• Member Since 25th Feb, 2012
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I Thought I Was Toast

Insanity is just creativity to the nth degree.



This story is a sequel to Just a Little Batty

For five long years, Nightingale Mooncrest has suffered from a terminal infection of Diamond-studded cooties; she is perfectly alright with this.

A Batty-verse Story Reading the first story first is highly recommended to avoid any confusion.

Cover Art Source
Artist is Kam3E433

Dreams of Ponies
Level Dasher

Chapters (28)
Comments ( 296 )

Heeeeere it is! The continuation we've all been waiting for. Glad to see it, and I'm looking forward to even more of it.



Nice reference

I think this bully is going to find out very fast that our Nightingale is the queen of this school and is one of the last ponies he wants to mess with.

[Sees post]
….that is all

(Seriously though, Just a Little Batty is my favorite fanfic on this site, and really looking forward to reading this.)

I am so hyped you have no idea

Feel free to take your time getting into the rhythm! I think I definitely noticed a change, but it wasn't good or bad––we're all working through this and learning about this new Nightingale. As long as you're having fun trying out new things, we're gonna have fun, too! :twilightsmile:

The constant PDA is very cute, and I'm really happy to see that Nightingale is still close with her family and hasn't fallen into some sort of angsty phase haha

It's been a hot minute but I get the feeling that this story's going to be a little more dialogue heavy than the first. It's fun! Can't wait to read what's next.

That locker must have been used by a female donkey in the past.

I think this is the first chapter without one, so if you would please allow me: Screehehehee!
Woo! It's back!

To quote Nightingale .... SCREEEE! I look forward to her doing everything she does best, but more so. This was superb, can’t wait for more.

Instant fav and tracking!
God, i need MORE!

It's happening! Can't wait to see what stories happen with an aged up Night-and-gang, looking forward to more.

"Charmed.” Silver was dead inside, like always.

I love this sentence. I relate to it way to much. Can't wait for more of the story. Loving it right now. Keep up the amazing work.


I love what I've read so far. Keep up the good work, I'm looking forward to reading more.

Ohhh timeskip! Let us see how they handle their final year and Adulting.

Great start. Look forward to more of Night's siblings

“It’s short for Pushing Daisies. I thought it would be best if I named her after her fathers.”

cant .. stop .. laughing .. bwahahahahahaa

I wasn't counting on Mercy to show up in the main storyline! Pretty neat. Pushing Daisies is actually a great pony name, don't know why I haven't seen it more often.

Well I think our little night is going to be having issues now that she has a “cousin” that she is going to need to big sister. Having brothers is one thing, having sisters is something completely different from what I have been told.

Ah yes, Mercy. Didn't see her coming back to play a bigger role in the main story, but this'll certainly be interesting.
So what do you call a 'cousin' that's also a 'sister'?

“I do! I do!” Red puffed out his chest and preened. “Daddy said I was too much of a thot to fly, but I’m getting better!” He buzzed off my back for a good five seconds before plopping back down to pant. “See!”

Wait what...is thot a typo?

“Good. Now, I didn’t call you a thot, but I did say you were overthinking it. Understand?” Dad waited until both brothers nodded to continue. “Instinct is when you don’t think. It’s like breathing; you just do it. Does that make sense?”

Nevermind. I get it now.

Two things:
1. That scene you made with Night and DT was so adorable, nice work.
2. When Aunt Mercy showed up, you really did a one-eighty on us with the tone of the whole thing. First day of school jitters to the death of a spouse. My feels did not see that one coming.

Dad tried smile dip!” I reared back with a whinny. “That stuff literally rots your brain!

Smile Dip?

Well then... I look forward to seeing how the family dynamic has further changed.

What's so funny. Is the foal's name a innuendo I don't know about?

Let me put it this way.

This pony is no more! He has ceased to be! 'E's expired and gone to meet 'is maker! 'E's a stiff! Bereft of life, 'e rests in peace! If you hadn't nailed 'im to the perch 'e'd be pushing up the daisies! 'Is metabolic processes are now 'istory! 'E's off the twig! 'E's kicked the bucket, 'e's shuffled off 'is mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisible!! THIS IS AN EX-PONY!!

I sorta *had* to kick the drama lama to start the bit with Mercy. Hiding the foal woulda been an awful idea, and as soon as Night or anypony sees the foal there would be questions. Tone should be shifting back now that the *why* of Mercy’s stay is establish. Half the challenge of her arc is going to be getting her to truly confront her problems. Cause, like, how she acted before her confession and after it were very different from the confession itself. She’s sorta in denial about a bunch of things and desperate to not have to think about them for too long.

This can only end well, with no drama or hurt feelings along the way.

A single unlucky pegasus momentarily got in the way, but we managed to squeeze by with a pair of synchronous aileron rolls—the poor mare squawking as letters were shed by the turbulence of our wings.

Poor Derpy ...

And now Night has a baby sister .... (I wonder how the twins will take it? Competition? A new conspirator to teach in the ways of cookie theft?)

thank you for commenting on that. I was incredibly sad when my editor didn’t know what smile dip was. this makes up for it.

catch a rising thermal. Zooping past the

Uhh, don't look it up. It is a bit all over the place, but none of the definitions I found seems to fit.



“Daisy.” Aunt Mercy nodded. “It’s short for Pushing Daisies. I thought it would be best if I named her after her fathers.”

That was a great show. Tis a shame it only ran for two seasons.

"Pushing Daisies?" Not quite as on the nose as "Dead Meat", but even more doom-y than "Red Shirt."

Anything to avoid invoking the Pink one.

I love how Pinkie Pie is still the source of all evil in this world.


Queen? More like shinsengumi commander.



I kinda hope Beanstalk develops a degree of senpai-worship.

Poor Night she taught that she made a clean escape but her father caught her. He is going to mercilessly tease her for weeks over this. I hope she has some fun while she gets out to do some of these job shadows.

Commencing eyebrow wiggling

My guess is that Night’s stealth was perfect and she was never heard or spotted. But, she doesn’t realize how well her dad knows her. He probably just waited a bit then flew straight to Diamond’s place.

That's a wide variety of options for a guard internship. I wonder how well that will work with whatever Diamond's plans are.

Night's dad best character.

Ooooo, goody, world building!
And yes, I agree with 9898015— Tempered Mettle is the best character in this series. :rainbowlaugh:

“What can I say? I’m love-sick, and you’re the cure.” I grinned at her and swooped in for another peck. “Now, tell me about your day before I get thirsty.”

You already look thirsty as hell

Diamond paused mid-step. “You act like it’s gonna pop off and attack you.”


We don't know what kind of magic thestrals possess.

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