• Published 30th Aug 2020
  • 1,375 Views, 131 Comments

Twilight Daylight: The Cold War - thedarktome

King Shimmering Madun and Princess Fresh Veola Dawn were assassinated. But the legendary Queen Arcadia lives. A huge mistake.

  • ...

Chapter 16 - Departure

Yesterday was filled with the flashes of cameras, the speeches of Arcadia herself in actual public and the eyes of millions watching her. The donation of millions of her own Shims to businesses and hospitals all over Psera. Then turning in before another busy day in a few hours.

This morning was going to be slightly less stuffy. It would be lunch when she would be moving back and forth. First it would be a two hour weapons test at SERL that would be registered for the War. A weapon of her own design.

But first, she had to see her family leave for the meeting with IHT. A scowl breached Queen Arcadia's face at the splashing waves off Lavender's shipyard facing the East. That acronym. It may have possibly been the worst mistake she's ever created. The sun had barely risen, but she could see the Aquatas off the coast of Psera patrolling their blue seas. Watching over and protecting their country of wealth and love.

Arcadia sighed and closed her eye. Relieving her soul of the stress she was under. With a wave of her hoof a glass of water from her office back at home was in it. She took a sip then held it out to Gardeen. But not to take. The cup crumbled down into sand at her hoof and poured to the ground.

Gardeen smirked and asked, "A new spell, Arcadia?"

"Not a new spell, an improved spell." Arcadia turned and walked past Gardeen for Aquata Zero, and the procession in front of it. "It's one of the first spells I brought here to Psera. It seems so long ago that I set hoof on Merōl. Since all of you were swept into my life and I into yours."

Gardeen caught up to her and joked, "And when you were much smaller." Twilight stopped walking and looked at herself. Did she get taller? It's been so long since she's cared about her height. "You've grown maybe five inches. Can't tell or just choosing not to acknowledge it?"

Twilight cantered forward with her head held and spirits high. "Both."

Their trek brought them over to the main entrance of Aquata Zero to meet up with Merry Fire. Dragging in more suitcases than were honestly needed. Of course. Arcadia took a place next to Her Majesty Molten Ice and Blazing Fire. He's been awfully silent through all of this. Even through the funerals. Arcadia made a mental note to speak with him later.

On the positive side, things were looking up with the Royal Family. The twins have stopped fighting and somehow managed to get along, Molten had made herself more presentable these last few days, and Gardeen was thinking about conceiving with Pink. Everyone was moving on. Except Arcadia.

Out of all of them, she lost the most. The signs were everywhere. Everywhere she went her family wasn't there. Her castle was attacked. Blood stained its walls. Madun's mausoleum was occupied. And Dawn's remains dangled from her neck.

Arcadia glanced back over her shoulder through the security line to the Mausoleums on the hill. Protected by the statue watching over them forever. If only they weren't in there...

The ones who did this were going to pay one way or the other.

Molten's wing on her back and a soft sad smile pulled her from receding back into grief. "It is better not to think about it. It gets easier if you don't."

Easier to move on, or easier to forget about them? Queen Arcadia wasn't sure if she could do either.

Mary walked back down to them and pulled her daughters into a hug. She had put her mane into twin braids today, a visual representation that tells foreigners of her status in Psera. She was a Royal Princess representing family, not just an Envoy. Dawn too had put her mane in a braid when she went across seas. Twilight had gotten her hooves on a picture to prove it. Oh she was so proud of her filly.

"Be good," Merry told them. "Listen to your father."

"Yes mother," Lightning and Daisy both said.

Merry kissed them both softly on the foreheads and shared a small peck with Blazing. "Until I return."

Blazing tenderly nuzzled Merry's cheek and requested, "Please don't hit anyone. For the love of Narmeelah, don't."

Merry smiled and playfully jabbed Blazing's chest with the strength of a foal. "No promises." She moved down the line to Gardeen and kissed both her cheeks. "Until I return. Take it easy on Pink."

Gardeen was totally used to Merry's teasing around her and her girlfriend. Now it was her turn. "Too late, I'm already pregnant."

Merry shot back with wide orange surprised eyes. "You're joking." Merry referred to Queen Arcadia and that knowing smile. "She's joking right? How's that even possible?"

Queen Arcadia pulled Merry into a warm hug and promised, "Come back and we'll find out together. In the meantime..." She let Merry go and gripped her hooves. Her eyes rotated back to the aura of seriousness her citizens have come to know ever since the attack. "IHT may require you to stay grounded while on Equestria. Remember, we are peaceful and our problem is with the Zebras, not the rest of them, until further notice. Do you have the treaty?"

"It's secured in Aquata Zero's locking bay," Merry confirmed.

"Good. They sign and agree to hoof the Zebras over within fourteen days. If they refuse, then we officially declare war on IHT as a whole. If they don't agree, you let me know the second you board Aquata Zero."

Merry firmly asked, "How will they know we are arriving on peaceful terms?"

"I will tell them as soon as you leave regarding your peaceful arrival. We may be in the midst of a cold war but this is still diplomacy. They will not attack you as long as you don't attack them. And Merry?... Keep your cool."

Merry was sure she could promise that with no words. After a hug with her mother, Merry waved back once more before moving up the Aquata's steps. Arcadia kindly waved up to her, but drifted her eye down to the corner of the steps to meet Crystaltite's.

She was standing among the guards as a pony made completely of snow and ice. A coat made of pure white and a tail of ice in violet ceremonial gear embossed with her Queen's cutie mark. She's been ordained as Merry's Official security captain. Whatever she says regarding Merry's safety goes.

Arcadia and Crystaltite shared a firm nod before the Guards followed Merry into the Aquata. It wasn't until Aquata Zero was joined at least a mile off-coast by three more Security Aquatas did Queen Arcadia turn around and make haste for her Pod.

Arcadia could feel them drifting through the waves. She could sense everything occurring on Aquata Zero. Merry dropping into bed and falling back to sleep, the cranking of steel. Arcadia's magical Aura was growing in size.

While they walked Arcadia announced, "I'm going to do a magic release before the hour is up. So let's route over to Lavender's fields on our way to SERL. Send a report and inform any surrounding parties."

The Captain up ahead saluted next to the Pod's doors when Arcadia and Gardeen slid inside. Then shut the door back to allow them privacy.

During the drive, as promised, Gardeen transcribed a written letter of arrival for Queen Arcadia. Each fluid word she spoke from across was written with expert precision. "...a peaceful meeting with Equestria and her allies. I, Queen Twilight 'Arcadia Nova' Sparkle, Saviour of Psera, have personally dispatched an Envoy currently en route to Equestria's Western Borders. Weapons will only be drawn in the event a threat is made. The selected Envoy is an important piece of Psera and will be treated with respect. Any disregard to I, Queen Arcadia Nova, and you will be hearing from my Arcadian Elite Royal Guard. And not in a kind manner.

"Sincerely yours, Queen Twilight 'Arcadia Nova' Sparkle, Saviour of Psera."

Gardeen dotted the last line and hoofed the document over for Arcadia to sign officially under her print. It was quite perplexing to believe that her name alone holds power and grabs the souls of anyone who reads it. Whether they obey or not is up to them. It's best they do.

Once the letter was ready, a dark violet sheet written with bold white ink, Queen Arcadia grabbed an orange-red ribbon and tied it around the scroll. Then tossed it carelessly to the side. It instantly snapped and disappeared from the cabin.

"Great work, Gardeen," she said. "Your calligraphy always astounds me. Your serifs are always top-notch."

Gardeen smiled and replied, "Thank you, Twilight. I've been writing a lot more lately."

"So I see. Someone's going to be writing their own stories for a foal soon." While Gardeen giggled, Arcadia looked out the window and gazed across the grassy plains of Lavender slowing down past them. They knew what to do. Slowly pull over and park the Pods, then open the door.

Queen Arcadia rose from her seat and told Gardeen, "I'll be back in a little while. I have to release this excess."

Gardeen was in no rush. She reached under her seat and pulled up a book to read when the Queen left. Before she knew it, Queen Arcadia would have finished her magical release. There is no better time than now to get this chapter out the way.

The morning was cold. Queen Arcadia's coat flailed through the wind while she walked further and further away from their escort. Once she was at a comfortable distance, Queen Arcadia closed her eye and took a deep breath. She focused on what was around, feeling her environment, getting in touch with her magic. Then slowly raised her hooves to the side and tilted her head back to the sky.

She breathed in the air of her home and let go of all the troubles raging through her mind, and instead replaced it with the sense of magic around her. The magic in the air, the magic making up matter's existence, the magic that made up the entire planet of Equus was at her command. She could feel it all. Swarming over and within, pouring out of the tallest mountains and flooding the deepest seas. Making up entire structures.

Queen Arcadia's eye snapped open to a bright violet glowing essence. Her horn fired a bright beam of violet magic into the sky. Piercing the overcasting clouds and turning the atmosphere dark at her command.

Gardeen slowly lost her light from the sun hiding behind the growing layer above them all. Gradually pulling her focus from her entrancing pages to outside of the Pod's safe interior, towards the magnificence of the great Queen. It was no secret her magic was off the scale. Trying to keep up would be about as pointless as understanding it.

Violet lightning crawled through the clouds above and over the seas. Thunder rumbled through the air and vibrated glass windows. The waves remained smooth and stable, even when tubes of oceanic water sprouted from the sea and back down in huge arches without endangering Aquata Zero and its escorts, or even the massive defensive line ahead of it.

Magical creatures made of the ocean burst through its surface. Giant crystal-clear whales reaching for the Everlasting Sky above. Dragons the size of Maheera Dark pulling themselves out from underneath the security of the sea.

Unrestrained power. Magic.

Breakfast with IHT was awkward in a sense. All members scrambling to get their defenses ready for a war were all that seemed worthy of a conversation. Of course being in Canterlot was an entire different ball game than being home where they were needed. But being on the front lines of the coming war was important too. And Equestria was the first up to the plate, hoping to swing a home run.

The Trade Room in both the Crystal Empire and Canterlot had never seen this much usage at such a constant rate. Everyday it's been active. Breakfast during each update involving all rulers and military commanders. Lunch for strategy updates. And dinner for a report of progress.

It was a much colder temperature here in Equestria than in Psera. Something Flurry seriously wanted to take part in but couldn't. Instead, she was trapped within Canterlot Castle's walls listening to the latest updates involving Equestria's military. Ugh, so boring.

If anything, her position was more an advisor's than a direct contributor's. But mom insists that her ideas and assistance have contributed more than she realized.

So, she put her crown on her head, brushed her coat, mane and tail, then headed up to Canterlot with her parents to sit through the longest breakfast of planning. How mom and dad could do this all day was a mystery. Actually, how could her entire family do this?! Even Spike the Dragon was an ambassador! And Aunt Twilight was a Legendary Queen! The only ones who couldn't were Grandma and Grandpa; they were standard citizens.

Was she destined to take on a position of power too?

Princess Luna was giving a report from the opposite side of this table. Her voice intensified when it turned in Flurry's direction, forcing her back to the breakfast and situation at hoof.

"I am saddened to say," she reported. "That the EEA has closed all educational societies and institutions during these hard times. Since we have no clue or knowledge of a possible attack, they have taken the best interests in the safety of our foals to keep them at home. I am hoping that all members of IHT have instructed their own institutions to do the same in some relative form.

"After Mimi's report of a possible strike against coastal cities, organizations and businesses managing these properties are shutting their doors temporarily and abandoning their locations for safety deeper within Equestria. Hopefully within a week, we can have IHT Military Personnel move in and build defenses.

"The city of Las Pegasus is currently under physical construction to provide lookouts to the Western Sea and outposts to watch our oceans and airspaces. Thanks to the Hippogriffs, we have applied powerful telescopes to monitor these regions twenty-four seven. The City of Canterlot is under lock and key and Guards patrol the streets to search for any possible spies. As for any Psera updates, the Hippogriffs have reported—"

A loud snap in the room cut off Princess Luna, then something soft dropped on Celestia's head. She grunted and laid her eyes on the scroll when it landed on her agenda. All eyes directed to it.

Celestia cautiously raised it up and smoldered intensively. It was violet with a red ribbon, a scroll she's never seen before. It was certainly interesting, as was its unorthodox arrival.

"Lucky you." She glanced over to Mimi sitting by the doors smirking next to Sunset Shimmer and Starlight. "Not many ponies get a private letter from Queen Arcadia herself."

A private letter? Celestia cautiously pulled the ribbon off and unfolded the text. Right away she knew this was of vital importance. She recognized Gardeen's signature immediately, and the stamp of approval by Queen Arcadia along with her signature.

Celestia cleared her throat and read it aloud. "'Dear esteemed members of the International House of Trade. On the day of January twelfth, year to date twenty-twenty, I, Queen Twilight 'Arcadia Nova' Sparkle, Saviour of Psera, have dispatched an Envoy currently en route to Equestria's Western Coast with a treaty as an act of peaceful diplomacy for a response to Psera's demands with Equestria and her allies. The selected Envoy retains an important position in Psera Government and will be treated with respect. Any disregard to I, Queen Arcadia Nova's, peaceful attempts at a bright future and you will be hearing from my Arcadian Elite Royal Guard. And not in a kind manner.

Sincerely yours, Queen Twilight 'Arcadia Nova' Sparkle, Saviour of Psera."'

Celestia slowly concealed the scroll and met the concerned gazes of the rest of the room. "We just got word: Psera is officially on their way for talks. We must inform the Guard at once to ready their soldiers on borders at this time and create a firm defense. A strategy must be written out concerning their arrival and or response. The letter sounds peaceful. But we will keep our weapons sharp."

Shining Armor stood up and reported their current defenses. "At this moment, we have approximately four thousand troops securing our coasts on the Western Edge and two thousand managing the sky. Weapons are being distributed across the nation as we speak, and our mages are working on effective spells to dispell any possible future interference from Queen Arcadia."

Madam Singe finally spoke up and asked, "Do you think they will be enough to keep her back?"

Before anyone could answer, the lights above in the Trade Room flickered off, bathing their bodies in darkness and creating an even more thick atmosphere of dread. The Unicorn Guards standing on the side lit their horns and illuminated the room as much as possible. A faint glow on their coats while eyes danced suspiciously.

This breakfast didn't seem so boring after all.

King Haakim grabbed Queen Amira's hoof and assumed, "Your lighting must be on the fritz, Equestria."

But Celestia shook her head and replied dreadfully, "Our lights run on magic. There has never been a fritz."

The doors were knocked on before they were urgently shoved open, letting light stream into the room. Captain Tempest stood in the doorway with her eyes narrowed.

"Your Majesties," she said. "You may want to see this."

The unicorns in the room teleported to Tempest first before everyone else jumped from their seats and followed her out into the halls. The first thing noticed was how abandoned it was. Before the meeting a little over an hour ago the halls were bustling with business. Lawmakers were running around making sudden adjustments to bills and agendas and Guards were patrolling the halls. But now they were as quiet as the night.

The second thing noticed were the windows. Even though it was mildly frigid out there, the sun was still shining before. Now it looked as if a storm was approaching. Clouds quickly took over the blue sky, shadowing the land beneath it as the blues turned gray.

Tempest lead them through the halls all the way to a balcony facing the front of the Castle. She burst through the doors and slowed her speed with the rest of the rulers, eyes trained on the sky. Celestia held her breath and cautiously walked to the edge. The world was grey. This time it actually looked like winter.

A violet glow flashed over the front of their bodies from the lightning crackling across the sky with a Western origin. From here she could see the arches of water crest the sky, despite them being miles away. They were as big as the towns spotting Equestria. She could only imagine what the coast looked like up close.

The entire city of Canterlot remained untouched, but as the highest point in Equestria they could see raw unfiltered magic ravage the skies. Birds made of clouds flew to the ground. Sea Dragons sprouted from the ocean, magic hit the earth and vibrated the mountain. Equestria was in an utter magical turmoil.

Another bolt of lightning flashed and hit the middle of the waves out there. A giant flash that condensed into a small violet ball before rapidly expanding in Equestria's direction, forming a violet wave.

"...everyone get inside," Luna muttered. Then shouted when one of the glass windows in a building below burst. "Now! Get inside!"

The Guards and rulers all scrambled back into the castle and dived to the floor. Celestia raised a shield over all of them at the exact moment the spell hit. The stained glass windows shattered and rained down over the hall. Hitting the walls, cutting anything that wasn't protected. The spell was so strong, Celestia could barely hold it up after it hit. But it turns out the wave carried a few hidden surprises.

Celestia shot her hooves to her ears when a loud high-pitched ring hit her drums. So loud she couldn't even hear herself scream. Was she screaming? She couldn't tell. All noises turned white.

It was a moment before the spell cut and the sounds ducked with it. Celestia blew her shield to propel any glass sitting on top and quickly rose back to her hooves in a panic.

"Is everypony alright?" She queried.

The members of IHT stood once more and brushed their coats. Shining Armor helped Flurry and Cadance to their hooves with an answer leaving his lips. "Well apart from a rushing heart, we're fine."

Everyone else were brushing their coats, shaking their manes and brushing through their wings to dispell any remaining glass from their fur. Luna huffed and walked back to the window with a stern gaze on the horizon. "Was this another attack on Equestria?"

"Highly doubt it." Cadance walked forward and stepped close to the window next to Luna. "Out of the times Twilight has attacked us, even before Maheera Dark, I noticed a pattern. She focuses on and only attacks specific points. And she doesn't attack unless provoked. She would let us know if that were the case, despite us being at each other's throats."

Cadance turned her back to the window in favor of the crowd's attention. "I believe Queen Arcadia is either trying out a new weapon, practicing a spell, or releasing magic. It's the only logical conclusion considering she just informed us that an Envoy is on its way with a peaceful treaty. I suggest we send out a memo to all cities and camps and tell them not to be alarmed. Whatever this is will pass within the hour."

Cadance's words rang true when the clouds above began to disperse to show the sunny skies of Equestria once more, the lightning ceased and the arches of sea water began lowering back down. In a few minutes, it would be like it never happened. The only evidence that it did were the broken glass windows littering the ground outside and the carpet beneath their hooves.

Celestia stepped over a shard on approach to the window. "To answer your question, Madam Singe..." She looked over her shoulder with a look of fear. "I am afraid we are nowhere near prepared for a fight with Queen Arcadia herself. And maybe not even their military. If this was a result of Queen Arcadia releasing even less than a smidgen of her magic, I can only imagine what it would be like if she released it all in the midst of a battle."

A snap and Sky Duster teleported into the meeting pointing a hoof out to the balcony. "What the buck was that?! What just happened?! That's impossible!"

"Language please, and that was Queen Arcadia. We believe she was releasing a little magic. We just got word that an Envoy just left port this morning and currently on their way to the Western Coastline." Celestia looked down to Mimi and asked, "Is there anything we can do to protect ourselves from Queen Arcadia's magic?"

Mimi widened her eyes and pointed at herself. "You're asking me? I know next to nothing about her spells. Just the Pserateps. As a matter of fact, only a small percentage of Psera's populace know about her magic's true range. So far..." Mimi turned her expression into a concerned one. "We have underestimated her magic's intensity."

"It doesn't matter." Flurry stepped into their line of attention and pointed out the window pane. "She has magic, so do we. We must rally together the mages of Equestria and see what they can show us. Anything can help. Spells, runes, curses. We need everything we can get."

It sounded so simple. Just to grab some spells and learn how to use them. But even Flurry knew that attempting new spells in such a short amount of time was not only dangerous, but it was bound not to work.

"Weaponry. We don't need casting magic, we need weaponry." Queen Novo stepped forward and firmly explained, "While we're trying to create new theoretical spells, Psera can develop successful weapons that can attack us from afar. They are armed with Marrials that have the power to destroy an entire continent. Weapons that can fire from a distance that we cannot reach, let alone see. We may be able to hold a shield. But one hit by a Marrial and not only will the shield shatter, but it will certainly kill the caster and anything surrounding it. I suggest we develop our own weapons that can counter from afar like they have. Ways to communicate from distances so far away we can have a plethora of plans read to go at any given moment in case something doesn't work out."

Sunset Shimmer gasped and suggested, "Just like Queen Arcadia's Comm Blocks. With those we could report different plans and information from so many different distances. From the Frozen North all the way to Appleloosa and maybe even further."

But Celestia was still unsure. She hummed and moved her worried gaze back out the window. To the world covered under the blanket sewn by a pony toiling in darkness. Maybe the best way to defeat magic was not to use it at all.

Celestia sighed and decided, "We do need weaponry." She turned around and faced the ragtag group of IHT members before her. "You're right, Novo. Fighting magic with magic would be foolish. Not only is Queen Arcadia all-powerful, but she's incredibly intelligent. We are going up against a Queen of an ancient country with advanced technology, standards, and a populace larger than our own combined.

"We need weapons. Engineers, scientists, anypony with a degree, we need them. Send the word out to hire these ponies. We still have that steel Psera lent us years ago, we'll use it for construction. We'll use every asset we have." Celestia looked back out the window with a worried gaze. "Because Faust knows... We're going to need everything we can get our hooves on."

And they were right. All the way across seas SERL too was busy meeting with the Queen. But for an entire different reason.

Northwest behind the compound was a mass of desolate land. Hot to the hooves and completely uninhabitable. No grass, no water. Just a desert landscape. Perfect for testing.

Between this space and SERL were a multitude of ponies from the compound and government with Queen Arcadia at the helm. Generals flanked her side along with Bright Gold, SERL's second-in-command behind the Queen. In front of them lied a weapon. A rotary cannon to be exact. Steel shining under the light coming from above.

But the cannon wasn't the weapon. No, that honor belonged to the steel-tipped shells feeding into it aiming towards the distance.

Queen Arcadia's magic floated over a pair of binoculars from one of SERL's technicians into her hooves. She raised them to her face and stared out into the dusty world beyond.

She sighed and requested, "Let's make this quick. My agenda is packed."

Bright Gold nodded and turned back to the crowd. She raised her hoof to signal the pony stationed at the control box. "Precos up!"

Queen Arcadia put on a pair of headphones and safety goggles like everyone else. The kickback may be quite jarring. Bright Gold raised her hoof one more time. Then threw it forward. "Loul!" She ordered in Old Pseratopian.

The rotary cannon whirred and rotated around. Boom, boom, boom, boom! Four golden streaks shot out and flew the distance. Then made connection with the ground less than a mile away.

On impact, tall mushroom clouds as big as a single apartment complex in Rayray grew towards the sky. Flames before the dark grey smoke. These weren't regular shells. Average shells were big enough to wipe out a street in five seconds.

These babies were big enough to blow up an entire neighborhood and anything around it within eight. Queen Arcadia lowered her binoculars and raised her hoof outwards. The incoming high winds split and went around the observing group instead of into them. Nopony likes sand in their mane.

"Impressive," Arcadia said to herself. "What do you think Manny?"

Secretary Manny smiled next to her and said, "It'll blow straight through their Western Defenses. Those ponies won't stand a chance. And the Zebras won't be able to hide."

One of the Aerial Guard Generals approached and said, "Not only will it affect the sea but it will definitely affect their aerial defenses. It'll blow them right out of the sky. Any clouds will be blown apart."

"Bright Gold?" Arcadia rose to her hooves and faced her. "Begin development. I sense no kickbacks and we will have a lot of value in these weapons. I will sign the form in the morning tomorrow. And Secretary Manny?"

"Yes, ma'am?"

"Tell your generals to keep their eyes out for any strange shapes above Equestria's coastline. There may be aerial bases for the Pegasi."