• Published 31st Jul 2019
  • 7,649 Views, 613 Comments

Shadow of a Doubt - MayhemMoth

Starlight quickly learns it’s going to take a lot to save a pony with no hope.

  • ...

Chapter 2: A Glimmer of Hope

“Reform Sombra?” Twilight asked in utter disbelief, “He’s had plenty of opportunities to learn from his mistakes, what makes you think he would change his mind now?”

“Did you even give him a chance when he took over Canterlot?” Starlight asked, trotting down the hall to the throne room without looking to her friend.

“Ah, well, no,” Twilight stammered, following along anxiously. “But he’s terrible! He possessed you Starlight! He held Flurry Heart hostage!”

“And I created a bunch of alternate universes where the bad guys won. We can’t all have a perfect record like you, Princess.”

Oh, she was definitely irritated. Twilight decided to hold back from saying anything else as Starlight trotted away, paying no attention to any guards or passersby as she made her way to the throne room. Uncaring of anything Princess Celestia might be doing, she threw open the doors and stepped in.

“Princess Celestia, I have something very important to ask of you!”

From the looks of things, Celestia had been signing papers when Starlight barged in. Jumping at the sudden interruption, her freshly inked quill splattered across the papers, and her assistant levitating them. Twilight ran in and let out a quiet yelp at the mess.

“Please forgive us Princess Celestia, I’ll help you clean up!” She said, covering Starlight with a wing. Starlight pushed it away.

“Oh, well, it’s just paperwork. It can wait a moment,” Celestia said, confused. Her assistant shook her head and glanced to the two irritably. Waving a hoof, Celestia told her, “Go on and take a break to clean up Raven, I’ll see what these two need.”

Her assistant, Raven, as Starlight knew now, nodded and set the papers to the side. Shaking the ink out of her hair, she trotted past the two visitors and out the door, quiet all the way. Twilight whispered an apology as she passed, wing still trying to cover the agitated Starlight’s face.

Walking up to the two curiously, Celestia asked, “So, what is it that’s so urgent to tell me?”

Twilight finally stopped her struggling, folding her wing against her body and revealing Starlight again. Letting out a sneeze from Twilight’s feathers, Starlight shook her head and took a step forward, before pausing.

How exactly did she plan to go about this again?

“Princess Celestia,” She began, thinking her words over quickly, “As you know, I asked to see Sombra in the dungeon, and I did. He spoke to me, in fact. He’s not well. He didn’t think I was real, and he’s not in good shape. I don’t think keeping him in that filthy dungeon is going to help him any.”

Celestia tilted her head, a curious look of suspicion upon her face.

Feeling her confidence waiver, Starlight shrunk back a bit and lowered her voice as she continued, “I’m asking if you’d allow me to try and help him? To reform him."

“May I ask why?”

"Because it's not fair."

The bewildered Celestia took a moment to respond, a brow raised as she asked, "Pardon me?"

“Because it's not fair!” Starlight replied firmly with the stamp of a hoof, "It's not fair that he has to sit in a filthy dungeon deteriorating. Not while ponies like me walk free with no consequences!"

Starlight went quiet as she realized she’d yelled that last bit. Both Celestia and Twilight were looking down at her in surprise, and maybe even a bit of concern, but they didn’t say anything. Starlight took a breath and lowered her voice before continuing.

“I just don’t think it’s fair to lock Sombra up without giving him a chance,” She said, stepping forward nervously, “I mean, even with all the things he’s done, it just doesn’t seem right to leave him down there to suffer. Especially after going through the trouble of keeping him alive in the first place.”

Sighing quietly to herself, Celestia responded, "I understand your concern, but Sombra is more dangerous than you could ever know. The things he's done, they just can't be forgiven."

"I know more than anyone, it's hard to trust ponies who've hurt you, but please Princess Celestia," Starlight begged, "Let me try to help him. He's sick and in pain, and, well… Maybe he needs a friend, and I'd like to try and be that friend."

Celestia still looked unsure, and Starlight feared for another refusal. Twilight stopped any denial before it happened.

"If I may mention, Starlight did have a big role in saving Stygian," She offered, stepping up to Celestia, "Not to mention the entire Changeling hive. If it wasn't for her, we'd have sent an innocent pony to limbo, and we'd have never made peace with one of our greatest enemies."

Celestia considered this for a moment, looking to Starlight. She had her head lowered, face to the ground. She really wanted to do this, didn't she? Glancing to Twilight, she saw the Princess of Friendship nod. That settled it for her.

"Very well, I shall allow you to try and reform Sombra."

Starlight's head shot up, her eyes wide in surprise.

"Really?" She cried somewhat excitedly. She had been so expectant of refusal it had taken her off guard. "Thank you Princess! I'll-"

"I wasn't finished," Celestia interrupted, raising a hoof. Starlight froze where she was, that same look of nervousness returning to her face. "I have two conditions for you as well. First thing first, whatever you do, do not remove Sombra's mask. Not only does it keep his magic contained, it’s enchanted with a spell that keeps him corporeal."

Starlight nodded, "Of course."

"Secondly, Sombra is to stay here in Canterlot, until I feel confident he won't try and hurt some pony."

"Stay in Canterlot?" Starlight realized, "I can’t do that, I have a job at the school! We’ve got tests going on soon, and I know the students will be stressed about that, what are they going to do without me?"

“I think I can figure something out,” Twilight said, setting a hoof on Starlight’s shoulder, “Reforming someone is a hard job, I don’t think you’d be able to work with the students and Sombra at the same time. It’s a bit short notice, but I’m sure I can find a substitute somewhere.”

It wasn’t quite the answer she was looking for, but Starlight had to agree. Caring for the students had become important to her, and though the thought of leaving for more than a few days made her anxious, she knew that Twilight was right. She wouldn’t be able to focus on her job if she was taking care of Sombra. He wasn’t in the best of shape as it was, and he was going to be essentially blind for who knows how long. Leaving him alone all day while she was doing her job was probably not in anyone's best interest, and bringing him to the school itself was completely out of the question.

“Thank you, Twilight,” She said, a small but nervous smile upon her face, “I think I’ll stay in Canterlot.”

Celestia nodded, “Then I leave Sombra in your capable hooves. I’ll tell the guards to take him from the dungeon, do with him as you wish.”

“Thank you, Princess, I’ll do whatever I can to help him.”

Starlight turned to run out of the room, but was stopped as Twilight held her wing in front of her again. Getting a faceful of feathers, she sneezed, then turned to Twilight curiously.

“I want you to send me a letter every night. I want to know how things go,” She said.

Starlight just smiled again, “Yes, of course.”

Sombra walked down the halls slowly and awkwardly, hindered by the manacles on his forelegs, a faint feeling of dizziness, and horrible pain and heat through his body. He limped as he walked, front right fetlock sending bolts of pain through him whenever he put weight on it. His muzzle had been uncomfortably tightened, mouth clamped together to the point his fangs stabbed into his gums. Two guards walked on either side of him, each with a chain to guide him along. They muttered to each other as they walked, occasionally yanking the chains roughly.

He hadn't expected anyone to take him out of his cell. He had growled and kicked at the guards a few times when they’d grabbed at him, but between pain, exhaustion, and a rough blast from a Unicorn, they’d captured him quickly. Now they were leading him to who knows where, throwing insults at him all the way.

He tried to ignore them and stand tall as they lead him away, intending to hold himself high to preserve what little bit of pride he had left, but the guards weren’t having it. They’d pull his head to the ground whenever he lifted it above his shoulders, at one point managing to slam his nose to the floor. It was enough to make it bleed, and enough to get Sombra to reluctantly give in to the guards.

In a rather fitting twist of fate, Sombra now knew how the Crystal Ponies felt when he was king.

“Bet it doesn’t feel too good on that side of the chains, huh?” One asked, Sombra recognized the voice as the Unicorn that had blasted him. The guard yanked the chain as he spoke, but Sombra held his ground, bracing himself and letting out a grunt at the pain, only to be harshly jerked aside by the other guard.

“Nah, bet this is the most excitement this lame hack's gotten in a long time,” He said. Sombra growled at his insult, only for a new agony to spread through him as the guard gave him a fierce kick to the ribs. He staggered to the side at the hit, pain surging through his chest, nostrils flaring as the air was forced out of his body.

“That is enough!”

Another yank forward, and Sombra fell hard, legs twisting and jaw slamming into the cold floor. A tinge of metal in his mouth, an even worse pain in his leg, and Sombra decided it just wasn’t worth the effort to get up again. Even when the guards dropped his chains he did nothing more than struggle to catch his breath, ready to get everything over with and face the Sisters’ wrath.

“You really didn’t have to be so rough with him,” A voice said. It did not belong to Celestia or Luna, but was surprisingly familiar nonetheless. “But thank you. You can go now.”

“Nope. We’re not leaving as long as he’s here, Princess Celestia’s orders,” A guard replied, presumably the Unicorn.

“Fine. But don’t you dare lay a hoof on him while I’m here.”

Muffled hoofsteps approached, and Sombra’s shuddering body stiffened, ears bent back. Feeling a hoof gently grab him, he growled through his muzzle, blood bubbling out of his clamped jaws. He struggled to get back, shrinking away as the pony grabbed at his head. It was a futile attempt, and his face was soon firmly clasped between hooves, the tingle of magic tickling his nose. A loud clank of metal followed, and Sombra gasped for breath.

“There, that’s much better, isn’t it?” The pony in front of him asked, stepping back. Sombra stayed where he was, breathing heavily as he took in painful gulps of air. Reaching a hoof to his mouth, he felt over his sore face. She’d removed his muzzle. “Do you remember who I am?”

Waiting a moment for the dizziness to fade, Sombra took a few more deep breaths before saying, “Starlight Glimmer. You’re real.”

"Yep, and I'm here to help you."

"Help me?"

Sombra’s head tilted curiously, but he didn't question her further as she leaned over and gently grabbed his forearms. He stiffened at the touch, but allowed Starlight to readjust his legs into a less awkward position. Another tingle of magic, and the shackles fell off his forearms. Sombra folded his sore one against his chest, instinctually hiding any pain.

"Could you stand up for me?" Starlight asked. Sombra shook his head, folding his front legs beneath himself. She suspected something, but he was not willing to show her just yet.

Accepting the fact that he was going to be stubborn, Starlight went to his neck next. Her magic engulfed the enchanted manacle, working away at its lock. A few clicks and a twitch of discomfort from Sombra, and that too fell to the ground

Sombra sighed in relief. Starlight yelped in shock.

“Ooh that’s… Not great,” She said, panic obvious in her voice. “You! I don’t care what Celestia said, get a doctor here or something, now!”

“Princess’ orders!” The guard objected.


Starlight’s magic crackled, Sombra could hear it. He heard the guards run off as well, but ignored that as he took a chance to try and scratch at that everlasting and obnoxious itch on his neck. It was painful, hot, and wet to the touch. Just a simple brush against it and Sombra let out a quiet whine and stopped, flipping onto his side to try and relieve the pain with the cold floor. It did little to soothe him, but did plenty to remind him of his bruising ribs.

Hearing Starlight approach again, Sombra growled, baring his fangs and raising his head in her direction. Her hoofsteps stopped.

“Sombra,” She started, waiting until the Unicorn’s snarl faded, “A pony you don’t know, and maybe even one of the Princesses, is going to come in that door. Please don’t freak out if they touch you, alright?”

How demeaning. She spoke to him like a foal.

“It’s merely an infection,” He said, “I’ve dealt with worse.”

“I don’t think you quite understand what I mean,” Starlight argued, though her voice was soft, “There are, uh, maggots in your neck.”

Well, not worse than dying three times over, but still unnerving nonetheless. The simple thought of the slimy parasites writhing in his skin made Sombra shudder in disgust, and he shook his head in an unconscious attempt to shake them off. A bolt of pain through his neck and he stopped with a frustrated growl.

“Remove this cursed mask and I shall rid of them myself,” He demanded.

“Yeah. Not happening.”

The door slammed open, and Sombra shot up with a snort, a wave of dizziness washing over him. More than one pony ran into the room, their hoofsteps muffled within each other, and he couldn’t place how many there were. One of them stopped abruptly near him, letting out a cry of disgust.

“That is completely vile!” She shouted.

Sombra recognized the voice immediately. Princess Luna. If she was here, Celestia wasn’t far behind, or even worse, already in the room with him. They wanted to turn him to shadow again, didn’t they? Containing his magic and locking him in a dungeon to wither away to nothing wasn’t enough, was it? They wanted to hurt him, to kill him!

Staggering back, he bared his teeth in a snarl as the princess approached, mane and tail flaring as unreleasable dark magic welled up inside him. Another pair of hoofsteps followed Luna’s, and his body stiffened. Celestia, it had to be.

“Sombra, please calm down,” Starlight demanded from beside him. Her voice was soft, but firm. “They’re here to help you.”

"Liar!" Sombra shouted. Lies! All lies! They were here to finish him!

The hoofsteps came closer. Sombra stepped back. They were slow about it, ready to draw his demise out as long as they were entertained by it.

“Sombra, Starlight’s telling the truth-”

The sound of Celestia’s voice and Sombra bolted, ignoring the horrible pain in his chest and leg as he took off in the other direction. He didn’t get nearly as far as he would have liked, colliding with the wall and crashing back to the ground. Dazed, he tried to rise again, legs slipping out from underneath him, but was held in place with magic. Crying out in panic and pain, he struggled to free himself, only managing to twitch his limbs. A pinch in his neck and he cried out again.

To his relief, the magic then released him, and he fell to the ground. Struggling to stand again, Sombra staggered back against the wall with a whine, pain and panic beginning to cloud his senses. Someone approached him.


Starlight Glimmer. The one pony in the room that hadn't tried to hurt him yet. He stumbled toward her, legs buckling as a horrible feeling of confusion muddled his thoughts and coordination. Tripping over himself, he stumbled into Starlight. She caught him with magic, lowering him to the ground as his body began to go numb.

"Make them leave!" He begged, struggling to stay awake, “They’ve done something, they’re trying to kill me!”

"No one here is going to kill you, I promise."

Starlight stroked Sombra’s mane gently. He wanted to push her away for the insolent act and lies, but all he could was shiver in fear. Why wasn't his body responding to him? Were his eyes even still open? Everything was already so dark, and any sound other than Starlight's voice reassuring him was muffled.

“I don't wanna die again!” He whined, body shuddering as he tried to force himself to stay awake, "I refuse to die again!"

It was the last thing he managed to choke out before Starlight's voice faded.

Sombra lay spread out on a bed, half cleaned and bandaged, tongue lolled out and hind leg twitching. He'd been heavily sedated before treatment, and it seemed he was quite slow to recover from it. Worried they may have administered too much anesthetic, Starlight sat by his bedside, watching over him.

Along with the nasty, infected neck wound, Sombra's constant struggles against his chains had left him with more injuries than previously thought. Both forelegs were badly bruised, right fetlock sprained and wrapped in bandages to keep it from bending. His thick coat had been worn thin in places, from where he’d rubbed against the wall or chains too harshly, and his mane lay messily around his head, still full of mats and lacking its usual flow. There was a good chance that kick from the guard had cracked a rib, and he probably had a concussion.

She'd have to do her best to keep him from hurting himself further. The doctors had already refused to deal with Sombra any longer than necessary, simply cleaning out and stitching up Sombra’s neck wound, then haphazardly wrapping his sprained fetlock. They were rightfully scared of him, and hardly checked him for internal injuries, just fixing the obvious. They hadn’t even bothered to wash the dirt out of his coat. Starlight realized that, rather embarrassingly, she’d probably have to be the one to help wash Sombra up. He wasn’t exactly fit to shower alone at the moment.

Stirring a bit from his forced sleep, Sombra muttered something unintelligible. His ears and nose twitched, taking in the sounds and smells surrounding him. Starlight continued to watch him quietly, wary to move from her seat and accidentally set him off with a sudden sound.

Weakly lifting his head, Sombra sniffed the air and shook his mane away, only to plop back down and mutter, “I don't remember purgatory being this dark.”

Starlight wasn't sure if that reaction was a good one or not. She was just thinking of the best way to get Sombra's attention when he shot up with an enraged snort.

"Grogar!" He yelled, stumbling out of bed suddenly, quicker than Starlight could stop him. He staggered around like a foal taking their first steps, "You lying son of a- I'm gonna hang your head over the Crystal Heart!"

Grogar? Was he yelling about an old mare's tale? For a moment, Starlight was too taken aback by his ranting, staring at the delusional stallion as he stumbled around screaming. It wasn't until his forelegs crossed and he lost his balance that Starlight finally reacted, teleporting the pillows and blankets from the bed to the floor. He landed face first amongst them, limbs tangled together.

"I'll skin you alive and make you into my next robe!" He yelled, awkwardly trying and failing to untangle his legs. "Give what's left of you to that crazy filly!"

Starlight stared at him in pure horror. The anesthesia had to have been too strong, or all those collisions with walls had scrambled his brain. He'd completely lost it.

Someone knocked on the door.

"Is uh, everything alright in there?"

"I'm gonna shove Chrysalis and Tirek's horns down yo-mmph!"

Starlight slammed a pillow over his mouth.

“You’re completely delusional!” She whispered harshly, before shouting toward the door, "Everything's fine! Sombra’s just, uh, having a really bad reaction to his medication."

"Should I get the doctor?”

Lying over Sombra to try and keep him down, an effort that proved incredibly pointless by the fact she was half his size, Starlight assuredly yelled back, "No need! I've got him handled!"

"If you say so…"

Starlight tried to listen if the guard outside would say anything more, but couldn’t focus as Sombra finally regained his footing and tried to buck her off. Starlight held on tight with all four legs, digging her hooves into his sides and worsening his frustration. He tried a few more times, bucking back and forth. Worried his struggles may hurt him further, Starlight waited until he was reared back on his hind legs, before she grabbed a mouthful of his grimy mane and yanked. Sombra let out an undignifying squeal as she did, head turning in the opposite direction she pulled and bringing him to the floor. Starlight fell with him, firmly keeping her grip on his neck, but releasing the pillow over his muzzle to try and soften their fall.

Sombra crashed to the ground on his side, both ponies letting out cries of pain as he landed hard on his right shoulder and over one of Starlight's forelegs. Yanking it out from under him, Starlight gently tested it to make sure nothing was broken before checking over Sombra himself. He lay there with his ears back and groaning, dazed but unharmed. Starlight was sure his shoulder would be feeling awfully sore for a while though, if her leg was anything to go by.

“Okay, are we done now?” She asked. Sombra shook his head. Not in refusal, but in an attempt to regain his senses. It seemed to work well enough, because he rose to a sitting position, grimacing in pain.

“I’m not dead?” He asked.

"No, of course not,” Starlight assured, “You’re in Canterlot, safe and being taken care of, remember?”

“Canterlot? But, the Princesses-” Sombra’s body went rigid as he remembered. Not what Starlight was reminding him, but what the Sisters had done to him all those moons ago. That was so long ago though, wasn’t it? Something else had happened, something he couldn’t quite remember. There were other princesses now, weren’t there? They’d done something to him, but through anesthesia induced haze, and fuzzy spots in his memory, he couldn’t remember what. He vaguely remembered his body being torn apart, the pain and panic he felt as he tried to reconstruct himself, but then nothing else except voices.

Sombra’s fur bristled as he unconsciously whined at the memory of the voices. They hadn’t been harsh or threatening, and he’d never admit it out loud, but they'd scared him. When he’d heard them, all of them, while trapped in that cell, he panicked. He’d tried so hard to free himself, either of his physical chains or the nightmare he’d inadvertently put himself in.


His head snapped up at Starlight’s voice, dull pain coursing through him as he did. She was closer to him than she had been, close enough for Sombra to hear her breathing and smell her scent, but not close enough to touch him.

“Yes, I remember," He said, slowly raising to a standing position. His joints were stiff and sore, but he was in surprisingly little pain, considering what had happened earlier. “I’m just… Confused. Why are you here?”

“Because the Princesses gave me full guardianship of you,” Starlight explained, ignoring Sombra’s annoyed huff, “I’m going to be the one in charge of taking care of you until you’re reformed, or at least a semi functional member of modern society.”

Pawing at his mask, Sombra argued, "Have you perhaps considered the fact this is a lost cause and you're wasting your mortal life away?"

"Would you rather go back to the dungeon?"

Sombra paused his fidgeting and opened his mouth to protest, but shut it just as quickly as no comeback came to him. Instead, he leaned down, grabbed a blanket in his mouth, and climbed back onto the bed with a defeated sigh as he plopped himself down. Starlight smiled triumphantly.

"Good, we'll get started tomorrow," She said, grabbing a quill from a table nearby and twirling it with her magic. "It's late and I need to write a letter, and you probably need more rest."

"I feel perfectly fine," Sombra argued.

"That's because you've been drugged to Tartarus and back.”

Sombra’s head shot up in alarm, "You drugged me?"

“Fancy way of saying we fed you poppies to keep you from being in pain,” Starlight lied, "You should appreciate it, because by morning you’ll be feeling all that pain again."

Well, only a half lie really, that’s basically what pain medication was made of, right? Sombra seemed satisfied enough with the answer, as he slowly laid his head back down and nestled into his blanket. Starlight levitated the pillows back onto his bed as well, before bringing out a sheet of paper.

Dear Twilight,

I know it's only been a short few hours since we last saw each other, but I'm sure you'd appreciate a quick update. Sombra is asleep, or nearly, his ear twitches as I write, in a visitor's room. After the guards took him out of his cell, I took his manacles off and well, I think I'll spare the details for now. I know you like them, but it wasn't particularly pleasant. Let's just say Sombra's not particularly healthy right now, in more ways than one.

I was right about what I said before though, he's scared of the Princesses. The moment he heard Celestia's voice he bolted right into a wall. Not only that, when they had to sedate him for treatment he just started begging for his life. He really thinks they're going to kill him again. It's depressing, really. I know I shouldn't, but I just can't help but feel bad for him. He's far more anxious than I expected, not helped by the fact he’s functionally blind and defenseless, and I'm worried he's going to hurt himself.

I fully admit the idea of redeeming him is a risky and foolish choice, but it is still one I am willing to make.

Your friend, Starlight Glimmer

Setting the quill down, Starlight removed herself from her seat and reread the letter. She was sure Twilight would’ve liked to hear more, but she was tired and didn’t want to bother Sombra more than needed. From the looks of it, he’d already fallen asleep, curled up under his blanket. His ears no longer twitched when she rustled her paper, and she could hear him breathing softly.

“Bet it feels nice being in a bed again, huh?” She asked. Sombra didn’t answer, but she hadn’t expected him too. “Probably about time I head to bed too.”

Exiting the room, she nodded at the guard outside the door before making her way down the hall. She’d made sure the pony to guard Sombra’s room overnight wasn’t one of the ones that had harassed him earlier, and had even talked to the guard herself before deciding she trusted her enough not to hurt him. As it turned out, this particular guard was new, and hadn’t even been present for Sombra’s siege of Canterlot, so she wasn’t quite as hateful to him as the others.

As she walked, Starlight looked at the pictures upon the walls again. They were old, some tapestries frayed or torn, but even in the darkened halls the ponies upon them were still recognizable. Celestia, Luna, Starswirl, a regal yet unknown pink Unicorn, even Sunset Shimmer was there. She was in a slightly busier part of the wall, surrounded by numerous portraits of what looked to be previous students of Celestia’s school, all faces of the past.

“Taking in the history I see?” A voice asked.

Starlight eeped in surprise as she turned to see the Princess of the Night, looking over the paintings as well, a slight look of sorrow upon her face. “Oh, Princess Luna! Forgive me if I interrupted anything, I was just heading to bed.”

“You’re perfectly alright, I was merely making my way to bid Celestia goodnight when I saw you,” Luna assured, walking up to the paintings, “Hard to believe it’s been many lifetimes since I saw some of these faces. Even harder to know I shall never see most of them again.”

“I imagine it’s not easy living for so long.”

“An eternity in solitude doesn’t help one's self either,” Luna said, stopping to look at the portrait of the regal Unicorn and asking, “I’ve been told you’ve been given the task of rehabilitating Sombra, is this true?”

Starlight nodded, “Yes, and I’m going to do whatever I can to save him.”

“Save him, huh?” Luna mused, glancing to yet another painting before sighing, “You’ve got quite the task ahead of you then. I wish you the best of luck.“

She turned away and walked off, Starlight raising a hoof to get Luna’s attention before changing her mind. Looking to the paintings again, she inspected the one Luna had focused on. Something about the regal Unicorn was different from the other ponies. Not only was she visibly more slender than the others, the way she had been painted seemed to differ drastically from the others. It was almost as if she was more vibrant, unlike that of a normal Unicorn, almost like a gemstone. Or better yet, crystal.

“A Crystal Unicorn?” Starlight whispered. Though her visits to the Crystal Empire were usually brief, she’d seen plenty of ponies, but couldn’t recall having ever seen any Unicorns in the empire that had that natural sparkle. Sure, Shining Armor and Sunburst were residents, but they didn’t glow without the power of the Crystal Heart.

It sparked a bit of curiosity in Starlight, but a quick yawn reminded her it was a bit late for research. Perhaps she’d ask Celestia or Luna tomorrow, or spend some time in the library during her free time. It would probably help to know more, and maybe even learn a thing or two about Sombra.

Stretching a leg, she made her way to her room, only stopping again to look where Luna had glanced. She’d looked toward the wall of students, unicorns that had accomplished much under Celestia’s schooling. There weren't enough to make up a millennium worth of students, but with Sunset Shimmer among the portraits, she assumed these ponies must have done something to earn themselves a place upon her wall. Aside from Sunset however, there was only one other unicorn there that caught Starlight’s eye.

She was painted in the same brilliance as the regal unicorn, beaming happily in the portrait, her purple coat and blue mane shimmering bright even through the dull paint. She looked like an excitable girl, but other than presumably being another Crystal Pony, Starlight saw nothing of note in her. Obviously these ponies meant something to Luna and Celestia, and maybe even to Sombra, but Starlight couldn’t possibly know what.

All she saw were shadows of the past.