• Published 5th Oct 2019
  • 12,309 Views, 939 Comments

Trouble in Tiatarta - RainbowDoubleDash

Queen Chrysalis accidentally Reformed, and now needs a vacation to sort things out. Ocellus and Smolder are summoned by the Cutie Map to solve a friendship problem. Surely these two things are unrelated. Surely.

  • ...

11. I Should've Run

Smolder's eyes fluttered. “That's not a changeling,” she said, “or...is it? Is it...like, stuck halfway?”

Ocellus shook her head slowly. “Wh-when a changeling is unconscious, we revert to our true forms. Veteran infiltrators were taught a spell to lock their form to get around that, but...but I don't think that happened here. This is its true form.”

Smolder inched forward, poking the...thing...in the frog of one hoof. Its leg twitched, but it otherwise remained knocked out. Smolder got a little closer and lay a hand down upon the creature's barrel, and pressed slightly. The carapace gave, not quite like flesh and muscle would but also with a lot less resistance than a true carapace would - than Ocellus' own did. “Carapace feels thinner and softer than yours,” she told Ocellus, then lifted one of the creature's legs, looking at the elbow joint. On Ocellus, the two sections of carapace fit closely together, with mottled, accordion-like sections that gave her limbs the ability to rotate and bend. On this creature, instead, the carapace simply didn't cover the joint, exposing the skin underneath. “And it covers less. More gaps.”

“I noticed,” Ocellus said, and despite the nature of her eyes it was clear to Smolder that every single one of Ocellus' eye segments were locked onto the holes. Ocellus swallowed. “I think...I think it's some kind of hybrid. Half-changeling, half-pony.”

“Is that even...” Smolder began, but then remembered Nonchalant yesterday. “Nevermind. Nonchalant seemed really sure that with the right magic we could breed, so I guess a pony and changeling could.”

Ocellus sputtered even as she began blushing, turning to look directly at Smolder with her elytra and wings spread wide in shock. “Wh-why were you asking Nonchalant about...?!”

Smolder felt heat going through her face an her own wings flaring at that herself, as she realized what she'd accidentally implied. “No no no! Not like that! She was love poisoned and treating me like I was her daughter, she kept talking about wanting grandkids! I didn't ask her!”

“Oh! Oh...”



Ocellus and Smolder stared at each other a moment more, before Ocellus broke eye contact first, rubbing one leg with the other again as she turned her face completely away. That cute thing she did when nervous, only this time Smolder was pretty sure it wasn't her trying to get under her scales intentionally. Didn't stop it from being cute. “U-um...” Ocellus murmured, “F...for the record...there's been new changeling grubs since the Reformation and they're already Reformed from hatching. S...so if we did, um...use magic...the, um, result, wouldn't have holes in its legs. Probably.”

Smolder was nearly certain an egg could have been fried on her cheek from the blushing she was doing. Her tail slapped the ground a few times in an effort to distract her from the subject. It failed. “Good to know.” She decided.

There was another bout of protracted silence between the two teenagers, before they heard a sound coming from the store - whimpering and muffled crying. Smolder's eyes widened when she realized what it was. “The clerk!” she and Ocellus exclaimed at the same time, then got up and ran back into the store proper. The clerk was right where he had been left, struggling to try and get up, but the creature had used ooze to pin two of his hooves to the floor, while the ooze around his head had stuck to the floor as well and solidified, creating an irregularly-shaped bubble that was semi-transparent, allowing the two to see wide, tear-filled eyes.

“It's full of tiny pores, he can breathe, but it's difficult,” Ocellus explained quickly as she and Smolder ran up to the clerk's side. He panicked and flailed at first until he saw that neither of them was Nonchalant.

Smolder placed a hand on the clerk's withers to try and hold him still, though she imagined the touch probably felt comforting as well. Something-something Professor Fluttershy's kindness classes, Smolder remembered something about that. “Okay, uh...” she said, looking him over. “I can probably melt the ooze on his legs without hurting him too much, but his head...”

“I can vomit out a fluid that will dissolve it,” Ocellus said. Smolder tried not to wince at the thought of Ocellus standing over the pony and puking her guts out. The clerk himself also looked less than enthused, whimpering more. Ocellus didn't pay him any attention, however, as she looked to Smolder. “B-but...but there's backup on the way, remember? C-could be here any minute, and dissolving it will take a few minutes, plus as it turns to sludge I'll have to make sure to keep it clear of his airways. A-and we can't just call for help, not when Catrina is controlling the police somehow...”

Smolder's tail slapped the floor again, this time in annoyance and more than a little panic. She looked down at the clerk, weighed just grabbing Ocellus and leaving. But if she did that, Ocellus would never forgive her - would probably fight back against her - and plus it was just wrong. Or at least that's what every single one of her professors would have said, and the fact that the primitive, selfish wyrm within her didn't agree was a pretty good sign that they were right. But what would her professors do...darn it, why didn't she pay more attention in classes besides Professor Dash's...

“Oh, come on,” Smolder groaned when a particular obsession of the rainbow-haired pegasus’ came to mind, a book series of all things following a character named Daring Do. It was full of inane plot contrivances that nevertheless seemed to always work out and which gave Smolder an idea. She ran a hand across her face, but couldn't come up with anything else. “Okay, here's what we're gonna do. I'm gonna melt the ooze on the back door and then hide that creature...I dunno where. Ocellus, get to work on freeing the clerk...and also, earlier, you made your magic look green. Could you make it look pink, like the creature's?”

Ocellus' face screwed up in confusion for a few seconds, then her eyes grew wide. “Oh no,” she objected, “No, no, no, I'm not - j-just because I was being trained to be an infiltrator doesn't mean...don't know enough about the creature...I know I impersonated Professor Rarity once but that was just for a few seconds and I was caught up in having made new friends and - ”

Smolder put her hands on Ocellus' withers, staring into her eyes. “You have any better ideas?” She asked, getting straight to the point. Ocellus shook her head, though she'd bunched up on herself, and was actually shivering. Smolder nodded. “You'll do fine,” Smolder assured her.

Ocellus stared back at the dragon for a few seconds, then threw herself forward, wrapping Smolder in a hug. Smolder returned it, squeezing Ocellus tightly. She felt a very tiny pull across her body, beneath her scales and reaching into her heart, and guessed that Ocellus was going for a quick pick-me-up of positive emotions. She needed it. Smolder glanced down at the clerk, who was looking at the two with terror and fear and a complete lack of understanding. As Ocellus released her, Smolder patted the clerk on the withers. “Just play along and we'll all get out of this,” Smolder assured him.

Smolder was “unconscious” on the floor of the store, hands and feet bound together by...well, frankly, she'd rather not think about how the ooze had gotten there. Ocellus had made the ooze weak, though, such that she would be able to easily free herself if she wanted. Ocellus herself was in the guise of Nonchalant, one hoof occasionally scooping away sludge from the store clerk's muzzle so he could keep breathing - her standing over him and vomiting up a slick, oily, slightly pink-tinged fluid had been one of the less pleasant things that Smolder had ever seen in her life. The ooze on the back door had been melted, and the creature had been thrown into a dumpster out back.

Smolder had to keep her eyes closed, of course, so she only knew that something was up when she heard Ocellus' hooves on the tiled floor of the convenience store, and the opening of the door. “Hurry up!” Ocellus-as-Nonchalant's voice demanded as hooves piled into the store; Smolder guessed three or four sets - not good odds. “Don't need a pedestrian seeing this, I only just managed to block the windows...”

“Why are they even here?” A new voice demanded. It was masculine. “You stuck the clerk to the floor in front of the door?

“I didn't have a choice,” Ocellus objected. “The teenagers saw through my disguise, they were going to run, I had to act. I got the dragon, didn't I?”

“What about the changeling?”

“Got away, out the back door - spat dissolving fluid on the clerk first, though. The dragon covered her escape.”

There was a hiss from the masculine voice. “Fine. Gitta's gang is watching the Nook so they'll get her. The clerk...”

“N-no sense in wasting food, right?” Ocellus asked - with perhaps a little too much concern in her voice that Smolder hoped the...whatever they were...didn't pick up on. Smolder did her best not to tense. If the creatures here threatened the clerk's life then the two had to act, no matter the odds. They'd agreed on that.

But thankfully, she heard a groan of frustration instead. “Think with something other than your stomach for once, Bubblegum - ” The creature's name was Bubblegum? Smolder tried not to snigger, “ - we can't have missing creatures, this whole thing doesn't work if the ponies get too hostile. Catrina should be able to whip up a memory potion for the past few hours. Put the clerk back in here with an open bottle of whatever, let him lose his job.”

The clerk whimpered more. A new, feminine voice spoke up. “Don't know what you're crying about, kid, we basically just said you get to live. Speaking of, breathe in this...c'mon, you can't hold your breath forever...there. Out like a light.”

“There is good news,” the masculine voice said. “We just heard from the Chill Spot. We got her.”

“Well, there's that,” Ocellus said, keeping concern from her voice. Her could only refer to the real Nonchalant, Smolder figured...whatever these creatures were, they'd abducted the older changeling already. Ocellus was doing a good job acting the part as far as Smolder could tell, though she was more worried about these creatures' ability to sense emotions. Ocellus had said they had the ability to just project a single emotion, ironclad and unchanging, like a wall so that nothing else could be detected. The two could only hope that they didn't do that when around each other.

Smolder herself was struggling to keep her emotions in check. Ocellus had told her to just think greedy thoughts, that's what a dragon at rest tended to do. Smolder focused on that, imagined herself back at the school, counting her coins and, running her hands across her dresses, licking and tasting her gemstones...and because it would help she imagined Ocellus with her, helping her get into a dress or counting her coins with her, snuggled up with Smolder's arms wrapped around her most prized possession and she wouldn't let any shame through right now, because if she did then it would put Ocellus at risk...

“Alright,” the feminine voice spoke up, and Smolder heard a slight sucking and popping sound as the clerk was pulled from the floor, the ooze around him apparently finally loose enough. “I got him, Bubblegum, you grab the dragon.”

“Grow some wings, go out the back, then head straight to the Chill Spot. Got it?” A moment of silence, then Smolder felt herself being lifted and set across a pony's back - though the hoof that grabbed her squeezed her for just a moment. It was Ocellus. She heard the sparkle of changeling magic and felt a pair of feathery wings come up from underneath her. “Comet Shine, you stay here and cover for the clerk for now. We'll be back in an hour.”

With that, Ocellus and, presumably, the other creatures were off. Smolder chanced to open her eyes just a bit, and saw Ocellus-as-Nonchalant, now with wings and lacking a horn, beneath her; a beige pegasus mare carrying the now-unconscious but also now-free-of-ooze store clerk; and two more pegasi, these one stallions. Of course, probably none of them were actually pegasi, but instead more of those strange creatures...Smolder shut her eyes and thought greedy thoughts as they all headed outside, then took to the air.

Smolder risked another glance and saw that they weren't flying particularly close together, and her own head was relatively near to Ocellus'. With distance and the sound of wind and beating wings, Smolder decided to risk some noise. “Clerk's gonna be fine, we should run,” she murmured, hoping it was loud enough.

Ocellus shifted Smolder on her back. “Nonchalant,” she said back. “We have to help her.”

Smolder disagreed, or at least disagreed with the timing - now they had a clear enemy who had actually attacked them, and knew where that enemy was based, and also knew that Catrina wasn't acting alone. Nonchalant's earlier plan of an army of changelings swarming the place was actually looking to be a pretty good one in hindsight, a fact that Smolder was sure she and Ocellus would be lectured about at great length by the older changeling. Nonchalant could be rescued as part of the swarming. But Ocellus wouldn't agree - and there was nothing Smolder could do to change her mind. She was certain of that, too.

They came in for a landing in an alley behind the Chill Spot, a building done up to look like a giant ice cream sundae - but entering through the back revealed a place that looked more like a day spa. A Sundae spa, Smolder supposed. Ponies were weird. Ocellus and her entourage encountered no actual customers as they quickly made their way through the halls, though, Smolder only briefly peeking through heavily lidded eyes. It wasn't long before they'd entered a sauna, though the steam that would normally occupy it was absent and the heat had faded. The quartet and their prisoners made their way over to a stone bench, with two of the creatures that looked like ponies being enveloped in pink fire for a moment and transforming into earth ponies. They then pushed the bench aside, revealing a steep set of stairs going down.

Oh, I don't like this...Smolder thought alongside her greedy thoughts of her hoard and her Ocellus. “Bubblegum” had no choice but to descend down the steps, though there was good news in that one of the creatures had to stay behind to close the door over again.

There was the sound of more changeling magic, including from beneath Smolder, and she found herself lain on the back of something with short fuzz and a soft carapace - Ocellus had taken on Bubblegum's true form. She suddenly stopped in her trot, however, freezing in place.

“What?” Some new male voice demanded.

“N-nothing,” Bubblegum's voice said. She felt Ocellus tense beneath her. “Just wasn't expecting to see your ugly mug.”

There was a hiss...but not really a changeling one. It was more sibilant and deeper and...draconic? Smolder wanted to chance a look, but if whatever Ocellus had seen had made her stop cold and then need to cover for herself, Smolder guessed she'd find it surprising too - and then she'd be exposed, and expose Ocellus too, probably.

There was a presence in front of Smolder and Ocellus, claws scraping at the floor. “I wouldn't be saying that when you failed at the task I gave you.”

Uh-oh. Whoever Ocellus was talking to was apparently in charge. Smolder thought even greedier thoughts, trying to keep her worry down.

“It's not my fault,” Ocellus said in her defense, now affecting a meek tone. “They saw through me somehow! Must have known Nonchalant better than we thought. But the changeling doesn't know anything, I didn't drop my disguise, so she'll just think that some other changeling attacked her and Smolder - we're not exposed. Maybe if I had more backup, though - ”

“There aren't enough of us, and they're a couple of teenagers.” Smolder felt a hand - a hand, not a hoof - close around one of her horns and lift her head, presumably so the hand's owner could look at her. A thick, heavy tail hit the ground in annoyance. What was this creature? “You got one of them. As long as Gitta gets the changeling, fine, it's enough - you can just go without your fix for the day. If Gitta comes back empty-clawed...three days.”

From beside Ocellus and Smolder, one of the other creatures let out a low hiss. “That's cold, Rep. Bubblegum did get one of them - ”

“It's a learning experience.” The male - apparently named Rep - thunked his tail against the ground again. “Who is this pony, why did you bring me a - no, you know what, doesn't matter. Take 'em both to the holding cells.”

“Is the other changeling there?” Ocellus asked first.

Rep snorted - again, a draconic sound, not a changeling one. Why was a dragon working with...? “'The other changeling'.” Rep said mockingly. “No, we cocooned her and Catrina brought her downstairs to the mirror. Once she wakes up, the Princess will make her offer. After that...it's up to the Princess.”

With that, the sound of Rep's footfalls indicated that he was walking off, and so Ocellus got moving herself. Smolder again tried to amp up her greedy feelings to shield her whirling mind. Okay, so these creatures, whatever they were, definitely had Nonchalant. But what was that about a mirror? What kind of mirror? Like, some kind of magical mirror that let you talk to creatures? That's definitely what it sounded like. They'd also learned that there apparently weren't a whole lot of these creatures, whatever they were, which was good news...Smolder risked opening her eyes again. She'd expected to see some kind of dark and dank cave, an underground lair, but instead this just looked like what the basement to the Chill Spot should probably look like: doors marked as containing various supplies or machinery, tubes in the ceiling that looked well-maintained for carrying water. It was even fairly well-lit. The creatures had only repurposed the place, it seemed, not created a whole new lair. That was good.

Also apparently Catrina was styling herself as a princess? That was a level of arrogance Smolder's inner wyrm could almost appreciate.

The 'holding cells' were actually cages in a large side-room that looked like it might have once been a massage parlor. Smolder was placed in one, and the genuinely unconscious clerk in another. Once they were locked, one of creatures that had accompanied them spoke up. “ You can stay and guard them.”

“Wh...but...oh, come on!” Ocellus-as-Bubblegum objected. “I make one mistake...”

“Pretty sure calling Rep ugly counts as another. If anything keeping you here might be doing you a favor.” With that, the other creatures left, closing the door to the room behind them.

Smolder opened her eyes and stood up in the cage once the door was closed. She began melting off the ooze covering her hands and feet with her fire immediately. Ocellus' own reaction was just as rapid, turning back to her true form and falling onto her haunches, both forehooves at her heart and breathing heavily. “I - can't - believe - you - talked - me - into - this!” she exclaimed, hooves going to her mouth now as she tried to stifle her own breathing.

“Hey, I wanted to fly away once we were sure he'd be fine!” Smolder objected from within her cage, pointing at the clerk now that she was free of ooze bindings. She then poked at the lock to her cage. “Uh, by the way...?”

Ocellus needed a few moments more of hyperventilation, which probably wasn't good, but there was little Smolder could do without breaking the lock. The key to it had been left behind, and eventually Ocellus had calmed down enough to seize it in blue, stuttering telekinesis. She missed the lock a few times, and Smolder finally grabbed the key from the air and did it herself. She immediately came over to Ocellus, wrapping her in as tight a hug as she'd ever given her, rubbing the carapace along the base of her gossamer frill where it was thinnest. Ocellus returned the hug with surprising strength of her own for her natural form.

“B-b-by the way...” Ocellus finally stuttered out, “The...the c-creature in charge, Rep...he's l-l-like a dragon version of these creatures. A dragon-changeling. Holes in his arms and legs and tail and wings. And...and I saw a griffon-changeling too, instead of feathers it had all these little tiny gossamer scales, plus I think Gitta is a griffon name...”

Smolder pulled away from Ocellus, looking at her. “You, uh...wanna tell me anything about what changelings get up to on their off-time? Why are there so many hybrids running around? Together?

Ocellus shook her head, apparently still too frightened to be embarassed. “I d-don't know! I didn't even know hybrids were possible - you knew more about hybrids than me!”

“Only because of Nonchalant!” Smolder countered. She growled. “Speaking of, what's this about “Princess” Catrina making her an offer, you think? And a mirror?”

“I h-have no idea. Wh-what are we gonna do? I...we need to help Nonchalant, I'm sorry, Smolder, I didn't give you a choice but we can't just let these hybrids do...whatever they're gonna do to Nonchalant! Rep talked about a fix, what if...what if they want to get her addicted to something, control her? What if that's how Catrina's controlling all these hybrids? They still need love, they're not Reformed, but we know Catrina can make false love and...and...”

“It's okay,” Smolder said, “it's okay, we'll...think of something.” She glanced over at the store clerk. “Whatever we do, we'll have to leave him here. They're not going to hurt him, we know that, so he should be fine.”

Ocellus shivered in Smolder's grasp. “Y...you'll have to stay behind too,” she said. “I can shapeshift...I can sneak around easily, turn into a r-rat or something. But you...you can't.”

Smolder's grip on Ocellus tightened. A million objections came to mind, each harsher than the last. “What am I supposed to do, just sit here?” She growled. “And I promised I'd stay beside you the entire time we were in Tiatarta - ”

Ocellus shook her head. “We're going to be breaking our curfew anyway, there's no way we'll make it back to the Nook in time at this rate. And...” Ocellus shifted. “We'll be safest...safest if I'm on my own. I'll be safer on my own, at least right now. I know you want to protect me, but that's how you can do it.”

“Or we can just try and escape. Leave Nonchalant for now, go back to the Nook, get the changelings there, swarm this place. Nopony will blame us, nopony will blame the Nook when there's all this working against it. It won't put anything that the Nook is trying to do at risk - ”

“There isn't time!” Ocellus insisted. She hugged Smolder tightly. “Please, Smolder, please, Nonchalant is in danger. And I know, I sound just like I did on the beach, but please...

Smolder felt the changeling's fuzz acutely, felt the surprising warmth beneath her carapace...and also wetness on her chest. Ocellus had tears in her eyes. Ocellus wasn't intentionally trying to emotionally manipulate her this time, though - use her for her own ends. Saving Nonchalant really was this important to her...and she was right, Ocellus had all the skills and abilities needed to help right now, to go out into the Chill Spot's basement and find Nonchalant without any creature knowing what was going on. Smolder...she was a dragon. She could bite and rip and tear and burn if need be, but that was it. She wasn't sneaky under the best of circumstances.

Smolder pulled away from Ocellus slightly, looking down into her gem-like, multifaceted eyes. “You're more important than Nonchalant, okay?” Smolder said. “If you find her, great. If you can help her without risking yourself, okay. But don't put yourself in danger. Run straight back here if you're spotted or found out or whatever. Please.

It may have been the first time in her life that she'd ever actually said that word. Ocellus nodded, licking her lips - Smolder could only imagine the cacophony of emotions coming off of her that Ocellus was smelling and tasting. “I will, I promise,” the changeling swore. Smolder let her go, and suddenly felt incredibly empty as she did. But she backed away and got back into the cage, Ocellus closing the door over and maneuvering the lock on it so it looked like it was closed, without actually locking it.

The two teenagers stared at each other a moment. “Good luck,” Smolder wished at length.

Ocellus smiled weakly, then went over to the door to the room. She spared a final glance at Smolder, then ducked out. And Smolder was alone.

The average dragon lifespan, barring injury or illness (though dragons almost never got sick), was measured in centuries, and even living a couple millennium wasn’t unheard of. They also were solitary creatures by nature, at least once they reached their wyrm stage of growth, preferring to keep their own company more often than not. The mind and psyche of a dragon was naturally adapted to this. For all the fire that blazed within them, dragons were by nature patient. They didn't grow bored easily and were normally adept at sitting still and doing and even thinking nothing, a sort of inner peace and quiet normally attainable by other creatures only after years of ascetic living.

And yet Smolder was finding it impossible to enter such a state right now. Physically, she was lying on her side, apparently unconscious to any outside observer. She had her eyes open but could close them quickly enough if anyone entered the room. Mentally, however, her mind was roiling with emotion an thoughts.

The wyrm within Smolder, the titanic orange dragon that she would one day grow into, was demanding to know what she was doing, how she wasn't tearing through this place with tooth and claw and flame to find her Ocellus, place her at the center of her hoard like she was supposed to be doing with anything she truly valued.

And the tiny teenaged Smolder was glaring up at the wyrm and trying to explain why. How Ocellus wasn't a thing, she was a person with her own desires, how saving Nonchalant was so important to Ocellus. How she was outnumbered and Ocellus was genuinely right now safer on her own, without Smolder. And how if Ocellus really was her greatest treasure, her best and closest friend, then Smolder wouldn't put that at risk by denying Ocellus what she wanted, needed, to do.

None of that was literal, of course. There wasn't really some ancient dragon lurking inside Smolder trying to tell her what to do; that would be ridiculous. She wasn't crazy. But between the ebbs and flows of Smolder's desire to go out and seize Ocellus verses the knowledge that doing so would be a bad idea, it sure felt that way.

She tried to distract herself by remembering the day she’d had with Ocellus, the hours they’d spent in the Luna Bay, chasing each other, wrestling, floating, exploring. Smolder hadn’t really gained anything from it other than memories...but memories were like the best kind of hoard. They could be held on to forever, were completely unique, and were never at any risk of being lost. And every one of those memories was of Ocellus...

She’d almost managed to sink into something like draconic absence of thought when there was a noise at the door. Smolder closed her eyes just as it opened, though she risked waiting long enough to see what entered. It was one of those hybrids, a pony-changeling one with deep red fur and chitin and a dark golden mane.

Smolder heard nothing for a few moments as she focused on her greed, her want. “Bubblegum?” The hybrid finally asked. “For the Princess’ sake...” The door closed, but Smolder heard shuffling - the hybrid was still in the room, moving up to the cage. Smolder heard a sharp intake of breath, then heard changeling magic. After several more seconds, a hoof prodded Smolder’s tail, the part of her that was closest to the cage. Smolder tried not to react, but after a few moments the hybrid placed Smolder’s tail under his hoof and pressed down, hard.

Ow!” Smolder exclaimed, reacting quite naturally as she flailed her tail, getting it out from under the hoof, then spun around on all fours, wings flared wide and glaring at what looked like a regular, unreformed changeling drone. Smolder did her best to look confused. “What’s going on? Who are you?” She demanded.

“Where’s Bubblegum?” The hybrid asked instead of answering. “The one that brought you here?”

Smolder snorted fire, and the hybrid backed away from the cage. “How should I know?” She demanded, shaking her head as though she was clearing it. She glared at the hybrid. “Why aren’t you Reformed?” She’d probably ask that question if she thought she was looking at a real changeling. Smolder focused on her very real anger.

The hybrid’s eyes narrowed. “Not every bug abandoned Chrysalis.”

Smolder wondered if that was true in general, even if she knew it was a lie in this case. “What kind of a changeling name is Bubblegum?” She asked.

“It isn’t.” The hybrid looked around the room - looking for signs of a struggle, maybe - but of course found none. He looked back to Smolder, then stepped back away from the cage, over to the door. “Well, I guess I’ll be keeping you company then, dragon, at least until Bubblegum gets back.”

Smolder shifted. “What are you doing?” She asked. “What are changelings doing in Tiatarta? Is Chrysalis here, is she starting some kind of new Hive? What’s it got to do with Catrina and love-poisoning the Nook’s changelings?” Smolder knew the Chrysalis part wasn’t true, but the hybrid didn’t know she knew.

The hybrid smiled maliciously. “Well, since you’re going to be silenced anyway, I might as well tell you.”

Smolder didn’t need to be a changeling to smell the sarcasm coming off of the hybrid. She snorted, crossing her arms and falling back into a sitting position. “If you were gonna kill me you’d have done it already. And I go to Twilight Sparkle’s School of Friendship. I saved the world a few months ago. You think you can just make me disappear, or replace me with a changeling? You think my friends won’t notice?”

The hybrid didn’t falter in the slightest, which worried Smolder. In truth, she was pretty sure about what was going to happen: Catrina was going to brew up some kind of mind-control potion or memory-wiping one. That Rep hybrid had said that there weren’t many of them, but the real Bubblegum had said that there didn’t need to be. If Catrina could really just brew up anything she wanted with the right ingredients in the proper proportions...

Of course, Smolder could flash-boil any liquid that got near her, and didn’t need to breathe and so couldn’t be forced to swallow if she didn’t want to. She’d honestly love to see Catrina try to drug her. It would not end well for the Abyssinian, nor any of the hybrids.

“You know this isn’t going to end well for you,” Smolder said. “You didn’t get Ocellus. She’s probably back at the Nook, rallying the bugs there. They’ll come to Tiatarta and find me, and find you. I’ll bet she watched you bring me to...wherever this is. She was training to be an infiltrator, you know.”

The hybrid scoffed. “The Nook isn’t going to be a problem for much longer, not now that we have...” he trailed off, and grinned wider, “...no, I’ll keep that as a surprise. Let’s just say that soon the Nook will have a new leader.”

“Chrysalis?” Smolder made a show of guessing, as long as the hybrid wanted to keep looking like an unreformed changeling.

“Huh, got it in one. Chrysalis is downstairs with the Princess. She’ll probably agree to help us.”

Smolder had started to laugh, but froze. “Wait, what?!” She demanded before she could think better of it. “Chrysalis is really here?”

The hybrid’s eyes narrowed, tongue flicking out. After a moment, he flashed pink, returning to his true form. “That shouldn’t surprise you...and this form should! I knew it. What did you do with Bubblegum - ”

Smolder acted quickly, diving forward and shoving the cage door open, throwing the not-really-locked door wide as she exhaled fire at the room’s door before the hybrid could go for it. He hissed as he stumbled away from the fire, but unfortunately for him that only brought him closer to Smolder. She was on him in a moment, throwing herself across his back and wrapping her arms around his neck, squeezing. Just like Bubblegum had, he tried to give himself strong pegasus wings to get Smolder off of him, but she was ready this time and just adjusted herself so that her knees pinned those wings to his barrel.

Gradually, his flailing became weaker as his brain was denied oxygen. He soon collapsed to the ground, and after a few more seconds his eyes fluttered closed. Smolder released him immediately, checked to make sure he was still breathing, and then got off of him. She stared at the hybrid in confusion. “Why didn’t you turn into something else?” She asked. “A snake or something...or a dragon...that’s what Ocellus would have done...”

Smolder shook her head, getting up and lugging the hybrid into her former cage, closing the door and actually locking it. “You guys are only half-changelings. Maybe you’re bad at it? Whatever.”

Smolder turned around, looking at the room’s door, flexing and unflexing her claws and beating her wings. Okay, she was pretty sure that the hybrid hadn’t been lying about Chrysilis being here, and that was officially a Bad Thing. It sounded like Chrysalis wasn’t directly involved with the hybrids, not if she was downstairs and would “probably agree to help” them...

...wait. The hybrid had said Chrysalis was downstairs with “the Princess.” With Catrina, as Smolder understood it. And Rep had mentioned that Nonchalant was going to get an offer from Catrina. She was probably “downstairs” too. But Nonchalant was just some changeling, maybe a skilled infiltrator, but why would Catrina care to reach out to her? Why would Catrina even bother to try? Especially if she could cut a deal with Chrysalis instead?

Unless...Nonchalant was defensive of Chrysalis, her rule, how she’d acted. She seemed to pine for the old days of the Hive. Knew things about changelings that no other changeling seemed to know. Knew things that only the Queen of the Changelings could really know.

Because she was the Queen of the Changelings. Nonchalant wasn’t real. It was Chrysalis, had been Chrysalis the entire time...and Ocellus was looking for her. She was out there right now, looking for Nonchalant, not understanding that there was no Nonchalant, that there never had been. She was running towards Chrysalis.

Smolder roared - or she started to. But even as she opened her mouth and felt the greatest conflagration and the loudest roar she’d ever exhaled ready itself in her belly, there was an explosion from somewhere else in the Chill Spot.