• Published 14th Oct 2019
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Big Brother Sandbar - HenBasket

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Chapter 7: Lunch

Berry Fizz was sitting in her bed reading Daring Do when she heard the door unlock and saw Cozy enter their room out of the corner of her eye. Having just finished a chapter, she put a bookmark in the book and levitated it to the table next to her bed.

“Hey Cozy,” she said with a cheery voice. “What’s up?”

“Fizzy,” the pegasus replied, “we’re friends, right?”

Confused, the unicorn hopped down and said, “Of course, why do you ask?”

“And you like me, right?” Cozy pawed at the ground.

“Of course I do, Cozy,” Berry replied. “You’re my best friend, nothing will ever change that. Why do you ask, do you not like me anymore?”

Cozy’s face turned slightly pink. “No, I mean yes. I mean, I like you. Just, like, not as a friend, but like, like… um…”

Berry smiled, she was fairly sure she knew where this was going. She smiled and asked, “Are you trying to say you have a crush on me?”

Cozy’s light pink blush instantly turned into a deep crimson. Stuttering, she responded, “H-how d-d-did you kn-know?”

Berry chuckled and said, “It was kinda obvious, Cozy. The look in your eyes, you wanting to spend time with me the past few months, and also Starlight when told me about your breakdown about missing me this morning, that just confirmed it even more. You may not have known, but I did.”

“That doesn’t change how you feel about me,” Cozy asked, her blush fading, “knowing that I have a crush on another filly?”

“No, Cozy. It doesn’t,” the pink filly responded. “I don’t care if you like fillies, colts, or both, you’re my best friend. Like I said, nothing you do will change the way I feel about you.”

“Then, um… maybe you’d like to… you know,” Cozy was having a hard time finding her words, “go out for lunch?”

Berry cocked her head. “Like… on a date or something, are you asking me out?”

“M-mayyybe…?” Cozy could feel her blush returning. “I mean i-if you want to…”

Berry smiled before slightly frowning. She didn’t want to do this, but knew that she had to. Putting a hoof in Cozy’s shoulder, she said, “Listen Cozy, you know you’re my best friend, and I would give up the world for you. I like you a lot, I really do. But, not in that way. I’m not gay, Cozy; I like colts. I hope you understand.”

Cozy’s tear ducts swelled up. She put on her best smile and said, “Yeah, I do. I understand.”

It hurt Berry to see her friend like this, but she knew it would have been worse to lie to her. She levitated a tissue from its box and dabbed underneath Cozy’s eyes. After pondering for a second, Berry had an idea.

“How about this, Cozy?” Berry asked her friend. “How about we go out to lunch as friends, and it’ll be on me. How does that sound?”

Cozy smiled weakly and mustered up the strength to reply, “Yeah, I guess that sounds alright.”

“Come on,” Berry said, “we’d better get going if we wanna beat the lunch crowd.”

Cozy licked her hooves, cleaning the juices from her hayburger from her frogs and shetlocks. As Cozy took a sip from her soda, Berry shifted uncontrollably in the seat across from her.

“Cozy, are you okay,” she asked, “you haven’t spoken a word since we left the school.”

“Yeah, of course I’m fine,” Cozy snapped. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

“You seem to have taken me telling you I wasn’t gay a little hard,” Berry responded. “It kinda seems like you took it personally.”

“Well, how else should I have taken it?” Cozy retorted, raising her voice, causing a few patrons to look at the two fillies.

“I don’t know,” Fizzy replied calmly. “Maybe accept it or at least try to?”

Cozy took a breath, “You think I haven’t tried that? I don't know how; you’re the first pony I’ve ever been able to work up the courage to ask out.”

“Listen Cozy, I don’t know how to explain how you can accept it, but I can tell you this; it’s not your fault I’m not gay. I can’t control it either. It’s one of those things that just happens.”

“Fizzy,” Cozy asked, voice shaking a bit, “are we still friends?”

“Of course we are Cozy,” Berry said, still maintaining a calm voice. “Just because I don’t ‘like’ like you doesn’t mean I don’t care for you. You’re an amazing friend, Cozy. I just want you to understand that it isn’t personal.”

“Yeah, I understand,” said Cozy with a hint of doubt in her voice.

“Good,” the unicorn said, not noticing Cozy’s tone, “I just need to pay the bill and then we can go.”

After Berry paid the bill, the two fillies left the restaurant and started walking back to the school. Cozy was very quiet despite her friend’s attempts at starting conversation. When they got to their room, Cozy didn’t say a word, but instead flopped onto her bed and didn’t say a word. Deciding it would be best to give her friend some time alone, Berry grabbed her Daring Do book and started walking to the library.

What’s gotten into her, Fizzy thought to herself, was it me telling her I’m not gay, or something else?

When she finally reached the library, she flopped down in a bean bag and started reading. She read for hours, only stopping when a mare came up to her and tapped her shoulder.

“Excuse me dear,” said the mare in a friendly tone, “the library is closing soon, and might I suggest you consider eating dinner? It’s six forty-five.”

“Oh, gee. I was so caught up in my book, I lost track of the time. Thanks miss,” Berry said as she picked up her book and started galloping towards the cafeteria.

Upon returning to her room after eating, Berry noticed Cozy crying into her pillow. Although muffled by the pillow, Cozy’s sobs were still quite loud. Concerned for her friend, she walked over to Cozy and put a hoof on her back.

“What do you want?” Cozy yelled into her pillow.

“I’m just really worried that you’re taking me being straight personally,” the unicorn replied. “I want you to understand that it isn’t your fault, or mine. You can’t force somepony to have a different sexuality, Cozy.”

“Oh, I understand alright,” Cozy said rolling onto her back. “You just don’t wanna be known as the girl who’s dating the special needs student. You don’t wanna date me because I’m fucked in the head.”

“Cozy,” Berry said, offended. “You know damn well that isn’t true. I don’t wanna date you because I don’t have romantic feelings for you.”

“You can quit the bullshit, Fizzy,” Cozy said accusingly. “You don’t wanna date me because you’re embarrassed of me.”

“Cozy,” Berry said, stroking her friend’s back, “I’m not embarrassed of you, not in the sli--”

“Leave me alone!” Cozy yelled, slapping her friend across the face on the last word.

“Cozy…” Berry said, rubbing the part of her face that got slapped.

Realizing what she had done, Cozy began crying into her pillow.

“That hurt,” Berry added, before starting to cry as well.

Neither of them spoke that evening as they both cried themselves to sleep.