• Published 13th Dec 2011
  • 16,818 Views, 1,221 Comments

The Ambassador's Son - Midnightshadow

A colt loses his family, Celestia deems his best hope lies not with ponies, but a dragon.

  • ...

Epilogue - End of Book 1

The ══════════
══════════ Son

Chapter Twenty-Three
An MLP:FiM Fanfiction by Midnight Shadow

Chip had stood guard the entire night, legs locked as he slept upright, fitfully, ready at a moment's notice to leap into action. It hadn't been necessary. Sharptooth had slept in the school, unable to fly and unwilling to lumber through the ravaged town. Nobody had dared to deny Chip his request. In the morning, things would be different, but for now he was fulfilling the role of his father, the ambassador.

Dawn brought sunlight, birdsong, and the distant sound of hammer, nail and saw. Rebuilding had begun. It would take a while, but it would be completed thoroughly and without fail. Most of the foreign diamond dogs had been run off. Those who hadn't had done the bidding of their new Lord, currently one Chiphoof Irontail Leatherback of the Diamond Expanse Dragon Clan, and also Lord Pro-Tem of the Sapphire Reaches.

New sounds outside brought Chip to wakefulness. He unlocked his legs and stretched, trit-trotting through the doors to see who had arrived. He wasn't very surprised when he was greeted with four pegasi, who spread their wings menacingly before him, blocking access to a large white winged alicorn, a silvery grey pegasus, a lavender unicorn and two small dragons.

"At ease, gentleponies, we're all friends here." Princess Celestia said, softly, her musical voice carrying across the divide.

Chip nodded, "Good morning, Princess Celestia. My father is... indisposed."

"Your father," said Sharptooth from behind Chip, "is quite capable of speaking for himself."

Chip skittered out the way, equal parts embarrassed and worried for his adoptive father.

"Tia, so nice to see you. Finally."

The princess scowled, "You wound me."

"I think you'll find it is I who am wounded, my dear." Sharptooth chuckled, then winced. It was going to be a long walk home, if he couldn't get a lift.

"I can see that. Are you alright?"

"I will live, Celestia. We dragons are hardy creatures. What doesn't kill us won't get a second chance and all that."

"What happened here?" the winged unicorn asked, "I have been kept busy with insurrection across my realm, a viaduct is blasted to rubble and a mail-train is sent to the bottom of a very deep gorge. A mail train that I was reliably informed had passengers. Passengers which, I hasten to add, I later find ensconced in Ponyville, of all places, sat on a sofa purchased under duress, having tea with my prize pupils number one assistant."

"A sofa?" Sharptooth raised an eye-ridge.

"I only needed the box." Chip replied, meekly.

"Perhaps you could have persuaded the salespony to part with just a box?"

"I didn't think of that, alright?" Chip stomped a hoof.

The dragon sighed, rubbing his temples with a foreclaw, "If you see fit to send me the bill for it," Sharptooth addressed Celestia wearily, "then you will also see fit to send me the sofa. My son here is overdue a very long talk about the value of money and ownership."

"That's another thing," Celestia added, coldly, "I believe this belongs to you?"

Hairpin trotted over to Chip and abased herself before him. Chip blushed at the astonished expressions all round.

Sharptooth looked on with an amused expression on his face, "Son, I believe we are also overdue a talk about keeping pets."

"My little ponies are not pets, Sharpie. I thought we had that settled?"

"My dear Princess Celestia, I am quite sure there's a good reason for this."

"Indeed, it had also better cover just why two members of the Irontail family now find themselves enslaved to the Diamond Expanse clan, and in particular to the young scion of said clan."

Sharptooth sighed, "There had better be," the dragon added, ominously, "Chip?"

Chip set his jaw, "They were subject to a contract put out on them by my uncle. Now deceased."

"What happened?"

"He paid two dragons he had hired to protect him, to kill him. He wasn't thinking straight at the time. They also burned down his mansion, so my cousin is currently homeless."

Celestia closed her eyes and sighed, waving the guards off, "secure the area, ponies. I am quite safe in the company of this dragon lord. We need to finish our little chat in privacy."

"Lords, Tia. Lord Swiftwing of the Sapphire Reaches is no longer with us. He was slain in battle by my son here, who is currently acting Lord Sapphire."

The alicorn looked down at the pony-shaped dragon, and then up at her friend, "What am I going to do with you? Go on, little one." Celestia prodded Chip, who opened his muzzle and continued, stutteringly, to explain.

"I... I had no choice, P-princess Celestia. Y-you couldn't protect them. I could. My clan could." Chip faltered as he gazed up into the alicorn's deep purple eyes.

"My little pony-" the princess began.

Chip shook his head, "N-no, Celestia. I'm not. I'm a dragon. I'm not your little pony. I'm not a pony. I o-own Hairpin Turn, she was a gift and I will not give her up."

"You will not?" Celestia's eyes flashed as she glared down at the pegasus, who cowered behind Chip.

Chip glared resolutely back up at the princess, "No. I tried once, and she pledged herself straight back to me. I-it's all she's known, it's not right to make her do something she doesn't want to. One day she may want her freedom, and when she does she may have it, b-but right now, she is mine, for as long as she wishes."

"Is this so, pegasus?"

Hairpin Turn hung her head, and nodded.

Celestia's jawline hardened. "I see."

"My f-family is free, if you can guarantee their safety. They are safe with Pig Iron at the moment."

"Ah, Pig Iron. I see where you have gained your propensity for acquiring pets." Celestia spat.

"Tia, stop hounding the boy! He has been through a lot."

"And he has come out the other side a mo-"

"Do. Not. Finish. That. Word. Celestia." Sharptooth growled, pointing a long talon at the speechless monarch. "My son is an honourable dragon, and the Lord of a clan. You will treat him with as much respect as you grant me. He has spent the last few days defending your crown from dangers you yourself seem unable to deal with. Cross him and you cross me. Cross me and you cross my people, Celestia. Do not make me make an example of you."

Celestia stepped back, blinking in surprise and a good deal of wry amusement.

"I gave my cousin everything, Celestia." Chip said, clearly, "It's all in the letter she has. Everything the Irontails owned, even my home in Neighvada. I don't want it, any of it. That is pony business and I am no longer a pony. Lord Sapphire took my parents away, you... you helped give me a new one. I thank you for that, but I will not turn away from him. I cannot be one of your ponies any longer." He glared at the pony princess.

She, in return, glared back. Eventually, she broke the gaze, nodding coldly to one side, "As you wish."

"I do." Chip shook. He'd just argued with the princess of all Equestria. At any other time, he'd have been running for the hills. But now... he looked back at the winged unicorn. She actually smiled, though with sadness.

"To keep them safe. To keep her happy. To protect your family. I do not agree with your methods, young dragon, but I do see your logic."

"I don't agree with my methods," Chip added ruefully, "but I had no choice."

"And what of the machinations of Swiftwing? I take it he was behind the actions of this now-dead uncle?"

"He was, and I hope they died with him. They were all for naught, Celestia. Whatever map he coveted, it is as lost now as it ever was. Misunderstandings and malfeasance has brought nothing but wrack and ruin. Now, I just wish to go home, to heal and to rest."

"And you shall, my friend... just as soon as you have satisfactorily explained to my prize pupil here why she found a new sofa and unexpected guests in her library.

"Chip, my boy, I think it is time we had that talk about an allowance."

Chip winced. His eyes met Spike's as Twilight Sparkle, the unfamiliar lavender unicorn, trotted over hesitantly.

Spike and Chip grinned at each other whilst Sharptooth and Twilight rolled their eyes.


Seasons came and went, Tacksworn recovered, and prospered. Chip settled down into his new role of school-foal, and even got used to extracurricular lessons on flying, fighting, bellowing and fire-breathing.

One day, one lazy warm spring afternoon, Chip was sorting through the papers that had arrived from his home in Neighvada. Out of a nondescript set of schoolwork from his time with the private tutors back in Neighvada, fell some of his pony-father's papers.

Chip peered curiously at the pages spilled across his bedroom floor, and spread them out. He blinked. He checked again. He swore under his breath, and then turned to shout down the stairwell to Sharptooth, "Dad! Dad! Come here quick!"

♦♦♦ End of Book One ♦♦♦

End of Book 1, The Ambassador's Son.

Author's Note: Well, this is the first story of this length, that I can objectively say isn't total trash, that I've completed. I've seriously enjoyed writing it, wending my twisted way through the weft and woof of it all, and - as you can probably see - I've got several Chekov's Guns left in the armoury that I haven't even fired yet. I hope you enjoyed reading it, and I hope you'll join me, Chip, Sharptooth and friends again for the next installment, which has already hit your screens!

Make some room for...


Comments ( 281 )

One thumb isn't enough to give. Well done for this interesting story.

King of Diamonds makes me think of Discworld and the Diamond King XD. Also brilliant Story, I thoroughly enjoyed it, Chiphoof talking down Celestia = Win.

I applaud the nifty-ness of this story. Definitely in my top five favorites.

This was an amazingly epic story and the best one I've seen with totally OCs.

I liked Chip's standing up to Celestia...it was just such a---a moment!

I really like Hairpin Turn. Can she meet Rainbow Dash soon? XD :pinkiehappy:

Awesome story. I will be watching for more!

this was a great read from the very start to the very finish, I can't wait for the next installment, Imma be watching you from now on.

5 stars and 2 thumbs up! All hail Lord Sapphire!

Hairpin is probably my favorite OC pony at the moment, she is just great. I hope to see a lot of her in King of Diamonds.

I hated to see the word Complete on the bottom of the previous page but then I was overjoyed to see the words "Book 1". I don't know how many books you have planned but I really enjoy this story and it's characters.

Pretty good story overall. Certainly one of the top 10 alt-universe style stories I have ever read. Maybe even top 5. I love what you did with the dragons; wish the show could show them like that but probably wouldn't exactly cut it for a kids show :rainbowlaugh:.

Your characterization of Celestia was a bit odd at the end there but besides that I have very little complaints about this story. Thanks for writing it!

That was a very good story, can't wait for more.

i hope relatively soon means next week cause i can't wait that long

Wow that was awesome. I wonder what the papers said to have chip call for sharpie. I cant wait for book 2 :pinkiehappy:

Looks like I'm going to have to watch you to catch the second story...

Actually, since I didn't start reading this one yet, I'll catch it when it makes EQD like Book I did.

That about sums up my reaction as well.

I'll definitely will be here for book two. I was a bit surprised we didn't see Chip reacquaint himself with his griffon friend (Carmine if I am not mistaken), seems little reason not to do that. But maybe in book II huh?

( You sir.... have created story I thourghly enjoyed. )
( Well done Sir! I, for one welcome our new )
┌─┐ ( ponyshaped dragon overlord! )
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WHAT...... 'End of Book 1, The Ambassador's Son.'..... 'KING OF DIAMONDS'?

(I say. Wouldn't it be more fitting for Sharptooth to say "...Cross him and you cross me. Cross me and you cross my kin, Celestia...." instead of using 'people'?)
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ಠ_ರೃ /

I deeply enjoyed this, thanks, and congrats on a story well done.:pinkiehappy:

Awe-mazing. This has been one of very few stories to make me drop literally everything whenever a new chapter is out. I am very much looking forward to the next part :twilightsmile:

o snap what could the next story bring?:pinkiehappy: and grats on finishing this one.

Take my staches, all of them.
:moustache: :moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache:
Quidquid Latine dictum sit, altum videtur.

A VERY VERY GOOD FIC (sorry wanted to use caps for some reason:scootangel:)

Great story, I really want to read the sequel. I know you just finished this one but.....

But on a more serious note, this was a very good read. I look forward to reading the next book and finding out what the cliffhanger was all about:trixieshiftright:

Okay. First off, I heartily approve of your story naming convention. KING of DIAMONDs? Most excellent! *Bill and Ted air guitar*

Now, on your next story, could I humbly request that you DON'T have slavery be such a prevalent issue. It just killed it for me for a few reasons. First, how the hell would Celestia EVER approve of this? I know she talks about hating it, but she still let's it happen. I can;t see the benevolent ruler of Equestria allowing her subjects to be treated like that. Once again, she moves the freaking sun! You're telling me she can do nothing about her subjects being treated like cattle? Second, I don't care how you try and coach it, it's still slavery! I don't care how deep it is in their culture. If rape was part of their culture, would we just say, "Well, it's what they do. Love and tolerate!" HELL no! And when you get down to it, that is what's happening, forcing someone to do something against their will. Four...no...THREE, it degrades Chip as a protagonist. A real hero would find a way around it, not give in, I feel. And as hardcore as Hairpin is, I can't help but feel sorry for her. Stockholm Syndrome isn't a good character trait.

Look, I'm just asking you to down play it, because it almost ruined your story for me. It started out so awesome, but then this issue became so ingrained in it that I couldn't enjoy the story fully, because I was too worked up about wanting to punch people, or ponies, or dragons, whatever.

One mroe thing about Celestia's reaction at the end. She gave up WAAAAAAAY to east about the slaves issue. You had a story about dragons going all super sayian or whatever, but you don't have the loving ruler of ponies getting nearly as upset about her subjects being enslaved?

What a long, strange trip it's been. I can only imagine how much weirder it's going to get...

I look forward to Chip's further adventurers. Until then.
(Oh, and how did Sharptooth react when he found out that his son ate a decent additional chunk of his egg? Understanding, if peeved, or did he have to go punch a mountain a few times?)

thank you for the 2nd best story i seen on this site you deserve a medal!



One mroe thing about Celestia's reaction at the end. She gave up WAAAAAAAY to east about the slaves issue. You had a story about dragons going all super sayian or whatever, but you don't have the loving ruler of ponies getting nearly as upset about her subjects being enslaved?

You're overreacting. Dragons see this just like we could be keeping a dog, and even though Celestia doesn't like it one bit, she's only guardian of her own realm. It was made clear that Equestria is connected to the other realms with some sort of magic, meaning there's a whole other world full of dragons out there. She can't risk getting them all upset. This isn't about kicking ass, it's about politics. You don't see the big picture here; Celestia does. This is a matter of ownership, which is a very serious subject to dragons. She probably only noticed it after a few generations of owned ponies anyway. It was clearly demonstrated the first ponies willingly submitted to their dragon owner. It was just with the future generations, that the subject became a problem. And as Hairpin Turn showed, quite a lot of these next generations don't know or want any other kind of life, either. You'd have Celestia 'liberating' ponies against their will? That'd make her the bad guy.

Also, I don't see how it would degrade Chip as a protagonist, since he clearly loathes it as much as Celestia does, but really didn't have any other choice. And Hairpin Turn was literally forced onto him.


A real hero would find a way around it, not give in, I feel.

I've never, ever read any good story containing a 'real hero' that could magically and immediately fix any and all social problems in the world. It's not about a 'real hero', it's about realism. MidnightShadow's world happens to have this problem, and even though it bothers Chip, he has no real motivation to start a crusade against it.

And in case you hadn't noticed, He did cheat the system into doing only what he wanted it to do, namely, acting as his own personal Witness Protection Program. He used the 'ownership' as temporary protection, with full intent to release them afterwards, and even gave them all his parents' belongings. He never had any intent of enslaving anyone.

Oh My Bucking Celestia. Out of all the best possible things. this is. Better than all of them!!!!!


End of book one, you say? I am intrigued . . .

This story was far from perfect, but it was a good read and I'm sad to see it come to an end. I eagerly await to see what you have planned next!

open ending. I like it

Actually no! It's been planned since forever, and is one of the many chekhov's guns hidden throughout the narrative. It was basically hinted at after the donut scene, where Spike posts himself to the princess. The scene with Mister Davenport was another :pinkiecrazy: - Poor guy only sells two things, and the only one Spike ever buys is quills :yay:

Ooh, an additional thought - if you want to know how old "dragons posting things" is, I believe I wrote it before FO:E when I wrote "calling the shots".


Again, too late, better comment in the afternoon...

That's what Book 2 is for :trollestia::trollestia::trollestia:

Drat, well, that's one of the things I'll be running an editing sweep for. Glad you approve otherwise!

As I said before, this is an amazing story.
The ending was a bit bittersweet for me, both because it was the end of a REALLY good story, and because Chip chose to give up a part of his identity, who and what he is. He relinquised his Equestrian citizenship (didn't he?), and even cast off his ties to his own (original) species, so he is not considered a pony anymore. I know that he has been a dragon for a while, but he has been that IN ADDITION to being a pony. Whatever he says, I still consider him to be both.
For some reason while I was reading this I suddenly got the idea that this book would end with Chip getting his Cutie Mark. He still gets to get one right? I hope so.
I was browsing Equestria Daily when I saw that this story was labeled as "Complete", and I was a little bummed-out about it . Oh well. On to Book 2!
I really realy hope that you post the first chapter of "The King of Diamonds" soon. I can wait for it, but I don't want to, for it is a bit maddening.
I can hardly wait for Book 2. Bring on "The King of Diamonds".
I applaud you on a job exceptionally well done.
This may very-well be my second favorite fanfiction. The first on being "Through the Eyes of Another Pony."

Well, they were actually pledged to Chip specifically, but to the Diamond Expanse clan in general. It comes down to how invested in the Sapphire clan Chip is - which isn't much at the moment. It might be one dangling plot end dealt with in book 2 :pinkiecrazy:

Chip's destiny is a complicated one. What was brought about through the machinations of Lord Sapphire (and ending with his death at the hooves of Chip) has sent him down a completely different life-path than what he would have otherwise. He is a pony-shaped dragon, nothing can change that (well, a polymorph spell could affect the 'pony-shaped' part...) but yes, he has in effect reliquished his Equestrian citizenship. He has embraced being a dragon, for better or for worse. For example, he has Hairpin - who is more a friend to him than a slave or a pet, no matter what her actual status is. She saved his life - she would say (if there were such things) that it would be like thanking a seatbelt for stopping you from flyling through the window of a car. Chip would disagree. Yes, she will be back too. Carmine won't be pleased. :rainbowlaugh:

As for Chip's cutie-mark... well, that is part of the greater story and will be revealed in time. I know it's also something that not everypony will be pleased about, no matter what I do :trollestia: but I want it to be meaningful within the context of the story.

459676 Oh, O.K., I guess that I didn't realise that. Thanks for responding.
Anyway, while we're on the subject of pledges to a Clan V.S. to an individual, would the clan-mark be a bit different, maybe be the same over-all clan-mark, but more personalized to the specific bond-holder. I'm not sure if this is the right reference to make, but it's in my head so I will put it here. Something like a mark from a signet ring that includes both the marks of the Clan and the Individual?
Is there a differnce?

459692 You can say THAT again, wow!
Sure a polymorph spell could change his outward pony form, but I assume that that is probably asided from the point.
Yeah, Hairpin's cool. I would be disappointed if she didn't appear again. She just makes things so awkward for Chip, it's pretty funny.
Beware of Jealosy (Yeah, I'm pretty sure I misspelled that.) Carmine. For t'is the Green-Eyed Monster, which doth mock the meat it feeds on,yadda yadda, yadda.
I am becoming a nervous about Chip's Cutie Mark now. As long as it is meaningful to the story, that may be what is truely important about it.
Now if you will excuse me, I must go to sleep, for 'tis 3:56 A.M. and I am really tired. Great story and goodnight.

*STANDING OVATION* This story was a brilliant piece, and while there where parts that I did not necessarily like, I loved the whole all the same. I look forward to more of your writing.

I sometimes curse my inability to draw. If I had one jot of artistic talent, I could have settled down to show you. In short, yes - there is the clan mark, and then there is the personal mark. Swiftwing's brand was a mixture of his own and the clan he belonged to. Chip doesn't currently have his own mark, but being the scion of the Diamond Expanse clan, he probably will have.

Don't despair over his cutie mark! All shall be revealed!

This is fantastic lad, truly brilliant! Keep at it I say!

Great story ^^
Loved it really.
That is quite amusing to see celestia meeting resistance from a foal-teenage pony shaped dragon , even if the option Sun in your face is disabled .
Looking forward the second story, with maybe what happen on the irontail's/pets life

I cant wait for Part 2. Man If i get better with drawing ponies I'm so drawing Chip :3

props to you sir for such a great story, and hope you keep making more for a long while! :yay:

Shh! Don't spoil a good brick joke! :rainbowlaugh:

Fantastic story, take the time you need to relax and plan, then haul your ass back here and write part 2.


Nah, Chip is the dragonadopted... and that doesn't carry quite the same dramatic ring eh?

I mean, you don't go telling your kids stories about the dragonadopted do you? And he cannot do as follows

The announcer cleared his throat
"Announcing the dragon ambassador Lord Sharptooth of the Diamondback Expanse!"
"And his son..."

Nice story.
While I did not like whole slavery part (it seams artificial and imposed, not needed by story itself) - I like the story in general and apparently will be watching for next book.

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