• Published 31st Aug 2019
  • 423 Views, 2 Comments

Marked as Boring - annamaetion

Not everypony gets exciting cutie marks, like in magic or alchemy, what of those marked for life as ‘boring’?

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Chapter 3

Cheese Sandwich, which turned out to be the strange party pony’s name, was basically the polar opposite of boring. His cutie mark was a cheese sandwich, fittingly enough, that had been bisected vertically and separated apart to reveal the gooey, stretchy cheese within.

It was an arrangement very reminiscent of an accordion, which Sans subsequently realized longside learning the fact that his new employer did in fact know how to play the accordion.

Sans had met very few earth ponies that could play any such complex instrument with such skill, though he’d seen a few in the various orchestras of Equestria; they didn’t play their instruments while also simultaneously cartwheeling flank over forelimbs.

He had a very messy mane style, if one could call such a disarrayed volumetric mess a ‘style’ but it suited his personality perfectly.

The perplexing orange pony seemed to have infinite wells of energy, flitting about so quickly Sans couldn’t be quite sure he wasn’t teleporting somehow. He knew, of course, that teleportation magic was limited to unicorns but a part of Sans secretly suspected that Mr. Sandwich had figured it out anyhow. Appearing wherever he pleased, as long as it was funny.

Yes, certainly Mr. Sandwich was Sans’ complete opposite in almost every aspect. While Sans self-described himself as rather sedate, even perhaps dour, Mr. Sandwich always had a mischievous smile or laughter on his lips. Certainly there was never a dull moment.

It made a lot of sense actually, working for ponies too similar to him had actually been why it had been easy, and Sans’ found just keeping up with his employers’ manic energy an interesting challenge in-of-itself.

Mr. Sandwich had quite a few quirks actually, even to the extent of insisting on introducing his rubber chicken as ‘Boneless 2’.

As to what happened to Boneless 1, Sans would rather not speculate. Regardless, Mr. Sandwich had enthusiastically—Sans was beginning to wonder if Mr. Sandwich had any other setting, because it seemed like exuberance was his default personality—agreed to Sans ambitious plans to build a factory to help meet the growing demand.

It wasn’t long before Sans had a building constructed and a workforce organized, logistics were his specialty after all. With Mr. Sandwich being a veritable plethora of interesting gag ideas, Sans felt reasonably assured that he wouldn’t run out of products to optimize to their full potential.

Mr. Sandwich was always happy, but he was noticeably happiest seeing ponies laugh at his gags first hoof, the thought of the factory being able to deliver laughs on an even wider scale than previously possible for one pony was a close second though.

Sans should have probably have realized that Mr. Sandwich wasn’t going to flourish in a factory setting.

It was weeks into production when Mr. Sandwich suddenly realized that his laughter had seemingly abandoned him, and Sans was devastated to see his employer in such obvious despair.

He quickly wrote an invite to a fellow party pony, a miss Pinkamena Diane Pie, or ‘Pinkie Pie’ as she was better known. Both he and Sans were hopeful that she would be able to figure out a way to help him recover his laugh.

Author's Note:

I think Sans blames himself later (my version definitely does) because he’s gonna think that his ‘not being much of a laugher’ contributed to Cheese’s losing his laugh in the first place.