• Published 6th Jul 2019
  • 3,851 Views, 275 Comments

CRISIS: Equestria - GanonFLCL

The Elements of Harmony find themselves transported to a world full of evil and darkness. On the journey home they make new friends, as well as new enemies in the form of evil counterparts to themselves.

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CRISIS: Equestria - Chapter Twenty-Four

Author's Note:

Some may have trouble reading through later parts of this chapter due to formatting issues with transferring the original document over from Google Docs. If you are, I suggest you view the original Google Docs chapter, found here, and utilize the zoom capabilities. The original document is formatted much neater and uses colors to help with reading, so hopefully that takes care of any issues you might have.

CRISIS: Equestria

Chapter Twenty-Four: Insurrection

“Five days...” Applejack groaned as she tried to ignore her stomach doing the same, “Five whole doggone days...”

“Bringing it to our attention again isn’t helping matters any, darling,” Rarity complained, competing with her stomach for who could complain the loudest, and losing.

“Yeah, everypony got mad at me for bringing up food before,” Pinkie said with an accusing point of her hoof, “No fair for you to get to do the same.”

“Sorry... I jus’.... I can’t help it...” Applejack gulped, “I ain’t never gone this long without eatin’ before. It’s downright unbearable, is what it is.”

“I think we can all agree with you there, Applejack. Heh... imagine that, something we can all agree on for once...” Tick Tock noted with a sad smile. She shook her head, “Come on everypony, focus. We’ve got another day plus some before we get to Hope’s Point, and then we’ll have all the food we can eat. We can make it... we just need to hang on and push ourselves as hard as we can.”

“I don’t know how you can be so energetic, Tick Tock,” Rarity frowned, “Or you either, my dear Flathoof. Neither of you seem to be much the worse for wear, if you don’t mind my sounding a mite... jealous?”

Tick Tock sighed, “Believe me Rarity, it’s not easy. Just a little bit of mental focus is all, nothing a little experience can’t teach.”

“Experience?” Applejack asked.

“Well, I’ve had stints out here before without food, mostly due to accidents like we’ve had, maybe worse here and there,” Tick Tock explained, trying not to sound like she was bragging that she’d been starving before, “But, I’ll admit this is the longest I’ve ever gone...”

“This ain’t my first rodeo either,” Flathoof added, “Lockwood and I grew up in poverty, so we’ve seen almost as bad as this on a pretty regular basis. But yeah, this is probably the longest either of us has ever gone, and that was a long time ago. Brings back memories...”

“Are you holding up alright, Fluttershy?” Rarity asked behind her. The yellow pegasus, busy making sure Lockwood was still steady on Flathoof’s back as he slept, could only shake her head weakly. It only made Rarity frown more deeply. “Oh dear...” she sighed, “I really wish there was something we could do. Anything would be better than this...”

Applejack nodded in agreement and held her hat tentatively in her hooves, looking at it with depressed and desperate hunger in her eyes. She licked her lips in anticipation and opened her mouth to take a bite, and was barely shaken out of her sudden stupor when Rarity prodded her in the side.

“Darling, really, that’s the third time this evening,” she hummed, replacing the hat on Applejack’s head, “You know very well how much that hat means to you, and besides which I doubt it would be much for nourishment. I may as well eat my dress!”

“R-right, yeah...” Applejack flustered, “Sorry. Though... now that ya’ll mention it...” she added, eyes drifting down Rarity’s side to her torn clothing.

“Oh no, no no no, don’t even think about it,” Rarity hastily sputtered, “It was a joke, darling. My dress wouldn’t do much for nourishment either. Really now, Apple-”

“I was jokin’ too, Rarity,” Applejack chuckled, “I ain’t gonna eat yer dress, jus’ take it easy. If Lockwood woke up he’d be in fer a mighty interestin’ sight though, that’s fer sure. Ta be honest, I could really go fer some apples right about now...”

“Mmmm... apples...” Pinkie started, licking her lips and looking longingly at Applejack’s flank, “Ooh! There a few nice, juicy ones right here!”

Applejack gave a shout as Pinkie suddenly grabbed her and tried to bite down on her side. “Pinkie! Get off!” she yelped as she kicked Pinkie away, “The hay is wrong with you?”

“Eh?” Pinkie mumbled as she rubbed her eyes, “Oh... shoot. Sorry, Applejack, got carried away again.”

“Ah, finally, there it is!” Tick Tock beamed as she pointed ahead, stopping only for a moment to make sure Twilight was still keeping steady beside her, “Do you all see it?”

Pinkie squinted and looked off into the distance through the pair of binoculars she reproduced from out of her mane. “Yep! There it is alright! Thank goodness!” she happily pointed, gesturing towards the rock formation in the distance.

“Whew... if we’re nearly at the canyon entrance, that means we’re ‘bout halfway ta Hope’s Point,” Applejack eagerly said as she unfurled the map again, “Not much further now, y’all. If’n we keep this here pace up, we’ll be at th’ other side ‘fore mornin’.”

They increased their pace a little so that they could get to the canyon proper, and arrived there in mere minutes. When they arrived, they took a moment to rest and breathe as they looked into the next obstacle that blocked their path. The canyon path appeared to slope downwards through the rocky cliff and led off towards the sea, twisting and turning and winding through solid stone and seeming to go on for miles before it finally got anywhere near the end. While they couldn’t see most of the canyon path ahead as the walls were jagged and formed ceiling-like formations in several areas, they could clearly see the ocean off in the distance still, closer than ever. It wasn’t so much a straight gorge or anything of the sort, it just dipped smoothly downwards towards the ocean in a manner more applicable to a mountain pass, easy enough to traverse. Or so they hoped, at any rate. They weren’t exactly looking forward to going through it, as it was rather dark inside what with the canyon walls and ceiling-like rock formations casting deep shadows throughout, not at all helped by the nature of the rest of the region.

“It doesn’t look as pleasant as I’d have hoped...” Rarity said dejectedly, “I’d have liked to think a path like this leading down to our final stretch would be a little more... ah... inspiring.”

“Right,” Applejack agreed, “Only thing this here canyon is inspirin’ is the heebie-jeebies. It ain’t as dark as them caverns back in Goldridge, at least. We ain’t gonna need no unicorn flashlights or what not.”

Tick Tock looked bewildered. “Hello? Was anypony listening when we went over this earlier? The name of the place is the World’s Wound. What did you expect? Sunshine and flowers and fields of green?”

“That would be... nice, for a change,” Fluttershy peeped.

Tick Tock shook her head and sighed, “Come on everypony, the canyon isn’t too long, we’ll be through it in roughly six-to-seven hours. We can make camp on the other side before we hit the coast, take a much-needed breather and see if we can’t find anything around to eat. We’re going to want all the rest we can get before we try to cross the Bonesands, because in our weakened state and with us missing an ally, we’ll be bloody well hard-pressed to get across safely.”

Pinkie frowned deeply and sniffed, “Dashie... said she’ll be bringing help. You’ll see, guys...”

“Just forget it, Pinkie,” Applejack snorted, “If she was gettin’ things done like she thought she was, she’d be back by now.”

“Oh no! D-do you think something’s wrong? What if something happened?” Pinkie panicked.

Relax, Pinkie Pie, darling,” Rarity soothed, “I’m sure Rainbow Dash is fine. Though... that she hasn’t come back yet leads me to think that perhaps something has perhaps delayed her? I’m sure it’ll be alright...”

“I’ll be honest here, and say that if she managed to get into the city already, then she’s lucky,” Tick Tock said with a roll of her eyes, “Oh I’m sure she’ll try bringing help, but at the rate we’re moving, we’ll reach Hope’s Point before she even gets in. Maybe we’ll get lucky and be able to use her as a voucher.”

“A what?” Applejack asked.

“Long story, short version is it’s not helping matters any thinking on what Rainbow Dash might be doing,” Tick Tock answered.

The party entered the canyon and began the slow, steady descent down the gentle rolling slopes, glad at last to have solid comfortable ground beneath their hooves again, not the hot, barren sands of the Wastelands, or the burning rock of Redblade, or the cracking, crumbling rocks of the cliffs, or worse, the living, gooey sheen of red that coated the Blood Mire. It was almost like being back in Goldridge again, and reminded them all of the only highlight of this entire journey, before things had taken a sharp downward spiral. The ground was the only thing the canyon had to offer that was pleasant, much to their disappointment. The walls were curved and slanted and cast shadows through the path. The rocks overhead that formed natural bridges and ceilings all seemed unstable. What was worse, there seemed to be a great cloud of grays and blacks forming in the sky ahead, in the direction of the coast, churning and rolling towards them slowly like a wave.

Minutes turned to hours, and before long they reached the halfway mark: a wide clearing within the center of the canyon with a deep scar in the eastern side of the canyon wall that created a sort of cavern, wide enough that they had plenty of room to make camp in and take a brief rest before they trekked the other half. Every moment they had a chance to rest, they’d done so. Twilight was still barely able to walk and needed every moment she could get.

The party moved into the crevice and began to take up positions to rest, though Applejack warily decided it better to stand guard at the entrance to their makeshift camp, noting that with only one entrance, they were essentially trapped if anything should happen. Tick Tock agreed and offered to help scout around nearby, first helping Twilight to a comfortable resting position deeper into the crevice, and the two were soon joined by Flathoof. Tick Tock looked up in dismay as the cloud of darkness loomed overhead, noting that by now it had covered almost all of the canyon, bringing with it a gray mist that blanketed the canyon interior.

“That there cloud sure is gettin’ thick...” Applejack observed, “I can’t even see the Beacon sky thing through it.”

A sudden, loud boom of thunder drew a look from all the others as well.

“Bugger all...” Tick Tock sighed, “Just what we needed, a storm. I was hoping we wouldn’t have to deal with anything of the sort, but it would appear my shoddy luck rears its ugly head yet again.”

“A storm? Out here?” Applejack scratched her head, looking at Tick Tock, “What in the hay’s up with that? I thought y’all said there ain’t no weather out here?”

“In the Wastelands, no, you’re right,” Tick Tock shook her head, “But we’re not in the Wastelands anymore. We’re close enough to the coast that natural weather can form again, and we’re in a particular hotspot. How else do you think canyons like this would even form?”

“Well, I s’pose,” Applejack hummed.

Flathoof pointed, “Well, if anything this is a good thing though, isn’t it? We can refill our canteens.”

“I wouldn’t call a storm over the canyon a ‘good’ thing, certainly, but you make a valid point,” Tick Tock agreed, “We should still get ready to take shelter soon after it starts raining, and have Applejack get a barricade of some kind formed out of the rock here. We’re on a slope, so all that rainwater is going to come flowing down, and we don’t need to be getting swept up in it. Flash floods and all. Terrible business.”

“Sure thing,” Applejack nodded as the three of them headed back into the crevice, glad that the ceiling above was pretty solid. “What’s takin’ it so long, though? All this here mist should’ve cleared out by now.”

“Well, all things considered this will give us more time to rest. I suppose until the storm’s over, we may as well just count this as our official camp for the night,” Flathoof said with a nod.

“I wish it wasn’t,” Tick Tock grumbled, “As much as it’s helping in the short term, I’m afraid of long-term consequences to resting here and now, since we don’t know how long. If we had Rainbow Dash with us, she might be able to clear a path...”

“Please, don’t remind us,” Applejack snorted angrily.

Tick Tock continued, “Twilight’s getting better, but Lockwood’s getting worse. I think the only thing keeping him from worsening any faster is that he’s asleep, if that makes any sense. Whatever that curse is, it seems to rely a lot on the subject’s fear of its effect to affect them considering how quickly he started getting worse after his little ‘outburst’. It hasn’t been doing much but just fester since then, so I figure as long as he’s out, the process is slow. It’s just a theory, but it’s all I’ve got. I may not have Twilight’s Restomancy, but at least I can help someway.”

“And I thank you immensely for that, Tick Tock,” Flathoof smiled lightly as he looked over his shoulder at the sleeping pegasus over on the ground by Twilight.

“Don’t mention it,” Tick Tock smiled in return, “To be fair, I have Fluttershy to thank for getting that ball rolling in the first place. Sedation spells are hard to work properly, not like proper medical anesthetic. I’m sure Twilight would’ve been able to do it by herself if she could, but I’m all we’ve got as far as real unicorn magic anymo- er, no offense, Rarity...”

Rarity flicked her mane, “Hmph. I know I need to brush up a little on these more... ‘advanced’ spells, but at least I’m confident that I can claim to be a master in my own field. So sorry I’m not a magical prodigy like yourself and Twilight.”

Tick Tock coughed, and continued, “Well, as I was saying, Fluttershy being able to keep him calm makes it easier for me to keep him down. The other alternative would be to severely weaken him through pain of some kind, so that he’d pass out before I sedated him. I doubt that’s a route we all want to travel though, so thank goodness we don’t need to consider that.”

“Oh... I just hope we get to Hope’s Point soon...” Fluttershy sniffed, “I’ll never be able to forgive myself if something happens to him...”

Rarity frowned as she squinted through the steadily thickening storm mist, slowly losing the ability to see further than a few feet. “This storm sure has brought an awful lot of fog with it...”

“Well, storms do that,” Tick Tock pointed, “Just a little ocean fog, nothing to worry about.”

‘Little’ fog?” Flathoof balked.

“The rain should be coming sometime after. Applejack’s right though, this is taking a while. There must be a lot of precipitation up there.”

They all watched as the fog rolled in, thicker and thicker, until it was so thick they could barely even see one another anymore.

“Well okay, this isn’t normal,” Tick Tock said, scratching her head in confusion, “No really, where the bloody hell is the rain?”

“I can barely see a thing,” Applejack grumbled as she reached about, “Y’all still there? I can’t see ya.”

“Of course we’re still here, we’re talking, aren’t we?” Rarity noted as she let her horn glow a little to light up their surroundings. “Fluttershy, you’re still there, right darling?”

“Oh... um, yes,” the pegasus gulped as she crept closer to Rarity’s light, “I’m... not really fond of fog like this... I don’t like not being able to see...”

“It’s awful quiet fer a storm, too...” Applejack said nervously, “Where’d all the thunder go? I know I done heard thunder earlier... now I ain’t hearin’ anythin’...”

“Quiet...” Tick Tock hummed. She suddenly leapt up in worry, “Too quiet! Pinkie? Pinkie!” She lit up her horn and walked several paces away in search.

“Pinkie? Pinkie?!” Rarity asked as she looked around. When Pinkie didn’t respond she spun around in a panic and flared her horn to match Tick Tock’s light, “Oh! Oh g-goodness, you’re right, where’s-”

“Blimey!” Tick Tock suddenly yelped as she was jerked through the fog by an unseen force.

“Tick Tock?” Flathoof exclaimed as he stepped forward, “Tick Tock?! Where are you?! Say something!”

Tick Tock’s voice came loud and clear, and they could see her horn flash brilliantly in the fog. “AhhhhhHHHHH!”

Rarity narrowed her eyes and flared up her horn even brighter, shrouding Applejack and Flathoof in a dull blue glow. “Go!” she commanded, “Follow Tick Tock, quickly! It’s them! Another ambush!”

Applejack’s eyes widened and she rushed through the fog at Rarity’s command. It didn’t take long before she caught sight of Tick Tock’s green coat and sweater vest. The unicorn was yowling in pain and groping at something at her neck, though there was nothing there to be seen. Applejack leapt forward and rushed Tick Tock to get whatever was there off of her, bouncing awkwardly away as she struck something at an odd angle that had been behind her. She got to her hooves in time to see the distortion in the fog shimmer and fade away, and rushed at it again.

“Like, hey hey whoa!” Insipid suddenly squealed as she dodged aside, “Watch it, Jackalope!”

“Insipid?” Applejack balked, “Wow... okay. I weren’t expecting y’all ta be th’ one doin’ this here sneaky stuff. Where’s the rest o’ yer lil’ gang?”

Insipid looked offended, genuinely. “Okay, that’s like, so totally rude? Not even a hello? Major. Un-fresh. Psh, Curie said at least you and Rarity had some, y’know, manners? Guess we can, like, cross you off the list, cha.”

“I don’t really think showin’ any manners to a mare known fer hurtin’ mah friends sounds wrong at all,” Applejack sneered.

The unicorn shrugged, then flexed a foreleg. “Like, oh man, this is so totally cool! Knick Knack here has some pretty buff magic! I mean, like, I’m totally surprised and junk? I mean, I know she’s not, like, as strong as the boss, for. Sure. But what-ever, it’s still a big boost! Every little bit helps, y’know?”

“Tick Tock!” Flathoof yelled as he came over and started to help her up, “Are you alright? What did that creep do to you?”

“Ugh... did anypony catch the license plate on that bus?” Tick Tock mumbled as she staggered to her hooves.

The trio was soon joined by Fluttershy and Rarity.

Insipid,” Rarity huffed, then suddenly rapidly blinked in surprise, “Oh my, what did you do to yourself? You look... look...”

“Nice?” Fluttershy suggested.

Insipid giggled happily, pawing a hoof at her very sleek and sparkling clean blonde mane, twirling around and gazing at her coat’s lustrous black sheen. “Oh I know, right? Curie let me, like, borrow her powers for a little bit so I could pull this little trick off on all of you, and so, like, I thought I’d try giving myself a totally. Major. Fresh. Makeover! Eeee, Curie said she liked it! She might let me keep it! Oooh, I love being her cherry now!”

Rarity grit her teeth, “Speaking of Curaçao, where are your other sisters? And what have you all done with our dear Pinkie Pie?! We know you’re all responsible for that too! So where is she?!”

Insipid grinned widely and barely resisted the urge to bounce in place. “Oh wow, like, she’s dealing with somepony who is just gonna totally thrash her! Like, the boss says that Velvet isn’t doing so well against her as she thought she would? Or something? I don’t know what that means so-” She stopped a second and took a step back when Applejack and Rarity each took a step towards her. “Um... okay, so like, you’re all kinda giving me these angry looks and junk?” she nervously chuckled, “Uh-oh... y-y-you’re not all gonna try and like, gang-up on me, are you? Oh man, you guys, that is so mean! Totally. Not. Cool.”

“Seems like a good idea ta me, thanks fer suggestin’ it,” Applejack snorted, taking another step forward, “And when we’re done with ya’ll, we’ll move onta the next one o’ ya, on down the line. We done chased y’all off once, we can do it again.”

Insipid grinned again, wider than before. “Okay so like, then that means you’re all here, right? ‘cause, like, who’s gonna guard your other friend and make sure the boss doesn’t do something to her? What’s-her-face... oh, you know! Um... Flashlight? Lightbulb?”

“Twilight!” Rarity cried in a panic, “What have you done with her?!”

Insipid pointed her hoof thankfully at Rarity. “Yeah! That’s it, thanks Rar-”

“Applejack, Flathoof, get back to Twilight and guard her and dear Lockwood from those other ruffians,” Rarity commanded, “And take Tick Tock with you. Fluttershy and I will handle this uncouth creature.”

The three of them looked at one another, then instantly turned back and ran in the direction they’d left Twilight and Lockwood in.

“Okay, so like, I guess this is like a... um... double rematch?” Insipid scratched her head, “I mean, I’ve taken each of you on before, y’know, so like... I dunno? What-ever, this won’t last long anyway. Cha.”

“Keep quiet!” Rarity snapped, “Applejack is right, when the two of us are through with you, we can go back there and help them. Last time you tried to divide and conquer, but together we stand strong!”

“Whoa, like, hey now, take a chill pill, Rarity,” Insipid grunted, “When did you start getting all, like, barky and stuff? I thought the barky one was Bust-A-Rhyme over-”

Fluttershy!” Fluttershy shouted as Ophanim sprung out of her bracelet. The wolf growled at Insipid, gazing upon her with fierce intensity. “I told you not to try and hurt my friends anymore! I also told you I wouldn’t hesitate to hurt you if you tried again!”

“Oooh, I’m, like, so scared and junk?” Insipid chuckled, “Curie told me I have nothing to be afraid of from you two wimps, see, ‘cause, well, you’re, like, y’know, wimps?”

Rarity huffed and scuffed a hoof through the dirt. “You’ve threatened me and my friends long enough, Insipid. I’d have thought that after our last encounter, you and your sisters would realize that you’re not a match for us anymore! Come, Fluttershy, let’s take care of this filth and return to the others.”

Fluttershy took a step forward and grunted in agreement, then unleashed Ophanim on the black unicorn. Insipid panicked only briefly to duck away from him, turning into a tiger and bounding away to buy herself some distance.

She growled, “Okay, like, time to see if that lame-o Slim Jim pony has some real power!” She leapt at Ophanim in turn, claws and teeth bared.

“Same old trick. I’ve got a bigger cat though,” Fluttershy noted with a grin, watching in anticipation as Ophanim turned into a lion and prepared to catch Insipid as she flew at him.

She was astounded to watch Insipid suddenly throw a shield up and deflect Ophanim’s large claws away. She landed on the ground in front of him and leapt at him again, swiftly clamoring over him in the much smaller shape of a weasel. Ophanim tried to catch her, but she was moving too fast to do much. Fluttershy willed for him to turn into another animal, a smaller one, a fox, but Insipid just as quickly changed her own form into a tiny hummingbird, circling around his head as he tried to bat her away.

“Oh... Ophanim, be careful!” Fluttershy panicked as the little hummingbird hovered just over Ophanim’s head and turned into a bear, landing right on top of him. His light flickered as the great weight pushed on top of him, and he tried to transform but couldn’t.

Rarity grit her teeth and fired her magic at Ophanim, filling him with a pink glow instead of white. He very suddenly began to grow, almost doubling in size, changing into a bear himself as he did so.

“Like, what the-” Insipid growled as she saw a larger bear’s paw come sweeping at her. She transformed into a mouse to slip between the gap in his claws, then into a hawk to swoop around and avoid him some more as he frantically swatted around himself, unaffected in agility despite his size due to his magical nature.

“Come on, Fluttershy, time to counter her!” Rarity bellowed, “This is your chance!”

Fluttershy grit her teeth and consciously willed Ophanim to turn into an eagle that was easily more than twice Insipid’s size. He crashed into the smaller bird with astounding force before turning into a gorilla and slamming Insipid into the ground in the palm of his hand.

“Ugh... like, ow...” Insipid groaned as Ophanim lifted his hand off of her and balled it into a fist. She panicked. “Okay boss! I don’t wanna be a distraction anymore!”

“What did she- wah!” Rarity yelped as she found her suddenly whisked away.

Fluttershy stepped forward in a panic as Rarity disappeared. “Rarity! Eep!” She cried as she too was whisked away. Ophanim leapt towards its master to defend her from the unseen force. Without her in his proximity to command him or to defend, he suddenly flickered away and vanished in a haze as he became too far out of range of the connection to her for him to function. Insipid smirked with pride, and pranced merrily off into the fog.


Pinkie struggled to get out of the grip of something invisible as she was dragged away from her friends, watching them run off into the fog when she heard Tick Tock scream, but whatever was keeping her fore legs pinned behind her back had a very firm hold. Her hind legs were scuffing the ground in an attempt to slow whatever was dragging her away, and though they were doing fairly, it just wasn’t enough. She tried to scream out to get their attention, but whatever was dragging her had something over her mouth that kept her from making sound too. Normally, she’d be able to get out of something like this, but she couldn’t even see what was happening to try and make sense of it, so that she could make nonsense of it. It wasn’t until she was dragged out of earshot of them all that she began to see the flashes of magic through the thick fog. Her friends were in trouble, and they needed her help. And she knew only one pony that would try to keep her from her friends.

She took a deep breath and tilted her head slightly forward, then bashed it backwards as hard as she could. The thunking sound meant she’d hit something, whatever it was that was dragging her away, causing it to stagger back and lose its grip temporarily, enough for Pinkie to slip out of the hold and bounce away. She chanced a glance back to her friends, but knew that if she tried to get to them and help, then Red Velvet would just give chase anyway and join the fray as well, where she really was a threat. She couldn’t risk that, not when keeping the temperamental psychopath occupied was a much better use of her talents. She was confused why Red wasn’t casting darkness about, trying to frighten her, even if the other earth pony did think it wouldn’t work. She was more frightened than ever before, not because of Red of course, but because her friends were in danger again, and worse, she had no idea where Rainbow Dash was. She shook her head of those thoughts, knowing she needed to focus on keeping her fears buried to keep Red from feeding on them and becoming stronger.

“Show yourself, Red! There’s no point in hiding from me, I know you’re there!” Pinkie challenged, “Come on, bring it! We can start again at Round One! I’ll kick your butt all over this canyon just I did back in the field!”

A laugh from the fog made her raise an eyebrow, unable to understand why it sounded like it did.

That wasn’t Red Velvet’s typical chuckle.

“Ooh là là, you zink zat I would assign ‘er to try and ‘andle you again, Mademoiselle Pie? C’est drôle...” Pinkie frantically looked around her to find the source of the laugh, knowing now that it definitely wasn’t Red Velvet. She remembered Rarity saying that Curaçao could change her coat colors to blend into her surroundings. She could be hiding anywhere. “Oh, tsk tsk, mon amie. You want to oppose moi? You cannot ‘it what you cannot see, n’est-ce pas?”

“Stop messing around!” Pinkie demanded still frantically looking about and shuffling around to avoid being snuck up on, “That’s my job! You wanna tussle with the Pink, you’d better think! ...again! Man I keep messing that up...”

“You are trying to find me, oui? Am I over ‘ere?”

Curaçao’s voice laughed from somewhere to Pinkie’s left. Pinkie swivelled around and let loose a rough roundhouse kick in that direction, but struck nothing but air and nearly tripped over herself.

“Or am I over ‘ere?”

This time, the voice came from right behind Pinkie. She deftly leapt into a backflip and spun around with another kick. Nothing. This time, she did trip and frantically tried to keep her balance.

“Grrr... quit hiding! If you’re gonna fight me, do it like a mare!” Pinkie called out, still looking around herself. Rarity had said with a keen eye, she could spot Curaçao’s outline and find her, so she tried to calm down and look more slowly, using the taunts to try and buy some time or goad the other pony into revealing herself.

Curaçao voiced sighed with disappointment. “Tsk tsk. If you zink I’m going to fall for zee same tricks zat ‘avocwing does, you are sadly mistaken, vois-tu? Are you trying to emulate your dear chérie? Oh, zat reminds me... where is Mademoiselle Dash anyway? Did she... abandon you? Très triste... pour toi, at least.”

Pinkie glared in the last direction she’d heard the voice from, then removed her helmet and reached into her poofy hair and pulled out a set of goggles. Curaçao remained silent and watched in bizarre awe as she watched Pinkie put them on and click a switch on the side that made the lenses glow a bright green before Pinkie began to look around herself.

“Ah... and zee toys come out. Tell me zen... what are zose supposed to be?” Curaçao’s voice asked with genuine curiosity.

Pinkie smirked and turned, then confidently pointed in Curaçao’s direction. “Aha! Gotcha!”

Curaçao panicked and leapt aside to avoid Pinkie rushing at her with a flurry of punches and kicks. “What zee- merde!”

She began to dodge and bob and weave to avoid Pinkie’s rapid-fire assault, then grit her teeth and went to sweep Pinkie’s legs. Pinkie deftly flipped again and ended up behind Curaçao’s planned escape route. Curaçao was astounded that somehow, during the mid-air flip, Pinkie had once again changed her outfit, now dressed in a sleek black, lightly-armored suit that covered her entire body and even her face, minus her eyes and the goggles over them, equipped with all assortments of pouches of various sizes. The goggles had changed too, now sporting a third eye in the center. Pinkie now was pointing what looked like some sort of tube-shaped, shoulder-mounted weapon pointed directly at Curaçao.

“You think you’re sneaky, you haven’t met sneaky!” Pinkie declared brightly, “Agent Pink is on the case!”

“Where did you get all zat merveilleux equipment?” Curaçao’s voice cooed as she uncloaked herself, “Zough zat suit does not go well wiz a pony of your figure, of course. If I may be blunt, it makes... ah, ‘ow would ma chérie say it? Ah - it makes your butt look big? Did I get zat right?”

Pinkie waggled her head. “Oh no you di-n’t. Girl, you best check yo’self, fo’ you wreck yo’self, gettin’ up all in my bidnez!” she snorted, waving a hoof back and forth in front of her face with inexplicable snaps. “So, we’re back to the taunting game, huh? Well just so you know, I learned from the best.”

“Oh, I am eager wiz attente,” Curaçao chuckled.

“You think I’ve got a big butt? Well... your butt is... all... fancy! And wimpy! You’re a fancy-schmancy, limpy-wimpy, butt-face!”

Curaçao remained silent and mouthed the words back to herself. She shook her head in disbelief. “I... ouah. Zat... zat was terrible.”

“Your face is terrible,” Pinkie scoffed.

Curaçao waved a hoof dismissively. “Clearly a master of zee art of... ‘ow would you put it? Zee Dozens, oui? But, ah, pardonne-moi, I was asking you where you got tes jouets? I ‘ave un ‘obby, vois-tu? I like to know ‘ow everypony’s powers work, so zat when zee time comes... je pourrai t’écraser sous mon sabot. Yours, ‘owever, is strange to me. ‘ow do you ‘ave such wonderful abilities?”

Pinkie continued to pace around Curaçao, keeping her guard up despite seeing the other earth pony just standing calmly there, glowing a bright green in the center of her vision. It was strange that this pony was so calm despite everything. Rarity had said that even in the heat of fighting against her, Curaçao continued to maintain the same awkwardly calm, professional attitude whilst in the middle of a brawl. Only when she was angry did she seem to drop it, but Pinkie was at a loss for how to make her angry, not that she wanted to, really. Rarity had said that the blue earth pony was, when angered, genuinely scary.

What struck Pinkie the most was that Curaçao was actually a legitimate threat. In this fog, she could move around unseen. All things considered, the other earth pony was dangerous if she were to be allowed near her friends, so when it came down to it, Pinkie knew that by keeping her occupied here, she was harmless. If that meant leaving her friends to deal with Curaçao’s allies in order to prevent Curaçao herself from joining in and distracting them, so be it.

So, she humored her.

“Well okay... um, but it’s hard to explain, really. Let’s just keep it simple, so I can get back to kicking your butt and then get back to helping my friends. Sound good?”

“C’est acceptable,” Curaçao nodded.

Pinkie then stated, matter-of-factly, unabashedly, completely genuinely and seriously and without even the slightest hint of attempting to joke around, “I can do whatever I want. There, happy?”

“Whatever you want?” Curaçao asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Whatever I want.” Still no trace of a giggle or a laugh, no smile, no grin, just a stone look.

“So you can pull zese... zese toys out of nowhere?”

“Yup.” Unfathomably serious.

Curaçao shook her head in utter disbelief. “Zis must be une farce. Zat kind of magic, c’est difficile even pour ta capitaine... even pour ma capitaine. You cannot make somezing from nozing, not wizout une incroyable habileté... and une corne- a, ‘ow would you say, ‘orn on your ‘ead, voyez-vous?”

“What?” Pinkie said somewhat nervously, tilting her head, “But I do it all the time. You’ve seen it, Red’s seen it, everypony’s seen it.”

Curaçao let out a groan and shook her head. “No wonder Velvet ‘as such trouble wiz you - you are breaking zee rules of magic! C’est impossible, zis ‘magic’ of yours!”

“Oh yeah?” Pinkie chortled, “Watch this!” She braced herself and aimed her weapon directly at Curaçao, and squeezed the trigger.


Curaçao watched in suspense, as nothing even remotely interesting happened. “Watch what? Is zat zing supposed to do somezing?”

*click* *click* *click* *click*

Pinkie looked at her weapon nervously, clicking the trigger incessantly even as she looked down the barrel.

*click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click*

Nothing. Even though she had purposefully aimed it at herself and fired, a classic joke, it still wasn’t working.

“What the hay... oh come on! There was suppose to be a ‘BANG!’ and then a ‘BOOM!’ and then you were supposed to get knocked around and stuff! This isn’t supposed to happen...” She was doing her best not to let anything slip. Curaçao had accidentally said exactly the wrong thing, but so long as she didn’t know why her shoulder-mounted, heat-seeking, BFRL-3000 wasn’t working, then she could still have an advantage.

Curaçao’s laugh was loud and boastful, “My my my, are you ‘aving trouble, Mademoiselle Pie? Per’aps it broke when you sat on it?”

Pinkie glared and chucked the useless equipment aside. “Okay fine, no rocket launcher, no problem. I’m still a master of CQC! Prepare to be thrashed, fancy pants!”

“Oh, you are zee master of zee mêlée? I take it zat Rarity did not give you any details on what I did to ‘er?”

“Oh she told me plenty,” Pinkie grinned, getting into a fighting stance, “But that’s Rarity, not me. No offense to her, but she’s not exactly what I’d call a ‘combat master’... well except that one time she knew karate, but I think that was a ‘one episode only’ gag? Whatever - time to get to business. Let’s get some tunes rolling, and we can get started.”

Pinkie Pie reached into one of the many pouches on her suit and pulled out her little music player, and began busily fumbling with it. She brightened when she found just what she was looking for, pressed a button, then eagerly bounced in place as the music started to play.

“Perfect,” Pinkie smiled, “Okay, fancy pants - it’s show-”

“Berk...” Curaçao snorted, turning her nose up, “Tes goûts musicaux, ils sont affreuse!”

“You... you don’t like it?” Pinkie pouted.

“Non! C’est trop... ah... trop grossier. Don’t you ‘ave somezing more... de grande classe? Euh... classy?”

“Classy?” Pinkie blinked, “Why would you want something classy? This is a straight up brawl, missy, we don’t-”

“Zere is such a zing a classy ‘fight music’, n’est-ce pas?” Curaçao said pointedly, “But I guess if you do not ‘ave any, zen I will just... mon dieu... ‘make do’ wiz... ça.”

“What? Psh, I have classy fight music,” Pinkie snorted, “Hmph, check this out!” And Pinkie pushed a button on the little gadget, and suddenly, different music started playing from nowhere yet again. “Oh, huh. Eh... well, let me try again, that’s not-”

“Attends!” Curaçao held up a hoof, and briefly considered, “Ah! It is good! Zat is, ‘ow would you say, more like it!”

Pinkie Pie made a face. “Oh Celestia you can’t be serious. Really? This isn’t fighting music!”

“Non? Oh, but je l’aime!” Curaçao pouted.

“Fine... I guess grand orchestral fits.” Pinkie rolled her eyes and got back into a fighting stance again. “Well whatever, long story short, I warn you now,” and she stared straight ahead as her voice dropped two whole octaves, “I know kung-fu.”

Curaçao smirked and settled in to her own combat stance. “Montrez-moi.”

Pinkie lunged forward, hind legs first, rapidly kicking her legs in a bicycle kick. Curaçao ducked beneath Pinkie and grabbed her legs as she whizzed by her head, shifting her weight and flinging Pinkie over her and slamming her into the ground. As the blue pony moved to pin her, Pinkie kicked her legs, sending Curaçao flying over her. The blue earth pony landed perfectly on all fours, and snickered again as Pinkie worked her way back to her hooves.

“Ouah, kung-fu? Where did you learn your technique? A cereal box?”

“Oog... h-hey! It was an excellent source of fifteen vitamins and minerals...” Pinkie complained as she rubbed her head, “Ow... you’re stronger than you look.”

You’re too easy to read,” Curaçao laughed, “Zose moves of yours, zey are too flashy, too predictable. You are, ‘ow you say, zee power player? Zat may work against Red Velvet, as she plays zee same. Me zough... I ‘ave, ‘ow would you say, finesse. Technique, s'il te plaît?” Curaçao smiled as she shifted back into her shroud of invisibility. “Come on zen, let us continue zee game, oui?”


Applejack and Flathoof, with an exhausted and limping Tick Tock behind them, came running towards Twilight and Lockwood’s previous location, where the fog was rapidly dispersing and making it significantly easier to see. To their dismay, Twilight was not there.

“No...” Applejack panicked as she frantically looked around the crevice, “No... where is she?! Twilight?! Twilight?! I can’t feel her anywhere nearby!”

“Lockwood? Hey bud, are you alright?” Flathoof stammered as he approached the pegasus, who was thankfully still fast asleep. “Whew. Blast it... where did they-”

“Look out!” Tick Tock called from just outside the crevice, raising a Barrier around herself as fast as she could.

Flathoof barely reacted in time to avoid a fireball as it exploded near him and Lockwood, pulling the pegasus with him and rolling together some ways away and hitting the canyon wall.

“Ahhhhhh!” Lockwood winced as he startled awake, “Geez, can’t you ever wake me up peacefully?!”

“Dammit!” Flathoof yelled as he got to his hooves and stood defensively near Lockwood, “Stay down buddy, we’ve got company.”

“Oh... wonderful...” Lockwood grumbled. He suddenly perked up in a panic. “Fluttershy? Where’s Fluttershy?!”

“She’s with Rarity, now stay down,” Flathoof hissed, “Just keep behind me, okay?”

“Man, can’t believe I missed! Guess I’m off my game,” Havocwing snickered as she circled around up above them and charged up another fireball, “Oh well, I won’t miss this time! Eat it, losers!”

The blast screeched towards the two, and Flathoof prepared to shield Lockwood from the burst with his body. It exploded several feet before it got to them, deflected by a well-aimed boulder that had been chucked into the line of fire. The fire and rock sprayed about, so Flathoof still had to shield Lockwood from most of it.

“Oh for buck’s sakes, come on!” Havoc angrily yelled, charging up another set of fireballs, “I’m getting tired of this crap!”

“Hey featherbrain, heads up!” Applejack called as she kicked another rock in the pegasus’s direction.

Havocwing lazily swerved to avoid it, and grinned wide as she looked back down at ground level. “Oh, look who thinks she’s a big mare now! Pretty brave of you to be kicking rocks around like some sort of big-shot, ground-pounder.”

Applejack called back, “Pretty brave of y’all ta be shootin’ fireballs ‘round like some sorta hot-shot, cloud-fluffer.”

Havocwing sneered, “You wanna play, huh? Fine, the boss wants me to deal with you, guess you get to be dealt with!”

“Bring it on!” Applejack turned quickly to Flathoof and Lockwood, “You two keep safe, y’hear? Tick Tock! Over here, no tellin’ where th’ others o’ their group are!”

Applejack galloped off and left the three of them alone, thankfully drawing Havocwing’s fire away from them. Tick Tock breathed a sigh of modest relief. “We need to get to cover, boys. Flathoof, take Lockwood and- oh bugger, down!”

Flathoof chanced a glance sideways and narrowly reacted in time to duck under a swinging red blade that slashed into the wall of rock behind them, dribbling debris and splashing blood down on them.

“Tch, no fair,” Red Velvet complained as she stepped out of the fog, “I almost got myself a three-for-one special on pony heads. One of every variety even! A total bargain, all wasted. Oh well... guess I’ll just have to do this the old-fashioned way, which is fine really, I like old-fashioned,” she added with a wicked chuckle.

“This... is bad...” Tick Tock gulped, letting her horn glow. The glow was horribly dim, and she was visibly strained even attempting this, “This is really, really bad...”

“I’ll handle this,” Flathoof said firmly, stepping forward and cracking his neck.

Tick Tock and Lockwood watched him in disbelief, jaws agape. She spoke first. “You’re... joking? Right? Please tell me you’re joking, because then I can tell you you’re not bloody funny.”

“Ooh, well now, this looks fun!” Velvet said with a wide, fanged grin, “Finally, a target I’m allowed to use lethal force against! It’s been ages since I’ve had another pony, so you have no idea how much I’m going to enjoy this, big guy. Let’s see if you can last longer than the last stallion I enjoyed. I’ll play nice, I swear! Hee hee! Oh, I suppose it’s only fair I let you have some last words with your friends. That just makes it all the more sad for them when you die, and I drink that stuff up.”

“Are you crazy, Flathoof?!” Lockwood exclaimed, “She’ll kill you!”

“She’s not getting past me,” Flathoof snorted as he stepped forward again, pride and confidence in his stride, “Rarity’s boost magic flows through me, and I’m going to use it to do what I should’ve been doing since this whole damn journey started. I’m going to keep you all safe. I’m going to protect you.”

“I appreciate the bravado, Flathoof,” Tick Tock hastily interjected, “If you’re trying to impress all the mares here or trying to make amends for anything you may or may not have done, this is not the best way to do it. There is a difference, a huge difference, between brave and bleedin’ daft.”

“You’ll see, Tick Tock,” Flathoof smiled, “I’ll be okay. You just stick with Lockwood, make sure nothing happens to him, alright?”

“All done?” Velvet smiled eagerly, “Good, that means we can get to it then. Say... has anypony ever told you you are just a gorgeous hunk of meat? You’re so thick... so juicy. Huh, beefcake? I mean, I know you all are starving out here and stuff, so it’s kind of lucky I guess that you’re still so damn buff.”

“If we’re done with all this, let’s just start, shall we?” Flathoof said bravely, planting his hooves and standing tall and firm, “We’ll see what my power looks like when it’s been given a little ‘oomph’. I’m looking forward to it.”

Velvet clicked her tongue, shrugged, and lashed out at him with a tendril of blood that moved faster than he could see. It wrapped around his neck and dragged him towards her at a purposefully slow pace. He struggled to get out of the grip for a few moments, before grinning and planting his hooves firmly in the ground; he stopped moving, no matter how hard she tugged.

“One of the first things I learned when it came to protecting those important to me is to stand your ground,” he explained.

“Aww, that’s cute. So you think you’re tough, then?” Velvet grinned, “Allie-oop!”

Flathoof yelped as he was tugged upwards and then sharply slammed back down, then yanked over to her with a jerking motion. She stopped him in mid-air and tenderly ran her hooves along his chest.

“Ooh, tender...” she breathed, “You’ve got a lot of meat on you, beefcake. I can’t wait.” She brought him down to her level and whispered in his ear, “I want you... inside me...”

“If you’re trying to creep me out,” Flathoof shivered, “It’s working...”

Velvet pouted, “Awww, not even in bite-sized little bits? What did you think I meant? Mmm... you’re dirty. I like that.”

She shrugged, then lashed the tendril out again, moving it like a whip and flinging Flathoof into the nearest wall. He crashed into it hard, sending debris falling about. Velvet let her tendril slink away as Flathoof fell to the ground and was covered by rocks that continued to fall from the canyon wall.

“Tsk, not quite the stamina I would have liked,” Velvet said with a dejected sigh, “Good stallions are so hard to find these days, right guys?” she added, leering at Tick Tock and Lockwood. “Okay then, which one of you is next? The other stallion? Lockwood, was it? Hmm... I dunno, a bit stringy...”

“Oh geez she’s looking right at me isn’t she?” Lockwood shivered.

Her nose twitched. “Now that I think about it... by the stars, what is that smell? Is that coming from you? It’s like blood... mixed with fear. Normally that would be downright delectable, but I dunno... something seems off. The blood is all rotten or something, eww. The fear’s alright though... just strange. Tainted. Whatever it is, it’s got some decent kick to it... and you know what?” She paused, legitimately thoughtful, “Once you get used to it, it’s kinda nice. Spicy! Piquant, maybe! Maybe I’ll keep you around as like... seasoning! Grind up a bit of you at a time for the extra zest,” and she held out both hooves, presenting the idea, “Like ‘Fear-Lite: half the calories, all the taste’! If I weren’t the only member of my target demographic, I’d be a marketing genius! I daresay I’d make a... killing! Ha ha haaa, whew. I’m gonna write that down, that’s a keeper.” She wiped a black tear from her eye.

“I don’t know if any of what she just said is something I should be scared of... or really scared of...” Lockwood nervously admitted.

Red Velvet started at his voice, and looked at Tick Tock hungrily, “And please say you’re the main course, Tick Tock. I mean, I prefer stallions, but I’m not picky - I get my fill either way! Oooh, and I’ll earn so many brownie points with daddy if I bring him your head. That’s the only part I’ll save, of course. Well, unless I get full, then I guess I’ll take a doggy bag.”

Tick Tock gulped and stepped forward, still limping. “Right. Well... wish me good luck?” she chuckled nervously, looking at Lockwood.

“Luck. Good. Right,” Lockwood frowned, “Yes, that’s served you well over the last two weeks.”

Red leapt forward, blades spinning and twirling about. Tick Tock prepared to place up a Barrier to defend herself. She was surprised when Red was sent flying as Flathoof rammed into her from the side. She was sent rolling, rolling, until she hit the canyon wall.

“I’m not done yet, Miss Velvet,” Flathoof snorted, scraping a hoof roughly through dirt, “I said I’d protect my friends, and I meant that from the bottom of my heart. Round two, let’s go. I’m just getting started.”

“Oooh, I like you, big boy,” Velvet snickered as she shook dirt and dust off of herself, “You’ve got spunk! You’ve got life! I’m going to enjoy breaking you in half!”

She charged at him again, lashing a blade forward. He rolled to avoid it and rushed at her, bashing her in the face with his shoulder and knocking her back a little. She was unfazed and latched onto his torso again with her tendrils, lifting him into the air and slamming him down again as hard as she could. She grinned widely as the dust cleared, then watched in curiosity and anger as he started to stand again.

“What gives?” she scratched her head, “That should have broken your spine! Where’s the delicious snap?!”

Flathoof smiled as he stood upright, a dim blue glow in his eyes. “Like I told Lockwood - super strength includes increased endurance and toughness. Heh heh... you can’t break me. I am a shield. That hurt like hell though...” he winced.

“So you can at least still feel pain,” Velvet grinned widely, “That’s good enough for me! I could use a new boy toy!”

Velvet tightened her grip on his torso and flung him at the nearest wall, chasing in after him with more tendrils flailing about. Tick Tock watched in morbid fascination as Flathoof took the brunt of the assault and screamed in pain, but was not physically taking much damage at all.

“He can’t handle her by himself...” she grimaced, “She’s just playing with him. She’s getting a kick of seeing how much he can take...”

“You... need to help him,” Lockwood suggested weakly.

“I’m still too drained from that bloody moronic blonde,” Tick Tock frowned, “I’d be more harm than help if I tried to get in there now.”

“Let’s see if... there’s something we can’t do... about that...” Lockwood smiled.

He touched a hoof to the nearest part of her he could reach, and she shot an angry look back at him. “Oy! Watch the hooves there-” She suddenly brightened as the feeling of weakness she was feeling ebbed away. “Oh... w-wait! You shouldn’t be doing this in your condition!” she pointed, attempting to jerk away.

Lockwood gave her a grim smile. “I... I can take it...” he breathed, “Besides... I might pass out from... all the pain... eventually, then... I can get back... to sleep...”

Tick Tock continued to try and stop him from doing what he was doing, but her own exhaustion was keeping her from moving, and his grip felt like a magnet. The pain in her leg and the weakness in her body began to melt away slowly, but her anguish was now emotional as she watched Lockwood’s face contort to match the new sensations he was feeling. After a moment or two, Lockwood’s eyes glazed over and Tick Tock frantically channeled a Sedation spell to get him back to sleep painlessly.

“Sleep well, you nutter...” Tick Tock sighed, “Right! Here goes!”

She galloped over to the site of Flathoof and Velvet’s battle, where the mare was literally swinging Flathoof around like a yo-yo and slamming him into the ground, the canyon walls, and anything else she could find. Tick Tock fired a bolt of magic at her which exploded in a shower of sparks against the back of her head, causing her to lose her focus, stumble, and drop Flathoof, who fell somewhat nearby; Tick Tock ran to him and crouched at his side. He was still surprisingly intact despite everything, but his magic seemed to be wearing thin, as bruises and scrapes and cuts were beginning to show.

“You alright there, Flathoof?” Tick Tock asked.

He weakly nodded and stood upright. “I’ve had worse. Where’s Lockwood?”

“Sleeping. Let’s just keep it simple and leave it at that, eh?”

“Psh, can’t I ever enjoy a little fun without getting interrupted by somepony trying to be a hero?” Velvet sneered as she turned to face them, “Really? I mean really? I was willing to save you for later, Tick Tock, but I guess if you’re so eager to enter the fray, I’ll accommodate you!”

“Two against one now, psycho,” Tick Tock snorted, “Odds are improved, and that’s enough to hold you off until somepony else finishes up your sisters and comes to our aid.”

“Aww... you’re so cute when you’re brave,” Velvet snickered as she approached them, blades twirling about. “So, you two think you’re some sorts of tough cookies, huh? I’ll admit, that infuriating Pinkie Pie may have gotten on my nerves with all her bizarro antics, but at least she put up a good fight. What do you two think you’re going to do? Beefcake here looks like he’s losing his touch, and you, Tick Tock, are very unfortunately-” She lashed out a tendril at her, “Not invincible!”

Tick Tock panicked and placed up a Barrier, which deflected the tendril just barely. She fought to keep it up around her and Flathoof as Velvet continued to pound away at it with all assortments of bloody weaponry. Velvet’s grin widened more and more as Tick Tock’s shield seemed to be wearing thinner and thinner, forcing Flathoof to rush out of it in an attempt to distract her. She laughed, and swatted him aside.

“Oops! Nice try!” Velvet grinned at Tick Tock again, her smile massive and fanged. Her eyes were beginning to turn red again. “You really should be glad I’ve held back this long. There’s a lot of fear in the air around here, Tick Tock. I can smell it. I can taste it. Do you want to know... what you’re all the most afraid of?”

Tick Tock’s eyes widened in shock as Velvet’s tendrils actually grabbed her Barrier and threw it, with her inside, at the nearest wall. She bounced around inside and lost her focus, dropping the shield and shuffling away in a panic.

“I’m gonna just drink this all in before I kill you,” Velvet chortled, “You have no idea how long it’s been since I’ve able to feel this good. I can put off the murdering and the blood and the death and all that fun stuff until later, at least until I can get off on all this.”

Flathoof charged in and attempted to knock her aside. She caught him inches away and threw him over her head, sending him flying right at Tick Tock; the two of them tumbled and rolled and hit the canyon wall again.

“Now then, where was I? Oh yes! Your darkest fears. I can see them, you know. I can hear them, buzzing around in my head like little voices, whispering in my ear, telling me what to do. I don’t even really need their help either, but it’s fun to listen to their anguish,” she paused for a moment, closing her eyes, apparently listening intently, “You’re all desperate right now... you’re weak from hunger and exhaustion and lack of morale; your hearts aching from the abandonment of a friend; your minds tired from lack of sleep; your souls drained and your spirits broken. It makes it so easy to pry into the deepest little recesses of your existence, to see what you fear the most. Do you want to hear what they are?”

She lashed out a tendril and grabbed onto Flathoof first, pulling him to her and looking him in the eyes. Her own eyes began to turn red, her pupils black, and she eagerly licked off the blood that was running across his face from his forehead. “Mmm... you do taste good, big guy. A nice little sample for now... I’ll save the rest of you for later.” She stroked his face with her tendril, and smiled wickedly. “You’re most afraid for your friends, of course. Afraid that you can’t protect them, that your very existence and everything that makes you you is just a lie. That you’ll fail, and another one will die, and another... and another....” Her tendrils tightened around his neck and pulled him closer, and with a massive grin she whispered in his ear. “Let me assure you... they’ll all die. They’ll all die... and it will all be your fault...

He winced through the most intense pain he’d ever known as visions flooded his mind, vivid and real. The sight of Lockwood, moving about against his will as one of those monstrous things, in pain, filled with remorse; Tick Tock and Twilight and Fluttershy and all the others, mutilated and tossed carelessly in a pile by long, flowing streams of red, sickening liquid. Applejack, the last of them, fighting off an unseen foe and very suddenly losing as a great blade of red and black sliced through her solid rock body, cracking it apart and grinding her into dust.

“It’s all your fault...” she breathed again. She then lashed another tendril out and grabbed Tick Tock, pulling her to her without even tilting her head. She rotated the unicorn to be in front of her, and grinned widely, her eyes growing redder by the second. “You... you’re afraid of something... no, somepony. Oooh... curious. It’s not me! I’m almost disappointed, in myself really more than you. Let’s see who this creature is then...”

Tick Tock screamed in agony as the visions flooded her, making her see her nightmares come to life in front of her eyes as Velvet’s face began to melt and warp into something different. Pink was slowly replaced by black, and only the eyes remained changed, red as before. The face barred its teeth, rotten and yellow and green, dripping with a black bile. The rest of her body began to warp too, turning all to black, large sections of flesh suddenly bursting outwards and leaking blood and guts without the face reacting at all. Great wings spread from its back; silver, metal wings. A pegasus, a stallion judging from the build. He smiled at her and leaned in. Tick Tock squirmed and tried to get away as his teeth grazed her ear.

Hello again... Chronomancer... and goodbye...

She screamed in pain again as it brought one of the silver wings around and sliced it through her. Reality melted back into view, and Velvet bared the same sinister, gleeful grin. “Ooh... he’s cute,” she cooed, her eyes now filled with red and black and beginning to seep a black ooze again, “My kind of guy. Got that sleek body tone... a gorgeous smile... dreamy eyes... oh, and there’s the whole ‘likes to murder’ thing. We’d be perfect for each other! An old boyfriend, Tick Tock? He looked so happy to see you die. Mmmm...” she moaned, licking her lips, “All this terror is delicious, and it’s so easy to see, so easy to manipulate. I wonder what the others are all afraid of... who wants to find out?!


Pinkie snorted and continued to follow Curaçao with her goggles after getting back to her hooves again. “You might be sorta... well no, really tough, but I’m still standing and I’ve still got fight in me. And if you’re going to try and hide from me, fancy pants, you’ve got another thing coming, so stop trying!” she laughed, tapping her goggles.

Curaçao chuckled, “So, you can still see me? Ah zat’s zee trick... zose goggles zen, zey are zee key?”

“Only the best in modern technology,” Pinkie proudly pointed.

“Anozer toy you pulled from your bag of tricks, zen? I said already zat-”

“It's right here! You can see it!” Pinkie yelled, exasperated, “Seeing is believing, y’know? Just drop it and let me thrash you, okay? You are really throwing off my groove here.”

“You are awfully... defensive, about your toys...” She let her mouth curl up in a sly grin, “Tell me zough... if you can do anyzing, zen what is stopping you from taking your friends ‘ome right now?”

“That’s none of your beeswax there, frou-frou,” Pinkie said aggressively.

Curaçao tutted, “Oh, such a shame zis is. You say you can do anyzing, and yet you cannot do zis? Was zat a lie, zen?”

“I ain’t lyin’,” Pinkie said, shaking her hoof, “I may not be honest Applejack, but I’m no dirty liar!”

“I zink you are lying, mon amie,” Curaçao smirked, “After all, if you can do anyzing, zen zere must be a reason why you can’t just solve all zeir problems right. Zis. Second. I wonder why it is zat you can’t? Hmmm... well, Velvet said zat your power relies on your mood, non? Maybe zat ‘as somezing to do wiz it?”

Pinkie cracked her neck and got back into a fighting stance. “That’s right. Like I told that weirdo, if it makes me happy, I can do anything. And you know what? Right now, kick-”

“Oui, ‘kicking my butt’, as you say, would make you ‘appy. Zat is zee problem I ‘ave, mon amie - wouldn’t getting across zee sea and to your ‘ome make you ‘appy? I mean, it’s only logical, and as much as I know what you do defies all logic, it still makes no sense zat you would willingly stay ‘ere, right now, wiz tes copines in danger.”

Pinkie remained resolute, “I said, it’s none of your beeswax. If you can’t accept that, then you’d better quit yappin’ and get ready to throw down.”

Curaçao tapped a hoof to her chin in thought. “I wonder if zere is more to your magic zan just being ‘appy zen. And you are so defensive of me... questioning your ‘magic’...” Her mouth suddenly curled up in another smug grin. “Ahhh... oui, zat is it. Zat is it! Ooh là là... c’est magnifique...”

Pinkie got aggravated with Curaçao’s stalling. “Enough chit-chat, let’s get this show back to moving!”

Curaçao shook her head and gave Pinkie a look of sincere seriousness. “You can still see me zen?” she asked.

Pinkie raised an eyebrow. “Heck yeah, and I’m-”

Curaçao grinned wide. “I don’t believe you.”

Pinkie stopped and blinked in confusion. “What?”

“I said, ‘I don’t believe you’,” Curaçao repeated very simply, “I don’t zink you can really see me. C’est impossible - I am invisible, and you cannot see what is invisible. Zerefore, you cannot see me, and zerefore, you are lying.”

“Whoa, hey, rough accusation there, missy,” Pinkie said in disbelief, “I just told you I’m no liar. I mean, really, I already went over it - it’s the goggles that let me-”

“Zose goggles do nozing. You can’t see me. C’est simple.”

Pinkie grit her teeth and started to step forward again, when suddenly her vision became all staticy and the goggles began to spark and sizzle. She frantically took them off and dropped them as they somehow caught fire. She looked at them in a panic, then back to where she’d last seen Curaçao, then back to the goggles, then back up knowing full well she couldn’t see her anymore.

“Uh-oh... oof!”

She was suddenly tackled from the side and slammed into the ground. She got up and got ready for more, only to be greeted with a very surprisingly strong hoof right to the stomach, knocking the wind out of her. Curaçao swept Pinkie’s legs and dropped down to land on Pinkie’s stomach again. She gripped at where she felt her opponent and threw Curaçao aside before scrambling away.

She felt a great weight pin her to the ground, and despite attempts to swing her hooves around to knock Curaçao off, put each flail was blocked and subdued until Pinkie was totally pinned on her stomach, hooves held behind her back.

Curaçao laughed and pushed a hoof to Pinkie’s throat, “So zat is zee secret. You can’t do just anyzing. You can do what you want, so long as zere is a... suspension of disbelief, but if zat suspension were to disparaître...” She laughed again, “C’est terrible, zat if only Velvet was able to focus, she’d ‘ave beaten you long ago. Ah... zee weakness of anger and temper. Zat is why I am calm. Professionnelle.”

Pinkie pushed Curaçao off her and tried to crawl away, only to have the invisible pony leap onto her back and lock her in another stranglehold, one hoof around her throat and the other tugging her hair.

“Now, what was zat about you being zee master of zee mêlée?”

“Get off of me!” Pinkie choked as she struggled to release herself.

“It would seem zat wizout your toys, you are... ‘ow you say, ‘worzless’?” Curaçao chortled.

“I’ll show you- whoa!” Pinkie cried as a red tendril reached out through the fog and grabbed her by the tail.

“What zee-” Curaçao started. Her statement was interrupted and she was knocked aside as the tendril yanked Pinkie out of her own grip and dragged her screaming into the fog. Curaçao shook her head and got to her hooves. “Ah... zut, Red Velvet, what are you up to?”


“Come on, hillbilly, is this all you’ve got?! My grandmother could do better, and I don’t even know my grandmother!” Havocwing snickered as she twirled and dodged rocks that were flying at her, “This is a breeze compared to dodging lightning! Yawn...”

“Yeah well, if’n I’m borin’ ya, maybe y’all should come down here an’ see how y’all’d fare against me mare-ta-mare!” Applejack called as she kicked rock after rock upwards at her target, disappointed that she couldn’t even get a bead on the much smaller, much faster, much more agile pegasus. She actually found herself wishing she was fighting Grayscale Force again. Where was she, anyway?

“Nope, not falling for that stuff this time,” Havocwing shook her head, “Gray told me you’re a tough customer in hoof-to-hoof, and I’m not dumb enough to give up my only advantage. Try harder, farmgirl! I can keep this up all night!”

“So y’all’re just a big ol’ chicken, is that what y’all’re sayin’?!” Applejack taunted, “‘cause sure as shootin’ that’s what I’m hearin’ outta that big ol’ mouth o’ yers!”

Havocwing stopped in mid-air and angrily spat down at Applejack, “If you want to keep your head down there, hick, you’d better keep your damn mouth shut. I’m no chicken and you know it. Just ask your friend Rainb- oh wait! You can’t!”

“All I’m hearin’ up there is ‘bwack bwack bwack’, chicken,” Applejack catcalled as she shook her rear at Havocwing.

Havocwing sneered and charged up a fireball. “That’s it! You are just begging for trouble, aren’t you, ground-pounder? I was going to be nice and let you just waste your time down there trying to hit me, but if you really want a piece of the action, then be my guest! Lesson thirty: If somepony thinks they’re tough, then get a little rough!”

She launched a volley of blasts downwards in Applejack’s direction, making the earth pony abandon her attempts at kicking rocks and hastily moving to avoid getting hit. The volley chased her around in circles, and Applejack silently thanked the earth for being kind enough to her to allow her to move without much friction, giving her a much-needed speed boost. She could tell Havoc was aiming directly at her, not leading her shots, and chalked it up again to the fact that they were supposed to be using non-lethal tactics. She’d heard Rainbow’s recollection of the other pegasus’s accuracy with those blasts.

“Run run run, little earthworm! That’s all you can do is run! Who’s laughing now, Crapplejack?!” Havoc mocked as she aimed her volley to force Applejack to change directions, “Check it out, you can’t even touch me while I’ve got you running around! Guess having to stay still for your little rock-kicking trick sucks, huh? Maybe you should’ve thought of that before you tussled with the best damn fighter this side of Pandemonium!”

Applejack grit her teeth and dodged another volley of leading shots by opting to stop moving completely, taking the split second opportunity to summon up another large chunk of rock, which she spun and kicked in Havoc’s direction. Havoc yelped and swerved out of the way, giving Applejack enough time to summon up several smaller ones that she started kicking her way again. Havoc dodged these easily too, letting them smash against the canyon wall just behind her.

“Like I said-” Havoc laughed as she charged up another volley, “Sucks that you have to stay- oof!”

Applejack smirked as one of the rocks she’d kicked came flying back towards her and locked itself in place around her alongside several others, having struck Havocwing in the back of the head as it whizzed by. Havoc panicked and swerved to avoid the rest of the rocks coming back from the other direction, then watched in surprise as Applejack started kicking another volley at her.

“What the- hey! That’s a load of horseapples! I call cheating!” Havocwing yelled as she frantically started dodging rocks from both directions, moving slowly towards the center of the canyon to give herself some distance.

“Cheatin’, huh? Fair’s fair, featherbrain,” Applejack mocked back, “If’n y’all don’t wanna come down here an’ fight me like a mare, I guess I’m just gonna hafta teach y’all a lesson - don’t underestimate Applejack! Or...” She thought for a second, then brightened and finished, “Y’all ’ll get smacked! See, t’aint so hard, this here rhymin’ business.”

The barrage was coming too fast now for Havocwing to avoid just with dexterity alone, even her dexterity. She angrily growled as she was forced to use her fireballs to deflect rocks away, explosions surrounding her in the air as she moved to and fro, firing bursts of flame this way and that. Applejack chuckled from underneath her, as now the rocks were all flying back and forth almost entirely of their own accord.

“Well now, how d’ya like them apples? Y’all really are a piece o’ cake ta handle, just like Dash said ya were,” Applejack laughed, “Guess maybe next time, y’all won’t be such a dang chicken.”

Havocwing suddenly exploded in a fierce blast of fire that spread outwards like a bomb, enough force in the blast that Applejack was knocked off-balance and had to shield her ears. A screaming ball of fire rocketed upwards out of the explosion, twirled around and dove towards the ground, white-hot and moving like lightning.


Applejack panicked; Havoc was coming in too fast for her to dodge. She attempted to move anyway but was fiercely tackled and swept up into the air, knocking her hat clean off. She hissed in pain as Havoc’s body seemed to be generating intense heat all by itself, her body beginning to glow white as she streaked through the canyon, her eyes red with rage and mane and tail ablaze. Havocwing let loose a fierce blast of explosive force, sending Applejack careening towards the ground and herself spinning backwards from the force of the explosion.

Applejack slammed into the earth with all the force of a bullet, and rolled for several yards before slamming into the canyon wall. The only thing that had kept her from cracking apart was that she’d called to the earth to cushion her fall, but that didn’t stop it from hurting like hell.

She shook off her delirium and burst out of the rock that had crashed on top of her, then kicked it all as quickly as she could with all her might at a rapidly approaching Havocwing. Havoc twirled and dodged the rock volley and fired her own volley of explosives at Applejack, and the blasts moved much too fast for her to dodge. Applejack screamed out in pain as the explosions burst against her rock hide and slowly cracked it apart, knocking her back into the wall again.

Havocwing swept around for another pass, her face alight with intense rage. She fired another volley of fire, and Applejack hastily channeled all of her strength to raise a wall of rock in front of her to protect her from the incoming assault. The wall shattered and exploded under the intense force of the blasts, letting Havoc easily sweep through and grab her again.

She slammed her into another wall, and stayed perfectly well within close range in order to deliver a ferocious flurry of literally explosive punches to Applejack’s face.

“Would a chicken do this?! HUH?! WOULD A CHICKEN DO THIS?!” Havocwing screeched, “ANSWER ME YOU BUCKING BITCH!

Applejack focused all her might on pushing herself forcefully out of the rock, knocking herself and Havocwing popping out of the wall. Applejack attempted to defend herself, but before she could even move, Havocwing was angrily on her again and grabbed her by the tail. She twirled up and up, higher and higher, out of the canyon and into the stormy sky above.

“You listen good, you piece of trash!” Havocwing spat with all the fire and bile that was possible, “I am not a chicken! You remember that when your friends have to pick you up, piece by bucking piece, after I’m through with you, you illiterate, inbred hick! Lesson zero! You wanna mess with Havocwing, you’d better get ready to feel the sting!

She twirled up and released another burst of fire, firing Applejack like a missile towards the ground. Applejack panicked again, but could barely think through the pain of the burning sensations searing across her body through her rocky hide. She could see the ground rapidly approaching, and wondered if even the earth’s love for her would be able to cushion the fall.

But before Applejack could even hit the ground, Havoc swooped in and caught her, flew in a loop and fired her into a canyon wall from point-blank range, embedding Applejack painfully in the wall. Havocwing grabbed Applejack’s tail that was poking out, yanked her from the wall, and blasted her off at the wall opposite. Applejack groaned through the pain and barely registered being grabbed by the tail again and swung towards the opposite wall and fired at it.

Applejack crumbled to the ground after the fourth repeat, and struggled to her hooves with great difficulty, barely being able to stand for half a second before one of her legs gave way to the pain. Her rock armor was cracking all over, and she was finding it hard to focus herself on keeping it stable, keeping it solid, keeping her safe. Hunger, pain, exhaustion, they all came crashing down on her as Havocwing fluttered over and remained hovering just a few feet away, her white-hot body slowing simmering back down to a moderate blue.

“Come on, dirtsucker, did you think you had a chance? I’m better than you!” she seethed, her hooves causing the dirt to sizzle and blacken beneath her hooves, “That you even tried is insulting enough, but then you had to go and say something stupid. Get up.” Applejack struggled to her hooves again then crumbled once more. Havoc was not amused, and floated forward, her hooves igniting with pure heat. “I said GET UP! Get up so I can kick your ass some more, punk!”

Applejack struggled to her hooves and focused all her might on staying steady, then looked in Havoc’s direction and took a single, defiant step forward. “Heh... y’all think... y’all can finish me off? Well if... ya think y’all’re so tough... then let’s have at- whoa nelly!” She yelled as she was suddenly snapped around her throat by a thick red tendril, and yanked through the fog.

Havocwing dove forward to try and catch her, and missed terribly. She glared in the direction Applejack had been taken, and spat liquid fire on the ground. “Dammit dammit dammit! Red, that one’s mine! I’m tellin’ the boss!”


Fluttershy and Rarity felt themselves suddenly pop back into existence in mid-air high above the canyon, and they immediately began to fall, and grabbed onto one another in a panic. This lasted for all of about two seconds before they very suddenly slowed, kept aloft by a dull silver glow that separated them and forced them into form-fitting bubbles of magic.

“W-w-we’re flying!” Fluttershy squeaked.

“Don’t panic, Fluttershy,” Rarity said calmly, “Besides, you’re a pegasus. You can already fly, darling.”

“Oh... b-b-but I don’t like flying when I’m not doing the flying,” the pegasus nervously reminded Rarity as she frantically looked about for whatever was keeping them up, “I d-don’t even like flying when I am the one doing the flying!”

A familiar smug laugh drew their attention and they tried to see where it was coming from, but they were forced to turn in its direction anyway.

“I will concede the point, Grayscale. This strategy is certainly a major improvement upon our previous attempt. I should assume father would be quite impressed with Curaçao’s and your aptitude for tactics. A subtle change in precise locations, and we have gained an incredible advantage.”

“Starlight Shadow...” Rarity glared, her voice icy.

The purple unicorn fluttered down from the storm clouds above until she was just in front of them, kept aloft by a pair of wings glowing a dim, sinister purple, bat-like in appearance. By her side was Grayscale Force, of course, given the conversation they’d just heard. The pegasus bore a stern look on her face, eyes darting every which way as she rapidly scanned around below and around them, evidently looking for something in all the chaos below.

“Oh ho ho, what seems to have you all in a fluster, Rarity?” Starlight said with a wide, smug grin, “Is it not unbecoming of a lady such as yourself to use such a bitter intonation when addressing fellow ladies?”

“If you must know, I’ve simply grown tired of seeing you all, especially after what you did to Twilight, you walking thesaurus,” Rarity spat.

“Thesaurus? Ah! Ha ha ha!” Starlight gave a loud, drawn-out laugh. “Oh... a walking thesaurus, am I? Aforesaid frivolous ignominies emanating from a nugatory dotard congruent with yourself are infinitesimally picayune, analogous to an iota of terra firma malingering amidst the amaranthine macrocosm.”

Rarity blinked several times, then shook her head. “Enough! Now then, release-”

“Ah ah ah, perhaps it would be prudent for you not to elaborate further along your current train of thought?” Starlight said, pointing downwards, “I may just become overcome with a flight of fancy, and accommodate your demands.”

Rarity was undeterred. “This whole storm is your doing, isn’t it? Just like the rock field before?”

“Brilliant deduction,” Starlight grinned, “It is now clear to me why a mare as powerful as Sparkle would humor a pathetic weakling like yourself in allowing you to even be allowed to bask in her presence. Perhaps you are not as incompetent as I originally believed. No doubt this is why Curaçao requested a change in strategy regarding you.”

The mocking was obvious, but Rarity would have no part of it, and turned it right back around. “Hmph, so your ‘tactical advisor’ is afraid to face me, is she?” she smiled confidently.

Starlight laughed extremely loudly, and even Grayscale barely was able to keep herself from cracking a smile. “Oh... my. No... just, no. Curaçao merely is of the opinion that her unique talents are more efficiently put to use elsewhere. Frankly, I too am of the opinion that my power and talent is squandered on such simpletons as you and the terrified little mouse beside you,” she added with a smug grin in Fluttershy’s direction, causing Fluttershy to squeak and try to shy away fruitlessly.

“You leave her alone!” Rarity shouted, “If your business is with me, then release her!”

Starlight ignored Rarity and continued. “Still, it would behoove me to, as I was explaining to Grayscale prior to your arrival, acknowledge their excellent display of tactical prowess. Just a single instance of a mare with only half of my illustrious endowment would prove overkill were she entrusted with such a base task as dominating you, the terribly ineffective benefactor,” she smiled as she shook Rarity around in the air like a doll, “The beastmaster whose beast is incapable of acting whilst imprisoned within even the most insubstantial and rudimentary of magical barriers,” this time, shaking Fluttershy and laughing gleefully as Ophanim angrily tried to bash his way out of the shield, “And of course-” she smirked wide as she floated around another glowing figure, unconscious and trapped inside a third glowing sphere of magic.

“Twilight!” Rarity and Fluttershy exclaimed.

“A languid mage, her magic depleted and her resolve weakened. I daresay she would not be foolhardy enough to attempt any manner of circumvention of my spells, lest she repeat the ordeal of that dreadful feedback incident. Only in this particular scenario, she is a mile up, and while I have my beloved sister here at my side, she only possesses a weakling and pony who could not fly if her life depended on it, and they would all soon find their bodies dashed upon the sediment below. I’ll let you decide upon which of you is which.”

“Speaking of dashing,” Grayscale spoke at last, “Boss... I noticed something.”

“Yes, Gray, what is it?” Starlight asked, half-concerned and not really diverting her focus from the three mares she was busy juggling.

“Rainbow Dash. I don’t see her anywhere. If she were scouting around, she’d be back by now to help.”

“Truly?” Starlight asked, actually interested now and temporarily turning her attention to Grayscale, “Curious. Where could that expeditious pegasus be hiding? And to think, dear sister, that we went through this entire exercise with the intent of pitting you against her. You must be terribly disappointed.”

Grayscale smiled lightly, “Not at all, in fact. If she’s not here, and hasn’t returned yet...” She looked over at Rarity and Fluttershy, her smile widening, “She left. Didn’t she?”

“That’s none of your-” Rarity started.

“That’s a ‘yes’,” Grayscale interrupted, “Well... how about that? Rainbow Dash.. abandoning her friends. Perhaps they should have listened to her more.” Rarity and Fluttershy’s expressions both lit up in shock. Grayscale’s smile widened. “But I suppose it would have happened eventually. After all, it was only a matter of time before all your infighting caused you to kick her out yourselves.”

“That’s not true!” Fluttershy blurted. “We... we would never-”

“Even after she insults your good friend Lockwood? I mean, there’s only so much you can listen to her berate him for.”

Fluttershy’s shocked expression returned. “H-how would you... k-know about that?”

Starlight felt Grayscale shift, a small change in the magical spectrum that she doubted anyone but herself and Twilight Sparkle could feel. She conceded, curious, and Fluttershy and Rarity both accelerated suddenly and violently, stopping inches from Grayscale’s eyes, suddenly wide, and triumphant.

“How would I know? How would the lazy monster of the ‘bad guys’ understand the subtle intricacies of your pony politics?”

In a move clearly done with magic to even the shivering yellow pegasus, Grayscale changed position imperceptibly. The result was immediate. Without a visible sign of movement, she’d shot out with her hoof, gripping Rarity’s dress at the neck. Starlight herself could not be sure if there were visible signs of the movement without evoking more magic than she wanted, already using a considerable amount of her not-inexhaustible if deep attention to maintain her wings despite the wind of the storm, her greatest exertion, and holding a thick Barrier around Twilight and the others.

“You, fashionista, attempting to meddle and malign while your friends needed to be pulled together. You care about form over function to try and present an aura of remaining above the indignities and problems, and thus isolate yourself from the solution. When things got bad, you kept to yourself, kept to your frivolities, so your friends would have a stable base as their world began to crack around them, and their stomachs grew empty. When you realized you had to intervene, it was too late, and no one wanted your opinion anymore. Least of all your best friend.” Grayscale’s eyes flashed. “Say I’m wrong.” She waited. “Nothing? Shocking, considering what I’m about to do to...

You,” she said next, again shifting her magic imperceptibly, and gripping Fluttershy on the chin, now slowly squeezing with her magic on Fluttershy’s cheeks, pouting her face for her, “You got angry when your best friend confronted you with the truth in the most insufferable but polite way: that the pony you’ve only just met and grown to care for will likely die, and there is nothing you can do to stop it. Your response? How could it be anything but anger from someone as repressed and bottled as a wallflower who believes in good things above all else? Tell me I’m wrong, Fluttershy,” Grayscale’s upper lip curled, spinning her hoof away, making both Fluttershy and Rarity cry out from the maneuver from the way it snapped the pegasus’ head back violently.

“Tell me I’m wrong. Tell me, just like you told Rainbow Dash.”

Grayscale flicked her wings, and they felt pressure in the air. The intense gravity radiating from around Grayscale’s body began to draw the graupel in the air towards her slightly, forcing the arcs of lightning up in the storm to screech dangerously close to the five ponies up in the sky. Starlight had to focus herself more on the storm than before to ensure that the lightning generated was kept to a minimum, and kept away from them all more out of worry for herself than anypony else.

“You... h-how could you... know any of this?” Rarity gulped, “You weren’t there when-”

Grayscale laughed, and interrupted. “Simple as putting two-and-two together. Your group has always been easy to follow. Why else would I sleep so much? Would you believe that Rainbow Dash already knew about your betrayal the moment you started arguing with her in the murder-site apartment? That you harbored thoughts in the night that might even make me sick? All of you, forgetting yourselves, forgetting how you impacted one another, except on the superficial level that you are ‘friends’, that your ‘friendship’ is the source of your unity, the beginning of magic and victory? Forgetting yourselves to fear and doubt, the very things that eat away at any and all relationships unless you use the connection itself to strengthen one another? She isn’t here, so that didn’t happen, did it?” They remained silent. “Just as I thought.”

“Grayscale,” Starlight Shadow said quietly, cutting through the magical storm. The spine-crawling aura the large pegasus had been emitting began to recede, and her expression returned to her usual half-lidded dismissal. “Well done, sister. I’m... impressed, to say the least.” Her voice tried to hide the tinge of disappointment in herself. “Well done indeed.”

“Havoc owes me fifty bits,” Grayscale said with a slow, rolling chuckle, “And, well, if Rainbow isn’t here to keep me company, I guess I can lend a hoof in dealing with these three. I can take the boredom for a little bit - I’m in a damn good mood right now.”

“Y-you think we’re going to just let you toy around with us?” Rarity asked, visibly trying to shake herself from the shock.

Starlight chuckled, “Well, naturally. You’re powerless, suspended in mid-air miles above the ground, and your only hope for salvation - the incredible amateur that she is - floats unconscious still beside you. What action could you possibly take?”

Rarity looked at Fluttershy and Fluttershy looked right back, an unspoken agreement between them. “This!”

Rarity flared her horn and gripped onto Grayscale Force with all her might and slammed her into Starlight. It had been totally unexpected and therefore had actually worked, causing Starlight to lose her focus and drop Rarity, Fluttershy, and Twilight instantly as she spun to regain control of her flight. Fluttershy raced to grab Rarity, who was closest, while Ophanim flashed outwards as an eagle once again and grabbed hold of the barrier that surrounded Twilight.

They only managed to drop a few dozen feet before Starlight grabbed onto them again with her magic.

“Tsk tsk,” Starlight tutted, “What a shamefully wasted attempt. Was that display of fortitude supposed to accomplish anything? Besides make me laugh, of course.”

Rarity looked rather sheepish. “Well... you weren’t supposed to regain control so quickly...”

Starlight looked at them with disbelief, “You... you’re serious? Did you forget who I am? Starlight Shadow, all-powerful unicorn? Unsurpassed in might and unmatched in talent and drive? Goddess amongst mares? Ringing any bells?”

“You are supposed to be weakened!” Rarity responded, “Twilight is, why aren’t you? How are you still able to wield your magic so fully?”

“Ha! Ha ha ha! You still compare me to that pathetic novice?” Starlight chortled, “She may have been able to surprise me with that feedback spell, and she may be exceedingly powerful, but she is nothing next to my magnificence. But you want to know why I’m still in such fantastic condition? I suppose it’s because, unlike all of you simpletons, I’m not starving to death, so my energy recharges significantly faster. I can feel your weakness, and I speak of the weakness beyond your natural ineptitude. Your magic still wanes even as we speak. You’re all pathetic, weak little-” Grayscale suddenly nudged Starlight to get her attention. “What?!”

The pegasus pointed downwards, towards the canyon. “Boss... you... might want to take a look at what’s going on down there.”

Starlight looked down below, to where she saw a darkness beginning to spread outwards from where just earlier she’d seen explosions from Havocwing’s fireballs flying every which way. She couldn’t even see those anymore, almost as if they’d stopped entirely.

“What in Equestria...?” Starlight started. She suddenly narrowed her eyes, “I recognize that magic signature. Red Velvet. Come along Grayscale, it seems our older sister is getting carried away again.”


Velvet lashed a tendril out into the fog with a snap. Flathoof and Tick Tock heard a loud yell actually reverberate through the tendril, and were surprised to see the tendril whip back only seconds later, like a rope on a pulley, dragging along a pony in its grip that tried as she might to get away. The tendril snapped again and whipped her over to Velvet, who swung her around and knocked her into her earlier captives.


“What in tarnation-” she started, then looked to see the other two ponies sharing her predicament. Her eyes widened in fear. “Flathoof? Tick Tock? Aww, dagnabit, she got you two? Shoot...”

Oh, dear Applejack...” Velvet cooed, running her tendrils along Applejack’s cracked stone body with disappointed curiosity, “Aww... now this is a crying shame. If there was one mare around here with the body tone to really get me going, it was you. But all this rock seals off that tender flesh. Well, maybe it’s not so bad? I know! I’ll crack you open like an egg, and just slurp up all the juicy insides!

“Let go o’ me, ya psycho!” Applejack snapped, wriggling in Velvet’s grip, placing her hooves at her throat to try and yank off the tendril wrapped around her, “Y’all can’t get ta none o’ that nasty business with me anyway, even if’n y’all were allowed ta. I’m rock solid through ‘n’ through.”

Awww, you’re no fun,” Velvet said with a mocking pout, “I guess I’ll have to make my own fun with you then. Let’s peer into your heart... see what your darkest fears are...” She looked into Applejack’s eyes, and laughed coldly. “You’re like your friend Flathoof here, so much more alike than I think you even know. So afraid of losing your friends that you’d do anything to keep them safe. Defend them from harm, even sacrificing your own safety to do so, no matter the cost. How very... sickeningly noble of you. But what else I can see in here... mmmm... taints that nobility. I can see that you’re keeping secrets...” Applejack’s eyes widened, and Velvet snickered again.

Applejack began to shake in fear at what she saw. Her friends, all disgusted and ashamed, shunning her, abandoning her.

“You’re disgusting...“ came Rarity’s voice, “And after all I told you? Simply deplorable...”

“Oh man, AJ, that’s just sick, and wrong.” Rainbow Dash this time.

“I can’t say I’m surprised, to be honest,” Twilight’s voice, calm and practical, which made it worse, “I’ve been doing some reading and I’ve found it used to be perfectly common practice in our ancient history. Not nowadays though, of course, but Applejack’s always going on about being ‘old-fashioned’...”

She turned her head to look for support from Flathoof, and felt the pain seethe through her again. Him, and Tick Tock, wrapped together in an intimate embrace. They looked at her when they felt her watching, and Flathoof gave her a totally nonchalant look.

“Well what did you expect? Rarity told you that I prefer unicorns, and smart mares too.”

“Exactly, as if you’d stoop so low as to taint yourself by being with an inbred hick like yourself,” Tick Tock’s image scoffed, “You thought you had a chance with him? You are bleedin’ daft, I knew it!”

Such dirty little secrets they are too, Applejack...” Velvet breathed, “I see why you like him though, he is just a gorgeous hunk of meat, isn’t he? I suppose we like him for different reasons, but-

“Y’all... just keep her mouth shut,” Applejack spat.

Velvet chortled, “Oh, don’t worry, Applejack. Simple mathematics tell me that I’ll do more damage to you when I kill these two without them ever knowing why you hate them so... mmmm... I can feel their hate flowing back. It’s not quite as tasty as fear, but it’s a nice supplement. Like vitamins! Vitamin Hate! Ha ha ha! Now, let’s see... I know there’s another one of you around here... ah! Here we go. Let’s see what’s behind door number two!

She lashed another tendril out with a snap and snagged onto something off in the fog. She tugged, and tugged, and strained herself a little as she still tugged, until finally she got sick of tugging and let whatever was on the other end tug away, trailing her tendril back around in a loop and connecting it back to herself. A simple smirk, and she lifted whatever was in her grip. It rubber-banded towards them like a missile, and she caught it just before it flew over head, swinging it around and bringing it face to face.

Pinkie Pie.

Oooh hoo hoo hoo! Well now, if it isn’t my favorite pony ever!” Velvet cooed with a malicious smile, “Hiya Pinkie! Long time no see! Did you miss me? I missed you!

Red! I was wondering where you were hiding! Let go of me!” Pinkie squealed, “Let go of me so I can wallop you! Grrrr!”

Ahhh, it’s cute that you’re still so brave in light of everything.

Pinkie swung her legs up and kicked Velvet right in the chin; the other earth pony lost her focus for half a second before snarling and reasserting her grip, tighter this time. She took a deep breath and calmly laughed.

“Ah ah ah, no goading me into a bout of anger this time, Pinkie. Curaçao told me I need to just take a deeeeep breath, and relax. I’ve got plans for you tonight, Pinkie dear, plans for you and all your precious friends. We don’t have time for games, so let’s cut to the chase and peer into that precious soul of yours! Let’s see what you fear most!

Red looked Pinkie in the eyes, and her own began to ooze black more fluidly now, spreading it across her face and dripping to the ground. Pinkie’s eyes flashed as the visions flooded her head again. Pinkie fought as hard as she could to resist, but all it amounted to was her witnessing the same old things - visions of her friends being completely destroyed, slaughtered by an unseen monster.

Velvet visibly frowned as she pulled away. “Hmm... bor-ing. Same old, same old, huh Pinkie? You’re not as fun as you used to be...”

“Red Velvet,” a voice from behind her called.

Velvet tilted her head and watched as Grayscale and Starlight Shadow landed, with Rarity, Fluttershy, and Twilight in tow. Rarity and Fluttershy were both very visibly shocked when they caught sight of their friends caught in Velvet’s grasp.

“What exactly is it that you think you are accomplishing down here, besides inciting disappointment from me?” Starlight demanded.

“Oh, boss!” Velvet smiled genuinely, “You brought me some more firewood! Thanks for that!”

Ignoring the look on Starlight’s face, Velvet lashed out again and grabbed Rarity, Fluttershy, and Twilight all together and pulled them over to her, completely bypassing Starlight’s magic much to the unicorn’s surprise.

Starlight stepped forward and stamped a hoof. “Red Velvet! I do believe we engaged in previous discussions regarding this sort of thing, yes? You are treading on thin ice, sister.”

“Boss, relax, I’m just having a little fun,” Velvet chuckled, “I’ve got them all right where we want them, ready for phase two. They’re all weak and helpless and desperate, and I just have to enjoy this for a little bit. You know how often I ever get to really enjoy myself? Never! Please boss? Let me have this?”

Starlight narrowed her eyes, then turned up her nose. “I suppose I can allow it... for the time being. I remind you, though, that if you overstep-”

“Yeah yeah yeah, whatever,” Velvet said, dismissively waving her hoof. “Let’s see now... oh, you three will be easy! Fluttershy-” she chortled as she swept the frantically squirming pegasus in front of her, “You are afraid of everything. Havoc’s little confidence lessons may be making you less afraid to speak your mind, and stand up for yourself or your friends, but no matter how confident you are, you’re still just a scared little mouse in a room full of cats. You’re just like Havoc is... but at least she puts on a better brave face about it. Hmmm... but right now, there’s a little twinge of darkness in there. Ah!” she grinned as she ran her tongue along her lips, “There it is. So there is something you fear more than anything... well, at least for the moment.

She looked into Fluttershy’s eyes, and the pegasus’s vision filled with darkness, until at last Velvet’s figure melted away, piece by piece, until it was replaced with Lockwood’s. He was laying there, crumbled in a bloody heap on the ground. She tried to move to him, but couldn’t. He wasn’t moving; wasn’t breathing. The image of Flathoof trotted over to him and cradled him in his hooves, his face overcome with tears. He snapped his head up to glare at Fluttershy.

“This is all your fault...“ he sneered, “He’s dead because of you!”

Velvet cackled as Fluttershy shivered and began to tear up. “Ha! Ha ha ha! Oh... that’s gold right there. Dread really is amongst the best kinds of fear there is. Ahhh... well, let’s keep this train a-rollin’. Rarity,” she smiled as she rotated the unicorn to the front, “Your anguish seeps out of your heart... the fear you have of losing your closest friend, of seeing her heart break. Your fear for Lockwood is compounded because of your fear for her well-being, and... mmm... ooh, this is good...

Rarity cried out in pain as the voices stung through her head as well.

“It’s your fault he did what he did!” Fluttershy’s voice was angry, filled with never before seen bile and hatred, “If you hadn’t pushed us together, he would’ve never been forced into all of this! It’s your fault he’s dead! It’s your fault I-

“Enough!” Rarity pleaded, “Enough... n-no more...”

Velvet snickered and twirled Twilight around to the front, who was now only just barely conscious. “And the great Twilight Sparkle. Oh, you’re easy. I don’t even need to look that hard into your heart to see what you fear the most. Failure. Disappointment. Loneliness. The darkness in your heart stems from a fear that you’ll fail to get your friends to their destination, that something terrible will happen to them, that those that are left will abandon you, just as Rainbow Dash did. And... there’s something more here... visions of friends on the other side of the ocean, maybe? Friends and family, that you’ll never see again. I assure you, Twilight... you may as well forget about them...

“We... won’t let you... win...” Twilight breathed.

Ah ha ha! Oh, is that it then? You all still think you have the gumption to resist us? No... to resist me? Hilarious! That’s the best joke I’ve heard in... well, ever! I believe this calls for a little music. I’ve had this little song in my head for days now, and I’ve just got to sing it. I know you’re all dying to know what it is! Come on then, everypony, take a seat!” She slammed the whole lot of them fiercely into the nearest wall of rock, releasing them from her grip at last. “I’ll even let you all try and take me on! If you’re all as brave and good as you say you are, then you’ll be fine. If not, well... anyway! Are you guys ready? Come then, let’s see what you’ve all got!

Applejack, Flathoof, and Pinkie were the first to their hooves and took forward positions.

“She ain’t serious, is she?” Applejack coughed, “She’s gonna try an’ take us all on?”

“I wouldn’t be so dismissive,” Flathoof added as he rubbed his neck, “My head’s still ringing from the pounding she gave me earlier. She’s stronger than she looks...”

“I’ve seen how strong she is, and I don’t care how strong she is,” Pinkie proudly stated, getting back into a fighting stance and strapping a brand new, shoulder-mounted, heat-seeking BFRL-3000 across her back, “Together, guys, we can do anything! We’ve taken down tougher cookies than her when we work as a team!”

“Agreed,” Rarity said as she took position behind the trio and coated them with a blue glow, “As long as we stick together, we can handle anything. When we’ve finished with her, we can move on to the others and get out of this dreadful canyon, then get back on our path for home!”

Fluttershy stepped in to Rarity’s side and prodded Ophanim, in the form of a wolf, to send him forward as well, though he seemed to be a little wary of approaching and leaving Fluttershy behind him where he couldn’t directly protect her.

“If you all don’t mind, I think it might be best if I make sure Twilight is kept out of this. She’s in no condition to fight,” Tick Tock noted, backing away and standing defensively near the other unicorn, who was panting heavily and trying to get to her hooves.

“Tick Tock... I... have to help them. They’re... my...” She was finding it harder and harder to speak and stay upright at the same time, wobbling uncontrollably as if she were learning to walk for the first time.

“Come now, Twilight, this is no time to try and act the hero. If you overexert yourself, you may never recover. Just stay calm, I’ll keep us covered, alright? You’ll be with them in spirit.”

Oh boy oh boy! This is gonna be fun!” Velvet bounced, licking her lips, “Okay then, cue the music, in G Major if you please! Ahem...

Applejack and Flathoof charged in first, Pinkie Pie and Ophanim right behind them. Velvet smiled wide and let her blood flare about her in a furious display of tendrils and blades and spikes, took a deep breath, and began to sing.

“♫ My name is Red Velvet,

Velvet grabbed Flathoof’s face with a tendril, then snapped him straight at the nearest wall. (Nice Tr̨y!̶) He fell to the ground in a heap with a groan as rocky debris tumbled about on top of him.

“♫ And I am here to say,

Applejack leapt in, one hoof drawn back in an attempt to strike, but was caught by another tendril without Velvet even turning her head, which brought her down to Velvet’s eye level. Velvet snapped her head over and grinned wide. (Go̢tcha!̡) Then, she smashed Applejack into the ground in front of herself, before flicking her away like a piece of litter.

“♫ I'm gonna make you scream, and you'll never see another day-ayayay!

Ophanim leapt in next, jaws open and aimed at Velvet’s neck, but was fiercely grabbed by the tail by another tendril and swung around in a wide circle before being slammed into Pinkie Pie before the latter could get close enough to strike.

“♫ It doesn't matter now,

Pinkie rolled and bounced and quickly recovered, then brandished her shoulder-mounted, heat-seaking, BFRL-3000 whilst still in mid-air, aiming it at Velvet’s head with precise accuracy and squeezing the trigger with a confident grin. (Wha̕t was thaţ?̵)

“♫ If you are fast and true,

Velvet flicked her blood in a spiral in Pinkie’s direction without looking, catching the rocket just as it was fired from her bazooka, turning it around, and shoving it back into the tube; Pinkie’s eyes widened in a panic. (Oh̡, just f̨aìlure!) The rocket exploded, blowing apart the weapon and sending Pinkie flying backwards into the nearest wall.

“♫ 'cause killing all your friends is just what Velvet's here to do,”

Ophanim shook off the pain and regained his luster, then leapt at her again, this time from behind. Velvet’s grin widened and she didn’t even bother turning to face him either; he was rewarded for the attempted sneak attack as a bloody spike snapped around and impaled him through the face. Ophanim’s light flickered rapidly and died out in a fierce shower of sparks and mist. His orb form flashed instantly back over to Fluttershy, who cradled the slowly flickering light in her hooves in a panic and pushed him back into his bracelet.

“♫ ‘cause I love to hear you sc͘rea̴m,̡ ̧sc̡ream,̨ scre͘am̛,

Yes I do,

It fills my heart with bloodlust to the extreme,

Yes it does,

'cause all I really need's a scre̷a̕m̷,͘ scr̷e̢a̴m, scr̡ea̢m,

And then you'll see me in your dreams,”

Velvet laughed maniacally as the ponies around her all stumbled back to their hooves, taking delight at the tearful look on Fluttershy’s face and the terrified one on Rarity’s. She went on the offensive now, charging first at Applejack and Flathoof, who were recovering nearby one another and helping each other stand upright. She lashed out at them with a flurry of blood and darkness; they stood firm and prepared themselves to move, before Velvet suddenly disappeared into black. They wildly looked about them to catch sight of her, not noticing her melting through the wall right behind them.

“♫ I like to hear you sh̀rie̴k̶,”

Applejack snapped her head to look at the voice, then yelled loudly in a panic as Velvet’s tendrils grabbed her face, whirled her up into the air, then swung her around and used her as a weapon to smack Flathoof aside, sending him flying several dozen yards away. (҉Rock òn!̨)

I love to see you run,

Velvet pursued him with an eager hunger in her eyes. Flathoof panicked rolled to avoid having Applejack slammed on top of him, and began to flee as the other earth pony continued to be smashed against the ground just behind him, desperately scrambling to get herself out of Velvet’s grip. (͡Aweso̕m̶e!̵)

Inspiring terror in your he̷̕a̧͘r̡͢tś,

Is what Velvet does for fun,

Flathoof continued to run from the Applejack battering ram, and didn’t see one of Velvet’s tendrils snake around in front of him, and tripped over it. (͢Oop̡s̶íe̡!̢)This made him a ridiculously easy target, and Applejack was crushed on top of him. The lay together in a heap as Velvet released her living weapon and laughed again, turning back towards where she’d seen Pinkie beginning to slowly get to her hooves.

“♫ But if you're kind of happy,

Velvet fired a tendril at Pinkie with astounding speed and snagged the other earth pony around the neck, drawing her close with a snap. Pinkie sneered as Velvet looked her in the eyes again, laughing and grinning that same wild, fanged smile.

“♫ And your heart thinks that you're b̨rave͘,”́

Pinkie reared back and headbutt Velvet as hard as she could in the face, knocking Velvet staggering back a step and rubbing her nose, dropping Pinkie in the sudden stupor. Pinkie reared back again and went to deliver a punch.

“♫ I'll work real hard and do ̡my̧ ̷b́e̷s͢t,”̵

Velvet caught Pinkie’s hoof with another tendril, and flung her upwards before slamming her into the ground again behind her, then swung back around to crash into the ground in front.

“♫ To send you to an early grave,

Pinkie struggled to her hooves, and her eyes widened in surprise as Velvet brought down another set of tendrils upon her. She rolled aside and avoided the entire barrage, save for one, which grabbed her by the leg flicked her away. She landed and rolled and crumbled in a heap near Flathoof and Applejack, who started to help her up the second she stopped moving.

“♫ 'cause I love to make you b̵l̀e͘e̛d,̧ ̶b̡l̸eeḑ, ̸b̛le̴èd,

Yes I do,

Spread it all about, oh yes indeed,

Just let me see you b͘l̵ęed b̡lȩe̸d,͝ ̶bl̷eed,̧

And when you're done you'll just be d͏e̡á̧d̴,”̕

Velvet approached the trio with a menacing gait, only to have Rarity rush over and stand at their side, her horn glowing white and shrouding them with the same glow, Fluttershy just behind her and rushing to help Pinkie Pie the rest of the way up. The five of them all stood firm and glared in Velvet’s direction. She just laughed, and laughed, and let her blood flare out again. The blood was barely even red anymore, more black than anything else, and Velvet’s face seemed to be covered with the same black ooze that leaked now from her eyes, ears, mouth, and every gaping wound she had.

“♫ It's true, sometimes you'll show a ̴b́i̴̶t of̧͘ ba̡c͘k̶bóne,̴̀͡”

The five of them started to move, and in an instant she attacked before they could get into position again. She lashed out and grabbed Applejack first, swinging her about to knock the others aside before throwing her at Tick Tock, who hastily raised a Barrier to avoid being slammed into by her ally.

“♫ And maybe you feel str̡on̶g̛,”

Flathoof and Pinkie Pie charged together, dodging aside to avoid more tendrils that lashed out in their direction and burst into the ground just in their wake with enough force to shatter rock.

“♫ But Ve̵͡lv͞et̡ will be there to show you that y̴o͘u͘'̨re̷ oh sơ very wro̸ng,”̵

Once in melee range, they both went to attack at once. Velvet’s mouth opened hungrily and she grabbed them both by the throats with tendrils that sprung suddenly from her hoof, twirling them around and bashing them into one another.

“̀♫ T́h́e̴re̴'s one th̴i̷n̛g ̨t̢h̀at ma̷kes m̀é ̶h͢ap̧py,”̵

She discarded Pinkie first, throwing her in Tick Tock’s direction like a missile, making the unicorn put up another Barrier to protect herself from the impact. Pinkie slammed into the shield and rolled off of it and landed on Applejack, who was still barely getting to her hooves.

“♫ And fill̵s̨ my ẁhole ́l̷if͏e ̵wit͏h pr̷ide͘,”̵

Then, she brought Flathoof to her face and hungrily licked her lips.

“̸♫ And͟ tha̴t'̧s ͠when̶ I̢ slaug̵h̕ter you͜r fŗi͟ends fŕom ͟t̴h͘e ̢i̶n͘siiii̸de,”

She latched her mouth onto his and wrapped her hooves around his neck Flathoof howled in severe pain through the unholy gesture, as the feeling of having his very life sucked right out of him ripped through his body. It took Rarity grabbing hold of Velvet’s hooves with her magic and tripping her to break her focus and release him. Flathoof hastily scrambled away, frantically brushing black blood off of his mouth as Rarity rushed to his side. Velvet shook her head as she got back to her hooves, and grinned maniacally in their direction.

“̷♫͢ I̕ r̡eą̀͜lly ̛͝a̵m ̕s͡o ̛̀͝happ͏y,̧̛”

She lashed out another tendril right past Flathoof’s head, wrapping it around and grabbing Rarity by the horn and blocking her magic. Rarity yelped as she was lifted into the air and slammed into the ground once, just once, with the same force she’d been using on Flathoof and Applejack. Rarity didn’t get back up quite as quickly.

“♫͢ You̢̨r f͞ȩ͟͢a͟͡r̢̧͝ ̛̛f̧͡i̶l̀l̶s͢ m̛e̕ ͡͏w̨i̴th͜ g͘͡lee,̛͘͠”̛͝

Fluttershy panicked and ran to Rarity’s aid. Flathoof yelled for her to stop, but it was too late; the pegasus gave a terrified scream as the tendril released Rarity and snaked its way towards her, grabbing her around the middle and locking her wings in place, then snapping her over to Velvet. Flathoof ran at them to try and separate them, but was tripped again by another tendril.

“♫̨ ̶͘I̢ giv̨e a̧ ̢̛ścr͜éa̶͘m̶̴, I ̵͡͏get͢͝ ̛a ̀̀͢scr̶͟eam̢,̶̴”

Velvet smiled her menacing grin as she drew the trembling, squirming Fluttershy eye-to-eye with her, then screamed, letting loose a blood-curdling roar that shook the very earth around them. Fluttershy shook violently and fainted, and was tossed aside like a used toy, landing haphazardly near Rarity, who still remained motionless.

“♫̶͘ ̛À̧͘nd t̷́h͘a̡t̀'ş s̨̕͘o̸ s̷pe͝ci̛al͟ to m̨e̡,”̸

Velvet laughed and turned her attention to Tick Tock at last, then began heading towards her with the same slow, purposefully, menacing gait. Flathoof attempted to stand in her way and was batted aside almost as soon as he’d barred her path. Tick Tock, the only one amongst the four ponies in her vicinity who was even able to reliably stand, gulped loudly and flared up her horn in preparation of self-defense.

“̕♫ '̶C̡a͘uśe̴ I l͡ov͢e t͏o ͢s͠ee ͡you ś̴quir̢̛͟m,́ s̨͡qu̴̴ir̨m̷͞,͠ squi͝r̀m̡͏,̀

Y̨̢̛e̵͟͟ś͟ I͠ ͜ do͝͝,̢

̷̧Tell ̸́me wh̷̷͞at ̶mo̕͟re ̨can̢ I d̶o̶͡͡, you͠ ̨̕ļ̢i̧͜ttle͢ ̵w̶orm̴̸,̴̷

W̵h́at̶͝ to̴ ̧d̛o̴?͜

I̵͘t͞ ̢͞m̢ak̨e̕s̷̨ mé͘ ̶̨happ̶̨y w͠h̢é̕n̡ ͟y̸ou̵͞ śqui̵rm̴͟͢,̶ ̧̛s̵͞q̕u͜͜i͟r͞ḿ, ̡̨sqùi̛͘r͘͢ḿ͝,

Y̨es̨,͟ If̧́͝ àl̴w͠͞a̵̷͟ys̷̢ m̡͘akes̡̀ ̸̕m̴y d̷̛̀ày-̀͜a̛a͠aay͜͠!̛̕”͘

Velvet lashed all of her tendrils outwards, grabbing onto everypony by the throat and drawing them to her again. Applejack and Flathoof groaned in pain, the former’s stoneskin cracked and barely maintaining any integrity at all, the latter bleeding and bruised as his toughness and endurance finally began to wane; Pinkie Pie continued to struggle to get out of the grip, desperate to keep herself going and inspire her friends to do the same despite the pain she was feeling; Rarity, Fluttershy, and Twilight remained silent and still, unconscious, with only the latter lucky enough not to have experienced any of all of this; Tick Tock was also silent and still, though she was in a visible panic as she was placed in the center of Velvet’s now encircling tendrils that lifted her and her friends to orbit around her. Velvet laughed, and laughed, and laughed.

“♫̸̸̢ ̸C̶o̵̶m̡e͝ o͠n ͠e̵͡v̷er͟yp͘͟͜o̵͘ņy͡ scr̀é̕am͝,͏ ̶s̢c̷̛͢ŕe̶am͡,͟͠ ͞ścrèa̴m͢

Fill ̵̴you͞r̢ hea͡͏rts͞ ͘͞u͜p̀ w͢it͝h̡ ni̵͡g̴̨htm̡a̷͢re͜s͠, ni̧gh̨́tm̸a͞re̕s͏

A̢̛l̶l I ̴́r͏e̛à̵͘l̨l̀y̶̨͘ nee̕͡d̴'s͟͜͞ a̡͡ ş̷͟cr͡eam, ͏sc̴͜r̢̛ea̛m̶͜, s͠͝c͢r̨ea̷m̡͞

C̵ómé on̶̨ ̴s̢͢h̡̀o͘w̧ ͜͞m̀e̢ ͏̶̕t͡͝hà̸t y̛ou͏̶'rè̢ ͘s͢c̀aa̡͘a-̴ar̶e̡d̛!͟͟͏”̨

Those of the group who were still alert and awake began to look around them in a panic as Velvet’s voice echoed from all directions, until it sounded like there were hundreds upon hundreds of her, all singing in unison, forming an unholy chorus that echoed throughout the broken canyon.

“͠♫͟͟͡ ̡̨C̕oḿe̢͜ ̡́on̢͘͝ ͟͠͞e͟ve̵̶rypo̕n͏́y̕ ̷̕͢scr̷̕͞e̛am̵̡̡,͠ ͟sc̀ŕé͞a̸m, ş̵͞c͏rea̡̡m̧

̵̧̡F̷͝i͜l͜͜l̨̀ ͜y̵̧our̸̀͞ he͢a̶̢r͟͠t̛̀s͞ ͢u͝p̕ ́͠ẁ͘it̛h ̵n͘͢͠ight̵m̡̀̕ar̕͠e̷s̀̕,̀͜ ͢ǹ͟͝í͟g̵h̵tm̨ąr̨̨e̵͞s͠͠

͞A̧͜l͝l͘͠ ͟I ͜͝͏real͞ly̶͠ ̢n̷eed͏̢'s̴̕ a̶ s̡c͘rea̷m̷,̧͢ sc̵re͘am̡͢,̸ ͞s͏c̴̀͢r̨̢e̴a̕͟m̛

̷Ço̧͝m̵e͏͠ ̨on ̶̡s͜͞ho̢͡͡w̡͡ me ͜t͟h͞at͏̨ ͟҉y̕ou'̀re ̶͞͝s͠ca̛a͟͟á̷̵-a͜red!̴”̴̸

The chorus of Velvet’s other voices continued, some high-pitched and others low, as Velvet herself brought Tick Tock eye-to-eye with her. (̵C͞ò̵͢me̡̕ ̸̡on͘ ̸͘e͘verỳ̵po̴͜n͜͢y̨͝ sc͟r̛͏eąm̡͘͝, ̀s͝c͝r̢e͢am̴, sc͜ream̵) The others were all slowly being coated in her blood and even those who’d been unconscious before weren’t now, and they all screamed in severe pain as the blackened, sickly ooze tightened around them. (̶̢F̕͝i͏l̡̨l ̨ý̛our̢͡ heart̨s ̛͞up ̡̀͞ẃ̷i͢͠th͜ nì͘g̨͢ht́mà̛re͢ś̸, ͟͡ni̛g͠ht͏̴m͜͝are͢s̨)͘ Only Tick Tock was spared this treatment, instead being forced to look into the darkness of Velvet’s eyes, watching as her eyes now turned totally black save for a tiny red dot in the center, matching the sick ooze that flowed forth from everywhere on her body like a plague. (̸A̢ļl̀͟ ̨̨͟I̕ r̛̀͟eall̀y ̨͏n̵̛ee͟d̴̢͘'s͞ ̷a sc̛ŕea̵ḿ̢,̷͠͝ s͜͟cr͢e̛a̢m, scr͝e͟͢a͢͝m̀)̨ ̀̕The black ooze began to creep up through the bloody tendril that held Tick Tock’s throat, inching its way up towards her mouth and sending searing pain ripping through the unicorn’s body. (̨̀̕Ć̡ome͞ ̸o̵̢n͠ ̷͘͢sh̕͡ow̵͠ ͢m͜ę t̛̛hat͜ ͝yo͜u'̵͟r̷ę ͘sc̢̀aa̢̛a-ar͘e̴d̴̡!̡͡)͝ ̶Red Velvet smiled that same wild, fanged grin, and sang to Tick Tock directly now, her voice reverberating with a horrible, unworldly sound straight from the worst, deepest pits of darkness and horror that Tick Tock had ever known.

“͟͠♫̶ ̛͟Ye̷s ̴a̷ ͏p̀͟e̶͝rf̢̀ec͢t͘ ͜g͢if̡̢̨t͟ ́f̴ơr̷͜ ̛͘͟m͘e̢̛͡-͜eee͠,

̀͟Is̸͡ ͘͟a͟͝ ͝s̷̨ç͢re̴͠a̛͜ḿ̕ ̢͝fr̕om͘ y͝ǫ̸u̶̧͞r̛ ̀͜͞d͟a̴͝r̨͟k̶ęs̴̡ţ͘ ̨̕d͉̘̯̳r̴̙̝̦̫̮e̫̹͡a͖m̷̩̫s,̵̤

̕T̨̕o̸ ma̷̶͜k̢͜͡e͏ ̢me̛ ͜͢h̡ap̸̀py̴ ̸͝as͘ ͜c̡a͡n͏͝ ̶b͞è,̨ ̴ ̷

Ść͝reá̕-̡e̶͠am̵͘͜, ͡s͞cr͜e͠a̵̵̢-e͟a̢m͠,̴ sc͟ŕe̡̕a͠-e̡a̷̢m̀́͟,̕ s̛̮͎̫̯c͖r̲e̬̤̲͕̠a-̩͕̞̼͘e̸̯a̫̲̪͓̖̺̱m̶̳̙,̥̭̖ ͔̣͎̩͍̝s̮̩ć̰͚͔ŕ̦̗͙̝̣͇e̜͙̬̳̘a̩̤̕-͙͢e̵a͙͓͚̜̥͠m̞̜̳̳͎̗͇,,̴̦̘̺͕

C͞ome͜͝ o͞ǹ ̧an͡d̨ ͜͝sḉ͟r̢e͢eȩe͏a̷̶̴m͘,̧

C̬͉o̪͔me̘͓ ̙̺o̱̼͕n̨ ̞̮̺a̲͎͓̤ṇ̖̗͓͚̻d̷̦̖̜͓͎ s͖̭͙̦͜cŗe̜͚̪̘̣̕a̷͚͎̗m!̦͓̱͎̰͟ ♫̭̞̰́”̹̀

Tick Tock tried to scream as hard as she could, but the horrible liquid had by now covered her mouth and drowned it out, bubbling and churning at the attempt and getting past her lips, making her choke and retch. Velvet’s sickening grin widened until it looked like her face would split in half; the grin suddenly turned to a disappointed frown as a light source shined from behind her, breaking apart the shroud of black that had surrounded her and her prey.

“Red Velvet,” Starlight Shadow spoke clearly, disdainfully, “You have violated the stipulations of this ordeal; you are overstepping your boundaries, sister. Stand down, now.”

Boss... you are really cutting into my groove right now,” Velvet hissed angrily, “I am this close to reaching the epitome of ecstasy... I can more than just taste it now. Their fears and screams and pain fill my very soul. You know what it feels like, to have immeasurable power flowing through you. That’s what this is like...

“Charming. You are of the opinion that this feeble demonstration is worthy of comparing to me?” Starlight laughed coyly, “Enough, Velvet. Your unspeakably homicidal mannerisms are threatening the health and livelihood of the mares we do not wish injury upon as well.” She pointed upwards to where everypony else besides Tick Tock was writhing in agony. “One false step along this course of action, and you’ll risk everything.”

“Boss... you’re making me mad...” Velvet seethed, “I am in complete control. Let me handle this.”

“You do not appear to be anywhere within the vicinity of ‘in control’, sister,” Starlight huffed in annoyance, “I can see that familiar visage sprawled across your features - you are too far gone to be allowed further transgressions. Stand down, now.”

Velvet looked sharply at Starlight. “What? I’m trying to kill the Chronomancer here, as we were told! I am in control!”

Starlight glared, “You forget your place, sister! The right to the Chronomancer’s head still remains in my sole possession, as your leader. Release them - all of them - now. Do not force me to repeat myself.”

“Why should I?” Velvet snapped, rolling her gaze back to her quarry.

“Because if you choose not to release them, then you will be disobeying my authority again,” Starlight sneered, flaring up her own horn, “Need I prompt your memory of what occurred during this same scenario in a previous encounter? Father has entrusted me to punishing further insubordination, and I will not tolerate any further disappointment from him.”

Velvet suddenly stopped, and appeared totally calm. Starlight smirked and let her horn dim slowly.

“Now, wasn’t that a simpler course of action? Alright, you can release-”

“That’s it... isn’t it?” Velvet said with eerie calm.

“‘It’? What’s ‘it’?” Starlight hummed.

“I’ve been trying to figure it out, you know? Ever since daddy gave me these powers, I’ve been trying to figure it all out,” Velvet said, still calm, as she slowly turned her head back towards Starlight. “I’ve figured out all the others. Only Curaçao and Grayscale were hard to read, apart from you, litt͞le s̛is̶t̢er̵̡..”

“What are you blathering on about?” Starlight snorted angrily, “I can’t help but notice you still haven’t released-”

“I figured out what you’re afraid of...” Velvet said, her smile back to a sickening width as her head literally turned all the way around to look at Starlight.

Starlight took only the slightest of steps backwards. “Me? Afraid? I have no fear of anything, dear sister. You’d best watch your tone!”

“I͞ c̷àn s̡m̶e͞ll ít on͞ yo͏u..̕.”̧ Velvet smiled as the rest of her body twisted around to match her head, so that she was walking towards Starlight now. “̡I ca̛n̸ taste it̛ iǹ t́he̴ a̛ir̷. T͢h̷e ̴o͠n̡e ţhińg y͟oų’̸r̀e afr̵a͝i͜d o̵f̴ mo̵s̷t ͟of̵ ̡all͡... ͝i̧s n͡o͞t̡ ͠li̴vi͠ng̢ up͟ ̵to dadd̀y͏’s ̡expe͠ctati̵ons̡.̡.̧.͡”

Starlight spat, “That is simply ridiculous! Velvet, I warn you, I-”

“Y̷̶͝o͢u̡’̨ļ̵l̛͞ w̵h̨́a͞͝t,̷̀ lì̷t̕͞t͟l͘͏e ͝s͘i͞s̷̀͞t͘͏er̛͡?̸ ̧͟͡Į’v͢è̀ ̕g͟r͢o̢wn̴ ͢i̷̷͡n͡͏ ͡p͘o̵͟͟w̢̛e͞r̷,̷͠ ̢s̸̕o ̷͡m̢͟uch̀͞ ̀͜m͞o̡r̕è̶ ̧t̡͘͞h̡an èv̧͘͞è͞͝r ̧͏b͏e̶͝fo̶r͜͝͞ę̵!̷ ͏Y̴̡o̡̧͟u̸̡ ͏t̶h̢́įn̷̵̡k ͜y͏̶ou͜’̛͢r͠e͘͝ ą̨l̛͠l͞-̨ṕo̧̕ẃ̷e͏̴rfu̷̶l̢҉̷?̢ ̢͞Ha̡!͘ ̷҉D̕͝a̧̢d̷͞d͡y͠ ̵̨͝kno҉͞w̵̡͟s̵͜ ͝t̛͢h͞a̢t͡ ̀I h͢a͠v͠ȩ ̡t̨͠h̸̢́è͏ ͟͜m̧̨͟o͏s̶̴t̕͜͢ ͘͠p̶o͞ţ͢͢ent͡i͘͢a̷̧͟l̴̷!͜͢ ̴D̡ad͠͏̷d̵y͝ ͟͝ḱ͡n͏o̷̡ẃs͞ t͔̟̰̀h̥͚̠̥̹͞at ̵I̘͖ a̠̱̲͍̫̭͠ͅm̥͕͍̞ t̬͙h̪͘e̬͔̙̜͡ ̶̱̻̣s̨̜t̬͙͎͢ro̬̖̰̭n̘g̨͈̝̰̰e̟s͎͍͘t̫̫̤͇͙̠!̴̦̹̜̠͓ ̞͘Y̡̱̼̤̼̪̻o͉̹̗ư̝͙̗̮ ̭͙̗͕̞a͏r̖̻e n̴̯̲͇̬̳ͅo̗̹͎̝͜t͙̯hͅi̜̹̥͔̙n̜g̥̟̬͕̗̞͠ ͏̙̟̰͔b͕̺̝̼͢e̞͓͍̮̱f̙o̫͙̣ͅr̙̣̤̠e͠ ̧̤̠̭̫̜m̼̘̲͈y͇̙͕̰͉͔ ͖͘m̨̟͇̜̹i̲̥̙̥͔ght̴͖!̶͖̗̞”̤͕͕

“How dare you!” Starlight snapped, flaring up her horn. She sheathed Velvet in shining light, but all the earth pony did was laugh. And laugh, and laugh, and laugh. “Stop laughing you imbecile!”

“͡W̸͋̔̊hͭ̀ͦ̌aͯ͢t̸͗ ̏̌҉w̆ȉ̷ll̽̓̽́͞ ̒d͢a̐̓d̔ͬ̕d̿y͊ͦ̾̈ ̋̄s̶aͥ̄ͧy̔̒̚͠,͐̈́̆̐ ͂ͨh͋ͩ̊m?̽̈̅ͨͧ̕”̐͗͂ Velvet chortled as she walked straight through the light, unaffected in the least. Starlight took another step back just at the shock of seeing it happen. “̴̸W̧̨͝h̨̛at̨́͜ w̢͘͜ì̶̡ll̶̶̶ ͞h͢͟e ͢d̷̵͞o̧ ̵̸w͢͝h͠en̶͡ ͟h̛͜e͏́ ̡fi̷͞n̕͢d̴̷s̸ ̶̶̀ou̷̵͝t̨̢ y̷̷ò̶u f̸̡a̷͝͞í̶l̡͘è̷d t̷̶o̕͜ k̸̵̢e̡͠è̢p̴ ̡͡m̢e̵͟ i̵n͏̵ ́͘l̡̀i̷̴n̛e͝?̀ ̴҉W̷͠ill̡ h̸̛͘e̷͠ p̷̧̢u͟͠n̸̴i̢s͞͡h y̢̕o̷u͏̶͡?̀͘ N̴̷͞o̧̨͟.̷͡.̧.͟ y͘o̵͡ù̧͘’̶r͘͝e̸̕ ͢n͏͏ot͏ ̛a͞f̵͜͢r͠a̵͏id̨ ͏͘o̧͢f̡ ̀̕͏p̶̧͟uń̡i̴̡s̶h͏̕me̢͘n͘t.̛͞ ͢Y͞o̷ų̸̀’̡re ̷͢͠a͠f̴͡͠r͢a̵i̢͜d̷̨͝ ̸̕͘h̷͡e̵’ļ̶͢l̷̸ sh̶̷͝ùn̛͢ yóu̴̸. Y̩ou͍̻̟̙̖͜’͙̩͉̙̜ͅre͎ ̸͈̙̪̫a͙̜̬̬̤̮f̙r̴͍̺a̤i̷̦d͖̰̖̘ͅ ̢̗h̯̙͝e͙̜̤̦͓̙͡’̢̖̹͚l͈̜̳̞ͅl t̻̟͎̹͔ṵ̯͕ͅr͓̖̙̙̼n̵̠̦ ̶̰͈̝̙ýo̟͎̭̗͎̱͘u ͙̯̼͙a͓͇̙̤̬͞w͓̠̗͍͚͖ͅḁ͢y̱̥̣̜!̛̺̬̬ ̦̻̥̖̙͟Y͔̙̘͟o͙̱͔u̥̻͈̱͔̰’r̯̦̘̫ͅe̖̲ ̫̹̰̙̀a͈̼͙̫f̰r͎͖̺̦͠ą̗͖͖̝͚i̥̭͔̰̻̗d̳̪̻͙ ͍̫̞͙̖̼͎t̹̬͈̮̥h̙͙ͅa̤͓͎t̴̪͓̮̠ ̖̠͈̞̝h̢̥e̙͚̺ͅ’̹̭̞̼͕̤̻l̯l̺͓̥͎̹͜ n̡̮̬̞̟͎ev̭̥̘̖͝e̦̰͉͡r͉͚̕ ̤͓̫̦͈ͅs̖̭̞̳̣͢ͅp̵̙e̞̗̱̺̝̟̠ạ̧̺̖k̤̮ ̡͓͙̺w̻̤͔̘̙̜̠͡i̶̘̜͎̞t̷̯͕̘h͈̩͍͇ ̜̠̱͈̝͓y̠͙̼͇̪̠o̙̦u a͍̻̻g̪̻͓̜͝ą̲̳̲̭̜ị̳͚͎̀n̷̜!̩̫̞̮͖̰̯”̩̜̱̖̖̜̠

Starlight snapped and grabbed Velvet with all her might by the throat with her magic, and shook her frantically. “SHUT UP!” Her voice was hysterical. Angry. Scared.

“͛̆ͦY̗̌ͫ͑o̗̳͕͛̄ͫ̈͝u͏̼͎’͑ͥr̶̦̫͚̄̓̓̚ẹ̇ ̎a͗ͥ̆͐fͦ̌̾ͪr̲͖̫̩ã̫̓͝i̍̓ͬ̒d̝͙̲̅ͨͤ͒ ͚͉̅̏͛ͩ̇̄͝h̜͖̣͓̬̠̦͡e̒ͣ̇ ͆͊̈̅̅w̨͎̠̾̅̂̽͂̋o̢̳ͯ̾ͣǹ͉͖̞͔̟’ͩͧͬ̈t̋͛̃ l͎͍̲͐̓͌ͣͯ͒͊̀o̟̲ͣ̏ͩ̽v̡̥͔̩̘͇̩̭̑ͦé͉ ̬̩ͥ͐ͥ̕ẏ̜͚̦̞͉͙ȍ̊̿̂ű̱̞̏̂̽ͮͪͪ͟.̇͋ͧ̌̓ͮ̋͜.̶͎̯̗͕̘͆̅̀̈ͅ.̦͓̺́ͪ̿”̲̬ͬͩͩ̚

Starlight panicked as a voice in her head came ringing, loud and true as if it was coming from right beside her. She looked in the voice’s direction and saw the great looming figure of Silvertongue standing over her, a great frown upon his face, his golden eye dimmed with disappointment.

“Starlight Shadow... my formerly dearest daughter. You are a failure. You are undeserving of your position, and of my praise. Your weakness is a tarnish upon my otherwise spotless record of judging character and worth, and I cannot allow that spot to remain. Get out of my sight, you worthless piece of trash, before you track more of your filth through my good name.”

“Stop it!” Starlight yelled as she shook Velvet harder, “Stop it this instant!”

Velvet smiled wider than ever, and the voice fired through Starlight’s head again.

“Did you really think that after your showing of weakness I would forgive you? That I would still allow you into my heart? Your failure has thrown all my plans to the wind, and I am ashamed to even know you. You are nothing to me anymore.”

“GET OUT OF MY HEAD!” Starlight screamed, “Get out... get out...” Starlight backed away in a stupor, and crumbled to the ground, holding her ears in her hooves. “S-stop the voices... father d-doesn’t hate me, he doesn’t! H-h-he loves me!”

Velvet laughed loudly,“̽ͦ̂̃ͨḢ̒ow̑́̂̓ ͫ̑ͭdo͒ͭ͑͏es͒͒ ̂ȉ̷̐t́ ̂̃fe͏e̿̔l̓̀̆ͮ,l̑̒ǐ͂ͮttͧ͐̄̆̑ļề̕ ̊ͮ̓̈́͑̎s̒i͗͠s̽̂̍̾̚t̓eͪr̡̂̈ͨͤ̚?̓̌̓ͥ H͆̂̐o͠w͛ͯ ͆ͥ͊̑d͒̅o͋̑͂̓eͮͮ̌s̵̋̔̅ ̇̇ͩ̔̽͑ͯi̾t͊͗͑ ͥf̉̾ͮ̈́ͬ͞e̐ë̵́l̈́̃̍͋́̚ ţ͏̧o̡ ͢͜k͞n͡o͜͠͠w ̶y̨̢o̵͘͠u’r̀̀͝e ͘wȩ̵͡a͜k̶͏͘ ͟͢͡and̡͢ p̧o͏͟͡w͏̸e͡r͠l̴̕e͝͞ss b̨͜e͜͡f̷̀o̴͘r̴͢͝e̸͜͠ ̡t͠h̸̨e̢ trų̴̶e̶͟ ̛͜g͠reat̵̡̀e͝s͟͝ţ̷̴ ̴̢f̀͝oŕc̴̀͘é ͏̛i̷n ̀̀t̵̨h̶e͢ ́ư̕n͢i͏v͢e̕͡r͜͡͡se̷͜?̶͝ ͟F͠èa̴̛ŗ̛͢!”̧͠ She turned sharply and smiled, parting the darkness that was in her vision until other ponies were clearly visible. “̨̢͡A̴s̨ ̡f̴o̢͠ŕ̵̶ y̨̫̬̗͘o̵͍̺͇̦̖͜u̫̞̥̤, s̩̖͓̯i̵͙̝̼s̛̱͖̹͈t͍̞̰̭̝ͅe̺̩̩̱̪̻ͅr̴̴͉̹̤͓ś. ̸̢̖̬̟͉̖͢ͅ ͙́w̶̪̣͈͔͕h̨̪̯̩͍̩͎aṱ͔̖͝ s̞̪̳̕a̡̛̦͎̣̹̳͘ý̺͚̠̥̤̖ ̴̡̱̰̞̟̺̘͘y̷̛̪̝̜̖ͅͅo̡͚u̼̱̙̕?̖͘ ̶̖̱̣̻̥A̵̵̢̹̻m̢̬̼̺̯̠͚̱ ̷̢̤̩̥͖́I̧̛̬̖̙̣̦ ̖̝̤̤̺̜͞n̮͎̫̻̻͍̹̕ọ̦͟t̡͉͈̮͞ ̰̥̯͍̞̺̕͠d̛̜̤͡ȩ̶̳̣̺̥s̶͉̥e̵̖͓̫̣̩̕r̵̷̺̥vi͙͉̳̖̹͞n̰̬g̢̛̞̻͇̼̪ ̵͙̜̳̘͙͡of̡̗͓͕̀ ̸̙͉̞̯d̳͉͝a͙̪̼̘͈d̦̣͓͈̹̙̞̕d͠ͅͅỵ̶̜̜̞͓́’̲̟̪̫s̤̟͎̣͈ͅ ̸͍̺͘p̸r͟a̧͏̣͓̪i̷̘̦͚̟̣͘ś̷̵̜̗̝̼ę̛̜͔͔̲͡?̥̫̝̙́͘”̧̰͎̱

Curaçao spoke first, and shook the least. “W-w-whatever you want, ma sœur. We await your command. Whatever you would ‘ave me say, I’ll say it.”

Havocwing didn’t speak at all, and visibly trembled and looked around herself in a panic.

Grayscale maintained her stoic position, the tips of her wings flicking regularly to negate her own shaking. Her voice was even, but her eyes were dilated. “You’re the boss, Velvet.”

Insipid spoke last, her voice a pleading wail, “Just don’t hurt me-he-heee! Or Curie, especially Curie, don’t hurt her either!”

Velvet let out a calm sigh. “̰̲͈̭ͪ̈̽́͘͝Aͦ͂̏h̓̃ͧḩ̷̡̗͚̫̆̌͊̍ ğ̷͚̎͞l̋̇͊aͭ̅̉͆̊d̸͓̓͌̕͘ ̈́̈́͐t̳̳̔͆͆͂̾̍͌ŏ̵̬̭̹͕̭̓̋ ̻̥̗̫͐ͥͤ̀ͅsͩͯͯeͪͥȩ̨̨͎̫̩͚̍̒ ̸̝̗͉͍̙̌s̥̃̌̾o̶̫̪̱̟͙̦͗m̛̻͔ͣ̏ͨ̏͟ȩ̻̪̙͓̑͌̈́̀ ͐ͥ͋̌p̭̲̟̭͋͟o̲̮̟͕̮̎͑nͩͮ̓iͪ͌ë́̉͑̈́̚s͚̯̳̲̒̅̉̏͆͞ ̸ͮ͋̌̌̉́͒͝h̢̊͌̃͒ȁ͂̓̐̃̌̉v̬͊ͩ̽̚͟e͈̰̗̖͆̇̀̒͒͊͆ ͌͑̊ͥ̏ͮ͏ä́ͧ̍ ͆̈́̒͐l̮̩̪̜̬͜͜i̪̜̰̦tt̙͙̘̖̣̜́͘͝l̡̤̣͠e̳͘ c̶̥̤͈o̡͈͕͇͞m̸̸͈̖̘̫m̡͉̩̪̟̬o̥̹̣̯n̗͔̺̘̯̮̰͡ͅ ̶̢͎͔͙͠s̘e̳͖̥ns̸̝̘͎̩͜͡ẹ̣̦̰.̢”̩̯̰́͟

Curaçao coughed, “Ah... ma... capitaine? Per’aps it would be best if you liquidiez zee Chronomancer now, non? While zee opportunity is ‘ere?”

Velvet snapped her gaze over to Curaçao. “Ỏ̃̀̍ͥhͭ̆̂?̂ͪͥͬ̉ Áͪrͬͩe͗ͯ͏ ̢̾̎̿̀y̓̊̎̓o̒ͯ̚ūͤ̍ ̿̓ͭ̉̆̔͜t̓̄͜e̵ͭ͝l̓ͣͥl̉͊͂̚į͂͐̃͝n̉͂͑ͣͭ͘͢g̶̔ͯ̃̀ͪ̓͡ ̌ͧ̑̐̆̄m̛̀̂̎͌̎͐ͦ̉ȇ̆ͯ̾ͦ ͮ̓͊̉w͌͛̉ͪͥͦ̔h̓ͭ̄̉̅̾ą͊̈t ͩtͫ̃o͐͆̄͟͝ d́o ̵̨Cu͟͝r͠a̕ç͞͞a̴o?͢ ͜S̀t͡ą͘͢rlíg̢͡͝h̕͟͜t̡͜ ͢͡͏m̀a̧ý̛͜ ̛h́a͘͠vȩ͠ ̀͞n̛ȩe̢de͢͠d̀͠ y͏̴͢o͠u̶̶͜r̡ ̢a̡͟dv͘͞i̕c̷e͟, I͜ ͟dòn̴͢’̴t̨͜. ̸̛҉B̕ut͠,̛͟ ͘͢i̡҉̣̞̠̱̜͓f y̖͔͈͈͠o̝͓̰̦̗̰̩͈u̴̗̮̩̹͎’͏̮̜͚͇͈̲̮̫͟rę̴̤͈͠ ̥̙͍̗̺̺s̟͞͝o̝̩͕͢ ̸̻d̘͕͟et̷͘͜er̜͘͘͢m̧̮̝͢i̷ń̦̞͝ͅe͕̼͕̮̝̱̠͢͠ḍ̴̮̠͔̱ ͜͏̛̜̰͙̲̠t̙͕́o̶̡̰͚͈͠ͅ ̫͙͢͢t̡r̲̗͔̀͠y̢̼̥̱͚͚ ̶̛̠̗͝a͜͏̢͙ͅn̻͙̜̺d or̷̠̙͉̕d̸͢e̛̻̗̘r͙̝ ̰͇̳m̸͔̕e͏̵̩̘ ̵̨͚̜́a̵̢̞̟̻͇͕r͏̸oú̷̱̫̜ͅn͏̥̦̹͜d̫̯͉̮̀͘...͔̬̪”͟͞

Insipid panicked and scrambled over and defensively grabbed the earth pony, “Oooh! Curie, shh! Don’t make her mad! Well, madder! Shhsh!”

“Ah... oui, but-”

Grayscale interjected, “She’s merely saying that you’re putting it off too long, boss. Dad wants her dead, so just... do what he wants, yeah?”

Velvet chortled, “̅Ṏ́̒h̑̒̾͏,̊ d̡ͦͫ͜ã̡ͩd̔d͗̆͐͗͟͢yͦ̄’͗̽͌ͭs̶̏ͮ̓́̄͐ ̒͋̈̔̀o̾ͯ́̚̕r̢̃͗̐͗̈̑͟d̵̃ͪ̓͟é̔̒rsͫͭ̚ ͛͛̌ç̊́ą̆ͩ̓n̴͊̃͌̓͜͞ ͐̒̆͑wa̔ͩ͒i͋̐̓̓͗̅t ̐͛̚ảͭ ͆̇ͧl̇ͯ̓̎ͤͧi̓t̶ͮͩͩ̋ͩ͠t̡ͨ̄̓͝l̛̔̒ͨͪ̀́͂̀͘eͥ̓͊͒̇͗͌́ lõ͌͋ͨ̿̃ͥ̓n̤̘̪̤ͧ̍̍͠g̨͇̭̗̝̥̞ͥ̍̈̐̋ͧ͂ȩ̨͚ͧ̄̄̓r̭̜̗͑̏ͮͫͫ.̵̘͉ͩͯ͐̍͋ͣ͘ ̼̠̟͉̼ͦ̆̈́ͭ̎ͩ̀ͅI̭̰͓͈̥͚̝̖͂̾ͥ̓̽̓͂̾’̛̤͕̻̪͎̍̏̇̓͌ͨm̥͎͇̯̩͕̜͕̜͂͂̿̄̔͆͘ ȩ҉̹͕̖̝͇̦͈͠n̪̭͙̬̘͇̫j͙̱̫̰̪̲̯͠ǫ̨̜̤͍̫̜̝͉͜y̡̭̟̗͎͚͓͖i̝̟̞̞̙̙ń͏̙̟̩̖̘͇g̲̩̼̪͟ ̺̻͈̠͎͈̜͘t͇͎̭͎͎̥̳͎h̶̢̡͇͙͖͇̯̹i̶̷̲̼ͅs̼̺̜̘͠ ̸̛̰̹ṯ̵͍̹̞͙̖̕o̷̢̭̟͉̱̰̝͎ͅo̪̲̱̤̤̮͞ ̣͍͕̹̼͇m̀͜͏̳̕u҉̯̜͎͇̙͙͖͚͞c̸̵͓̪h̥̯̱͈̣͖͔͎͠.̴͏̥̪̥̟̭̥̹̙ ̨̤̣̘̟̜̘̥À͓̫͟h̛͕͇̀͘ḩ҉͙̟͎̝̣̦͙.͏̼̤͈̠̻̫.̡͙̮͞.̛̹͎̳͍͈͖̜̫ ͖͍̤̥̫̦̼̖͡ţ̸̫̫͘h̸͚̗̮i̧҉̝͚̱̳͇̫͇͉͢s̵̙̺̗̝ͅ ̱͚̩̘̱͈̗͍f̗̥͕̰̩͓̫̯ḙ̘̳͚̠̥ͅę̴̞̻͖͓͚l̦̘̗͈͇͟͡͞s̳̠ ̷̘̝̺͈̭͘s̯̭͡o̵͈̮̻̞̟ͅ ̡̘̮̳̦̀ g̹̳͔͙o̟̯̥̮̼̮̤̯o̗̰̝̜̕d̘͇̘.̰̠̦̫̙̬̕͢”̷̡̗̭̝̺̮̹͞ͅ

Curaçao and Grayscale exchanged knowing glances at one another, and both sighed as covertly as possible.

“̸̓ͦ͋̈̅͋͠N̔̔͐̄ͥ̾́̎̒ȯ̡͒̍̑̏ͨ̐ͬ̆́͡w̛͒ͦ͒ͣ͏̢ ̵̢̃̓ͩ̕t̷̨̄h͌̓͐͏e̷͊n̵͛̍̾ͬͭͫ.ͫ̑̎͋̎ͭ̚.̸̧̌̆̐ͨͪ.ͦ͐̏ͪ̓̈́ͤͭͯ ̄̊ͨͯͭ̿̑wͥͫͦ͑̄̌ͭ͝hͧͪͮ͊ͭ̐ͪ́̀͡e̶ͦͭͫ͗̔̂̚r̈̋͟͠ȩ̷͊͌̆ͤ̋̔̚͜ ̉͌͑͠wͨ͠aͯͥ̊ͯ̍͌͌̋͘s̸̷̛͑̈̊̔ ̶̒͒ͭͫ̀I̴ͯ̐̂́?̎ͫ ̛͌̿́O̾̅̆̉ͥ̓̀͠h̢͒͂͊ͭͯ͋ͣ͗̚ ̢̀ͮ̊̈̕͡yͯ̄̉͋̃͜e͆͒͊̈́͂̆͡s̿̇ͥ̒̊̑ͣ͞͝!̧̨̊̒̽͆͑͌ͧͯ ̵̔̎̔̓͠͝I͛̔ͩ̐ͧ̀̈̚ ̶̔̄b̨͂͐ͪ̋͝e̸̢̢̓ͫ̓lͫi̸͒̋ͬ͡ě̡̢̓̏̆ͯ̽v̢ͫͤ̈̎̔͠e̢͛ͦͧ͊ͪ͊̅ ̛ͫ̔̋͋ͨ͡t̾ͫ̋̎̅̎̀͋͞hͨ̄̌͌͋́eͩ̅͆͒̚͘͜ ͩͣ͐ͪ̔͢͝l̶ͥ̆̎̚e͆̈́͑̔͊̌͌̐͜͡āͮd̸ͮͧ͗ͩ͊̃̚͞e̡͐̊r̛̿ͦ̔́́̚ ͭ͑́̕̕g̐́ͤ̉e̷̅ͮ̚͢ẗ́͐҉͝s̨̄ͣ d̷̕͜i̷̧b̡͠s̸̛ oń̢ ̛͢t̨̀͞he ̕C̶͞͠h̸́r̵̡o̕no҉̸͠m̢a͏̧n̛̕ç̛̛e͞r̸͢͞’ś̵͘ ̶͠he̶͟a͞͏d?”̶́͝ She chuckled and drew Tick Tock back over to her. Ś͠o,͢ b̡̡á̵c͏̀k̸͢ ̨͢t́͡o̕͞ ͡͝bu̶̕͢s̶͠í͜n̡e͢s̡s,̧ ̧̨t̴̷͜hen̶͟͢. ͞Le͟͞͝t̶҉͜’̕s̴͘͘ s̵̀e̴̕͘e̵̢.͜.͟͢. ̵̨I̷͝ ̕ẃa͝͏n̨͢t̕͡ ͘͜t̸̛h͡i̷̛͘s ͠t̢o ̢b̡e͘ ̛͞ą̸͢ś̵ ̢҉pá͠i̸̶n͏f̢ư̷͞l̨͝͏ ̶a̵̛s͘ ͏̀p͏͞oss̶̕ib͞le̕, an͜d ̡͠I҉͟ ̨w̧͏a̧͟n̸t͠ ͘y̡͠͏ou̢r͡ ́͡f͜r̀i̧en̶̕d͏s̕ ̷̧t̢o ̀w͟͡͡a̷͜͜t̵̛c̡͘h̢̡.̵ ̀͞T̢̧͠h̛͏̀ei̛͞r̴̛ ̷͝͠t͞e̛͟rr̸͜o̵͘r͠҉͘.̶̡.̛̀.̢͞ ̨t͢͞h̡͟e͘͜i͠͝r̷ ̢so̶r̷̨̀ŗ̨ơ̵w̷̢ ̸͠a̴҉͜n͟d҉̸ ̧͢r̛è̛m͡o̸̢rs̵e͝.̀͘.͝͡.̛ ̧t͝h̸͝ę͘ír ͏ṕa̡i̧͏ń́͘... ì̴̢t͡ ̶́w̴̡i͜l̷͟l ͢͡͠g͞i̷v̵̢e̵ ̢͜m̕͘e ̴̛s̢us̵t̷eń͟an̸̢͞c̨͟ȩ͢͡.́̕ ̴̀I̕ ̸͟t͙̀h͚̭i͉͓̝̱̻͉n̻̫̼k̥̪̻ ͖̼̳͞a͎̟̰̯ͅ ̗̲s̞̟͔͉̳͈̳i̼̜͔̰̙̮m͞p̟̼̟̼̭͚l̺̞̜͞e͍̣ͅ ̼̰̥͔be̗̦̩̝h̛̯̥̼͎e̪̠͈̜̙̠ͅa͓͓͍̹̬d̴͓̤͓̺̝i̦͈͚͖n̨͙̪͓̝͕̖g ̩͓̲̺̮w͓͈̳̼į̣̟͎͖̳̩l̯͔̗̻̱͇̺͟l̫͚̩̥ ̮̬̙͎͝d͏o͔͇̟̯͎ ̢̯͖t̻h̩̝͓͍̥̟̙ę͇̫̯͔͓ ̢̘͎͕t̠̜̤̳̕r͕̼̟͔̠i̤̱̣̲c̗͙̣̭k̯̹.̡͕͉͙”̪͍̯̪͍̲

“You... let her go!” Pinkie yelled as she struggled.

Velvet groaned. “̓̐ͨ́̕͝F̴̨͛͋́͐ͭ͑̅ͭͬo͐̏͜͟͞r̒͌͐ͦͮ́ ̡̏͛̿̅̆͝t́́̋̂́͝h́̆̆̚͠͞e͋̌̾̔̆͊ ̴ͥlͩ͛ơ̅v̵̀ͨ̑͋̾̀̚ėͣ͐̐̂ ̡ͦͯ͋́͟oͫ͑̈́ͯ́f̊́̀... ̢̐͛aͫͣ̂̾̋̓͒́͟r̸͑̉̐̇̃̓ͯ̋͜ȅ̸̢̍̍̓͐̿ͬ ̵̀̇̇͆͟ỳ̵͋ͨ̌̂̊͑͘ó̎u̴̡͐̀ͥ̃̃͆ ͭ̇͒s̵͒̇t̃͑̈͗ͣi̴ͧͤ͊̿͆͊̉̂͞͏l̡ͬ͆͐̓l̍̾̓ͮ̌̔̾̕ ͂́ͣ́r̨̧̛̃̏ẽ̇̋̐ͧ̊͛̎sͩͨ́́̊ͩ͘̕ī̴͂̀ŝ̍̆ͣ͋͢͞t̊̿͝ĩͦ͐̑́̂͟͏n̶̈́ͭͧg̀ͫ̐̈̿͂́͋?͛̆͢͠ ̶ͬ͑̽̏̐̂̄͌̕͢Î̐̈́̓̓҉̡ ̢̌̏̃ͩͥ͛̃ͬ͢͠d̸́ͯ̍͆̚͞ŏ̊ͫ͋̊͠n̴̈̂̎̅̓̀̊’ͩ͛̑̏́͝tͪͤͮ̒҉̛ ̛̎̍̒͂ͤͯ̈s̴̓̐ͧ̔ͥ̀eͭ̎̍ͪ̋̅͒͏e̷͊͆͂̄̚͢ ͩ̓͒̌̓͘h̵̷̢̑̿̉̋ȏẃ tḩi̷̴s̶̨͞ ̴i̶̧s̸̵̷ p̡͕̖̤̻̦̽ͮ̄̔͠ȯ͓͓̗͓ͭͪ͌s̤̟̟͓̿͊̾̌s̷̹͈̗͉͇̠͙̜̽ͪ̇͛͑͗͠ib̵̪̻̻l̗̯͞e҉̼̟͚̺̞̗̙̹.̩̼̩͎̩ͅ ̢̭̭̺̭͍̝͢Y̴̺̥ǫ̱ư͡ͅ ̴̧̞̺̳̼̙̥͍̕s̪̠͝͝h͚̹̜͝ó̭͉̹̫̜̞͞ú̩͈̫̗͈̙l̨̙͕̝͚͡d̘̹͡ ̩b̸̬̭͢e̟͚͇̝ ̛͚͔̻a s̭͙̩̪̪͔̩n̟̱̣̩̟͍̩͞͝i̵̶̷͖͉v̨̫͎͈̯é̹̖͔̫͘l̢͓̦͍̻̬͕͎i̵͏͍̹̦͚̣n̸͇̲̩͇͘͞g̨͍͎̼͓͜ͅ ̫̥͙̲m̷͉̖̲͉͔̫̯̕e̼̪̜̗͈͡ͅs̶̰̤̠͔͇͙s̸̜ l̨͔̞̫̤̮̳̀i̢̞̪̺̳͚̻̠̰͠k̩͝e͏̦͕̟͠ ̪͈̱͈̟̫̩ͅt͏̗͠h̗̬͢e͈̻͎͡͡ͅ ̛̫̮͚̝́͡r͉͔͉͔ę͚̗̯͓́s҉͔̭̭͢t̘͇̣̠̗̰͞ ̴̮̹̹͓̰͔̟̤̕ͅo̴͙̠̗͇̝f҉̴̼̘̙ ̷̬͕͈̝̼̼̭͘͜ý͈̤̖͍̘̳͖̰͘o̧̻̖̱̮̘͙͓̟͈u̜͜r p̤̥͇̣̫̺͠a̴̪͔̤͓̳͈͠t̛͠҉͚̞̤h̴̝̩̞͢e̟͍̫̻̙t̙̹́i̷̻̥̤̪͚c̯̞͘ f̵͘͏̮͔̦̣̮̰r̷̡̨͉̻̣̭͈͚i҉̗̘̝̫̘̩͜ͅe̴̢̡̯̝̦̱̟̫n̵̵̙̼̩d̸͚̝͇̳̭̠̰̻̠s̵͈̤̗̻̖.̙̕͟͡”̡͇̠͞

“As long as I’m around, there will always be a light to resist you!” Pinkie challenged, “You don’t scare me, Red! I told you, I never will be scared of you ever again!”

Velvet sneered and drew Pinkie close. “̢̾͂͂ͣͪ̐́̈ͨY͋́͒o̶̿͑̂̓̑̈͂͢ũ̶̋ ̓̃̔̍͏͢c͗ͯo͗̽͐ͫ͌ͥ̄̎̓n͊̌̽́tͥͬ͋ͩ̅ͥ̒̚i̶̸̎͋n̴̎͌u̸ͥ̎̀̕e̢ͤͪ͑ͦ͆ ̆͌ͩ̍̆ͣ́̕t̍͂̇̚̕o̿҉̸͡ ̄ͬ̃̏͝a͗ͫ̚͏g̿ͨ̄ͬ͠͠g̅͊̋̇ͦ̒̔̔͞r̢̧ͦả̵̶vͫ̌̉̇͐͡ą̛͆́̀̂̃ͬ̍t̡͗̈́ͪ̽ͯ̋ͣ̓ͫ͘e̿̾ͥ͋̈́ ̓ͯ́͊͘m̅̋̐̒͌̀͘ėͨͮ̌̀̔,̇͒͂̐ Pi͞ņ̶͢k̀į̵e,̡̨̢ ̵͟a̷̷ǹ͢d̕͟ ̵t̵́o͢͞͠ ̷̕n͏o͡ ̨è̵̡n̨͠d͞ a̡t́͜ ̵̵̡t̷ha͟t̶̵. ̷H̨̀o̵̢w͏ i̡̕s̨̀ ͜͞i̢t͢ ̸͜͞y҉͡o͡ú͘ ̷́s̸̡͡t̡i̕l̸͏̛l̛͡ ͡h̴͠ol̢̧͜d͝ ̷o̕ń̸t̸̀ò̶͟ ́t͠͏hi̕̕͜ş̀͞ ̷̀l̶̨i̶͠t͢t̶͘l̡e̛͏̀ ̷̕be͞a̵͡c͏o͡͞n̴̨͜ ̶͟͡o͡f̷ ̷͢͢ho̧p̢͠ę?̛̕”́ She suddenly got a sly grin and chuckled. ͎̼̻̕I̛̤̝̥̫ ̧͔̦͙͓̮k͖̣̬͖̼̬ṉ͇̟o̦̙̟͓̣w̠.͍̥͓̕.̰. ̠̙̯l̶͉̞̻͖̙e̛̬̯̻͉͈̞̞t’̙̲̳̘͕s̯̤͉ ̴̦̟͙̰̝s̳̮̠̬̱͚e̴̺̲̙̯̞ḙ̶̻̝̙͚͔ͅ ҉͎͎̥̺͇̰ͅw̥̯̜͇͇͞h͕̩eré ͘ṯ͢h͔͍̤̗̻ͅa̸͇͈͔̙̗t̼̱́ ̯̤̪̟̼f͏̭̞̙͖̲̠i̸r͖̱̥̭̕e͔̟̺ͅ ̷̦̬̳͉ḭ̹n̠͢ y̻̯̹̘̞̣͟ͅo̰͚u̹͙͚͕̺̦͓͞r͎͍̫̤̱͠ ͓̲̦h̠̣̟̲̗e҉̼̤̦͎̗a͓̝̥̖̕rt̶̲̣̠̺̻̳ ̬̰̬c̪̼̫͓͘om̼̙͉̖͖̝̙e̱̮͇͎̙̭̮s̞̰ ̡͚̻f̡̰̱̫r̮̹͓̱o̧m̱̗͍̞̠͚.̙̭͇̫͢ ̮̖͈͝L̺̺̦̙̺͔ͅet̳̞͍̬̗’s̢͔̤͙̹ ͕̮̖ͅs͕͓͍͠e̡͖͔̰͖̫͙e̲̳̖ͅ ̯͇̦̮͕if̡̫̮̗ ̧̯̺̼̘͙̼̜we̙̩͟ ̧̭͉̦͕͈̟͖c̦̙̣̳̗ą̹̫̻̩͙̪̪n̥̭͎’̮̟̙͙͍̪͘ͅt͚̰̥̱̤͓͟ ͓̭̩ͅş̗͓̖͍̦̰͉̪̘͖͙̳̩̲͟n̢҉̸̢̡̦̱̬̘̮̲̝̞̹͍̲̦̥̘̲̰̱ͅͅu̶̵̼̤̫̯͈͎͍̙̳̩̟̟͘͝ͅf̡̧͙͍̤̯̻͔̮f̨̡͍̙̬̘̣̗̣͍̝̞̣̺̗̙̝͜ ̵̢̛̣̰̳̘̜̰͈͔̗̥̣͈͓͉̕͞ḭ̸̢̧̭͈̳̕ͅt̶̷̻̤̲̹̟͠ ̧̡̥̖͈͓͖̗̘̘o̷̲͙͕̱̩͇͕̠̲̮̥͢ụ̸̡̡͕̪͓͜ţ̶̱̙͙̣̗̱͓̜̯̺̦̠̖͢͟͝!̶̛͇͚̹̤̠͖͉̻͉̮͘”̷̜̜͍̘̭̯̫͎̫͚̬̻̗͚̫̰́͢͡

Pinkie screamed in pain as Velvet's tendrils pierced her chest and flooded her with different visions than Velvet remembered from last time: Pinkie all alone in endless darkness. All alone, calling out from somepony that wasn't there. All alone. Forever.

Velvet cackled and licked her lips. “ͥ̆͌̒ͤ̀H̡̒ả̋ͣ̔͒̚̚͝.̸͋̉.̧ͥ͂̂.̸̄ͬ̑̉͐̐̍ ̏ͥ̀ͩ̈̚h͋ͨ̉̑͊͝a͋̆͡ ḩ̎a̓́̿ͧ ̊ͣ͛ͪͭͯ̈́h͊͋͛̽a̶͌̒̈ͥ̒,̌̐ͧͫ ̴̒ͤ̌s̅͛̓ͭo̍ ̂̓ͪ͌͆t͛͒ͦ̋h̀̄͌̍̓aͪ̈̒ͣ̋t’̢̓ͤ͊ś͑̈ͭ ̀͢i̅̈́̚t.̑̎ Y̡oͫ͊ú,͊͆̈́̆̈ ̋́l̡ͪ̐̍̅ͭi̓̋͒̌ͥ̚k̨̈̊ͩeͩ ̈̎̋̇t̷͟͠h̴̢͘e̡ ̢͏ó͞t͘̕͡h̛͡e̷r̨s̡̧͠, ́͟f̕͘ea̴̴r ̀͞f͞͠o̡r̸̴ ͘͘͡y̧ou͢r͟ ̴̛f͝r͏͟͠i҉̧e̢͟nd̕s͢.̴ O̵f̸̶̷ ̴̧͘ć͢o̡͞u̧rs̀e͜ ̡̛y̸̨o̴͘u ͢d̵̕͏ó̧, ̸̧Į’v̸̧ȩ͟ ͟see̢̕n͜͠ it̶̷̢.̶ ͟B̴̢̧u̶t͠ ̵w͏́͢h͟͡e͏n̴͘ ̧̡I͟ ̨̛l̡͢a͡s̷͏t̶̨ sa̕w ́͞i̛t̴̢, ̡͞Ì̧ t̸́̕h̸ou̵̢͡g҉h͞t̢͏ ̵͝it̷̕͢ ̴̷͞a҉̸͟pp̧̛͟l҉i҉̕͜e̕d̡͞ p͜͠r͜et̶̀t͏̷̵y ̶e̶̛͡q̧̕̕u̧͘al͝l҉͟y͏́ ̛ţ̸o̡ ̕͢͟a̢ļl ͝y͠o̵̶u͜r͜ ̵̢͢f̸͘ri͘͜eņ͞d̴̕͢s̢̡͠.̀͠͝ I͘ ̢͞d͝҉i͟͡͝d̴̸̀n’̴͜t́̀ ̛sȩe̷͞ ̷̧͟it҉̵ ̸t̴h̡͝͝ȩ̸n, ͘b̷̧ut ͘͟I͞ ̛s͢͡e̸̕̕e̴͟ ̨͟i̡t͢ n͡o̢͢ẃ. ̴I͘ ̴c̢a͜͟n͝ ̸̢sȩe͘ ̡s̵o͏me͠p͝ơn͏̶y ̕t͘ḩ̕e͜͞r͟e̢,̶́ ̸̨s̸̡͢o̵ḿe̷̛pǫ̴n̨̢y̶̡͞ ͝͏t̵҉ḩ҉at̴̀ y̕ǫu’͝r͜͝è҉ ̕a̢f̸̀ŕ̕͢a̷̕i̷d̶ ͢͝f҉͠o̵̕ŕ͢ ́̕͠t̵͞h̴e͢͝ m̢͠͝os͜͡t̷.͢͢”̷͡͝ H͏e̸r̷ ͠mout́h ͝cu͠r͡l̴e͝d͞ ̧up i͠n a w͞ic̢k̀éd, f̶an̷ged ͠sm̨il̡ȩ.̸ “̧A̧w̛ww̵̢.̕.̢.̛ ͏̴͜d̡́͞e̸a̴r ͝lit̢tl̵e̶̢̢ ̢͡D̢͢͞a҉҉̡s̕͠h̷̸͝i҉̧͢e̛͏.̧ ̡͢S͘h͝e ̀a̛b͡a̡͏nd̷ơ҉̢n͞͞͡e̢d ̶y̡o͡u ̢a͜͠l̛l,̢͘͠ ҉̸̨d҉id̨ ͠ś͘͜he̡?̛ ͟No̷͏̴.͏.͞҉.́́͘ ̸͝t̡̀͡h̡̀͜at’s̷͠ not̷̡ ̧͡w̸ha̴҉́t̵̛ you’̷r̶҉e̷̡͢ ̛́͝w̴ó͠r̸r͝i͝e̡҉d ̡̢͞à́̀b́͟ǫ͝u̡̢͢t̢.͏ ͢͠Y̴̡̕o͘ư̶’́rè̀ ̶͡͞w̴͝o̶r͘r̵͡͠i͜͞e̸̡d̨̕͠ ̛̀t͜h̴a͏t̨ ҉şh̴̸e͢͟ ̢a͝b͟ąn̢͢͠d̕ơ͢͝n͏͢e̢͏d ͘͠͡y̴óu̧.̧̢͞ ̀̕F̶͠ea̧͜r̨͞ ̀o͘͝f͟ a͏̶b̵a̴͟͠n̨̢͝do̢̡n͝m̀e҉n̢t̕,̨̡̕ ̧͡fe̛͏aŗ ̵̡̨o̴f ͡ĺ̡͎̙̞̟̙̝̝o̸̶̧̫̱͍s̢̮̰͙̣̼̘̣ͅi̶̟̯̤̩͎̼͇̮͟͜ǹ̩̝̝̫͔͕̬̀g̬̼͢͡ ̴͖͖̲a̳̹̖͙̺ ̧̙̻̯̭̺̱̟̼̼l̶̠͡o҉̼͕̩̼͖̠v̡̧̠̠̜̩̗ͅé̼̞̼̞͎̞̱̦̣d͏̱̦̝̥̱͢ͅ ̡̣̻̗̼̭͓o̶͠͏̙̣͎̹̜̟ń̶͖̗̦͇̗̹̲̗̀e̤̫̼̫͈̝̭̦.̠͡͡ ̘̹̫̘̝̟͍T̵͉̥̞̗ḥ̵͇̖ị̗s҉͙͙͟ ͍̠̮͇̰́i̶̦̥̻̗̰̭ͅs͎̗̫͙̥̱͠n̬̤̤’͓̩̻͜͡t̬͖̱ ̴̘̳͚̼̹̗̣̜͘͜t̠ę̜r͇͙͈r̡̮̲̲̀ͅo̹̜̣͇͚̜͢r̠,̙̻̙͓̳͇͈̀͡ ̶̘̕o̵͓̯͔̖̭͎ŗ̸͇ ̷͓̝͚̠h̘̭̠̘̞̝̀̀o̼̭͠r̮̤̣͓̙r͏̷̘͇͙̪̗̱͍o͎͖͚̮r̴̤̘.̳̺̤͓̞̫͚̀.͏҉͈̮̥͈̥̦̖̗́.̝̹ ͇̪͙̟̕͡t̖̙͢ḩ̻̙͚i̖̼̻͉͉͙̻͘͠s̷̙͚͟ ̸̖̟͔̕̕ͅi̴͇͖̼͚̹̟̬s̼̥̪͍̭͜͢͢͠ dȩ̨͎̦̫̜̩͖͢s̱̗̩̝̭̝̳͠p̗͜͞͠a͇̙̫͚̠͘i͙͈͔r̜͔̬̥̗̯͢.̷͙̝”̧҉̬͓̗̹̖͎̺͚ ̧̘̹̲̹̤

Her ̸eye̴s͠ rol҉l̶ed͝ ͘ba̢c͡k ̧a̛ l̷itt̀l̵e̛ an͢d͘ ̡s̴he͜ l̀icke̷d ̛he̷r ̕ļips ͠a̕gai͞n, ̨l͝et̶t҉in̸g he҉r͞ ̛blo͡od f҉l̨ow̡ ́l̸ikeͭ wa̡ţe̶r̴ f͏rom̡ ouţ of̴ h̡e̷r, ҉s̀o mưch͘ that҉ i͏t́ se͢emed impo͏şsibl̢e̡ that͡ ͞h͢e͏r bod̨y ̢ev̕en ̛c͜ou̧ld̵ ̷s͡till̛ c͘o̢nta͞in̷ a d̠̺͈̮̺͈r̵̻̥̘̤͓̥o̤̝͖̲͖̲p̩͉͚͉.͓ ̺T͈͈͙̯̟̀h̬e ̴̪̹̠b̳̰͡lo͔̞͈̺̕o͡d̹ ̬̱̣̤w͚a̬̗̭͕͉͔͝s ͓̟͈̟̯́u̡̯̝͇͉̦̱̞n̷͉̺͇̤͎̦̻ǹ͇̼̪̣͖͕̜a̭̘͇̝͓̬t̛̥̲͙̗͉͓ú͍͈̣̭r̰aļ̯̙̩͍̺̭,̸ ̴̤̲s̴̠̬̹m͚͔͔͖̰̱e̬̗̣̘l͍͓̘̼̪̗͕͢l̠͓i̛͇ṉ̸̤͈̰͎͎̤g͘ l̸̖̹i͉̗̻͝k̥̞̪͎͢ͅe s̟o̰̭̘̟̘ͅm̥̀e̴̻ ͉̳͖̩u͈͈̩̫̙̯͙ṇ̞͇ḥ͈o̰͡l̻̮͇̜y̢ ̰̹͙͓̣̲ć̦̩o̞̻̦̰͎̫̲m̧̬̦̠͓̫̞b̴̹̟͕̯̞͚͕i̶͍̹̥ǹ̺͇̜̘̼̥a̻̫̜̗͙t͔̜i̪̘̰̭̳̕o͘n͉͞ ̨͕̝͙̲͍̲̰o̘͎͖̦̼f̩̜̲͉̝̳̺ ̭̮͠b̛̭̠̠̝̝l̞̗̩͉o̴̙͙̯ͅo̶̘̦͔d̛͖̪͓̬̺̩ ̙a҉̜n̺͓͔̦̖͞d̨̲̹͖͖̞ ̜͉̜͝d̟̝̦̗̥e̗͘a̭̺t̶͚h̹̰͙͎.͈̟͔̭͕͙

M̧̋̉́͟͝m̏̉̇͆̊̓͏m̶ͧ̿͒ͨͣmͫ̀̌.ͨ̅͛.̉̚.̵̑̂͊̆͂͝ ̨͗̂͢t̾̒͌͑h̶̓͊̅̍͝a̿̆̎͜t͆ͤ͜ ̴̢̛̆̽ͥdͤͤ͜͟ȩ̛̀̇ͬ͑lͭ̐̏į̛̾̈ͦ̅̊̑͛͒̍̕ç̴ͭ͐ͣͧiͯͤ̑ͨ̋ͧ̿ͩ͏̷ơ͆͒ͨ̋̋̂ͪ̊̚u̶̷ͨ̉͐ͫ̾͐͘s̾̌̐̈́͗ ̍d͑̓͂̚͝͝e͆̽ͬͭ́҉͝s̵̨̈ͭͯͩ̾͑̕p̸ͦͫ͌͠a̎̉̉̒̉̃̿̓͛̕͝҉ir I̎̄̃̋ͪt̶ͩͣͦ̒͒’̆̽̆̆͟s̶̢̒̃͊̂̚͝ ͯ̈́͛͜m̶ͦ̂͆̏̂͋̆͌́͟y̑ͥ͗ͮ̓ͮ ̷̐̅͊̀͏f̷̂͆ͦ̕ȃ̋̂҉̶̧v̧͑̓̋̀ȯ̸̸ͦ̓ͧ̌̆̍ŗ̒͌͆͗͛ͧ͛i̎ͭ́ͭͬt̷̑ͣ̋̍̍͊̐̚eͣ̄̃͐͛́̄,̆͂̾ͧ̕͡ ͨ̉̎ͧͩ̌ȳ̷̛̇ͥ̍̂͘o̡͆ͧ͝u̷ͮ̑͂̉ͤ̈̚ ͫ̂́kͦͥ̑ͧͦ̐́ņ́ͣ̾̏ͧ̀oͩͮͨ̐̋͗wͧ̌̀̚?̀̽ Íţ’s҉ ̶͘so͢ ҉͞r̢͠a͡rę̨̕ f͝o͘ŗ͟͝ ́m͘̕͟e̢͞͞ t̡҉ó̕͡ ͏͏t̴͞a͠s̸̢͠t̢͞͏e͏,̢͝ ̨n͜o̡͟͝t̸ whé̷̢ņ̕ ́e̴͠͝v̡̀͝e͏r̡y̨͠po͏n̢͏y̡ i͞s̶ ͘͢mòŕ͝e̡ ̸a̸f̛͡r͢͟a̕͠i̛d̢ ̶̧͞f̢or͞ ͘t͟h̴͢e̴͜iŕ͝͝ p̨̕̕hy̡síc̸̨͜a̧͞l͏͘ ͘͘͞wę͢͜l̶̀l̨-b̧͏e̡̢͡iņg҉̷̀. ̵F͟͞il͘͝ĺ̕ ́m͞͝e w̸įt͏͏h̀ ̨̛͠y͜͝ǫu͢r de͢s̶̀͞pa̵͢͞ir, P̶̸i̶n̷kíè͘͡.́҉.̡. ̢̕y҉̶̵o̷u̸̵̡ o͜n̛ļ̵̀y̨͟ ̧͢ha͟͝v͟͠e ̡̛͡yo͘ú̸r͞se͜͡l̡̨f̵̧ to̕ ̡͟͡b̀l̛͟a͜m̶͞͝è̶.̢͠͝.̢͠.̀”̵̡͜ V̀elv͝e͝t͡ ̨g͞rinn͏ed͡ ̸w͠id̶e͢ a͟n̛d͠ ̧w̧hi͠sp̷ȩre̵d ͝in͞ ̴Pin͡ki̸e’s̛ ear. ͘“̵̢D̡́a̷̶͘sh͝i̢͟e ͟ĺook̵̶ed̶̢ ҉͘t̸o y͠o҉u̴ ̢̛f҉͜òr͢ ͏s̛͟u̡p̛͠ṕ̵͞o͝r̵̛͠t́̀͢..̴.̷ ̨̕͜a̴n̴͠ḑ ̨͠y̛͝o̶̶u̧ ̧̕͡tu̸r̴͢ne͞d̀͢ ýo͏̛ur̕͞ ͘͡b̷̧a͜c̴͘k͟ ̶̸̕ǫ͞n̷ ́҉he͏r̷,̧͝ ̀͝sh͞u̡͡n̸͠n̛ȩ̀͟d̀ ̨͟҉h̴̛͢e̡͘ŗ̴͝ ̛̀̀aw҉̷͝a̶y̵͠.̴͠ ̵̡I̧͘ ̷̛c͘͜͏a̛̕҉n̡͘͝ ş̢̛e̶ȩ ̨í͠n̡t̵͠͏o̢ ̸̢yoùr͞ ̀he͠ar̷t͞͝ ̸a̸n̷ḑ͡ ̸̴̕śo̢u͝l̡.́͏̕.̀͢.͞ I̵̕ ̧͞ç͢ąn ̸se̴͡e̵͘ ̨h̵e͢r̨͜ ̷̢f̷̛̀a̡͟t̶̡e ̀e̵v͡e̛͡n ̢n͝ó͠w̛͘.̢̀ ̨̛S̨͞h̷͟e’̢̀͢s̡̨ ́ǵ̵o͝ne̢, g̷̛o͠nę ̵͞f̴͞o̢͞re̪ͅve͔̠̭r, ̧n̩̬̣̟̗̞̤ḛ̙v̯̬͚̩̥ę̩̰̪̪ͅr̝͕̳̩͍̺͞ ̧̤̠̞̩to̶̺̠̠̗ͅ ̭r̗͈̥e̮̟̙̦̪̞ͅt̸̘u̱͎͙͔̲͉r̹̠̙͎ǹ̻.̡̠̻̱͖̩̠ͅ ̯ ̻̣̪̦͍̩̦͝W͏͈̫̝͡h͙̖͖̬͚͜͟ỵ̧̡̘͙̱̣ ̴̧͍͍w̜̤̭̜̩͕o̸̵̼͔͝u̵͕̟̟̝͕̰̻͞ͅl̴̞͇̰͇͔̪̱ͅd̶̨͕͎͚̪̹ ̧͘͠ͅs͖̟h̜̥e̷̼?̻̖͙̯̝͇͝ ̵̢̘̬̫̜̪̻̬̳̦͝Ỳ̧͍̼̳̱̳͈͠o̡̙̰̬͙͡͞ṳ͙̦̦̝,̀́҉͖̙̱ ̘̯̥͙̱̙̮á̮̰̥ņ̵͚͖͖̰͡d҉̣̘̬̹͚̯͢ ̵̳͈̹͔̜̤̦̞ͅa̛͚̣̦̬͚̞͔͔͜l̢̦͎̺͇̼̳͓̀l̨̡̛̘̙͚̹̮̬̭͕ ̶̮̱̟͘y̙̼̖̠̳͍̰͙͔o̵̡̢̟͇u͏̺̤̙͔̦̮̫͖͍r̵̼̦̣͜͜ ̡̼̰l̘̜̭͘i̷͙̣͇͉̪͈̦̯t̵̵̠̪̘̱̘͠t͍͔̬͖͇͎̤̟͜l̢͕̤̩̤̬͇̲̞ę̵̴̰͎̳̝͔ ̸̫̯͓͢f̡͕̤̘̩̣̠̞̬͟ṟ̴̶̢̺̮͍̘̼̼̼ị̵̱̺̝͍̫͈ę͓̼̝̤n̢͔̩̟̞̹̖̪̺͎d͈s̡̟̫̪͎ͅͅ,̡͖́̀ ͎̮̩̟͟͝͞d̸̷͕̜r̪̥͓̻͟͜͠o̭̺̟̬̙̥̻̤̕v̖͎̝̹͟͝͞ȩ҉̙̤ ̶͈͓̺̝̝̱̬h̵͎͘è̶̬̲̫̯r̡͍̙̺̭͔̙͙ ̨͏͕͙̩̘̲̱͕̺a̴̯̗w̸̹͕̭̲͎̬a҉͔̗͔̝y̦̠̰̣͎̭̙̙̥.̭̭̳͚̥͓̝.͉̤̲̦̫̦̰̘̰͘͟.͉̗̖̘̝̜͉͕͝”̵̡̠̺

“She’s coming back!” Pinkie sp͘at.

V̛e̷lv͘et̕ ҉s͞n̛ic͜kered,̶ “Yǒu̎̎̐rͪ͆̀ ̆ͯli̴͋ͬ͜t̢ͣͤ͞tͨ̀le̋̔̓҉̡̀ ͨͮ̄̃ͣ͆́̕ḧ̷̴́͊̂ͤ̃̽͛o̵͗̂̋͛ͤͦͩ͘p̷̓̆̓̽e̛͐͊̌ͮ҉s͋̿͘͝ ̵̧ͤ̍̔̄͐̊͝a̴̡͆̈̒͆͐n̵͑̐̕dͪ̈́͘͠ ̴ͮ̇d̷̋̂̓ͣ̇ͫ̋͞r̴͗́̀e̡ͧ̿̎̚å͋̓ͤ̀m̐͛ͧ̈sͭ̀͛ͬ͒͏,̵̐͐ͧͥ̕͡ ̸̨̈́̎̃̿ͧ͘ŷ̵̢ͯ͐̓̃͛͐̚ö͗ͩ̆͘͞u͌ͨ̈́̑͐̑̌ͬr̸̷̴͂̋̈́̿̆ͮ̔ ̴̨͊̂͛͌̊́wͥ̀ͣ̏̋̇a̴̡̓nͫͬ̌ͪ̄̀͐t̨̽͆͊̊ͩͯs̡ͫ̈ͣ̋̆̀ ͥ̽̈́̀͐͑̐̈́̐ą̶͛͒̉ͪ̂̍ͣͦ̄͞n̷̶ͧͦ̏d̈͒̍̎̏ͩͧͥͧ͟͏ n͞ȩ̢͟ȩd̨̡̀s,̴͘ t̡͢͟h҉̴̴e ͟ĺ̶it̸̢t̢͏l͏̵e̶҉ t̵w͠i̕ng̵̕ęs̵ ̕of̧͟ ́l̶ig͟͝h͝҉͠t̸̢͡ ̶t̛h̡҉at ́͡y͠o͏͢u̴̶͝ ̸cl̢͝i̸̴̢n̷̷͟g̡͠ ̨t̵̡o̕ ̵͏i̸n̡ ҉̢a҉̷n͟ ̵à̵̛t҉̕t͞ȩ͢mpt͝͠ t̢o̴ ḑ͍̖̠͝͝ͅr͎̞̟̬̮͈í̘͕͇͉v̴̛̠͔̬̞̙͖͔̳́e͏͇͉̣̖́͠ ̸̨̡̬a̦̮w̮̩̣̱̰̙̕͢a̼͓͔̯͓͉̹̟y̪͓̳ ̛͉͕͎̭̩͚̞̜͢t̡͉̠̼͕̜̤̟͔͘ḩ̦̲͔̭e̛͏҉̲͈͉̤̲͉͓̣͕ ̴̶͚͇̞d̡͕̯̘̲̻̣͔͙ą҉̷̪̝͈͙̞r̻̼̙͙̭̥k̩̮̖̺̫̰̹n͇̗̪̲͚͇̪͞e̹͔̠͔̜̙͚͡ş̧͍͓̬ͅs͘͢҉̖̥̞̹͖̬̖̙̙.̛̛͉̗.҉̺͖.̗͝ ̴̸̟͇̥ͅt͇̻̼͠h̛͓̦͔̺̤͎e̸̞̜y͖͔̣̺͉͇̘͞’̨҉͕̤̭r̢͕̤͈̬̱̺̫͟e̛͙͖͉ ͕͈̫̘̖̗̺͝a̶̘̜̗̦̺̻͈̥͘l̳͕̠͙͈l̲̟͎͖̜͘ ̩͉̠s̸̴͖̰̳̬͔̟͔o̶̦̲̜̕ ͏̵̟̦͇͝a͏̥̺͈̲̮̭m̧̫̼̹̭̦͘͟u͏̛͏͉̹̠͍s͏̡̘̟̦̲í̛͍̙̙̩͖̻̺͝n̦̥̹̣͟g̖̙͉̙͕̰ ͖̙̯̳t͏̡̪͔͙o̸̩͎̟ ̨̪͚͘m͏̨̱̝̭̗è̦̕.̱̟̫͚̮͎̯͘͝͠ ̀͏̪̙̀H̺̭̻̲̘o̥̞̺͚͟͢w̶̧̥̦̩̘ ҉͓̩̤͓̝͇̻́y͕̹̗͙̹̙o̶̻͈̹̪̻͝ú͉͎͔̥̮͚͟͠ ̸̡̧͔̱̮ͅc̵̢̀l̷͜í̴͢n͢g ̨͡͠o͞n҉̸͝t̴o ̨t̴͠h̡͠ìś̵ ǹ͞ơtio͏n̢̢ ̴̀͢t̴́h҉a̶͜t̡̕ ̷̢s͡h̨͠e̢͜͜ ́͝r̴̴e͟a͏l͏͡͏ļ̴̧y̵̧҉ ̡c҉ar͢e͡s͟͠ àb̶ou̵͟t̡͞ ͞y͢͏o͞u͢͝͠?̧́ ͟Y͞ou͏ ҉s͞͠a̵̕͜w h̵e̵̶r, ̶̨h̨̢͠o͢w͘ s͡h҉́҉e̶̢ ̷͞͝rea̷c̵̡̕te͟͡d̷.͟ ̵̸S̨͞h̀͡è͟ ̵ha̢̛t̀e̴͞s̢̛ ͡yo͢͠҉u,̕ ̢̛P̛̛i̧͏͡ń̡͢k̶͏̀i̷̶e.̕ ͟No͘͞ţ̷͞ ͞j̶̷͡uşţ̶̷ ̵all͢ ̴͢͝y̨͞ou̵ŕ҉͜ ͝f͜r͘ie͡n̵̨̡d̛̛s̢,̶͢ ̸̡̛o̕r̴͟ ҉y͘o̴̵u̷͡r̵ ̡o̸͠th̛e̕r̸̨ ҉̶҉t̡̢r̷a̡v̸͢ę҉̛l̨͝i̧̕n̵̨̡g̵̨ ҉̨c͟o҉͘mp̶̛͠an̶į̷̸on̸̕s͟͝.̨͜ S̴h̶͘e̛ ̀h̡̛a̡̧t͡e͝͏͢s̸͝ ҉y͟o̧͜u! The̶̕ ͡b̵͘͝e̸̵şt̴̕͝ ͝pa̸r̛t̴ ̡̛i̛҉s̨.̶.̵͠.̷͘ t̕he̕ ͡҉de͜l̢̡҉i̧̛c̢i҉̀ǫ͟u̸s҉ ̸͜k̵̀́n̡͢ơw̨le̸d͏g̷̵̨è t̨h̷͜ą̸̧t ͘͡҉d̛èep̀҉ ͘͜d̶͡o̡ẁ̴͞n,̡ ̢͘i̴ń̵ ̀t̸͜h̴é ͏b̵͘l͝ą͞cke̶s͜t͠ ̷͠re҉ác̶͞h͠e҉s ̀o̵̶͠f̵ ỳ͡o҉̵ų͠r ̀̕hé̴a͏̴r҉͏͘t̡,҉ ͜whè̸r̶̀͢e̕ ̵y̴͝o̷͘ų̕r̕ d͏͝re̕am̡̨̯̻͕̖̮̤̰̫̩̳̯̠̳̥̭͍̥̱̱s̶̢̞͖̦͖̙͖̻̣͉̯̥̟͔̥̳̠̗͞ g͍̯̲̲̦̮͎̹o̺̰̰̱̥͓͘ ̴̠t̟̻͈̺̣͓̝̘o̧͕̗͉̤̣͚͙͍͜ ̛̰̜͔̯d͕͍͙̖̯͔͍̙i̢̱̙̻e, y̪̝̠̝͕̺͘ó͏̠͖͠u̷̡͔͍̯͖͇̬̩͎ ͖̙̜̫̙̹̀͘͝ͅd҉̨͈̹͇̺͎̟͕̦o҉̢͙n̨̗̖͘’̩̼͠͝t̴̖̣͕͕̟̀͟ ̷̞̘̳̲͇͇̗͠b̸͏̦̜̱̩ͅe҉̹̣̫͚̝̳̫̬l̲͉͡ͅi҉͉̥̪̰̠̮̫e͓̱̬͚͈͟͟v̨̱̟̻̲̝̱́e̝̣̟̺̠̞̬͎ ̟̮̰̟̹̗̖t̴͔͖h̬̳̣̙̖͉ͅa̴̫̹̣̭̱̱͘t̸͎͎̻͉̬̻̘͔͠ ̥̻̤̘̀ͅͅṣ̶̮̺̭̟̝͈h̡̦̜̮͍̖̻͠e̯͔̫̣̼̮͍̪͘͘’̢͇̼̠̰̩̪͘l̬͎͙͇̭̰̦̥̣͝l̵͔͎̠͎̞̦ ̛̙̻̬̟̹̬͈̱e̜͎ṿ̹̤̠͇̜̼́͡e͚̝̹̯̩̭͙̞r̴͏̪͇̭͈̀ ̶͈̙̳̞̺̮͟c͏̤̭̘͚o̴̸̳͙͎͇̭̩m̯̤͎̗̪ę̖̭͉́ ̴̜͞b̘̮̼͉̜́̀͝a̢͙̯̟̤̣͖̯͇̻͜c̲̤̺͚̩k͇̟͙̝̀͞.̺̫̖.̷͕͙͓.̴͖̬͍̖͙̝̣̘”̧̲̣̝̯̠̠̝͔̀̕

Pinkie y͡elle͠d̸ at͜ ̀the t̵op͏ ̶of her ͘lun̕gs a͢n̕d̕ k͘i̢cke̕d a͡nd ̶s͠qųi͏rmed ͡wit̶h͘ a̡ll̶ ͏her ͘migh́t͡,̧ “That’s not true! She’ll come back to us! She’ll come back to me!”

“ͣ͒̓ͤ̈ͫO̵̧͋ͥ͗͗̃̉͆ͩ͝hͭ͗̋͘ ̨̑̏͢iͦ̉̔ͣ̉͘t̅ͥ̄ͧ̈̌͆̄’̢̚͘s͑ͩ̿͐ ͆̑ͮ̂ͥ̂͆͏t̨̿̎̍̽̃rͯ͟͢u̒ͬ̔ͩ̃ͭ͜͏e̴̢ͭ͂̏͛!̡̄̊ͭ́͟ ̧̽ͩ̄ͭ̔͗͐͛Ī̷t͋̌͗ͬ̈͛̌̔͂’̵̋̉̂̂ͪ̏͝s͛̀͐͊̔̓͐ ţ̛̑r̄̀́̈́ͪ͗҉͜͢uͬ̂̈̊̈́̓e̴ͯ͒̏ͮ̅ͣ̏̀!̆ͣ͌̓”̷͊͒ͦ̓͐͆́͘ V̶e͢lvet͠ laugh̷e̕d man͝iaca̕l̕ly̷,̵ p̛rod͏d̕ìn͞g Ṕinkie͢’s ͟f̷o͢reh̢e̢a͘d̀ with̷ ͘h̨er t͜e̸nd̸rils a̢g̛a̛in.“Shḙ̵̡’̵͙̥ͅs̪͎͈̻̜̖̫͠ ̰̦͠l̙͓̣̮̤̩̺̥͜ḙ̱̰̳̯ͅf̠̣͉̥͉ͅt̫̻́͠ ҉̦̞y̪̠̺̭̮̙̜̲͠o̲̣̻̱̗̥͝ú̼̦̻̮͓̺ ̨̧̭̦̼̺̳̳̰̣̟ą̷͈̯̹̳̕l͏̢͍͈̗͍͚̰̺l̳͉̮ ͇͉̠̺̠̘́͡ḩ̝͢ȩ̵̰̘͔̜̞̤͇̭̭r̸͍̰͔͍̳͓̫̥̖e̛̼̭̳̙ ͕̩̙͈̻̞t̶͕̳͚̬̖̗̥̘̥͘̕o ̢̹͙̖̜͍͖̞͖̠͡d̜̱̬͟͟͡ͅi͍̹̬e aǹ͕̪̞̞͉̹̮d̶̶̡̩̳̙͉ ̸̠͇̺̰͚y̶̨̱̱ơ̺̥̫͎̙̠ú̫̦͎̝̠̥̞̦̯̕ ̟̗̞͍̱͙̭̘́͡h̨̼̱̬͍̤͝a̻͎͚̰̻͟v̸̨̩̯̖̬̝̙ͅe̷̴̞̰͎̲̩̰͎͢ ̥̯̻̹̪́ṇ̴͔͎̯͘͡ͅo̙̩̹͔͓͍p̦͘͡ò͈̦͖̰͇̝͡ǹ̨̻̻̤̲͎͚̩̹͘y̴̨͈͉̣̬ ̨̰̦b̢͏̛͉͍͚̼̜̖u̻͔͖̠͞ṯ̶͎̕͟ ҉͕̦̹̜̭͎y̳̯̺͖͍̠̫o҉̸͈̯̹͍̦ų̷̷̣͔͔̼̯͚̺͙̦r҉̤s͏̗̪͉̙̫̦̀ͅę̮͎̤͇l̲̝ͅv̶̧͈̜̩̦̫̣̤e҉̶̺̟̰̥͎͜s̬̥͉ ̴̨̜̳̰͖̻͓̱̭̰t̴͇̗̀̀o̞͇̩̭̙͇͚̣ ̲̠̹̫͇̩ͅb̟͙̤͔̘̰͡l҉̙̜̞̮͙̻̭͟a̛̤͢͢m̴̳͍e͡҉̝̠͈͓!̖͖̮̝͕͓͙̱͠͝ͅ”̸͏͎̦̗͇

“She’s... she’s coming...” Pinkie tra͜ile̸d́ o̶ff̧. Very͠ s̛u̡dd̛en͢ly͡,̷ he͠r ̛ma͘ne a̷nd ̷t̡ai̡l ̧de̢f̸l̴a̸te҉d ͜a͠nd d͞r̴o̷op͏e̛d ͜to̷ ne͢ẁ ̷lo͢w̴s,̕ ̢ąn̴d͞ ̀her e͘n͘t̢ir̨e ̷b̢o̢d̡y beg̶an ͘to҉ los̸e̕ ́i͞ts lust͢er ̛a̴nd͘ ͞h̴u̷e̵. “She’s not coming back. I chased her away... when she needed me the most...”

H͈̐͊ͨ͞A̵͙̞̱̤̖̤͎̭͛͒̑͛̓͑̉͡ͅ!̳̥̩͇̩͖͉ͪ͋ͤ͒͑ͯ̔̀͠͠ ̰̗̻̀͆ͩ͗̊͂ͮͪ͜͡ͅH̷̫̟̭̞͉̗͓͋́͆͑͌͐͊̄̊͞ạ̣̟̐ͧ̉ͧ̂ͩ̋͠͞!͖̘̱̳̗͐̑ͭ̈́ͨ̔ ̛̟̟̰̾͌͛̐̈́̌̐͠H̱̥̻̠͚̬̥ͧ̋͆ͯ̐ͧ̌͝A̢̙̱͖̳ͥͩ͊͑ͪ͊!̯͓ͤ̌́ ̷̘̘ͩͨ̾hͨ̊͠͞͏̩̪̻̤͓ͅA̠̟̖͍͔͌̌ͬ̌̃ͫ̐̋̓!̟̖̫̼̟̖̜̂͐ͤ͢͞ ̧̲͖̐̃̈̂͒̚ͅẖ̪̰̳͙̱̈͑́̂̃ͩ̽̚a͍͙͍̫͚͉̘ͩ̊̆̍ͩ̊͘͝ͅ!̸͔̞̙̖͖͈̤͋̋̌̈̇ͧ̇̚͝ ̶̨̠̺̮̰̼̦͐͟H͊̋̃̾͏̴̡̳̭͖̥̘̞̼A̵̲͚̮̝̔̈͌ͦͮͩ!̳ͤ̋̂ͭ͗̐̈͒͋ ̘͎̪̺͆ͫ̂̐̓h͙̝̝͉̤͇̥̲͙̑ͧA̩̺̭͖͚̦͈̙ͨͮ͌̀̔ͯ̓̔́!̨͔̮̬ͦ̊̔ ̴̸͉̳͕̜͋̊͋ͥͥͥ H͈̐͊ͨ͞A̵͙̞̱̤̖̤͎̭͛͒̑͛̓͑̉͡ͅ!̳̥̩͇̩͖͉ͪ͋ͤ͒͑ͯ̔̀͠͠ ̰̗̻̀͆ͩ͗̊͂ͮͪ͜͡ͅH̷̫̟̭̞͉̗͓͋́͆͑͌͐͊̄̊͞ạ̣̟̐ͧ̉ͧ̂ͩ̋͠͞!͖̘̱̳̗͐̑ͭ̈́ͨ̔ ̛̟̟̰̾͌͛̐̈́̌̐͠H̱̥̻̠͚̬̥ͧ̋͆ͯ̐ͧ̌͝A̢̙̱͖̳ͥͩ͊͑ͪ͊!̯͓ͤ̌́ ̷̘̘ͩͨ̾hͨ̊͠͞͏̩̪̻̤͓ͅA̠̟̖͍͔͌̌ͬ̌̃ͫ̐̋̓!̟̖̫̼̟̖̜̂͐ͤ͢͞ ̧̲͖̐̃̈̂͒̚ͅẖ̪̰̳͙̱̈͑́̂̃ͩ̽̚a͍͙͍̫͚͉̘ͩ̊̆̍ͩ̊͘͝ͅ!̸͔̞̙̖͖͈̤͋̋̌̈̇ͧ̇̚͝ ̶̨̠̺̮̰̼̦͐͟H͊̋̃̾͏̴̡̳̭͖̥̘̞̼A̵̲͚̮̝̔̈͌ͦͮͩ!̳ͤ̋̂ͭ͗̐̈͒͋ ̘͎̪̺͆ͫ̂̐̓h͙̝̝͉̤͇̥̲͙̑ͧA̩̺̭͖͚̦͈̙ͨͮ͌̀̔ͯ̓̔́!̨͔̮̬ͦ̊̔ ̴̸͉̳͕̜͋̊͋ͥͥͥ

V͏e̡lve҉t̡ l̢a͜ugh̡e̛d͝, ͏and͏ h͟er ̛l͢au̕ghter͠ w͡a͡s̶ loņg a͝nd ͢t͡ru҉i͏mph͟ant͝, ͢a͘n̕d̛ fl̵i͜c̵ke̛d ͏a ̧hǫo͝f͡ ̢in th̕e҉ d͢i̕r̀ection҉ of ҉Pin̷kie’͏s g͡ro͝up̧,̶ tea̶ri͜ņg ́op̢eń a͠ ̀hơle ̧in̷ ̶t́ḩe ́d͘ark̵ne͟ss̶ th̛at en̨cr͠o̢ached́ u͟p̵òn͘ thèm a͞ll. ҉P̕inkie̕ ́di̵d ǹót f̵i̕g͞ht̴ as t̸h́e̴ d́a̸r̛k̷nes̕s҉ dro̧wn͘e͜d̀ her ̵a̕nd h͢e̛r fri̧e͞nd̕s,͠ ͞unti͏l thȩy ͠we̛re̸ ̕alĺ s͠wall̸owed u͏p. O҉nly Ti͝ck ̧Tơck rema̷i͡ned n͏ow,́ ̨l̨ocked͘ tigh̕t͡ in ̶V́el͢vet’̸s ̵g̨rip̷.̛ S͡he͞ ͡ẃa̡t̨c̵h̀ed ͞in h̴orro҉r͠ a͞ś ̧he̵r fŕi̧e̶nds ̡a͠l̸l҉ v̧a͜nish͞ed ̷int͟o ́t̕he bl̕a͘ck̛ au͏ra̵ ҉su͜r͠r͘ound̢in͠g the̸m͏,͠ sc͘r̕eami̢ǹg̸ de҉speràte͞ly fo͢r ̶th͡e̴m̕ ͡t͞o ́wa͘k͡e u̴p͠, ́b͢eg̶gi̡n͜g th̷em f҉o͜r̛ h̷élp.

͈̐͊ͨ͞A̵͙̞̱̤̖̤͎̭͛͒̑͛̓͑̉͡ͅ!̳̥̩͇̩͖͉ͪ͋ͤ͒͑ͯ̔̀͠͠ ̰̗̻̀͆ͩ͗̊͂ͮͪ͜͡ͅH̷̫̟̭̞͉̗͓͋́͆͑͌͐͊̄̊͞ạ̣̟̐ͧ̉ͧ̂ͩ̋͠͞!͖̘̱̳̗͐̑ͭ̈́ͨ̔ ̛̟̟̰̾͌͛̐̈́̌̐͠H̱̥̻̠͚̬̥ͧ̋͆ͯ̐ͧ̌͝A̢̙̱͖̳ͥͩ͊͑ͪ͊!̯͓ͤ̌́ ̷̘̘ͩͨ̾hͨ̊͠͞͏̩̪̻̤͓ͅA̠̟̖͍͔͌̌ͬ̌̃ͫ̐̋̓!̟̖̫̼̟̖̜̂͐ͤ͢͞ ̧̲͖̐̃̈̂͒̚ͅẖ̪̰̳͙̱̈͑́̂̃ͩ̽̚a͍͙͍̫͚͉̘ͩ̊̆̍ͩ̊͘͝ͅ!̸͔̞̙̖͖͈̤͋̋̌̈̇ͧ̇̚͝ ̶̨̠̺̮̰̼̦͐͟H͊̋̃̾͏̴̡̳̭͖̥̘̞̼A̵̲͚̮̝̔̈͌ͦͮͩ!̳ͤ̋̂ͭ͗̐̈͒͋ ̘͎̪̺͆ͫ̂̐̓h͙̝̝͉̤͇̥̲͙̑ͧA̩̺̭͖͚̦͈̙ͨͮ͌̀̔ͯ̓̔́!̨͔̮̬ͦ̊̔ ̴̸͉̳͕̜͋̊͋ͥͥͥ H͈̐͊ͨ͞A̵͙̞̱̤̖̤͎̭͛͒̑͛̓͑̉͡ͅ!̳̥̩͇̩͖͉ͪ͋ͤ͒͑ͯ̔̀͠͠ ̰̗̻̀͆ͩ͗̊͂ͮͪ͜͡ͅH̷̫̟̭̞͉̗͓͋́͆͑͌͐͊̄̊͞ạ̣̟̐ͧ̉ͧ̂ͩ̋͠͞!͖̘̱̳̗͐̑ͭ̈́ͨ̔ ̛̟̟̰̾͌͛̐̈́̌̐͠H̱̥̻̠͚̬̥ͧ̋͆ͯ̐ͧ̌͝A̢̙̱͖̳ͥͩ͊͑ͪ͊!̯͓ͤ̌́ ̷̘̘ͩͨ̾hͨ̊͠͞͏̩̪̻̤͓ͅA̠̟̖͍͔͌̌ͬ̌̃ͫ̐̋̓!̟̖̫̼̟̖̜̂͐ͤ͢͞ ̧̲͖̐̃̈̂͒̚ͅẖ̪̰̳͙̱̈͑́̂̃ͩ̽̚a͍͙͍̫͚͉̘ͩ̊̆̍ͩ̊͘͝ͅ!̸͔̞̙̖͖͈̤͋̋̌̈̇ͧ̇̚͝ ̶̨̠̺̮̰̼̦͐͟H͊̋̃̾͏̴̡̳̭͖̥̘̞̼A̵̲͚̮̝̔̈͌ͦͮͩ!̳ͤ̋̂ͭ͗̐̈͒͋ ̘͎̪̺͆ͫ̂̐̓h͙̝̝͉̤͇̥̲͙̑ͧA̩̺̭͖͚̦͈̙ͨͮ͌̀̔ͯ̓̔́!̨͔̮̬ͦ̊̔ ̴̸͉̳͕̜͋̊͋ͥͥͥ

“͐̊͆͌̅ͧ͜.͑͗̏͑̐ͮ̚.̇ͧͩ̾̇҉.O̊̈́̒͊h̅ͫ͟ȟ͛͊hͮͣ̒̆ͫ̚.̢.̄͆ͩͧ̒.ͮ̄̌̽̍ ͯ͋̒t̛̄͛ͮ̊h͛͜i͂ͣ̓ͮ͛͏s̃ͦ̚ ̎iṡ̇ͣͫ ͨͦ̋s̛̽͑oͣ̊ͩ ̈͒g͂͂ͥ͐oͦ̃̓̀o̾̔ͣͧ͒͝d̛ͭ̿̉ͥͩ. ͑̓Nͭ͋̍ͫͯ͛̀o̵wͮ̋̿͆ͩ͋́̚ ̛ͦ̈́ͯ͋ͬ̎̏t̽ͧͩͦͨh͌́ͫ͝e͊̄͠n͑̈͜,̡̇̏̾͆́̀ ͗͑͂҉w͒ͣ̆̔͆ͭh̉̎̈҉e͐̅̂r̈́ë̓ͦ̅́ ẁ͐̅̓ͣa͗̓̐s͐ ͮ͋̒ͨI͑̿͏?͑̊̉̄̔̉̚ ͑ͧ͂̎O̢ͦh̐̑͑ͨ́ y̒̾̈ͨ̋ͥe͌̏s̷̄!̇ͦ”ͭ̔ͦͧ́̓̉ ̵̌̅̃̿͊s̕he c̴ac̀kle͘d̡ ͡a̷s͞ she d̶re͢w ̢Ti͢c̕k T̵ock b̡a̡c̷k.“The̡ ͝Chronom̶ánce͞r̀. ́I ҉waś, I ̢believ͟e, ̸t̸r͞yin͞g t̛o thi̧nk̴ of̢ w̶ay͞s̀ t̶o̴ kilĺ y̷o͡u̢,҉ r̛i͡ght͢?̶ ̴I’̡d̷ ͝l͟ik̷e ͘to̴ get ̶y͠ou͜r o̴pi̡n̨io͟n o̕n̢ th̢e ̕mat̢t҉er,̵ T̕ick ́T̶o̷ck̷.͝ ̀Af̀t͘e̵r ͢a͘ll͘,̶ ̷it҉’̸s ͟y̴o͞u̕r̡ ́deat̕h -͡ ͞you ͝şhould̷ go̶ ̧out͢ ţh̸é way y̢ou want̕ ͏to͡.̷ W͏ithin r̴ea͢sǫn, ҉of̧ c̀ou̸rse̸! Ha ̛h́a̶!̸ I̧ ca̴n’͢t͏ ͞hav͢e y̷o̷u ask͟ing͟ ͠t̵o ̴be̴ ki̧l͝l͝ȩd ̡b͘y̧ ̢b̀e͠i̧ng͟ ̴t̡hrow̧ń in̵to a͞ ̨vol̡c͠an̡o -͠ ̨no b́o͠dy!͝ H҉ơw͡ w̢òuld͠ I prove-” S̨h͏e su҉d͝denly ̴stop̵pe̢ḑ,̛ aǹd t̶ilte͘d̀ he̷r͞ ͜he̶ad ͘s̕li͡ght̀l͞y͜.̛ “̧̻̟͈ͅH̺͕m͎̜̀m̡͚͕m̭̝͉̲.̴͇̝̰.̹͟ͅ.͙̠̪͔͝ ͓̼̗h̢̳̥͎̮̱o̶̭͙̟̲͚l̢͎̜̬̞̤̣d̞ ̡̳̦̺͔̤o̳̤̝̮̟̺̥n̻̹͖̩͚̲̭͞ ̞͎a̟͎͕͕̭̗͚ s͈̫͚̤ȩ͓c̡̱̙̼͇͚̬̜ò̮̣n͉̗̳͔͠d̡̻̪͉̬͇.̭̰̲ ̢̟̠A̪a̛̘͎̳̯͕̭aa͖̠̦̱͓̬ͅn̝̠d̪͖̰͚̤̹͓-̶͔”̡̰̩̼̙̫ͅ

She l̕a͡sh͠e͝d a ͡t́e̸nd͡ri͢ĺ o̧u̧t ̛i̷n ̨f́r̶ont ͟of h͞er ͡f̶ac̵e̸, just ҉i̶n t̡im̨e͡ ͜t͞o sm͘ąck ̕a ͡l͏ight̕ning͡ b͞ol͞t̴ th͡a̕t͝ had ͟a̷ppar͡e̢ņtl͜y ap͜pe͢ar̨ed ơut ̨ǫf n̕ow͜h̛ere̴, b͏a͡ttin̡g ̀i̧t ̡a̴sid̛e͟. I͡t ҉ex͠p̢lo͘de̴d agaíns͡t̴ th͠ȩ ̧n͏ear͢est ̨wa͟ll,͟ ͞a̴nd t͜um͘bli͏n͟g͢ ͠fr̷o͝m̨ ̸it c͏am͜é a̶ p̛ony͏, ̀wh҉o r͠o͢l̛le͢d ͞s͝ev̸èr͠ál̀ f̛e͢et̡ into͠ t͝hè ̵ca̵ny̧o̧n b͢efor̸e f̵i͢n͢al̀ļy ͏com͜ín̕g̛ to a r҉oug͠h͜ st̴op.̀ V̧e͟lvet͠ s͘ǹi͝c͢ker̸ȩd ̧and ͢gr̵a͜bbed̡ o̸nt̶o͢ t̨h̡e ṕeg̛a̛sus a͝s ̴s̀he͟ attèmpted ͜t͠o͠ ҉l̕if́t ͢o҉ff ̛a͟ga̕in̷,̢ li͢ftin͟g̨ ͝he̷r ҉up and ͞br̨i̢n҉g͜in̛g͜ h̸e͡r҉ ͜over̴ ̛t́ǫ ͟h̢e͡r f͏ące͟;͡ ͝h̡e͘r pr̀èy̕ sţrug͝g͘l͘e̶d t̛o ge͏t̨ o̧ut ͘o̧f҉ ҉t̡h͟e g̸r͞ip̕,͞ ͟mu̷ch ̕to ̀Velve҉t̵’͠s de͟lįgh̕t̕.

“ͫ͒̿ͯͥ̿̒Wͦ̅͛e̛ͯͫ̃l̷̚lͯ̾̍̓͊̄͞ ẁ̅̐͛e̸lͫ̓̒l̂̾͜ ̶̅͒̎ͧwͬͨ̀̆eͨ͊̇̆̑ͩͣlͨ̔ͮ͐̓̃l͂͒͞,̷̽͌́̌̑̅ͭ ̓̿̀͑̚͟lͥ̏̆ͥ̔͠oͬ͂͡o͛͌̂͡ķ ̵́ͨ̓̆ͮ͋̚w̽҉h̉̇̾̋̈͟ôͩ͐ͫ ͞w̽ͬ͛̑̊̚҉è ̢̐̐͐̇̑hͭ͆͂͐a̸̍̃ͫ̏v̽̋͑e̓̚ ̒hͥͦ͐̾̍͛͌eͣͤͣ̈҉r̎͊͘e͐̅̑̈,͛̉͂́̌̚”̌ͦ͆̌̇̌ Ve͡l҉v͞et̶ ̴wh͝i͝st͝l͡e͠d, “͒ͮ̈́҉̖̟͉S̴̀͋͌̍̏̐ͨŏ̸̭͗̓͑̀̋̀r̳̺̣̙͢rͫ̽͏̙ỷ̳̫͈̮͙,ͫ҉ ̜̙͖͉̯̀D̲̲͓͈̳̳̭͘a̢͖̭̘s͎ḩ̲͕͇̬̳̫ị͎͍͔͇̕e̪̫,̴̹̻ ̹̪͙n͞o̸̯̟͉͔̬̟ g̩l͇̬̘̩̤o̶̤̭r͓i̛oú̻̪̻̞̳ͅs̲̮̼ ̙h͍̪͍͓͙͉̗e҉̗͔͎r̝̘̮o̴͇͕i͈c̫͔̱̥̝̤ͅ ̫͖̱̯͓͢ṃ̖͚̫͚͖o͎̫m͙̩͇̪̠̝e͎̦̙͠n̝͉̫̩̳̯t̯͇̯̤ ̦͚f̵o̡̘̲̠̲ͅr̺̕ ͏͓͙y҉̤̭͖̼̯̫̰o̹̣̯̝͖̤̯ụ̧̹̦̼ ̸͎̱͉t̢̼͕̦͚o̞͍̘̼̙̕d͢aͅy.̦̝”̶͉

Curaçao and Grayscale both exchanged brief nervous glances at one another. Curaçao hastily whispered, “Well... it seems zat we ‘ave yet anozer problème.”

“Yeah... yeah I can see that,” Grayscale sneered, “This is unexpected. All of this is... unexpected. I hate surprises...”

“What should we do?” Curaçao asked.

“We wait. Let her collapse on herself?” Grayscale murmured.

“D’accord,” Curaçao nodded slowly, nervously, “Watch and wait... as usual...”

“Let go of me!” Rainbow snapped, “You think you’re tough, I’ll take you on, punk! I’m not afraid of you! Put ‘em up, let’s go! You ain’t hurting my friends anymore, not on my watch! What’s the matter, afraid I’ll kick your butt?!”

Ve͝l̷vèt͢ ̵clic̴ke͠d ̨h̷er tonǵu̷e ̧in ann͏oya̵n̛c̴e,̨ th̵e̕ǹ ̶s͝hr̨u͡g̀ge̸d̨.͢ “͠Aw҉̶ẁ͟͞,̨͞ ͞th̡͢a̧t̴͝’̨s҉̛͢ ̴̶cut̡e͏̴.͡ ͘͜Ń͢o҉̡t̡ ̡͏a͏́f͜r̶͘͘a͢͟͝i͞d̴̕ ͢o҉̶̀f̴̢ ̧͢m͜e͏̷? ͏̶͜Y̧͢o̵̷u̴̡̢ w͡íl͟͝l̴ ̴͞҉b̧e҉҉,͜͠ b̷͠u̴͞͠t͏̢͞ ̵t̵ha̵̸͡t’͠s̴̢͜ ̧n͠o͘͘͝t̷͟ ̶ìm̸͘p̵orta̛҉n̶͝͠t̀ ̸͡ri͠gh̷́҉ţ ̶̀͢ņ͡ow͟͢͡.̀ ̧͜͠I҉̨’̕҉l̷͘͢l̴ ͘b́è ̀͜ẃ҉͝i͏̀t͏̴h̵͏ yo̸͝u̷̴͟ ̵̶i̷ņ̀̀ ̷͝a ̨͝m҉̕o͟m̧en͟t̢͟,̨҉ ͝I͝ h̕͞a̧v͠e͡ b҉u͝s̴͟i̵͝n̕̕̕eş͘͞s͞ ̢t̶̀͜o ̀͜a̶t̵͟t̴͢e͜҉ņd ͢͝t͢͟o.͜ ͜͡H̴̴e̵r͢e̵͠.̶͜͏.̧҉.͏̛͘ ͏g͘͡o̧͜͡ ̶͟p̨l͏a̶͠y̢ ͝i̸͡ǹ͘ ̵́ą̀ m̨͟a͘z̕͝ȩ͘ ̸͘má͟d͏͏e̕͏́ ̸̀͡o͏f̛́͟ ̀͢y̧̕͝o҉̷u͞҉r̛͜ ̵̡͘o͘ẁn̴̡ ͢t͡err̸o̢̧r̀͟ or̢ ͘͢s̨͞om̀e͢t̸͜hi̶̧n̢͘g͞.”͟ She͜ f̶licked ͏a҉ ho̕of i̕n R̢a̷in̷bo͟w’s͜ ͡d͟i҉r͠e̵cţion̛,҉ ͘wh̀er̶e t̛h̡e ͡dar̵k͘ne̢s͜s̵ ̸ơp҉énéd̵ u̶p ́a̧n̷d͜ ̴mad̕e to s̵wal̛low ҉th̵e ̨p̸eg͠as͡us.

Rainbow started as she looked at the enveloping darkness. “A wh-”



Rainbow suddenly found herself in a field of complete darkness.

She was airborne still, somehow no longer

trapped in Velvet’s grip, and took a moment

to hover and look around in the vast abyss of black and red.

H͙̭̱͎̼̻̳͈̜̙ͭ̊͌̒͘͠A̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟!̢͒ͧ̎̆҉̮͕͎͈͔̦̬̯̺̯ ̡̩̟̰͕̫̂̇ͥͩͪ̒͋̔ͭͬͨ̄ͩ̏͢͞Ḥ̵̶̗̣̰̹̮̥͙̖̣͎̟̾ͩ̈̂̀͡A̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟A̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟!̢͒ͧ̎̆҉̮͕͎͈͔̦̬̯̺̯ ̡̩̟̰͕̫̂̇ͥͩͪ̒͋̔ͭͬͨ̄ͩ̏͢͞Ḥ̵̶̗̣̰̹̮̥͙̖̣͎̟̾ͩ̈̂̀͡ä̶̵͎͇̪͕̣̤̲͖̝̥͚̳̦͖̪̟̳͔́ͥ͑̿͒͋ͪ̄́̇̑̓̋ͤ͐̚̕͡!̴̷̛̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤̇ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ͟͜h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀!̖̰̯͕̮̳̺̦̯͉͈͙̯̫ͭ̏ͭͮ͑ͮͫͯ̎͐̑ͭ̄̌͘̕͞͝ ̠͈͈̠͇̗͍̜̰̼̣̦̙̪̬ͧ̍̌ͩ͆ͨ͌ͧ̓ͧͣ͐͑̂̄ͫ͘͟H͙̭̱͎̼̻̳͈̜̙ͭ̊͌̒͘͠A̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲̖̰̯͕̮̳̺̦̯͉͈͙̯̫ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍ͭ̏ͭͮ͑ͮͫͯ̎͐̑ͭ̄̌̚͘̕͜͟͞͝ ̠͈͈̠͇̗͍̜̰̼̣̦̙̪̬ͧ̍̌ͩ͆ͨ͌ͧ̓ͧͣ͐͑̂̄ͫ͘͟H͙̭̱͎̼̻̳͈̜̙ͭ̊͌̒͘͠A̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟H̶̵͙̭̱͎̼̻̳͈̜̙͎͇̪͕̣̤̲͖̝̥͚̳̦͖̪̟̳͔ͭ̊͌̒̈́ͥ͑̿͒͋ͪ̄́̇̑̓̋ͤ͐͘̚̕͠͡!̴̷̛̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤̇ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ͟͜h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀!̖̰̯͕̮̳̺̦̯͉͈͙̯̫ͭ̏ͭͮ͑ͮͫͯ̎͐̑ͭ̄̌͘̕͞͝ ̠͈͈̠͇̗͍̜̰̼̣̦̙̪̬ͧ̍̌ͩ͆ͨ͌ͧ̓ͧͣ͐͑̂̄ͫ͘͟H͙̭̱͎̼̻̳͈̜̙ͭ̊͌̒͘͠A̴̷̡̛͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̇ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ̚͜͟͟͜h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀!̖̰̯͕̮̳̺̦̯͉͈͙̯̫ͭ̏ͭͮ͑ͮͫͯ̎͐̑ͭ̄̌͘̕͞͝ ̠͈͈̠͇̗͍̜̰̼̣̦̙̪̬ͧ̍̌ͩ͆ͨ͌ͧ̓ͧͣ͐͑̂̄ͫ͘͟H͙̭̱͎̼̻̳͈̜̙ͭ̊͌̒͘͠A̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟
h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀ . ̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟!̢͒ͧ̎̆҉̮͕͎͈͔̦̬̯̺̯ ̡̩̟̰͕̫̂̇ͥͩͪ̒͋̔ͭͬͨ̄ͩ̏͢͞Ḥ̵̶̗̣̰̹̮̥͙̖̣͎̟̾ͩ̈̂̀͡aA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀!̖̰̯͕̮̳̺̦̯͉͈͙̯̫ͭ̏ͭͮ͑ͮͫͯ̎͐̑ͭ̄̌͘̕͞͝ ̠͈͈̠͇̗͍̜̰̼̣̦̙̪̬ͧ̍̌ͩ͆ͨ͌ͧ̓ͧͣ͐͑̂̄ͫ͘͟H͙̭̱͎̼̻̳͈̜̙ͭ̊͌̒͘͠h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀!̖̰̯͕̮̳̺̦̯͉͈͙̯̫ͭ̏ͭͮ͑ͮͫͯ̎͐̑ͭ̄̌͘̕͞͝ ̠͈͈̠͇̗͍̜̰̼̣̦̙̪̬ͧ̍̌ͩ͆ͨ͌ͧ̓ͧͣ͐͑̂̄ͫ͘͟H͙̭̱͎̼̻̳͈̜̙ͭ̊͌̒͘͠A̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟!̢͒ͧ̎̆҉̮͕͎͈͔̦̬̯̺̯ ̡̩̟̰͕̫̂̇ͥͩͪ̒͋̔ͭͬͨ̄ͩ̏͢͞H̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀!̖̰̯͕̮̳̺̦̯͉͈͙̯̫ͭ̏ͭͮ͑ͮͫͯ̎͐̑ͭ̄̌͘̕͞͝ ̠͈͈̠͇̗͍̜̰̼̣̦̙̪̬ͧ̍̌ͩ͆ͨ͌ͧ̓ͧͣ͐͑̂̄ͫ͘͟H͙̭̱͎̼̻̳͈̜̙ͭ̊͌̒͘͠A̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟A̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟A̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟!̢͒ͧ̎̆҉̮͕͎͈͔̦̬̯̺̯A̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟A̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟!̢͒ͧ̎̆҉̮͕͎͈͔̦̬̯̺̯ ̡̩̟̰͕̫̂̇ͥͩͪ̒͋̔ͭͬͨ̄ͩ̏͢͞Ḥ̵̶̗̣̰̹̮̥͙̖̣͎̟̾ͩ̈̂̀͡ä̶̵͎͇̪͕̣̤̲͖̝̥͚̳̦͖̪̟̳͔́ͥ͑̿͒͋ͪ̄́̇̑̓̋ͤ͐̚̕͡!̴̷̛̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤̇ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ͟͜h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅ

She scratched her head. “Ooookay, this is- whoa!”

Rainbow swerved to avoid a tendril of red snapping out at her from nothingness.

h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀ .

h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀ .̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀ .

“Screw this!” she exclaimed, “I’m outta here!”

h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀ .
h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀ .

h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀!̖̰̯͕̮̳̺̦̯͉͈͙̯̫ͭ̏ͭͮ͑ͮͫͯ̎͐̑ͭ̄̌͘̕͞͝ ̠͈͈̠͇̗͍̜̰̼̣̦̙̪̬ͧ̍̌ͩ͆ͨ͌ͧ̓ͧͣ͐͑̂̄ͫ͘͟H͙̭̱͎̼̻̳͈̜̙ͭ̊͌̒͘͠A̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟!̢͒ͧ̎̆҉̮͕͎͈͔̦̬̯̺̯ ̡̩̟̰͕̫̂̇ͥͩͪ̒͋̔ͭͬͨ̄ͩ̏͢͞Ḥ̵̶̗̣̰̹̮̥͙̖̣͎̟̾ͩ̈̂̀͡ä̶̵͎͇̪͕̣̤̲͖̝̥͚̳̦͖̪̟̳͔́ͥ͑̿͒͋ͪ̄́̇̑̓̋ͤ͐̚̕͡!̴̷̛̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤̇ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ͟͜h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀!̖̰̯͕̮̳̺̦̯͉͈͙̯̫ͭ̏ͭͮ͑ͮͫͯ̎͐̑ͭ̄̌͘̕͞͝ ̠͈͈̠͇̗͍̜̰̼̣̦̙̪̬ͧ̍̌ͩ͆ͨ͌ͧ̓ͧͣ͐͑̂̄ͫ͘͟H͙̭̱͎̼̻̳͈̜̙ͭ̊͌̒͘͠A̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀!̖̰̯͕̮̳̺̦̯͉͈͙̯̫ͭ̏ͭͮ͑ͮͫͯ̎͐̑ͭ̄̌͘̕͞͝ ̠͈͈̠͇̗͍̜̰̼̣̦̙̪̬ͧ̍̌ͩ͆ͨ͌ͧ̓ͧͣ͐͑̂̄ͫ͘͟H͙̭̱͎̼̻̳͈̜̙ͭ̊͌̒͘͠A̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟!̢͒ͧ̎̆҉̮͕͎͈͔̦̬̯̺̯ ̡̩̟̰͕̫̂̇ͥͩͪ̒͋̔ͭͬͨ̄ͩ̏͢͞Ḥ̵̶̗̣̰̹̮̥͙̖̣͎̟̾ͩ̈̂̀͡ä̶̵͎͇̪͕̣̤̲͖̝̥͚̳̦͖̪̟̳͔́ͥ͑̿͒͋ͪ̄́̇̑̓̋ͤ͐̚̕͡!̴̷̛̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤̇ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ͟͜h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀!̖̰̯͕̮̳̺̦̯͉͈͙̯̫ͭ̏ͭͮ͑ͮͫͯ̎͐̑ͭ̄̌͘̕͞͝ ̠͈͈̠͇̗͍̜̰̼̣̦̙̪̬ͧ̍̌ͩ͆ͨ͌ͧ̓ͧͣ͐͑̂̄ͫ͘͟H͙̭̱͎̼̻̳͈̜̙ͭ̊͌̒͘͠A̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀!̖̰̯͕̮̳̺̦̯͉͈͙̯̫ͭ̏ͭͮ͑ͮͫͯ̎͐̑ͭ̄̌͘̕͞͝ ̠͈͈̠͇̗͍̜̰̼̣̦̙̪̬ͧ̍̌ͩ͆ͨ͌ͧ̓ͧͣ͐͑̂̄ͫ͘͟

She dodged and weaved to avoid A̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟A̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟!̢͒ͧ̎̆҉̮͕͎͈͔̦̬̯̺̯ ̡̩̟̰͕̫̂̇ͥͩͪ̒͋̔ͭͬͨ̄ͩ̏͢͞Ḥ̵̶̗̣̰̹̮̥͙̖̣͎̟̾ͩ̈̂̀͡ä̶̵͎͇̪͕̣̤̲͖̝̥͚̳̦͖̪̟̳͔́ͥ͑̿͒͋ͪ̄́̇̑̓̋ͤ͐̚̕͡!̴̷̛̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤̇ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ͟͜h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀!̖̰̯͕̮̳̺̦̯͉͈͙̯̫ͭ̏ͭͮ͑ͮͫͯ̎͐̑ͭ̄̌͘̕͞͝ ̠͈͈̠͇̗͍̜̰̼̣̦̙̪̬ͧ̍̌ͩ͆ͨ͌ͧ̓ͧͣ͐͑̂̄ͫ͘͟H͙̭̱͎̼̻̳͈̜̙ͭ̊͌̒͘͠A̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟A̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟A̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟!̢͒ͧ̎̆҉̮͕͎͈͔̦̬̯̺̯ ̡̩̟̰͕̫̂̇ͥͩͪ̒͋̔ͭͬͨ̄ͩ̏͢͞Ḥ̵̶̗̣̰̹̮̥͙̖̣͎̟̾ͩ̈̂̀͡ä̶̵͎͇̪͕̣̤̲͖̝̥͚̳̦͖̪̟̳͔́ͥ͑̿͒͋ͪ̄́̇̑̓̋ͤ͐̚̕͡!̴̷̛̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤̇ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ͟͜h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀!̖̰̯͕̮̳̺̦̯͉͈͙̯̫ͭ̏ͭͮ͑ͮͫͯ̎͐̑ͭ̄̌͘̕͞͝ ̠͈͈̠͇̗͍̜̰̼̣̦̙̪̬ͧ̍̌ͩ͆ͨ͌ͧ̓ͧͣ͐͑̂̄ͫ͘͟H͙̭̱͎̼̻̳͈̜̙ͭ̊͌̒͘͠A̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟A̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟A̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟!̢͒ͧ̎̆҉̮͕͎͈͔̦̬̯̺̯ ̡̩̟̰͕̫̂̇ͥͩͪ̒͋̔ͭͬͨ̄ͩ̏͢͞Ḥ̵̶̗̣̰̹̮̥͙̖̣͎̟̾ͩ̈̂̀͡ä̶̵͎͇̪͕̣̤̲͖̝̥͚̳̦͖̪̟̳͔́ͥ͑̿͒͋ͪ̄́̇̑̓̋ͤ͐̚̕͡!̴̷̛̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤̇ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ͟͜
more tendrils that wormed and writhed about,
creating a maze of visceral, living shadows


Desperate to find her friends in the A̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟A̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟!̢͒ͧ̎̆҉̮͕͎͈͔̦̬̯̺̯ ̡̩̟̰͕̫̂̇ͥͩͪ̒͋̔ͭͬͨ̄ͩ̏͢͞Ḥ̵̶̗̣̰̹̮̥͙̖̣͎̟̾ͩ̈̂̀͡ä̶̵͎͇̪͕̣̤̲͖̝̥͚̳̦͖̪̟̳͔́ͥ͑̿͒͋ͪ̄́̇̑̓̋ͤ͐̚̕͡!̴̷̛̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤̇ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ͟͜h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀!̖̰̯͕̮̳̺̦̯͉͈͙̯̫ͭ̏ͭͮ͑ͮͫͯ̎͐̑ͭ̄̌͘̕͞͝ ̡̩̟̰͕̫̂̇ͥͩͪ̒͋̔ͭͬͨ̄ͩ̏͢͞H̢͒ͧ̎̆҉̮͕͎͈͔̦̬̯̺̯ ̡̩̟̰͕̫̂̇ͥͩͪ̒͋̔ͭͬͨ̄ͩ̏͢͞Ḥ̵̶̗̣̰̹̮̥͙̖̣͎̟̾ͩ̈̂̀͡ ä̶̵͎͇̪͕̣̤̲͖̝̥͚̳̦͖̪̟̳͔́ͥ͑̿͒͋ͪ̄́̇̑̓̋ͤ͐̚̕͡!̴̷̛̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤̇ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ͟͜h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀!̖̰̯͕̮̳̺̦̯͉͈͙̯̫ͭ̏ͭͮ͑ͮͫͯ̎͐̑ͭ̄̌͘̕͞͝ ̠͈͈̠͇̗͍̜̰̼̣̦̙̪̬ͧ̍̌ͩ͆ͨ͌ͧ̓ͧͣ͐͑̂̄ͫ͘͟H͙̭̱͎̼̻̳͈̜̙ͭ̊͌̒͘͠A̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟A̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟A̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟!̢͒ͧ̎̆҉̮͕͎͈͔̦̬̯̺̯ ̡̩̟̰͕̫̠͈͈̠͇̗͍̜̰̼̣̦̙̪̬̂̇ͥͩͪ̒͋̔ͭͬͨ̄ͩ̏ͧ̍̌ͩ͆ͨ͌ͧ̓ͧͣ͐͑̂̄ͫ͘͢͟͞
darkness, she called out for them. , h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀!̖̰̯͕̮̳̺̦̯͉͈͙̯̫ͭ̏ͭͮ͑ͮͫͯ̎͐̑ͭ̄̌͘̕͞͝ ̠͈͈̠͇̗͍̜̰̼̣̦̙̪̬ͧ̍̌ͩ͆ͨ͌ͧ̓ͧͣ͐͑̂̄ͫ͘͟H͙̭̱͎̼̻̳͈̜̙ͭ̊͌̒͘͠A̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟!̢͒ͧ̎̆҉̮͕͎͈͔̦̬̯̺̯ ̡̩̟̰͕̫̂̇ͥͩͪ̒͋̔ͭͬͨ̄ͩ̏͢͞Ḥ̵̶̗̣̰̹̮̥͙̖̣͎̟̾ͩ̈̂̀͡ä̶̵͎͇̪͕̣̤̲͖̝̥͚̳̦͖̪̟̳͔́ͥ͑̿͒͋ͪ̄́̇̑̓̋ͤ͐̚̕͡!̴̷̛̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤̇ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ͟͜h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀! ̖̰̯͕̮̳̺̦̯͉͈͙̯̫ͭ̏ͭͮ͑ͮͫͯ̎͐̑ͭ̄̌͘̕͞͝ ̠͈͈̠͇̗͍̜̰̼̣̦̙̪̬ͧ̍̌ͩ͆ͨ͌ͧ̓ͧͣ͐͑̂̄ͫ͘͟H͙̭̱͎̼̻̳͈̜̙ͭ̊͌̒͘͠A̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟!̢͒ͧ̎̆҉̮͕͎͈͔̦̬̯̺̯h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀!̖̰̯͕̮̳̺̦̯͉͈͙̯̫ͭ̏ͭͮ͑ͮͫͯ̎͐̑ͭ̄̌͘̕͞͝ ̠͈͈̠͇̗͍̜̰̼̣̦̙̪̬ͧ̍̌ͩ͆ͨ͌ͧ̓ͧͣ͐͑̂̄ͫ͘͟H͙̭̱͎̼̻̳͈̜̙ͭ̊͌̒͘͠A̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟! ̶̵͎͇̪͕̣̤̲͖̝̥͚̳̦͖̪̟̳͔̈́ͥ͑̿͒͋ͪ̄́̇̑̓̋ͤ͐̚̕͡!̴̷̛̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤̇ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ͟͜h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀!̖̰̯͕̮̳̺̦̯͉͈͙̯̫ͭ̏ͭͮ͑ͮͫͯ̎͐̑ͭ̄̌͘̕͞͝ ̠͈͈̠͇̗͍̜̰̼̣̦̙̪̬ͧ̍̌ͩ͆ͨ͌ͧ̓ͧͣ͐͑̂̄ͫ͘͟Ḥ̵̶̗̣̰̹̮̥͙̖̣͎̟̾ͩ̈̂̀͡ä̶̵͎͇̪͕̣̤̲͖̝̥͚̳̦͖̪̟̳͔́ͥ͑̿͒͋ͪ̄́̇̑̓̋ͤ͐̚̕͡!̴̷̛̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤̇ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ͟͜h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀!̖̰̯͕̮̳̺̦̯͉͈͙̯̫ͭ̏ͭͮ͑ͮͫͯ̎͐̑ͭ̄̌͘̕͞͝ ̠͈͈̠͇̗͍̜̰̼̣̦̙̪̬ͧ̍̌ͩ͆ͨ͌ͧ̓ͧͣ͐͑̂̄ͫ͘͟
“Applejack?! Twilight?!” No response.

“Rarity?! Fluttershy?! Flathoof?!” Still, nothing.

“Lockwood...?” Not even him. “Pinkie?!”

ä̶̵͎͇̪͕̣̤̲͖̝̥͚̳̦͖̪̟̳͔́ͥ͑̿͒͋ͪ̄́̇̑̓̋ͤ͐̚̕͡!̴̷̛̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤̇ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ͟͜h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀!̖̰̯͕̮̳̺̦̯͉͈͙̯̫ͭ̏ͭͮ͑ͮͫͯ̎͐̑ͭ̄̌͘̕͞͝ ̠͈͈̠͇̗͍̜̰̼̣̦̙̪̬ͧ̍̌ͩ͆ͨ͌ͧ̓ͧͣ͐͑̂̄ͫ͘͟H͙̭̱͎̼̻̳͈̜̙ͭ̊͌̒͘͠A̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟!̢͒ͧ̎̆҉̮͕͎͈͔̦̬̯̺̯h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀!H͙̭̱͎̼̻̳͈̜̙ͭ̊͌̒͘͠A̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟A̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟Aä̶̵͎͇̪͕̣̤̲͖̝̥͚̳̦͖̪̟̳͔́ͥ͑̿͒͋ͪ̄́̇̑̓̋ͤ͐̚̕͡!̴̷̛̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤̇ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ͟͜h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀!̖̰̯͕̮̳̺̦̯͉͈͙̯̫ͭ̏ͭͮ͑ͮͫͯ̎͐̑ͭ̄̌͘̕͞͝ ̠͈͈̠͇̗͍̜̰̼̣̦̙̪̬ͧ̍̌ͩ͆ͨ͌ͧ̓ͧͣ͐͑̂̄ͫ͘͟

The voice was faint, but ä̶̵͎͇̪͕̣̤̲͖̝̥͚̳̦͖̪̟̳͔́ͥ͑̿͒͋ͪ̄́̇̑̓̋ͤ͐̚̕͡!̴̷̛̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤̇ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ͟͜h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀!̖̰̯͕̮̳̺̦̯͉͈͙̯̫ͭ̏ͭͮ͑ͮͫͯ̎͐̑ͭ̄̌͘̕͞͝ ̠͈͈̠͇̗͍̜̰̼̣̦̙̪̬ͧ̍̌ͩ͆ͨ͌ͧ̓ͧͣ͐͑̂̄ͫ͘͟H͙̭̱͎̼̻̳͈̜̙ͭ̊͌̒͘͠A̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟!̢͒ͧ̎̆҉̮͕͎͈͔̦̬̯̺̯h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀!̖̰̯͕̮̳̺̦̯͉͈͙̯̫ͭ̏ͭͮ͑ͮͫͯ̎͐̑ͭ̄̌͘̕͞͝ ̠͈͈̠͇̗͍̜̰̼̣̦̙̪̬ͧ̍̌ͩ͆ͨ͌ͧ̓ͧͣ͐͑̂̄ͫ͘͟H͙̭̱͎̼̻̳͈̜̙ͭ̊͌̒͘͠A̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟!̢͒ͧ̎̆҉̮͕͎͈͔̦̬̯̺̯ ̡̩̂̇ͥͩͪ̒͋̔ͭͬͨ̄ͩ̏͢͞Ḥ̵̶̗̣̰̹̮̥͙̖̣͎̟̾ͩ̈̂̀͡ä̶̵͎͇̪͕̣̤̲͖̝̥͚̳̦͖̪̟̳͔́ͥ͑̿͒͋ͪ̄́̇̑̓̋ͤ͐̚̕͡!̴̷̛̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤̇ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ͟͜h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀!̖̰̯͕̮̳̺̦̯͉͈͙̯̫ͭ̏ͭͮ͑ͮͫͯ̎͐̑ͭ̄̌͘̕͞͝ ̠͈͈̠͇̗͍̜̰̼̣̦̙̪̬ͧ̍̌ͩ͆ͨ͌ͧ̓ͧͣ͐͑̂̄ͫ͘͟ Rainbow could hear it, clear as day ͙̭̱͎̼̻̳͈̜̙ͭ̊͌̒͘͠A̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟!̢͒ͧ̎̆҉̮͕͎͈͔̦̬̯̺̯h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀!̖̰̯͕̮̳̺̦̯͉͈͙̯̫ͭ̏ͭͮ͑ͮͫͯ̎͐̑ͭ̄̌͘̕͞͝ ̠͈͈̠͇̗͍̜̰̼̣̦̙̪̬ͧ̍̌ͩ͆ͨ͌ͧ̓ͧͣ͐͑̂̄ͫ͘͟H͙̭̱͎̼̻̳͈̜̙ͭ̊͌̒͘͠A̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟!̢͒ͧ̎̆҉̮͕͎͈͔̦̬̯̺̯

H͙̭̱͎̼̻̳͈̜̙ͭ̊͌̒͘͠A̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟!̢͒ͧ̎̆҉̮͕͎͈͔̦̬̯̺̯h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀!̖̰̯͕̮̳̺̦̯͉͈͙̯̫ͭ̏ͭͮ͑ͮͫͯ̎͐̑ͭ̄̌͘̕͞͝ ̠͈͈̠͇̗͍̜̰̼̣̦̙̪̬ͧ̍̌ͩ͆ͨ͌ͧ̓ͧͣ͐͑̂̄ͫ͘͟H͙̭̱͎̼̻̳͈̜̙ͭ̊͌̒͘͠A̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟!̢͒ͧ̎̆҉̮͕͎͈͔̦̬̯̺̯H͙̭̱͎̼̻̳͈̜̙ͭ̊͌̒͘͠A̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟A̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟Ȧ̴̷̛̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ͟͜h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀!̖̰̯͕̮̳̺̦̯͉͈͙̯̫ͭ̏ͭͮ͑ͮͫͯ̎͐̑ͭ̄̌͘̕͞͝ ̠͈͈̠͇̗͍̜̰̼̣̦̙̪̬ͧ̍̌ͩ͆ͨ͌ͧ̓ͧͣ͐͑̂̄ͫ͘͟H͙̭̱͎̼̻̳͈̜̙ͭ̊͌̒͘͠A̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟!̢͒ͧ̎̆҉̮͕͎͈͔̦̬̯̺̯h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀!ä̶̵͎͇̪͕̣̤̲͖̝̥͚̳̦͖̪̟̳͔́ͥ͑̿͒͋ͪ̄́̇̑̓̋ͤ͐̚̕͡!̴̷̛̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤̇ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ͟͜h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀!̖̰̯͕̮̳̺̦̯͉͈͙̯̫ͭ̏ͭͮ͑ͮͫͯ̎͐̑ͭ̄̌͘̕͞͝ ̠͈͈̠͇̗͍̜̰̼̣̦̙̪̬ͧ̍̌ͩ͆ͨ͌ͧ̓ͧͣ͐͑̂̄ͫ͘͟HA̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟

She focused all her energy, and fired forward in a

burst of blue and white, screeching towards where

she’d heard the voice. “PInkie?!” she screamed,

“Answer me! Where are you?!”
“Dashie?” Ḥ̵̶̗̣̰̹̮̥͙̖̣͎̟̾ͩ̈̂̀͡ä̶̵͎͇̪͕̣̤̲͖̝̥͚̳̦͖̪̟̳͔́ͥ͑̿͒͋ͪ̄́̇̑̓̋ͤ͐̚̕͡!̴̷̛̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤̇ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ͟͜h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀!̖̰̯͕̮̳̺̦̯͉͈͙̯̫ͭ̏ͭͮ͑ͮͫͯ̎͐̑ͭ̄̌͘̕͞͝ ̠͈͈̠͇̗͍̜̰̼̣̦̙̪̬ͧ̍̌ͩ͆ͨ͌ͧ̓ͧͣ͐͑̂̄ͫ͘͟H͙̭̱͎̼̻̳͈̜̙ͭ̊͌̒͘͠A̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟!̢͒ͧ̎̆҉̮͕͎͈͔̦̬̯̺̯h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀!̖̰̯͕̮̳̺̦̯͉͈͙̯̫ͭ̏ͭͮ͑ͮͫͯ̎͐̑ͭ̄̌͘̕͞͝ ̠͈͈̠͇̗͍̜̰̼̣̦̙̪̬ͧ̍̌ͩ͆ͨ͌ͧ̓ͧͣ͐͑̂̄ͫ͘͟H͙̭̱͎̼̻̳͈̜̙ͭ̊͌̒͘͠A̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟!̢͒ͧ̎̆҉̮͕͎͈͔̦̬̯̺̯ ̡̩̟̰͕̫̂̇ͥͩͪ̒͋̔ͭͬͨ̄ͩ̏͢͞Ḥ̵̶̗̣̰̹̮̥͙̖̣͎̟̾ͩ̈̂̀͡ä̶̵͎͇̪͕̣̤̲͖̝̥͚̳̦͖̪̟̳͔́ͥ͑̿͒͋ͪ̄́̇̑̓̋ͤ͐̚̕͡!̴̷̛̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤̇ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ͟͜h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀!̖̰̯͕̮̳̺̦̯͉͈͙̯̫ͭ̏ͭͮ͑ͮͫͯ̎͐̑ͭ̄̌͘̕͞͝ ̠͈͈̠͇̗͍̜̰̼̣̦̙̪̬ͧ̍̌ͩ͆ͨ͌ͧ̓ͧͣ͐͑̂̄ͫ͘͟H͙̭̱͎̼̻̳͈̜̙ͭ̊͌̒͘͠A̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟!̢͒ͧ̎̆҉̮͕͎͈͔̦̬̯̺̯


h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀ .h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀ .

H͙̭̱͎̼̻̳͈̜̙ͭ̊͌̒͘͠ä̶̵͎͇̪͕̣̤̲͖̝̥͚̳̦͖̪̟̳͔́ͥ͑̿͒͋ͪ̄́̇̑̓̋ͤ͐̚̕͡!̴̷̛̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤̇ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ͟͜h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀ä̶̵͎͇̪͕̣̤̲͖̝̥͚̳̦͖̪̟̳͔́ͥ͑̿͒͋ͪ̄́̇̑̓̋ͤ͐̚̕͡!̴̷̛̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤̇ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ͟͜h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀ä̶̵͎͇̪͕̣̤̲͖̝̥͚̳̦͖̪̟̳͔́ͥ͑̿͒͋ͪ̄́̇̑̓̋ͤ͐̚̕͡!̴̷̛̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤̇ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ͟͜h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀ä̶̵͎͇̪͕̣̤̲͖̝̥͚̳̦͖̪̟̳͔́ͥ͑̿͒͋ͪ̄́̇̑̓̋ͤ͐̚̕͡!̴̷̛̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤̇ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ͟͜h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀ä̶̵͎͇̪͕̣̤̲͖̝̥͚̳̦͖̪̟̳͔́ͥ͑̿͒͋ͪ̄́̇̑̓̋ͤ͐̚̕͡!̴̷̛̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤̇ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ͟͜h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀ä̶̵͎͇̪͕̣̤̲͖̝̥͚̳̦͖̪̟̳͔́ͥ͑̿͒͋ͪ̄́̇̑̓̋ͤ͐̚̕͡!̴̷̛̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤̇ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ͟͜h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀ä̶̵͎͇̪͕̣̤̲͖̝̥͚̳̦͖̪̟̳͔́ͥ͑̿͒͋ͪ̄́̇̑̓̋ͤ͐̚̕͡!̴̷̛̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤̇ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ͟͜ “Pinkie?!”

Rainbow frantically looked about herself,

trying desperately to find the source of h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀ä̶̵͎͇̪͕̣̤̲͖̝̥͚̳̦͖̪̟̳͔́ͥ͑̿͒͋ͪ̄́̇̑̓̋ͤ͐̚̕͡!̴̷̛̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤̇ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ͟͜h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀ä̶̵͎͇̪͕̣̤̲͖̝̥͚̳̦͖̪̟̳͔́ͥ͑̿͒͋ͪ̄́̇̑̓̋ͤ͐̚̕͡!̴̷̛̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤̇ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ͟͜h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀ä̶̵͎͇̪͕̣̤̲͖̝̥͚̳̦͖̪̟̳͔́ͥ͑̿͒͋ͪ̄́̇̑̓̋ͤ͐̚̕͡!̴̷̛̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤̇ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ͟͜h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀ä̶̵͎͇̪͕̣̤̲͖̝̥͚̳̦͖̪̟̳͔́ͥ͑̿͒͋ͪ̄́̇̑̓̋ͤ͐̚̕͡!̴̷̛̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤̇ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ͟͜h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀ä̶̵͎͇̪͕̣̤̲͖̝̥͚̳̦͖̪̟̳͔́ͥ͑̿͒͋ͪ̄́̇̑̓̋ͤ͐̚̕͡!̴̷̛̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤̇ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ͟͜h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA “Dashie? Is that you?”

the voice. It was growing louder. “Pinkie?!”

Rainbow fired off again into the black, desperately

ä̶̵͎͇̪͕̣̤̲͖̝̥͚̳̦͖̪̟̳͔́ͥ͑̿͒͋ͪ̄́̇̑̓̋ͤ͐̚̕͡!̴̷̛̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤̇ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ͟͜h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉͙̭̱͎̼̻̳͈̜̙ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦͭ̊͌̒̕͘͢͡͠ͅA̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟!̢͒ͧ̎̆҉̮͕͎͈͔̦̬̯̺̯h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀!̖̰̯͕̮̳̺̦̯͉͈͙̯̫ͭ̏ͭͮ͑ͮͫͯ̎͐̑ͭ̄̌͘̕͞͝ ̠͈͈̠͇̗͍̜̰̼̣̦̙̪̬ͧ̍̌ͩ͆ͨ͌ͧ̓ͧͣ͐͑̂̄ͫ͘͟H͙̭̱͎̼̻̳͈̜̙ͭ̊͌̒͘͠A̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟!̢͒ͧ̎̆҉̮͕͎͈͔̦̬̯̺̯ ̡̩̟̰͕̫̂̇ͥͩͪ̒͋̔ͭͬͨ̄ͩ̏͢͞Ḥ̵̶̗̣̰̹̮̥͙̖̣͎̟̾ͩ̈̂̀͡ä̶̵͎͇̪͕̣̤̲͖̝̥͚̳̦͖̪̟̳͔́ͥ͑̿͒͋ͪ̄́̇̑̓̋ͤ͐̚̕͡!̴̷̛̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤̇ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ͟͜h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀!̖̰̯͕̮̳̺̦̯͉͈͙̯̫ͭ̏ͭͮ͑ͮͫͯ̎͐̑ͭ̄̌͘̕͞͝ ̠͈͈̠͇̗͍̜̰̼̣̦̙̪̬ͧ̍̌ͩ͆ͨ͌ͧ̓ͧͣ͐͑̂̄ͫ͘͟H͙̭̱͎̼̻̳͈̜̙ͭ̊͌̒͘͠ ̡̩̟̰͕̫̂̇ͥͩͪ̒͋̔ͭͬͨ̄ͩ̏͢͞ä̶̵͎͇̪͕̣̤̲͖̝̥͚̳̦͖̪̟̳͔́ͥ͑̿͒͋ͪ̄́̇̑̓̋ͤ͐̚̕͡!̴̷̛̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤̇ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ͟͜h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀!̖̰̯͕̮̳̺̦̯͉͈͙̯̫ͭ̏ͭͮ͑ͮͫͯ̎͐̑ͭ̄̌͘̕͞͝ ̠͈͈̠͇̗͍̜̰̼̣̦̙̪̬ͧ̍̌ͩ͆ͨ͌ͧ̓ͧͣ͐͑̂̄ͫ͘͟H͙̭̱͎̼̻̳͈̜̙ͭ̊͌̒͘͠A̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟!̢͒ͧ̎̆҉̮͕͎͈͔̦̬̯̺̯h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀!̖̰̯͕̮̳̺̦̯͉͈͙̯̫ͭ̏ͭͮ͑ͮͫͯ̎͐̑ͭ̄̌͘̕͞͝ ̠͈͈̠͇̗͍̜̰̼̣̦̙̪̬ͧ̍̌ͩ͆ͨ͌ͧ̓ͧͣ͐͑̂̄ͫ͘͟H͙̭̱͎̼̻̳͈̜̙ͭ̊͌̒͘͠ trying to swerve out of the way of flailing tentacles

A̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟!̢͒ͧ̎̆҉̮͕͎͈͔̦̬̯̺̯ ̡̩̟̰͕̫̂̇ͥͩͪ̒͋̔ͭͬͨ̄ͩ̏͢͞Ḥ̵̶̗̣̰̹̮̥͙̖̣͎̟̾ͩ̈̂̀͡ä̶̵͎͇̪͕̣̤̲͖̝̥͚̳̦͖̪̟̳͔́ͥ͑̿͒͋ͪ̄́̇̑̓̋ͤ͐̚̕͡!̴̷̛̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤̇ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ͟͜h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀!̖̰̯͕̮̳̺̦̯͉͈͙̯̫ͭ̏ͭͮ͑ͮͫͯ̎͐̑ͭ̄̌͘̕͞͝ ̠͈͈̠͇̗͍̜̰̼̣̦̙̪̬ͧ̍̌ͩ͆ͨ͌ͧ̓ͧͣ͐͑̂̄ͫ͘͟HḤ̵̶̗̣̰̹̮̥͙̖̣͎̟̾ͩ̈̂̀͡ä̶̵͎͇̪͕̣̤̲͖̝̥͚̳̦͖̪̟̳͔́ͥ͑̿͒͋ͪ̄́̇̑̓̋ͤ͐̚̕͡!̴̷̛̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤̇ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ͟͜h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀!̖̰̯͕̮̳̺̦̯͉͈͙̯̫ͭ̏ͭͮ͑ͮͫͯ̎͐̑ͭ̄̌͘̕͞͝ ̠͈͈̠͇̗͍̜̰̼̣̦̙̪̬ͧ̍̌ͩ͆ͨ͌ͧ̓ͧͣ͐͑̂̄ͫ͘͟H͙̭̱͎̼̻̳͈̜̙ͭ̊͌̒͘͠A̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟!̢͒ͧ̎̆҉̮͕͎͈͔̦̬̯̺̯ ̡̩̟̰͕̫̂̇ͥͩͪ̒͋̔ͭͬͨ̄ͩ̏͢͞Ḥ̵̶̗̣̰̹̮̥͙̖̣͎̟̾ͩ̈̂̀͡ that snapped outwards at her.
ä̶̵͎͇̪͕̣̤̲͖̝̥͚̳̦͖̪̟̳͔́ͥ͑̿͒͋ͪ̄́̇̑̓̋ͤ͐̚̕͡!̴̷̛̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤̇ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ͟͜h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀!̖̰̯͕̮̳̺̦̯͉͈͙̯̫ͭ̏ͭͮ͑ͮͫͯ̎͐̑ͭ̄̌͘̕͞͝ ̠͈͈̠͇̗͍̜̰̼̣̦̙̪̬ͧ̍̌ͩ͆ͨ͌ͧ̓ͧͣ͐͑̂̄ͫ͘͟ä̶̵͎͇̪͕̣̤̲͖̝̥͚̳̦͖̪̟̳͔́ͥ͑̿͒͋ͪ̄́̇̑̓̋ͤ͐̚̕͡!̴̷̛̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤̇ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ͟͜h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀!̖̰̯͕̮̳̺̦̯͉͈͙̯̫ͭ̏ͭͮ͑ͮͫͯ̎͐̑ͭ̄̌͘̕͞͝ ̠͈͈̠͇̗͍̜̰̼̣̦̙̪̬ͧ̍̌ͩ͆ͨ͌ͧ̓ͧͣ͐͑̂̄ͫ͘͟H͙̭̱͎̼̻̳͈̜̙ͭ̊͌̒͘͠A̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟!̢͒ͧ̎̆҉̮͕͎͈͔̦̬̯̺̯h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅH͙̭̱͎̼̻̳͈̜̙ͭ̊͌̒͘͠A̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟


̢͒ͧ̎̆҉̮͕͎͈͔̦̬̯̺̯̖̰̯͕̮̳̺̦̯͉͈͙̯̫ͭ̏ͭͮ͑ͮͫͯ̎͐̑ͭ̄̌͘̕͞͝ ̠͈͈̠͇̗͍̜̰̼̣̦̙̪̬ͧ̍̌ͩ͆ͨ͌ͧ̓ͧͣ͐͑̂̄ͫ͘͟H͙̭̱͎̼̻̳͈̜̙ͭ̊͌̒͘͠h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀!̖̰̯͕̮̳̺̦̯͉͈͙̯̫ͭ̏ͭͮ͑ͮͫͯ̎͐̑ͭ̄̌͘̕͞͝ ̠͈͈̠͇̗͍̜̰̼̣̦̙̪̬ͧ̍̌ͩ͆ͨ͌ͧ̓ͧͣ͐͑̂̄ͫ͘͟H͙̭̱͎̼̻̳͈̜̙ͭ̊͌̒͘͠ ̡̩̟̰͕̫̂̇ͥͩͪ̒͋̔ͭͬͨ̄ͩ̏͢͞Ḥ̵̶̗̣̰̹̮̥͙̖̣͎̟̾ͩ̈̂̀͡ä̶̵͎͇̪͕̣̤̲͖̝̥͚̳̦͖̪̟̳͔́ͥ͑̿͒͋ͪ̄́̇̑̓̋ͤ͐̚̕͡!̴̷̛̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤̇ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ͟͜h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅḤ̵̶̗̣̰̹̮̥͙̖̣͎̟̾ͩ̈̂̀͡ä̶̵͎͇̪͕̣̤̲͖̝̥͚̳̦͖̪̟̳͔́ͥ͑̿͒͋ͪ̄́̇̑̓̋ͤ͐̚̕͡!̴̷̛̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤̇ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ͟͜h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀!̖̰̯͕̮̳̺̦̯͉͈͙̯̫ͭ̏ͭͮ͑ͮͫͯ̎͐̑ͭ̄̌͘̕͞͝ ̠͈͈̠͇̗͍̜̰̼̣̦̙̪̬ͧ̍̌ͩ͆ͨ͌ͧ̓ͧͣ͐͑̂̄ͫ͘͟H̶̵͙̭̱͎̼̻̳͈̜̙͎͇̪͕̣̤̲͖̝̥͚̳̦͖̪̟̳͔ͭ̊͌̒̈́ͥ͑̿͒͋ͪ̄́̇̑̓̋ͤ͐͘̚̕͠͡!̴̷̛̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤̇ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ͟͜h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀!̖̰̯͕̮̳̺̦̯͉͈͙̯̫ͭ̏ͭͮ͑ͮͫͯ̎͐̑ͭ̄̌͘̕͞͝ ̠͈͈̠͇̗͍̜̰̼̣̦̙̪̬ͧ̍̌ͩ͆ͨ͌ͧ̓ͧͣ͐͑̂̄ͫ͘͟HA̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟!̢͒ͧ̎̆҉̮͕͎͈͔̦̬̯̺̯ ̡̩̟̰͕̫̂̇ͥͩͪ̒͋̔ͭͬͨ̄ͩ̏͢͞Ḥ̵̶̗̣̰̹̮̥͙̖̣͎̟̾ͩ̈̂̀͡ä̶̵͎͇̪͕̣̤̲͖̝̥͚̳̦͖̪̟̳͔́ͥ͑̿͒͋ͪ̄́̇̑̓̋ͤ͐̚̕͡!̴̷̛̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤̇ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ͟͜h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀!̖̰̯͕̮̳̺̦̯͉͈͙̯̫ͭ̏ͭͮ͑ͮͫͯ̎͐̑ͭ̄̌͘̕͞͝ ̠͈͈̠͇̗͍̜̰̼̣̦̙̪̬ͧ̍̌ͩ͆ͨ͌ͧ̓ͧͣ͐͑̂̄ͫ͘͟H͙̭̱͎̼̻̳͈̜̙ͭ̊͌̒͘͠A̴̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̚̕͜͟͢͡ͅ

“Pinkie, where are you?!

h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀ . ä̶̵͎͇̪͕̣̤̲͖̝̥͚̳̦͖̪̟̳͔́ͥ͑̿͒͋ͪ̄́̇̑̓̋ͤ͐̚̕͡!̴̷̛̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤̇ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ͟͜h

She could see a light. ä̶̵͎͇̪͕̣̤̲͖̝̥͚̳̦͖̪̟̳͔́ͥ͑̿͒͋ͪ̄́̇̑̓̋ͤ͐̚̕͡!̴̷̛̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤̇ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ͟͜h “Dashie?! Help me!”

h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀ . “Pinkie! Hang on! I’m ä̶̵͎͇̪͕̣̤̲͖̝̥͚̳̦͖̪̟̳͔́ͥ͑̿͒͋ͪ̄́̇̑̓̋ͤ͐̚̕͡!̴̷̛̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤̇ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ͟͜h

gonna get you out ä̶̵͎͇̪͕̣̤̲͖̝̥͚̳̦͖̪̟̳͔́ͥ͑̿͒͋ͪ̄́̇̑̓̋ͤ͐̚̕͡!̴̷̛̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤̇ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ͟͜h

of there!” ä̶̵͎͇̪͕̣̤̲͖̝̥͚̳̦͖̪̟̳͔́ͥ͑̿͒͋ͪ̄́̇̑̓̋ͤ͐̚̕͡!̴̷̛̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤̇ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ͟͜hh̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀ .h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀ .h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀ .h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀ .

A̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟!̢͒ͧ̎̆҉̮͕͎͈͔̦̬̯̺̯ ̡̩̟̰͕̫̂̇ͥͩͪ̒͋̔ͭͬͨ̄ͩ̏͢͞Ḥ̵̶̗̣̰̹̮̥͙̖̣͎̟̾ͩ̈̂̀͡ä̶̵͎͇̪͕̣̤̲͖̝̥͚̳̦͖̪̟̳͔́ͥ͑̿͒͋ͪ̄́̇̑̓̋ͤ͐̚̕͡!̴̷̛̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤̇ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ͟͜h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀!̖̰̯͕̮̳̺̦̯͉͈͙̯̫ͭ̏ͭͮ͑ͮͫͯ̎͐̑ͭ̄̌͘̕͞͝ ̠͈͈̠͇̗͍̜̰̼̣̦̙̪̬ͧ̍̌ͩ͆ͨ͌ͧ̓ͧͣ͐͑̂̄ͫ͘͟H͙̭̱͎̼̻̳͈̜̙ͭ̊͌̒͘͠AA̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟!̢͒ͧ̎̆҉̮͕͎͈͔̦̬̯̺̯ ̡̩̟̰͕̫̂̇ͥͩͪ̒͋̔ͭͬͨ̄ͩ̏͢͞Ḥ̵̶̗̣̰̹̮̥͙̖̣͎̟̾ͩ̈̂̀͡ä̶̵͎͇̪͕̣̤̲͖̝̥͚̳̦͖̪̟̳͔́ͥ͑̿͒͋ͪ̄́̇̑̓̋ͤ͐̚̕͡!̴̷̛̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤̇ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ͟͜h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀!̖̰̯͕̮̳̺̦̯͉͈͙̯̫ͭ̏ͭͮ͑ͮͫͯ̎͐̑ͭ̄̌͘̕͞͝ ̠͈͈̠͇̗͍̜̰̼̣̦̙̪̬ͧ̍̌ͩ͆ͨ͌ͧ̓ͧͣ͐͑̂̄ͫ͘͟H͙̭̱͎̼̻̳͈̜̙ͭ̊͌̒͘͠AA̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟!̢͒ͧ̎̆҉̮͕͎͈͔̦̬̯̺̯ ̡̩̟̰͕̫̂̇ͥͩͪ̒͋̔ͭͬͨ̄ͩ̏͢͞Ḥ̵̶̗̣̰̹̮̥͙̖̣͎̟̾ͩ̈̂̀͡ä̶̵͎͇̪͕̣̤̲͖̝̥͚̳̦͖̪̟̳͔́ͥ͑̿͒͋ͪ̄́̇̑̓̋ͤ͐̚̕͡!̴̷̛̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤̇ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ͟͜h
Ḥ̵̶̗̣̰̹̮̥͙̖̣͎̟̾ͩ̈̂̀͡ä̶̵͎͇̪͕̣̤̲͖̝̥͚̳̦͖̪̟̳͔́ͥ͑̿͒͋ͪ̄́̇̑̓̋ͤ͐̚̕͡!̴̷̛̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤̇ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ͟͜h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀!̖̰̯͕̮̳̺̦̯͉͈͙̯̫ͭ̏ͭͮ͑ͮͫͯ̎͐̑ͭ̄̌͘̕͞͝ ̠͈͈̠͇̗͍̜̰̼̣̦̙̪̬ͧ̍̌ͩ͆ͨ͌ͧ̓ͧͣ͐͑̂̄ͫ͘͟H͙̭̱͎̼̻̳͈̜̙ͭ̊͌̒͘͠AA̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟!̢͒ͧ̎̆҉̮͕͎͈͔̦̬̯̺̯ ̡̩̟̰͕̫̂̇ͥͩͪ̒͋̔ͭͬͨ̄ͩ̏͢͞Ḥ̵̶̗̣̰̹̮̥͙̖̣͎̟̾ͩ̈̂̀͡ä̶̵͎͇̪͕̣̤̲͖̝̥͚̳̦͖̪̟̳͔́ͥ͑̿͒͋ͪ̄́̇̑̓̋ͤ͐̚̕͡!̴̷̛̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤̇ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ͟͜h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀!̖̰̯͕̮̳̺̦̯͉͈͙̯̫ͭ̏ͭͮ͑ͮͫͯ̎͐̑ͭ̄̌͘̕͞͝ ̠͈͈̠͇̗͍̜̰̼̣̦̙̪̬ͧ̍̌ͩ͆ͨ͌ͧ̓ͧͣ͐͑̂̄ͫ͘͟H͙̭̱͎̼̻̳͈̜̙ͭ̊͌̒͘͠AA̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟!̢͒ͧ̎̆҉̮͕͎͈͔̦̬̯̺̯ ̡̩̟̰͕̫̂̇ͥͩͪ̒͋̔ͭͬͨ̄ͩ̏͢͞Ḥ̵̶̗̣̰̹̮̥͙̖̣͎̟̾ͩ̈̂̀͡ä̶̵͎͇̪͕̣̤̲͖̝̥͚̳̦͖̪̟̳͔́ͥ͑̿͒͋ͪ̄́̇̑̓̋ͤ͐̚̕͡!̴̷̛̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤̇ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ͟͜h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀!̖̰̯͕̮̳̺̦̯͉͈͙̯̫ͭ̏ͭͮ͑ͮͫͯ̎͐̑ͭ̄̌͘̕͞͝ ̠͈͈̠͇̗͍̜̰̼̣̦̙̪̬ͧ̍̌ͩ͆ͨ͌ͧ̓ͧͣ͐͑̂̄ͫ͘͟H
͙̭̱͎̼̻̳͈̜̙ͭ̊͌̒͘͠AH͙̭̱͎̼̻̳͈̜̙ͭ̊͌̒͘͠AA̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟!̢͒ͧ̎̆҉̮͕͎͈͔̦̬̯̺̯ ̡̩̟̰͕̫̂̇ͥͩͪ̒͋̔ͭͬͨ̄ͩ̏͢͞Ḥ̵̶̗̣̰̹̮̥͙̖̣͎̟̾ͩ̈̂̀͡ä̶̵͎͇̪͕̣̤̲͖̝̥͚̳̦͖̪̟̳͔́ͥ͑̿͒͋ͪ̄́̇̑̓̋ͤ͐̚̕͡!̴̷̛̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤̇ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ͟͜h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀!̖̰̯͕̮̳̺̦̯͉͈͙̯̫ͭ̏ͭͮ͑ͮͫͯ̎͐̑ͭ̄̌͘̕͞͝ ̠͈͈̠͇̗͍̜̰̼̣̦̙̪̬ͧ̍̌ͩ͆ͨ͌ͧ̓ͧͣ͐͑̂̄ͫ͘͟H͙̭̱͎̼̻̳͈̜̙ͭ̊͌̒͘͠AA̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟!̢͒ͧ̎̆҉̮͕͎͈͔̦̬̯̺̯ ̡̩̟̰͕̫̂̇ͥͩͪ̒͋̔ͭͬͨ̄ͩ̏͢͞Ḥ̵̶̗̣̰̹̮̥͙̖̣͎̟̾ͩ̈̂̀͡ä̶̵͎͇̪͕̣̤̲͖̝̥͚̳̦͖̪̟̳͔́ͥ͑̿͒͋ͪ̄́̇̑̓̋ͤ͐̚̕͡!̴̷̛̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤̇ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ͟͜h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀!̖̰̯͕̮̳̺̦̯͉͈͙̯̫ͭ̏ͭͮ͑ͮͫͯ̎͐̑ͭ̄̌͘̕͞͝ h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀ .

A̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟A̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟!̢͒ͧ̎̆҉̮͕͎͈͔̦̬̯̺̯ ̡̩̟̰͙̭̱͎̼̻̳͈̜̙͙̭̱͎̼̻̳͈̜̙̂̇ͥͩͪ̒͋̔ͭͬͨ̄ͩ̏ͭ̊͌̒ͭ̊͌̒͘͘͢͞͠͠AH͙̭̱͎̼̻̳͈̜̙ͭ̊͌̒͘͠AA̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟!̢͒ͧ̎̆҉̮͕͎͈͔̦̬̯̺̯ ̡̩̟̰͕̫̂̇ͥͩͪ̒͋̔ͭͬͨ̄ͩ̏͢͞Ḥ̵̶̗̣̰̹̮̥͙̖̣͎̟̾ͩ̈̂̀͡ä̶̵͎͇̪͕̣̤̲͖̝̥͚̳̦͖̪̟̳͔́ͥ͑̿͒͋ͪ̄́̇̑̓̋ͤ͐̚̕͡!̴̷̛̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤̇ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ͟͜h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀!̖̰̯͕̮̳̺̦̯͉͈͙̯̫ͭ̏ͭͮ͑ͮͫͯ̎͐̑ͭ̄̌͘̕͞͝ ̠͈͈̠͇̗͍̜̰̼̣̦̙ͧ̍̌ͩ͆ͨ͌ͧ̓ͧͣ͐͑̂̄ͫ͘͟H͙̭̱͎̼̻̳͈̜̙ͭ̊͌̒͘͠AA̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟!̢͒ͧ̎̆҉̮͕͎͈͔̦̬̯̺̯ ̡̩̟̰͕̫̂̇ͥͩͪ̒͋̔ͭͬͨ̄ͩ̏͢͞Ḥ̵̶̗̣̰̹̮̥͙̖̣͎̟̾ͩ̈̂̀͡ä̶̵͎͇̪͕̣̤̲͖̝̥͚̳̦͖̪̟̳͔́ͥ͑̿͒͋ͪ̄́̇̑̓̋ͤ͐̚̕͡!̴̷̛̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤̇ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ͟͜h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀!̖̰̯͕̮̳̺̦̯͉͈͙̯̫͙̭̱͎̼̻̳͈̜ͭ̏ͭͮ͑ͮͫͯ̎͐̑ͭ̄̌ͭ̊͌̒͘̕͘͞͝͠

H͙̭̱͎̼̻̳͈̜̙ͭ̊͌̒͘͠AA̡͓̫̥͍̬̤̗̬͕̟̜͍̙̲ͥ̀ͮͭͯ̌ͭ͑̉͗͌̐̈̓̅̍̚͜͟!̢͒ͧ̎̆҉̮͕͎͈͔̦̬̯̺̯ ̡̩̟̰͕̫̂̇ͥͩͪ̒͋̔ͭͬͨ̄ͩ̏͢͞Ḥ̵̶̗̣̰̹̮̥͙̖̣͎̟̾ͩ̈̂̀͡ä̶̵͎͇̪͕̣̤̲͖̝̥͚̳̦͖̪̟̳͔́ͥ͑̿͒͋ͪ̄́̇̑̓̋ͤ͐̚̕͡!̴̷̛̳͔̤̤͕͖͈̠̙̦̣̳̱̝͉̗̝̤̇ͯ̒ͫ͐͑ͫ̆̓͗̿ͬͫ̎ͭ͟͜

Rainbow focused all the energy she could, and slammed
as hard as possible straight into the wall of darkness.

There she was.

h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀ .h̴̟̘̻̦̖̦̰̜̹̲̮̬̝̝͉ͨͦ͗͐̂ͬ̆̄ͫͦ̋̆ͦ̕͢͡ͅA̵̳̰̙̲̰̻͙͙͈͇̫͛ͬͯ̊̊̊͌̇͛̍̿͂ͭ́̓̀

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“Hang on, Pinkie, I’ve got you!” Rainbow declared as she fired off with the earth pony wrapped in her hooves.

“Dashie?” Pinkie blinked. She hastily rubbed her eyes, and then in a fit of disbelief, reached a hoof out and poked Rainbow Dash in the face.

“Ow! Hey!” Rainbow blurted, “C’mon, Pinks, watch it, I’m trying to fly, here.”

“You... you’re here...” Pinke breathed, a smile rapidly spreading across her features, and her hair poofing outwards again, “You’re really here!”

“Of course I am, Pinks,” Rainbow smiled, “C’mon, let’s get-”


V̸elv̸et ͘sņi̸ck̡ȩr͘ed ͘and c̛h͡oked͢ Ti͞ck̶ Toc͞k’s ͠t̢hro̴át ̀ro͜ughly. “̢Ǫh.͝..͞ I͠ ̢h̕av̕e̡ s͏o ͜ma͠ny opt̡ions͠ h̸ere,͞ ̛I ̧ca̕n’̧t ̵j̨ust̵ ́pic͝k ͢o̴ne! ̕D̨is͡e͏mb͘owelin͡g?̛ ͟Hmm͞... m͏essý,͏ I ̵li̴ke it. Oo̶h,͟ b́ut then ͏t͡he͡ré’͝s j̨u͜st à stŗaig̛h̡t ҉up ͏be̢heading͢.̨ ͝D͟ad̛d̵y͞ wo̴u̡ld͢ appr҉e͞c̨ia͡te̡ me ̕t̴ak͏iņg҉ ̛h̛is ord̕ers҉ ̛l͡ite͝ra͢ll̴y͞,̢ I̵ th̨i̸n͟k.͝ ̷M̛ąy͟be̢ b̡ot̛h? Y҉és͘,̕ t͢hat şo҉un͡d̕s-”҉

I̠̙͕ͮͤ̇ ̙͔̻̱͎͎̻͆̇͠c̱͔͔̻̠͆ͥ͊ͦ͗̏ͪ̕a̧̖ͨͫͦ̍ṅ̤̣̳̪̣̄ͪ ̣͖̄͂̚̚ͅd̩̫̠̜͆ͩ͝o̜̞͇͙̬͓͗̑ͬ̆̊̆ ̸͖̜̲͖̯̺̾̄̎̇́͊̋t͚̦͉̘̱h̟͎̯̞̳̆ͨͨ̈́̑ͬ̀i̯͎̠͉͉̗͗̋ͭ̒̍͝s̱̱͖̠̲̫͙̿́ ̖͙͖ͬͅt̪̭̭̼͕̰ͪ̅̏̿͛̕o͌̑̅҉̱õ͕͈̭̙̘͍̭?ͣͬ̽! ̳̟͙͉͓͔̝͌ͩ́͆͛̾͒Ā͖̀W̷̳̠͓̞̟̃̾̍̓̒͟E̱͖͖̻̰͔̒ͥͯ̐̄̚̕͟Ş̢̬̘̜͒̐̆ͯ͗ͬͩ͞O̮̭͂̅ͫ̽ͧ͋̅̚Ḿ̈͑̂҉̞̱̰̖͔̮E̵̸̻̫̰̘̍̐̽͑̎!̲̠̹̗̫̞̬́ͯ̂ͪ̇ͥ̓ͪ͜͝


_______ ____- .
/)^3^(\ YATTA!!

_______ _ ___- .

Velvet was knocked aside by a furious flash of light and color, completely losing her concentration and dropping all the ponies she had in her grip and releasing them from their shroud of darkness. As she recovered, her eyes widened in shock and she narrowly avoiding getting blasted in the face by a firework that went screeching at her. The firework kept going and smacked straight into the wall of black Velvet had been creating and ripped it apart, exposing the reality of the canyon behind it. She looked up into the air where the light source was coming from, and her eyes widened and jaw dropped in anger and shock.

Pinkie Pie wasn’t even actively trying to do anything herself, but was a flurry of activity. Her body and mind, her heart and soul, were all reacting entirely of their own accord. She was spewing out colored sparks and lights from her body, firing fireworks off in all directions, blowing apart the bleak, hopeless destitute that had been brought to bear upon them all. The light flowing from her began to cover her friends in a brilliant pink glow, stripping the black blood from them and shaking them from their own pained stupors.

They began to stand, feeling energized and losing all semblance of fear and weakness; even Twilight was able to get to her hooves, and though she still appeared weak, she was able to stand all on her own. Applejack’s rocky hide was repaired and gained a lustrous shine, and Flathoof’s wounds and bruises healed. Fluttershy’s Bonding Bracelet glowed bright, and a light burst out of it as Ophanim circled around her again as a shining silver orb. Rainbow stood, front and center, a confident grin plastered on her face as Applejack and Flathoof took up positions at her side.

Most of the fireworks seemed to gravitate towards Red Velvet, who tried to avoid and swat them away, but found that there were too many of them and became overwhelmed by furious blast of light and color. One screeched right at her and exploded in her face with a resounding KABLAM-O! and knocked her flying into Starlight Shadow. The two of them tumbled and rolled until they came to a stop near the others.

Starlight shook her head of her delirium and looked around in a panic. “W-what’s going on? What happened? Where am I?”

Curaçao quickly moved over to Starlight’s side. “Ma capitaine, it might be best if we battre en retraite while we still ‘ave a chance. Zey look refreshed, and zey ‘ave, ah... regained une alliée. Our advantage is lost.”

Starlight grit her teeth and glared at Red Velvet, who was slowly losing her black aura and whose eyes were gradually returning to normal. She shook her head dejectedly. “Very well,” she agreed, “Perhaps it would be best if we regroup and plan for our next assault. Stay close, sisters. We’re leaving.”

Starlight began to charge up a spell with a bright white glow from her horn. Rainbow Dash saw it and rocketed towards them as fast as she could, her body exploding into a bolt of lightning.

“Oh no you- oof!”

She was suddenly interrupted when a great weight landed on top of her, and watched in disappointment as Starlight’s group all warped away in a flash of silver light. With a grumble, she rolled over to face who was responsible for stopping her.

“Dangit Pinks, you let them get- mnph!”

Pinkie’s tail began twirling around rapidly and firing multi-colored sparks about like a sparkler, making all the others in the group avert their eyes considering what they knew that Pinkie Sense meant; even Flathoof followed suit, despite not knowing about the Pinkie Sense, since it was clear enough to see what it meant without it.

Rainbow nervously chuckled and tried to fold her wings back in as Pinkie pulled away, then frowned when she saw Pinkie crying. “Hey... hey c’mon Pinks, you don’t need to cry. I’m back, okay?”

“I know you are Dashie. That’s why I’m crying,” Pinkie smiled with a sniff, “They’re happy tears...”

“Heh... right...” Dash smiled back, “Um... mind getting off me though? I... kind of need to say something to everypony...” Pinkie nodded and helped Rainbow Dash up, who nervously walked over to the others. She scuffed a hoof through the dirt, unsure where to start. “Um... h-hey guys...”

They all looked at her with varying degrees of hurt, and disbelief, and relief. Applejack took the first step forward, moving her hoof to take off her hat before realizing it wasn’t on her head. She sighed, shook her head, and looked back at Rainbow. “Rainbow Dash.”

“Yeah... hey there, AJ. Um... look, let me just right to the point and say... I... I’m sorry for what I said, and-”

Applejack held up a hoof to stop her, then took another big step forward. She lifted a hoof to her mouth and spit on it, then held it out, offering it to Rainbow. Rainbow looked at it a moment, then spit on her own hoof and took Applejack’s with hers, and gingerly shook it. She smiled, relieved.

“So... you guys aren’t mad?”

Applejack chuckled, “Shucks, sugarcube, sure we’re mad. Y’all said some things that hurt, and I mean hurt. I ain’t never been madder at anypony in mah entire life.”

“I... I’m sorry...” Rainbow said, her smile melting away into a disappointed frown, “I didn’t mean to blow up like that. I really didn’t. I’m sorry. Can... can you guys forgive me?”

“Ya know what, Rainbow? Forgiveness is what friends’re for,” Applejack smiled, “‘sides which, this is y’all we’re talkin’ ‘bout. I know it takes a lot ta make y’all admit ya made a mistake and ta ask fer forgiveness. I’ve known ya too long ta think that y’all ain’t really sorry fer what ya said ‘n’ did. So while I can’t speak fer everypony, I’ll say as much fer mahself: I forgive ya. And with seein’ how Pinkie reacted, I’d say she forgives ya too.”

“That’s right!” Pinkie bounced as she wrapped Rainbow up in a bone-crushing hug, “My Dashie’s back, and that makes me happier than anything in the whole wide world! Well... not anything...” she added with a sad smile as she looked at everypony else, “It’d make me even happier if everypony else was happy to see you too...”

Rarity stepped forward with a bright smile on her face too. “Oh of course we’re happy to see Rainbow again, Pinkie dear. Rainbow, darling, I know you said a lot of things that you didn’t mean. We’re all a little on edge, what with the hunger, and being ambushed, and having our friends hurt, and-”

Flathoof perked up suddenly in a panic. “Oh! Lockwood! Lockwood?! Where are you buddy?!” he shouted as he began looking about the canyon. Fluttershy was right behind him, but stopped a second to smile and nod at Rainbow Dash.

Tick Tock helped Twilight over, as the purple unicorn had lost the burst of strength that allowed her to help her friends put on the intimidation show earlier. The two of them also smiled at Rainbow Dash, Tick Tock’s smile being especially surprising and genuine to the pegasus, who never expected to see Tick Tock glad to see her.

Twilight spoke first, “I’m... glad you’re back, Rainbow...”

“We all are,” Tick Tock agreed, “Forgive me if I don’t get all sappy and instead get straight to the point, but since you’re back I assume this means more help is on the way? I’m glad to see you got through-”

Rainbow held up a hoof to interrupt. “Sorry to disappoint everypony... but I didn’t get in...”

“Oh...” Tick Tock frowned, “Well that’s a shame. Why not?”

“Long story short, It was going to take too long to get in, or I’d have to... ah... pay,” she added nervously, “Right, yeah. Pay. And I don’t have any bits, just like you said. You were right...”

Tick Tock pat Rainbow on the shoulder, “It’s alright, Rainbow. I’ll be honest, I was actually hoping I’d be wrong. Well, no matter, it would seem we’d best get back on our original plan, then.”

Rainbow’s face turned serious a moment. “Actually... I wanted to ask you, considering I wasn’t able to get in easily at all - how were you planning on getting in? They said I had to wait at least two days just to be let in the door while they did a... a background check? We were supposed to sign-in way back in Pandemonium, I guess?”

“Ah... right,” Tick Tock sighed, “Sad to say we couldn’t exactly stop by the airship landing to see their representative, what with being on the run and all. Did you try anything else?”

“Well, they said something about a password. That ring any bells?”

“Password? I don’t know anything about any sort of password,” Tick Tock blinked.

“Also something about somepony to vouch for you, to let you in?”

Tick Tock brightened at that mention. “Ah! Good good, then it would seem Lockwood’s insistence wasn’t all for naught. He said he knows somepony within the city that can help us get in even without meeting with a representative beforehand. I’ve been meaning to ask him about it, but... well, now that you say we have to... oh dear...”

Rainbow frowned, “Shoot... that means... we need to hurry! If Lockwood’s our only chance into the city, then... then...”

Applejack agreed, her face firm. “Then let’s quit yappin’ our gums talkin’ ‘bout it. Everypony get ready ta move out. And Dash?”

“Yeah, AJ?”

“Good ta have ya back.”

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