• Published 29th Sep 2019
  • 555 Views, 6 Comments

In Twilight - Kentavritsa

A tiny Twilight wakes up, in what appears to be a doll-house. With that said, things does feel a bit out of place, but she soon finds her bearings. With the past blurry, she takes on what her life had been turned into eagerly.

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Pink: the Mystisistic Mystery: 10


A distinct giggle is reverberating through the air, the walls and now through my very body. I can not deny it.

“No, silly Twilly!” the holographic version of who once were my friend Pinkie Pie responds.

“For form’s sake; just call me Pinkie, anyway!” she responds.

“Okay, Pinkie; I never liked formal, so that is fine by me!” I respond.

Once she had stopped, before me; she is bouncing like a rubber ball, in her usual manner. I even hear these diminutive, adorable squeaks; with each bounce, as her hooves are touching the ground. At least, what appears to be her hooves.

“Welcome to the Alpha Base, Twilly!” she then exclaims.

“So, I have managed to find Alpha Base; thank you, Pinkie, for letting me know!” I respond.

Aside from a slight hint, of transparency; she is indistinguishable from the original Pony. Even if she may be glowing, just a little bit. You just never know, with Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie Pie, simply is Pinkie Pie. Just like the number Pi, she can never be calculated.

I move forwards, knowing Pinkie Pie is still with me; even if she is bouncing like a rubber ball, and had a hint of transparency. There is no point in questioning it.

Had it been any Pony else, other than Pinkie Pie; I would have been worried half to death by now, questioning every move she made.

“Pinkie; Lead the way, please!” I utter, hoping she had something in mind.

She always had something in mind, even if it is quirky out of this world.

“Since you are already here, maybe you would enjoy the Grand tour of the facility?” she inquires.

“Yes, please!” I respond; “Please; lead the way, Pinkie!” I continue.

“Right this way, Twilly!” she responds; ”..and I will show you everything!” she promptly explains, with just a hint of giggle to her voice.

A pair of doors slide up, before her; just as she had said; “Right this way, Twilly!”, and she turns towards the entrance into the base itself.

The doors are identical, to the air-lock of the Twilight Base!” I ponder, as I follow her out of the air-lock.

She is bouncing before me, as I follow her into the base; the doors are closing behind me, a moment after I had cleared the threshold of the airlock. With that, the base is once more tightly secured against possible leaks of air through this air-lock.

“We do not have a large habitat, here at Alpha Base; as I imagine you were used to, back at your habitational base!” she points out.

“Yes, I had a fairly large habitat; back at the Twilight Base, but for now I am the only inhabitant!” I respond; “Pony, or otherwise!” I add.

“I imagine, you were feeling a bit lonely, back at Twilight base!” she concedes.

“Yes, I had a fairly large habitat; back at the Twilight Base, but for now I am the only inhabitant!” I respond; “Pony, or otherwise!” I add.

“I imagine, you were feeling a bit lonely, back at Twilight base!” she concedes.

“Yes! I guess you could say that, Pinkie!” I point out; “Though I kept myself busy; exploring the base, before I found the air-lock!” I explain.

“That is the Twilight I know and love, Twilly!” she muses, giggling to herself.

She does know me, better than one would have found comfortable; had it not been Pinkie Pie, herself!” I ponder; “This hall seems to be bending downwards?” I continue.

“Down bubble!” Pinkie cheers; in a silly impression of a Sub-marine Captain, ordering a dive.

What does that even mean?” I ponder, not bothering with asking her, right now.

First now, I notice how the floor is a luscious grassy green. Though it feels more like the latex Applejack had tricked Rainbow Dash to step in, at the Running of the Leaves. Only now; it is just bouncy, after it had been cured.

The hall is in a right-wing spiral, downwards.

I finally notice the steel-grey walls; coated in the same rubbery material, the floor had been coated with. It is not mere paint, giving a fresh colour to the environment in the base, but is also air-tight and an excellent sound-proofing to ensure I can only hear enough of the sounds of my current companion before me. I hear the squeaks of her bounces, and the sounds of her voice. Just enough to hear what she is saying, but not too much to be bothersome or painful.

“Down the Rabbit hole!” she points out; “Securing the base, from anything going on topside!” she points out, explaining the situation.

“Down the rapid, rabid Rabbit’s hole!” I hear her humming, to herself; as she is bouncing down the hall, before me.

“Down the rapid, rabid Rabbit’s hole!” she continues, over and over.

“Earth quakes?” I inquire.

“Lunar quakes, if we ever experience any!” she responds; “I would be more worried, about Meteorites; if anything would be worrying me, at Alpha Base!” she points out, matter of fact.

I guess: that would explain the surface, outside; as I trotted over, from Twilight Base!” I ponder.

“Then again; we are quite safe; down here, Twilly!” she points out.

How much further, down?” I ponder; knowing better than to ask her, right now.

“We could have been going down, for miles; but that is not necessary, but we have a secure bunker level, just in case!” she points out, without being prompted.

“We could?” I inquire; “I’m thankful, we don’t have to; unless it is required, for our safety!” I then add.

“Technically speaking, we could have gone all the way down, to the core!” she points out, in response; “That would have maximized the safety, but would bring on other issues; like the loss of gravity, for starters!” she continues.

“Thank you; the gravity is already bad enough, here!” I point out; “And we are trotting far enough, without going down to the core!” I add.

“I hope the hall is not too uncomfortable, for you down here; Twilly!” she puts forth.

“It is just a bit odd, to trot on this surface!” I respond; “And the spiral is kind of getting to my head, Pinkie!” I continue.

“It is a continuous, steady slope; so you can continue all the way down, without really changing direction!” she responds.

“So, I don’t have to worry about corners; or running, into the walls?” I suggest.

“Nopie, dopie!” she assures me, cheerfully.

“Thank you, Pinkie!” I respond; finding some comfort in the lack of corners to run into, and the discomfort associated with the situation.

“We’re almost there; Twilly; just a little bit further, and you’ll finally see the base!” she points out, all of a sudden.

“Oh; thank Celestia, we’re finally there!” I point out, in response.

Of course; this is the first, last and only bend on the hall. It only lasted for so long; it almost feels as if we had been trotting down forever, now. We had not; it had in fact only been a few minutes, in total.

Little by little, the gravity had been lessening; but so slow and gradual I had not even noticed it. Just as I had not noticed, the setup points on the way down; where magical barriers had been set up, to prevent unexpected and unforeseen events. This would include a teleportation, out of this base.

A moment later, I do notice a hint of a change; just before I am finally spilling out, into the Alpha Base itself. I found myself in, what appears to be a cylindrical promenade; through which, I can trot around unhindered indefinitely.

On the opposite side, she had the entrance; to the path up to the surface, on the opposite side of the base.

On half the distance to the right, I have the path down to the bunker level; where one would attempt to escape, if something were to happen on the surface and the base integrity were challenged.

Opposite this entrance, I have the entrance to the dome itself; located overhead, where one could observe the sky. If one were to desire to see the sky; behind the protection of the glass done and see the stars. Maybe, just maybe; I am such a Pony, who may desire to make these observations.

Between each entrance on the outside of the promenade; I have an entrance to a small habitat module, just big enough for one Pony, or two. Four inner modules, and four outer modules would house a total of sixteen Ponies.

There are no metal surfaces, and no clinical white to be seen anywhere!” I ponder.

“I suggest, we take a look at the nearest habitat; just for you to familiarize yourself, with how it would feel to live here!” Pinkie points out.

“Oh, okay!” I respond.

“Right this way, Twilly!” she offers, as she is leading me forwards, towards the nearest habitat for two Ponies.

“Before you ask; all the habitats were identical, before decorations are put into place!” she points out, informing me of the situation before me.

“I take it; no decorations has been put into place, just yet?” I suggest.

“Quite correct!” she points out, matter of fact; “No decorations, have been put into place; as a matter of fact, no decorations have even arrived yet!” she points out; maybe this depends; on no Pony has been here, before you?” she offers.

“Congratulations, Twilly; you are the first living Pony, to set hoof in here!” she exclaims.

Of course; she could not count herself, as a living Pony?” I ponder, as I imagine the fireworks going off.

Exactly how much of Pinkie Pie was she? I recognize most all of her old mannerisms; or at least, I imagine I am recognizing them. Though I can not be quite sure, under the circumstances; where I just can’t quite picture her, being in the situation all alone. Though I guess she is the welcoming committee?

I recall Pinkie Pie welcoming me, into Ponyville; just as I recall her welcoming everyone else, Pony or otherwise. Which I guess could be a scary concept, in and of itself. Even if I recognize, that some ponies may be worse; than some Creatures I have met, throughout my years now. Including some, I had been taught to fear and even fight.

So much had happened, in the short span of the years I had spent in Ponyville. Only now, I am not there.

“When you put it like that, Pinkie; maybe it is in Twilight, a Twilight Sparkle finds her home?” I offer; half by half as a joke, and half by half as an explanation.

“In twilight, the possibilities are infinite; but you are Twilight, so your options should have been infinite!” she responds.

“Then again, I guess this is Moon base Alpha?” she offers, in kind.

“For the sake of the argument, maybe we should try these beds out?” I inquire, as I step into the habitat.

“Of course, silly Twilly!” she responds, with a tirade of giggles flowing out of her mouth.

There is a pair of beds in a small room on the right, and the mares’ room and shower on the left opposite the bed room. The final space being the living room with an adjacent kitchen and eating area.

As I approach the right bed, the bed apparently is imprinted with my spirit; as the magic colours it with my light lavender colour-scheme. I just blink, and gapes in awe and surprise.

While my new bed is indeed in my Lavender colour-scheme; it is not a stand-alone bed I can move around, as I please. I could ask my guide; the holographic Pinkie Pie, about how to move the bed if and when I chose to do this. For now, the bed is stuck on the side of the wall, on my side of the room.

On second thought; it seems as if the other bed had turned a deep and vibrant pinkish cerise, all according to pinkie Pie’s colours. Why am I not surprised, after everything that had happened the last few days?

As I am looking up; I notice that the entire side of the room is now coloured in my Lavender. Just that her side of the room is the pink of Pinkie Pie. Naturally, the colours are blending seamlessly, in the middle of the room; where one could not put a hoof at exactly where the room is hers and where it is mine.

Twilight?” I ponder; suddenly reminded of the legend of the zone where it is neither day nor night, where one is neither alive, nor dead.

The thought stumbles; before the enigma and the improbability of the concepts, unlocking this place.

“I am neither here, nor there!” I exclaim; “Yet, I am; because I am thinking, and feeling!” I continue, trying to elaborate on the thoughts I have, right now.

“Of course!” she exclaim; “but that is okay, Twilly!” she continues; “You are with me; just get used to it, already?!” she concludes.

This, is Pinkie Pie!” I remember; “I could not make out heads, or tails before; why should I hope, I would do better now?” I ponder.

How much of her, is in the holographic figure before me? Not even Celestia herself may know. Whoever set this up, set me up good. Just the place where I had been waking up, alone. That, is before I had found multiple levels of the Doll House in which I am currently living. Wait, I had left everything back in the room? Or, at least the apartment I had woken up.

I try to relax; giving up, on understanding it all, right here and now.

I am not in the mood, for turning into the Rapidash, once more. Besides; this is neither the time, nor the place for it.

I don’t need to know the name of it, all I need to know is that I do not enjoy to relive that moment right now.

As I lie prone on my belly, looking in the direction of the other bed; I can clearly see the holographic version of Pinkie Pie, my friend Pinkie Pie. she is looking at me, winking at me. Giggling herself silly.

“Relax, Twilly!” she pronounces, still giggling.

She jumps right out of her bed, bouncing up and down onto the floor for several minutes; before she gathers herself, just stopping on the floor and looks at me. No second bounce or re-bounce, she is just standing there all of a sudden.

She is lifting her right hoof, rearranging her mane; making an impression of rarity, looking identical to the Unicorn I know as Rarity. She is even looking at me; exactly, as if she had been Rarity in the flesh.

“Darling, relax!” she offers, in Rarity’s very own voice.

Perfect impression; the impersonation is flawless!” I ponder; “No-one but Pinkie Pie could have performed it like this!” I continue.

No giggles, no nothing; just the stylish Unicorn’s mannerisms, as if she had been Rarity her entire life.

I try to do, as she had told me; to relax, and in the process I am closing my eyes. Just that the internal clock, and vibrant thoughts are distracting me. However, I am at least not falling asleep, right now. Maybe, just maybe; that is for the better, even if she is supposed to be Pinkie Pie. Pinkie Pie, impersonating Rarity; but still.

While my eyes remain closed, she is stepping up to me. She is producing the eye-shadow, she had in mind for me; pulling it right out of her mane, while I am not watching her. Maybe I should have?

I know she is applying the bright cerise eye-shadow; because I feel it, as she is applying it to my eye-lids. She never had intended this, to be a surprise for me. Just fun.

Once the eye-shadow had been applied, she puts the product back where she had found it; only to produce the mascara; black and glossy of course; nothing less old do, if she is to play her impersonation right.

Now I feel, how she is applying the mascara; pulling at my eye-lashes, repeatedly. Pulling, and curling them up against themselves in the process. Right and left, upper and lower eye-lashes. Naturally. Now she is enhancing their appeal, all according to her impression of Rarity’s personal opinion of fashion. Of course; Rarity lives and breathes her fashion, as the accomplished Fashionista she is.

Why? Why did she do it? But then, she is Pinkie Pie; there is no room for logic, the way a Unicorn sees it with her. I had known this, for ages now. She had known, I knew this too.

Silly me, for thinking I could reason with the logic!” I ponder.

“Rest, for a moment longer!” she offers, while she is slipping the eye-shadow back into the ether she had found it in.

“Though I guess you could open your eyes, Twilly!” she puts forth, with a wide signature Pinkie Pie grin.

“Ooh!?” I respond, opening my eyes; only to see her standing just a few steps from my bed, where I am still resting.

A moment later, I slip down and out of the bed; stepping down onto the floor, ogling Pinkie Pie in her new guise as Rarity. she is observing me, winking at me.

“This bed is comfortable, almost as if it had been fit for a space-ship!” I concede, half by half as a joke.

“Yes, Darling; it is, but you already knew that, Twilight!” she prompts.

I take a step towards her, as I am ogling her. She just reaches up into her mane, pulling out a can of hoof polish. I notice, how she is uncapping the can, preparing the treat for me.

Just as I stop, just one step away from here; she starts to polish my right fore-hoof. From the top down, dead-center; then right left, right left. As she had coated my right fore-hoof, she continues with my left fore-hoof. From there, she continues, right and left, one hind hoof at the time.

“Ping!” I hear, as if there had been some kind of an alarm, letting me know the hoof-polish had cured.

“There, Darling; the lacquer has cured, time to continue!” she points out.

“Thank you, Pinkie!” I respond; “I am sure, you made a great job with the make-up and hooficure!” I continue; “If only I had a mirror, I could see how good I look!” I ponder; knowing better, than to put word to the thought.

I never was much for any of these stylish thing before; why start now, with only a holographic version of Pinkie Pie of all Ponies. It isn’t, as if she had been the most stylish of Ponies before. I would rather trust Applejack or Fluttershy on the count of style.

I afford my hooves a quick once over glance; only to notice the highly glossy pink hue she had given my hooves.

I should have known!” I ponder, but continues to stay quiet about it.

Wait, didn’t she borrow Rarity’s shampoo; the day she sneezed sticky streamers all over the Sugar-cube Corner?” I ponder, giggling at the scene, as the memory is playing before my eyes, almost as if I had been there.

Her mane had been just as curly, as before; but it had been clean, and shiny enough to please Rarity.

I am following her, Pinkie Pie; like a dog with a leash, even if I don’t even have a collar or even a necklace on.

She is bouncing out of the habitat, with me in tow; just a few steps behind, trotting slowly in a measured and thoughtless gait. Maybe I had been taking after my mentor; Celestia, more than I had even realized? Either way, I follow her, out of the habitat and out into the promenade.

“Clip, clop; clip, clop; clip, clop!” is heard from my hooves, with each step I take; just slightly more pronounced, than it had been before I had arrived.

Strangely enough, her head is exactly the same elevation, as Celestia’s head had been; as she is bouncing before me. I notice, how her mane is flowing behind her; making me once more think of Celestia, with her mane flowing freely behind her head. How had she managed to pull this trick of? Unless it is just my mind, playing tricks on me; in the unfamiliar location I had found myself in, within the surroundings that simply are not of Equestria by any means.

Is this how Princess Luna had felt, as she was following her older sister?” I ponder, as my mind once more is playing tricks upon me.

“Down bubble!” she exclaims; as she turns to the opening, leading us down towards the sanctuary.

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Comments ( 1 )


Yep just another day in the Twilight Zone.

Makes sense, considering the name is; "In Twilight".

So she finds an airlock, an AI, and now and endless void with an uneven road as the only path forward.

That is the kind of a day she is having.

But wait, there is more. I just hope you enjoy, where she is going of to next.

Though I guess she will have a harvest, to come back to?

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