• Member Since 17th Jul, 2015
  • offline last seen 23 minutes ago

Jaded Hearts

Pretend I'm mysterious and deep please. DERPI-LINKVALIDATION-B16675D885



It's the early days of Summer in Canterlot City. The university semester is nearing its end, papers are submitted and are being graded, and ponies are enjoying fresh coffee, long days full of sun, and warm nights, restless nights after stressful examinations, ripe for nightmares before the excitement of summer banishes them for a season.

Some dreams refuse to leave the mind upon waking.

EDIT: Cleaned up some grammar and fixed some italics.

EDIT 2: More grammar changes on the advice of EqD.

EDIT 3: Yet more grammatical changes, and some minor detail shifts to improve flow and reduce confusion.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 9 )

A ruby, cut and polished and half the thickness of my entire hoof. The red. Proof of my journey into the dreamscape.

She coughed up a transmaterioptikon? Yeah, that won't end well.

From the Sandman comics: It was a ruby created by Morpheus, the Dream King, as a vessel for part of his power. Then it was stolen and ended up with John Dee, who used it to become the supervillain Doctor Destiny. However, it prevented him from dreaming and gradually drove him insane. So, basically. . . Alicorn Amulet with dream powers.

This was a neat read! Good work!

This is nicely written. I get the feeling that she just stumbled upon a grand millennia-old conspiracy. I look forward to how she handles it in subsequent stories.

Are you sure you spelled that correctly? Googling that legit only links to here, and reddit threads about this fic.

Well, since you asked, I had to dig out the graphic novels and look it up—and I did slightly mis-remember the word. Here's the actual quote from Destiny: "I'm going to get the ruby back. The Mat. The Mat. The Mat-er-i-op-ti-kon. And then I'll drive everybody in the whole wide world mad. And then they'll make me king."

So I don't even know where I got the "trans-" part from. Also. . . I don't think anybody else in the series ever referred to it as the Materioptikon. Morpheus called it The Dreamstone. Destiny most often referred to it as his "baby", which is obviously reminiscent of Gollum and his "precious" ring.

Very well written, especially the various lore sprinkles! Those are always enjoyable for me. :twilightsmile:

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