• Published 13th Oct 2019
  • 2,387 Views, 24 Comments

The Universal Traveler - Jason Monroe

Sometimes we wish that we could become our characters. Other times our characters wish they were us. What happens when a writer dies and becomes a character that he made? What happens when that character is weak to magic and in Equestria?

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Chapter 11: Up we go!

Author's Note:

This crossover will be put on pause because the author of Captain G seems to have vanished. If he shows up again there will be a flashback chapter, but until then the story will continue as planned.

3rd Person POV

As the group walked into the room there were four things that stuck out to them. The first was a strange statue that seemed to represent some sort of archangel covered in chains while being grabbed by a bunch of smaller angels. The second was the insane amount of lit braziers that were scattered around in front of the statue. The third was the insane amount of stairs on either side of the statue that spiraled up the walls of the tower. The final thing was a red door on the left side of the statue at a flat part of the stairs, though the stairs continued to climb higher. The door seemed to be blocked by a demonic red and black flame.

“Ugh. This is gonna suck since I can't just fly us to the top.” Jasmine groaned as she got ready to fight with Cerberus, since she had expected demons to appear, only for nothing to happen. “Huh. Well that's a relief.” She said while putting Cerberus on her back.

“I guess they're scared of us.” Dante said before looking to their right and seeing another one of the golden statues from before. He walked over to it and bought a couple of large vital stars for later so they could heal if they needed to.

Ryan glanced at his power glove to check on the radar. “I could provide Dante an Angel’s Feather, it’s like the pegasus wings, except temporarily.” Ryan explained as he held out his hand, causing red, blue, and green pixel to gather around, allowing him to pull a white glowing feather out of thin air. “It’ll save us a lot of time.” Ryan said.

“That's not the problem. I could easily shapeshift into a dragon and carry us to the top, but even in my largest dragon form The Leviathan would be capable of swallowing me whole. In case you didn't know, The Leviathan is the giant ass demonic whale creature that was flying around the top of the tower.” Jasmine said as a loud roar that sounded like a mix between a whale, a lion and a bear could be heard from above them. Once the tower stopped shaking she walked over to the gold statue and noticed that there were several full blue orbs for sale as well as a couple of gold orbs, which would act like a fairy in a bottle if they ever got a game over.

“You might want to check this out! We got some health upgrades and revival items!” She said with a grin as she used the last of her red orbs to buy a gold orb, which was quickly absorbed into her body.

“Well once you two have everything you need I say we start going up. We wouldn't want to keep our gracious host waiting after he went through the trouble of inviting us here.” Dante said with a cocky grin as he walked up to the stairs on the right side of the giant statue.

“Must be one hell of a party since he keeps bringing it up.” Ryan said with a shake of his head as he started to follow Dante. “By the way, Jasmine. Just how far will we be going in this timeline of Devil May Cry?” Ryan asked curiously.

“I’d say until the first encounter with Vergil. As much as I would love to stick around until the end, I really don't feel okay with leaving my daughter to talk with Celestia and Luna. Especially since they might start asking questions that Clara is unable to answer.” Jasmine said before joining Dante and Ryan. “Though it’s a shame that I won't be able to get Yamato.” She mumbled to herself as she thought about the dimension slicing sword that was wielded by Vergil.

“I know how you feel. There have been weapons and powerups I came across I wanted, but couldn’t have since they held importances to the main character’s progression in their world.” Ryan said as he stressed his arms above his head.

The trio walked up the stairs before they eventually came across a blue door. They could see that the stairwell they were currently in went higher, though it didn't reach the ceiling. Jasmine decided that they should go in since she knew that they wouldn't be able to continue otherwise but her reasoning to Dante was that they could find more red orbs which would allow them to get stronger in case they ran into anymore powerful demons.

Dante shrugged before opening the door, revealing a small stairwell that spiraled upwards. As soon as the trio entered the stairwell a bunch of Hell Prides started appearing in front of them.

“Well this is an interesting place to fight. Definitely some interesting ways to kill them.” Jasmine said as she took out Cerberus while Dante pulled Rebellion off of his back and stood up on his hind legs. Ryan glanced at his powerglove, then nodded in satisfaction as he reached up to hold down a button.

[Slo-Mo: Activated]

Suddenly Ryan had two crosses in his hands, only to quickly throw them with unnatural speed. Ryan’s crosses flew across toward the first two Hell Pride, hitting them in the head multiple times, then curve around on a return trip to hit them in the head multiple times.. They didn’t appear to do much damage, but they were doing a good job at slowing them down and keeping some of the Hell Pride’s at a distance. Each time Ryan caught his cross boomerangs, he would twist his body to throw them again.

[Warning: Powerglove low on power]

When his powerglove said those words, his body’s movements returned to normal, however he continued his momentary of catching and throwing his cross boomerangs. The Hell Prides that got hit with the boomerangs weren't all too hurt by them, though the first two did die and Jasmine was a bit sluggish and wasn't as strong as before because of the crosses.

Jasmine just smiled, despite being weaker than normal, before starting to walk up the stairwell while attacking Hell Prides with her newly acquired ice nunchucks. She did several flips and was being as flashy as possible with her attacks, just because she felt like showing off a bit. She even ended up kicking one down the stairs causing it to fall on its own scythe, killing it.

Dante just smirked as he lunged forward, impaling a Hell Pride on Rebellion before pulling out the shotgun that he had acquired from the bar and blowing the Pride’s head off. He quickly grabbed Rebellion before continuing up the stairwell after Jasmine.

Once the three had fought their way to the top, which didn't take long at all since Hell Prides weren't dangerous when they were fighting three powerful beings, they saw another blue door. Upon entering the door behind them closed and was blocked by a red barrier, preventing them from leaving. In front of them was a bunch of statues that started shaking before they moved and formed into three Enigmas. To the sides of the Enigmas were stairs leading up to a red door that was blocked by the same barrier. Hanging in the center of the room was a large cage that looked like it was big enough for a small car to fit inside. The three Enigmas quickly started charging up four shots each as they aimed upwards instead of directly at the trio.

“Okay now this is starting to get annoying. I mean seriously they could at least throw some more powerful demons at us.” Jasmine said before forcing angelic energy into her right hand, causing a white aura to appear around it as she got into a forward stance.

“While that would be fun, it would make getting red orbs much more difficult.” Dante said with a grin on his face as he took out Ebony and Ivory.

Reaching out and making a pulling motion, Ryan pulls out a small blue rod with a red gem. Taking aim with the gem glowing, he shoots out a flashing wave of magical energy at the middle Enigma. For a captain of the game realm, he’s got a lot of ranged weapons.

As the middle Enigma flew back into the wall that it was standing up against the other two fired upwards in an arc, causing the laser arrows to land like they were mortars.

Jasmine quickly dodged two of the eight arrows while one missed her by an inch, before she caught one with her right hand and infusing it with angelic energy. Once the arrow started glowing white she quickly threw it at the Enigma on the right. When the Enigma got hit in the eye by the arrow it crumbled to pieces as the arrow shattered from the force behind Jasmine's throw.

Dante shot two arrows out of the sky before dodging two more and running up to the remaining Enigma as it tried to reload. He fired at it several times before it died, its body crumbling as the red eye stopped glowing. Dante smiled before quickly back flipping as a Hell Lust charged through where he had been. Two more Lusts appeared as the one that tried to tackle Dante reoriented itself.

“I’m starting to wish I visited one of the doom games before coming here.” Ryan commented as he attempted to dodge a scythe that was swinging right at him, however he wasn’t quick enough as it sliced along his gut. His body blinked rapidly as he jumped back, taking a moment to allow his body to stop flashing. When the Hell Lust took a swoop at him, he ducked under the swing, then delivered a left hook with his gauntlet to cause it to tumble back.

“Maybe you should’ve. It would be nice to have a BFG right about now.” Jasmine said as she caught the downward swing of a scythe with her left hand before running her right hand through the Hell Lust’s chest causing it to glow white before popping like a balloon, sending sand everywhere.

Dante jumped back after his left foreleg was pierced by the third Hell Lust’s scythe. The hole in his leg closed the second that the blade was removed from his leg. “Oh come on! This was my favorite coat!” He complained, as there was now a large hole in the sleeve of Dante’s red coat.

The Hell Lust from before quickly ran up from behind Dante intent on decapitating him, before Dante quickly spun around and shoved Ebony and Ivory into its mouth.

“And jackpot!” Dante said before he obliterated the Hell Lust's head with the two M1911 pistols, causing the body to turn to sand soon after. Reactivating rapid-fire mode, Ryan began shooting a barrage of pixelated energy shots, knocking the Hell Lust back. Each shot that landed made a strange eight-bit impact.

The Hell Lust got pushed back into a wall until it finally turned to sand, causing the red barriers to shatter.

“Well that was a bit too easy. It feels like they're getting lazy.” Jasmine said before walking up to the red door at the top of the stairs.

Dante shrugged before putting Ebony and Ivory away. “They might just be saving the best for last.” He said as he followed Jasmine to the door.

“Well of course it’d be easy since we’re with him. If we hadn’t arrived, it would take Dante a lot longer to complete those missions.” Ryan explained as he followed behind Jasmine.

“Yeah, but even then it wouldn't be difficult since Dante is a big enough badass to rival myself in terms of badassery.” Jasmine said as they entered the door, revealing a room that had a square platform in the middle that had chains on each of the corners that went up through a hole that was the same size as the platform.

On the platform was a bunch of weird chess-like statues of a figure wielding two crossed swords. Off to the side was a red glowing circular wheel that was connected to the left wall.

“Alright. Ryan you get rid of the statues while me and Dante get to work on turning the elevator on.” Jasmine said before taking out Cerberus and walking over to the wheel, with Dante following behind her. Ryan started placing blue bombs around the statues, each one appearing with a small ‘blwip’ sound effect, Ryan quickly takes a step back as each one exploded and destroyed all but three of the rock statues.

The remaining statues shook before their swords started glowing red and they all started hopping towards Ryan like actual chess pieces.

Jasmine and Dante were hitting the wheel until all of the points on it were on fire. Once they were lit, the square platform that the statues were on started to shake before slowly rising as the chains pulled it up.

“Looks like that's our elevator!” Jasmine said before grabbing Ryan and Dante and jumping onto the platform before it could leave them behind. She quickly set the two of them down before looking at the two remaining statues and groaning.

“Ugh. Damned Pawns. Not the hardest things to kill, but they can't be hurt unless they're moving or attacking. They're part of a group of demons called Damned Chessmen. As the name suggests there's one type for each piece on a chessboard and they all work like actual chess pieces. Pawns can only attack diagonally and can only move three feet at a time, unless they've just been woken up and haven't moved. In that case it's six feet.” Jasmine explained as the Pawns slowly hopped closer to the trio.

“Wonder what entity thought that was a good idea?” Ryan asked with a gentle laugh.

“Probably the same one that thought jnco jeans were cool.” Jasmine said before pausing as she remembered her interactions with jnco jeans God, causing her to shudder. “That bastard really shouldn't exist but I couldn't afford to kill him unless I felt like becoming the new God of that universe.” She explained while taking out Cerberus again as Dante did the same.

“Enough chit chat. I think it's about time we put these pieces in checkmate.” Dante said before running up to the Pawn on the right.

As soon as Dante got within three feet diagonally of the Pawn it quickly uncrossed its swords before swinging at Dante, only for him to dodge and quickly bash it with Cerberus six times. He quickly jumped back and rejoined Jasmine and Ryan as the Pawn crumbled into a pile of stone.

“Hey Ryan. You mind tricking them into attacking? I have an idea that’ll save some time.” Jasmine said as she put Cerberus away and reached into her pocket universe before pulling out two pinkish orbs that were really squishy, transparent, and had a red sphere in the middle. Ryan nodded before running toward one of them with a dagger in hand, once the gap was closed, he pulled his dagger back, only to pull a fake out, reach down and push a button on his powerglove, suddenly zipping to the left.

As the Pawn attacked where Ryan was Jasmine threw the pink orb at it causing it to stick to the pawn before exploding, shattering the demon into pieces. The remaining Pawn started hopping towards Ryan, since he was the closest to it. Dante just sat back and watched as he waited for them to arrive at their destination.

Once the Pawn got close enough to attack Ryan it started uncrossing its swords as Ryan moved out of its range. As soon as Ryan was out of range Jasmine tossed the other orb at the Pawn, causing it to explode like the last one.

“Well. That's that.” Jasmine said while stretching a little bit as the lift was still going up.