in ages.

"That one right there!" I shout, pointing at the pony who suggested the song.

Vinyl tilts her head at me, most likely not hearing which song it was. I trot over to her and rummage through her records to see if she even has it. As it turns out, she does. I reach and pull out a very dusty cover of the single. Upon seeing the name, Vinyl sticks out her tongue in mock disgust the same time I blow away the dust right into her face. Vinyl starts coughing up a fit while I pat her on the back. She looks up at me with an annoyed expression and I give an apologetic smile in return. She takes the record and begins playing the song on her turntable. There's another reason why I liked this song suggestion. It's an upbeat dance number and I figure I have a little more fun by pulling Vinyl on stage to dance with me. So that's exactly what I do while the intro to "Livin' La Vida Loca" plays out.

I begin dancing around the stage, moving in time with the beat. I make sure not a moment of stillness passes. My enthusiasm rubs off on the crowd and they soon join in with dances all their own.

By the time I reach the prelude to the chores, Vinyl begins playing along as well. She runs a hoof through her mane, brushing away the loose strands from her eyes. She lifts her head high with a very seductive grin.

As soon as the chores hits, I take her hooves and have her dance with me. I lift her hoof high and have her spin. Partially left, partially right, and all still to the up-tempo beat of the music. When I reach a certain part of the song, I bring her in close, barely leaving inches between our muzzles.

"Her lips are devil-red,
And her coat's the color mocha."

I pull away and leave her to dance in her own way. She's completely immersed in the music by this point. As I sing the next verse, we twist and turn all across the stage in a winded effort to put extract every ounce of passion we have for the small crowd. When I reach the second chores, it's Vinyl who pulls me in and leads the dual dance. At some point, it became less about singing for the group and more about having an absolute ball with the DJ.

Then the song ends.

The small party of ponies cheer and holler. Vinyl and I ended our dance face to face, close enough to feel each other's panting breath. She smiles wildly and I can't help but laugh. What a thrill! In the background, her guitar wielding sister watches us closely, judging what she just witnessed with unreadable eyes.

"One song is enough for me, at the moment. Care to 'drop the beat' as they say?" I ask.

She cringes and pushes me away, causing me to laugh even harder. She returns to her set and replaces the old record with a shinier one. A determined smile spreads across her muzzle as she stretches and cracks her hooves.

A soft, electric tune sounds from the over-sized speakers. It's slow at first, but quickly begins to increase in tempo and volume. Then, once it reaches its peak intensity, the bass drops, rocking the establishment with massive sound waves and deafening everpony. And they love it! Well, almost all of them. The owners look on with concern while Applejack and Rarity appear to come to an agreement about a genre of music neither of them enjoy. To each their own I suppose. As I watch a master at work, an unfamiliar stallion wearing a cloak sits next to me.

"You always were the best at getting the crowd into it. Now that I'm a part of the audience I can see why," he says. I have to do a double take. I recognize that voice.

"Kelvin?" I ask. The stallion smiles at me.

"How's it going, lovebug?" He replies.

"Sweet sugar sticks! Kelvin!"

I wrap my hooves around his neck much to his disdain. I don't care. You can't become friends with me and not expect me to hug you. I let go and look him over. Gone are his bright red mane and fiery yellow coat. Instead he now has a cool blue mane and dark green coat. Outside that, his profile perfectly matches up to the Kelvin I know.

How did he-

"It's an enchanted cloak. It helps me get around unnoticed to avoid things like this," he says. Apparently, he's a mind reader as well. "Looks as if you could have used one today."

"Eh, I don't mind. I find it rewarding to entertain the masses," I say.

Very filling as well.

"I did too, but I've had enough recognition on the streets for a lifetime. Just never really been my thing, being in the spotlight," he says.

"Trust me, we know. What brings you here?" I ask.

"Getting a day of rest in before I make the final leg to Cloudsdale to enlist," he says.

"Cloudsdale," I chuckle. "Imagine if it really was made of cloud."

"Um, it is," Kelvin says very seriously.

"It is? What kind of city is made of clouds?" I ask.

"A pegasus city. You know, the free floating cities high in the sky. Did they not have those where you're from?" He asks.

I've stopped listening. An old memory resurfaces and floods my mind. The smell of burning wood, the crackling of a fire, the warmth of the flames, the soft glow defying the surrounding night. My Dad and I are listening to a group of travelers. They share stories of magnificent cities located in the skies, only accessed by wing of pegasi. I lean in closer, eager to hear more. My Dad warns me these are mere tales, but it's not true. It can't be true. They have to exist out there somewhere. The Far North is constantly enshrouded with clouds. Perhaps there's one there? I'll have to grow and get stronger first, but I'll make it one day.

One day, I will walk with ponies among the clouds.

"I was right," I say silently.

"Pardon?" Kelvin asks. I turn to face him and grab him enthusiastically.

"I was right," I say louder than before.

"Right about what?" He asks.

"About the pony cities in the sky. They do exist. I was right!"

"Yes, they exist. They always have since the very beginning. Can you stop shaking me, please?"

I let go of Kelvin. Years of conditioning and training. Having it all taken away from me by a wild lightning strike. The rebuilding of my life to chase another impossible dream. Able to fulfill that dream and in doing so, come close to fulfilling the original. Suddenly, all my hardship and trials, both past and present, it all finally feels worthwhile.

I was right.

"Hello? Equestria to Arctic. Is there anypony in there?" Kelvin asks. I snap back to reality to find Kelvin waving his hoof in front of my face. I focus on him, and then his cloak. I grin mischievously. Kelvin, familiar with the look in my eyes, begins a hasty retreat.

Too late.

I hook a hoof underneath the cloak. The combined effort of his backing up and mine pulling off causes the cloak to slip off easily. The illusion charm immediately dispels, causing Kelvin's fiery colors to return. I then pull the cloak over myself, disguising myself as the green pegasus while leaving Kelvin completely exposed.

The music cuts out as every eye turns to him. Realizing he's been found out, Kelvin stares menacingly at me. I ignore him while I admire the work put into this cloak. The illusion spell is done fairly well, but it's no changeling illusion magic. With the silence stretching on, Kelvin sheepishly waves at the onlookers.

"Uh... hi everypony," he says. I start a mental countdown.

3... 2... 1...

Right on que, several fanmares surround the poor stallion, swooning over the muscular pegasus and asking for autograph after autograph. Kelvin just stands there frozen, unable to figure out what to do. I roll my eyes and rescue the helpless stallion by cutting through the crowd and dragging him onstage. Along the way, he retrieves his cloak off me and drapes it across his back.

"You just couldn't help yourself, could you?" He asks.

"Nope. You knew the risks when you revealed yourself to me," I say.

"Yeah, well, I couldn't simply run into you and not say hi," he says.

"Aw, I missed you too," I say, leaning my body into his. He takes a step to the side which causes me to fall to the ground.

"You had that coming," he says, offering me a helping hoof. I accept and he assists me on getting back on my hooves.

"So what do you say? Care for one last final hoorah?" I ask. Kelvin stares into the sea of mares who eagerly await his answer.

"Aw, what the hay? You already revealed me, may as well make something out of it. Besides, somepony needs to balance out your horrible dancing," he says.

"Hey, I'll have you know that I can do a mean jitterbug," I say.

"What's a jitterbug?" He asks.

"I'll show you," I say as I point at Vinyl. "Spin that record Vinyl Scratch and never stop the music!"

Vinyl gives me a salute and inserts a new, yet familiar record. Upon hearing the first few notes, Kelvin begins shaking his head while laughing. I join him while we take our places. Though down three members, the "Colts of the Backstreet" return for one last night.

And it was glorious!

Kite observes the map one last time. Three pairs of eyes watch on, the changelings awaiting final orders. Kite looks up and examines each guardian in turn. Sure Claw, Lance, and Hunter are determined in their resolve. Each of them prepared to take action against the parasites who hide in the shadows of the pony community.

"Remember, scouting mission only. If you find a parasite, do not engage. As far as we know, they're still unaware of us. I plan to keep it that way. From Sketch's reports, the training facility is located just outside the western end of the city. That is where we will patrol. Hunter, you're with me. Claw, you're with Lance. Report back here at 21:00 for debriefing. Move out," Kite orders.

One by one, the guardians file out of the room. Unseen from above, another changeling emerges from the dark corner of the ceiling. He grins mischievous as a rather splendid idea forms in his mind. Boomerang drops from the ceiling and buzzes his way over to the map. He examines the area Kite pointed out, shifts into his dark orange pony form, and heads out. Why should the guardians have all the fun?

The train pulls into the station and comes to a screeching stop. I wait patiently as the passengers disembark and the crew prepares for the next leg in the journey. Joining me at the station this morning are Kelvin, once again dawning his enchanted cloak, Vinyl, and Octavia. Pinkie Pie gave me a farewell this morning, but was unable to stay at the station. The others I met wished me luck last night after the party. I turn to Vinyl.

"So, are you going to be returning to Manehatten soon?" I ask. She nods her head. "When you do, come find me at the inn. We have an entire city to rock in." We reach out our hooves and lock fetlocks, sealing our agreement to take Manehatten by storm.

Next in line is Octavia. Her outside expression is pleasant, but I can sense her being very guarded about me. Also there is her vast love for her sister. I think I can put two and two together here.

"It's been great meeting you," I say.

"Likewise," she responds. I look over to Vinyl and lower my voice.

"I know you don't care for me," I whisper. Octavia's ear twitches.

"It's not that I don't like you, it's that you like my sister. Look, I'm sure you're a good guy, but Vinyl has had many coltfriends in the past and a lot of them acted just as nicely as you and they ended terribly for her. So you'll have to forgive me if I decide to be skeptical about you," she explains.

"I have zero intention on breaking Vinyl's heart," I say.

"We'll see if you're even deserving to be in a situation which allows you to," she replies. With that, she returns to her sister side, leaving me to process over what she said.

Last is Kelvin. I walk up to the disguised star, look at him blankly, and then move on. Kelvin neighs softly and sticks out a hoof in front of my chest to stop me. He then unhooks his cloak and allows his natural colors to shine through. I chuckle and place a hoof around the back of his neck.

"There you are, Kelvin. I've been wondering if you'd ever show up," I say.

"You know me. I always like to make a grand entrance," he says rolling his eyes.

"Hmm, I could have sworn that was Limelight's thing," I say.

"It is. In all seriousness, you take care of yourself, Arctic," he says.

"I should be saying that to you. You're really going to go through with this, aren't you?" I ask. He nods his head.

"I am. Blaze has even been helping me prepare for this for a while now. She actually got upset when I joined our band, thinking I was forgoing joining. Now it's time to see if all that effort I put in pays off," he says.

"I'm sure it will. Now go raise some hell!" I demand. Kelvin chuckles and gives me a salute.

"Aye, aye, sir!" He shouts.

I salute him in return and we both drop it at the same time. I then tilt my head slightly with large eyes. He groans and shakes his head, looking away to not see my eyes. I give a soft whimper. Kelvin lets out a long sigh. He sits down and extends both of his hooves out. I smile and give him one final brotherly hug just as the last call to board the train sounds. I let him go and move to board the train. Before I can, I'm stopped by a narrowed eyed Vinyl. She quickly glances at Kelvin and then at me with a huff.

"I didn't take you for the hugging type," I say. She glares harder. "Alright, Ms. Envy. Come get your hug."

Vinyl smiles, perches up on two hooves, and wraps her forehooves around me in a purposefully bone crushing hug. Ever the little mischievous one, she is. As I'm gasping for breath, an idea flashes across my mind.

Two can play this game, Vinyl.

My plan is a simple one. It's a trick I learned from Wave of all changelings when I pulled a similar move on her back in the homelands. I give Vinyl a peck on the cheek. It has the desired effect as she drops me with wide eyes and moves a hoof up to the spot I kissed. I smile smugly and board the train.

"See you in Manehatten, Vinyl," I say. Vinyl is stunned, Kelvin is amused, and Octavia... I have a feeling our relationship is going to be a very interesting, if not a strained one if the looks she's giving me is any indication. As well as the distrust she's giving off. The train departs as I move to my seat. Once I reach it, I poke out of the window and wave a final goodbye to my friends and friend's sister. I'm positive Octavia and I will get along one day. In the meantime, no reason to act anything but friendly to her.

Next stop, Canterlot.

The train ride to the capital was smooth, short, and uneventful. Until the train approached the city, that is. The lead up to the city was done through a mountain pass. My first sight of the city came when we exited the tunnel. My eyes are immediately drawn to the most dominate building in the Canterlot skyline. The magnificent marble structure known as Canterlot Castle. It's beautifully carved, purple and gold spires are beyond anything I can put to words. The majesty presented by the castle is truly one must witness themselves in order to comprehend.

The train travels on rails posted above a small lake where two waterfalls drop into. It isn't long before the rails are once again on solid ground on a grassy, open area. Ponies hanging around the lake wave at the passing train and I can't help but to wave back. The train pulls into the station five minutes later.

I exit the train and trot into the main lobby. Here, I stop to admire an enormous mosaic depiction of a tall, white pony with a lit horn of golden magic and massive, spread wings to a backdrop of a rising sun. the lighting shining on the display, as well as the colors of the art piece itself, gives me a sense of comforting warmth. It takes me several minutes until I can finally peel myself away from the mosaic and continue into the city.

Manehatten is a city built to emphasize efficiency in space. As such, although the skyscrapers are a sight to behold, it's not all that a pretty city once you get use to it's size. Canterlot, despite being built on limited space on the side of a mountain, has no skyscrapers. Nor is the city planned out in a grid pattern. Rather, I instantly take note when I exit the station how the street curves in a circle with another street ahead of me leading to the center. Curious, I follow this street.

I've been to a couple of cities during my time in Equestria, and never have I've seen architecture quite like this. Every home and business is designed to stand out in it's own unique way. No two styles are the same. The closer to the center I get, the less homes appear and the more recreational establishments exist. I reach the center and stop dead in my tracks.

The center of the ring is one large plaza. Several fountains, benches, streetlights and a circular row of well maintained hedges near the center are found throughout the grand plaza. There are gaps in the hedges to allow entry into the very center and I move to examine it. I find two key takeaways upon observing the very center. The first are small poles dug into the ground which look as though they are part of a system to support a movable stage. The other is the depiction of a yellow sun and dark blue moon done on the ground with brickwork.

Continuing out of the very center, I come across another street leading out of the plaza with a straight path to the castle. I begin my walk to the castle while taking time to observe the ponies of this city. As I trot through the capital, I notice the majority of ponies are unicorns and that they appear to love clothing. Particularly, they like elegant gowns and flashy tuxedos. Now that I think about it, these styles seems to really be applicable mainly in this part of the city as I recall seeing other ponies wearing more casual clothing near the train station. Compared to the ponies in Manehatten, these ponies are less in a hurry and, in fact, determined to take all the time on leisurely strolls. From the small whiffs of emotion I am able to detect in the air, they also are less impatient, but plenty more prideful. I can taste a bit of some sort of superiority complex as well. To sum up, simply not worth the time to speak with them. As these ponies grow more numerous the closer I get to the castle, I begin to worry if they reflect their leader.

Before long, I'm standing outside the castle's gates. Observing the wall, I make a note how it appears to be made to be more aesthetically pleasing than actually defensive in nature. Perhaps their princess is confident that the castle would never be placed under siege since it is built on the side of the mountain. The gates are also always open wide, making me think the entire purpose of the wall and gate is to just act as a sort of checkpoint system to keep track as to who is coming and going. Posted next to the gate are two guards. One guard is a white stallion unicorn wearing a thoroughly polished set of golden armor. The other is a dark blue mare pegasus who dawns a set of purple armor with an image of a crescent moon on the chest. I find this interesting. I've heard of the Lunar Guard during my stay in Equestria, but from what I heard, I figured they were entirely made up of thestrals.

"Can I help you, sir?" The mare asks. It's at this point I realize I've been staring at her for the past several seconds. Luckily, I have a perfect cover as I do have a question to ask.

"Yes, I need to speak with Luna," I say. The mare narrows her eyes at me.

"And why is it you need to speak with Princess Luna?" She asks.

"She told me to seek her out," I say.

"When and Where exactly did she tell you this?" She asks.

"A couple nights ago in my dream," I respond reasonably. I hear a snicker and look to the stallion guard who stares blankly ahead. I know it was him who laughed, however, as I can sense his amusement. "Okay, so that may sound a little out there, but it's completely true. You can even ask her yourself." The stallion continues to radiate amusement, but the mare is intrigued.

"Sir, look me dead in the eye and tell me where you saw Princess Luna again," she demands. The stallion turns to look at her like she just lost her head.

"I met Luna in my dreams and she told me to seek her out," I say, staring intently into the mares eyes.

"And you absolutely believe that it was Princess Luna?" She asks.

"100%," I say. She studies me for many moments. Suddenly, she leaves her post and walks into a small nearby building I assume is a sort of guards outpost. She returns carrying a plastic card on a lanyard.

"Normally, anyone seeking an audience with the Princesses would have to go through a series of audience hearings to see if their problems can be solved at a lower level. Since I do believe you when you say Princess Luna personally asked you to come, this pass will allow you to bypass the bureaucracy and bump you up to receive an audience with Princess Celestia during the day court. Simply ask for Princess Luna when called," She explains. She places the lanyard around my neck. I tilt my head at her.

"Really? you believe me just like that?" I ask.

"I do. It's my part of my special talent to detect deceptions and I've never been wrong before," She says with a smile. She then leans in closer and whispers in my ear. "Plus, I've had troubles with nightmares in the past as well and I'm aware of Princess Luna's abilities. It's why I became a Lunar Guard."

"Thank you," I say. She nods and returns to her post.

"Head over to the main part of the castle, walk in, and hang to the right. The throne room doors are just a simple walk down the hall of stained glass windows," she says. I nod in understanding and walk through the gate.

I follow the guards instructions and make my way over to the biggest building on the castle's grounds. Along the way, I take in the peaceful, quiet atmosphere. Multiple varieties of flowers are planted on either side of the pathway. To my left, I spy a hedge maze as well as an entrance to a garden where I can make out several statues. Arriving at the front entrance, I'm able to get a closer look at the magnificent masonry which makes up the castle's foundation. Never before have I seen a structure built with such scrutiny.

Walking inside, I'm greeted with the sight of numerous banners and tapestries crafted with only the finest materials available. No two designs were the same, yet each one featured a theme centered around the sun. I keep to the right and walk through an archway. I find myself in a long corridor decorated with a multitude of stained glass windows. Each one appears to depict a different story in time. I also notice that spaced between each window are hanging vases containing lavender.

I trot down the hallway admiring every story in every window. About halfway down I stop dead in my tracks. The window before me contains a sight all too familiar. The black coat, menacing green, cat-like eyes, sharp jagged teeth, and the starry mane. The source of my torment for the past few months. Nightmare Moon. Cackling laughter reverberates off the walls causing my ears to twitch. Surprisingly, the Nightmare doesn't show herself. I then take note that the dark alicorn depicted in the window is being blasted by magic coming from six ponies. I instantly recognize four of them as the mares I met in Ponyville. The significance of this discovery... It's interesting I suppose. I'm not quite understanding what's going on here, but if they had anything to do with the real Nightmare Moon's downfall then all my respect to them.

I move on and finish my trek down the hallway. Soon enough, I end up standing just outside a set of tall purple doors. The door frame is made of gold and extends into an elegantly crafted archway. In the center of the archway is a silhouette of a welcoming white alicorn. The door is flanked by a pair of dark grey Solar Guards.

I'm not the only one to be waiting as three other ponies are ahead of me. One carries several charts detailing information far beyond my comprehension. The other two keep sending each other heated glares and I get the feeling they're here to settle a dispute between them.

I wait patiently for my turn, eventually moving to a window in order to view the city. A few more ponies show up behind me during my wait which takes a couple of hours. Finally, the guards signal me over.

I walk back to the throne room doors. The guards knock twice and then open the doors. I confidently walk through the entryway and into the warm light emitting from the room. And there, sitting on her throne on top a raised pedestal is the white alicorn herself.

Princess Celestia.

She watches me approach with a motherly smile. Her emotions are unguarded and constantly barrage me with the love and affection she holds for her ponies. The raw power behind these feelings are so great that I begin to worry about overfeeding and completely cut off my sensing abilities. I stand just below her throne and compromise our separate cultures by dipping my head low in place of a full bow. She gestures to me to rise and addresses me.

"Greetings, my little pony."

Author's Note:

Just for you AJ.

But, if I stayed here with you, girl
Things just couldn't be the same
Cause I'm as free as a bird now
And this bird you can not change

The character Willow Breeze belongs to Lightstruck. Be sure to check out their story "From Under the Love Seat". And a big shout out and thank you to Lightstruck for allowing me to insert their character. Note: this does not mean our universes are tied together.

Speaking of Lightstruck. They went out of their way to do something pretty cool for me. They made the image you see pictured below. I'm going to be using it as my cover art until I can get a commission in for a new one. A huge, huge shout out and thank you to Lightstruck for making me this. Not bad for someone who claims to not be able to draw stick figures, eh?

I got a quick question/survey for you all over on my blog. Basically, I'm asking which characters do you like best so far. https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/890485/im-curious#comment/5209076

A struggle I had in my early attempts at writing was keeping pre-established characters in character. I wanted to give another shot at it as well as see how Arctic may react to our girls, hence the detour to Ponyville. What do you all think? I know it wasn't much of a sample size, but am I at least in the same ballpark?

Oh, while writing this chapter I found something... interesting to say the least. A trailer for the MLP movie dubbed in Hebrew. https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/887544/what-in-the-world

Anytime I write dialogue for Sure Claw I imagine him having a similar voice to Zaeed Massani. This also causes me to chuckle anytime I write something for him despite the fact that his scenes are not suppose to be light-hearted.