• Member Since 20th Sep, 2018
  • offline last seen 13 hours ago

The Blue EM2

Glad to be here at last.


This story is a sequel to Cheerilee Investigates...the Terror of Canterlot!

On a long break away, several students from CHS and their parents enjoy an incredible run over the Settle & Carlisle.

A request from JimmyHook19.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 142 )

The saddest thing is the loss of the Stubbins line, that wouldve let the Bury crew head straight north to Accrington, then either via Blackburn up the Whally line direct to Hellifield, or the still argued about reinstatement of the Colne to Skipton line. Then again, existing route wouldve been Bury, Heywood, Rochdale, Todmorden, Blackburn, Hellifield?

some people have no idea on how to make money out of tourism. They keep forgetting that it also is buisiness. :pinkiesad2:

Or Woodhead. That would be fun.

"Easy as a Sunday morning drive."

Noice line by Tom X3

Common saying to denote a simple task.

How does Cozy Glow keep poping up in these? I get it's Equestria Girls, but I'm still lost.

She's a student at Canterlot High.

Kind of figured that would be the case. Is there a point in starting with these? Cause with how Equestria's Cozy Glow totally got what she 100% deserved, I'm wondering how she changed here.

If at all. Besides being human.

If you must know, read here:

ERailway Adventure
The CMC go on a remarkable adventure.
The Blue EM2 · 19k words  ·  62  6 · 2.5k views

So wait. You took a request from Jimmy,how does that work. Like I know you take idea requests all the time, but how did he convince you to write this specifically.

See Railway Adventure for details.

The idea came about as the result of a discussion on Deviantart.

Oh. Well I think a good idea is you make a series with war locomotives from round the world arrive at one place and they tell their stories.

What era or time? WW2 would be good for UK and US locos.

"Are we all in agreement?" Cheerilee asked. The nods told her all she needed to know.

Heh, there's a familiar line from one of the comments on one of my stories X3

Thunder thundered overhead, as it usually did, in an otherwise clear sky.

Here it comes X3

Btw, don't suppose you could update the cover art to show with The White Knight being on the point for the Southbound Return Trip? X3

I tend not to change cover art mid story.

More railway terminology for you.

It can mak a story hard to find.

True, with the exception of one of Discord's stories to show the next celebration of course X3

True. But that's a different format.

I was actually using an archaic spelling. I know people often joke about the King James Bible, but at least that's written in modern English.

Hakuna Matata. Not a real Swahili word, incidentally.

Ah, will we ever see the likes of the Disney Renaissance again?

Though the Pixar films are good, and I've enjoyed some of the live action remakes. They're not as good as the animated originals, but they're good fun nontheless.

Beauty and the Beast, for instance. Emma Watson was hands down the best choice for Belle.

Not sure what was going on with LeFou though.

Let me guess; LeFou?

I assumed when I saw it that he was just engaging in unhealthy hero worship.

My advice? Stick with the animated original. The animation and voice acting still remains a high point of the Disney catalogue.

I'm assuming The Last Problem is also prohibited? There's a brief newspaper article in that of Lyra and Bon-Bon's wedding.

I thought the reverser went through a helical gear from the control, for accuracy if not for kickback resistance, unless the force was just that great? :twilightoops:

See the above video for an idea of what happened.

Looks like the SAS might need to be dispatched.

(No spoilers in the reply please, still on S9E08)

We Brits are really behind, aren't we?

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