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Uplink Nine: Negotiations

Princess Celestia the hierarch of the ponies sat upon a throne of gold awaiting the arrival of the odd visitors from the Everfree Forest. She had no idea what to expect from them, but given her former students description. The “Adeptus Mechanicus” as they called themselves, appeared to be a reasonable if slightly eccentric people, mostly interested in the pursuit and preservation of knowledge, understanding and furthering the scientific method. They apparently valued reason and logic above all things, but still had a few odd tics about them, along with them actually ticking apparently. If that were true then she could see why they would want to meet with her considering she had lead the ponies for well over a thousand years. In that time she had seen and learned many odd things that have never been recorded. She still had a hard time getting a mental picture of them just based on Twilight’s descriptions: “Two to a dozen legs with metal bodies and long red cloaks. Shining claws on some and hairless pink dull fleshy paws on others in place of front hooves.” It was difficult to imagine even for someone who fought the horrors of Discord. Speaking of the Spirit of Chaos, she had wrote him a letter requesting his presence, but had no way to verify if he received it or was just ignoring her. If they truly sought knowledge then Discord was the one creature Celestia knew more knowledgeable than herself. Weather that knowledge was factual was another matter.

Another thing that bothered Celestia was the fact that they supposedly came from the Everfree Forest. Granted their were many odd and horrific creatures there that even she had no knowledge of. But she had lived their for many years and believed she had a general feel for the type of strangeness in the forest. In those many years she never met anything close to the descriptions she heard of the Adeptus Mechanicus.

A royal guard pony entered crossing the threshold to the throne room appearing most troubled, he swallowed then announced the arrival of one one Arch Magos Cassius of the Adeptus Mechanicus, followed by a long list of honorifics and titles that meant absolutely nothing to Princess Celestia, but she made sure to memorize as to show respect.

She smelled them far before they arrived, a smack across the muzzle of something tangy burning, oil with a hint of copper, dust, and ozone. Bone constructs the size of parisprites hovered in first, swinging metal chain spheres where their jaws ought to be, filling the chamber with more of the odd smelling smoke. Two rows of bipedal metal constructs marched forward in perfect sync side by side with one another along the walls of the chamber, bright red hooded trench coats flapping behind them and identical black and white symbols on their breast plates that matched the bone constructs. On Celestia's left, the warriors all wore smooth helmets and carried bulbus metal and gold rode, where as on the right the warriors had hoods and carried wooden and gold sticks. In the middle of the formation, skittered oddest being Celestia had seen. It wore red robes like the other constructs, but it’s spine was arched, and on its back rested various archaic and advanced tools and devices. Inside it’s hood Celestia made out several glowing red eyes hidden in a nest of cables, tubes, and darkness. Behind it was a thinner construct on three clawed legs, in contrast to the larger constructs red eyes and robes; it was clad in all black with emerald eyes on a bowl shaped head. They all stopped as one, and the largest construct tilted its head forward in what was probably the closest thing to a bow of respect its body would allow. Celestia returned the gesture of respect thusly.

“I welcome you to our realm and extend my hoof in greeting and kindness towards you.” Celestia then listed off the full list of names and titles the guard had recited before raising her head. “My name is Princess Celestia of Equestria. Co monarch to my fine subjects, I hope your visitation to our lands has most enjoyable so far.”

“It has been more than I hoped for.” The being responded in a voice that sounded like it was stitched together from several other ponies.

“Tell me magi.” Celestia began to tilt her head. “What is the reasoning for you coming to my castle?”

The behemoth construct tilted its head to the side.

“I’m afraid that is a private matter unfit for plebian ears,” the creature turned to look at the palace guards “If you would be so kind?”

Celestia raised a hoof and the guard ponies bowed their heads before marching out of the throne chamber closing the doors behind them. Arch Magos Cassius seamed to be momentarily surprised by the gesture of trust, but nodded it’s head in approval.

“I will speak plainly.” The tech priest began. “We represent a far larger organization covering many worlds, in our journeys we seek to take back what was lost or stolen from us in ages past. However in our travels we have encountered some... shale we say, Great Enemies.”

The way Cassius said that made Celestia think he was understating whatever threat he was talking about. Still she let him go on.

“Let us be frank.” He continued. “Your world could prove a massive boon to our causes, and our allies, however a certain... restructuring of power would need to take place. Nothing major.” He amended “but the full extent of these changes is unknown even to me. My order is focused mainly on tech and knowledge where as others are on matters of... ‘faith’ shall we say, they aren’t as shall I say, enlightened as our organization and may take offense to your society. If you cooperate we may be able to lessen the burden of punishment placed on you. All we ask in return is access to your raw resources." Cassius clenched one o his many hands into a fist. "In exchange we are willing to trade knowledge as well. Maybe in time some of your numbers may even join us.” His clenched hand opened and he gestured to one of his clock work warriors at the front of a line.


New Uplink Found




Designation: Rohn 55
Rank: Skitarii Alpha
Location: Unknown World assigning designation: VP- 23336789432 Xeno Capital

Uplink Successful

+Motive Force+

The Alpha listened to his lords demands of the xeno matriarch, by Imperial/ Mechanicus standards they where incredibly generous offers. Serving as a vassal state was rarely offered to such primitive creatures, not unheard of, but still very rare especially among such a primitive culture, they where basically going to be in a similar position to the Jokaero.

The matriarch clearly wasn’t seeing it that way however.

“You come to my realm and threaten my subjects under the guise of peace yet conceal threats of subjugation.” The princess stood from her throne, her voice was booming and commanding but Rohn 55 still felt that she didn’t grasp how out matched she was. True her fighting prowess was an unknown variable, but without augments she stood little chance warriors of the Omnissiah. The Princess began to make demands of them to leave her realm and never return, along with passing over any info we had acquired on the whereabouts of her missing subjects.

If Alpha Rohn 55 would have been capable of it, he likely would have started chuckling. But he wasn’t, his face was as always an impassive metal mask. Before the Arch Magos, or even the Primus Dominus could respond however, his immaterial geiger counter suddenly began clicking. He whipped around to the source training his weapon on what appeared to be a floating metal plate with two holes connected another solid metal plate by a loop of iron.

The archane slab descended revealing a screaming vortex of purple, pink, and black energy threatening to swallow up his very soul as he gazed deeper into it’s hypnotic beckoning depths. Harsh iron interlocking teeth lined its edges.

Soon a feline paw emerged from the side, than an avian talon from the other, pulling a twisted serpent like body from the shifting tempest. Unlight silhouetted the beast, none of the creatures features matched one another. It had a long serpentine body ending in a reptilian tail tail tufted with fur, a cloven hoof and drake claw.

The chimera raised an avian talon and snapped it, and the rift was no more. A sense of dread filled every one of the faithful present there. Then the creature opened its snaggletoothed maw and spoke.

“Terribly sorry for the delay your majesty but I had a matter of ut—“

<CHAOS SPAWN!> the alpha shouted interrupting the warp born entity. <Open fire!>

His warriors followed his will without a second thought loosing servo bullets and radioactive rounds mere nano seconds later. The creature held up a hand and the rounds froze in place they didn’t stop until their clips ran dry. Hovering like meteors in the void, the rounds where frozen in time inches from the beast where it stood without a scratch. Energy crackling off the rounds, then they fell down.

<Daemon.> The Skitarii classifies getting ready to order another attack as soon as all his men reloaded. The daemon cleans out his ear.

“Stop your inessential squawking.” The beast snapped yet again. Rohn 55 felt a phantom grip rap around his body lifting him several feet off the ground, he saw in horror he wasn’t alone, his comrades each hovered around the neverborn. The creature brought its hideous visage close.

“You sound like birds, in fact...” the abomination snapped its claw again. Rohn 55 felt a burning sensation throughout his organic components. He looked down, much to his horror he saw cybernetic hands warp and bend. His for arms lengthened and bent like melting candle wax. He felt his internal cybernetics turn to slurry as his torso shrunk and spine curved back, his legs reversed and his feet spread open. All the while his armor and trench coat shrunk with him.

<Chaaanjaa-a-a-a-a-arrrrrruhdhhcsfgchkouuuuu-gkkbcxgbzzzzz th gggghougcxgsgxxxfhhs> Rohn 55 tried in vane to cry out as his rebreather fused with his face on a level no Magos could replicate, it sharpened out into a silver beak. His neck grew and his eyes shifted to the sides of his head, in this way he saw he was not alone in his torture. All the skitarii where now shifting into mutated biomechanical forms. The last bit of Rohn soon left him as his mind shrunk to no more than a lug nut.

Rohn was now gone.

In his place was a chicken dressed as a Skitarii.


New Uplink?








Auto Shunt Found
Designation: Cassius
Rank: Arch Magos
Location: Unknown World assigning designation: VP- 23336789432 Xeno Capital
Uplink successful

+Toys of the Dark Gods+

“That took longer than normal.” the warp born said somewhat amused as the Skitarii chickens pecked the ground. “Usually the effect is instant but here it took a few seconds.”

The chimera rattled his hand and a jangling of rocks was heard, “Am I loosing my touch?” The daemon didn’t dwell on it too long as he turned his attention to the servo skulls hovering closer to him.

“What are these even ment to be?” He questioned lifting rapping one in his clawed grasp “Imitations of... wait. I’ve seen these.”

Cassius reared up to his full height, towering over all in the room even Celestia. The underside of his body bristling with archaic weaponry. Artifacts of war no tech priest could possibly replicate since the days of the Horus Heresy; Volkite, plasma, las, radium, digital weapons, mini neutron lasers, and several others even the arch Magos himself had no name for. He fired all of them at once at the abomination with just one thought from his head. Kill it.

Distracted by the servo skull the beast raised a paw by reflex yet again. Several shots froze in mid air, but not all of them.

A lance of volkite, an arc of orange lightning, a ball of plasma. These struck true and seared the creatures flesh. Balls of plasma, streams of volkite slammed into the beasts flesh, for a second it staggered back and it's form rippled like a still pond of muck before after a stone was tossed in. The muck resettled into place

The daemon winced back clutching its side.

“That... shouldn’t happen.” The creature slinked back. “This is impossible. This is not something that... How could you hav—“

“You utter fool!” Cassius shouted “Martian science is the finest in the galaxy!

The creature didn’t notice or care about his declaration, too focused on the fact it was actually wounded for the first time in many thousands of years.

“This burn. I know it. I felt it when...” Shock realization spread across his face. “No nonononononono! No! It can’t be. You can’t be here. That’s against the rul—“

Cassius began firing again, the creature blocked less of the shots Celestia covered her ears to block out the terrible noise of the war machines. Not just that, she heard a terrible scream. As much as she tried to block it out it still rattled in her mind. More of the creatures flesh was torn, but instead of blood blue flames poured out.

“Witch fire.” Cassius classified. That confirmed it. This was a daemon.

“How is this— Aaaaghh!”

“I bless my weapons every day. Your false hoods are no match for the power of raw faith.”

Cassius spaced out his firing now, allowing for constant bombardment while other weapons reloaded or recharged. Eldritch and advanced beams of light seared into the beast with every shot, with every miss the floor and wall turned to dust or simply melted into a glowing slurry, most of the mutated skitarii were killed by his shots as well. A warning ruin flashed in Cassius's vision informing him that the reactor on his back was over heating and risked melt down. He ignored it and kept up his calculated assault taking slow deliberate steps forward. He allowed a small bit of dopamine to flow through his head for every successful shot, a reward for wounding the creature. More and more it cried out, the lord of the Byzantium took slow deliberate steps forward, believing himself the upper hand. Soon the beast could take the pain no longer and lashed out, sending a shock wave that sent him flying onto his back and up onto the platform the throne rested on, nearly crushing the trembling xeno ruler by inches. He tried to raise some of his weapons and fire again. But safety protocols prevented another shot from leaving the smoking barrels, he cursed. Now it was time for the agent of chaos to make his move.

His flesh slinked off in chunks, revealing the beasts true form beneath. An avian hunched creature covered in blue feathers and racked with mutation. The creature couldn't have fit inside the patchwork suit, yet it emerged from it little by little. It rose up, it's neck now hunched as it parted it's lips it spoke with a voice in their heads rather than their ears. The mask slipped off revealing a birds head underneath. The equine monarch clutched her temples and scratched at it her head trying to dig out her brain with her hooves. The words had no translation in gothic and shall not be repeated here or anywhere else. Cassius felt true fear growing in him with every inhuman uttered syllable.

Whatever terrible spell it was trying to cast, was interrupted by Catherine. Somehow she over came her fear and was able to act were all others could not. The dominus leapt onto the creatures back and jammed her black vibro blade into it's neck silencing it with one stroke. Though this maneuver was not without a great cost. As now she was at the mercy of the daemon. Who reached back and threw the dominus off. Her body struck one of the palaces many stain glass windows with such force that it shattered instantly, sending her plummeting down the mountain beneath. Multi colored glass rained down the cliffs edge breaking into ever smaller pieces on the way.

Her sacrifice was not in vain however, as it allowed Cassius's weapons to cool down just enough for him to fire one last shot into the creature's severed throat, cauterizing the wound and preventing it from regenerating.

It tried to speak again, but all that left it's hideous bladed beak were rasps. Franticly it clawed at the scab, trying to get back use of its tong. By then Cassius was on his legs again preparing another barrage. Sensing defeat the Changer fled back the way it came crushing a skitarii chicken that had somehow survived all this time. It tore open a portal with it's taloned claw and dived in, sealing the rift behind him.

Cassius let his weapons cool and stared into the spot the creature had entered from. Analizing for any more traces of immaterial energy.

"What was that?" The equine monarch asked reminding Cassius of her presence.


“Where we come from these creatures are called Neverborn." Cassius explained narrowing his optics. "Beings born in the darkness of unreality by the thoughts and fears of those in ours. They crave only destruction and ruin and the blood of all those who worship or despise them. They can not be bargained or reasoned with. Their insatiable apatite have brought down countless civilians.”

Celestia’s mind was still trying to grasp what she just saw, so his words didn’t fully penetrate the maelstrom in her mind. They just shot Discord. Discord! And not just shot him. But actually made him bleed. Discord bled in her own throne room. The most powerful being in the universe was wounded by them.

"If there is one in your presence, so close to you... their are undoubtedly more hidden among your kind. The spread of their taint is nearly invisible but worse than deadly. That even one so powerful was here invites damnation upon your whole world." He actually managed to make his patchwork voice sound like it was full of regret. "It pains me greatly to say this..."

Now she realized they were about to declare war on her people. Her stern appearance crumpled to ash at the shear cosmic horror of such a concept.

“Please, we had no idea.” She pleaded, ignoring the blood coming from her ears and staining her coat, she somehow managed to remain standing on trembling legs till now, but at this moment she was kneeling, pleading, begging, anything to prevent the slaughter sure to come. She promised land, jewels, gold, metal, books, livestock, food nothing worked.

The Magos's face was an impassive mask of purpose, it didn't speak any further. Just walked forward down the steps of the throne room, his robes waving the wind from the shattered window.

Before leaving he paused "I suggest you find somewhere safe princess." Then the door closed behind him and the guards rushed in.

’Safe?' Was that a joke? They stood no chance against them and he knew it. No one did. If Discord, DISCORD! Was hurt, what could they do to stop them? What would they do to her subjects, to her?

As her guards questioned what happened Celestia didn't answer. Only wept.

They where doomed.

+++Transmission Concluded+++

Author's Note:

As always I feel a little bad about how long it takes me to write. My new job leaves me with less and less free time. To show how off I am from my schedule, I ORIGINALLY planned to have THIS chapter done before Psychic Awakening: Engine War. Obviously that didn’t happen. I wanted to do that so I would have lore on the new units before the actual fighting broke out (I am still mad that Engine War didn’t even have any lore on the new units), still by the time I finish the next chapter maybe a new AdMech codex will be released, so there’s that.

The next 2-3 chapters will mainly be focused on pony genocide, if that’s not your thing you can just skip them. HOWEVER this is NOT going to be another “Warhammer wins, mlp sucks” story. I have a different ending in mind that some will hate, but hopefully the majority of people who made it this far will like. More to come.

EDIT: Decided to add in some music links. Should I do this in the future?