• Member Since 4th Feb, 2015
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Nitpicking your math errors is how I show I care.


It's been a hundred years since Twilight was crowned. Most of her original friends are gone. Now, only Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy remain, each with a spark of something special keeping them past their time.

But unlike Twilight, neither of them has a claim to true immortality.

Winner of the 15th Quills and Sofas Speedwriting contest. The prompt was "A Worthy End." The contest was a two-parter, and each chapter was written in an hour, and then expanded slightly afterwards.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 74 )

Love this one mate, the ending in particular is executed wonderfully :heart:

How to break my heart in three sentences:

With a snap, she closed the folder and placed it reverently into another cabinet, this one simply labeled Cancelled. It was nearly full, but that was alright. It had done its job as well as it needed to.

This is stunning. I'm genuinely lost for words right now. Well done.

Who made the stunning cover art?


Commissioned it from Ren, one of my lovely artist friends. You should go check them out!

Turning, she laid her eyes on that final folder, lying across a table. She stepped up to it, and flipped slowly through it. Everything that needed to be prepared had been. It was all ready. There was nothing more to do.

If I think this is what I think it is, then this is Peak-Pinkie Pie.

Of course, she'd plan her own funeral and make it a party.

I'm not nearly as sharp as you. Your review is the only reason I now know what the party was.

This was heartbreaking and it was executed wonderfully. Pinkie Pie, you are truly an angel.

I'm guessing Fluttershy's long-livedness is due to Discord?

Are you going to do more for this story?


Second chapter will be posted tomorrow. =)

:moustache: It was cocaine?
:twilightoops: ?...
:ajbemused: Sure wasn't apples

My guess is Fluttershy is being kept alive against her will and stopped eating/drinking to try and force it to happen which is why she didn't want the drink


Really appreciate all the small changes that were made, especially around the end, which was peak feels. Looking forward to part 2 :twilightsmile:

Before I read this, I must know: Fluttershy I can understand because of Discord, but how is Pinkie almost immortal?

Know part of what's to come, but glad to see this finally getting posted. A lovely piece.


Because she’s Pinkie Pie.


..So she knew when she'd die. Of course she would. I wonder why Fluttershy's gotten so cold, though...

I could see the ending coming a mile away, but it still hit me hard. Very efficient use of both story length and writing time!

I didn't realise what it was until I read the comments, but it makes perfect sense now. Nice story :)


More specifically, Pinkie couldn't die while there were still parties for her to plan and execute. But more and more of that torch inevitably passed to her descendants; hence the statement that she was only still personally planning parties for her original friends, with Rainbow and Applejack's anniversary and Twilight's coronation anniversary being the last ones on the list.

An argument with discord perhaps? On the nature of mortality and being kept around too long, and being tired of life.

Oh man... break my heart, why don't you? :fluttercry: This was a beautiful read, and the feelings you conveyed through them... Well done, author!

Oh, that hurts. It's a beautiful ending though. Well done.

Nicely done.

(Any special reason(s) for the closing art, beyond it being aesthetically pleasing, or special history of it?)


And so that's it. Pinkie and Fluttershy pass on peacefully with nothing left for them to do. Their legacies and memories will live on, though.


There’s a fellow in the Quills and Sofas discord that does speedpaints for contest winners, and that was what they did for this story. It was so lovely I couldn’t not include it, but I’d already commissioned cover art.

Comment posted by _Moonshot deleted Nov 18th, 2019

mfw sniped (but charlie is a G)

Nicely done, enjoyed the additional conversation with Twilight and the ending :)

This feels like a prequel to that story by MrSpartan, and I'm not sure how to feel about that. On one hand, it's really well written and easily leads into his story. But on the other I wasn't expecting it to fall so cleanly into the prequel role and that's kind of annoying.

A very kind and gentle parting.

A beautifully bittersweet story. I am still feeling sad because we had to put our Scottish Terrier MacGregor down this evening, so stories like this reflect my mood and maybe help let out some of my own tears as I have a hard time simply crying.

That's was good and sad. Wiped a few tears.

As a wise man once said "Part of the Beginning is the End.":fluttercry:
As the old order makes way for the new future, full of possibilities and opportunities. Yet the old order is what enabled that future. In this way the past and the future are always linked, always re-born and always passing on. It's a cycle, and it is beautiful.:twilightsmile:

Ah, thanks. :)

Thanks for trying to answer, if I'm reading the situation correctly, at least. :D

Give me a second (sniff) I need to get rid of all these onions.

Ahhh another round of the super feels. Nicely done.

The moment I saw that there were only two parties left to plan I knew what was coming, but even so you delivered it magnificently. :pinkiesad2:

The feels are real...
This may very well be the best farewell between Discord and Flutershy I've ever read.
Very good work.

"I just don't fit anymore."

I like that. I like that a lot. A lot of people argue that stories where a pony passes on immortality has some flaw, that they'd grow strong enough to deal with it.

But the world changes a lot, and eventually, I imagine a mortal gone immortal (who wasn't meant to be) wouldn't feel right about it anymore.

Also, tears were shed.

Brilliant job.

You did a really good job just showing how hard it can be to realize change and loss are inevitable.

Honestly, this was one of the things about this chapter that really jumped out at me. I want to see a story about this so badly, especially because it's so subtle and yet screams about how horrifying it is.

This got so many shades of fucked up without ever explicitly crossing into darker directions, and while that takes talent, I wouldn't have minded a parallel story touching upon the unsettling, rather abusive dynamics of the relationship between Flutters and Discord in here. I do appreciate you showing a Twilight that is mourning openly but healthfully too, and is still sticking up for her friends.

(I'd consider adding a Discord tag, though. He's not a spoiler and he's significant enough to the story that it would help people who want to read about him find it.)


But the world changes a lot, and eventually, I imagine a mortal gone immortal (who wasn't meant to be) wouldn't feel right about it anymore.

This is something I don't think is touched on enough, especially considering it's often tied to whether a character wants this (potential) boon or not, and thrusting something upon them and forcing them to live forever/well past a reasonable mortal lifespan is something of a cruel and unusual punishment.

... Oh my gosh, that thought never even crossed my mind.

But at the same time... Wouldn't Fluttershy be strong enough to talk to Discord first than go to such extremes? It says in the story that she never said anything for years despite her suspicions. So I don't believe she would truly do that. She's stood up to him plenty enough in canon. While she might let him expand it a little longer, I just can't imagine her letting that slide and then trying for starvation/dehydration instead.

I realize this may be a biased view, seeing as how I'm very much a fluttercord shipper, but even outside of that... Fluttershy starving herself? Going thirsty to death? She's one of Twilight's original friends who helped teach the Princess herself about friendship and vice versa. She taught Discord about being a friend! Obviously he's got a long learning history working against him, making Fluttershy's job harder, but... Fluttershy? No. I can't imagine.

:fluttercry: We said our goodbyes then.....
:twilightoops: He turned to dust!
:fluttershbad: and blew away
:facehoof: Discord
:moustache: Rarity is that you?
:flutterrage: Discord!

Pinkie Pie never slowed down. She couldn’t, not when there were parties to plan and ponies to make happy. But today, she slipped into bed, closed her eyes, and simply… stopped.

Well, so much not CRYING ALL NIGHT. Thanks, thanks so much.

If you'll excuse me, I need to find a tissue now.

Ah, damnit! I just got my eyes dry from the last chapter!

Tears in my eyes, dammit! Thanks, author.

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