• Member Since 17th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen May 22nd


I'm a Proud ABDL mommy. Writer of padded pony fics, a lot of fics about Shining Armor and his mom, several about Rainbow Dash and her family, and far more mom stories than you can imagine.


Gallus doesn't want to go to the School Of Friendship. He's set in his ways and in his role in Griffonstone. But one Griffon is about to change that.

Commission For Yosh E-0

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 14 )

Nice and wholesome.

This was nice. Gallus was the one I always imagined who'd be resistant to going to Friendship School the most. Nice to see Gabby talked some sense into him.

hey look, you managed to write something that wasn't fucking diaper-fetish trash
a broken clock's right twice a day after all

What’s your problem? What did she do to you to deserve such a hateful comment?

Firstly, you randomly went out of your way to throw the author under the bus. Not cool.

Secondly, if it bothers you that much, you can just turn "View Mature" off; that's what I do.

Thirdly, please take a chill pill; people are less likely to listen to what you're saying if you say it like a condescending jerk.

take a look at their other stories, take a look at their bio
you'll figure it out from there i'm sure

With all due respect, that isn’t what I asked about.

you asked what my problem with them was
that's my problem with them


Firstly, you randomly went out of your way to throw the author under the bus. Not cool.

not throwing them under the bus if it's factual, m8

Secondly, if it bothers you that much, you can just turn "View Mature" off; that's what I do.

and miss the actually good porn that comes up once in a great while? yeah no, blow me

Thirdly, please take a chill pill; people are less likely to listen to what you're saying if you say it like a condescending jerk.

i'm not trying to be condescending, i'm trying to be a snarky dickhead
and i'm not going to stop, because the author here hasn't earned that yet

I find it mildly amusing that the whole message of our little fandom is to love and tolerant each other, yet you are actively coming to a story by a writer you hate to pick a fight with them.

Stop, take a step back and think about that for a minute.

What they write doesn't gel for you or annoys you? Just be an adult and walk away. Nobody is holding a gun to your head to make you read this or engage with the author.

There are plenty of folks here who write stuff that makes me green around the gills or just flat out disgusts me, but that doesn't give me cart Blanche to harass or denigrate them because I don't like or disapprove of what they produce.

If you don't like the author's work or themes, just keep scrolling. It's a big internet, there's room for most folks so long as we don't run around being pricks to each other.

Congratulations. You just exemplified all the reasons why I wrote those stories. Intolerance. You certainly are not obligated to read my stories on the subject, but you could take a lesson from them about kindness. I write those stories because I want to give a voice to that community. I try and explain to others what it is. I want to give insight into something so many people misunderstand and sexualize when it is not sexual at all. All of my stories about the subject aren't sexual, which you would know if you bothered to look any further than a picture and summary. Secondly, I use the fetish tag only when I believe a character to not be at the age of consent in the story. Never in my life have I considered that lifestyle sexual. It never has been, nor will be for me. The fact that you attacked me for my other stories while completely ignoring any review at all of this one shows absolutely no respect for others, and a very closed mind. I believe that my job is to educate people about a subject that not many others understand well or know about. I want the world to be a better place for all ABDL's, Littles, and CG's, but most of them are terrified to even talk about this because of the words of people like you. Words are powerful when you use them correctly, but when you use them as you have here, all you have done is insult me and dug your own grave, and that is highly disappointing, especially coming from someone with no works of his own. I don’t have to earn anything from you. I have followers, family, and friends who love me and care about me. The respect of some guy who is such a coward that he felt the need to attack me through a computer screen who doesn’t even have the courage to post his own writing isn’t something that I want to earn, nor need to. I wish you luck in your life, because with the lack of respect and courtesy you have shown here, you will certainly need it.

*Sigh* It disappoints me to no end when people ruin a good thing by going out of their way to be cruel.

I was proud of this story and every story you've helped me to write. You've helped me feel 'creative' during a time I was not able to tap into my talent as a result of my wife leaving me, finding another person to love, watching my colleagues at my new job leave one-after-the-other, feel frightened about losing my job as most of the technology can't be made blind friendly, and having to have my right eye surgically removed.

Your stories have always made me feel a bit warmer for being like who I am. Yes, to anyone who reads, I find diapers to be soothing. Why? For me it is due to having a broken childhood filled with discrimination, doctor's appointments, and surgeries.

I could never see well enough to play those team sports I wanted to play. It got so bad in gym class that I, eventually, had to get a doctor's excuse for the entire year to avoid always being singled-out for how my lack of eyesight when I actually had usable sight still wasn't enough to see a ball until it hit me in the face.

II've talked with therapists for the past 8 years. Mostly about coping with being bullied out of two jobs as a result of my disability and coping with losing the rest of my physical eyesight. However I also talked about my liking of diapers and diapered cartoon animals and found there is nothing wrong with me. It's simply something I acquired by chance when I was young that persisted into adulthood.

Do I force diapers and diapered cartoon animals on people? No. Do I expect everyone to like me after they know diapers are my coping mechanism? No. Heck, it is part of the reason my wife left me. As a social worker she understands why I am the way I am. However, at an individual level, she just couldn't live with knowing her husband found diapers and diapered cartoon animals a soother during times of high stress.

Do I have regrets? No. I feared being 'judged' ever since I was a teenager. I tried to not be into diapers and diapered cartoon animals and nothing worked. I'd get into a very stressful situation and end up seeking a cartoon and a diaper to wear to calm myself down.

Life has taken a lot from me. I've lost a good paying job, my eyesight, an eye, and my wife. I've endured over 50 surgeries and have barely made it financially due to the stigmas placed on those with visual disabilities. The job I have now pays $8 less an hour and it just has to work because nobody thinks about what it is like to have to be 'different' and/or not having an important sense, like sight.

Ms. Rarity here, if folks took time to read between-the-lines, is a very caring and nurturing individual who can genuinely write just about anything. Her tales speak to the heart and are less about AF DL propaganda and more about finding that feeling of 'love', 'safety', and being able to know that one can come to not feel shame as a result of something (s)he never asked for.

Does anyone wake up in the morning to say, "I want to do stuff to be more disliked by society?". No.

Ms. Rarity is doing what I, along with many others, try to do. This being the work of crafting tales that are less about the whole 'fetish thing' and more about what AF / DL is about. It's a way to, for a moment in time, to escape the cruelty of the world that scourns and dismisses you for not being like everyone else.

Many with special needs will tell you there is so much love and support when you're little. However, as you get older, society not-so-subtly tosses you away to where you can't be seen. All the love and support becomes replaced with "Just live off Social Security" or "You are an inconvenience who should just be happy to work in a 'Sheltered Workshop'.".

It took me nearly 20 years to learn to self-accept who I am and not allow others to tear me down for who I am as a person. This is why, like Ms. rarity, I strive to write stories that, largely, help show happier times where life isn't being so cruel because of how you are a misfit in a world that abides by outdated stigmas and stereotypes.

This is a good story and one I am glad Ms. Rarity could write while I recover from so much loss and hurt. It is a tale of support when you may feel nobody cares. It's about how always keeping a smile despite what may face you can help not only you succeed in life but also help others to know they can, too.

So, to anyone who believes bigotry is cool, please know that your close-minded kind is unwanted in this age of acceptance, understanding, empowerment, and community.

I encourage all who feel they need to 'force' their ideals on others to realize that you are only hurting yourselves by not taking the time to at least try to see another's point of view. It's truly amazing how much you can grow if you take a few seconds to see life outside of your comfort zone / bubble.

This was very Hearthwarming. Thanks for writing!

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