• Published 3rd Oct 2019
  • 756 Views, 16 Comments

When Kindness Falters - Quillfeather882

Rainbow Dash has been gone for a long time...and Fluttershy is determined to find out why...

  • ...

An Honest Try

Author's Note:

And here it is! Enjoy everyone!

Fluttershy rose from her bed, yawning loudly. That had been the worst night's sleep ever. She hadn't been able to stop thinking about Rainbow...how broken she had she had been...and the last thing that she had said to her as she had left. I'm sorry I'm so useless. The guilt she felt was overwhelming, and thus falling asleep had been nearly impossible.

Fluttershy's ears drooped as she remembered her own words, Fine, Rainbow. I won't bother you if you if you don't think I'll understand. But, I'll be at my cottage if you need me.

“Oh, why did I say that?” She said out loud, remembering the pained look on Rainbow's face. She was hurting, and though she now knew why, what she didn't know was how to help her.

With a grunt, she tossed the covers to the floor, and stood up, a look of pure determination on her face. “I might not know how to help her on my own, but if the girls and I work together, I'm sure that we can think of something.”


“I'm glad you came and got us, Fluttershy.” Twilight told her, using her magic to levitate several books off of the shelves. Fluttershy watched her do so, seeing titles like, “Psychology 101” and “How to Help your Depressed Friends and Loved Ones.”

She, Twilight, Pinkie Pie and Applejack, were all gathered in the library of Twilight's castle, going over what Fluttershy had told them.

“Poor Dashie,” Pinkie said softly, tears in her eyes, “She must be so sad right now.”

“Yes, the poor dear,” Rarity said with a sniffle, “why couldn't she just tell us, and why in the name of Celestia does she think we wouldn't understand?”

“I think I might know, y'all...” A.J. said, sighing. “Rainbow and I are a lot alike. And that means we both get a might stubborn...” She trailed off for a moment, as if unsure of what to say next. “When we hurt, we sometimes either take it out on the ponies around us, hide it by pretending it doesn't hurt, or we just...hide.” Turning away from her friends for a moment, she continued. “When Ma and Pa passed, I stayed in my room for over two weeks until Granny dragged my flank down the stairs.”

“Your point, darling?” Rarity asked, raising an eyebrow.

“I'm sayin' that sometimes having somepony kick your flank in gear can help you get out of a funk like this. Rainbow might just need the same thing.”

The four ponies all looked at one another, uncertainty on their faces, all except for Applejack.

“I mean it, y'all. She needs some tough love. Bein' left alone for a time is fine, but not for this long. Hay, I'll do it!”

The others let out a sigh of relief. The idea of being the ones to force Rainbow out of this funk had made them nervous. If anypony had the highest chance of getting Rainbow out of her room, it was Applejack.

“Um, Applejack,” Fluttershy said, “Do you really think she wants our help? Based on what I said I mean.” Her ears were down, the look in her eyes filled with hurt. Despite being more assertive, it was clear to her friends how much the events with Rainbow had affected her.

“I know that what she said sounded...unfair, sugarcube,” Applejack told her, smiling in understanding, “But chances are, she only said those things because she's hurtin.' Nothin' to take personally.” Tapping her chin with a hoof, A.J. continued, “She probably only thinks we wouldn't understand. What a lot of ponies don't realize is that the one that's hardest to be honest with is yourself.”

“How do you lie to yourself?” Pinkie asked, cocking her head to one side in confusion. Then, with a gasp, she shouted, “Am I lying to me right now?”

Twilight chucked, shaking her head. “No, Pinkie, that's not it at all.” She used her magic to lift one of the books from the table where she had placed them a moment ago and flipped it open. “According to this chapter of Psychology 101, when a pony is depressed, they tend to get locked in a chain of negative thought processes and self doubt.” She turned a page, squinted at it, and then continued. “Sometimes it's a chemical imbalance in the brain. Other times, it can be because of a traumatic event. Like, a pony passing away, or being bullied.”

“She's right,” Applejack stated, “Like I said, I know that feeling...like the world's gonna crash down around you, and somehow you're to blame.” With a sigh, her gaze turned to the floor, “Seein' as how Sorin' got hurt because of something Rainbow did, whatever it was, she's probably feelin' the same way.”

“Well that makes sense,” Pinkie said, “But why not talk to us about it? We could probably turn that frown upside down, and help her work through it.”

“Sometimes, Pinkie, darling,” Rarity interjected, startling the rest of them after being silent for so long, “the problem you're facing seems to be much bigger than it actually is. When that happens, you don't want to do much more than sob into your favorite pillow, neglect your mane and eat a carton of Vanilla Oat Swirl.” Her friends all looked at her with their eyebrows raised.

“What?” She said, smiling sheepishly, “That's what I always do.” Her smile broaded. “But I do agree with Applejack. If it weren't for all of you ponies, including Rainbow, I never would have gotten out of my room and redone my fashion show for Hoity Toity.” Placing a hoof on Applejack's shoulder, she smiled, warmth raidating from her eyes “Go do what you do best dear: be honest with Rainbow.”

* * * *

Applejack bucked the door to Rainbow Dash's room open, causing the walls to shake. Rainbow, who had obviously been napping, yelped in surprise, falling of of her bed as she did so. Rounding on Applejack, she glared at her, a growl building in her throat.

“What the hay, Applejack?! Is there some reason you thought bucking my house apart was ok?!” Steam came out of her nostrils as she snorted in rage.

Normally when Rainbow talked to her like this, she'd come up with a snappy retort, but not today. Today, she wasn't going to take the bait. She spoke to Rainbow as evenly as she could, calm but serious. “I'm sorry about the door, sugarcube. If it's busted, I'll fix it myself, but I wasn't so sure you were going to let me in.” She sighed, exasperated, “Look Dash, I know what happened...Fluttershy told us. And I ain't sayin' you need to get over it,” Here she paused, as to emphasize the importance of her next words. “But...you can't stay in here forever. And shirkin' your other responsibilities ain't right either.”

Rainbow narrowed her eyes, her face now a mask of unbridled fury. “You know what? I don't need this.” With both of her front hooves, she shoved the orange earth pony out the door of her room, down the stairs, and finally out the front door.

A.J. turned around to face Dash, who had remained in the doorway, the same furious look still in place. The farm pony wasn't fooled though. There was a saddness in her eyes that her anger couldn't cover up. Applejack knew, beyond a doubt, that Rainbow would need to be honest with herself if she was going to get better.

“Rainbow Dash,” She said, becoming so frustrated with the situation that she couldn't help but let it out, “You need to come out sooner or later. I'd say sooner, since y'all have been in there for over a week already!”

The only reply she received was the door slamming in her face, hitting her mussle as it did.

“Dang nambit, Rainbow Dash, you gottat stop this! I learned a long time ago that not askin' for help only leads to trouble! Let me help you!”

“I don't want your help!” Rainbow shouted, the sound muffled by the door.

“Either you come out here on your own, or I drag you out here by the tail! Your choice, sugarcube!” Applejack said.

Again, there was no answer. This time though, Applejack heard the sound of every lock being thrown, including the windows. Applejack's ears drooped. Now she knew how serious this situation was. Normally, Rainbow would have demanded that she come in, challenging Applejack to make her come out. But, this time she just...quit? This was so unlike her. She wasn't interested in trying to do anything. It was as if all the fight had gone out of her. Though Applejack had guessed it was bad, she didn't think it would be this bad. “Well, I can say that I at least tried, but...now what?”