• Member Since 16th Nov, 2018
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My name is Betty Jewel and I am sick and tired of being teased for being a relative of a villain pegasus by the name of Cozy Glow. In a fit of anger, I smashed Cozy Glow's statue. Now her ghost is following me around because apparently, she died in her statue and couldn't crossover for some reason like Tirek and Queen Chrysalis did. I didn't know the statue had real creatures inside until after I smashed Cozy Glow's statue. 

I learned that I was something called a Death Walker. Death Walker's are someone that keeps the balance of life and death in check. I also found out in learning how to do the job of a death walker that I'm pretty good at it. As I'm learning how to be a death walker and since Cozy Glow's ghost is following me around I thought it was best to try and reform her. The funny thing is, as Cozy Glow follows me around she actually reforms herself. What my question is will Cozy Glow ever be able to crossover? 

Note: Seeing that this story is getting a rewrite which is The Ghost of Cozy Glow- A Redux, I am NOT doing anymore edits on this story. Please don't make anymore edit comments on this story. You can read the story if you like but I'm not doing edits for this one because of the rewrite.

You can check out the rewrite through is this link: The Ghost of Cozy Glow- A Redux

Chapters (24)
Comments ( 37 )

What's the Suicide / Self Harm tag for?

Comment posted by SapphireRose87 deleted Jun 5th, 2020

I just took the suicide self harm tag off, cause that's only in the begging. It doesn't really need now that you think about it.

Princess Twilight then used her magic and swung hard, before I knew it the lights were out as soon as I hit the wall.

what the problem with everyone knocked Betty down?

Not everyone does to Betty does that to Betty, just Princess Twilight did it

Half pony half what now? I am not sure if I can take this fic seriously.

And Betty is half human and half pegasus

Nevermind I don't think it has alt universe elements I was mixed up. Its just unique.

I don't think it should be too unexpected or seem out of place. I've seen partial humans in Pandemic: Aftermath, and a lot of stories with transformations: Pandemic, Five Score Divided by Four, Chaotic Touch of Harmony being some of the bigger ones. Its not common to have a half-human half-pony situation but there are notable stories that are pretty great with these similar concepts so that reason alone won't turn me aside.

A second reason for it being not unexpected is in the show itself hybrid forms of species are a strong pattern such as: Gryphons, Hippogryphs and Centaur(Tirek). Following the strong pattern of hybrid forms in the show, one of them already being part human with Tirek even having hands, it seems to lend itself to the idea of a human pony form to me. Humans also gain confirmation in EG spinoff. So it doesn't feel that radical, just under-utilized as a concept on fimfiction.

Wait, why is Celestia in the wrong? Eternal night would mean the extinction of every living organism?

Not exactly, but the Afterlife Court does take into consideration everything that a person did with their life. In this story sending Luna to the moon probably wasn't the only thing Celesta messed up on. But in the next chapter Luna does something very bad to Betty and gets sent to prison in the Middle Ground. But Celestia was given a position in power Managing the Middle Ground. So she wasn't really punished for it.

And the same thing happened with Luna, she was given a position of power to Manage the Middle Ground along with Celestia.

Oh, I'm working on another version of this story. I will be keeping this version up because so many people have read it already.

Neat, out of curiosity how did this end up in the momlestia folder?

Was it in a group? If it is then they need to take my story out of it.

Its under the momlestia and sunset folder, unless Celestia is a mother figure to Sunset or Adoptive or Biological mom i do not see why this would be under the folder yet.

Yeah I don't know because the story isn't about anything like that. Nowhere near close! So I have no idea why it got there. So yeah...

I dont know how to get it off, try messaging a group admin or smth.

"Had another late night run?" asked Mom.(——

"Yes." I said.(——

I heard laughter surround me as Marble blushed.

with Tirek, Queen Chrysalis and Cozy Glow.

'I hope Mystic Diamond can see her,'

"Because I'd rather have him as a friend than an enemy."

So your parents and I have come up with a solution.

“Well isn’t this a happy couple!” Dark Meadow said. “I would congratulate you but I don’t approve of dating abominations.”

“Every creature in Equestria has an expiration date. “ Princess Celestia said.

If you're trying to help me out with editing, thanks but I'm in the process of doing a rewrite as a separate story. I'm not really planning on spending anymore time on trying to edit this one. Thanks so much for trying to help. Here's a link for the rewrite:


No not with Celestia in the leading positions.

Comment posted by SapphireRose87 deleted Nov 10th, 2021

If you're trying to help me out with the editing, thanks but I'm not going to edit this story further because I have a rewrite in progress. Here's a link to it:


I also have an editor for this one. But thanks so much for trying to help. :pinkiehappy:

I then heard a laugh that made my blood run cold.

"Okay then," said Mr. Giggles, "you have a few years to think about it."

"Can we get back to the breakouts now?" said Luna.

We've been monitoring the ever after since that happened,

there's Cozy Glow's ghost that has been following me around too.

mother of course and she didn’t look worried, she looked mad too.

“She found out that I was a Death Walker,” I said,

Comment posted by Luckyfanisaac deleted Nov 9th, 2021

“Okay,” said Fluttershy, “you got me. I guess I just want to ask was that are you having trouble going back to the Land of The Dead? Because Princess Luna and Princess Celestia need your help.”

Actually,” I said, “I don’t think I have a choice. But, okay…”

Your Mother may not have Been the nicest person in the world but,

opened the door only to see Scarlett and(—— Fluttershy talking. I knew what they where talking about. It was me, I glared at Fluttershy and Scarlett. My eye also twitched.

“I know you guys are talking about me,” I said, “what do you want?”

got thewrong Death Walker right now!”

“Well right now,” said Luna, “I think we do have the right Death Walker.

“Humph,” I said, ——)“I doubt you beat me!”

“Fluttershy told me what was going on,” said Princess Twilight, “I didn’t expect this to be another screw up!”

I then saw Fluttershy waving at me with a concerned looked at me with a concerned look on her face.

“I was concerned, “ said Fluttershy, “your body was under too much strain and your body was grabbing at your chest. Luna then handed me potion that I knew was bad, so I rushed over to Princess Twilight at once.”

Then before I knew it, I was rushed to the Hospital.(——

I woke up at the Hospital and found Silver Whiskers sitting at my bedside nodding his head off as if he had been there all night.

So, finally the day came for my first training session.

Let’s see if you can use it in the Land of the Living.

Hey watch it,” said Scarlett, “we’re not playing sudden death here!”

I found out that I had the power of darkness,

As I was just standing there it seemed like time slowed to a stop. When I couldn’t take it anymore, I let out a loud scream.

Cozy Glow then had a nervous laugh, “Let’s put the past where it belongs, in the past.”

It would be a classic move for a villains.(——”

When we got to the office Headmare Starlight Glimmer slammed the door shut.

I think I’ll have to pull you out of school.

“Actually it is,” said Starlight glimmer, “that’s the max punishment I can give you if you don’t stop bullying people.”

and trust me, I won’t miss this time. Just leave!”(——

I then started to run as fast as I could. Then Fluttershy did the big mistake of running in front of me.

After I ate I put my change on the table.

I sighed and then went out of the the tent.

“If you’re thinking about getting back together her,” said Scarlett, “I think you’d best forget it, at least for now…”

When I got to the last village on the outskirts of Equestria, I thought I was home free.

This Betty is really starting to become a brat.

As I left the last village I thought about officially

I do have more men and ponies tracking you other than what you see behind me.”

Then a rope made up of electricity tried to wrap around my ankle but, it missed.

I was in a place where I found myself surrounded by clocks of all shapes and sizes.

“Wait!” I said. “I think I remember you, Princess Twilight right?”

How can I trust anyone ever again given what I’ve been through!

“If you let that wall down,” said Silver Whiskers, “you can rescue yourself that way.”

“I didn’t realize that I’ve been in the dark this whole entire time,” said Norman,

“I know,” said Fluttershy, “but don’t you think it’s time you start Death Walking again?”

It came time for me to have my next training session with Scarlett Harmony. This time I was a little bit confused about what was going to happen.

I stood in the middle of the hula hoop not sure of what to do next.

“Good,” said Scarlett, “that’s correct! And you got it on your first try too!”

Scarlett then gave a signal and then ponies and men came out of the woods and attacked.

I wiped the sweat off my brow and took my fighting stance. Scarlett gave the signal and once again the attacks came at me one by one. This time I took them all down with no problem. After that was done I broke my bubble of silence and heard the crowd cheering.

“Wow!” Scarlett said. “You beat the record! That was exactly one minute! Nice job, I knew you could do it!”

I wiped the sweat off my brow and took my fighting stance. Scarlett gave the signal and once again the attacks came at me one by one. This time I took them all down with no problem. After that was done I broke my bubble of silence and heard the crowd cheering.

“Wow!” Scarlett said. “You beat the record! That was exactly one minute! Nice job, I knew you could do it!”

By this time I was out of breath and sank to my knees, Scarlett caught me as I fell.

“But you can’t just be by yourself!” Silver Whiskers said. ——)“Relax and have fun with your friends, would you?”

there was nothing but laughter all around.

I sighed, “Will I have to work with Mr. Harmony?”

“Well you see,” said Celestia, “the King of Hell has requested a visit from you.”

“No, I wish I could say that I’m not,” said Celestia,——) “the King has already sent someone to escort you there.”

“Okay,” I thought, ——)”this is not good! Not good at all!”

As the man kept laughing I was in no mood to laugh back.

I didn’t budge I was so pissed off.

“Good,” said Dae, “then you might be able to keep him in check for me?”

“Yeah…” I said. “That’s not creepy at all…”

Comment posted by SapphireRose87 deleted Nov 10th, 2021

Thank you for trying to do the edits for me. But please STOP doing these comments because I'm not doing any edits to this story because of the rewrite. I have an editor for the rewrite as well. Here is a link to the rewrite:


Again, please STOP with the edit comments. I'm NOT doing anymore editing for this story. Please and thankyou!

Shouldn't this story be marked as cancelled and not complete?


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