• Member Since 1st Nov, 2016
  • offline last seen 33 minutes ago


"Cathredral bells struck by lightning, and in the clamour, hear their name." — Aragon


Pinkie Pie. The ultimate party pony. Loved by all, and loves in return.

But sometimes...sometimes, in the dead of night, after all the decorations are taken down, she feels a darkness welling up inside her. A darkness that threatens to overwhelm her in the form of a voice that whispers unspeakable things.

Pathetic. Loser. Let me out.

Let me hurt them

Let me hurt you

Written for a beautiful friend who is having a rough time.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 16 )

Bless you for writing this.

Damnit... She's fighting me again... How about you don't give her any comfort! I'm out, and I'm STAYING out...

You can't win, Pinkamena. We love Pinkie and we'll never give up on her. NEVER.

You are beyond welcome. I hope it helped.

Given how many people read to escape their own problems, and to seek solace and maybe even advice, this story indeed has a wonderful purpose. I also appreciate the solid grammar and spelling, as well as the fine formatting. Sadly that's something more and more stories here lack--or so I feel, anyway. The only thing that bugged me while reading this was Twilight not using her magic to snatch the knife away immediately, but that's just a minor nitpick. Thank you for this read!

And thank you for reading!

That's a valid criticism, and all I can say is I didn't think of that. So in a way, that can be reflected in the character: she didn't think of doing that, all she wanted was to immobilize her friend who was trying to harm herself.


Yes, that sounds like a plausible reason. After all, people tend to behave (slightly) irrationally in stressful situations, which this one definitely was.

This was a nice read; very thought provoking. Some parts were a bit rushed and could use some more description/editing.. but the overall story had a lovely message. :twilightsmile:

That whisper that told her she was worthless, that she was better off dead.

Pinkie, are you OK? That doesn't sound correct...

Could someone, please, unsharpen all knives :raritydespair:? They invoke nasty thoughts... Which... don't go well with MLP.

Pinkie was in a bad place...but with the help of her friends, she's recovering.

Comment posted by Skyshy deleted January 27th

Pinkie's hoof had trembled and she licked her lips as she stared at the other mare's throat. She could see a vein pulsing under her skin. For a moment, the compulsion was almost unbearable. She wavered. It would be so easy...

hey just a heads up if you're trying to portray Pinkie Pie with into some thoughts this paragraph needs to go, as someone with intrusive thoughts I would never even spirit second to consider mine trees of thoughts like this, and if it's not intrusive thoughts and she's generally dealing with compulsions to harm people I feel like you need to be more clear because right now you're portraying it like injuries of thoughts

Okay: I'm not trying to be harsh, but your lack of spelling makes your post hard to understand. IF I'm understanding you, you're saying this isn't how YOU would react, as you experience intrusive thoughts. To that, I can only say everyone is different, and we all have our own ways of dealing with dark emotions.

Long story short, I have no intention of changing my story to suit the desires of ONE reader, and it's ridiculous to suggest such.

"I just want to clarify that intrusive thoughts are not something that you can act upon. They are thoughts that you desperately do not want to happen and would never consider acting on. The popular understanding of intrusive thoughts is fundamentally wrong and can be dangerous to people who actually experience them. I suggest looking into the topic more to gain a better understanding of it. The misunderstanding is so prevalent that people with OCD and intrusive thoughts are often misunderstood and stigmatized. So, it's important to have a better understanding of this issue." this is what I was trying to say it's your story and you could do whatever you want but I feel it's important to for you to understand the issues that you're writing about to and the way you portray into some thoughts shows a fundamental misunderstanding of them and I just wanted because that up because like I said misunderstandings of intrusive thoughts are harmful, it's not necessarily your fault because this is the popular understanding but the popular understanding but it being the popular understanding doesn't make it any less dangerous

Okay, several things here. One, you're missing a BIG point: I didn't write this story for YOU, or any other person. It's right there in the long description— I wrote it for a friend who was going through some issues at the time. She was deeply depressed and having issues that were concerning me, so I wrote this in order to help her through them.

Two, I reject the notion that a misunderstanding of the subject is "dangerous" as I'm not a doctor and I'm willing to bet you aren't either. If I were prescribing treatment or deciding communication standards at a company this might be a concern, but I'm not doing any of those things here, it's a short story! I'm a writer, and while I do believe in research and being as accurate as I need to be when writing, at the end of the day my purpose is to entertain, not to teach or set precedent.

I welcome all comments, both positive and negative. But I will not be swayed by talk of my work being "dangerous" to certain individuals, as those in question are under no obligation to read my stories. I find such a notion to be absolutely ridiculous, and as someone who is also under psychiatric care for PTSD, BiPolar Depression, and OCD, I am fully aware that I am able to pick and choose what I read, with whom I interact, and how they affect me. I see, hear, and read things on a daily basis that anger me, but I don't consider myself in any "danger," as I know I am the one who is in control. I could lash out and do others harm, or to myself, but I choose not to.

I served eight years in the Marine Corps, went through two conflicts, and saw and did things I won't discuss here. And even though I'd serve again if I needed to, I'm not the same man I was as a result.

EVERY. DAY. I have to stop myself from screaming at someone, or putting my hands on someone that did something stupid in front of me, so I rarely go out, and when I do, I keep to myself as much as possible. And EVERY. DAY. I have thoughts of violence that I keep under control through medicine and therapy.

So I know what intrusive thoughts are. I experience them Every. Single. Day. So I don't need you or anyone else to tell me, "Oh, you're expressing them wrong. It's harmful to others if you don't do it right!"

If you find my tone somewhat brusque it's because I'm not in the habit of being lectured by a total stranger who tells me part of my story "needs to go," because they find it objectionable.

This story isn't changing one bit. It helped my friend, and that's all I care about.

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