• Published 10th Aug 2012
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The Tears of Gaia - Redback Spino

Twilight and co. journey to find the legendary Tears of Gaia. Little do they know what awaits them

  • ...

21. Burying Friends and Nursing Wounds

Book 3
So the Tide of Battle Turns

Pillars of smoke arose from among the trees of Cervidas once more. But this was not smoke from the flames of disaster or battle, but from the fires of a hundred funeral pyres.

The branches of Ostaure were dotted with thousands of tiny figures, griffon and Deerfolk alike, standing on the high platforms, along the stairways and bridges, even simply perched among the branches themselves, watching in silence as the fires consumed the bodies of all those killed in the battle. Griffons and Deer, laid out in separate pyres which crackled and blazed in the low dusk light.
In front of the pyres stood King Gideon, Gordon and the White Hart, who watched them burn. And as they burned, Gideon spoke in a loud voice, a eulogy in the language of his people:

"Sovn, brodre, sovn. skriv himmelen dorer
Utover som, store krigere venter
Bli fodt fra din stal
Alle dine sar bli helbredet
Fra jorden til himmelen
Na sonner stal oppstar.
Ta din plass i paradis
Hvor dine sjeler aldri skal do."

As he finished, he raised a clenched fist above his head, shouting in his booming voice, "HAIL TO THE VICTORIOUS DEAD! EVER SHALL WE FIGHT IN THEIR NAME!"

"HAIL!" came the roaring reply from every griffon present, who raised their fists to the sky in unison. The assembled host of creatures stood in silence, save for the sobbing of those who had lost family or friends, until the moon arose over the pyres, which burnt low until they were smouldering piles of ash.

When at last the pyres burnt out, the White Hart turned to face Ostaure, and every eye turned to look at him. In a clear voice, he said, "We shall keep those who have fallen forever in our memory and in our hearts. However, while this is also a time of mourning for our fallen brothers and sisters, and our brethren among the Griffons, I feel that they would not want this to be a night of sadness."

"He's right," Gideon added. "Let's not think of this as lamenting their deaths, but celebrating their lives, and the lives that they saved by bringing us victory over a mighty foe. So come, my noble hawks, let the celebration begin!!"

A mighty cheer went up from among the griffons, and even the Deerfolk joined in. They were right; with all due respect to the fallen, this was also a night of victory and celebration. And celebrate, they did.

Within the hour, all of Ostaure was lit up as torches burned in many colours, and music rang out from every platform. Feast tables were set up anywhere and everywhere, laden with all manner of food and drink, with wine, beer and fruit juices poured from enormous barrels. And of course, where there was food and drink and griffons, there were contests. Who could pile their plate highest, who could drink the fastest, who could eat the most, though none could hope to outdo Rarity and Gellert's now famous competition.

And on one of the lower platforms, sitting at a table of their own, were the seven pony friends. As they dined and drank their fills, they told stories of all that had happened since they were separated. Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Applejack's tormenting at the hands of Maugoth and his crew, the rescue from Maudhul, their time with the Deerfolk, the parts they played in the defense of the capital. And the rest of the ponies also related the tales of their adventures with the griffons of Fjaereir. The three listened with wide-eyes as Rarity told the tale of her contest against Gellert.

"... And even now, I have no idea how she did it," Twilight said, "But in a flash, he was behind Rarity, she bucked him square in the ribs and sent him flying!"

"Hah! Never knew you had it in ya!" Applejack laughed, slapping Rarity heartily on the back. "I'd have paid to see that: the delicate, fancy Rarity, goin' hoof-to-paw with a griffon!"

"Ahem, that's Commander Rarity, thank you," Rarity replied with a smirk, gesturing to her helmet which lay on the table beside her.
Fluttershy smiled. "That helmet really does suit you, Rarity. And it really is wonderful to see you all again. There were a few times when I really feared the worst."

Starswirl nodded, putting down his flagon. "I think we all can sympathise, Fluttershy. And yet here we all are again, still alive and well."

"By the way," Rainbow asked, "Any idea what happened to Tharos? I think he ended up teleporting away with you four."
The awkward silence that followed pretty much told Rainbow all she needed to know. The jolly smiles on everypony's faces faded.

Finally, Pinkie spoke up. "He didn't make it."

Fluttershy gasped, her forehooves covering her mouth in shock. Rainbow lowered her head. "Oh... I'm sorry."

"N-no, it's okay..." Pinkie replied. "He at least seemed kinda happy when he... passed on. Twilight, Starswirl, Rarity and I were all there with him."

"Ah, okay... well, that's good, I guess."

Nopony spoke for a moment as the rather sad realisation sank in. The silence was only broken as Applejack raised her flagon up. "Here's to Tharos... for bein' one heck of a great dragon."

The others raised their drinks also, clinking them together and drinking deeply to Tharos' memory. Luckily Rarity, being the master socialite as she was, knew exactly how to break the ice.

"So Fluttershy," she asked with a devious grin. "Do tell, whatever is going on between you and that young stag we saw you with earlier?"

Fluttershy squeaked, trying desperately to hide her blushing face. "Oh!... oh, my... It's, uh, well he... Oh goodness!"

She shrank down in her chair as the others giggled. "It's alright Fluttershy, I'm not judging you or anything. Indeed, he's a rather handsome looking fellow."

The pegasus smiled. "Well... yes, I guess he is that..."

"So how did you meet?"

"Well... Applejack, Rainbow Dash, you remember when we were first rescued from that fort by the deer?"

Applejack nodded. "Kinda had to forget it. That was the night you used yer Stare on those two Blightlings, as I recall!"

"Oh yeah!" Rainbow added. "That was awesome!"

Starswirl scratched his beard. "The... Stare?"

"I'll tell you later," Twilight replied. "So, go on, you were saying?"

Fluttershy took another swig of her drink. "Well, when we were first captured, I heard a voice, his voice, saying that he'd help us get free. Then, when we were being held prisoner in the Blight's fort, the Deerfolk attacked and set us free. I suppose Yarrow... he saved my life that night."

Rarity smiled. "Oh how romantic! Your gallant saviour, coming to your rescue!"

"So, after that, he took us back to Cervidas and they took care of us. He and I spent some time together and I guess... I just started to, you know... like him."

"And does he, you know, like you back?" Pinkie asked.

"I think so..." she replied.

Applejack nudged her playfully. "Oh come on, I saw you and him huggin' back there. That look he gave you when you were leavin', that stag's smitten for sure!"

If possible, Fluttershy blushed an even deeper shade of red. Pinkie hugged her close, patting her on the head. "Awww, our dear little Fluttershy's growing up!"

"I'm older than you, Pinkie..."

While the others playfully teased Fluttershy, Twilight and Starswirl turned to eachother. "You're awfully quiet, Starswirl," Twilight said. "Anything wrong?"

"Not wrong, my dear Twilight, " he replied, taking his pipe out again and lighting it. "I'm just pondering to myself. The Blight may have been driven back from Cervidas, but they are hardly defeated. Even with the number of casualties they suffered, they still numbered in the thousands. And I'd be willing to bet that at their dark stronghold, there are thousands more waiting."

"So what do you suppose we could do now? I mean, we're all back together, we still have the Tears and the Blight shouldn't be a trouble for a while..." Twilight replied. "Then again, I don't know how I'd feel about leaving now."

The old stallion nodded. "I know what you mean. I'm not sure what the griffons and Deerfolk plan to do next, but leaving them to do it themselves now, it does seem like it would be in bad form."

They were interrupted as a young griffon in uniform approached the table, clearing his throat. "Ahem, I have a message for Commander Rarity, courtesy of King Gideon and the White Hart."

He handed a small note to rarity, tipped his hat and left without another word. Rarity held the note in her magical grip and unfolded it. her eyes darted back and forth as she read the scratchy writing, her smile slipping a notch.

"What's it say?" Applejack asked.

"It's a summons for a meeting tomorrow. The commanders from the griffons and Deerfolk are meeting to discuss their next plans. And I guess that includes me."

Rainbow frowned. "So... I guess that means we're not going home?"

"I'm not sure. I suppose we'll just have to see what they say tomorrow," Rarity replied with a shrug. "I suppose commanding one's own army does have its drawbacks."

Pinkie looked around at all the dour-faced ponies sitting round the table with dismay. Never one to just stand around while ponies are feeling glum, she leapt to her hooves. "Well we can worry about that tomorrow. But for now, c'mon everypony! There's a party going on, and that dance floor downstairs is calling my name!"

"Miss Pie is right!" Starswirl said, getting up and donning his hat. "How about we save the grim mood for some actual grim news? But tonight is a night of celebration, so in the parlance of your times, let us party!"

The mood lightened considerably as a band of griffon musicians played a merry jig, the music reaching the ponies. With Pinkie leading the way, the ponies left their table and joined the party. "Maybe I could tell them another of my epic ballads," Pinkie mused out loud. "I never did get to finish the Tale of Shiny Shield..."

"Oh come on Pinkie!" Rainbow groaned. "They just got out of a war, don't you think they've suffered enough?!"

And so the party was joined, most of the night falling to a hazy blur of music and merriment. Rainbow and Applejack wowed the crowds with the most intense hoof-wrestling anybeast had ever seen. Applejack's strong hooves eventually won the game, but as a sign of good grace she shared a drink with the defeated Rainbow Dash, nursing her pride the way she knew would work: with copious amounts of cider.

Gellert jokingly challenged Rarity to a rematch of their fabled feasting contest, the eager eyes of dozens of griffons watching, waiting for a spectacle. But the unicorn, ever the demure lady, politely turned him down, instead offering to simply join him for dinner. He accepted, and the two dined at their own table with all the dignity and grace of a high-society banquet.

And the dancing. Oh, how they danced! Pinkie completely owned the dancefloor, leading griffons and deer alike in jigs, twosteps, hornpipes and even a Timewarp or two. Twilight and Starswirl danced together, desperately trying to keep up with the hyperactive pink pony, the old stallion's long cloak flapping this way and that. And when Yarrow sheepishly approached Fluttershy, who stood on the sidelines of the dance clapping along to the music, even she could overcome her nerves and accept his offer of a dance. Neither of them were the best of dancers, admittedly, but they enjoyed the moment together nonetheless.

By the time the midnight hour rolled about, the whole of Ostaure was still awake and partying long and hard. But as seven exhausted ponies made their goodnights, an eerie white glow appeared in the far end of the crowd. The revellers parted, revealing none other than the White Hart himself. He bade the party continue, and the griffons and Deerfolk needed no second bidding.

"Off to bed, are we?" he called, as he approached the ponies.

Twilight bowed her head. "Yes your majesty. Your deer put together a wonderful party, but I think we're all ready for a good night's sleep."

He smiled. "I completely understand. I just wanted to find you before you disappeared to wish you a goodnight. And to thank you."

"Thank us?" Applejack. "What for?"

"Why, for everything!" the White Hart replied. "You three ponies aided us in the battle against the Fainum, and every contribution helps. And as for you four," he gestured to Pinkie, Twilight, Rarity and Starswirl. "If it weren't for you and your griffon friends arriving when you did, Ostaure itself may not be standing now. I admit, the griffons and my people have never exactly seen eye to eye, and I probably would never have asked for their aid myself. But they proved indispensable, and for leading them here, I am grateful."

"That was all thanks to Rarity!" Pinkie Pie replied, nudging her unicorn friend forward.

Rarity smiled bashfully, but bowed gracefully as well. "It was nothing, really. What else could I have done, knowing my friends were in peril?"

"And you have my eternal gratitiude, Rarity." The White Hart bowed back, the tips of his enormous antlers almost touching the ponies. "And I will see you at the council meeting tomorrow. But until then, aur fuin vaer, mellyn."

The seven ponies bowed once more, with Fluttershy giving an "Aur fuin vaer," in reply. But as they turned to head to their cottage, the White Hart called out once more.

"Oh, and Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy turned around. "Erm, yes?"

"I also have a message I was bidden to give you, courtesy of young Yarrow," he said with a serene smile. "He wishes you a good night, and hopes you will join him for lunch tomorrow."

For the third time that night, Fluttershy could not hide the flush of crimson on her cheeks. "Oh! Well... erm... t-tell him I said thank-you, and I'd l-love to join him for lunch..."

He nodded, and bade them goodnight one last time, letting them take their leave for the night, back to their little cottage. One soundproofing spell later, and the seven ponies were fast asleep, with full bellies and happy hearts.

The same, however, could not be said for Maugoth who, for the first time since before the siege began, felt his legs buckle beneath him as he sat down. Panting like a dog, great clouds of blackness billowed from his mouth and nostrils with every gasp for air. And all around him, the few-dozen soldiers than had survived the battle similarly slumped down in a bedraggle heap all about the place. The ground was rocky and dry, a far cry from the lush soft undergrowth of the forests of Cervidas, but a flat surface to rest upon was all they cared about, licking their wounds and cursing their ill fortune.

"So, does someone care to enlighten me on just what in hellfire's name happened back there?!"

An all-too-familiar gruff voice snarled through the night air. Maugoth turned around and looked over his shoulder to see Dushtala glaring back at him. "You got eyes, don't you?" Maugoth spat back at the commander. "Those accursed griffons came outta nowhere and slaughtered us!"

"And even without those feathered pests, we weren't exactly doing the best of jobs overthrowing the forest," Laga added.

"Whadaya talking about?" Dushtala replied, standing up. "We had them cornered and their barricades destroyed. We had them!"

Laga snarled back, "Yeah, at the expense of almost a quarter of our entire forces! Bit of a hefty sacrifice for one forest. We lost Gadhup, Shataz, Athaps, and scores of others from our group alone. And from what I hear the other fronts didn't exactly fare too well either."

"Exactly," came another voice from among the mob. "Yer pretty much the only commander left alive, Dushtala."

"Which means yer to blame for all this," Maugoth added, getting up on his hooves again.

Dushtala spluttered. "ME?! I was just followin' orders!"

"And you failed."

The Blightlings fell silent as a sonorous, echoing voice spoke up. They looked around for the source, and when they saw it, their blood ran cold.

Laga lay flat on his back, limbs twitching and spasming, eyes rolled back in his head. His mouth lay wide open, and from within emerged an enormous cloud of the black smokey substance. It formed into a cloud above the assembled soldiers, swirling and billowing in some ghostly breeze. And two enormous yellow eyes peered down from within the black miasma.

Dushtala bowed his head low, his knees quivering. "M-my lord..."

"Dushtala, our son..." the Voice rumbled. "When I sent you to aid Maugoth, it was with the idea that together, you could overthrow Cervidas and reclaim our prisoners."

"But my lord..."

"Hush, Dushtala. Let us finish. And even with this weighty responsibility, you have failed us. And not only that, but you lost almost a thousand of our children as well."

"I was just following your orders!" Dushtala shouted back. "I had no idea the griffons were coming, we almost had the deer defeated!"

Maugoth raised a hoof. "I-I'd just like to point out, my lord, that I was against this idea from the start. I knew attackin' Cervidas head-on was a foolish idea, but would Dushtala listen? No sir!"

"Silence, Maugoth!" the Voice roared. "You are just as much to blame as he is. if it weren't for your bumbling and losing the prisoners, this whole operation may have run smoother from the start. You have already failed us twice. We shall ensure you will not fail again."

"I won't my lord, I won't, I promise!!" Maugoth cried, bowing lower and lower in supplication.

"We would have the pair of you killed for your failings..." the Voice continued. "However... given the results of this disastrous battle, we need as many of our children as possible ready and able to fight. So, we will be lenient."

Dushtala and Maugoth looked to eachother, then to the miasma above, nearly weeping with relief. "Thank you my lord, th-thank you!!"

"We are not finished. We said we would be lenient, not that we would spare you both. No, we will spare only one of you."

Dushtala gulped. "Only... one?"

"Yes," the Voice replied. "One will live, and be allowed to serve us directly, as our personal attendant. The other, however, will be dead before this night is over. Which of you that is, is entirely up to you."

The two commanders looked at eachother again, realisation dawning on their snarling faces.

"Drop your weapons and shed your armour, and then decide for yourselves which of you may survive."

The eyes faded to a ruddy glow within the cloud as the Voice fell silent. Maugoth and Dushtala stood frozen on the spot for a moment.

Then quick as a flash, the pair of them ripped off their cloaks and armour, threw their weapons to the side, and rushed straight for eachother.

The first blow went to Dushtala, who lashed out with his claws, slashing a long gash across Maugoth's face. He reeled back, ribbons of blood pouring down his face. Wiping it from his eyes, Maugoth snarled like a wild animal, punching with his forelegs, catching the blightling that was once a griffon, once in the chest and again in the cheek. But the larger creature was not ready to back down, lunging back at him, his claws wrapping around Maugoth's head.

Maugoth fell back to the ground, his forehooves feebly pushing against his foe, gasping for air as Dushtala's grip tightened around his neck. He struggled and wriggled, but to no avail, as the winged blightling squeezed tighter and tighter.

Maugoth's vision began to go blurry and dark. With one final burst of strength, he kicked up with his hind legs, sending Dushtala beak over tail, flying right over his head to land on his back.

Dushtala panted and wheezed, but managed to get back up again, only for Maugoth to land on his back, once more pinning him on the ground. he swung his forelegs at Dushtala's head, his hooves slamming into his skull once! Twice! Thrice!

But in a brief window where he stopped to catch his breath, Dushtala had all the time he needed, rolling over on his back, Maugoth tumbling off of him. Once again Dushtala loomed over him, holding the white-haired blightling down by his neck. Maugoth strained against his grip, but Dushtala's claws were like vices, slowly crushing his windpipe.

The beaked monster leaned in close, whispering, "Got nothin' to say? C'mon wise guy, let's hear some last words!"

Maugoth opened his mouth, but not to reply. Instead, he spat full in Dushtala's right eye, sending him recoiling once again, desperately clawing to clean his eyes out. Maugoth saw his chance, and he took it.

Bucking upwards with his hind legs again, he caught Dushtala square in the jaw, the force of the kick heaving him into the air and flying back four feet. He needed no second bidding. He had to end this fight now, his life depended on it!

Leaping to his hooves, Maugoth leapt upon the prone Dushtala and pummelled away at him with everything he had. Hooves, legs, even his head, he punched, kicked, bucked and jabbed at Dushtala's head, sending it slamming into the hard ground again and again. He grunted with every blow, his snarls and growls growing to a fever pitch until he was roaring and screaming with every strike, his own adrenaline and rage driving him berserk!

After what seemed like a lifetime, Maugoth finally stopped striking. He could no longer feel Dushtala trying to lift his head up after every blow. Indeed, he could no longer feel a head at all.

As the red mist faded from his vision, he could see clearly again. Looking down at his opponent, he saw that, somehow, in his rage he had reduced Dushtala's head to something that somewhat resembled a smashed watermelon. Maugoth stood up, his limbs shaking with exhaustion once more, and wiped his dripping hooves on the ground.

The yellow eyes re-emerged from the black cloud above. "Very well done," it said. "It seems that, despite our best efforts, you are still of some use to us after all."

"Thank you, my lord."

It continued. "Now get up, and head straight to Burzkala on the double. We will put you to good use, where we can keep a very close eye on you. And remember: Should you try to flee, we can contact you at any time. If we find you are heading anywhere except Burzkala, we will not hesitate to kill you and your soldiers. Is that clear?"

"Vividly." Maugoth gritted his teeth, his voice barely containing his anger.

"Very good. See you soon," the Voice said, as the eyes faded one last time, and the cloud of blackness dissolved, swirling back into Laga and vanishing from sight.

There was silence among the group as they all looked either to their commander, or to the red stain on the ground that used to be their other commander.

"Well, you guys heard the Allfather. On yer feet, let's get moving!"

Laga hurried to Maugoth's side. "So that's it? Yer just going along with what he says? Yer just gonna let him walk all over you and make you his slave?"

For the first time since the beginning of the siege, Maugoth grinned his toothy, pointy grin. "Oh Laga, my old friend, you can be so trusting sometimes. Of course I'm not."

Looking over his shoulder, he saw that the soldiers were back on their hooves, claws, paws or whatever, ready to go. "I'm forming a new plan even as we speak. And once we get back to Burzkala, I can put it into action. Just you wait, before this war is over, I'll be back in control of everything."

"What about the weapon we were after? We still goin' after the Tears?"

"Of course," Maugoth replied, leading the troop in a slow jog. "But for now, keep yer head down and wait. You'll know when things are startin'."

With that, Maugoth tapped a hoof to the side of his snout. Laga nodded, tapping his as well, and the two turned back to face forwards. With any luck, they'd be home by tomorrow evening. And then it would all begin.

Author's Note:

And I'm back, baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaby!

But seriously, I'm back, the story is back underway, and we're on the final stretch. The Blight are becoming desperate, the ponies are all back together, and the final battle between the free creatures and the Blight is looming ever closer. Hopefully you haven't been waiting too impatiently.

BTW, if anybody would be willing to help me make a new cover image, I would be eternally grateful. I'll even pay you if you want!! But yeah, if you're interested, drop me a message and we'll see what you have to offer. Bear in mind, it is likely to be an image featuring alot of characters and alot of action.

And if you want the effect I had when I was writing the party sequence, listen to 'Spirit of Freedom' by peter Crowley while you read it. I've got a link in the text, but just in case.

Anywho, it's great to be back, my faithful readers, and I hope you're ready for the final book of the Tears of Gaia!!!


Gideon's eulogy- A brief Griffonic poem I wrote, based on the final words of Manowar's 'Hymn of the Immortal Warrior'. English translation:

"Sleep, brothers, sleep. enter the heavens doors
Beyond which, great warriors await
Be reborn from thy steel
All thy wounds be healed
From the earth to the sky
Now the sons of steel arise.
Take thy place in paradise
For thy souls shall never die."