• Published 13th Jul 2019
  • 3,820 Views, 84 Comments

The Hollow Vessel - Jahbraz

The Vessel, having saved Hallownest from the infection of the Radiance, awakens in a new world. Having somehow gained the ability to speak, and can now feel emotions, he explores this world, defending its’ inhabitants from danger.

  • ...


“Yes, I will,” I answer.

“I expected that you’d agree,” Celestia said with a warm smile.

Suddenly I began to feel light-headed.

“Oh... crap..” I groaned, wincing as pain stabbed through me.

“Oh, no! You’re bleeding, and bad! Nurse! NURSE!” She screams, as I totter over to a desk and begin leaning on it.

My vision’s blurring, I’ve got to stay conscious, I can’t die now...

My eyes dilated as my windpipe begins to constrict.

“I-“ *HACK* “can’t brE-“ *COUGH* “aaAAHH-“ *CHOKE* *SPLUTTER* “HELP ME!” I scream, and is that blood on my arms!?

I struggle to keep Celestia updated on condition while I cry out in pain, all the while I can tell I’m going to lose consciousness, no matter what I do.

A nurse rushes in, and seeing my condition, gasps and rushes over to me, and attempts to help me to a hospital bed.

But blackness begins to overtake my vision and my weight is enough to rip me out of the nurse’s grasp as I fall to the floor, unconscious.

The last thing I hear before everything goes black is “KNIGHTY!”


As the Knight falls out of the nurse’s grasp, Celestia leaps out of her hospital bed and bolts to the unconscious bug’s side.

“He’s gravely wounded, Princess! I can see cuts and stabs all over. The Element bearers told me he healed himself after getting stabbed by Chrysalis’ horn, but it seems it wasn’t enough. Wait a minute... oh, no.. WE NEED TO GET HIM TO SURGERY! NOW!” the nurse barks.

Celestia immediately, but gently, grabs the wounded bug and gallops at full speed towards the nearest operating room, with dozens of Equestria’s best doctors, surgeons, and nurses right on her heels.

Breaking the doors down by accident (but paying them no heed), the Princess places the Knight on the operating table, a grim, but determined expression on her face.

The receptionist, annoyed that this random pony had just burst in without an appointment looked over her desk, about to reprimand the pony, before paling as she realise who the pony was.

“U-uh... Princess? Do y-you have an appointment?” the receptionist nervously asked.

“No, but this is urgent. I have a being here who has been gravely wounded during the battle with the changelings in Canterlot. He was the one who stopped Chrysalis, and he needs surgery, now!” Celestia said.

The receptionist quickly went back to her desk and put the appointment on the top of the priority list, while the dozens of medical personnel galloped in and headed to sterilise their hooves for surgery.

Celestia began to pace inside the room, her head low.

‘I hope he makes it,’ she thought, as she allowed a tear to roll down her face.

Twilight and her friends galloped into the hospital, concerned for their friend.

They’d just gotten the news. Knighty had been wounded, and had to go into the operating room.

“Are you the Element Bearers?” The receptionist asked, a look of urgency on her face.

“Yeah! What happened to Knighty? How bad is it, and will he be okay?!” Dash asked.

The others looked at Dash, surprised. Rainbow Dash hadn’t trusted Knighty much up until now, and had been slightly hostile to him when they got to Ponyville. To see her this concerned for him was a surprise.

Noticing her friend’s stares, she blushed slightly, before answering her friend’s unsaid, but obvious questions.

“He saved us back there. To be honest, he’s REALLY cool. Maybe even cooler than me! If he can stand up to Chrysalis like that, the I think he’s gonna pull through.”

Looking at each other, they all thought simultaneously, ‘she’s got a crush on him,’ before shrugging.

“It’s good to see you trust him now, Dashie! I still need to throw him a Welcome Party, and a ‘Yay, we beat Chrysalis!’ party,” Pinkie said, “but I don’t know if I’ll get to throw them for him, now that he’s...” she broke off, her mane deflating.

Seeing her friend in distress, Applejack piped up, “Ah’m sure he’ll pull through, Pinkie. He’s made ‘o tough stuff, ah tell you. He’s brave fer somepony that young.”

Pinkie looked up, her face brightening slightly, but still unsure.

“How can you be sure? I got a look at him just earlier while he was visiting Celestia in here, and he was doing well, until he winced and began leaking blood everywhere, and began choking on his own blood, all the while SCREAMING FOR HELP! I EVEN SAW CELESTIA CRY!” she said, her voice starting out quiet, but raising in volume before ending in a scream.

“Because Equestria’s best doctors and surgeons are working on him now,” a voice behind them said.

Turning around, Twilight, recognising the pony, lunged at them and pulled them into a hug.

“Princess Celestia! You’re okay!” She cried.

Wincing, Celestia quietly protested her student’s actions.

“Twi-ow-light, you’re-ouch- crushing ME!” the Princess, said as Twilight squeezed her harder.

“Oh! Sorry, Princess,” Twilight apologised, blushing, while she released her teacher.

“It’s okay, my student. My injuries aren’t too bad, I just need to take it easy for a bit. As for the Knight... well, you heard from Pinkie about his deteriorated condition,” Celestia said.

“Yeah, I hope he makes it out okay... at first I thought he’d pull through, after all, he survived Chrysalis’ horn, but after hearing Pinkie’s account, even I’M not so sure anymore,” Rainbow Dash said, her voice low.

“I assure you, he will survive. He just exited surgery, one of the surgeons sent me the message via telepathy several seconds ago, and his vitals are stable. We’ll get the details on his injuries... and one the nurses told me the reason they needed to operate on the Knight is because there was a lot of foreign contaminants and shrapnel lodged inside him, some just inches from his vital organs...” Celestia explained.

Everypony in the room breathed a sigh of relief they didn’t know they’d been holding, overjoyed that their friend was on the path to recovery.

A doctor stuck his head out into the hallway and shouted, “Celestia! We’re wheeling him into Intensive Care now. You should be able to visit him.”

Hearing that, everypony looked at the Princess.

“What are we waiting for, girls? Let’s go visit our friend!” Twilight said.

Trotting down the hall towards the Intensive Care wing of the hospital, the seven ponies talked amongst themselves about what will happen next.

“So, What are we going to do after Knighty gets out of the hospital?” Rainbow asked.

“The wedding of course,” Celestia answered.

“Huh. I thought you might do it without him,” Dash said.

“Well, he deserves to be at my wedding after he defeated the witch who ruined it,” a new voice said.

“Cadence! You’re okay, too!” Twilight squealed.

Doing their trademark greeting, the two hugged.

“How’s Shining? Is he okay?” Twilight asked.

“He’s fine, just tired after being sapped of energy by Chrysalis,” Cadence said.

“Are you also coming to visit Knighty?” Pinkie said.

“Yes I am! Oh, one other thing - when I get my hooves on the Queen that hurt the poor little bug, I swear, I will tear her apart!” Cadence fumed, prompting reactions from the Mane Six.

“Aye!” “Yeah!” “Me too!”

“I’M - ah! - NOT LITTLE!” a voice screeched from the room they were outside.

Raising their abused ears, the ponies looked at each other, before trotting inside.

“Knighty! You’re awake!” Pinkie squeaked, before rushing over and crushing Knighty in a hug.

“Pinkie-gasp-can’t-ack-BREATHE!” he rasped, prompting Pinkie to put him down.

Groaning, he was propped up by Twilight’s magic.

“It’s good to see you’re recovering, Knighty,” the unicorn said.

“Yeah, although my back is killing me, not to mention I actually woke up during surgery. Oh, god, the pain,” he said, shuddering at the memory.

“Try not to dwell on that memory, Knight. In the meantime, let’s think about the future,” Rarity said.

“Like making me a new suit for the wedding?” he asked his voice dry.

“Yes, and what we’ll do after the wedding. Like, maybe your name! We can’t just call you, ‘the Knight,’ ‘Knighty,’ or ‘Knight’ all the time, since the first and third are titles and not real names, and the second is more of a childish nickname. Although you are basically a child,” Rarity replied.

“Yeah, you’re right...” the bug said, pondering for a moment.

“Call me... Noble Guardian.”

Author's Note:

AND now we have a name! (I can’t stop having the word ‘Noble’ in every name I create!)

Unfortunately, it comes after a harrowing near-death experience for the Knight, but at least Chrysalis is gone and everything’s going right!

Comments ( 30 )

Nice but honestly after defeating what was basically a corrupt god of light you have made him way to weak

Remember, he’s quite young. Getting stabbed is hard to heal for a child. Even if they can heal themselves. Think of the soul focusing for healing as a temporary boost to keep them going.

Less damage he took and more it seems he barely did any damage in battle. In game durability was never his strongest trait but it really felt like he want form being able to kill a god to hardly damage a bandit with the same weapon

He was different then. Magic affected him in Equestria, weakening him, and besides, the creatures of Equestria are resistant to magic, since they use magic.

Very well just feels just off for me.

I know. Thing is, this is Equestria, and this is a crossover, and I wrote him like this

And I don’t argue that.

that is a brush with death that scared everyone

This is getting good keep it up ....please let the girls see his charms i would love for fluttershy to see the grimchiled

Yes, I’m going to show you that during the wedding chapter and the one after that. He’ll put on a show in the wedding, and demonstrate his abilities after the fact

love this story but one question in the game isn't the knight made out of VOID, do void creatures have internal organs?, and if the knight did die wouldn't he just respawn with his shade being at the spot were he died (or is that in game only) , i wonder how the main six would interact with the shade, or if luna saw the knights dream nail, any way enough babbling this story is awesome and i cant wait to see what comes next for noble, total thumbs up

Thanks to magic, and the void seeping out of him to go back to where it belongs, he has normal bug organs.

Ohh ok I get it, thanks, also I wonder how the ponies would react to the Grimm troupe?

Mainly fawning over the charm in its’ first form.

But than being scared as all hell at the second part i.e. The nightmare king Grimm part

lol i wonder how hard the knight and the M6 would roll there eyes at zotes antics if he fumbled his way into equestria, sorry if im spamming chat i just really enjoy this story

I don’t mind.

I love Hollow Knight, but I honestly can't see myself enjoying this story. For one, incredibly short chapters just aren't satisfying to read and (regardless of it is the case or not) feels kind of lazy. For another, part of the reasoning behind you labeling the Hollow Knight as female being another fanfiction writer's work. While there is nothing inherently wrong with liking an idea and adopting it for your own stories, it speaks to me of a lack of knowledge of the source material. Which is kind of the whole reason why I enjoy Hollow Knight. The source material in question is amazing.

I’m sorry if my story isn’t a good one in your eyes.

Like you said, the chapters are short, something I’m still working on.

Also, this is a fanfic, so there’s bound to be some changes to the lore, like an alternate universe or something.

There's an Alternate Universe tag if you want to go that direction.

Then again, said tag would apply to Hollow Knight...

I like this story 0w0

Firstly, finally there is a Hollow Knight crossover
Secondly, I keep imagining him in changeling form

i wonder how this will go?

MAKE MORE!!!! :flutterrage: :flutterrage: :flutterrage: :flutterrage:

Pwease :fluttercry: :fluttercry: :fluttercry:

You know what, I'll give it a shot. However I wanna make a few bits of critism. This is just to let my opinion be known, and to supply things to think about. I think you have a great story and I am partly hooked to see where it goes. I'll start with problems I see, the. I will touch on the things I think you did great.

Okay, issue number one: the way you end most chapters. The end of a chapter is ment to either resolve the issue in a satisfying way, leave you wanting more, or both. It is a conclusion, a ending before the next begining. However some of the chapters feels like they were in the middle of a conversation, or something was going to be explained or something, and it just cuts off. It would be less of a problem if it weren't for number 2: the pacing. Currently this is going at rocket speed. In story, it's been less than a week, and suddenly rainbow has gone from I have your guts to I love you, just as an exsample. We have had no time to grow attached to this new hollow Knight. You could argue that oh we did in the game, but this is a Knight with emotions for the first time, thoughts beyond the task at hand, a voice. He is a entirely new character in a sense. We don't know how strong he is in Equestria because all he killed a single timber wolf and a few changelings, and your fights, they get so hyped up, only to be over in a single paragraph. I want to be attached a d care, but it's hard when I am not given time to.

Now the good. You have a amazing idea on your hands. Not many people decide hollow Knight almost the same way that I made a monster hunter fic because I never see those. I love hollow Knight, I love mlp, and I think you have the bones for a epic story on your hands. You have so much set up and so much ready to be dived into that it's inspiring, but you need to slow down a bit so we, and you, can enjoy the journey. Remember that the destination is less important than the journey to get there. Frodo and Sam taking the one ring to mnt Doom would have been a weak story arc if not for the trials and journey to get there.

Besides that I enjoyed your story. I hope you take some of what I said to heart, and if you ever wanna talk about tips and tricks, maybe even a editor or co writer to help leanthen it out, pm me. Until then, can't wait for the next chapter.

Comment posted by Dragoncat261 deleted Apr 28th, 2020

10102386 It’s a story the author can give them a gender if they want to. In other words from someone I don’t know of ‘Screw the rules I have green hair.’ At lest I think it’s how it was said.

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