• Published 20th Jul 2022
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It Started with an Insulin Pump - AnimeFan419

Humans were just myths made to teach foals to behave but who would have thought that they were real? Izzy was out unicycling one day and found and insulin pump. To bad it was already attached to someone. Now Izzy and her friends must get her home.

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Chapter 2

Megan was still in the hospital and it has been a week since the incident. She was still pretty weak but she is now allowed to go to places but the catch was that she now needed to be in a wheelchair with an IV bag and come back to the hospital in order to check on her progress. A week earlier, Phylis came by since Megan needed a personalized wheelchair since the ones the hospital had were too small. Luckily by the time she was allowed to go outside, the wheelchair was ready. Unfortunately, there were still some ponies that were still afraid of her so as a result, it damaged her self esteem and now she didn’t want to be seen.

She still had visits from the Mane 5 and some of the other nurses and doctors who were genuinely concerned for her. However, that still didn’t make her feel better since some of the staff still ran away. Each day she had a different visitor within the Mane 5 and today, it just so happens to be Pip’s turn along with Rocky and her other coworker Jazz Hooves.

“Hello Megan, are you finally ready to get out of this stuffy old hospital? It must be torture to be cooped up in here all day.”

“At least the hospital food looks good.” Said Rocky as an effort to cheer the girl up.

“I think it just moved.”

“Jazz, you are just being paranoid.” As if the universe was out to prove Rocky wrong, the mashed potatoes that were apart of the meal did indeed actually move. Rocky then became afraid and treated the food as if it were a ticking time bomb and even threw it out the window as a result. Once the incident was over, a terrified Pip found Minty and pulled her into the hospital.

“We need to get her out of here, this place is a total nightmare.” Said Pip who was still a bit freaked out from earlier. Minty then pulled the trio aside and sat them down on a nearby couch. Once the trio was calm Minty then said,”Well, that is up to Megan if she wants to go. Medication and treatments can only get you so far, it is up to Megan if she wants to take the next step.” Once Pip and the duo regained their composer, they returned to their human friend.

“You. Mane Melody. Tomorrow.” Pip was stern and both were worried for her but then became relieved once they realized that their friends was still concerned for Megan. It was in her own special way of course. “Please Minty, she needs to get out of here pronto!”

“Technically, she is only allowed to go to the backyard but I think I can pull some strings.”

“Thanks Minty, you are the best.” Pip squealed in delight and even gave Minty a hug who also gave a hug in return.” The next day Zip came to pick Megan up and even though the Mane 5 got permission, Zip still snuck around for the fun of it. She was quiet too and nopony expected it. The guard ponies were too distracted playing chess while the ponies that were in charge of watching the screens were fast asleep. Once Zip arrived, she opened the door to Megan’s room and nearly startled her.

“So are you ready to go?”

“I guess? What if they see me and they run away again?”

“Then that is their problem and beside if I can’t get you out of your room than Pip will drag you out herself.” When they arrived at the salon, they saw Pip selling some instruments to a young colt with his mother. Mane Melody wasn’t just a salon, it was also amusing shop as well as a place for karaoke and to express yourself.

“Trust me the recorder is a great first instrument. It’s like the fundamentals for ..any instrument and someday, with practice, you’ll be able to perform like that.” Said Pip pointing towards another band who was already on stage entertaining the crowd. Once he saw the band, the colt danced to the music. As a result, the young colt then became excited.

“So what do you think?” The mother asked. Without any hesitation, the colt nodded his head while mother brought the recorder before leaving. As if on cue, both Zip and Megan entered the store to great her.

“Hello, Welcome.” Said Pip greeting her friends and gesturing them to come inside. Megan, on the other hand was still nervous and while the ponies weren’t prejudiced against her, she still got a few stares. Pip then tried to gesture her to her on the stage but Megan was nervous and held her phone tightly because she didn’t think that the ponies would like the music that she listened to. Luckily, the lead singer took initiative to make Megan feel welcome.

“Hello, my name is Clover.” Said the stallion. “These guys are my band mates, Chestnut, Star and our newest member Misty.” Clover then leaned closer. “She’s shy.”

“My name is Megan.”

“Nice to meet you, don’t think too much about the stares, they are just curious. We just began to unify.” Clover said pointing towards his band to prove his point. That was when she saw Clover’s band mates who were all different types of ponies. She saw that Chestnut was another stallion like Clover.

Star on the other hand was a Pegasus while Misty was unicorn who was behind Chestnut once she noticed her.

“I’ll think about it, you guys seem like a nice bunch of ponies.” Said Megan who was still nervous. Suddenly, the door burst open. It was Posy and she was not happy.

“Uh oh, here comes the buzzkill.” Said Chestnut who now appeared to be annoyed while Misty continued to hide.

“Unfortunately, there are still those who are not happy about the whole unifying thing.” Said Clover who was now a bit annoyed.

“Clover, what are you doing here and especially with that thing?”

“Posey be nice.” Clover warned. “This was the reason why we broke up.”

“You think that I am still into you? Fat chance! I still blame the Pegasi and unicorns. Maretime Bay was better when it was just us Earth Ponies. First it was a dragon and now that thing!” Posey said pointing her hoof at Megan who was a bit insulted.

“Get out.” Said Pip. She was blunt about and was a bit angry. Luckily Pip was still at the at counter and managed to hear the conversation. Being the gossip mare that she was, she had to know what was going on only to set her eyes on the horrifying display of behavior.

“So what are you going to do? Throw me out, I am a costumer and I have a right to be here.”

“Wow, they even have Karens in Pony Land.” Said Megan who was also horrified at the display of behavior.

“Yeah and I also have have right to refuse service.” Said a now angry Pip.

“Want to bet on it?” Posey challenged and once the mare crossed the line, Pip did just that. The Ponies who were already in the salon getting makeovers were shocked and the ones that had phones on them even recorded the incident and even posted it online for the world to see.

Little did they know was that Misty was following Posey who was now sitting by herself clearly upset. Misty was now hiding behind a tree. Once she was sure that nopony was watching, she turned on the video watch that was tied around her hoof. Meanwhile, the same nameless alicorn was watching the entire scene through a screen. However, she had a guest waiting for her. The guest was a stallion Pegasus and the reason why he was there was because he was a scientist and had an appointment with her.

“You better be quick and you know that I don’t like waiting.” Said the nameless mare who was clearly impatient.

“Sorry your majesty but I think that you would be pleased with what I have to show you.” When the scientist showed the alicorn what he was working on. What the scientist had, was a green slime creature in a small cage that seemed to be a bit too tight for the poor thing.

“Isn’t that a smooze?” The alicorn asked.

“That is correct but watch what happens when I corrupt is with an injection of gamma radiation and dark magic combined.” At first the creature was calm and collect. There was nothing but after a few minutes the creature became violent and was enraged. As a result, this shocked her until the scientist was able to contain the creature.

“Interesting, this thing that you created might actually be useful.”

“Thanks your majesty but in order for your plan to succeed. This mutated smooze must find a victim who has overwhelming guilt. Then it will take over its’ hosts mind turning the victim into a minion for you to command.”

“Interesting but the question is, who would be our first target?” As if the universe was about to answer her question the screen in the room came on. It was Misty who was still spying on Posey and hiding behind a tree.

“Misty, report.”

“Nothing to report madam, expect for a very sad pony over there.” Crystal then pointed her video camera over towards Posey who was still sulking as it started to rain.

“Excellent, you are relived from your duties for the day. Enjoy your time off.” Said the alicorn while Misty ran in a hurry while accidentally dropping her video watch on her way out. Once the alicorn was sure the coast was clear, she signaled the scientist to release the smooze who threw it towards the screen as if it were a bomb. After Posey had her little episode, she decided that maybe she should apologize. Unfortunately, it was a bit too late when the corrupted smooze jumped in and attacked her.

Back with Megan, she was busy watching Clover and his band who was about finished with the performance for the day. Zip was just loafing around while Pip was attending to her costumers needs. Just as everyone was finished for the day, the tv nearby turned on.

“Breaking news, Maretime Bay is being attacked by a strange mutated pony. Maretime Bay is on total lockdown until further notice from authorities.” The tv camera then turned towards Sunny who was trying her best to calm the crowd down.

“Guys, everything is going to be ok, the important thing that is we stay calm and don’t panic.”

“So you said that we should panic?” Said a random pony in the crowd.

“No, I said don’t panic. That was literally the opposite of what I said.”

“She said panic! Everypony run around and scream as if your lives depend on it!” As if on cue, the entire crowd was in a state of panic. This of course gave Sunny a headache. For those that were still watching the event, the viewers were still glued to their screens trying to see what will happen next while the camera crew also ran in a panic. The camera equipment flew all over the place as a result. Meanwhile Hitch and the baby Dragon Sparky tried get everything in order expect Sparky only giggled and waved as he sat on his back.

“Everypony stay calm. We need to evacuate in a calm and orderly fashion.” Sadly nopony listen to Hitch since the crowd was still in a panic. While the crowd was trying to get away, Hitch was worried for his safety and while Sparky was safe, Hitch, on the other hand was not as he was now covered in bruises. “You are enjoying this aren’t you?” The baby then giggled as if trying to answer. Back in the salon, Megan, Zip and Pip we worried about their friends once the tv screen turned blank.

“Our friends are in danger what should we do?” Asked Zip who was now worried after witnessing what she just saw. As if on cue, Minty came by with medical supplies ready just case.

“I heard that something came up, is there something that I can do to help?” The group nodded their heads and the four headed towards the danger in order to meet up with their friends. Clover who was still there followed after them after making sure that his band was ok. His band mates understood since Posey was his ex marefriend. Just because they have broken up didn’t mean that he didn’t care for her. Once Clover was able to catch up with the group, they were surprised to see him.

“Clover, what are you doing here?” Megan asked.

“Yeah, about that monster attacking the town. I think that is my ex marefriend.”

“Dude, she must have serious issues then.” Said Zip.

“Let’s all be nice towards one another, let’s focus on the issue at hoof.” Said Sunny and the duo instantly calmed down. “I be the distraction while everypony else try to think of something.” Sunny then transformed into an alicorn and flew off. Not a moment too soon, Minty’s cutie mark began to glow.

“Ooh, that has never happen before. My cutie mark is glowing and I feel as though I can hear every thought.”

“Hey mine too, do you think that we might be able to help her.” Said Clover who was surprised as well. That was when Clover had an idea. “Hey Minty, you are a doctor, do you think that you can talk to her?”

“I’m a nurse not a therapist but with my limited training, I’ll see what I can do.” Minty then proceeded to walk towards Posey and for a moment she stopped as if she regained some of her senses. “Clover, her thoughts are more clear, I think she needs you too.” Clover then nodded in agreement and proceeded to come closer. At first Clover wasn’t sure what to do until he held onto Minty’s hoof. That was when Posey’s thoughts became even more clear to him especially when both his and Minty’s cutie marks began to glow brighter. Megan was also surprised that her locket began to glow she then took it out of her pocket and saw that it began to shimmer.

“Posey, it’s me Clover.” Posey then came to a complete stop. “Look, I know that you are scared. Change is difficult and scary. I was scared of change to until I met my band mates. They were nice ponies and maybe they could be your friends too if only you can give them a chance. You don’t have to change right away because change is a very hard thing to do and we can figure this out together and change at our own pace.”

Once Clover calmed down, she was finally to fully regain her senses. That was when a rainbow came out of Megan’s locket surprising everyone in the process. Minty and Clover stood back allowing the rainbow to do its’ thing returning Posey to her former self.

“Guys, I am so sorry. I am not sure what got into me. From now on, I will turn over a new leaf.” Posey said as she apologized to everyone.

“Hey I get it, this is all new to me too. To tell you the truth, the stares didn’t bother me that much. I was just scared of being in a new place. It’s scary being in a new place.” Megan admitted.

“You know what maybe I have misjudged you. Whenever you are ready, maybe we can hang out sometime.”

“You know what, I think that I’ll take you up on that offer.”

“Aww, that is very sweet. Group hug!” Izzy announced and everyone did.