• Published 11th Nov 2019
  • 5,846 Views, 255 Comments

Glow In The Dark, Shine In The Sun - TCC56

Cozy Glow couldn't find redemption in Equestria - she needed the right pony to help her get there. Or in this case? Person. Sunset Shimmer.

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3 - Learn More Who You Are

"So yeah. Clothes are very not optional here. It's rude and you'll get cold fast." Sunset halted her lecture, considering. "I think that covers the real basics of your new body and how humans work. We'll handle more after you get your feet under you better." She didn't halt her steps, however, as they both walked through Canterlot's leaf-filled streets.

Cozy was quiet as she absorbed it all. A twenty minute crash-course lecture on the human form and critical cultural differences was a lot to take in - particularly when she was still shaken. Her introduction to the automobile had been a bit more... abrupt than Sunset had intended. Flash had apologized afterwards, but the damage had been done with four squealing tires and a single hard stop that was too close for comfort.

On the plus side it confirmed to Sunset that for all the things she had done, Cozy Glow was not immune to fear. And that she wouldn't just blindly walk out into the street again any time soon.

They went half a block more in silence before Cozy finally spoke. "And no magic."

"No native magic," Sunset confirmed with her purposeful phrasing. "It really is amazing how they've come so far without weather pegasii or earth pony agriculture. They don't even control the sun and moon," she noted with a laugh.

Cozy actually shuddered. "They don't have any control over their world? It just... does things? And they don't go crazy?"

"Why would they go crazy?"

"Because!" Cozy threw her hands in the air - she was starting to get human physical expressions, even if she over-exaggerated them. "They don't have control of anything! How do they live like this?" She crossed her arms and fell into a familiar pout. "This dimension's stupid and I hate it already."

It took a lot for Sunset not to laugh. "It has a few upsides. Come on, we're almost to my apartment. I've got something for you once we're there."

'Something', as it turned out, was six large cardboard boxes. Cozy regarded them with more amusement than confusion. "I guess I can understand all the white, but..." She pulled the midnight blue jacket out of the nearest box. "This? I like crimson better."

"Rarity," Sunset said in simple explanation as she pulled extra bedding out of the closet for later. "I've spent enough time around her to understand basic color wheel choices. Dark blue jacket with a cream top should work with your tones." With her free hand, she pulled out her phone and quickly started to thumb something on it. "We might have to get her to adjust some of the stuff later on, since I guessed at your sizes. And she'll pitch a fit because most of this is second-hand and not bespoke enough for her. But it'll do for now. The portal's been pretty good about providing clothing when somepony comes over, but you need more than one shirt."

Cozy cracked open the next-nearest box. "Books?"

"Textbooks. You're gonna need 'em." For a moment Sunset left it at that before deciding to elaborate more. "You're in the same spot I was once - even if you can ace all of the math and stuff, the school expects you to know history. And since it isn't OUR history, you're at a disadvantage. There's a lot of books in there to help get you up to speed."

Cozy stuck out her tongue in disgust and closed the box back up again. "So that's the something you got for me? Hoof-me-down clothes and dusty old books?"

"Not entirely." Job done, Sunset meandered over to the coatrack and fished in her jacket's pocket. "Those are a lot more important than you're giving them credit for, but I actually meant this." She held out a thin black chunk of plastic and glass to the younger girl. "Your first phone."

The phone - a very cut-rate starter one on a fixed plan - turned over in Cozy's hands several times. "Uh, so?"

A smile crept to Sunset's lips. "You're not giving it the respect it deserves. Cozy, what you hold in your hand is something that would be one of the most powerful artifacts in the world back in Equestria. Not only can you talk to anyone anywhere no matter the distance, it can also instantly exchange letters with them, take photographs, act as a light source, play music, be a clock accurate to less than a tenth of a second, solve almost any math problem, create a navigation map between any two places, translate most languages and gives you the ability to read any book in the world." She paused to let that barrage sink in. "In this world, it's considered a standard everyday tool for anyone over the age of ten. What you've got there is almost literally a child's toy, and if something that did half of that existed in Equestria it would be something worth fighting wars over."

Sunset opted not to mention the sheer number of things that she'd locked Cozy's phone out of - there was obviously a location tracking app installed and she wasn't nearly dumb enough to let the little hellion access MyStable - but even without those she knew how wondrous the tool was.

And true to that, Cozy stared at the small black rectangle in her palm with new awe. "It can do all of that? And everypony just.. has one?"

"Yup." Sunset held hers up. "In fact, to demonstrate? While we were talking I used mine to have someone make dinner for us and bring it here, just using my thumb. It should be--"

The doorbell rang.

"--ahead of schedule."

Everything was set out on the table by the time Sunset got done at the door. She'd sent Sandalwood away with a pretty generous tip, hopefully generating some good karma for the days ahead. Almost a dozen containers were scattered over the table to present Cozy with a bounty of Canterlot's finest: take-out Chinese.

It also gave Sunset a chance to laugh as Cozy had reverted to the tightly-fisted 'hoof hands' that marked most newly arrived Equestrians. Laughter gave way to panic as she lunged before Cozy could try and manhandle the container of hot & sour soup and drink straight from the burning hot Styrofoam. "Whoa whoa! Hold on! Careful with that!"

"I'm hungry!" Cozy stomped a foot angrily. "Besides that stuff at lunch, I haven't eaten anything since before I was put in stone!"

Sunset plopped into the only other chair at the crowded dinette table. "And you'll get it, but there's a reason I ordered this. Beside the fact that it's amazing." With a flourish, she lifted up her utensils - a pair of chopsticks. "This is also great for learning to use fingers."

Cozy watched in confusion as Sunset deftly snapped the chopsticks in the air - then snatched a generous helping of vegetable lo mein up in them. Her eyes went to the other pair of chopsticks sitting on the table, then back to her own awkward hands. "I wanted to eat, not keep going to school."

The lesson was there, though, and Sunset wasn't going to budge. Her disinterest as she grabbed another helping gave no illusions of changing her mind. So Cozy picked up the two small sticks and... fumbled them back to the table.

When she did it a second time, Sunset snickered quietly.

The third failure ended with Cozy throwing the chopsticks across the room in anger.

Without a word, Sunset pulled another set out and set them in front of Cozy. She moved her own hand, tipping it so the younger girl could see just how the two sticks sat across the fingers - then snapped them a few times to demonstrate.

At first, Cozy ignored the guidance. She crossed her arms; she pouted; she looked everywhere but at it. She even tried ignoring Sunset despite having her nose pinched by the chopsticks. Hunger eventually won out over ire, and Cozy picked up her set again. Sunset snapped hers once more, showing in action how they sat.

This time, Cozy managed on the wobbling second try and captured a small portion of bok choy in garlic-ginger sauce.

And this time, Sunset smiled.

Cozy Glow wasn't entirely familiar with how humans slept, but she assumed the sound of snoring from the bed meant Sunset was out cold. Or that she was hosting a family of badgers in a burlap sack.

The couch was actually fairly comfortable, even if it wasn't meant as a bed. Something more permanent was supposed to be getting delivered in a few days, but Cozy? She didn't care. She wasn't going to be here that long.

Though the lights were out, the ambient glow of the city around them was far brighter than any night in Equestria. Plenty enough for her to be working in her still-fresh school notebook and start mapping things out.

"So the portal isn't guarded..." Cozy kept her voice low, barely above a whisper to herself. "Which means that they've got to have some way to open and close it. Celestia's in charge here, so she's probably got the tool with her or in her office."

A glance through the darkness to the loft where Sunset was sleeping, just to be sure. "She didn't seem to like me being in stone, so if I use that to get on her good side..." Cozy sketched out the beginnings of a social map of the school. It was painfully rough and most of those on it were descriptions rather than names - but it was a start. "If I work quick, I can get back before Princess Twilight knows I've left. They'll never expect me to escape already."

The pencil tapped her chin in thought. She needed her way in to access the Principal.... There. She drew a darker circle around one of the teachers: Cranky Doodle. Get in good with him, then use his relationships to connect to the rest of the staff. That was her way in to Celestia's good graces - and her way home.