• Member Since 3rd Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


"Be good to yourself, because nobody else has the power to make you happy."


Whilst on vacation, the Princesses Celestia and Luna stumble across Grogar's secret base. Utter bedlam ensues, along with a healthy slice of ridiculousness... Takes place during the events of 'Between Dark And Dawn'.

Featured from 26/6/19 to 27/6/19

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 34 )

Not bad. I liked how Cozy had the brains to be aware of her surroundings and know it was time to fold.

Indeed. Thanks for reading and commenting! :twistnerd:

Ha! And Grogar’s Legion of Doom headquarters was even on Celestia’s map...

Hmm. Maybe this isn't so unlikely after all then... :moustache:

Well, this is one way for Celestia and Luna to make up for eight season of being more or less useless!

Interesting thought. I'll have to go back and watch the episodes, to find out exactly how often they 'saved the day'. :rainbowdetermined2:


Off the top of my head, Celestia did it in "Lesson Zero" and with Luna, you could say she did it in the season 6 premiere by buying critical time, and then in the nine 9 premiere, and any time Luna came in to stop nightmares could count too.

In fact, it might even be possible to have some fun with that in a story, and say that Luna's saved the day more than Celestia.

And so, we see that a fanfic pays more attention to the over-arching plot of the season than the show itself.


I'll take that as a compliment. Thanks for reading & leaving a comment! :coolphoto:

Grogar: What's taking them so long?
They show up with all the princesses, bearers, a good handful of other species, and Shining I guess.
Grogar: Oh.

The princesses are so wonderfully out of character, they did a full circle and became in character again. 10/10

That was the general idea. :rainbowkiss:

Yup. :eeyup:


Only on-screen, since a 'mentor' character is only there to be surpassed by the main character. Remember, Celestia had no Elements of Harmony, no Pillars of Equestria, no extra alicorns laying around. For a thousand years it was just her protecting Equestria. So unless all these problems popped up shortly after Twilight was born for some reason, then all these issues with dragons, ancient evils, powerful monsters rampaging, should be somewhat consistent in their occurrence. Meaning she's been dealing with it frequently for a thousand years all on her own.


And somewhere in the Dragon lands, a certain red dragon is sneezing like crazy.

Was expecting the Royal Sisters to go full Devil May Cry on them after secretly sending for an audience. After all, the plot is no longer holding them back any more.

Villains: We will just waste you like all those previous times!!

The Siblings: Take a good look around you, is there anyone around?

Villains: What are you babbling about?

The Siblings: The only reason we lost previously is so that the next pony available can save the day, usually Twilight and company...now we didn't ask for them nor are they around. Do the maths. :trollestia:

Villains: (Realises that the plot is no longer making the Princesses useless and proceeds to get wrecked in Smoking Sexy Style.)

The comment got updated. please take a second look.

Thanks for the heads-up. :duck:

I bet it was his mom

9701221 It is a sorta compliment. As well as a non-subtle prod at the sloppy show construction. A silly throw-away fanfic keeps overarching details in mind and progresses the meta-story better than the people being paid to write the show.

Hell, I think "South Park" has better continuity, and that's a show that's a satire of everything.

I watch the episodes referenced in the fic again, and I double check the MLP wiki too. Pretty basic stuff, but thanks for noticing. :twilightsheepish:

9702004 You're welcome.

Kinda wish the show writers would bother to do that now and then. Sometimes they do, and one episode will be quality. Then, one or two episodes later, we're back to "Superfriends" level writing.

Just thought I'd say as someone who hasn't seen past S8E2 with the bare minimum of context going in, this was quite an enjoyable read.

"And never refer to me as 'Gar-Gar' again!! Only one pony has ever called me that and survived, and their identity will remain a mystery.

a perfectly calm Celestia ventured further into the cavern to have a friendly chat with Grogar, and all the departing entourage heard of the conversation was a truncated snippet. "Hi, Gar-Gar! It's been too long! Still making false promises to attract the 'best' lackeys around, I see. Now, where's that magical bell you owe me from that poker game you lost epochs ago? Oh, there it is, sticking out from under that rock! You really should take better care of invaluable enchanted artifacts than that. Well, no harm done... hey, there's no need to swear...!"

I really appreciate this little detail here. Of course Celestia would've done that and survived. :rainbowlaugh: On a side note, now two ponies have called him Gar-Gar and survived.

When "Gar-Gar" sent the three hooligans to gather mushrooms of all things, I thought he was already aware of Tia and Lulu being nearby and was taking countermeasures to them finding his lair.

Not exactly disappointed in how it turned out though.


Oh yes I love how that silliness was silly for a purpose and then they continued to be silly. Also, having all the protagonists is like... it's overkill beyond words. :pinkiehappy:

Thanks for the detailed review! :yay:

'Nothing succeeds like excess'... :ajsmug:

"I hate to be a spoilsport Chrissie, but I'm afraid I'll have to concur with my buddies here. That steel cage you put me in was awfully confining, I couldn't even do my morning push-ups!" Cozy Glow had the final casting vote, and her view was clear.

Is Cozy Glow talking to Luna? Because she said, "Chrissie", so it sounds like she making that comment to Chrysalis.

Other than that, this was hysterical! I loved it!

Hilarious. Would have been funny if Frenemies and Between Dark and Dawn had the sane concept as like the episode Just For Sidekicks!

HA! Wouldn't it just.

She is so infuriating.

I just can't stand it when she demean me with that insufferable nickname.

(i give myself a face hoof)

All i asked was muchrooms......


Celestia: "Hey, there's no need to swear...!"

This was good silly fun. I quite enjoyed it. Especially the payoff of the "Gar-Gar" joke. :rainbowlaugh:

"And never refer to me as 'Gar-Gar' again!! Only one pony has ever called me that and survived


And never refer to me as 'Gar-Gar' again!! Only one pony has ever called me that and survived, and their identity will remain a mystery.

It's Gusty the Great, isn't it? :facehoof:

I guess Luna wanted to have some fun activity with the evil trio before sending them to prison. :trollestia:

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