• Published 3rd Jul 2020
  • 3,686 Views, 104 Comments

All Hail, Midnight Sparkle! - MisterEdd

Equestria is threatened by a new enemy...formerly one of its greatest heroes! The other Elements, together with a surprising ally, take on the Queen of Magic

  • ...

For the Stallion Who Has Nothing

Princess Luna ripped herself out of the dream-sphere and gasped, fighting to bring air back into her lungs. Never before had a dream actively fought her before and this frightened her. Midnight's magic was stronger than she'd feared and if the dark alicorn was capable of this, then what other kind of forbidden magic could she be able to conjure up? Ponies believe, rather erroneously, that Luna builds the dreams in which they experience their greatest joys or their worst fears. The truth was, she merely acted as a vanguard against nightmares; she didn't construct dreams, as that was left to the individual dreamers.

Midnight, however, not only built and entrapped Twilight's friends in oneiric-based prisons but had also gone out of her way to create a dream-world for Sombra, a place where the umbrum could live out his fondest desires. Luna didn't know what was crueler: to trap someone with their darkest fears or to give them everything they want and convince them that it's real. What Luna did know was that it was a perversion of everything she stood for and that Midnight needed to be stopped. The others crowded around her, bombarding her with questions and inquiries as to her current status. Shooing the others away, Princess Celestia gathered Luna into her wings.

"Back up, everypony, please. Give her room." Celestia peered down at Luna cautiously. "Are you alright?"

"I think so." Gently pushing Celestia's wings away, Luna reclaimed her footing. "I tried to pierce the veil of the dream world and speak to Sombra directly but it's fighting me."

"What do ya mean, 'fightin' ya'?"

"Whenever I enter a dream, I am entering a doorway into the subconscious mind of another. In that moment, the dreamer is convinced of the genuine nature of their environment. This dream, however, seems to be built on conscious thought. At first, I thought it was merely a result of Midnight's doing but now I see that Sombra is so beguiled by the fantasy world created for him that his mind is battling all attempts at preventing reality from upsetting the illusion."

Rarity tapped her chin. "So what you're saying is, Sombra knows he's in a dream?"

"At least on some kind of level. He is...aware that something is wrong but is instead choosing to ignore the signs, if only to maintain the false reality."

"That's lame!" Rainbow Dash spectated. "So what if it's nice to dream? He has to grow up and get back to real life."

"It's not easy for everypony." They all turned to Spike. "I mean, the appeal of a dream is to be someone you're not. A better someone, someone that you can be proud of." His eyes quickly darted over to Rarity. "And others can be too."

Fluttershy nodded. "Well, he does bring up a good point. From what Twilight's told us, Sombra hasn't exactly had the easiest life. M-maybe, deep down, he resents himself and what he's done."

"Which is why he needs someone to go in there and convince him of the truth," Celestia advised. "I'll go."

"Sister, with all due respect, you're the last pony Sombra would want to see. Besides, he needs an oneiromancer that can bring him out of it. I will go." From Luna's tone and posture, it wasn't up for debate.

"Ah'll go too," Applejack announced. "Yah need somepony t' watch yer back. 'Sides, Honesty is mah thing an' Sombra's gonna need a dose o' honesty if he's gonna snap outta it."

Luna smiled proudly. "Excellent thinking. Now, I believe one more should do, as I don't think I will be able to properly protect more than that and take care of whatever is in there."

Spike raised a hand. "I volunteer."

"Spikey, no!"

Rainbow darted in front of the dragon, her wings unfurled. "Rarity's right. If anything, I should go."

The drake crossed his arms defiantly. "No, I'm going."

Celestia shook her head. "Absolutely not. I'm not going to stand back and allow you to-..."

"Leave him be." Luna stared Celestia down, turning her sight to Spike. "It's his choice. He's earned it."

With a sigh, Spike balled up his fists. "Look, I know I'm not strong, or fast, but what I am is someone that's not going to just stand around and let the rest of you risk your lives. I really think that I can help. If you let me."

The Lunar Princess' pride couldn't have been more prevalent. "Very well then. Follow me."


The trio soon found themselves in the Frozen North, yet despite the whooshing of wind and the falling snow around them, none of them felt even in the slightest chilly. This told Luna that Midnight, despite her devious ingenuity, had failed to make the faux world one-hundred percent realistic, instead settling on merely being convincing enough to make Sombra want to stay but not to completely fool him. Whether this was due to haste or some sort of enticement, Luna wasn't certain but did have to admit it at least looked nice. She could make out the shimmering spires of the Crystal Empire in the distance, glittering like cut diamonds in the sunlight. The question of how Midnight knew such details briefly played out in Luna's mind until she remembered that it was due to them sharing the same body and thus, same experiences.

That is a disturbing thought.

"Ah think Ah see it!"

Narrowing her gaze, Luna followed Applejack's outstretched hoof. Past a series of ditches and small hills, there lay what appeared to be a settlement sitting atop a large mound of stone and snow. Trails of smoke seeped from the huts' roofs, almost acting as a signal to the three travelers.

Hnefaleikarinn...Giant's Fist...

"Dravite Hill," Luna unknowingly whispered aloud.

"Princess Luna, are you okay?"

Luna found Spike's eyes peering worriedly up at her.

"I am, Spike. Come, let us finish our task."

The three began their journey towards the mound, all of them filled with trepidation at whatever lied in wait for them in the so-called "village." As the snow beneath their hooves and feet was nothing more than window-dressing, there were no crunching sounds nor the familiar sensation of cold wetness in the frogs or between the toes. If not for the miles of whiteness stretching out before them, none of the trio would've believed that they were supposed to be in a tundra. Conversely, Spike politely declined Applejack's offer of a ride, instead electing to walk alongside the two mares. Perhaps it was to convince both them and himself that they were right to have allowed him to tag along.

Possibly an hour or so passed before the outskirts of the Dravite Hill Village was within their immediate vicinity. A small stone wall, approximately chest-height for the average pony, raced around the village's border. Beyond that, a collection of wooden A-frame huts of varying sizes encircled the property, ranging from residential homes to small shops. Luna watched the simulated denizens with mild curiosity, taking note of their shared features: thick-furred dark coats ranging from an ash-gray to a jet-black hue, black manes, curved horns and red eyes. The stallions wore cloaks and tunics, occasionally along with trousers and fur hats, while the mares were dressed in underdresses, apron-like overdresses, and knotted kerchiefs.

"Wow, Midnight's really outdone herself, huh?" Applejack asked.

"Indeed." Luna watched a small group of foals playing tag, shrieking with delight as one plump colt attempted to catch the others, nearly swatting a petite filly. "It's almost beautiful in a way. Yet also-..."

"Umm, l-ladies?"

They both turned to Spike only to find the dragon frozen in place, a pair of spears criss-crossing to enclose around his neck in a scissor-like fashion. Their owners, initially a pair of amorphous shadows, materialized into two armored umbrum guards. Three more shadows popped up around Luna and Applejack, spears aimed right at their chests as they too were soon revealed to be umbrums. A fourth shadow appeared directly in front of the princess, coalescing into a scarred stallion with one milky eye. He leveled his own spear at Luna, the tip of the metal head pointed right at her nose.

"Care to explain what you're doing here?"

Waving the end of her wing to Applejack in a downward motion, Luna stared at the scarred stallion defiantly.

"We seek audience with your leader. It is of dire importance."

The guards shared quick confused glances before their apparent captain spoke.

"Is that so?" He studied Luna's face for a moment before giving her a crooked-toothed smirk. "Would you look at this, strĂ¡kar! She's got a spine, doesn't she?"

The others chuckled, though kept both their eyes and their spears trained on the newcomers.

"Very well then. Follow us, please."

Forming a careful formation around the travelers, two on each side and one in both front and back, the guards prodded and pushed the trio into the village, guiding them past almost awestruck bystanders and up to the longhouse. The largest building in the village, it was a long wooden structure with a slightly rounded roof, a fence of pillars surrounding the exterior like sentries. A pair of beams crowned the top of the front entrance, their surfaces carved into the shapes of two yowling beasts, possibly serpents or even dragons. Magically wresting the large front doors wide, the three were met by the sounds and sights of a large banquet as sweet, lively music poured out into the open air. Herding them inside in a less-than-gentle fashion, Luna immediately felt the ambiance take on a much cooler feel, the music and festivities having both abruptly fallen silent at their arrival.

Scores of red eyes, filled with either curiosity, scorn, or sardonic amusement, soon tracked every step Luna, Spike, and Applejack had taken. The mares muttered in their native tongue while the stallions reached for their swords, axes, or whatever weapon was nearby. At the end of the grand hall, there was a raised dais of oak, upon which a group of ponies were situated. In two intricately carved thrones, there sat a purple unicorn mare, her foreleg interlocked with Sombra's, the two of them dressed liked royalty. The party came to a halt and the scarred warrior bowed respectfully.

"My lord, these trespassers appeared on the west side of the village. They requested an audience with you."

Studying each of the three, Sombra finally locked eyes with Luna and she could see the recognition behind those orbs. And yet it appeared foggy, like one trying to recall the name of a classmate they'd not seen in decades. He then leaned forward slightly and spoke in an authoritative manner:

"Who are you and what do you want?"

Nopony tried to stop Luna as she approached the foot of the dais. She swallowed and then stated, "You are going to find this incredible to believe but we know each other. Myself, my companions and you."

Sombra fixed her with a stony glance. "Is that so?"

"I am Princess Luna, daughter of Queen Concordia and sister to Princess Celestia."

One of Sombra's eyes twinged slightly. "These names mean nothing to me."

"Well they should." Applejack muscled her way past the guards. "Princess Celestia is th' ruler o' Equestria an' yer ex-wife." A chorus of laughter and obnoxious chatter filled the background but she ignored them. "Ya were orphaned at uh young age an' taken in by th' king an' queen o' th' Crystal Empire an' raised as their son."

One of Sombra's hooves dug into the throne's arm. "That is ludicrous. I've never even set hoof inside of the Crystal Empire."

"Yes, ya have," Applejack insisted. "After ya found out th' truth about yer kind, ya took over, enslaved th' crystal ponies, an' tried t' wage war on Equestria. That is, until Princess Luna here an' Princess Celestia showed up an' banished ya fer a thousand years."

Sombra bared his noticeably normal pony teeth at her. "Now you're just delusional! I've never-..."

"Don't ya remember? We're friends wi' Twilight!"

Hearing her name, Twilight stared blankly at Applejack. "I've never seen this mare before in my life."

"Not ya! Th' real Twilight! Th' one that's bein' controlled by Nightmare Moon, or Midnight Sparkle!"

"Sombra," Luna interjected. "None of this is real. You are literally living in a fantasy. This is a dream built especially for you but you need to wake up now."

"Please Sombra!" Spike begged. "Midnight is going to destroy Equestria unless we stop her and we need your help!"

The chieftain was on his hooves. "I've heard enough of this drivel! Guards, escort these...fools out of here. Just be thankful I'm being so merciful."

Spears raised, the umbrum guards began corralling the trio and leading them towards the exit.

"Sombra! It is not too late! Midnight must be stopped!"

Luna's words were left with scoffing laughter as the doors slammed shut.


The hall remained quiet long after the foreigners' departure, until one of the musicians took to his flute and resumed playing. The others joined in shortly, filling the hall with joyful tunes once more, leading to the revelers reluctantly returning to their merriment. Sombra, however, had been more than spooked by the three's visit and left the hall without a word to anyone. He found himself stumbling down an empty corridor, one forehoof skidding along the wall as his hindlegs felt as though they were ready to give up. He swore, no begged, that the allegations were false but found it harder and harder to refute them, flashes of what could only be memories flooding his head.

Screams tore through the air, accompanied by the rapid tolling of the village bell and the shouts of stallions barking orders. Fires burned brightly, consuming the huts like an angry beast...


"Mama!" Young Sombra squealed, searching for his mother as umbrums charged past him.

"Sombra!" A young mare yanked him off of the ground and clutched him to her chest. "We have to go!" The colt's eyes widened with fear as arrows soared through the air...

"Stop it!" Sombra's head felt as though in was in a vice. "It's not true!"

"Advance!" A cadre of armored crystal ponies marched forward, mowing down anypony and everypony in their wake. From over his mother's shoulder, Sombra watched the carnage with undivided attention, his eyes taking in the full scope of the horror unfolding around him...

Slumping against the wall, Sombra fought the urge to vomit, instead electing to choke back the feeling, his throat becoming raw from the effort. More moments flashed before his eyes, both good and bad, pain and joy wrapped in one package. He drew his hoof from the wall. There had been no texture from the wood, nor smell. The floors were the same, as was his clothing and the ale from the banquet had no taste. Had it always been like that?

This...this is real! I know it...

"This isn't a dream..."

Sombra's reassurance sounded empty, even to himself.


Glancing behind her, Luna found the longhouse once more flooded with music and laughter. They may've failed to fully convince Sombra of his predicament but there was doubt, both in his eyes and voice, and doubt was a powerful tool. Much like a seed, once planted, doubt slowly grows into a tree of distrust and by then it's too late to ignore. Time may be a factor in the waking realm but in dreams, it was a nonissue and Luna knew that she would eventually reach him. She had to.

"Princess Luna!" Applejack shouted.

It was then that she noticed it.

One of the guards had flickered, albeit briefly.

Puffing out her wings, Luna knocked a guard aside and clocked another one right on the snout with a back-kick.

"Remember, they aren't real!"

Taking a cue, Applejack ducked and thrust both hindlegs out, sending a helpless guard flying backwards. The stallion that'd been struck by Luna's wing rose, only to receive the gift of a rather nasty uppercut by the orange farm mare. Drawing in a deep breath, Spike exhaled a hot burst of fire, scorching the ground around one guard and setting another aflame. The burning guard fled from the chaos and vanished in a puff of smoke. Luna beckoned the others to follow her.

"Come, to the mead hall!"

Yes, there was a chance.


"Sombra?! What's happened!"

Twilight rushed to Sombra's aid, telekinetically lifting him up and wrapping her forelegs around his barrel. Her face was etched with worry at seeing him like this.

Sombra lifted his head up and stared owlishly at her. "Twilight, I...the massacre. I remember it..."

"'Massacre'? What mass-..."

"The massacre! The crystal ponies invading the village...everything burning!"

"Calm down, you're not making sense."

The mare's embrace did nothing; it was like being hugged by smoke. She lacked warmth, substance, or even a smell. Sombra pulled himself away, spooked and a tad taken aback.

"This...this isn't real, is it?"


Seizing Twilight by the shoulders, Sombra screamed, "Tell me this is real!"

Twilight shoved Sombra back. "Of course this is real! Are you going to place the words of strangers over those of your wife?!"

Twilight sat across from him in a large dining hall, though she had a pair of feathered wings at her side. Her mane was gathered up into an intricately-braided side-bun. Garbed in a dark pink, silver-trimmed dress, she was nothing short of miraculous. No stallion alive was luckier than he was at that moment

"The Golden Horseshoe..." It was their first date...sort of. "It was meant to be a fact-gathering mission, yet I couldn't help myself."

Her velvety soft lips tasted of wild elderberries, a light whimper escaping her mouth as they shared their first kiss.

"Sombra, return to the banquet. You just need some to enjoy the party."

He stared at the mare he called his wife and discovered an expression of fear adorning her features. Despite the fact that he was currently questioning both reality and his own sanity, he had an urge to assuage her worries. Taking a deep breath, Sombra adopted a more relaxed veneer and nodded.

"Yes...yes, you're right. Come."

Grasping her by the foreleg, they made their way back to the main hall. By then, the celebration was in full swing, though there was something decidedly off. The song that the band had been playing was the exact same one from an hour ago. Turning a blind eye, Sombra took his seat back on the dais just in time for a young mare to fill his drinking horn. He peered down at the golden liquid and took a sip before setting the horn aside altogether.

It tastes bland. No substance to it.

He found Weland chatting with Persephone, the two sitting cheek-to-cheek as they laughed and whispered to one another. A bored Agnar pushed the Brussels sprouts around on his plate, one cheek shoved against his hoof. Sombra found himself empathizing with the colt, even if only one of them was genuinely capable of experiencing such an emotion. He then watched Gyda cheerfully shovel her food into her mouth before staring up and him and grinning. A weak smile appeared on his own face before he returned to staring ahead, a dull pain throbbing in his chest.

Cadence stood at Sombra's bedside, gently smiling at the stallion.

"I'm just so happy to see you."

"Me too. I'm glad you're okay," the mare replied sweetly.

"This...this isn't right," Sombra hissed aloud.


Ignoring Twilight, Sombra rose from his throne as if in a trance and stumbled down the dais. The band commenced playing, though their instruments no longer produced any music. Ponies laughed and chattered, their mouths emitting nary a sound but still carrying as though there was nothing amiss. Gradually, one by one, the mead hall's occupants vanishing into thin air. A growl escaped Sombra's mouth, his skull assaulted by a splitting migraine, the hall spinning like a carousel.

Wave after wave of memories crashed against the forefront of Sombra's conscious mind, each recollection resulting in another fracture in the walls of the mead hall. He remembered everything following the crystal pony attack and his subsequent adoption by their monarchs, from his foalhood and re-discovery of his true identity to his training with Grimoire and his multi-species coalition bent on conquering Equestria. Then came his millennia-long banishment, death, and return, second exposure to the Elements of Harmony and the temporary removal of his magic, resulting in a year-long imprisonment beneath Canterlot Castle. Twilight-the real Twilight-and her efforts to befriend him, eventually blossoming into romance and a sense of renewed trust in another. The interactions with the other members of Twilight's merry band, ranging from gleeful acceptance to cool indifference, as well as Celestia's repeated attempts to win back his affections, their battle above and in Canterlot, and his decision to spare her life.

"It's not real...none of it is..."

Spiderweb-esque cracks split the walls in a series of loud rips, flooding the room in several beams of white-blue light.

The double doors burst open and the visitors from before raced into the room though they didn't register on Sombra's radar. Instead, his attention was focused on the dais, where all of the members of his "family" were erect and solemn, the only ones left in the mead hall. He raced towards them, stumbled and righted himself, no longer concerned by their status of existence. Tripping over an inclined chair, Sombra landed hard onto the floor, coughing in pain and clutching one hindleg. He then rose and finally made it halfway up the dais, where Weland nodded at him in a respectful manner.

"I love you, son. Be well." He then bowed his head and faded in a stream of dust.


Blinking back tears, Persephone reached out for Sombra, grazing his cheek.


"Don't say 'goodbye,' Dearest One," she smiled with a hint of sorrow before she too disintegrated.

Gathering his wife and children, Sombra clutched them tightly, practically fusing them to his chest with how he held them. He now knew of both lives, of Sombra the Shadow King, a despicable tyrant and master of the forbidden arts, and Sombra the Chieftain, beloved leader, devoted husband, and loving father. His embrace tightened, as did the pain in his chest, his heart aching more than it had in a long time.

"Don't...don't leave me," Sombra huffed, no longer able to fight the oncoming tears.

"Father, you have to let us go," Agnar pleaded, strands of his mane converting into loose particles.

"We love you, Father," Gyda sniffled. "But no more fairy tales. Time to wake up."

"Shut up! Just hold on!" He looked to Twilight, who gave him a bittersweet smile.

"You don't need us anymore. You never did."

"Stop, please..."

Slowly, they unraveled, their physical forms flaking off and fluttering away in the nonexistent breeze. Sombra tried in vain to grab at their remains, his hooves snatching and clutching dust. Throwing back his head, he howled in anguish, the surroundings shattering into a million pieces to reveal the blue-black void that'd dwelt beneath them. The umbrum too had begun to transform, his gray horn had transitioned into scarlet while both of his top canines curled into razor-sharp fangs. His royal attire metamorphosed into his cape and armor, leaving him resembling his waking self.

He collapsed onto his forehooves and hocks, his breaths loud and laborious as his tears plop-plopped to the ground. Silence invaded the dream-world; there was nothing that either he, Luna, Applejack, or Spike could say. After an indeterminable time had passed, Sombra raised one hoof and smacked the ground, followed by another and another. His tempo increased as he rained blow after blow upon the ground. Applejack stepped forward, only for Luna to unfurl a wing in front of her and shake her head as if to say, "Leave him be."

The assault died down, leaving Sombra exhausted and beyond the point of caring whether or not he felt better.

He didn't want to recover.

The pain was all he had left of them.


Spike and the others watched the display of grief and it was only after Sombra's attack on the ground ceased that Spike realized that he'd been holding his breath. He'd read Twilight's account of the emotional agony the former tyrant had experienced but it was only now that, after witnessing it, did he understand. Sombra got to live his perfect life, even if it'd all been a lie, but the lie was so powerful that it might as well have been the truth. Spike looked to his companions and found that they too failed to keep their eyes dry. The stillness had been so prolonged that when Sombra spoke, they all almost missed it:

"Why? Why couldn't you let me have this?" None of them knew exactly who it was that he was addressing so they remained silent. "Have I not suffered enough?" Then louder: "HAVEN'T I SUFFERED ENOUGH?!"

He then lowered his head and said nothing else. Studying both Luna and Applejack, Spike inhaled and slowly made his way over to Sombra. Sombra said or did nothing when Spike finally appeared directly behind him.

"S...Sombra? Listen, you might not believe this but..." The umbrum's head turned slightly, a soft green glow emitting from one tear-releasing eye. "...I know what you're feeling right now, at least a little. I know what it's like to wish that your life turned out differently, to be someone else. You hate being where you are and maybe even who you are and you find it so much better to just dream of being someone better than you are." Sombra rotated more of his body so that he almost faced Spike. "I understand completely. But the thing is, if you spend all your time just dreaming about being better, then you never get the chance to actually be better."

The green vanished from Sombra's eyes, revealing them to be both dismal and surprised.

"How? What's even the point? I have nothing. I am nothing."

Spike dared to take a step closer. "That's not true. You have Twilight, the real Twilight and right now, she's in danger. All of Equestria is in danger unless we don't stop Midnight." He raised a claw palm-up. "You don't have to be alone, Sombra. You could make a friend right now. Just take the leap."

Leaning forward, Sombra inspected the proffered claw as if it were a bear trap. His eyes glanced back and forth between it and its owner before his own hoof mechanically raised. Very carefully, he placed it over Spike's own tiny appendage and allowed it to make contact, almost as if he were touching a glass figurine. Then, without a hint of his usual sardonic nature, he smiled at Spike and the two shook on it.

"Very well then," Sombra grunted and wiped his eyes, rising to his full height. "I will help Twilight and Equestria. I will help my friend." He then added darkly, "We will annihilate Midnight and show her the consequences of her actions."

"That was beautiful...until ya added that," Applejack muttered.

"Agreed." Luna opened a portal behind her. "Let us return to the others. We have work to do."