• Published 18th Nov 2019
  • 3,502 Views, 86 Comments

The Legend Of Nicholas - DanishDash

A human infant is found in Equestria one winter evening, not knowing what else to do, he is adopted by a loving pair of ponies. This is his story on how he became Equestria's very own Santa Claus.

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Chapter 3: First School Day!

Chapter 3: First School Day!

Nicholas was allowed to stay, he was the first human in Equestria, the first human infant that had been adopted by a loving pony family. Some say it was luck, I say it was fate. From the day Celestia accepted him into her kingdom, her blessing went with the little boy.

The ponies knew not to fear him, and so, as Rose and Cutter could finally take him outside, the ponies all knew to treat him just like any other foal.

Rose was beyond happy, she now had everything she could have ever wished for. A loving husband, a home, a place of work and her very own son. Of course that didn't mean she did not want to have more kids, but right now, she was simply happy to have Nicholas in her life. She treated him like she herself had given birth to him, and that love rubbed off onto Cutter, who in turn did the same, treating him like he was his real son.

Time went on, as time the old fool does, and Nicholas grew and grew. Soon enough the infant became a boy, and he started to shape up. His hair grew to become a little curly, a little messy, but was nice, smooth and soft, and had a delightful light brown color. Rose could spend hours simply stroking it, but of course, when he started to walk, talk and soon enough run, she knew the boy would become more wild, as all boys do.

Nicholas however, despite being a boy, was a gentle soul. He was never rude, followed the directions his parents gave him. He was also amazingly quick to pick things up and learn at an amazing rate. If it had some sort of beauty or sense of wonder, Nicholas wanted to explore it.

Of course, that didn't mean he never got in trouble. All children do, no matter how good and well behaved they are. Nicholas had a bad habit of wandering off, many times close to the Everfree. He was, as I said, very gentle and kind, but he was quite the curious boy, never afraid maybe bending a rule if it meant he could explore and discover something new.

The Everfree trip was probably the worst of the rules he’d broken, Nicholas did not like to make his parents upset, but he simply felt a calling from it, like he wanted to explore it, even back then.

Now, a human living among ponies, surely he noticed the difference between them. Yea, of course he knew he was not of their kind, and he accepted that, but he was never upset about it, he never questioned it too much. To him, he was one of them, to him, Rose Bright and Cutter was his parents, nothing would ever change that.

As time went on Nicholas grew and grew, when he finally reached the age of five, his parents knew they had to start sending him to school. Rose pondered about this matter for some time, afraid of sending her boy to an all pony school, but Nicholas wanted to go.

He wanted to learn more, despite already having a hungry appetite for knowledge already, he wanted to go, be with foals and play. Cutter agreed with this, they could not shelter Nicholas, if they truly believed he belonged with them and he was no different than any other foal, then they had to let him go. So, Rose agreed, but not without a lot of hugs, kisses and snuggles to make sure she got it all out of her system before sending him off.


The day was here, the first day of school! Nicholas's eyes shot open as he felt Celestia's sun gently warming his cheek. He grinned and quickly jumped out of bed to get dressed. He quickly found a pair of light brown pants, and then looked over his selections of tunics.

Tunics were easy and cheap to make, not that it was a question about costs, but they served many purposes. Other than keeping him warm, they were nice and easy to move in, not to mention crafted to last in all his exploring. He could not decide which one to pick, he was not one for vanity, but he wanted to make a good impression on his first day.

They were all different colors, and Nicholas started to drift towards the dark olive green ones, but then again, his mother always said he looked good in red. He did not want to stick out like a sore thumb, but then again, that ship probably sailed a long time ago.

Finally he decided to get the green tunic, he put it on, strapped the belt around his waist. His tunics were very long, they went all the way down to his knees, and offered him warmth when needed. He had some with long sleeves and some with short sleeves, today he decided on a short sleeved one.

Finally, with that out of the way, he got down on his rump to put his shoes on. The shoes had been a whole different challenge. Since ponies had no need for the same kind as him, it took some time to find a solution. For now the solution was simply wrappings around his feet.

They were wrapped around the leg, from the knee and down to under the foot. Then, as a final protection against the elements, sandals of some sort were made, hardened fabric that would provide protection from stone and water. He would wrap them around his feet and then lace them up along with his foot wrappings, it was quite some work, but Nicholas had gotten so used to it he could do it in less than a minute.

Finally, he needed his handbag. Since he was not a pony, he could not use saddlebags, but instead the clothes maker came up with a clever little solution. The handbag would hang in his belt, and if need be he could have had two handbags in the belt.

Today however he just used one, he put it at his right side, filled it with two pencils and a small sketchbook. He would have loved to bring his knife, but his father always told him he could not take it with him outside the workshop until he was older. This was a rule he never broke.

Nicholas loved to watch his father work, and he picked it up pretty fast. He had a natural aptitude it seemed, and Cutter was more than happy to show his son the art of woodwork.

Nicholas had a natural talent for these things, but it was his parents that showed him how. Cutter took his son as an apprentice, of course he was still a child and it would take a while before he would reach the skills he would one day have. For now it was simple ways to keep the workshop clean, the tools in good condition and how to use the knife the right way, which was a little struggle, since we ponies don't have fingers.

His mother on the other hoof showed him how to make things shine and come to life, the form and the details were important, but with her painting skills she could make things seem even more beautiful and alive.

It was those two skills that would make the foundation of where he would create all of his toys.

At any rate, with his clothes finally on, he quickly made his way downstairs, following the smell of toast, eggs and pancakes. Today seemed to start out great, and as his feet ran down the stairs he could hear his mother chuckle lightly. "No running indoors, Nicholas."

He got up on the chair and smiled at his mother. "Morning ma, and.. uhm, sorry.." He said sheepishly.

Rose trotted over and planted a kiss on her son's forehead. "Wash your hands while I get your father."

Nicholas nodded and got off the chair. "Okay ma." He did as she asked, pulling over a small stool so he could reach the sink. Making sure to wash them probably as his mother would want, his mom returned with his dad.

"Good morning sport." Cutter smiled as he walked over to his chair.

"Morning dad!"

"Cutter." Rose said with a stern voice. "Hooves, wash them, now."

Cutter frowned and did not dare argue with her. "Yes dear.."

Nicholas smirked seeing his mom trying to hide her giggle behind a mask of sternness. His father in turn smirked a little as he stood up and planted a kiss on her lips. Rolling his eyes while smiling, Nicholas returned to his seat and got himself some toast and butter.

"You fiend." Rose sighed with a loving smile before she sat down too. Cutter simply chuckled as he moved over and started to wash his hooves. Rose looked to Nicholas with her ever present motherly smile. "Excited for today Nicholas?"

He nodded eagerly. "Yes! I hope I can make new friends!"

"We hope so too." Cutter said and sat down to get some pancakes. "Just remember Nicholas, be yourself, be honest and treat others as you want to be treated."

Nicholas looked at his father, he had a serious look on his face and Nicholas nodded. He knew his father and mother valued these things and he would never dream of going against that.

Cutter smiled. "That's my boy, after breakfast we both take you to school."

Nicholas could hardly wait!


The walk to the school house was pleasant enough, Nicholas walked at a fast pace, wanting to get there as fast as possible, but his parents insisted on taking it slow and relaxed.

"Come on Nicholas, relax, come up here and enjoy the quiet." Cutter said and motioned to his back with his head. "Trust me lad, soon enough you will be missing the quiet."

Nicholas did not think so, but nevertheless, he went to his father and climbed onto his back. He always enjoyed being carried by his dad, it was fun when he would gallop and only made him feel closer to him, a bonding moment between father and son.

"Now remember." Rose began. "Behave, be nice and have fun."

Nicholas smiled and nodded. "Yes ma!"

It did not take them long to reach the school house, the red building stood tall, and had a large playground beside it. A lot of parents and their foals were there, saying goodbye to them, wishing them good luck, a few hugging and comforting those who were too scared to go in by themselves.

Nicholas looked around, spotting many familiar ponies. His eyes widened in awe, would he have a chance to get to know all of his new school mates? Then he spotted something big, something red, a stallion, well, a colt, but a big colt. He was probably in his teens, a green apple on his flank. Nicholas had seen him before a few times in town, but that was rare.

As some other ponies moved away he spotted a little filly standing before the older colt. She had orange fur, a blonde mane and tail and big green eyes. She looked pretty cute, but she seemed a little nervous. Perhaps they knew each other?

He did not get to finish his thoughts however as the school bell rang and colts and fillies started to move inside. Nicholas jumped off his father's back and hurried towards the school.

"Have a great day son!"

"Be good!"

They called after him and Nicholas simply replied with a big smile and a wave.


The teachers showed them all inside, guiding them to their classrooms. Nicholas was easy enough to spot, which was why the teachers already knew him by name. He was placed in a class with ten other students, this was first grade, and Nicholas had mixed feelings about it all, he was on one hand excited and on the other nervous.

"So class." The older mare called Miss Ice Blossom said, gaining all of their attention. "How about we get to know each other a bit, Hm?"

She pointed to a student and they each started to tell their name, their age and some small minor things. Nicholas listened intensely, many of them had probably gone to kindergarten together and knew each other, but Nicholas had never done that, so he only knew them by looks and not by name.

He noticed the orange earth filly seemed a bit nervous, she flinched a little when the teacher pointed to her. "And you dear? What's your name?"

The little filly sat up a bit straighter. "Uhm, howdy.. Ma'h name is, Applejack.. Ah'm five, and uhm, Ah live at my family's farm, Sweet Apple Acres.."

Nicholas knew of that place, he often passed it when he went exploring, did she really live there? The place looked amazing! She did not seem shy, simply nervous, maybe she had a right to be, some students giggled a bit at her accent, but Nicholas didn't mind.

The teacher smiled satisfied and moved to Nicholas's desk, which his father had donated to the school in order to better accommodate his son. "And, oh yes. Can you tell the class your name?"

He smiled and sat up a bit straighter. "My name is Nicholas Claus, but Nicholas is just fine.. I'm five years old, and my mom and dad own the carpenter shop in Ponyville.." He felt the heat rise to his face and his heart pounding a little faster, he was nervous alright.

There was a moment of silence, but then suddenly one asked. "What are you..? Are you a monkey?" The question came from a colt, and Nicholas felt himself frown and flinch a bit at the question. It was not that strange for somepony to ask, but the way he did it, it almost sounded like the colt was mocking him.

"Flint!" The teacher said sharply. "That is highly inappropriate!"

Nicholas tried to shake the feeling away, but it somehow stung him a little harder than he would have expected. The teacher scolded the colt named Flint for a short moment before starting the first lesson.


They got playtime and all of the young foals ran outside. Nicholas too, and he had gotten to talk with some of the other foals who seemed very interested in him. Though as he came out, he noticed the filly from before, Applejack, walked over to a tree and sat there, alone.

He frowned a bit, she looked sad. Not sure if he should do anything, he thought back to his father's words. "Treat others as you would want to be treated.." He mumbled to himself, thinking over the words. If he was sad and alone, he would want a friend to come over and cheer him up!

Only.. They weren't friends...

But maybe they could be!

That settled it, he wanted to make her smile, and so he started to walk over to her. She didn't notice him at first, but as his wrapped feet came into view she looked up at him with those big green eyes. Nicholas sent her a smile. "Hi."

The filly looked confused, but then looked down again and mumbled. "Howdy.."

"Can I sit?" Applejack didn't respond, she simply nodded a little, scooting over so there was room. He did so, taking a seat in the green grass and leaned against the tree. After maybe a minute of silence he spoke again. "Do you really live on the apple farm?"

Her ears picked up and she eyed him. "Yeah..."

Nicholas's smile grew. "Wow, must be so cool.. Do you have lots of animals and stuff?" She nodded again, looking more at him. "That's so cool!" He exclaimed. "I've often come by when I'm out exploring and I see those huge fields with the many apple trees, they always look so tasty!"

Now she started to smile a bit. "Ya really think so?"

"Mmhmm, I love apples, my mom always buys from your farm, she says they are the best, and my mom never lies." He grinned at her, licking his lips.

She tilted her head, still smiling at him. "What do you explore?"

"Everything I can, I've never gone to your farm however.. My dad says it's wrong to trespass.." He frowned a bit before looking up at the sky. "Oh look, speaking of apples, that cloud looks like one!" He said and pointed.

Applejack leaned back and looked up. "Oh yeah! That one over there looks like a ship!"

Nicholas laughed. "That one there looks like a cat."

"Nu-uh, it looks like a doggie!" She said, shaking her head.

"Nope, it's a cat!" Nicholas retorted and they both looked at one another with determined faces.




"Cat dog!"

Applejack was just about to retort when she started to burst out laughing, Nicholas could no longer hold the mask and started to laugh as well. They both almost fell to the grass as they laughed and giggled.

Finally, as the laughter died down, Applejack removed a tear from her eye. "Ah'm Applejack.."

Nicholas smiled. "I know, I'm Nicholas Claus, but you can call me Nicholas."

"I know." She said back with a small smirk.

"Wanna be friends?" Nicholas then asked, feeling a little nervous again.

Applejack however smiled and gave a single nod. "Sure!"

The school belle rang again, signaling the end of playtime. Nicholas got up and started to run back towards the school. "Come on Applejack!" He called.

"Comin'!" Applejack called back and hurried after her new friend.