• Member Since 29th Dec, 2017
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Mystic Sunrise

Why am I still in this fandom?


When Twilight returns Cerberus to Tartarus, the last thing she expects to find and happen is to meet the ruler of the realm herself.

Even less so when that pony, Penumbra, turns out to be an alicorn. As she spends more time with the mysterious mare, Twilight finds herself drawn to her.

Unable and unwilling to leave Penumbra alone, Twilight strikes a deal with her to allow her to leave Tartarus. A deal that will change both of their lives.

Chapters (15)
Comments ( 143 )

How can a story have a sequel if the original was never finished?

Did you not read the author's notes? It's a spinoff. The site just doesn't have anything to show that.

Then put it in the description

this looks interesting i can't wait to read more

I really liked "My Glory", you definitely got my attention.

Interesting I'm not sure Twilight is going to be happy with somepony messing with her memories. It did not seem like she agreed or was even asked. Will Celestia be able to sense the soul bond? Will Luna?

Looking forward to the next chapter. Keep up the good work.

It's a side effect of the bond. Twilight couldn't get around it even if she wanted. Plus it's only her memories of entering Tartarus and meeting Penumbra that are missing for now.

Everything else is fine. As for everything else, we're skipping straight to the wedding. So the rest is up for debate.

This just keeps gettng beter and better :)

Good chapter and interesting ending, my only questions is twilight an alicorn like in the photo or is she a unicorn

That would ruin it now wouldn't it if I told you?

Interesting, how much of what happened will Twilght remember this time. How much was she aware of as things were happening? What were her thoughts on it all? How is Twilght going to react to being turn on by everypony? So many questions.

Keep up the good work. Looking forward to seeing the next chapter.

I can answer part of that now. Twilight will remember all of this. She is hearing, seeing, and feeling all of what Penumbra is at the moment. Part of what comes with the Soul Bond.

Rest will have to wait for just a while longer.

Hmm, a slight plot-hole here. How exactly did Twilight perform the Soul Bond without Penumbra telling her how it was done? Also mentioned that only an Alicorn could perform it, Twilight is still a unicorn at this point. Knowledge is her bread and butter after all.

I'm not dropping My Glory just yet, my creative juices have just hit a wall.

I was going with this was the first thing to pop into Twilight's mind when it came to doing it. If it didn't work, then she'd ask Penumbra how it was meant to be done.

As for the other bit. I should have clarified that it only needs one alicorn to make it work. Both don't have to be one.

Yeah. Those were my bad for not having it explained.

well my questions was answered and i like that it was both the bond and the element of magic assisting in the transformation and not just the bond. I am excited to see whats going to happen with twilight and penumbra and i wonder if they will be able to communicate with each other telepathically with each other because that would be very interesting.

Personally, I'd prefer it if they stayed close friends. But that's just me.

Well I thought the same thing for Penumbra and Luna in My Glory. But it worked in the end for me. This won't be a speed run romance either.

My slump is going to be over soon for the next chapter of My Glory. We'll see how things go between them then.

No the other one. With the story of the two sisters. The introduction.


And again nopony but Twilight and Celestia seemed to think she was real. Until she showed up in Ponyville. We also don't know how many have acutally read that book.

For all we know, that was the only copy in Equestria and it was Celestias's.

Or everypony is like Rainbow Dash and falls asleep in history.

She found Twilight sitting at her old bedroom window in what was one of the many Guest Rooms of the castle. Even now though, seeing the wings on her back took Cadance by surprise.

Of course, she wasn't too shocked. Aunt Celestia had hinted for a while now of a possible future idea for Twilight that involved this. But she didn't think this was how it was meant to go.

See I have the opposite problem. Anytime I see a story or episode before MMC I always wonder, where are her wings?

It comes with the benefit of the Soul Bond. If Twilight had already been an alicorn at this point, all she would have gotten were the changes to her eyes, mane, tail, and cutie mark.

Wings are an added bonus in this case.

I don't think you understand what I said.
I have trouble reading stories biased before Magical Mystery Cure, because Twilight doesn't have wings, so I'm like
"Where are da wings?"

Oh. Then you didn't say clear enough for me.

so how often is this fanfiction going to be updated

The next couple chapter are writren. Just thought I'd take a break for a bit on this one since I updated so often at the start.

So whenever I feel like adding them here basically.

ok, I hope your enjoying the break.

Yes new chapter i wonder whats gonna happen in the crystal empire

well i liek the frist story even if this is spin off so fuck yea i going to read it

This chapter is so short that I feel like I'm being teased :pinkiesmile:. It is a good chapter, just short.

There wasn't anything else to add to the chapter. Would've waisted time and space honestly when it ended like I liked.

Fair enough, still I am expecting big things from the following chapters.

It isn't. But the site doesn't have a way to tell whether it is a sequel or a spinoff. In this case, it's a spinoff of My Glory.

Channeling all of penny’s power has Consequences(not bad ones)

Hey, when is the update, (I just read it and it is really cool!)

"I am the darkness!" yess, well, you see "penumbra" is only half darkness. Umbra would be darkness. So I can't take that statement serious. :moustache:

That mustache I can't take serious either. But it's more along what one of her domains is. Penumbra rules as much over the dark and everything that goes bump in it as she does Tartarus.

Luna only governs the moon.

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