• Member Since 14th Apr, 2015
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A lovable goofball who delights in spreading positive vibes and writing stories. =3 (AKA Orangie1984 of Derpibooru!)



This story is a sequel to Before the Friendship Games: Dean Cadance

Principal Abacus Cinch is the Headmistress of Crystal Prep Academy, and there's nothing she won't do to ensure victory for her school. Even if some would call her methods... amoral.

Eighth and final book of Crystal Prep Chronicles: Before the Friendship Games.

Part of "Not Just Any Old Continuity", which includes
Not Just Any Old Trilogy
The Anon-A-Miss Saga
TimberTwi Tales

Check out all of my stories here!

Chapters (21)
Comments ( 55 )

I know this si the final one as you wrote on the summary. But is it, will there be one dealing with the aftermath of the games?
Because every single one ends at the end of the games, all i know is Cadence does become the new Principal, as mentioned in one of the EG shorts, but none is mention of Cinch's fate or what happened.

i want to see one where each chapter deals with how the characters deal with the aftermath, how they feel and any regrets, like i said in comments on the other one.
How do they deal with driving Twilight to becoming a Demon that nearly destroyed the world and such.

This is the last book of the first part of the Crystal Prep Chronicles. The next part is going to be called Altered Perspectives, and the first book will take place right after the Friendship Games (the event, not the movie itself.)

Huh... that was my first guess when Papa Cinch was described, but then you mentioned Radiant Hope was married and I thought maybe this continuity had a good Sombra.

That was but a red herring, my friend. :raritywink:

YES! Finally wanted to see what happens afterwards and what they go thru.

Quite a start! After reading your last seven tales in this series, I'm especially intrigued to see things from Cinch's angle.

Glad to know you're enjoying them. :twilightsmile:

I almost felt bad for Cinch last chapter(or was it the chapter before last...)... glad I didn't now.

Wait. I thought Cinch was the one that announced that Amore 'retired'?

Ah, nice catch. You'd think I'd have a better handle on my own continuity...

Actually, I reread the last story a bit. Cinch announced Amore's retirement in the school paper. Heartless and tactless at the same time.

Yep, Cinch has some issues....

If Cinch only knew how much she had to worry about with Cadance.

I've been swinging between feeling sorry for Cinch, and the exact opposite of feeling sorry for her pretty much every chapter.
That said, it's not like she doesn't deserve this mental anguish.

Is she possibly receiving some type of premonition about what's to come? I seriously doubt it's some type of guilt.

As much as I hate Cinch in the story arcs. This wow, is pretty bad for her. I almost feel sorry for her, but the answer is so clear. She feeling guilt over her sin, she not like her father a monster who was a heartless monster.

To bad it may be too late now.

You'd think that someone as obsessed with academic perfection as Cinch would implement testing more standardized than "as long as I feel like".:trixieshiftright:

First time I heard of someone wanting a nightmare.

And her guilt keeps growing.

Is she reliving the night her mama died?

Will you be making a series of stories that take place after the Friendship Games, similar to this one?

This isn't the last Crystal Prep story, and that's all I'm going to tell you. :raritywink:

Well, this helps explain why Cinch chose to 'convince' Twilight to participate.

I feel a "you truly are your father's child." is coming Cinch's way, probably from Cadence, most likly at the climax of the games, and it'll break her.

Well then!

After the previous stories built up just what levels Cinch had sunk to, I wondered what it would be like to get a full-length story from her perspective, and if she somehow might not be quite as pure evil as she‘s made out to be.... Well, she certainly is evil, yet still the tiniest bit sympathetic, and it seems she’s in for even rougher times. Good work.

I know, right? Sorry it took so long. :twilightsheepish:

So, now Cinch finally finds out the meaning of her nightmares. Now what?

I wouldn't wish dementia on anyone. Yet, I still see the irony of it.

I would like to think of this as the 'before' chapter. When Cinch still thought her legacy would continue to prosper.

People call her methods ‘amoral’, I say ‘down right wrong’.

Abacus shuddered. After all these years, she still felt nervous every time she visited. Parking her car, she disembarked. The sun was rising as daylight peeked out, and birds were chirping off in the distance. There was a slight chill in the air, and the Principal wasn't sure whether or not it was just her imagination. She steeled herself, then began walking as took note of all the names and dates on the tombstones she passed.

walking as she took note*

Abacus never knew her mother, and from the stories her father told her she was glad. A kind an passionate woman, yet so desperate for love that she didn't realize she was in a one-sided relationship until it was too late. Her foolish "mother" was warned not to leave, but she didn't listen.

and passionate woman,*

As Abacus passed the graves, she began to wonder what sort of deaths they experienced. Was it peaceful? Was it painful? Was it sudden, or was it drawn out? How would she die? The Principal shook her head. Her death was the absolute last thing she wanted on her mind. it was bad enough she had everyone else's .

It was bad enough*

Here lies Sombra


"The Friendship Games are upon us, and I have no doubt that we will be victorious. Crystal Prep always wins, after all." The Headmistress smiled confidently. "Even if Canterlot High has been improving, it will not be enough. Crystal Prep will simply put them back in their place." She nodded, folding her arms.

Well your gonna be in for one hell of a surprise this time Cinch. :ajsmug:

The visitor's room was lined with the same wallpaper in the halls, covered by movie posters of a bygone era. A simpler time, when one wouldn't go through life being coddled from day to day. Windows were open, allowing sunlight the shine through as a television played an old movie.

sunlight to shrine through*

The Headmistress leaned into her father and whispered. " What work?! Killing people and making the general public fear us?" She got back into her chair. "My personal interests are at Crystal Prep Academy, father, and that's where they'll stay!"

Please don't tell me she's being serious on the killing people part is she? :pinkiesad2:

Principal Thorax. An unworthy successor to Chrysalis. Where the latter was commanding and authoritative, the former was weak and inexperienced.

Interesting how it's handled here in the human realm. :rainbowhuh:

Finally, there was Principal Celestia. The sheer ignorance of the woman, thinking that just because things have been improving at Canterlot High they might have a sliver of a chance of winning. The very idea!

Your gonna regret saying that later Cinch. :ajsmug:

The door closed, and the Headmistress scoffed. Love with one's family was understandable, but she couldn't fathom romantic love. It was just another distraction in life that prevented one from accomplishing truly great things. It was all well and good for many people, but not her. Speaking of distractions, she should get back to work.

Now there's something that would definitely piss someone off who's looking for love! :twilightangry2:

Abacus yawned and stretched, then changed into her nightgown. Another hard day's work had been completed, and she felt good about herself. She drifted off to sleep, feeling confident that whatever the next day would bring, she would meet it head on. There was no doubt in her mind that she would stand triumphant in the end.

Not always Cinch, no one is perfect at everything. :duck:

Abacus fell silent for a moment as her smile disappeared. "It is... not something I would care to repeat."

She's gonna pay for what she did! :flutterrage:

Abacus sighed. "Quite frankly, I would rather not be known as a murderer. I would prefer to be known as the Headmistress of Crystal Prep Academy, and nothing less.

You will be known as one in the future Cinch, whether you like it or not! :twilightangry2:

"Oh my god, you're both bleeding," Exclaim Radiant Hope.


Once inside her office, the Headmistress took a moment to gaze upon her accomplishments. It always helped to calm her down. Reflecting upon all her years of tenure put a smile on her face. If Abacus had any say in the matter, then she'd be Headmistress for many more, and she didn't see anything that could stop her!


Since that time, the new Dean had more than proven herself. Why, she had been almost as efficient as Cinch herself! And yet, from that day... the Headmistress didn't like the possibility of her becoming a successor.

Which she will. :ajsmug:

Abacus let out a gasp as a revelation occurred to her. Was this why her father had been so dead set on her finding an heir? It would make sense, since it would work as an assurance that their work would live on... but even if the Headmistress did have or adopt a child, could she find it in herself to ask said child to commit murder on her behalf?


Sombra laughed. "Simple, my child. To prove that no matter how long a gap in time between games, Crystal Prep will always win."

Which is a ridiculous thing to say considering a streak like that would be impossible to accomplish, let alone its purpose. :ajbemused:

Co-founding the Friendship Games was just another thing Abacus' father did that she was grateful for. Crystal Prep never had and never will lose. Not if the Headmistress had anything to say about it! She sighed heavily. "In conclusion... I will consider finding an heir... after the Friendship Games," she said. "Now if you will excuse me, I must be going. Good day."

She's gonna regret saying that later for sure. :ajsmug:

Nothing had changed. There was still static around Abacus as she cowered in place. Was... was this Hell? Had Death itself finally caught up to her and sent to her to this wretched place? The Headmistress wasn't going to delude herself. She knew she had done terrible, terrible things. She had manipulated others, engaged in underhanded schemes with her father, and even took a life. Hell was...

and sent her to this wretched place?*

The cycle repeated itself again and again as Abacus began to shed tears of despair. This wasn't Hell, but a facsimile. A personal hell.

Which you deserve to suffer in. :duck:

Suddenly, everything came back to her. The her awakening from her first nightmare. Neighsay's call. Death. Death all around her.

Her awakening*

The walls were a cobalt blue, decorated with various awards Sombra had earned through his career, and bookcases lined the walls. Walls the seemed to close in on Abacus as she shook with terror. Something positively dreadful had happened, and she was taking great pains to keep herself from screaming.

Walls that seem to close in*

Sombra closed his eyes. He didn't like seeing his daughter suffer so. With a nod of his head, he made a decision. He opened his eyes and looked Abacus straight in hers. "What I am about to do here is not to be discussed with anyone ," he said in the gravest of tones. "Are we crystal clear on this?"

his daughter suffer.*

Within moments, the room fell silent, save for the barely audible sounds of writing. The Headmistress sighed with a smile. This was what she needed to relax. Peace, quiet, and students putting their brains to good use: furthering her reputation.

That last one doesn't count as relaxing if you ask me. :ajbemused:

"What? I consider it a motivational phrase!" Lemon laughed sheepishly.

Of course. :facehoof:

She wanted so desperately to solve this mystery so she wouldn't have this dream any more, but she had nothing to go on!


As Abacus got dressed, she shuddered at the thought of going to the graveyard.

She could always not do it for once if you ask me. Won't be hurting anyone. :duck:

That tore it. The Headmistress got rose from her desk, then headed to the teacher's lounge to get some coffee. A breath of fresh air it was, then. She walked the halls, making note of the hostile expressions of each student she passed by. Abacus smiled. Those expressions. Anger, frustration, contempt... all negative feelings that could secure victory when properly channeled.

rose from her desk*
Saying 'got rose from her desk' makes no sense/doesn't match the sentence imo. :applejackconfused:

It was all thanks to the mentality that the Headmistress had spent years instilling into the student body. The mentality that the one thing that mattered was being the best. Love and friendship could only get one so far in life, after all. To her, those were nothing more than distractions. Why, those very same "friends" or "lovers" could even be plotting one's downfall! Waiting for the right moment to strike when one's guard was down!

There's something to piss off Princess Twilight. :twilightangry2:

By the time the work day was over, Abacus had heard the same three things more times than she cared to count. As she got out of her car upon reaching home


...or worse?

Only one way to find out. :applejackunsure:

However, this wasn't discomfort. It was pure terror. For a moment, Abacus began to question if all of the trouble she had experienced and went to to uncover this mystery was worth it.

and went to uncover this*



Abacus arrived at Crystal Prep after avoiding the graveyard again. She had no doubt that keeping herself away from her father's resting place wouldn't get any easier.

It's hard but sometimes we have to do these things whether we like it or not. :applejackunsure:

"Oh, really," asked Sour Sweet. "Well, the more the merrier," she said cheerfully. " I just hope she doesn't ruin everything! "

You'll find out come Friday Sour. :fluttershysad:

Abacus raised an eyebrow. "Are you testing my will again , father," she asked as she and Sombra walked of the office.

walked out of the office."*

The parlor contained off-white walls with grey carpet. Portraits of Sombra and Abacus the wall facing them, while bookcases stood to the left and right of them. A folding table rested in a corner of the room, and several chairs sat in various places. In the center of the room was a woman bound to a chair with two of Sombra's henchmen keeping a close eye on her.

on the wall facing them,*

"'The one who loves' me? 'The one who loves ' me," Beacon shouted incredulously. "The one who loves me would have left me well enough alone. The one who loves me would have wanted me to be happy. The one who loves me wouldn't have kidnapped me!"

Wait what!?!? :pinkiegasp:

"You leave your lover and daughter without so much as a word, and you call me a monster," Sombra said as he gestured to himself.

You kinda deserve it. :ajbemused:

Sombra pulled the trigger, and a gunshot rang out through the parlor.

I... I honestly don't know what to say about this... at all. :pinkiesad2::raritydespair:

...What if she was experiencing the early stages of dementia ??

Or she should consider a temporary leave of absence to clear her mind of her job and stress. :ajbemused:

The gunshot sounded again, and Abacus buried her head in her hands and slowly broke down. Tears she had held back for who knows how long began to flow, and she couldn't stop herself. With each sob she hoped so desperately that no staff or student would walk in on her in such a low state. Each minute felt like an eternity as her tears fell onto her desk.

Despite Cinch's dark past and the cruel things she's done as principal of crystal prep, seeing her let go of those tears was a good thing. While I do somewhat agree she should've hold them in, knowing she's been going through a lot lately, even if it's mostly bad, no one should hold on to their feelings whether it's good or bad. :fluttershysad:

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