• Published 29th Oct 2019
  • 6,083 Views, 89 Comments

Dream Date - Robipony

You are a unicorn stallion, who serves as a teacher in Canterlot's Magical Academy. As your students celebrate Nightmare Night, some of them try to perform a ritual and in an effort to clean up their mess you accidentally summon a succubus.

  • ...

Dream Date

Author's Note:

As sort of a heads up, while this story does have you taking on the role of a unicorn stallion, it is not the same reader character as in my other 2nd Person Monster Mare stories. I also don't know if I want to continue this one-shot and convert it into a series or not, and if I do, I'm not sure if I will update exclusively during Halloween season or whenever it is convenient year round like I usually do.

Feel free to comment and tell me what you think. :derpytongue2:

As the bell rang many of the students arose from their seats. You had barely managed to insert all the main points you hoped to into the lesson before that sound brought your class to a close. Hopefully most of your students would retain the knowledge you had blessed them with through the holiday.

"Okay, children," you called out, "class is dismissed. There will be no homework assignments for the holiday, go out and have some fun this Nightmare Night!"

"Thank you!" A few of your students replied.

The classroom was set up like an amphitheater, with the seating oriented so the students could look down and observe you and whatever you wrote on your chalkboard. Magical formulas and equations covered the green surface.

Since your acceptance as a teacher for Princess Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns, you had strived to aid the unicorns before you, so that they could use their magic to benefit their own lives as well as those around them. Every day, you did your best to make the class fun and memorable for your students, being harsh and stern only when their actions jeopardized the lives of those around them. Fortunately, such occasions were extremely rare.

A smile stretched across your face, masking what depression was hidden underneath. Observing your students depart, your grin almost wavered when you noticed one of your students still sitting among the seats. A lavender filly with her eyes seemingly glued to the books set out before her. Recovering your smile you stepped toward her.

"Twilight Sparkle, the class is over. You can go home now."

Hearing you talk to her, the young filly looked up from her reading, slightly startled by your statement.

"Sorry," Twilight said nervously, "I was just reorganizing my notes."

"I see..." You answered, "and how many times have you done that for today's class?"

"Oh, just five times," Twilight replied.

Hearing this, a tired sigh escaped your lips. Twilight Sparkle was a prodigy who had been recommended by Princess Celestia herself. It was that royal recommendation and the fact that Twilight had managed to hatch a dragon, while also casting a few other difficult schools of magic at such a young age, which had earned her the approval from the principal, to enter the academy. While it wasn’t difficult to keep her motivated to study, you had often found that she took her studying to extreme lengths, spending most of her time focused on them.

"Why are you still here?" You asked, "Shouldn't you be out there, enjoying the holiday?"

Twilight frowned, "Well, I don't really have anypony to spend it with. So I'll probably just head home and study shortly."

That was kind of the issue you noticed with Twilight, her social skills were a little... lacking to say the least. This was a concern that both Princess Celestia and you shared.

"Really? Why not hang out with Moon Dancer, Minuette or Lemon Heart? The four of you seem to get along just fine."

"I'm not sure," Twilight mumbled. "It wouldn't hurt if I went over my practice questions for the final a tenth time."

Well, it seemed you had no other option.

"Twilight, I have an assignment for you."

Twilight gave you a confused look. "I thought you said you wouldn't be giving us any homework."

"Yes, well that was because of Nightmare Night. Since you are choosing not to participate in the holiday, then I have no choice but to give you an assignment."

"Alright, what is it!" Twilight's ears perked up with interest.

"Go hang out with some friends," you instructed, "have some fun and then write an essay telling me all about it. Okay?"

Twilight smiled when she heard that. "Sure, I think I can do that."

Standing up from her seat, Twilight levitated her books into her saddlebags and trotted out of the room.

One thing you had learned was if you could disguise mundane tasks as "assignments" that Twilight would be more then willing to participate. Sadly, you had hoped that it would be a temporary solution.

"Have a good day, professor." Twilight said as she left the room.

Now that you were alone, you proceeded to clean up your classroom, wiping the chalk off the board, picking up your books and turning off all the lights. Once everything was set, you picked up your saddlebags, stepped outside, closed the door and locked it. A couple students ran by in their costumes, already preparing to go out for Nightmare Night. There was even a young filly with her coltfriend heading out, both dressed as mummies. It was this last sight that made your heart ache.

"Have a great Nightmare Night, professor!" The filly called out as she and her friend departed.

"To you as well."

While the other students and teachers rushed to leave academy grounds for the festivities, you proceeded to make your way toward the library. As much fun as the holiday was, Nightmare Night wasn't as much fun when you were alone. Unfortunately you habit of putting your students first had resulted in you keeping to yourself, making you a lonely stallion without a special somepony of your own. Even though you were in your mid twenties and not bad looking, there didn't seem to be very many mares who were actually interested in trying to learn more about you.

With no pony else to attend Nightmare Night with, you decided it would be better to just go ahead and prepare for next week's classes.

"Oh, am I one to talk." You mumbled to yourself.

Here you were telling one of your students to go out and have some fun, while you spent the night preparing for another class.

Numerous Nightmare Night decorations covered the buildings around the campus, adding to the holiday atmosphere. Even the library was decorated with a few jack-o'-lanterns on the front step and fake cobwebs around the door frame. Walking up the steps you pushed open the massive wooden doors and stepped inside.

The interior was filled with several bookshelves, all filled with books pertaining to the various aspects of magic. A couple paper decorations of pumpkins, skeletons and witch hats were hanging on the walls. In the front there was a desk with a middle-aged unicorn mare sitting behind it. You recognized the librarian as First Folio, who smiled when she saw you approach.

"Hello, professor," the librarian greeted, "are you planning on staying late again?"

"Yeah, I think so."

"Well, you know the rules." Folio placed a bronze key on the counter. "Remember to lock up when you leave."

You took the key and placed it in your saddlebags.

"Thank you, kindly."

Picking up her bags, First Folio prepared to leave. "Have a great evening, professor."

"And you as well."

After your exchange with the librarian, you made your way to the back of the library, to a section with a few tables where students could read their books and study. There was nopony there when you arrived which, considering the circumstances, wasn't that surprising.

Sitting down at the table, you pulled out the books and began to take notes on the various topics you wished to cover in the following weeks: Starswirl's Theorem on Magical Mathematics, Wisp Wand's Philosophy on the Dynamics of Elemental Magic, Dangers beyond the Veil, and Meadow Brook's Methods for Potion Development.

While you were already familiar with this material from cover to back, with little else to do on a night like this, there was no harm in refining the lessons. Even as the hours passed by and you continued to adjust your course material, you couldn't help but feel more and more like a hypocrite.

"Maybe I should take my own advice." You pondered as you pulled a thermos from your bag and proceeded to pour yourself a cup of vegetable soup.

Yet even as you considered the idea, a problem occurred to you. What was there for you to do? All your co-workers were off enjoying the holiday and it was already too late to acquire a Nightmare Night costume from the store.

"I suppose I could just go back home and watch a scary movie or something."

Why not? Sure it wasn't as social as you would like but at least it was some sort of relaxing activity that didn't involve work. There were also a few movies you could recall wanting to see as well.

Finishing your cup of soup, you picked up your books and notes and prepared to head home. As you did, you thought you heard a noise in the library. Looking up at the clock you noticed that it was ten fifty two. Nopony else should be in the library at this hour except for you.

"Somepony better not be performing a holiday prank!" You said, concerned that some students were goofing around.

After putting all your supplies into your saddlebags, you cautiously made your way toward the tumult, casting a quick spell to keep your hoofsteps silent. Moving toward the source of the sound, you could see a faint yellow glow on the other side of the library, radiating just over the tops of the bookshelves. The closer you moved toward the strange noise, the more it sounded like a group of ponies chanting.

"Dream Taster! Dream Taster! Lend us your presence our; dreams to fulfill..."

Looking past one of the bookcases you saw the source of the noise. Sitting in a circle were four small cloaked figures, with a candle lit in front of them. On the floor in the center of them was a chalk circle surrounded by numerous symbols.

"Dream Taster! Dre..."

"Alright, what do the four of you think you are doing?" You called out, startling the cloaked little ponies.

Reaching out with your magic, you pulled back their hoods, exposing their true identities. You were caught by surprise when you saw who the culprits were.

"Lemon Heart? Minette? Moondancer? Twilight? What are you all doing here?"

The four students gave you concerned looks.

"Well, we were goofing around," Lemon Heart replied.

"Sort of," Minuette said.

You raised an eyebrow.

"Please, explain yourselves," you said, curious as to their intentions.

Moondancer stepped forward. "It was my idea. I thought that since it was Nightmare Night, that it might be fun to try out one of those creepy, summoning games."

"Summoning games?"

"Yeah, like when you sit in a pitch black room and ring a bell seven times to summon the spirit of Grogar, the terrible."

Glancing over at Twilight you noticed her expression seemed a little more nervous than usual.

"Is there something you would like to add Twilight?"

"Well, I kind of suggested that we try to perform an actual ritual, instead of a pretend one. So after finding this book we decided to go along with this ritual."

Twilight presented the book, which you picked up with your magic to examine more closely. The tome had a cherry red cover with silver symbols embroidered along the edges with sickly green gems faceted in place. In the center was the symbol of a crescent moon, circled by two ponies, both of whom, possessed two sharp horns upon their brow. Looking at the page that Twilight had bookmarked, you noticed that it was to summon something called a Dream Taster.

While the term, Dream Taster seemed familiar, you couldn't recall where you had seen it before.

"We thought it might be kind of fun if we increased the odds." Lemon Heart said.

"I am very sorry," Twilight apologized, "looking back on it, it wasn't really a smart idea."

Even as Twilight's expression became filled with sorrow, you evaluated the situation. Aside from the potential fire hazard and the chalk on the floor, nothing bad had occurred. Still if you hadn't stepped in when you did, things could have gone horribly wrong.

Yet you also didn't want to ruin this occasion for Twilight either. You had instructed her to go out with some friends and write an essay about it. Here she was with her friends and, while they had been doing something stupid, as long as Twilight finished the essay, which you were quite positive she would, then she would complete the assignment you had given her.

"I am also to blame," Moondancer spoke up, "I was the one that found the book and showed it to Twilight."

No doubt, Moondancer was trying to take some of the responsibility for what had occurred, pulling some of the guilt away from Twilight's shoulders. Admittedly, you couldn't help but admire Moondancer's loyalty.

You shrugged your shoulders. "No, no, it's alright. You're all children, and children do dumb things from time to time. Even we adults can be pretty stupid."

Yeah, like telling your student to stop doing something only to turn around and do it yourself. Hearing your statement, Twilight's face lit up.

"So you're not going to punish us?" Lemon Heart asked, with a hopeful smile.

"Oh, there definitely will be some consequences for your actions," you replied, "however, I don't think I will concern the Dean on this matter. Instead..."

After pondering for a moment, you were able to decide upon a decent yet fitting punishment.

"I think that since you all of you attempted to perform a summoning ritual, that all four of you should work together to write a report about the potential dangers of such magic."

Both Lemon Heart and Minuette groaned at hearing this, while both Twilight and Moondancer seemed intrigued.

"Could we at least earn some extra credit for doing it?" Minuette asked. You merely raised an eyebrow.

"Let's just say you're all lucky that I'm merely asking for a report."

"Should we start working on it now?" Moondancer inquired.

"No, go ahead and enjoy the rest of the holiday. I'll graciously give you all a couple of weeks to finish it. Alright?"

"That sounds fine." Twilight said, seemingly excited by your offer. The other students were not so enthused.

"Alright, then you all better head out then," you said, "take care."

"Take care professor!" The students called out as they quickly vacated the room, trying to avoid potentially acquiring any more additional homework.

Once you were certain that your students had left, you began to focus your attention on the ritual they had performed. If you weren't careful, you could accidentally complete the ritual or potentially create a magical vortex, destroying yourself and the whole library with you.

Looking down at the summoning circle with the various magical formulas and equations surrounding it, you couldn't help but smile.

"There is no way this would work properly," you chuckled, "all the equations are wrong. Sure it is designed to be a teleportation receptacle, but none of the necessary symbols for transporting a creature from one destination would work. At least not on this plane of existence."

You couldn't help but laugh at how worried you had been just moments ago, that your students have almost conjured something from the depths of Tartarus. They would have been lucky to summon a pen from the principal's office.

"Well, that's a relief."

Feeling positive, that everything was perfectly safe you proceeded to clean up the ritual site, starting with the candles. One by one, you blew out the candles.

When you blew out the last candle, the chalk circle ignited with green flame, the tongues of eldritch fire reaching upwards. Black smoke filled the room, it was so thick that you had to place your hooves over your eyes to shield them.

With a cough, you shifted one of your hooves to see the potential horror that you had somehow summoned. Even then you couldn't believe that the spell had worked. As the smoke died away, the ritual site was surrounded by green fire and darkness. The sickly emerald light illuminating the interior of the library.

As the green flames died off, you were shocked to find somepony sitting there. Lying on a bed of purple and black pillows with silver tassels was a fearsome yet stunning looking mare with elegant features. Her light gray coat contrasting with her dark bedding. The blond strands of her mane, gradually faded to black as they were pulled back into a ponytail with only a few free strands functioning as bangs around her... horns? Yes, emerging from her forehead were two curved horns standing side by side.

For a brief moment there was a shocked expression on her face, which swiftly shifted to that of annoyance.

"Oh, crap! Not another one of these..." the mare grumbled. She glared at you with piercing eyes, like pink suns surrounded by a yellow sky.

When she spoke, you noticed her tail twitching. It was a thin leathery tail like that of a reptile with what appeared to be a heart shaped membrane at the end. Seeing the limb as it snapped back and forth near her flank, you couldn't help but notice her cutie mark. The symbol consisted of two hearts, the left being pink and the one on the right was blue. The two hearts intersected at a lobe with the space where the connected being filled with purple.

The strange mare coughed, "Hey eyes up here, bucko!"

She pointed up to her face with a graceful hoof, which like her other legs were covered with satin black stockings. Around her neck was a black collar made of matching material with a silver heart attached.

"Oh, sorry." You apologized, feeling your cheeks heat up.

There was something about this mare's nature that felt exotic and otherworldly. Her appearance also seemed familiar to something you had read in a book about magical creatures, however you couldn't recall all the details.

She let out a deep sigh, her mood gradually becoming more casual.

"Alright, let's get this over with." As she stood up from her bedding, her horns glowed with pink magical energy and immediately the pillows disappeared in a spout of green flame. "My name is Silken Soul, what do you want?"

"Uh... what?"

Soul's annoyed look returned.

"Look you're the one who performed the ritual," Silken Soul growled, "surely you had something in mind when you summoned me."

Using your magic you picked up the tome that your students had left behind.

"No, I didn't."

"Yes. You. Did!" Soul snarled, "you drew out the circle with the runes, lit all the candles, spoke the magical phrase at least three times and blew out the candles!"

Examining the book, you were surprised to see the exact instructions that Silken Soul had given you.

"I think there's been a mistake," you replied, "some of my students decided to pull a Nightmare Night stunt and when I tried to clean it up, I inadvertently completed the ritual."

"What? How does somepony do that?" As the succubus asked this, her horns flashed pink and a small version of the tome your students had used appeared in her hooves. "The instructions clearly say that in order for the summoning to work, you need to draw the circle with the appropriate symbols, light some candles, sing the required chant and then blow out the candles. How could anypony do that by accident?"

You scratched the back of your head out of nervousness. "Well, I guess some of my students tried summoning you and in my efforts to clean up, I accidentally fulfilled the last step."

Hearing this Silken Soul facehoofed. Her copy of the tome, disintegrating into green flame. "Great! Just my lucky day!"

"I'm sorry to have inconvenienced you."

Soul let out a deep sigh, before turning her gaze back to you.

"Well, the only way I can leave here is if I feed," Silken Soul grumbled, "so I guess you're going to have to do."

Hearing her statement made your heart stop for a moment. Here was a being that you had summoned here by accident, who was not only ticked off at you but also needed to "feed" in order to leave. Was she going to eat you? It seemed that Soul noticed your unease as she squinted at you in annoyance.

"What is it now?"

"A-are you going to eat me?"

Silken Soul looked you over and then gave you a cruel smile, presenting a pair of sharp canines. "Oh, if only it were that simple. Sadly, as much as I would like to tear you limb from limb, as a succubus it isn't flesh that I need to feed on."

"Oh, that's a relief..."

Then you realized why she had seemed so familiar when you first saw her. You had read about succubi back when you yourself were a student at this very academy. They were creatures from Tartarus that would seduce stallions and mares more inclined to their own kind, feeding off of their sensual desires. Sometimes they would come to their victims in their dreams to feed there as well, alluding to a potential connection to the infamous Nightmare Moon. Or so you could recall.

The succubus looked around the library.

"So, do you want to do it here and get it over with?" Silken Soul asked, "Or would you prefer someplace more private?"

Immediately, you began to panic, remembering how only moments ago, your students had been in this very room. If you were caught here with this creature, performing acts fitting only a stallion and his special mare, your career could potentially be ruined. No, you needed someplace private or at least an excuse to give you enough time to think of a way out of this situation.

"No, how about we resolve this back at my place."

The succubus shrugged. "Fine. Whatever."

"Let me just clean this up." You said motioning toward the summoning circle.

"That won't be necessary."

Silken Soul's horns glowed pink once more and all evidence of the ritual, save for the tome that was in your possession, disappeared in a puff of green flame.

"Now, let us be off." With that said, Soul proceeded to make her way toward the entrance.

"Uh, wait!" You called out, "What if somepony sees you?"

"It's Nightmare Night! Nopony is going to look twice at somepony who looks like a succubus!"

"Still..." As true as that was, you really weren't sure you wanted to risk being seen with Silken Soul on campus. Seeing your unease, Soul rolled her eyes.

"Fine!" With a huff, the succubus's horns began to glow pink, the energy flowing out to outline her entire body. "Here, now nopony can see me except you. Are you happy now?"

"A little, yes."

"Then lead the way." Soul motioned for you to proceed.

You swallowed hard, before making your way to the library’s entrance. Using the key that First Folio had given you, you locked the door to the library. Outside the festivities were going with the students performing various Nightmare Night activities on campus. The scent of sugar and wet leaves filled the air. Like Silken Soul had said, nopony else seemed to notice her presence.

The succubus followed you as you walked across campus to the school's gate. Peaking over your shoulder you could see Soul examining the surrounding Nightmare Night decorations, her mood seeming to calm, until she noticed you looking. Seeing your gaze, the succubus's annoyed glare returned.

As you walked you tried to remember if succubi had any weaknesses that you could think of.

"Maybe salt..." you muttered.

"What did you say?"

"Oh, nothinAAHHH!"

You were startled as you found yourself face to face with a horrifying figure. They wore a black cloak, which covered their whole body and underneath their hood was a foreboding mask. The mask appeared to be made of old cardboard with red stains around two, no three eye holes, through which you could see a faint green glow.

The figure loomed over you; did it have a long neck, or was its head perhaps propped on some stilts? Either way, you felt like a mouse being looked down upon by a hungry cat.

Your fear increased when the figure's head tilted toward Silken Soul. Could he see her?

"Oh, honey, there you are!" Somepony called out, pulling you out of your dread ridden stupor.

A unicorn mare with an aqua green coat and fuchsia pink mane walked up and gripped the cloaked figure. Her form was covered with a tight bunny-filly outfit. There was even a pair of white bunny ears that went with the mare's white, latex bodysuit.

"Honey, I told you to not wander off like that."


The cloaked figure looked down at the mare who was embracing them, not giving any struggle as their special somepony pulled them away.

With the figure gone, you could feel your heart beating again.

Passing through the academy's gate, you walked down the street a few blocks until you came to the house that served as your home. It was a brick building matching many of those surrounding it, painted white with purple trim.

With your magic you reached inside your saddlebags and pulled out the key for the door. There was a satisfying click as the key turned in the lock and you pushed open the door.

"So this is your home?" Soul asked as you both stepped inside.

Entering the establishment, you caught the brief scent of an air freshing ward, producing the subtle smell of oranges, as well as the slight scent of paper.

"Yeah, I know it's not the most unique place in Canterlot, but I call it home."

The inner walls were painted green with hardwood flooring. The entryway served as a hallway that bridged the space between the kitchen, and the living room, with stairs leading up to the second story living space.

"It isn't the most lavished place I've seen," Soul said, "however it is by no means the worst either."

"Well, thank you."

"In fact I would say that this place is fitting of a pony of your stature."

Going off of the succubus's tone you couldn't tell if she meant that as a compliment or an insult.

"So where do you want to do it?" She asked.

Once more you could feel yourself grow hot, your cheeks burning in response to the inquiry.

"Well, isn't the bedroom the place where most, ummm… do it?"

Silken Soul shrugged, "Not always. Some prefer it on the couch in front of their television. I know one stallion who experienced it while sitting in an old reclining chair. That was a very uncomfortable evening."

"Uhh… yes, I'm sure it was." You chuckled a little, hoping to lighten the mood. Soul's bemused glance made it clear that it didn't work.

"Well, lead the way." The succubus motioned with a hoof.

"Uhh, right."

Ascending the steps you lead the way to your bedroom. The upstairs split off into three more rooms. Your personal study, another bathroom and your bedroom.

After setting your saddlebags down next to the door to your study you turned and opened the door to your bedroom.

"This way, please."

Upon stepping inside you hit the switch to turn on the lights. Your room consisted of a closet, a small desk with a lamp and your bed, which possessed blue and white bed sheets. Silken Soul examined the bed and gave a small nod.

"It's not that big but it will work," Soul said, "now get on the bed and…"

"Wait!" You interrupted, your knees a little shaky.

"Yes, what is it?" Soul growled impatiently.

You bit your lower lip. "It's just that I haven't… well… you know… done IT before."

The succubus looked at you questioningly, before her eyes popped open wide as if realizing something.

"Wait, you weren't thinking I was going to have sex with you. Did you?"

"Isn't that what succubi do to feed?"

"No, well yes, I mean some do, but it isn't usually necessary!" Now it was Silken Soul's turn to blush.

You watched as the flustered succubus started pacing in a circle, muttering to the point that you couldn't understand what she was saying.

"I'm… confused," you interjected. "So you're saying the succubi don't have sex when they feed on ponies."

"No, it's…" Soul fumed, "it's completely optional. Like pouring hot sauce on your food or the side quests in a video game."

"But I thought succubi had sex with…"

"Just stop saying the word, SEX!" Silken Soul barked.

You quickly restrained your tongue, not wanting to anger the succubus further.

"You're the one that said it." You mumbled under your breath. The succubus continued her pacing, appearing to not have noticed your statement.

Shortly after her outburst, Soul took a few deep breaths, regaining her composure.

"Look, despite what your history or myths say about us, most succubi aren't sex crazed maniacs that seduce stallions and feed off of their sensual desires," Soul explained, "while sex can certainly make feeding easier, that isn't what we feed on."

This statement peaked your curiosity.

"So then what is it that you feed on?"

"We... feed on dream energy." Silken Soul answered, her cheeks still burning crimson.

"Dream energy?"

Soul nodded. "We feed on the strong emotions expressed in ponies' dreams. The stronger the emotions, the more delicious the energy is."

Thinking back on what you had read, that would make sense. Since feelings like love, lust, fear, among others, were strong emotions, it would make sense that a succubus might act in a certain way if it meant increasing their food supply. Also upon finishing such strenuous activities like sex, it would most likely cause their food source to fall asleep, allowing them to feed off the pony's dreams.

Judging from Silken Soul's defensive behavior, you could guess that this wasn't the normal method she used for feeding. While a small part of you was kind of upset by this you mostly felt relief.

For better or for worse, your virginity would remain intact.

"Let's just get this over with." Soul said, her cheeks still a bright red. "Lie down on the bed."

You followed her instructions and laid down on the bed. Using her magic, Soul turned off the lights, both her horns glowing as she did so. With her horns illuminating the way, the succubus crawled into the bed and laid down next to you so that both of you were face to face.

"Now close your eyes, picture what you want in your dream and go to sleep."

Giving a slight nod, you closed your eyes and tried to think about something pleasant to dream about. You had an idea of something only for a familiar voice to disturb your thoughts.

"Your not one of those creepy teachers who has a disturbing obsession with one of his students, are you?" Soul asked, "Because I don't cater to freaks like that."

As offended as you should have been, you guessed from Soul's tone of voice that something like that might have occurred once or twice in her past feedings.

You shook your head slightly. "No, nothing like that."

"Well good! Because if you were there would be a drastic change of plans, let me tell you!"

"It's kind of hard to fall asleep with you talking."

"Yeah, well shut up and go to sleep."

Once more you focused your thoughts, picturing what you wanted your dream to be. For once it would be nice to have a friend to hang out with during holidays like Nightmare Night and Hearths Warming. Eventually these thoughts and your other sensations faded away as you drifted from consciousness.

When you opened your eyes you found yourself in the center of Canterlot, with various Nightmare Night decorations adorning the streets. Even the statue of Celestia had been augmented with the appearance of a glowing green sun behind it. While consisting mostly of unicorns, ponies of all shapes and sizes wandered the streets in various costumes. Looking at their faces, you noticed that most of the ponies who weren't wearing masks seemed to have their faces obscured, blurry and misshapen.

An annoyed sigh off to your left alerted you to Silken Soul's presence. Turning toward the succubus you saw her giving you a bemused expression.

"Let me guess. You're secretly an exhibitionist, aren't you."

While there was a part of you that was curious about it, making love in public wasn't really what you wanted in this rendezvous.

You shook your head, "No, that is not at all what I had in mind."

"Then why are we here, among this crowd?"

"Well, I thought that since it could be anything, that maybe this dream might just be an occasion where I went on a date with my special somepony for Nightmare Night."

"I see and your date is?"

"Why not you?"

Silken Soul's expression immediately changed from annoyance to confusion. "What?"

"I just thought that since this is your meal, that you might want a role in it," you answered, "though if it’s going to be a problem for you, then..."

"No, it's fine!" Soul interrupted, "It's just a little unexpected is all. No, I can make this work."

"Thank you," you said with a smile.

The succubus rolled her eyes, "Don't get too sentimental over this."

For maybe ten minutes, Soul and you walked around the streets of Canterlot, admiring the various booths, exhibits and games. There was a spider toss, bobbing for apples, a spooky photo booth, face painting, even a scavenger hunt. They were all things that you had noticed being set up on your way to work as well as when you were escorting Silken Soul back to your place. While the blurry faces added to the haunting atmosphere, you couldn't help but feel a tad uneasy about them.

"So why are most of these ponies' faces so fuzzy?" you asked.

"You know how most of the time in dreams only the faces of those who are important stand out and the rest you only remember very vaguely?"


"That's basically the reason," Soul answered, "It's nothing to really be concerned about. Happens all the time. Just don't stare at them."

"Why?" You asked, expecting some horrifying fact to be revealed.

"Because it's rude. Duh!"

It was now your turn to give a bemused expression, which Soul seemed to ignore.

As weird as that sounded, it actually made a fair bit of sense. Although, a question did dawn on you. "So why can I notice them now?"

Silken Soul smiled. "Since our minds are currently linked, as succubus and dream host, your senses within the dream realm are amplified to the point that it is like you are awake inside your own dream."


"So is there anything here you would like to do?" Soul asked, the succubus's happy mood catching you off guard.

"Ummm..." You examined the various booths surrounding you. “Let’s try on some masks.”

“Masks?” Soul raised an eyebrow.

“Yeah, I mean, it really isn’t Nightmare Night if you aren’t wearing a costume, is it?”

Soul shrugged. "Sure, that could be fun."

Walking over to the mask booth, you couldn’t help but admire the various masks that rested on the stand. The designs included that of a moth with big yellow eyes, a blue mask covered with green eyes and one of a gray stallion with a large toothy grin. They were definitely some fearsome masks.

The stand was a cart that resembled a hollow cabinet with masks hanging from hooks on the open door. Behind the stand was a mare wearing a lunar nun outfit and a pumpkin mask.

“Hello there,” the nun greeted, “what kind of mask would you like? All masks are free this late at night.”

There was something ominous about the mare’s voice like grubs were moving through her teeth as she spoke. While the masked mare made you feel uneasy, however, Silken Soul didn’t show any signs of concern. If fact, she seemed to be more interested in the masks than the designer's bizarre nature.

“Uh, yes… I’ll have… this mask.”

You picked up a green cat mask with strips. The faint scent of lasagna could be detected on the plastic.

“Oh, yes an excellent choice, sir.”

As you took your new mask, you wondered what kind of mask Silken Soul would pick. You could recall reading in an article how a mask can reflect how a pony perceives themselves. Looking over, you saw Soul examining a white rabbit mask with a black spot blemishing the center of the mask’s forehead.

“I think I’ll take this one.” Silken Soul placed the mask so it rested on the left side of her head.

“A perfect choice my dear.” The mask designer said.

Now that Silken Soul and you had your masks, there were other activities to perform.

“So what would you like to do next?” Soul asked.

“I’m… not sure,” You answered, “Is there anything you would like to do?”

Silken Soul looked around at the nearby booths, a smile forming on her lips as she spotted something she liked.

"How about we... bob for apples."

With your next task decided upon, the two of you moved to the back of the line to the booth. As you stood in line you pondered Silken Soul's mannerisms. When you had first met her, Soul had not only irritated but even somewhat defensive, however now she seemed almost playful.

Standing in front of the apple bobbing booth was a unicorn stallion wearing a skin tight alligator costume, his blurry face obscured by fake reptilian jaws.

"Hello there." As the stallion spoke it sounded as if he was talking through a radio underwater. "Would you like to play?"

"Yes, my friend and I would like to participate," you replied.

"Excellent!" The booth owner's proclamation sounded warped and distorted. "Which one of you would like to go first?"

"Would you like to go?" You asked.

The succubus waved a hoof. "No, you should go ahead. I would like to see you try it first."

Something about the way, Silken Soul said that, made you feel a bit suspicious. Nevertheless, you stepped toward the bucket. The wooden basket was filled with water, apples floating inside. Peering through the water, you could see plastic bones resting on the bottom of the container.

"Alright, take a deep breath and claim your apple!" The vendor called out.

After taking a deep breath, you closed your eyes and plunged your head into the bucket, the cold, frigid water coursing over your face. Feeling an apple off to your right, you opened your mouth and attempted to bite down on the apple, only for it to move away. The cost, some lost air. You felt another apple to your left, yet like before it out maneuvered your jaws. After another two attempts you had to pull your head from the water.

"No apple, what a shame," the booth vendor spoke, "well, better luck next time!"

"I guess it's my turn." Soul said, stepping up to the plate.

Taking a deep breath, Soul plunged her head into the bucket. You watched the succubus with her head submerged beneath the water, only a slight ripple disturbing the surface.

As you awaited for Soul's head to emerge from the water, you noticed her tail moving. It swayed back and forth like a pendulum, the pink heart shaped membrane drawing your attention. You had to shake your head in order to pull your focus away from the alluring appendage.

After what felt like a minute, Soul's head erupted from the water. Her mane and fur, glistening with the water droplets that clung to her, they twinkled like stars in the moonlight. Gripped tenderly in her jaws was a bright red apple.

"Marvelous!" the vendor called out.

Pulling the apple out of her mouth with her magic, Soul smiled victoriously. "Shall we go?"

As both of you walked way, Silken Soul admired the apple she had won as her prize. There was not a single indent on the apple's surface.

"That was amazing," you said, "how did you do that?"

"Oh, a mare has her ways." Soul giggled, before taking a big bite out of the red flesh. Looking at the fruit you noticed that the moist inner flesh of the apple possessed numerous eyes, looking out at the newly revealed world. After a couple bites, the apple was engulfed in green flame. "Now tell me, your idea of going on a date with your special somepony on Nightmare Night doesn't just involve enjoying the sights, does it?"

"Certainly not," you answered, "I was actually thinking we might go someplace and have something to eat."

"Well, in that case where do you want to go?"

You pondered the thought and frowned. "Truth be told a lot of the restaurants in Canterlot taste the same. Sure they're highly recommended by a famous food critic, but they all taste pretty bland."

Hearing this a clever smile crept across Soul's face.

"I might actually know someplace nice," Silken Soul said, "if you don't mind letting me take the wheel."

"Sure, what do you have in mind?"

The succubus's face lit up at the response.

"Well, there is this maid cafe in Manehatten that was in a dream I went to once. It has great coffee and some pretty yummy pastries as well."

"But how would we go there?" you asked, "We're in Canterlot, after all."

Silken Soul walked over to the door of a nearby shop.

"No, we're not. We're in the dream realm, which means..." She pushed open the door. "You can go anywhere your mind can take you."

With a hoof, Soul motioned for you to follow. Stepping through the door, you found yourself in a large cafe, the walls were made of a reflective black plastic with wooden floors and matching tables. On the walls were mounted paintings of autumn landscapes, though it was difficult to tell with how blurry they were. Fuzzy environments held captive in golden frames.

Moving from customer to customer were various maids, all wearing a black and white uniform. Seeing you come in one of the maids stepped forward.

"Good evening my masters!" the maid greeted, "Please follow me and I will show you to your seats."

"Ummm... Yes."

You were caught by surprise, not only by the maid's mannerisms but also her appearance. While she resembled an earth pony mare, her serpentine eyes along with her violet, pink and golden mane consisting of slithering snakes, indicated that she was something totally different. After some pondering, you recognized the creature as a gorgony, a pony with a serpentine mane and eyes that could turn others into stone.

Giggling gleefully, the maid lead Silken Soul and you to a booth in the back corner.

"Please take your seats, my masters, and these menus," the maid said, "I will return to both of you shortly."

As both of you sat down, Soul picked up her menu and began to examine its contents. You on the other hoof, began to look around the cafe, observing the other maids. As it turned out your maid wasn't the only one with monstrous traits. One maid possessed the normal body of a pegasus, while her face had eight eyes and the mandibles of a spider. There was another whose body was covered with eyes and another with a scorpion tail.

Aside from these bizarre differences all of the maids appeared to be the same mare. They all possessed the same pale pink coats, manes consisting of dark violet, rose and gold, and purple eyes. It wasn't until you recognized the cutie mark that you realized who all these mares were supposed to be. On her flank rested the symbol of a multifaceted blue crystal in the shape of a heart.

"Is that supposed to be Princess Cadance?" You asked. While you had never met the princess in person, you had seen her occasionally with your student, Twilight Sparkle, which made sense considering Twilight's connection with Celestia.

"It is indeed," Silken Soul answered, "the young stallion whose dream this belongs to, wanted to live out a maid fantasy with a young mare he knew."

Aside from the monstrous traits, the only differences between these maidens and the Cadance you knew, was that not all of them were alicorns, but consisted of the other pony tribes as well.

"And he actually wanted her to look like... this?"

"Not exactly." Soul said, looking up from her menu. "One of my summoners had a maid fantasy and had me conjure this. However, since it's Nightmare Night, I thought I would practice a few creative liberties to fit the mood."

Looking down at the menu you saw that this cafe served coffee and pastries, all of which appeared to be really expensive.

"Wow, this food is awfully pricey. This expresso almost costs as much as one of my paychecks."

"Normally it would be," the succubus said, "but remember that you're in a dream, which means that you can just imagine that you have the bits available or come up with a reason for you not to pay for it."

The gorgony maid returned with a beaming smile. "Is there anything I can bring you my masters?"

"I think I'll have the Jack-o-Lantern Spice Latte," Soul replied, "With a bowl of Mushy Worms."

"A brilliant choice my mistress." Cadence jotted down the order before turning her attention to you. "And what about you master?"

"I think I will also have the Jack-o-Lantern Spice Latte," you answered, "however, instead of the bowl of Mushy Worms, I'll have a Screaming Face Cupcake."

"Of course, my master."

Having finished taking your orders, the maid picked up your menus and walked back to the kitchen, a slight sultry sway in her hips. Seeing this, Silken Soul frowned slightly.

"I forgot to remove that..."

Her statement reminded you that this was an altered fragment of somepony else's dream.

"So how well can you manipulate dreams?" You asked, "from how it sounds, your kind can influence them quite a bit."

"We can actually affect numerous characteristics of one's dreams. It is very helpful when trying to obtain dream energy for sustenance. We can conjure up images to draw out certain emotions in the dream host. Of course, the stronger the emotional response, the more plentiful the energy is so often we succubi will try to elicit either fear or the host's most carnal desires. Some succubi will join in and participate."

Guessing by the way, Silken Soul said "participate" you guessed that these succubi acted in a manner more along the lines of what you had read about these creatures.

"What about you?" You asked, "Do you participate in others dreams?"

"Do you mean like what we are doing now, or are you asking if I allow the summoners to use my body?" As Soul returned the question you could feel a slight chill down your spine as her pink eyes glared deep into yours.

"I-I'm sorry. I guess that was a bit too personal of a question to ask."

Hearing your apology, Soul's attitude shifted first to acceptance and then to sorrow. Her cheeks taking on a slight shade of pink.

"I did when I was younger. Back then I was naive, believing that the stallions that I... participated with shared my feelings and desires." Soul answered, "However in the end, I learned that all my relationships with them were hollow. They wanted me only for the pleasure I could give them, not because they cared for me. Eventually I grew tired of it and decided to keep my body to myself and to just give my dream host's the images they wanted, so that I could feed and leave."

Both of you remained quiet, Soul possibly to see how you would react and you not wanting to potentially offend her. Eventually you decided to break the silence.

"Thank you," you said, "I know that must have been difficult for you to come forward with."

The succubus simply nodded. "I don't think I could ever give myself away so easily anymore. If I were to 'participate' like I used to, it would truly have to be somepony special. Somepony who wasn't just focused on themselves but on me as well."

It was then that your assigned maid returned, bearing a tray on her back with your drinks and food. The snakes in her mane hissing happily.

"Here are your drinks masters." The maid set the drinks before their respective owners. "And here are your desserts. A bowl of Mushy Worms for my mistress and a Screaming Face Cupcake for my master. I hope both of you are pleased with your humble servant."

"You have done a great job," you replied, "thank you."

"Is there anything else your lowly servant can do for you, master?"

"I think we are fine."

The gorgony maid gave you a suggestively concerned look. Her voice deliberately slow and seductive, her eyes seeming to flutter every three or so words. "Are you sure, master? I could feed you myself if that is what you desire."

You could feel your cheeks growing hot in response to the maid's salacious mannerisms. Even her serpentine mane seemed to sway in a sensual fashion. The way they shifted from side to side in unison was almost hypnotic.

Pulling your eyes away, you shook your head. "No, this is perfectly fine, thank you."

The gorgony variant of Cadance gave you a disappointed look. "Of course, my master. However, if you should change your mind, feel free to command your submissive servant and I will accommodate your needs as you desire."

As the maid walked away, you turned back to Soul to see a small smirk on her face, like she was trying her best to hold back a bout of laughter. Perhaps it would be wise to change the subject before you suffered further embarrassment.

"I have read a few documents about succubi," you said, "and I was wondering do your kind reside in Tartarus like the stories say?"

You took a sip of your Jack-o'-Lantern Spice latte. While it was creamy with a hint of pumpkin, neither of the flavors overwhelmed your taste buds to the point of ruining the beverage for you.

The bowl of Mushy Worms that Soul ordered, appeared to be a skull shaped bowl containing chocolate pudding with crumbled chocolate chip cookies on top. Squirming around inside the dish were numerous rainbow colored worms, their moist flesh appeared to be rubbery and covered in powdered sugar. At first you were kind of happy that you had chosen something different, however once you saw your treat, you weren't quite so sure. Looking down at the frosting covered cupcake you were surprised by how life like the face was, and the fact that it very closely resembled your student, Twilight Sparkle, didn't help matters much. Especially when the eyes appeared to be looking back at you from every angle.

Silken Soul shook her head, "No, while some of my sisters have been banished to Tartarus for one reason or another, that is not where we come from. We actually reside within an artificial pocket world within the dream realm."

"Really!" This was quite surprising. "How did that come about?"

Soul took a sip of her latte, a satisfied smile stretching across her face.

"It's not really known for certain. It is commonly believed that the first succubi were the offspring of a dream demon and a mare. Depending upon who you talk to some speculate that the mare was an alicorn and that determines if our world, Soma was a boon from just the demon or both parents. It is a semi-physical realm, which serves the succubi and the occasional incubi as both a home and a nesting ground."

As Soul spoke, you cautiously took a bite out of your cupcake. Upon eating it you were very grateful that it was an actual cupcake and not a pony's face like its appearance had lead you to believe. Underneath the frosting was some strawberry jelly, layered over the chocolate breading, which had some additional chocolate chips mixed in.

Taking another bite of the yummy dessert, you couldn't help but feel like you were being watched by your food.

"So are incubi some rarer variant of succubi?" While you could recall reading some information on incubi, most of it was rather vague.

Soul nodded, slurping in a few stray worms that were wiggling frantically to escape her maw. Or at least, that was what they appeared to be trying to do.

"Yes, an incubus is extremely rare. Usually when a succubus mates with a stallion and produces offspring, the female children will be succubi and the male children will belong to the tribe of pony their father was. Only every few generations is a male born with succubus traits."

"That's... interesting."

Despite the fact that this was a dream, you couldn't get over the feeling that your cupcake student was judging you.

"So now that I've answered some of your inquiries about me, how about you share something about yourself."

"Like what?"

"Well, you brought me along on this date but I was wondering if perhaps there was another mare that you had feelings for?"

You shook your head. "No, unfortunately I kind of dug myself into a hole there. I focused so much on my career as a teacher and helping my students improve, that I forgot to seek out anypony who might be interested."

"There's nothing saying you can't start now."

"That's true, but I'm not sure that there is anypony who would even be interested in somepony like me."

Silken Soul shrugged. "Well, you'll never know unless you try."

"Yeah, I suppose that's true, too."

Feeling melancholy from the question, you took a sip of your latte and another bite of your cupcake.

"Now you don't happen to have any reservations against falling in love with a succubus, do you?"

"No, I don't think that would be an issue." You shook your head and took another sip. "Why do you ask?"

"Oh, just curious." Soul sipped some of her latte before resuming her meal. As she ate, another question popped into your head.

"What does dream energy taste like?" You asked.

The succubus chewed her food as she considered your inquiry.

"Well, the flavor differs depending upon the pony as well as the emotions within the dream. However, I'd probably say that most of the time it is like... honey mixed with milk, I guess."

You could recall seeing Silken Soul blush when she mentioned succubi feeding on dream energy, before you had gone to sleep, which made you ponder something else.

“Is dream energy merely a food source for you, or does it do anything else?”

That same blush returned to Soul’s cheeks. “Why do you want to know?”

“I am merely curious.”

Soul squirmed in her seat, her eyes focused downwards. “Well, it does have some… other side effects…”

“Like what?”

“Well…” Soul’s face continued to grow red. “It can be kind of… euphoric.”

You smiled slightly at the succubi’s discomfort. As she looked up, Soul saw you smiling and glared.

“You manipulative jerk.” Soul growled.

You let out a slight chuckle and raised your hooves. “Sorry about that. I was genuinely curious.”

Soul’s mood mellowed and the two of you resumed eating. As you drew near to finishing your cupcake, your maid returned.

"Would my master like anything else?"

"The check would be just fine, thank you."

The gorgony Cadance looked at you longingly. "Are you sure, master? I could refill your drinks, bring you a cookie, give you a relaxing massage..."

"Oh, I’d love it if I could have a lollipop." Soul teased.

"No, no, the check will be perfectly fine."

The maid let out a sad sigh. "As you wish, my master."

Soul let out a slight giggle as the maid walked away. Her lips curled slightly into a mischievous grin.

"Originally I was kind of annoyed that I had forgotten to alter her behavior, however now that I see how much it... bothers you, I'm kind of glad."

"It's really not that funny."

"And despite that you are able to take all my jokes and teasing in stride. I've known plenty of stallions who would have given into their instincts at this point. You should be proud of yourself."

Taking the last bite of your cupcake, you considered what Silken Soul had said. As true as it might be, your insides still ached a little from your loneliness. Then again, that could also be the cupcake in your belly.

"Here is your bill, master, are you sure there isn't anything else you would like?" The maid asked, having returned with the check and a pen.

"No, you've done just fine, thank you."

Examining the bill, you noticed that the price seemed to flicker and fade. You pulled forth some bits, which materialized out of nowhere, before giving them to the maid and signing the bill.

"Thank you, master."

As the gorgony maid began to walk away, you heard a pen fall to the floor.

"Oops, it would seem I dropped my pen," the maid said, "please forgive your clumsy servant, master."

The gorgony Cadance reached down to pick up her pen and in doing so, exposed much of her posterior to you. You managed to turn away, your cheeks burning with fervent heat. There was also the slight sensation of a thick liquid trickling through your nasal passage.

Looking at Silken Soul, you saw her giving you a sly grin. It was very clear that she found some enjoyment in your embarrassment. You shot her a knowing glare and she retaliated by sticking her tongue out slightly.

"Oh, there it is!" You felt something scaly slither against your leg, your body jolting slightly at the unexpected contact. Moments later, the maid stood back up with the pen held tightly by one of her snakes.

"I found it, master."

"Yep... you sure did."

As the maid walked away, you looked around for something to clean your nose.

“Well, that was unexpected.” Soul said, licking a bright red lollipop. Her tongue glided gently over the spherical candy. Picking up a nearby napkin you wiped the blood from your nostrils.

“I’m sure it was!” You growled, “And where did you get that lollipop.”

Sucking on the sweet treat inside her mouth, the succubus raised an eyebrow, indicating that you already knew the answer.

“Right… it’s a dream.”

"So what would you like to do next?" Soul asked, standing up from her seat.

"Well, I... I don't know," you answered, "didn't this provide you with enough dream energy?"

"It did," Silken Soul replied, "however there is plenty of time before the sun rises, so if there is anything else you would like to do, I might be willing to provide it."

As you stood up, you pondered what else you might want to do during such an occasion with your special somepony. It was then that one idea entered your mind.

"Would you like to watch a movie?"

"I suppose. You mean like at a theater?"

"No, I was thinking more along the lines of us going to my house, sitting on the couch, eating some microwaved popcorn and watching a scary movie together."

Silken Soul nodded her head and then smiled. "Oh, why not?"

Walking to the cafe entrance, the succubus opened the door and stepped through. Following her, you found yourself back in the entryway to your home. Taking the doorway to the left, you lead Soul to your living room. There was a green sofa oriented to focus on the television, which seemed larger than you remembered. There was also a coffee table sitting between the television and the couch.

"Why don't you take a seat and I will fetch us some popcorn."

"I don't think that will be necessary." Soul said, motioning with a hoof to the table. Looking there you saw a tub of popcorn and a few video tapes sitting there.

"Right, okay, which movie would you like to watch?" You picked up a video case with your magic and examined it. "We have Nightmare on Elk Street, the story of a Tantabus haunting a suburb town."

"Nah, that's just a bit too close to home." Soul continued to suck on her lollipop.

"Maybe Six Nights in the Mummy's Grasp, a movie about a security guard who works the night shift at a museum that is housing the mummified remains of an ancient alicorn queen."

"I've already seen it," Soul answered, "the first one was good but the sequels made it really confusing."

"Well, what about Zompany Land? It is a movie about a group of singers who must survive in an Equestria riddled with numerous undead ponies. Apparently it is also a comedy."

With a pop, Soul pulled the lollipop from her mouth, which disappeared in a puff of green flame.

"That might be fun to watch. Let's do it."

Picking up the video tape, you levitated it over to the tape player and put it in.

The succubus sat down on the sofa and patted the cushioned surface, indicating for you to follow. Following her cue, you sat down next to her.

Now that you were both seated, you started the movie and ate some popcorn. The premise of the movie, was a band of six filly singers were on there way to a concert when a zombie virus broke out. As the group continued their trip, they had to fend off zombies, struggle with their own emotions and maintain their singing videos. For the most part, both of you were enjoying the movie, until...

"Eeeekkk! What is that?" Soul exclaimed, jumping up onto the couch like a spooked cat.

"That's just a tatzlwurm zombie." You answered.

"It's hideous!"

"They are actually known to live in the Badlands. Well the living ones anyway," you replied. "You're telling me you've never seen one before?"

"No! Who in their right mind would want to have something like that in their dreams."

While you had the strange feeling that there were probably some ponies who were turned on by such creatures, you also had the feeling that Soul wasn't in the mood to hear that.

"So… gross…" Soul groaned, gradually returning to her seat.

"We don't have to finish the movie if you don't want to."

"No, now I have to know what happens."

As she returned to her seat, Silken Soul snuggled up next to you. You could feel her breath against your fur as she anxiously watched the video. While this made you feel uncomfortable having her so close, there was also a part of you that wanted to protect this mare.

Glancing around the room, you caught a glimpse of something in one of the windows. At first you thought it was a reflection from the television, however the angle was wrong. Two small violet lights like a pair of eyes watching both of you. The figure's dark silhouette barely contrasting with the black void outside. Then as soon as you blinked, it was gone.

Instinctively, you reached a hoof around Silken Soul's shoulder. If the succubus noticed, she gave no sign of acknowledging the gesture.

"I really meant what I said," Soul spoke up, "I am sure that somepony will recognize your hard work some day."

Compared to Soul's usual joking tone, you could tell that the succubus was being sincere with her statement. Her confidence lifted your spirits a little bit as you finished watching the movie.

Occasionally you would glance over and see Soul’s tail move. Despite the movie being scary at times, the tail would twitch and sway happily, kind of like a cat. It would seem that the succubus was enjoying herself during this venture.

As the movie came to a close and the surviving three members of the band rode off into the sunset, Silken Soul sat up in her seat and stretched her hooves. Her horns glowed as she pulled off the rabbit mask and examined it.

"This has been a lot of fun," Silken Soul said, "Unlike most of the other ponies that have summoned me, you didn't simply seek to have me use my abilities for your pleasure, but wanted it to be an enjoyable experience for me as well."

"Well, I am glad," you answered, "I was a little worried when you appeared out of nowhere, but I had fun too."

"A little worried..." Soul raised an eyebrow.

"Okay, maybe I was really worried."

Both of you chuckled at the statement. Soul pulled herself off the couch and walked over to the door. Turning back at the door, she shot you a gentle smile.

"Maybe we should do this again sometime, Wiz."

"What would you like for me to do with your book?" You asked, remembering the tome that had been used to summon the succubus. Soul stroked her chin with a hoof, a cunning smile stretching across her lips.

"How about you keep it," Soul answered, "you might want to summon me again someday."

As the succubus left, you were struck with the realization of what she meant when she referred to you as 'Wiz.'

"Hey, wait!"

Before you could say anything else, Silken Soul stepped through the doorway and vanished from your dream.

When you awoke the very next day, she was gone. The only thing remaining as proof that she hadn't been just the imaginings of some weird fever dream, was the tome that had been used to summon her.

"Hey, professor!" Twilight called out to you, as you locked up the classroom for the day.

"Hello Twilight," you answered, "how was your holiday?"

As you turned to face your student, you were surprised to see a familiar face standing next to her. Standing next to Twilight was none other then Princess Cadance herself. It had only been a few days since your encounter with Silken Soul and your memories of the different variants of Cadence in the maid cafe crept back. You carefully went through the effort to suppress these thoughts, to the best of your abilities.

Those had merely been a young stallion’s fantasy of the princess, while this was the real one.

"I'm doing splendid," Twilight replied, "I finished that essay you asked for."

"Well, I'm glad to hear it. Now what can I do for you both?"

"Oh, I had to come pick Twilight up," Cadence answered, "So when she said her favorite teacher was here, I thought I would pay you a visit. Twilight has said so much about you."

"Hopefully, only the good stuff." You joked. Cadence chuckled slightly, in response.

"How have you been feeling professor?" Twilight asked.

"Well, I'm doing just fine. Why do you ask?"

"Oh, I just couldn't help but notice that you've been very happy the last two days, where as the week prior you seemed a little depressed."

"Did I?" You had thought you had concealed your depression quite well from your students, however it would seem that you were mistaken.

"Yeah, so I was just wondering what cheered you up?"

As you pondered her inquiry, you realized that just perhaps it had been your time with Silken Soul that had lightened your steps as of late.

"Oh, I'm sure she was somepony special." Cadence said, her statement alerting you of the heat radiating through your cheeks.

"Well, I… ummm… perhaps…"

"Really?" Twilight asked, "Who?"

Looking at the princess, you wondered how well that stallion had known her, as her voice and mannerisms were quite similar to the one you had met in your dream. You weren’t too sure if maybe you should warn her about it. Then again, you were pretty sure that it would be a bad idea to reveal your involvement with a succubus.

However, you couldn't think of anything else to say in response to Twilight’s question.

"I… uh…"

"Oh, Twilight, I think when your professor is ready he will be more than happy to tell us. For now let's take you home."

"Okay," Twilight said, "have a good day professor."

"You as well."

"Yes, take care, professor." Cadence said with a wink. However, there was something about that wink that told you that she might have known much more about your date than she was letting on. Furthermore, there was something about her violet eyes that seemed strangely familiar.

As concerning as that might be, you made your way home, planning for your next date.

Comments ( 89 )

Oh I hope this gets featured. It's such a nice kinda fluffy story about a succubus!

This was such a good read and an interesting deviation on typical succubi lore. Fox is right; this deserves to get featured. I certainly wouldn't be opposed to seeing more of Silken Soul in the future, even if it's only for Halloween; seems more appropriate that way, tbh. Well done on another excellent piece! I eagerly await your next story.

This was a really cute story for the holiday. I'm disappointed to not see where things go from here but for a short one off story it's great. The teasing and interesting conversation was all very engaging and enjoyable. As has been said, this was a nice twist on Succubus lore and what they might be like in Equestria. Well done and thanks for sharing it with us.

9912889 Me too. Lol. :rainbowlaugh:

9913062 I'm glad you all enjoyed it, I really had a lot of fun writing it. :pinkiesmile:

I still have a few ideas left over, so I will probably have another story with Silken Soul in the future.

Fluffy and funny, with good characters to boot. I would like to see more of Silken.

9912984 So I might be wrong, but looking at the featured list on my phone it looks like the story, might have actually made it. :pinkiegasp:

Goddamn it, stories about succubi should not be this fluffy. ...And Cadence set this entire shindig up, I know it. I don't know how, but she gave a certain four the idea to summon Soul knowing who would find them.

I would greatly enjoy a sequel, or more chapters, or just more of this in general.

9913562 Well, a lot of people like it and it did hit the Featured Page, so I suppose at some point I will have to write a sequel at some point. I do have a few ideas up my sleeves. :scootangel:

Tickle me intrigued. First time I've seen such building on succubi anywhere, this was a good read dear author and I certainly hope a sequel might make it out in the future!

I like how similar this is to a manga called Shachiku Succubus no Hanashi. The story is about an overworked salary man having an encounter with a succubus and having nothing more that relaxing/happy dreams including lewd handholding.

9913942 I actually have read Shachiku Succubus no Hanashi, or at least a part of it. While I had the idea of Succubi feeding on dreams prior to reading it, I might have been inspired a little bit by the manga while writing my tale.

I called it! it was too good a story to pass up!

"Now you don't happen to have any reservations against falling in love with a succubus, do you?"

Given how blatant of a flirt this was i feel like there should have been a heavier response to this like him being flustered similar to the rest of the date, aside from that one gripe i have (which is a personal opinion on things not saying there is a mistake or anything like that) this was an amazing story

9914071 I suppose that makes sense. I probably just didn't think of it like that. :twilightsheepish:

Still I am glad you enjoyed the story. I enjoyed writing it. :pinkiesmile:

This was far too fluffy and I love it!
Even creepster cadence possibly stalking them through a dream!:raritywink:
Thanks for the great read!

Stalker shipper Cadence's best Cadence :rainbowlaugh:

9914256 I'm not too sure I know what everyone means by Fluffy, but thank you. :twilightsmile:

9914669 Indeed.

I'm all for the usual succubus schtick, but this was a nice change of pace! Job well done.

I like it! The characters are funny but not comedy funny(if that makes sense?)

I would love to see more of this

An interesting story though I am a little confused on one thing; is that implication at the end that cadence is the succubus? In which case does Shining know about her...activities?

9915321 Are you asking if she is Silken Soul? If so than, no. Cadence and Silken Soul are two different characters.

As for if Cadence is a succubus, well... This story takes place a long time before their marriage, so if she is, at least at this point in the story Shining Armor is unaware of it.

I never expected this stuff to be this... sober ?
And I'm glad it was, made it really nice and refined, great job.
I was very enjoyable.

Fluff is all the cutesy romantic things in situations like this, such as the cuddling and other heartwarming stuff. Pretty much the complete opposite of smut, like two sides of the same coin. I definitely prefer the fluff side of the coin myself.

9915989 Yeah, I like fluff too. I do like to tease my readers from time to time. If that makes any sense. :raritywink:


This is adorable, I love it!

*smashes table on the floor*

Another! :rainbowkiss:

Ah that was a super sweet story. Also a really interesting take on Succubae.
I'm assuming prolonged contact won't end up with them eating your soul or something equally horrible?

Stumbled on this by chance, nearly judged it by the cover, read the comments, gave it a chance.

I'm glad I did.

This is sweet and heartwarming; certainly an original idea to me.
I would be most happy to hear more from the Professor and the Succubi.

I kinda want to see more of this. Like, "second date and onwards" more.

Yo lemme get a fuckin' uuuuuuuuuuuuuuh


I wasn't sure what to expect when I started reading this story but I was very pleasantly surprised by how much I liked it, and would love to see a sequel to this.

9918804 Goon hm or bad hm? :rainbowderp:

Since you asked, yes, please write more of this sometime. :twilightsmile:

Agreed, but the best is obviously fluffy smut.

That was what I was asking, yes, thank you so much for the answer!

Makes me curious about what our future teacher's entanglements with Cadance might be...if he has any of course since I do see the story is listed as complete ^^;

This has to be one of my favorite depictions of a succubi ever. It's that good.

I'm really hoping there's some sort of sequel to this, it'd be fantastic. Great story that I'll definitely come back too.

9920625 Well, while this is a oneshot there is nothing saying that there won't be sequel. :raritywink:

9921485 I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Well! Then I shall remain optimistic for future instalments.

I will definitely be looking forward for more Succubus stuff. Especially if they're this sweet and cute .3.

Comment posted by Mountain Pass deleted Nov 11th, 2019

This was not at all what you expect when the term Succubus is heard, and I gotta say, you didn't disappoint in your delivery of this fresh take on it. This was heartwarming, as is the usual for your works, (Huge fan of yours, by the way) but you really went out on a limb here to grab hold of your usual style while bringing demons of seduction into it. It worked, I don't know how, but it worked. :rainbowlaugh:

Jolly good show, Mr. Robipony, jolly good indeed.

9968883 Thank you, I am glad you enjoyed it. :twilightsmile:

Poor thing, growing up like that, glad she found skmeone to 'teach' her of better things :rainbowkiss:
Way too cute there *dies*:ajsmug:

9971984 I'm a little confused by your comment. Would you mind clarifying it for me?

Which part, the part about her having a difficult youth or the part where she started flirting with him and it was adorable?

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