• Published 13th Jul 2019
  • 7,067 Views, 243 Comments

Son of a Dragon - The Bricklayer

Adopted by a dragon couple instead of by the Sparkle family, Spike's life was set to take a very different course indeed...

  • ...

13: There's a Party Here in Artisans...

“Ooooooooooooh, ooooh, I can’t believe the day is finally here!” Ember exclaimed prancing around like an idiot, her jewelry practically quivering with every movement. The dragoness did a spin and a twirl, before collapsing into a nearby set of cushions. “Seems like only yesterday we were watching you and Spikey dance around each other like oblivious children!”

“Technically, we were oblivious children,” Smolder drawled giving the frighteningly pink artisan a look. “And how long is this going to take?”

She was currently being covered from head to claw in what looked like… paint. Well, it wasn’t actually paint but something from Manipuri. Or whatever. Ember called it mehndi, and for what seemed like an eternity she and a friend of hers had been painting it on Smolder. Ember had gotten hers on a few days before, and was covered in very intricate swirls and various other designs. Ember had mentioned something about the mehndi having medicinal properties but by this point Smolder had really stopped paying attention.

“As long as it needs to,” Ember’s friend, a Manipuri-hailing pony called Saffron Masala said. Smolder didn’t know how the two had met, though she suspected Ember was getting certain fabrics from somewhere. “Roam wasn’t built in a day and you, my dear, must look your best. Now I know you dragons are big on tradition, but that doesn’t mean you can’t add a few new traditions. Besides, you are marrying an artisan dragon are you not?”

Smolder nodded. “Yes, but… Oh, okay, I see where you’re going with this.”

“Dress to impress, or in this case paint to impress,” Saffron continued, the glow of torchlight illuminating her work. The sun was barely up yet over the bogs of the Beast Makers, but today held plenty to do, so it was best to get started early. “From my perspective, I believe the wife of an artisan dragon must look like an artisan dragon. At least while you two are on your honeymoon.”

Ember giggled at this. “Oh, Spike won’t be able to keep his hands off you when he sees you!” she remarked. “Trust me, by the time Saffron is done, I can promise you that! You’ll be in for a night of passion. Well, several nights actually!”

Smolder swallowed at this, ah yes. That. She was so many kinds of antsy about tonight. Okay, yeah, neither of the two had exactly been… discreet about their relationship -dragons would be dragons after all- but this was different. This was going to be their first night as married mates.

“Just don’t do anything I would do!” Ember chirped.

“Isn’t that supposed to be don’t do anything you wouldn’t do?” Smolder asked. “Yeah, you’re a real role model.”

“Oh, trust me, give it a bit of time and you’ll be ready for pleeeeeeeeeeennnntyyy,” Ember said. “But I’m more worried about you pulling a muscle, as trust me some of the things me and Flam-”

“Oh, okkkkkkkkkkkkayyyyyyyyyy, I so don’t not need to hear about that,” Smolder replied, rather disgusted. “Just no. In so many ways, just no.”

“Suit yourself,” Ember said with a small shrug. “I mean, after a bit of practice I’d think you’d be ready for just about anything.”

“...I can’t believe we’re even having this conversation right now,” Smolder grumbled to herself. All the while, a very heavily blushing Saffron continued applying her work. “Like, wow, you’re shameless!”

“Just sayin,” Ember shrugged again. “I’ve got plenty of books on how to lead a healthy and happy relationship.”

“There’s more to a relationship than just sex, you do know that right?” Smolder drawled.

“Oh, I’m well aware of that,” Ember winked. “But trust me, the sex helps.”

Smolder facepalmed before deciding to change the subject. Just in case things somehow got even more awkward than they already were. Smolder didn’t know how they possibly could, but life tended to surprise her with things like that. “Er, Saffron, you are aware of a certain dragon tradition right?”

“Oh, the Blackening of the Bride?” Saffron asked, her accent heavy and thick. “Oh yes, I’m quite aware. Horrendous, humiliating tradition.”

“Actually, it’s supposed to represent if couples can make it through being paraded around town in smelly fish guts, they can make it through anything,” Smolder replied, little solar flares painted around her eyes. “But yeah, that. I’d hate for all of your hard work to be ruined by all of that.”

“Oh, not to worry!” Saffron giggled. “I’ve already thought ahead, me and Ember both did. With her input, and a favor called in from a friend I was able to add a bit of magic to this mehndi. No matter what you do, no matter what you’re covered in, it won’t come off. So yes, they can toss the smelliest fish guts, the most curdled milk and spoilest of curries on you, and this will not come off. Helps to know ponies, and one very beauty-loving dragoness.”

“Hey, keep those compliments coming and I may just let you try on my new fall lineup,” Ember said. “Because trust me Saffron, I’ve got a few dresses that I’d think you’d look absolutely wonderful in. Who knows, might finally get you married off!”

“Oh, I don’t need a dress to get me married off, thank you very much,” Saffron retorted. “I’ve found the truest way to a stallions’ heart is through his stomach!”

“Saffron runs the Tasty Treat up in the Evening Lakes,” Ember informed helpfully. “Oooof, some of the spices they use…”

“It’s not my fault you can’t handle bhut jolokias,” Saffron sniped. “And you call yourself a dragon! I thought heat was your thing!”

“Yes, um, well my ‘thing’ was off on that day,” Ember sputtered, flushing a bright red. “It happens! Besides, I wasn’t expecting it. You surprised me.”

“I did no such thing!” Saffron replied rather affronted. “You said you wanted the hottest spices I had on offer, and I warned you... Yet you went ahead and ate them anyways. I swear, some of you dragons are just completely crazy.”

Smolder just threw back her head and laughed.

“Enlil…” Gallus said his eyes darting left and right as the party began to get underway. Already, tankards were being passed around as traditional folk music began to play. Fiddles and bagpipes played in the background as Nestor led the castle in a rousing chorus of a song about a bog and some other things. Gallus really hadn’t caught most of it.

“Now in that hole there was a tree; a rare tree and a rattlin' tree
Tree in a the hole; hole in the bog and the bog down the valley-o…”

It was a perfect amount of nonsense really, no amount of sense to the song. But that probably wasn’t the point really, no the point was just to get everyone jumping, jiving and wailing. Or at least, that’s how the old song went. Gallus knew, he just knew everyone would have hangovers by the next morning, but then again dragons weren’t known for their common sense when it came to this type of partying. They just thought of partying for partying’s sake. Were all big events this insane, or was it just weddings? Gallus betted on the former, honestly, given he’d heard the Year of the Dragon was like this from Spike.

“Speaking of the guy, where is our lucky drake?” Gallus had to wonder as he pulled himself away from a dance with a fairly attractive young kirin. Leaving her his spell number, the griffon fussed with his suit and groaned to himself. Penguin suits, honestly. “He’s missing all the fun!”

Eventually, he found Spike at what was basically the dragon version of hot springs. Except, you know replacing the hot water with boiling lava. Both he and his father, along with some of Nestor’s friends -was that a watermelon?- were lazing back in the broiling liquid. “...You know that’s probably a safety hazard right?”

One of the dragons grabbed a nearby watermelon and bit into it. “...well, to be fair,” Argus said. “I’m not entirely sure these were designed with griffons in mind.”

“It’s racist, it’s what it is!” came a female voice and for the first time Gallus noticed the kangaroo. Like, how did you miss that? A kangaroo with a notepad in hand amongst a hoard of dragons was one of those things that sorta stood out. “Where do you guys even get the lava anyways?”

“Eh, we had a friend in the Magma Cone mountains reroute some here a couple odd years back,” Argus replied adjusting himself, and sinking further in the liquid. “Worked wonders, I’d say.”

“Yeah, if you’re a dragon,” Sheila said with a roll of her eyes. “The rest of us have to wait till you guys install some traditional Bullzantines Baths!”

“Those are on the way,” Argus conceded. “I think Nestor’s planning them as his next ‘big’ project.”

“HAH!” Gallus cried triumphantly to Spike. “I told you they were Bullzantines! Not Griffish!”

“...do I even want to know?” Spyro murmured as he leaned over to his son. Spike shook his head in a ‘not really’ manner.

“So, why are you here?” Gallus had to ask of Sheila. “I mean, I get you’re a friend of Spyro’s, or at least that’s what I heard but… This is sorta a dragon thing isn’t it?”

“And yet you’re here, blue boy,” the kangaroo teased in return.

“I’m the best man, so I have a right to be here,” Gallus replied. “Now if this was Spyro’s wedding, I can imagine you being here but why Spike’s?”

“Hey, he’s Spyro’s son meaning I’m his auntie,” Sheila replied. “Plus, it allows me a really interesting chance to study dragon rituals and the like.”

“Didn’t you study dragon weddings at my wedding?” Spyro asked quirking an eyebrow.

“Well, a girl can never have too much information can she?” Sheila asked. “Research never rests as I always say!”

“She was Cynder’s jill in waiting and even back then she was still researching…” Spyro muttered to Gallus with a chuckle.

“Research never rests,” Sheila repeated.

“So I gathered…” Gallus drawled. “Wait wait, back up, I thought dragons couldn’t handle lava? I mean, I’ve seen some getting their asses all roasty toasty. Like, I saw this one once who sat himself down in lava, or tried to and went flying sixty feet high hollering like hell itself.”

“Fizzle?” Spike asked and Gallus nodded.

“Fizzle, yeah that’s who it was,” Gallus replied. “...so, uh, why aren’t we checking you all into the burn ward right about now? Didn’t know dragons even had or needed a burn ward, but apparently they do.”

“Oh, uh yeah…” Spyro explained. “Thing is, dragons start with softer scales and they steadily harden as the years go by. Eventually, it takes quite a bit to smash through them, like say enchanted weapons. You ever wonder why Scale Hunters are so… sadly successful?” he asked and a moment of silence followed.

“Oh… Oh, I see,” Gallus murmured, really trying not to think about it at all. Considering that there were plenty of things to talk about upon one’s wedding day, he doubted Scale Hunters were at the top of the list. For so many reasons. Like, for so many in this family. “Well, that took a dark turn real fast didn’t it? Like, going from 5 to 150 there really…”

Spyro looked especially embarrassed with himself and cleared his throat with a cough. “...right, I suppose I did do that there, didn’t I?”

“So…. annnnnnnnnnyways, now tell me about this whole Blackening of the Bride thing. I mean, uh, tossing anything and everything disgusting at the bride and groom? I thought you’re supposed to look good on your wedding day!” Gallus asked quite confused.

“Ah, yes, that,” Spyro said with a snort. Slipping further back into the lava with a contented sigh, he continued “It’s a bit of an old tradition really, sorta goes back centuries. Long before I was even born, apparently it’s this sort of test of strength.”

“Oh yes, what greater way to start off a lifelong commitment by getting covered in egg,” Gallus drawled.

“That’s the whole point actually,” Argus explained taking another bite of his watermelon. “See, marriage is supposed to be a really difficult thing. The way the elders thought it, at least if you ask my great-uncle Volteer is if you can make it through this, you can make it through anything.”

“Plus, it’s an excuse to toss something disgusting on someone if you really hate them, right?” Gallus asked with a smirk.

“...Er, yeah, that too.” Argus returned with an equally devilish smirk. “Oh, let me tell you when my great grandfather, the old codger, married just about the whole realm turned up. Nobody was more pleased to see him get humiliated than at that moment.”

“...sometimes I wonder about you guys,” Gallus chuckled before looking at Spike. Spike, for some reason, suddenly began to feel very nervous. And not without reason, as it turned out. “Spike, I love you bro, but you’re going to get pelted with fruits and vegetables. Like, a lot of them!”

“I’m well aware,” Spike muttered. “I saw Byrd and his hummingbirds practicing divebomb maneuvers. Divebombing maneuvers!”

“...May have to see if I can get this whole thing into Griffonstone,” Gallus murmured to himself. “Goodness knows there’s enough ‘love’ to go around for everyone. Pretty sure the day Gruff marries -perish the thought, I pity the bride- everyone would love to see that happen to him.”

“Knowing you, you’d take a chance to toss rotten eggs at him any day of the week,” Spike drawled.

“Eh, yeah. You know me too well, Spike!” Gallus said nooging the drake’s head scales even as Spike climbed out of the lava. “So, marriage. Big step for you and Smolder. Think you can handle her?”

“Hey, I’ve been doing well so far haven’t I?” Spike asked even as the two returned into the main castle foyer. “I mean, we haven’t killed each other yet so-TIAMAT!"

Gallus was forced to cover his ears just as the bass dropped. At the other end of the room was Flame and Bentley manning a turntable and mixing tunes. “Yeah yeah, DJ Bentley in the house! With the grace of a morning peacock, I bring down the latest tunes, for show!”

“...I never knew he had it in him, and to be honest I’m not sure if I ever wanted to know…” Spike uttered. “Where’d he even get that jacket? Are those… spangles? Like, sparkles and spangles?”

“I’ll tell you where he got it, out of his closet,” Gallus muttered. Spike had to suppress a snort. “Like, I’m sorry if I’m being stereotypical but it’s a known fact all gays are into theatre. And that one right there is so deep in denial he’s right in Somnambula!”

“Watch those jaws drop, put on the attitude at full stop! I genuflect to the beat!” Bentley went on, the yeti stirring up quite a crowd.

“If you want my opinion?” Spike asked. “He should stick to poetry.”

“Probably,” Gallus said in agreement. “I’m trying to think of how this could possibly be any worse, and really struggling. Well, I guess I suppose…”

It then ‘just got worse’ when the lights went out, and the crowd let out a groan.

“...that could happen?” Spike offered, Gallus nodding in the dark.

“....amazing, not even 7:00 and we already killed the power. Took us till 4 in the afternoon when I was getting married.” Spyro grumbled. Spike got the distinct feeling his father was massaging his temples.

“Well, look at the bright side. At least we don’t have to listen to that Enlil-be-damned noise anymore…” Gallus remarked.

“Eh, fair point!” Spyro conceded. Eventually, after calling in a few favors and kicking the DJ booth to the curb, the party resumed. Cynder eventually showed up, with a few of the Peace Keepers in tow. Currently, they were regaling the others with past stories of former glories, as warriors often did. Maximos in particular was… well, that’s not the point is it?

“So, Sunny Villa for the honeymoon eh?” Gallus asked. “Maaaaaaaaaaaaan, talk about lucky. I am seriously jealous of you right now, like you know that right?”

“For the honeymoon location or me getting married?” Spike asked.

“...well, when you put it like that…” Gallus trailed off.

“Well, there was this hippogriff from Mount Aris who was giving you the goo-goo eyes. Silver… Silver something or other. I didn’t get her full name,” Spike said as Gallus’ eyes widened. “Just saying. But yeah. Sunny Villa. It was either that or Spooky Swamp. Smolder said it reminded her of home.”

“Her home has everyone speaking in haikus?” Gallus asked.

“Yeah, we took that off the table almost instantly, just because of that,” Spike admitted. “Smolder loves the swamps, but not that much.”

“Well, I suppose you could honeymoon in the Beast Makers swamps but I think that kinda defeats the point doesn’t it? Like, to get away from it all for a few weeks?” Gallus asked before turning as he spotted a most interesting sight. “...wait, isn’t that Smolder’s uncle? Bubba, right?”

Spike turned and saw the massive dragon crying a new river. He then turned back to Gallus and said: “...I think he always cries at weddings.”

Garble, nearby, was looking rather embarrassed. His mood didn’t exactly improve when Spyro walked up.

“So, we’re officially related now…” Spyro’s former rival said.

“Yep.” Spyro replied.

“Yeah, just so you know? This doesn’t change a thing. We’re still rivals, and I still think you suck.”

“Wouldn’t have it any other way,” Spyro replied.

“Yep,” Garble returned. “Suppose I’ve have to put up with you every holiday season now won’t I?”

“Yep.” Spyro replied.

“Joy,” Garble muttered. “Oh well, if it’s what Smolder wants… I’ll happily sacrifice any dignity I have for her. Even if that means spending time with you.”

“Oh, I thought you did a good job with that by yourself.” Spyro said and Garble looked about ready to throw a punch. Or Spyro through a wall, whichever came first. Both then descended into laughter as Cynder and Spike just stared.

“I’ll never understand those two…” they thought.

Gallus tapped his glass with a claw, and all eyes were on him. He rose from his seat, clearing his throat. “So, I’m not very good with words, but I do have something to say. Spike. It seems the other day when I first met you. Ya know, when you were running around like a sheep with its fur on fire? Good times, really. But I’m not one to judge the past. Fact of the matter is, you were a real wimp who’s changed since then.”

“...so is this you just going to be just insulting me or is there a point to this?” Spike asked.

“I’m getting there, kid. Cut me some slack. Griffons aren’t really the mushy-feelings type.” Gallus cocked a brow. “Anyways. That happened. But look where you are now. Marrying one of the feistiest dragonesses I’ve ever seen. Smolder? You take good care of him. Tiamat knows he needs it when he gets older. And Spike? Congrats, bud. Here’s to you.”

He raised his glass and the others followed suit. Spike just looked sheepish. “...so you can be sweet after all.”

“Oh, me, sweet?” Gallus asked. “Now you’re just insulting me bro. After all, I’m not just here warm y’all’s hearts. Oh no, it's my job as your best friend to embarass you isn’t it? And trust me, I’ve got plenty of stories to share.”

“Can’t wait to hear ‘em, Gal,” Smolder gave him a wink. Spike was still trying very hard not to faint from the sight of her, all decorated in intricate mehndi designs. Saffron had really done her work, it seemed. “After all, it’s my job as his mate to embarrass him.”

“This is gonna be a long reception, isn’t it?” Spike asked himself, letting that sink in.

“Take it from me, son,” Spyro murmured. “They mean well, they do but really, if you can make it through this, well… I think you can handle marriage just fine.”

“If you say so, dad.” Spike had to take Spyro’s words with a grain of salt. Gallus and Smolder were still young, so what came out of their mouths, he couldn’t guess. He just had to hope and pray that he didn’t die of the impending embarrassment.

“You remember when Spike and I did that high-dive into those lava pits?” Smolder asked, “Ya know? The ones just on the edge of the Badlands?”

“Yeah, I getcha. I still remember having to give him that push to get him off the board.” Gallus’s smile came back. “Remember that, Spike? It was harder to get you off of that board than to get you on it.”

“Hey, I don’t like heights okay?” Spike called. Just about everyone knew this was bullshit, as he was a dragon, and oh yes did I mention a dragon? “I was getting vertigo!”

“Excuses excuses, and don’t say it was because you were afraid of lava either,” Gallus snarked. “Because we all saw you getting a lava bath earlier. But yes, really, this all happened by the way. Anyways, me getting to be the best man and delivering the speech? Yeah, I considered it an honor. Took me a few minutes, I’ll admit to actually understand what he was asking of me. I honestly never expected it. I was hoping I’d get it, but I never expected it.”

“He’s downplaying the experience,” Spike whispered to his mother, who had to hold back a snort. “I know for a fact that he was so sure of himself getting the honor, I almost considered giving it to Gabby. And she’s a hen!”

“In any event,” Gallus went on. “I said to him, I’d take on this task with the same amount of bravado that I take to my daily life. ...and yes, I did look in a dictionary for some of these words. What of it?”

A few sniggers came from around the table. Gabby let out an out and out bark of laughter. The rest of the table soon followed and descended into laughter themselves with what followed next. “...It only later occurred to me that I’d said absolutely none of this aloud. Weddings are, quite frankly in my opinion rather pointless. I mean, they’re just another excuse for you all to party. I mean, we know you love each other, we got that. Hell, get a Sapphire Shores impersonator and elope, probably has about the same effect anyways. Less time wasted in the end really, and you can all get on with your new lives together. The point I’m trying to make is this simply, I’m one of the rudest and downright obnoxious assholes you could ever have the misfortune to meet. Anybody could agree to that right?”

There were a few murmurs around the table from this. Gallus muttered to himself: “...well, you all didn’t have to agree…”

He went on. “So really, if I didn’t understand I was being asked to be someone’s best man, it’s because I didn’t actually expect to be anyone’s best friend. I come from practically nothing, and come from one of the rudest kingdoms in Avalar. Nobody wants anything to do with a juvenile delinquent punk. And yet Spike, you did. You took me in as your best friend, brother in arm. Maybe you’re just unbearably naive, or maybe not. But the point is, you changed me. Smolder, when I say you deserve this drake, you deserve this drake. Like, you really do. Our lives would have been all the poorer had Spike not walked into us, quite literally in my case. So know this, today you sit between the dragoness who loves you, and the griffon who considers you his brother. Be proud, and be happy!”

And as soon as he finished his speech, a loud round of applause was soon to follow…

And then the main event commenced, the ultimate test of a couple’s strength. The Blackening of the Bride and the Groom. And a certain someone was ready to make sure everyone knew it.

“Allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllriiiiiiiiiiiighhhhhhhhhhhtttttt,” Agent 9 called as he leaped atop a table. The little chimp had a devilish smile that was only matched by Gallus’ own. “You all know what time it is. I know what time it is, they know what time it is! It’s time to see just how disgusting we can get, in the ultimate challenge of personal humility! Yeah, that’s right ladies and gents, it is time for the BLACKENING OF THE BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRIDDDDDEEEEEE!”

“Take aim…” Byrd said as he and his squadron soared and zoomed overhead, the sound of fighter craft filling the air with a loud buzz. “And fire!”

And just like that, tar and rotten egg was splattered all over the happy couple. And happy they were, actually. Both were getting good looks at themselves and laughing like fools at how stupid they really looked. Of course, disgusting things weren’t the only things tossed at Smolder and Spike, gems were contributed for their own personal hoard. In theory, this was supposed to help pay for the couple’s later lives together, and really, was anyone complaining? I mean, free gems and jewels and the finest gold.

Of course, this humiliation and hazing was far from over, as really it didn’t just stop at Nestor’s personal castle. Oh no, the tradition was for both bride and groom to be paraded around town and everyone getting in on the fun. There was a variation where the two were tied to a tree and pelted but only the best for these two. Of course, that depended on your definition of best but that was neither here nor there.

“Living the dream, isn’t it?” Spike drawled as rotten lettuce was tossed at his head. Then with a ‘splat’ egg hit his face. “...Ugh, glad us dragons don’t bother with tuxedos and all that. The rental company would haaaaaaaaaate us.”

“Pretty sure if dragons did bother with tuxedos,” Smolder returned as she was covered with tar and rice. Curdled milk splashed her soon after. It was all generally very disgusting, even if it was meant to be in good fun. “They’d make them with this little tradition in mind. Well, I suppose it could be worse. I could be in a wedding dress, you know like the ponies do? Then I’d look truly ridiculous.”

“You already do,” Spike deadpanned and Smolder was forced to concede his point. “But if it helps, I suppose I could lick you clean…”

“Oh, you are bad…” Smolder purred as the parade made its way down towards the town square. Once again, Byrd and company dive bombed them with rotten eggs. Smolder caught an emerald and then a ruby, and began nibbling on the ruby. It would have been more lascivious in manner had Smolder not looked so completely disgusted covered in slime as she was. “...Oh, for Tiamat’s sake, I can’t even be sexy covered in all of this!”

“Oh, I don’t know…” Spike murmured as he leaned close to kiss her. “I think you’re plenty sexy as it is, managing to tough it out through all this…”

“You dork…” Smolder mumbled as she kissed him. Both soon pulled away, spitting away tar and sludge. “GAH! Oh, I’m going to kill Gallus as soon as this is all over!”

“Well, I can see him over there coming around for another pass if you want to…” Spike started before sniggering. “Get some revenge?”

“Oh, you know it!” Smolder grinned. With that, they both picked globs of sludge out of their scales. With a mighty toss to give a certain Babe Ruth envy, Gallus was down and now covered wingtip to wingtip. Smolder and Spike looked at Gallus, and then back at themselves before falling over in laughter. Smolder punched the air. “Anddddddddddddd strike three, he’s out!”

“Now who’s the dork?” Spike asked, with his eyebrow raised.

Smolder blushed through her scales. With a little gentle shove, she muttered: “Oh shaddup…”

Then Spike’s eyes widened as he saw Argus. “LOOK OUT, INCOMING MELONS!”


Eventually, the fun was over and the night wound down. With a potion tossed over them -as so not to anger the lions of Sunny Villa- the two newly weds were now clean as a whistle. Evening had fallen over the little town, painting the cascading hills with oranges and reds.

Smolder was decorated in only the finest gems, the sunset making her entire body practically glow. Spike felt his stomach clench before he relaxed as Smolder pulled him into a soft kiss, wings wrapping around him like a blanket. With a soft giggle, Smolder was pulled back into the sheets.

“So, do you think I’m sexy now?” she asked breathlessly as she released Spike, one of her hands tracing his jawline. With a grunt, he flipped their positions as Smolder let out a purr. “That’s a yes then?”

Several quick kisses stolen away in the evening light later and Spike finally answered. “Well, I can create a questionnaire, poll the people. See what they think…” He murmured, fireflies beginning to gather outside their villa window.

“You’re such a dork,” Smolder muttered to herself.

“But I’m your dork,” Spike said booping her on the nose. Smolder laughed, swatting him gently.

“I take that back, you’re an idiot,” Smolder said kissing him again. She swatted him, though this time with her tail and on his behind. “Now, don’t you have something you should be doing? Like, you’re keeping a girl waiting here. I mean, I haven’t got all night!”

“Oh, but I thought we did, mate of mine?” Spike asked testing the word as it ran across his lips. He found that he liked it.

“Well, if that’s the way you want to play it…” Smolder said, her voice turning to a soft sigh as she turned out the lights. Several more sighs followed, and after that? Well, I’ll just leave it to your imagination.

Author's Note:

Okay, so yeah, fun chapter for the most part. Not sure if all the jokes landed, and I think some of the dialogue could use tweaking but really, not as scary as I thought it'd be to write. Fitting how this chapter drops in February, right? I'd have probably have it done sooner but for the past few days, I've been sick as a dog. So yeah, not fun.

But yeah. Wedding traditions. Grabbed a few from across the world and tossed them into a melting pot. Didn't want to go with the classic tux and gown thing, felt it way too cliche and not something dragons would do. The skin, er scale painting comes from India. The Blackening of the Bride? Scotland, though I should note it generally takes place a few days before the actual wedding for obvious reasons. The gem thing comes from Cuba, where it's tradition to pin money to the bride's dress. And the big party comes from Lebanon and it's thing the Zaffe. Basically, it's a party that uses professional musicians and belly dancers and takes place in both the Bride and Groom's homes with friends and family. Fun, eh? If I get married, I might consider that kinda thing. If is good.

But in all seriousness, now we move onto the next phase of the story, where once again I'll be gracing you with timeskips...