• Published 23rd Jun 2019
  • 2,053 Views, 332 Comments

Shining Together - Bookish Delight

Starlight invites herself back to the human world, and asks Sunset to come along. Anything and everything that follows is entirely on their shoulders. Or maybe not.

  • ...

12: Settling In

"No, seriously," Starlight said. "Like, Twilight calls all her students that at one point or another. She's done it with me, she does it with the pony Friendship School students... it was always a little weird hearing it on the other side, but here?" She started counting on her fingers. "Is it some sort of multiversal slang constant? Is it a pet name? Is it—" Starlight stopped counting on her fingers, her eyes widening. "Actually, please let it not be that last one, I'm not sure how many more surprises I can endure today."

"Sunset, who is this by your side?" Zecora chuckled. "I was not aware she was along for the ride."

Starlight gasped. "Oh! Sorry, manners! Hello, Miss Zecora. I'm Starlight Glimmer, Sunset's friend." She said, holding out her hand. As Zecora shook it, she added, "Pleased to meet you, because... greeting you..." Starlight's eyebrows furrowed for several seconds before she slumped in defeat. "Yeah, sorry, poetry was never my thing."

"Don't worry, it takes years of practice," Sunset said. Turning to Zecora, she continued, "Starlight's another one of my close 'from out of town' friends. And right now, she's in similar straits to when you found me, so I couldn't think of a better place to help her get her head together—"

Sunset stopped when she saw Zecora wearing a grin and shaking, just a bit. Instantly, she realized what Zecora was thinking. "Oh, no. Miss Zecora, no, don't."

Zecora's smile crinkled.

Sunset groaned.

"I suppose things aren't always what they seem..." Zecora began.

"Please," Sunset said, burying her face in her hands, "please stop—"

"And here I thought you'd started playing for our team!" Zecora finished, laughing.

The feather broke the camel's back. Frustration and old instincts overrode Sunset's decorum. "Ma-maaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" she wailed, pouting and stomping one foot because Miss Zecora always, always, always did this every time and Sunset always fell for it why and argh and blarghsnozzles! "I have human best friends and I have pony best friends! You know this!"

Her tantrum only lasted for a few seconds, but it was cathartic enough. Sunset slumped with her own sigh as her annoyance slowly passed. There'd be next time. There'd always be next time. One day, she'd win. Law of averages, right?

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I never could resist," Zecora said, her mirth slowly dying down. "Every new companion is an opportunity that cannot be missed! Still..." She turned to Starlight, and placed her palm on Starlight's cheek. "To turn away any friend of Sunset's would be a waste. I happen to know she has pretty good taste. You are always welcome here, my dear."

A blushing Starlight looked at Sunset with her own mirthful grin—eliciting a facetious eyeroll from the latter—before looking back to Zecora. "Thank you, Miss Zecora. I'll do my best to warrant your hospitality."

Zecora nodded. "A declaration from the heart—you're already off to a good start." To Sunset, she asked, "And would it be uncouth to assume your usual booth?"

"Not at all," Sunset replied.

Zecora led them towards the back of the shop, and around an L-shaped wooden panel as tall as any of them. On the other side of that panel was a large, spacious booth that looked the least-used out of all of them—and, as Sunset could confirm—the most comfortable.

"Maximum privacy, for VIPs only," Zecora said to Starlight. "Sunset and I have spent much time here." She then smiled at Sunset, those wild eyes twinkling once more. "And time comes now, for her to be the listening ear."

"I will. Thanks, Ma—Miss Zecora," Sunset said, as both girls settled into the booth.

"Ring the booth bell to order drinks," Zecora said, handing out two menus. "But until then, take as long as you need to rest and think."

As Starlight watched Zecora leave, Starlight's words came in awestruck hisses. "Two. Of. Everyone. Oh. My. Gosh."

"Yep," Sunset said. "Like I said. Parallels all around."

"You sure? I mean, this Zecora looks like she's... I don't know, large and in charge! In Equestria, she's a total recluse who everyone distrusted because they didn't take the time to understand her until they were forced to—" Starlight stopped, and blushed. "Wow, parallels, but not where I expected. I think I could kiss you right now."

Sunset blushed in return. "I mean, let me earn it first."

Starlight sighed dramatically. "Well, if I must. Seriously, though. What's Zecora's deal on this side of things? And why are you and she so..." She put two fingers together.

Sunset opened her mouth to speak, when Starlight interrupted her with a raised index finger. "Oh, and by all means, start with 'Mama'."

Amidst Starlight's giggles, Sunset sighed.